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苹果、三星PPT说明苹果、三星PPT说明 苹果的营销策略 1.未曾营销先造势 正如管理大师德鲁克所说:“市场营销的目标是使推销成为多余”,这是真正的营销境界,而苹果真正的做到了。在苹果迷们盼望苹果手机面世的长达一年多时间里,网上讨论不断,甚至有人自称搞到了苹果手机的设计方案。但直到发布当日,人们最终看到iPhone的真实面目,几乎所有人都猜中了它叫iPhone,但几乎所有人都没有猜中他的造型,更为他的各种性能惊叹。消费者患得患失的心理和探求未知结果的神秘感,是产品推广和品牌宣传中最有价值的营销工具。 制造声势的目标就是要确保营销的产品成为...
苹果、三星说明 苹果的营销策略 1.未曾营销先造势 正如管理大师德鲁克所说:“市场营销的目标是使推销成为多余”,这是真正的营销境界,而苹果真正的做到了。在苹果迷们盼望苹果手机面世的长达一年多时间里,网上讨论不断,甚至有人自称搞到了苹果手机的方案。但直到发布当日,人们最终看到iPhone的真实面目,几乎所有人都猜中了它叫iPhone,但几乎所有人都没有猜中他的造型,更为他的各种性能惊叹。消费者患得患失的心理和探求未知结果的神秘感,是产品推广和品牌宣传中最有价值的营销工具。 制造声势的目标就是要确保营销的产品成为人们谈论的话题。苹果公司会将其产品宣传成标志时代意义的物品,将其先进的技术创新吹嘘的天花乱坠,让顾客如痴如醉渴望得到,但最终你会发现你买回家的就是一部手机或者是一部带“智能”的手机。 2.饥饿式营销 苹果的产品之所以如此受欢迎,很大程度上来源于其对市场供应的控制,也就是使市场处于某种相对的“饥饿”状态,这有利于保持其产品价格的稳定性和对产品升级的控制权。iPhone的销售显然是这种策略的代。 自上市以来,不管市场对这款产品的呼声多高,苹果公司始终坚持限量供应。不少人或许是因为买不到,而想买一部试试。有人甚至花construction budget and feedback to departments, for inclusion in the settlement, to avoid losses, in order to better control costs. 7, strengthen construction equipment management, eliminate man-made damage, improve the utilization of machines, to shorten the duration. 8, actively carry out QC group activities to improve efficiency and ensure quality. Third, labour resources, machinery and equipment, materials, adequate supply of labor resources: give full play to the company's resources, early labor organizations, and concerned about labor, imposed on the project earmarked to protect the interests of migrant workers, not workers ' wages in arrears. Machines and equipment: using a combination of to buy or rent, rental advanced equipment, to ensure normal progress of the duration. Purchase advanced equipment, to provide work. Ensuring construction quality and schedule. Materials: supplier purchases contracts in advance, and study visits to the providers, ensure the quality of supplied materials, bid can quickly supply organizations, to ensure the project quality. 13th chapter, and the owner, general contractor, supervision and design of supporting measures, and owner of fit 1, meet the requirements of construction on contract duration and quality management, take corresponding measures in construction procedure 很大的代价得到了自己并不了解的东西,他就会满足于得到的喜悦,有时候甚至不清楚自己想要的究竟是什么,而苹果的饥饿营销则正好利用了人们这种赶潮流、追时尚的心理。 苹果和乔布斯,高傲且强势,很多消费者为等产品发布彻夜排队,买产品要“预订”,他高高吊起人们的胃口,却不急于满足。不满足引来更多关注,这就是为什么限量版比大路货更让人追逐。苹果的这种营销态度又在强化其产品风格:强势、高傲和特立独行。因为不容易拥有,便会更显得珍贵,更加不同。这种强势的营销风格和它的产品一样,让人又爱又恨,欲罢不能。 3.体验营销 如何让用户体验,第一步是演示。神经学家发现大脑很容易感到厌倦。乔布斯不会让你有时间失去兴趣。他通常只花10分钟展示一个新产品或新功能,而且乐趣丛生。乔布斯在Macworld大会上推出iPhone的时候,他展示了谷歌地图是如何在iPhone上使用的。乔布斯通过iPhone查到了当地的星巴克商店清单,然后说“让我们打一个试试”。于是他拨通了电话,乔布斯当着全场观众对电话另一端说,“我要订4000杯拿铁咖啡。不,只是开个玩笑”。只是一个玩笑,却让电视屏幕前的所有人都有了想买一部体验一下的冲动。 打造苹果文化,培养疯狂的苹果粉丝。苹果电脑已经在消费者心目中有了一个鲜明的印记,那就是:优越的性能、特造的外形和完美的设计,苹果电脑意味着特例独行,意味着“cool”的工业设计,意味着时尚。乔布斯力图让每件产品都符合消费者对苹果文化的理解。而苹果construction budget and feedback to departments, for inclusion in the settlement, to avoid losses, in order to better control costs. 7, strengthen construction equipment management, eliminate man-made damage, improve the utilization of machines, to shorten the duration. 8, actively carry out QC group activities to improve efficiency and ensure quality. Third, labour resources, machinery and equipment, materials, adequate supply of labor resources: give full play to the company's resources, early labor organizations, and concerned about labor, imposed on the project earmarked to protect the interests of migrant workers, not workers ' wages in arrears. Machines and equipment: using a combination of to buy or rent, rental advanced equipment, to ensure normal progress of the duration. Purchase advanced equipment, to provide work. Ensuring construction quality and schedule. Materials: supplier purchases contracts in advance, and study visits to the providers, ensure the quality of supplied materials, bid can quickly supply organizations, to ensure the project quality. 13th chapter, and the owner, general contractor, supervision and design of supporting measures, and owner of fit 1, meet the requirements of construction on contract duration and quality management, take corresponding measures in construction procedure 的每一款都能让消费者欣喜若狂的说:这就是我的苹果! 4.口碑营销 还有哪个手机品牌像明星一样被追逐?可能只有苹果。“苹果迷”们追逐苹果的各种产品,常常忘我地向周围的人炫自己的爱机,亲自演示,交流使用心得,炫耀爱机的个性配件,甚至走到哪里都捧着个苹果笔记本。即使是索尼、戴尔、诺基亚这些响当当的一流品牌,其用户的热情也无法与“苹果迷”的疯狂相比。 5.人性营销 乔布斯的哲学是“做正确的事”,这个正确,不是技术,不是设计,不是美学,而是“人性”。事实上,在当时,乔布斯眼中的“正确的事”,都于传统相反。比如iPhone有红外感应功能,打电话时自动关闭屏幕。当你将iPhone贴着脸部打电话时,iPhone会自动关闭屏幕省电。这并不是多高明的技术,为什么不少标榜以人为本的公司没有发现。诺基亚也有鲜明的品牌个性,那就是性价比高,结实耐用,但是,这种性格只能归为物性。苹果与其说是卖产品,不如说是卖人性,以产品招聘消费者,将“志同道合”者聚焦在一起。 三星手机中国营销策略 品牌介绍 据金融时报称三星已超越苹果,成为全球出货量最高的智能手机厂商。现在,三星,这家全球营收最高的科技企业,在韩国当期的影响力也越来越大。该公司去年营收1490亿美元,相当于韩国GDP(国内生产总值)的13%。另据南方日报称2010年三星电子在中国市场的营业额达到396亿美元,占全球市场份额的29%。三星电子在国内销construction budget and feedback to departments, for inclusion in the settlement, to avoid losses, in order to better control costs. 7, strengthen construction equipment management, eliminate man-made damage, improve the utilization of machines, to shorten the duration. 8, actively carry out QC group activities to improve efficiency and ensure quality. Third, labour resources, machinery and equipment, materials, adequate supply of labor resources: give full play to the company's resources, early labor organizations, and concerned about labor, imposed on the project earmarked to protect the interests of migrant workers, not workers ' wages in arrears. Machines and equipment: using a combination of to buy or rent, rental advanced equipment, to ensure normal progress of the duration. Purchase advanced equipment, to provide work. Ensuring construction quality and schedule. Materials: supplier purchases contracts in advance, and study visits to the providers, ensure the quality of supplied materials, bid can quickly supply organizations, to ensure the project quality. 13th chapter, and the owner, general contractor, supervision and design of supporting measures, and owner of fit 1, meet the requirements of construction on contract duration and quality management, take corresponding measures in construction procedure 量一直很好,而且三星的手机一直都得到客户的好评,极少听到负面消息。不得不承认三星是个好品牌,当然它有口碑的不单是手机,它的数码产品几乎遍布数码市场各个角落,无处不在,它是如何做到拥有如此高的美誉度的呢,那么三星手机在中国的营销策略是怎样的呢, 一、案例分析 1. 目标市场: 三星产品在中国主要定位于中高端市场。三星手机产品定位于22岁,35岁的高收入时尚人群。这部分人既有消费能力,又勇于尝试新事物,是手机主要消费群。三星产品对于用户群的准确定位主要考虑的是这部分消费群体在很大程度上代表了中国未来消费的价值取向。比较其他品牌侧重价格战而言,三星将一种价位策略转变为一种“价值”策略。三星手机的外观设计、视觉上十分强调个性,始终与时尚紧密结合在一起。薄和精致是三星手机取悦消费者的杀手锏。而且,三星近来又在人性化的手机铃声、图片上下功夫,在广州专门成立了“三星乐园”,为用户提供铃声和图片下载。三星认为,加强高端产品的销售和打造品牌比卖出更多的手机更加重要。三星针对特定市场发布中高端手机,与此同时,打造高端产品的形象以吸引消费者的注意力。三星当初推出中低端类型的手机时,市场的反映和预期并不符。根据这个经验,三星知道要向市场下游走并不简单。本着这样的认识,三星一如既往地坚持产品的高端路线,树立强有力的品牌形象,笃信以品牌带动销售的策略。与摩托罗拉倾向技术及其应用的功能设置相比,三星手机在中国的创新更注重时尚和实用。三星手机的一个模具的工艺投资额可以达到其他同类厂商的数倍之高,三星手机的设计比较符合人们的消费偏好,其个性化的个人形象设计可充分展现自我风采,满足了青少年的个性需求,不仅在本土,在欧美、中construction budget and feedback to departments, for inclusion in the settlement, to avoid losses, in order to better control costs. 7, strengthen construction equipment management, eliminate man-made damage, improve the utilization of machines, to shorten the duration. 8, actively carry out QC group activities to improve efficiency and ensure quality. Third, labour resources, machinery and equipment, materials, adequate supply of labor resources: give full play to the company's resources, early labor organizations, and concerned about labor, imposed on the project earmarked to protect the interests of migrant workers, not workers ' wages in arrears. Machines and equipment: using a combination of to buy or rent, rental advanced equipment, to ensure normal progress of the duration. Purchase advanced equipment, to provide work. Ensuring construction quality and schedule. Materials: supplier purchases contracts in advance, and study visits to the providers, ensure the quality of supplied materials, bid can quickly supply organizations, to ensure the project quality. 13th chapter, and the owner, general contractor, supervision and design of supporting measures, and owner of fit 1, meet the requirements of construction on contract duration and quality management, take corresponding measures in construction procedure 国市场也得以盛行。 2. 产品策略: A. 产品更新周期短,三星每年要开发几百种新产品,平均每隔3个月,就会推出针对不同目标客户定位的新产品,这使三星的品牌保持了旺盛的生命力,不断巩固在消费者心中的形象。 相对于诺基亚、摩托罗拉的产品与价格双管齐下的战略,三星手机越过价格战的沼泽,用不断推陈出新的产品来与对手比拼,并取得了卓越的成绩。 B. 同一时间上市的产品种类多,三星目前在中国大陆市场销售的产品有300多种。产品划分从B,S 拥有12个产品系列。各系列是面向不同人群划分。 3. 定价策略 三星手机一贯实行撇脂定价,以便从新上市的产品中攫取尽可能多的利润。三星产品上市初期,制定较高的价格,在竞争者研制出相似的产品以前,尽快的收回投资,并且取得相当的利润。然后随着时间的推移,在逐步降低价格使新产品进入弹性大的市场。 在中国,电子产品消费者看重的并不是手机具有多少先进的功能,而是电子产品的品牌,地位,时尚设计,屏幕色彩,铃声等一系列肤浅的表现在公众面前的重要功能。在中国,可以说电子产品甚至比一个人的服饰更加代表一个人的地位,所以才会出现一些人穿着廉价的破旧鞋子却还要去购买一台几千块的电子产品的情况。因此,三星电子花大力气在这些方面的研发,并且坚持产品的高端路线。在中国手机价格战越来越激烈,诺基亚、摩托罗拉、索爱、苹果、戴尔、惠普等巨头都不得不大幅降价的时候,三星还是处变不惊,坚持其在中国的市场定位,以高度危险的自信态度,比同类手机高1/3的价格,强调质量与高端品牌战略,但是反而受到了市场的追捧。 construction budget and feedback to departments, for inclusion in the settlement, to avoid losses, in order to better control costs. 7, strengthen construction equipment management, eliminate man-made damage, improve the utilization of machines, to shorten the duration. 8, actively carry out QC group activities to improve efficiency and ensure quality. Third, labour resources, machinery and equipment, materials, adequate supply of labor resources: give full play to the company's resources, early labor organizations, and concerned about labor, imposed on the project earmarked to protect the interests of migrant workers, not workers ' wages in arrears. Machines and equipment: using a combination of to buy or rent, rental advanced equipment, to ensure normal progress of the duration. Purchase advanced equipment, to provide work. Ensuring construction quality and schedule. Materials: supplier purchases contracts in advance, and study visits to the providers, ensure the quality of supplied materials, bid can quickly supply organizations, to ensure the project quality. 13th chapter, and the owner, general contractor, supervision and design of supporting measures, and owner of fit 1, meet the requirements of construction on contract duration and quality management, take corresponding measures in construction procedure 三星坚持高质量的策略,它解释说高于同行30%的定价是因为它的产品为消费者提供了较高的附加价值。在德国的一个手机专业的媒体调查中,在2002年三星手机在返修率方面是世界上最低的。其实他的其他电子产品质量也是特别好的。 4. 销售策略 A. 充分利用网络的分享性和互动性。三星利用网络使潜在消费者提前体验产品,比如做一个3D虚拟的手机,通过网络互动性的活动,让消费者在购买前先体验它有哪些特点哪些优势,或者有什么意见和建议也可以通过网络第一时间反馈到公司。 B. 营销的目的性很强。三星在做营销之前都会有完整的考虑,比如整体的品牌战略是什么,三星品牌的目标是什么,手机的方向,笔记本的方向等等,除了这些,环境也要充分考虑,比如网络市场目前如何,要针对的消费者都在网络中什么地方,竞争对手有什么行动,这些也是确定营销目的时必须要顾及到的。 C. 网络营销有创新。三星是最早制作电子杂志的厂商之一,也是社区口碑营销中最早“吃螃蟹”的厂商之一,有不少人质疑社区营销的可行性,但是三星U608成功的社区营销给这一质疑以有力回击。U608的社区营销着重进行了话题营销、也将意见领袖的作用发挥到极致,堪称社区营销之经典。尽管基于论坛社区的口碑营销目前还处于探索之中,但引导口碑传播、把握网民舆论必然将越来越受到企业的重视。 三、 三星手机在中国的营销成功决不是偶然,这归功于三星决策团队construction budget and feedback to departments, for inclusion in the settlement, to avoid losses, in order to better control costs. 7, strengthen construction equipment management, eliminate man-made damage, improve the utilization of machines, to shorten the duration. 8, actively carry out QC group activities to improve efficiency and ensure quality. Third, labour resources, machinery and equipment, materials, adequate supply of labor resources: give full play to the company's resources, early labor organizations, and concerned about labor, imposed on the project earmarked to protect the interests of migrant workers, not workers ' wages in arrears. Machines and equipment: using a combination of to buy or rent, rental advanced equipment, to ensure normal progress of the duration. Purchase advanced equipment, to provide work. Ensuring construction quality and schedule. Materials: supplier purchases contracts in advance, and study visits to the providers, ensure the quality of supplied materials, bid can quickly supply organizations, to ensure the project quality. 13th chapter, and the owner, general contractor, supervision and design of supporting measures, and owner of fit 1, meet the requirements of construction on contract duration and quality management, take corresponding measures in construction procedure 对中国市场的有力把握。其在目标市场、产品策略、定价策略、销售策略方面都有优于其它竞争企业的地方。 另外三星的过人之处还在于它对市场具有敏锐的嗅觉, 近年安卓系统的智能手机已成为主流, 而诺基亚却还在守着它的塞班系统。 用户不断抱怨塞班智能机体验不如安卓机, 各种应用程序没安卓的多, 尤其是游戏软件。软件开发商更愿意开发支持安卓系统的软件。 对于企业来说,得用户者得天下。 相对于诺基亚来说三星这个后起之秀一步步蚕食了竞争对手的市场份额,其成就令人惊叹。我们民族的品牌要不断吸收像三星这样成功企业的典范经验,创造出属于国人的世界一流品牌还任重道远。 construction budget and feedback to departments, for inclusion in the settlement, to avoid losses, in order to better control costs. 7, strengthen construction equipment management, eliminate man-made damage, improve the utilization of machines, to shorten the duration. 8, actively carry out QC group activities to improve efficiency and ensure quality. Third, labour resources, machinery and equipment, materials, adequate supply of labor resources: give full play to the company's resources, early labor organizations, and concerned about labor, imposed on the project earmarked to protect the interests of migrant workers, not workers ' wages in arrears. Machines and equipment: using a combination of to buy or rent, rental advanced equipment, to ensure normal progress of the duration. Purchase advanced equipment, to provide work. Ensuring construction quality and schedule. Materials: supplier purchases contracts in advance, and study visits to the providers, ensure the quality of supplied materials, bid can quickly supply organizations, to ensure the project quality. 13th chapter, and the owner, general contractor, supervision and design of supporting measures, and owner of fit 1, meet the requirements of construction on contract duration and quality management, take corresponding measures in construction procedure
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