
幽雅梦幻 Photoshop制作韩版婚纱照

2018-04-05 23页 doc 280KB 7阅读




幽雅梦幻 Photoshop制作韩版婚纱照幽雅梦幻 Photoshop制作韩版婚纱照 婚纱照记录着新娘一生中最美的时刻,当然也珍藏着新郎一生中最难忘的回忆。谁都希望自己的婚纱照亮丽无暇。不过国内的婚纱照设计大多千篇一律,缺乏创意。随着韩国文化在中国的盛行,看着网上韩国风格的婚纱照是不是羡慕不已,其实通过Photoshop软件的制作,你也可以让自己的婚纱照充满创意,带上韩国色彩,如图1。 图1 制作步骤预览 下面笔者结合Photoshop中的滤镜功能、添加杂色、云彩和图像菜单中的曲线、色彩平衡等命令,制作出一款幽雅大方、美观耐看的韩国幽雅梦幻婚纱相片。具体操作步...
幽雅梦幻 Photoshop制作韩版婚纱照
幽雅梦幻 Photoshop制作韩版婚纱照 婚纱照记录着新娘一生中最美的时刻,当然也珍藏着新郎一生中最难忘的回忆。谁都希望自己的婚纱照亮丽无暇。不过国内的婚纱照设计大多千篇一律,缺乏创意。随着韩国文化在中国的盛行,看着网上韩国风格的婚纱照是不是羡慕不已,其实通过Photoshop软件的制作,你也可以让自己的婚纱照充满创意,带上韩国色彩,如图1。 图1 制作步骤预览 下面笔者结合Photoshop中的滤镜功能、添加杂色、云彩和图像菜单中的曲线、色彩平衡等命令,制作出一款幽雅大方、美观耐看的韩国幽雅梦幻婚纱相片。具体操作步骤如下: 一、背景区域制作 (1)执行“文件?新建”命令,打开“新建”对话框,设置“名称”为幽雅梦幻风格,“宽度”为14厘米,“高度”为10厘米,“分辨率”为200像素/英寸,“颜色模式”为RGB,“背景内容”为白色。设置“前景色”为:深蓝色(R:22,G:137,B:196),“背景色”为:浅蓝色(R:147,G:223,B:246),执行“滤镜?渲染?云彩”命令,为“背景”图层填充云彩效果,如图2所示。 Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the "national civilized city" create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization created the first year, we not only bear the city to create a "National Civilized City" in the work of the task, also do a good job of "provincial and civilized county Ying check evaluation, work responsibility for a large, heavy task. To the county at all levels and departments cooperate closely, grab get right on the job really, to tight style and promote the implementation of the work, ensure that a city made outstanding achievements. 1, the leadership to strengthen. The county at all levels and departments to the urban civilization was founded on the top of the agenda, and the development of economy and society, the focus of the work together to study the deployment of, together organization and implementation, together with the supervision and inspection, improve and perfect the county, the unified leadership of the county government, a county, a city office coordinated, create liability units of duties, the joint participation of society as a whole leadership system andWorking mechanism. This year, according to the city, a city leading group and special working group to adjust the arrangement, we adjusted the a city the work of the leading group members, the addition of the administrative environment and the effectiveness of the steering group, excellent culture communication group two special 图2 背景填充云彩效果 )执行“滤镜?模糊?高斯模糊”命令,打开“高斯模糊”对话框,设置半径参数为15 (2 像素。单击“确定”按钮,经过高斯模糊后的图像将显得更加的平滑。执行“滤镜?杂色?添 加杂色”命令,打开“添加杂色”对话框,设置数量为8,并选择高斯分布选项。单击“确定” 按钮执行“滤镜?模糊?动感模糊”命令,打开“动感模糊”对话框,设置参数如图3所示。单 击“确定”按钮,动感模糊后的效果即呈现了出来。 Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the "national civilized city" create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization created the first year, we not only bear the city to create a "National Civilized City" in the work of the task, also do a good job of "provincial and civilized county Ying check evaluation, work responsibility for a large, heavy task. To the county at all levels and departments cooperate closely, grab get right on the job really, to tight style and promote the implementation of the work, ensure that a city made outstanding achievements. 1, the leadership to strengthen. The county at all levels and departments to the urban civilization was founded on the top of the agenda, and the development of economy and society, the focus of the work together to study the deployment of, together organization and implementation, together with the supervision and inspection, improve and perfect the county, the unified leadership of the county government, a county, a city office coordinated, create liability units of duties, the joint participation of society as a whole leadership system andWorking mechanism. This year, according to the city, a city leading group and special working group to adjust the arrangement, we adjusted the a city the work of the leading group members, the addition of the administrative environment and the effectiveness of the steering group, excellent culture communication group two special 图3 动感模糊设置 (3)新建“图层1”,选择工具箱中的“矩形选框工具”,在图像中的图示位置绘制选区后将所选区域填充:浅蓝色。按“Ctrl+D”组合键取消选区后选择工具箱中的“减淡工具”,调整适当的画笔大小后将图形的颜色减淡,并利用“橡皮工具”,在图形的上方制作出细小缺口的效果。 (4)新建“图层2”,拖动该图层到“图层1”的下一层。选择工具箱中的“矩形选框工具”,在图示位置绘制选区后将所选区域填充:浅蓝色,效果如图4所示。这里,我们可以看见带朦胧效果的背景图片已经初步成型。 Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the "national civilized city" create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization created the first year, we not only bear the city to create a "National Civilized City" in the work of the task, also do a good job of "provincial and civilized county Ying check evaluation, work responsibility for a large, heavy task. To the county at all levels and departments cooperate closely, grab get right on the job really, to tight style and promote the implementation of the work, ensure that a city made outstanding achievements. 1, the leadership to strengthen. The county at all levels and departments to the urban civilization was founded on the top of the agenda, and the development of economy and society, the focus of the work together to study the deployment of, together organization and implementation, together with the supervision and inspection, improve and perfect the county, the unified leadership of the county government, a county, a city office coordinated, create liability units of duties, the joint participation of society as a whole leadership system andWorking mechanism. This year, according to the city, a city leading group and special working group to adjust the arrangement, we adjusted the a city the work of the leading group members, the addition of the administrative environment and the effectiveness of the steering group, excellent culture communication group two special 图4 填充前景色 )按“Ctrl+D”组合键取消选区后利用工具箱中的“加深工具”和“减淡工具”以及“橡皮工 (5 具”,在图像中进行涂抹。链接制作图形所用到的图层,按“Ctrl+E”组合键,将链接图层合并为“图层2”。选择“背景”图层,利用工具箱中的“加深工具”和“减淡工具”,绘制出图像的亮部及暗部效果。这样处理的目的是显得图像更加逼真。 (6)执行“图像?调整?色彩平衡”命令(快捷键Ctrl+B),打开“色彩平衡”对话框,选择“色调平衡”为“中间调”,设置参数为“-29、0、-26”。选择“色调平衡”为“高光”。选择“色调平衡”为“阴影”,设置参数如图5所示。单击“确定”按钮,调整色彩平衡后的效果即呈现了出来。十分美丽大方。 图5 设置色彩平衡参数 Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the "national civilized city" create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization created the first year, we not only bear the city to create a "National Civilized City" in the work of the task, also do a good job of "provincial and civilized county Ying check evaluation, work responsibility for a large, heavy task. To the county at all levels and departments cooperate closely, grab get right on the job really, to tight style and promote the implementation of the work, ensure that a city made outstanding achievements. 1, the leadership to strengthen. The county at all levels and departments to the urban civilization was founded on the top of the agenda, and the development of economy and society, the focus of the work together to study the deployment of, together organization and implementation, together with the supervision and inspection, improve and perfect the county, the unified leadership of the county government, a county, a city office coordinated, create liability units of duties, the joint participation of society as a whole leadership system andWorking mechanism. This year, according to the city, a city leading group and special working group to adjust the arrangement, we adjusted the a city the work of the leading group members, the addition of the administrative environment and the effectiveness of the steering group, excellent culture communication group two special 二、添加素材图片 (7)执行“文件?打开”命令(快捷键Ctrl+O),打开素材图片:树叶.tif,打开文件后我们所看到的是一张绿色树叶的素材图片,选择工具箱中的“魔棒工具”,载入蓝色背景像素为选区后按“Ctrl+Shift+I”组合键,将选区进行反选,如图6所示。选择工具箱中的“移动工具”,拖动:树叶.tif文件选区中的图形到:幽雅梦幻风格.psd文件中,“图层”面板自动生成“图层3”,拖动该图层到“图层2”的下一层。 图6 添加素材照片 注意:在图层面板中被拖放到下一层是的图像将被上一层的图像所遮盖。你可以通过图层混合模式对他们进行适当的调整。以达到自己满意的效果。 (8)按“Ctrl+T”组合键,打开“自由变换”调节框,调整图形的大小和位置。执行“图像?调整?色相/饱和度”命令(快捷键Ctrl+U),打开“色相/饱和度”对话框,勾选“着色”复选框。单击“确定”按钮后选择工具箱中的“加深工具”,在图形位置涂抹,绘制出图形的暗部效果。执行“文件?打开”命令(快捷键Ctrl+O),打开素材图片:花儿.tif,打开一张粉红色花朵的素材图片,如图7所示。这里我们需要将该图片拖拽到背景文件中。 Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the "national civilized city" create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization created the first year, we not only bear the city to create a "National Civilized City" in the work of the task, also do a good job of "provincial and civilized county Ying check evaluation, work responsibility for a large, heavy task. To the county at all levels and departments cooperate closely, grab get right on the job really, to tight style and promote the implementation of the work, ensure that a city made outstanding achievements. 1, the leadership to strengthen. The county at all levels and departments to the urban civilization was founded on the top of the agenda, and the development of economy and society, the focus of the work together to study the deployment of, together organization and implementation, together with the supervision and inspection, improve and perfect the county, the unified leadership of the county government, a county, a city office coordinated, create liability units of duties, the joint participation of society as a whole leadership system andWorking mechanism. This year, according to the city, a city leading group and special working group to adjust the arrangement, we adjusted the a city the work of the leading group members, the addition of the administrative environment and the effectiveness of the steering group, excellent culture communication group two special 图7 添加素材照片 (9)选择工具箱中的“移动工具”,拖动:花儿.tif文件中的图形到:幽雅梦幻风格.psd文件中,“图层”面板自动生成“图层4”,按“Ctrl+T”组合键,打开“自由变换”调节框,调整图形的大小和位置。选择“图层4”的“图层混合模式”为“变暗”。 (10)执行“图像?调整?色相/饱和度”命令按“Ctrl+U”组合键,打开“色相/饱和度”对话框,设置参数为“-158、-34、0”。单击“确定”按钮,调整色相/饱和度后的效果就非常明显了。选择工具箱中的“橡皮工具”,设置属性栏中的“不透明度”为:20%,调整适当的画笔大小后在图像中涂抹,制作出图示效果,如图8所示。从效果图中不难看出淡淡的幽雅气息。 Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the "national civilized city" create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization created the first year, we not only bear the city to create a "National Civilized City" in the work of the task, also do a good job of "provincial and civilized county Ying check evaluation, work responsibility for a large, heavy task. To the county at all levels and departments cooperate closely, grab get right on the job really, to tight style and promote the implementation of the work, ensure that a city made outstanding achievements. 1, the leadership to strengthen. The county at all levels and departments to the urban civilization was founded on the top of the agenda, and the development of economy and society, the focus of the work together to study the deployment of, together organization and implementation, together with the supervision and inspection, improve and perfect the county, the unified leadership of the county government, a county, a city office coordinated, create liability units of duties, the joint participation of society as a whole leadership system andWorking mechanism. This year, according to the city, a city leading group and special working group to adjust the arrangement, we adjusted the a city the work of the leading group members, the addition of the administrative environment and the effectiveness of the steering group, excellent culture communication group two special 图8 橡皮涂抹效果 三、添加人物素材 (11)执行“文件?打开”命令(快捷键Ctrl+O),打开配套光盘中的素材图片:幸福新娘.tif,打开的是一个白衣新娘的素材图片。选择工具箱中的“移动工具”,拖动:幸福新娘.tif文件中的图形到:幽雅梦幻风格.psd文件中,“图层”面板自动生成“图层5”,按“Ctrl+T”组合键,打开“自由变换”调节框,调整图形的大小和位置,如图9所示。在调整的时候一定要注意人物和背景的比例,如果人物过大,则不能显出幽雅的感觉,反之人物小了,也不能很好的和背景相匹配。最好是占据背景的1/3的位置。 Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the "national civilized city" create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization created the first year, we not only bear the city to create a "National Civilized City" in the work of the task, also do a good job of "provincial and civilized county Ying check evaluation, work responsibility for a large, heavy task. To the county at all levels and departments cooperate closely, grab get right on the job really, to tight style and promote the implementation of the work, ensure that a city made outstanding achievements. 1, the leadership to strengthen. The county at all levels and departments to the urban civilization was founded on the top of the agenda, and the development of economy and society, the focus of the work together to study the deployment of, together organization and implementation, together with the supervision and inspection, improve and perfect the county, the unified leadership of the county government, a county, a city office coordinated, create liability units of duties, the joint participation of society as a whole leadership system andWorking mechanism. This year, according to the city, a city leading group and special working group to adjust the arrangement, we adjusted the a city the work of the leading group members, the addition of the administrative environment and the effectiveness of the steering group, excellent culture communication group two special 图9 自由变换人物 )执行“图像?调整?曲线”命令按“Ctrl+M”组合键,打开“曲线”对话框,设置输入为 (12 113,输出为147,通道选择RGB。执行“图像?调整?色彩平衡”命令(快捷键Ctrl+B),打开“色彩平衡”对话框,选择“色调平衡”为“中间调”,设置色阶参数为“-59、+44、+58”。 (13)选择“色调平衡”为“高光”,设置参数为“0、0、+19”。第2次选择“色调平衡”为“阴影”,设置参数为“-37、-28、-20”。单击“确定”按钮,调整色彩平衡后的效果即制作完成。此后选择工具箱中的“橡皮工具”,设置属性栏中的“不透明度”为:20%,调整适当的画笔大小后在图形的下方涂抹,制作出图示效果,如图10所示。 Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the "national civilized city" create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization created the first year, we not only bear the city to create a "National Civilized City" in the work of the task, also do a good job of "provincial and civilized county Ying check evaluation, work responsibility for a large, heavy task. To the county at all levels and departments cooperate closely, grab get right on the job really, to tight style and promote the implementation of the work, ensure that a city made outstanding achievements. 1, the leadership to strengthen. The county at all levels and departments to the urban civilization was founded on the top of the agenda, and the development of economy and society, the focus of the work together to study the deployment of, together organization and implementation, together with the supervision and inspection, improve and perfect the county, the unified leadership of the county government, a county, a city office coordinated, create liability units of duties, the joint participation of society as a whole leadership system andWorking mechanism. This year, according to the city, a city leading group and special working group to adjust the arrangement, we adjusted the a city the work of the leading group members, the addition of the administrative environment and the effectiveness of the steering group, excellent culture communication group two special 图10 橡皮涂抹效果 )选择“图层1”,选择工具箱中的“加深工具”,调整适当的画笔大小后在图像中涂抹, (14 绘制出图形的暗部以及人物的投影效果。执行“图像?调整?色彩平衡”命令(快捷键Ctrl+B),打开“色彩平衡”对话框,选择“色调平衡”为“中间调”,设置色阶参数为“-44、0、+29”。单击“确定”按钮,调整色彩平衡后的效果看上去已经具备了朦胧意境。选择“图层5”,选择工具箱中的“涂抹工具”,设置属性栏中的“强度”为:50%,调整适当的画笔大小后在图形的下方拖动鼠标,制作出图示效果,如图11所示。 Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the "national civilized city" create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization created the first year, we not only bear the city to create a "National Civilized City" in the work of the task, also do a good job of "provincial and civilized county Ying check evaluation, work responsibility for a large, heavy task. To the county at all levels and departments cooperate closely, grab get right on the job really, to tight style and promote the implementation of the work, ensure that a city made outstanding achievements. 1, the leadership to strengthen. The county at all levels and departments to the urban civilization was founded on the top of the agenda, and the development of economy and society, the focus of the work together to study the deployment of, together organization and implementation, together with the supervision and inspection, improve and perfect the county, the unified leadership of the county government, a county, a city office coordinated, create liability units of duties, the joint participation of society as a whole leadership system andWorking mechanism. This year, according to the city, a city leading group and special working group to adjust the arrangement, we adjusted the a city the work of the leading group members, the addition of the administrative environment and the effectiveness of the steering group, excellent culture communication group two special 图11 橡皮涂抹效果 四、键入文字资料 (15)执行“文件?打开”命令(快捷键Ctrl+O),打开素材图片:携手同行.tif,打开的 文件是一个双人牵着手的婚纱照片。将携手同行.tif文件中的图形拖动到:幽雅梦幻风格.ps d文件中后使用相同的方法对图形进行处理,制作出图示效果,如图12所示。 图12 制作人物相片效果 Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the "national civilized city" create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization created the first year, we not only bear the city to create a "National Civilized City" in the work of the task, also do a good job of "provincial and civilized county Ying check evaluation, work responsibility for a large, heavy task. To the county at all levels and departments cooperate closely, grab get right on the job really, to tight style and promote the implementation of the work, ensure that a city made outstanding achievements. 1, the leadership to strengthen. The county at all levels and departments to the urban civilization was founded on the top of the agenda, and the development of economy and society, the focus of the work together to study the deployment of, together organization and implementation, together with the supervision and inspection, improve and perfect the county, the unified leadership of the county government, a county, a city office coordinated, create liability units of duties, the joint participation of society as a whole leadership system andWorking mechanism. This year, according to the city, a city leading group and special working group to adjust the arrangement, we adjusted the a city the work of the leading group members, the addition of the administrative environment and the effectiveness of the steering group, excellent culture communication group two special (16)选择工具箱中的“文字工具”,在图像中的图示位置输入相关的文字信息,并调整文字的字体、颜色以及大小和位置,最终效果如图13所示。这里,朋友们可以自己选的自己喜欢的文字、句子,同时还可以为他们设置不同的颜色、字体、形状等等,直到觉得符合自己的要求为止。 图13 最终效果 到这里,所有操作就完成了,看看上面的效果图片是不是特别富有美感呢,原来韩版风格的 婚纱照设计也并不困难,只要动动脑筋你也可以自己轻松制作。不用费太大的劲,只需掌握Photoshop里滤镜和图层的结合使用再加上你自己的创意,就可以实现。有兴趣的朋友可以通过上面的例子举一反三,制作出属于自己的亮丽的韩版风格婚纱照。 Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the "national civilized city" create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization created the first year, we not only bear the city to create a "National Civilized City" in the work of the task, also do a good job of "provincial and civilized county Ying check evaluation, work responsibility for a large, heavy task. To the county at all levels and departments cooperate closely, grab get right on the job really, to tight style and promote the implementation of the work, ensure that a city made outstanding achievements. 1, the leadership to strengthen. The county at all levels and departments to the urban civilization was founded on the top of the agenda, and the development of economy and society, the focus of the work together to study the deployment of, together organization and implementation, together with the supervision and inspection, improve and perfect the county, the unified leadership of the county government, a county, a city office coordinated, create liability units of duties, the joint participation of society as a whole leadership system andWorking mechanism. This year, according to the city, a city leading group and special working group to adjust the arrangement, we adjusted the a city the work of the leading group members, the addition of the administrative environment and the effectiveness of the steering group, excellent culture communication group two special
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