

2017-11-11 20页 doc 59KB 42阅读




油茶采摘机械手的机构设计(PLC程序控制)油茶采摘机械手的机构设计(PLC程序控制) 油茶采摘机械手的机构设计(PLC程序控制) 油茶采摘机械手的机构设计(包含材料:任务书,毕业论文说明书5300字,幻灯片ppt.cad图纸) 摘 要 本课题运用制图软件对机械手采摘油茶进行机构设计。包括:旋转机构,蜗轮蜗杆减 速装置,直齿减速装置;升降机构,气压缸升降装置;摆臂机构,气压装置和四杆装置; ... 油茶采摘机械手的机构设计(包含材料:任务书,毕业论文说明书5300字,幻灯片ppt,cad图 纸) 摘 要 本课题运用制图软件对机械手采摘油茶进行机构设计。包括...
油茶采摘机械手的机构设计(PLC程序控制) 油茶采摘机械手的机构设计(PLC程序控制) 油茶采摘机械手的机构设计(包含材料:任务书,毕业论文说明书5300字,幻灯片ppt.cad图纸) 摘 要 本课题运用制图软件对机械手采摘油茶进行机构设计。包括:旋转机构,蜗轮蜗杆减 速装置,直齿减速装置;升降机构,气压缸升降装置;摆臂机构,气压装置和四杆装置; ...

油茶采摘机械手的机构设计(包含材料:任务书,毕业论文说明书5300字,幻灯片ppt,cad图 纸)
摘 要
本课题运用制图软件对机械手采摘油茶进行机构设计。包括:旋转机构,蜗轮蜗杆减速装置, 直齿减速装置;升降机构,气压缸升降装置;摆臂机构,气压装置和四杆装置;手抓机构, 滑动螺旋传动装置,手抓抓紧放开装置,手抓自转装置;PLC程控系统,继电器-接触器, 主电路,PLC外部接线,梯形图,指令语句

。用AutoCAD绘制机构的二维图形,用Pro/E 绘制机构的三维造型。熟练掌握AutoCAD和Pro/E绘图,对机械原理、机械设计及机电一 体化有较深入的理解和认识。


This subject uses the software of making maps to pluck the tea-oil camellia and design the organization to the manipulator. Including the rotate organization, the worm gear worm decelerating device,the spur gear decelerating device;the hoist or lower organization, the barometric pressure cylinder hoists or lower device; the wave arm organization, atmospheric pressure device and four device ,the skids screw gearing,the hold organization , the slip spiral transmission device, the holding and unlock device, hold the rotation device ; PLC programme-controlled system, the relay - contact device control system.Main circuit, PLC exterior wiring, trapezoidal chart, instruction sentence table.Draw the two-dimentional figures of the organization with AutoCAD, draw the three-dimensional model of the organization with Pro/E. Grasp AutoCAD and Pro/E drawing skillfully, integrate deeper understanding and know to mechanism, machine design and integration of machinery.

Key words:The tea-oil tree picks, the manipulator, the PLC procedure control system


目        录
摘 要
一、前 言    ,
二、油茶采摘机械手原理图    ,
三、油茶采摘机械手的设计与选型    ,
3.1、电动机的选型    ,
3.2、旋 转 减 速 机 构    ,
3.2.1、第一级蜗轮蜗杆减速装置    ,
3.2.2、第二级蜗轮蜗杆减速装置    ,
3.2.3、直齿减速装置    ,
3.2.4、旋转机构转速    ,
3.3、气 压 升 降、摆 臂 机 构    ,

3.3.1气压升降装置    ,,
3.3.2气压摆臂装置    ,,
3.4、手 抓 机 构    ,,
3.4.1、滑动螺旋传动装置    ,,
3.4.2、手抓工作装置    ,,
四、油茶采摘机械手的PLC程序控制系统    ,,
4.1、主电路    ,,
4.2、PLC外部接线    ,,
4.3、梯形图    ,,
4.4、指令语句表    ,,
参 考 文 献    ,,

致     谢

摘要:本课题是有关一种自动洗衣机减速离合器内部减速装置行星轮系减速器的设计。在洗衣机中使用行星轮系减速器正是利用了行星齿轮传动:体积小,质量小,结构紧凑,承载能力大;传动效率高;传动比较大;运动平稳、抗冲击和震动的能力较强、噪声低的特点。行星轮减速其实就是齿轮减速的原理,它有一个轴线位置固定的齿轮叫中心轮或太阳轮,在太阳轮边上有轴线变动的齿轮,即既作自转又作公转的齿轮叫行星轮,行星轮有支持构件叫行星架,通过行星架将动力传到轴上,再传给其它齿轮.它们由一组若干个齿轮组成一个轮系.只有一个原动件,这种周转轮系称为行星轮系.(毕业设计网 )




1) 蜗轮蜗杆减速器的主要特点是具有反向自锁功能,可以有较大的减速比,输入轴和输出轴不在同一轴线上,也不在 同一平面上。但是一般体积较大,传动效率不高,精度不高。
2) 谐波减速器的谐波 传动是利用柔性元件可控的弹性变形来传递运动和动力的,体积不大、精度很高,但缺点是 柔轮寿命有限、不耐冲击,刚性与金属件相比较差。输入转速不能太高。
3) 行星减 速器其优点是结构比较紧凑,回程间隙小、精度较高,使用寿命很长,额定输出扭矩可以做 的很大。

目    录
第一章    概述 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 1                                                                                                                                 
第二章   原始数据及系统组 成 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„2
(一)原始数 据„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„2
(二)系统组成框 图„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„2
第三章   减速 器简介 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„4
第四章   传动系统的方案设计 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„5
传动方案的分析 与拟定„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„5
1.对传动方案的要 求„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„5
2.拟定传动方 案„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„5
第五章   行 星齿轮传动设计 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„6
   (一) 行星齿轮传动比和效率计算 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„6
   (二)行星齿轮传动的配齿计算 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„6
1.传动比 条件„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„6
2.同轴条 件„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„6
3.装配条 件„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„7
4.邻接条 件„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„7
   (三) 行星齿轮传动的几何尺寸和啮合参数计算 „„„„„„„„„„„„8
  (四) 行星齿轮传动强度计算及校核„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 10
    1、行星齿轮弯曲强度计算及校 核„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„10
(五)行星齿轮传动的受力分析 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„13
(六)行星齿轮传动的均载机构及浮动量 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„15
第六章   行星轮架与输出轴间齿轮传动的设计„„„„„„„„„„„„„17
(一)选择齿轮材料及精度等级 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„17
(二)按齿面接触疲劳强度设 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„17
(三)按齿根弯曲疲劳强度计算 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„18
(四)主要尺寸计 算 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„18
(五)验算齿轮的圆周速度v „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„18
第七章   行星轮系减速器齿轮输入输出轴的设计„„„„„„„„„„„„19
(毕业设计网 )
5、校核 轴 „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„22
第八章   结论„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„24
第九章   参考文 献„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„25
第十章   设计小结„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„26
第十一章 致谢„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„27

摘  要:本设计是应淀粉厂的要求而进行设计的,由于目前面筋的生产过程全部为手工作业,工作环境十分恶劣,然而面筋的市场需求量很大(由于其营养价值和市场地位高),所以面筋的机械化操作显得尤为迫切。面筋机的设计分为三个部分:面筋机的坯片导出和切断装置的设计和卷绕装置的设计。本课题为螺旋管状面筋机总体及坯片导出装置设 计,着重设计面筋机的坯片导出及切断装置。由于面筋特有的粘弹性质,以及参照去年设计 的面筋机样机,在此重新提出的解决方案为:一定量的面筋通过螺旋丝杠的挤压从大料斗被 送至小料斗,中间通过切料刀具切断,以便控制单个面筋的重量。被切断的面筋通过导出口 导出,被送至卷绕装置卷绕。面筋由于要先切断后通过小料斗导出,所以采用凸轮机构来控 制比较方便。采用一大一小两个料斗是更利于面筋的导出成型。这样的设计符合工厂的实际 生产需要,满足食品生产的卫生要求,有很高的市场经济的价值。


The Design of The Overall and The Piece Educing Setting Unit of The Spiral Tubular Gluten Machine
Abstract :The design is requested by Louwang starch factory. The operation of the mechanization of the gluten is especially impendency because the production of the gluten is handiwork at present, the work circumstance is very abominable, and the gluten’s demanding is massive (because of the nutritional value and the market niche). The design of gluten molding machine divided into three parts: the piece educing setting unit, the cutting setting unit and the winding device unit. This project is the design of the overall and the piece educing setting unit of the spiral tubular Gluten machine. It mainly introduce the design the piece educing setting unit and the cutting setting unit because of its unique viscoelastic nature, and the reference to the last design of the gluten molding machine. The solution of the design of the gluten molding  machine: The certain amount of gluten is sent from the big hopper to the small hopper through the helical screw extrusion. The gluten is cut by the middle cutting tool materials. The weight of the single gluten is controled by the cutting tool materials. The gluten which is cut is educed by the export of gluten guidance .The device is sent to the winding device unit. Because the gluten should be cut before it is sent to the export of gluten guidance through the small hopper, the use of cam mechanism to control is more convenient. The  two hoper is more conducive to the gluten derived molding. The design accords with the practical production need of the factory and meets the sanitation demand of the food production .So the design of the gluten shaping machine has a high market economic value.
附   录
序号  图名 图号 图幅
1 坯片导出及切断装置部装图  MJJ.01 A0
2 传动链轮2 MJJ.01,01 A3
3 轴 套1 MJJ.01,02 A4
4 传动链轮1 MJJ.01, 03 A3
5 传动主轴 MJJ.01,04 A3
6 机架  MJJ.01,05 A3
7 挡圈 MJJ.01,06 A4
8 闷 盖 MJJ.01,07 A4
9 小料斗 MJJ.01, 08 A3
10 下料口 MJJ.01,09 A3
11 底版  MJJ.01,10 A2
12 螺杆 MJJ.01,11 A3
13  中空轴 MJJ.01,12 A3
14 从动链轮1 MJJ.01, 13 A3
15 轴套 MJJ.01,14 A4
16 档圈  MJJ.01,15 A4
17 压料板 MJJ.01, 16 A3
18 大料斗 MJJ.01,17 A2
19 切料刀具  MJJ.01,18 A4
20 螺栓销轴 MJJ.01, 19 A4
21 导向装置 MJJ.01,20 A3
22 导向轴套  MJJ.01,21 A4
23 推杆1 MJJ.01,22 A3

24 凸台 MJJ.01,23 A4
25 轴套  MJJ.01,24 A4
26 切料凸轮 MJJ.01, 26 A3
28 活塞凸轮25 A3
27 从动轴 MJJ.01,  MJJ.01,27 A3
29 从动链轮2 MJJ.01, 28 A3
30 轴套3 MJJ.01,29 A4
31 机架 2 MJJ.01,30 A2
32 推杆2 MJJ.01, 31 A3
33 活塞 MJJ.01,32 A4

摘  要:面对日益激烈的市场竞争,和不断变化的买方市场,企业之间形成了一种新 型的战略联盟模式,即企业在全世界范围内寻找与之具有共同利益的最佳合作伙伴,并结成 联盟,形成一种供应链协同管理模式。本文从沃尔玛与宝洁公司战略联盟的角度,首先分析 行业结构,和沃尔玛与宝洁战略联盟的模式,这种模式不仅能使宝洁公司及时制定出符合市 场需求的生产和研发计划,同时也能对沃尔玛的库存进行单品管理,防止出现商品结构性机 会成本。然后阐述我国企业实施战略联盟的发展现状及其瓶颈。最后提出我国企业在战略联 盟下采用供应链管理的对策。

Supply Chain Management under Strategic Alliance: Taking Wal-Mart's Strategic Alliance with Procter & Gamble as an Example
Abstract: Under the conditions of increasingly fierce market competition and changing buyer's market, there is a new strategic alliance among enterprises, in which enterprises look for the best partner with common interests in the world , and form the alliance . From the perspective of strategic alliance between Wal-Mart’s and P&G , the paper firstly analyses the industrial structure and the pattern of the Wal-Mart’s strategic with P&G ; which helps P&G make production and R&D plans of meeting market demands ,and carrying out the publication  management of Wal-Mart’s inventory , for preventing the coming from structural opportunity cost of goods . Secondly , the paper describes the development status and bottleneck of the implement of strategic alliance among enterprises in our country . Finally , the paper put forward the countermeasures , these enterprises applying supply chain management under the condition of strategic alliances.  
Key words: Strategic Alliance; Supply Chain Management; Procter & Gamble-Wal-Mart model










本文是针对农村建设中的布局、结构不合理问题所进行的新农村现代化设计。设计的内容包括建筑设计、结构设计两部分。整体采用砖混结构,建筑层数为三层,建筑总高度9.750m,总建筑面积305.16?,底层占地面积为142.90?。根据设计要求,设防烈度为6度,抗震等级为二级。结构设计是在进行荷载计算和构件截面估算后,进行计算,内容包括恒载、活载、梁板的弯矩、剪力的计算;过梁的计算;内力组合;梁板柱配筋计算;楼梯配 筋计算及基础设计计算。主要受力钢筋采用HRB335钢筋,箍筋采用HPB235钢筋,楼梯采 用钢筋混凝土板式楼梯;基础采用砖基础。整个方案设计基本符合建筑和结构要求,具有一 定的合理性。对新农村现代化建设具有一定的现实参考意义。


校园垃圾拾捡机器人控制机构设计(图纸和三维Proe)包含任务书,答辩幻灯片ppt,毕业设 计说明书7500字.
    随着经济的快速发展和人民生活水平的日益提高,垃圾排放量与日俱 增,对环境的压力越来越大,特别是校园这种人口密集的地方,每天都在制造大量的垃圾, 如废纸、塑料、废电池、果皮等。为了让校园保持清洁就必须要费大的人力物力和财力等。
    如果设计一种校园拾捡垃圾机器人就可以解决很大的麻烦,  校 园捡垃圾机器人机器人是一个集环境感知、动态决策与规划、行为控制与执行等多种功能于 一体的综合系统。捡垃圾机械手是由全液压控制,机械手固定在移动平台上构成的一类特殊 的移动机器人系统。其中机械手用来实现如抓取、操作等动作,平台的移动用来扩展机械手 的工作空间,使机械手能以更合适的姿态执行任务,机械手的加入也极大的提高了移动机器 人的性能。

关键词: 校园;垃圾拾捡机器人;控制机构。

  With the rapid economic development and increasing people's living standards, waste emissions by increasing the pressure on the environment increasing, Specially campus this kind of densely population place , every day is making massive trash , such as waste paper, plastics, batteries, fruit, etc. . In order for the campus must be kept clean on the charges of human material and financial resources and so on.

  If you design a campus that is garbage robot can solve a lot of trouble, the campus garbage robot is a robot environment-aware, dynamic decision-making and planning, such as acts of control and the implementation of multiple functions in one integrated system. Manipulator garbage from the entire hydraulic control, mechanical hand fixed in the mobile platform consisting of a special kind of mobile robot system. Manipulator which is used to achieve, such as crawling, operation moves to expand mobile platform, manipulator of the working space, so that robot can be a more appropriate gesture tasks, the addition of robot is also greatly improved the performance of the mobile robot
Key words : campus ; Trash ascends to pick the robot ;Control mechanism


摘  要:湖南省在发展经济、实现中部崛起远大目标的过程中,大力发展物流业是非 常重要的。随着世界经济的快速发展和现代科学技术的进步,物流产业作为国民经济中一个 新兴的服务部门,正在全球范围内迅速发展。在国际上,物流产业被认为是国民经济发展的动 脉和基础产业,其发展程度成为衡量一国现代化程度和综合国力的重要标志之一。湖南物流 业正在茁壮成长,而且在一些领域表现出较快的发展势头和潜力。本文就湖南省物流业发展 现状和问题进行分析,并提出相应的发展对策和建议。

Study on the Logistics Development in Hunan Province of New
Abstract: Economic development in Hunan Province, central China to achieve ambitious goals in the process, to develop the logistics industry is extremely important. With the rapid development of world economy and modern science and technology, logistics industry as an emerging economy in the service sector is developing rapidly worldwide.Internationally, the logistics industry is considered to be the artery of national economic development and basic industries, and its development as a measure of a country's level of modernization and an important indicator of overall national strength. Hunan logistics industry is thriving, and in some areas showed a rapid development momentum and potential. In this paper, the development of logistics industry in Hunan Province to analyze the status and problems and put forward corresponding countermeasures and suggestions. Corresponding countermeasures and suggestions.

 Key words: New logistics industry; development; Hunan Province


摘 要:SOHO——Small office(and) Home office,随着网络时代的到来,使 得SOHO成为人们争相追逐的时髦词汇之一。SOHO的出现在相当程度上反映出信息时代 人们对于工业时代的办公和生活方式的反省和检讨。他们特殊的生活方式越来越受到重视, 伴随其产生的SOHO住宅也逐渐成为现代人时尚居住的前卫选择。因此,本案将对SOHO 居住空间的设计尝试 ——深圳丽湾国际公寓设计。
关键词: 深圳;SOHO;  居家; 小型办公空间

To SOHO habitable area design attempt  ——Shenzhen Li bay international apartment design
Abstract: SOHO--Small office (and) Home office, along with the network time's arrival, enables SOHO to become the people to struggle one of chase fashionable glossaries. The SOHO appearance reflects the information age people to a certain extent regarding the industrial age work and the life style introspection and the self-criticism. Their special life style receives more and more takes seriously, to follow the SOHO housing which it produces also gradually to become the modern people fashion housing the vanguard choice. Therefore, this case to SOHO habitable area design attempt - - Shenzhen Li bay international apartment design.
Key words: Shenzhen SOHO Home Small office space

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