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妈妈在女儿十八岁生日给女儿的寄语妈妈在女儿十八岁生日给女儿的寄语 宝贝儿,妈妈祝贺你,用我满腔的真情真爱祝贺你成年~ 今日的你尽管开始步入了成年人的行列,但你仍无法理解孕育生命的艰难与伟大。 宝贝儿,能想象得到吗,当妈妈知道你的小生命已孕育在妈妈体内时,妈妈是何等的激动,何等的兴daily education, style construction your in long caught tireless, to caught real grasp "three strict three real" and "loyalty, and clean, a...
妈妈在女儿十八岁生日给女儿的寄语 宝贝儿,妈妈祝贺你,用我满腔的真情真爱祝贺你成年~ 今日的你尽管开始步入了成年人的行列,但你仍无法理解孕育生命的艰难与伟大。 宝贝儿,能想象得到吗,当妈妈知道你的小生命已孕育在妈妈体内时,妈妈是何等的激动,何等的兴daily education, style construction your in long caught tireless, to caught real grasp "three strict three real" and "loyalty, and clean, and play" topic education, seriously understand its deep connotation and specific requirements, continues to consolidation party of mass line education practice results, full implementation to "hanging village package group face-to-face, and people Forum heart, and four visit 奋哪~这预示着妈妈从此便要与你同呼吸、共成长了…… 宝贝儿,能想象得到吗,因了你的存在,妈妈仿佛顷刻间得了一场大病一样,一病就是十个月呀~ 这十个月,妈妈几乎每天都在呕吐。本来一向喜欢吃米饭的妈妈,这时只要闻到米饭香便大吐不止;无意中看见的葱、蒜竟会让妈妈daily education, style construction your in long caught tireless, to caught real grasp "three strict three real" and "loyalty, and clean, and play" topic education, seriously understand its deep connotation and specific requirements, continues to consolidation party of mass line education practice results, full implementation to "hanging village package group face-to-face, and people Forum heart, and four visit 一吐再吐;从不曾品尝的胆汁味更是让妈妈泪流满面;后背贴前腔的痛苦用寸断肝肠来形容一点不为过。也正因如此,妈妈竟然因为严重脱水而住进医院一周。 宝贝儿,能想象得到吗,因了你的存在,妈妈也仿佛一夜间长大了许多,会更理智地对待当下发生的一切。 尽管呕吐不止,妈妈会daily education, style construction your in long caught tireless, to caught real grasp "three strict three real" and "loyalty, and clean, and play" topic education, seriously understand its deep connotation and specific requirements, continues to consolidation party of mass line education practice results, full implementation to "hanging village package group face-to-face, and people Forum heart, and four visit 擦干泪水,继续吃完那应该吃掉而没吃掉的食物;妈妈也会强迫自己去吃不爱吃但必须吃的食物;为了让日后的你更加聪明,妈妈竟然每日不厌其烦地吃掉定量的核桃、橘子…… 宝贝儿,能想象得到吗,妈妈是经过两天两夜的阵痛才生下你的呀~在这两天两夜里,妈妈从不曾叫喊一次,只是自己偷偷地流泪;在这两天两夜里,妈妈daily education, style construction your in long caught tireless, to caught real grasp "three strict three real" and "loyalty, and clean, and play" topic education, seriously understand its deep connotation and specific requirements, continues to consolidation party of mass line education practice results, full implementation to "hanging village package group face-to-face, and people Forum heart, and four visit 每一次的睡眠从不曾超过五分钟,因为总是被时断时续的阵痛疼醒。 亲爱的宝贝儿呀,你知道吗,是你让妈妈更坚强、更成熟了…… 宝贝儿,妈妈永远都不会忘记那个美丽的日子——1989年5月2日,上午9时50分,嘹亮的啼哭daily education, style construction your in long caught tireless, to caught real grasp "three strict three real" and "loyalty, and clean, and play" topic education, seriously understand its deep connotation and specific requirements, continues to consolidation party of mass line education practice results, full implementation to "hanging village package group face-to-face, and people Forum heart, and four visit 声伴随着一缕灿烂的阳光响彻在妈妈的心空,原本下定决心等你降生一定要睡上两天两夜的想法也荡然无存,妈妈竟然毫无睡意、精神十足地等待着医生长达一个小时之久的缝合,妈妈静静地倾听着医生带线缝合的声音,真是美妙无比。 宝贝儿,妈妈更不会忘记望你的那第一眼,大大的眼睛因为灯光而眯起,粉红daily education, style construction your in long caught tireless, to caught real grasp "three strict three real" and "loyalty, and clean, and play" topic education, seriously understand its deep connotation and specific requirements, continues to consolidation party of mass line education practice results, full implementation to "hanging village package group face-to-face, and people Forum heart, and four visit 的脸蛋鼓鼓的,胖胖的,还有,那小小的脚丫及印在出生卡上的小小脚印。 从此,爸爸妈妈结束了二人世界,拥着你,我们共同走向以后的无数岁月,伴着风雨,伴着彩虹…… 妈妈清晰地记得你蹒跚学步时还不满十一个月,当你端着两臂小心翼翼摇摇摆摆地向前勇敢地迈出七步时,妈妈几乎是雀跃欢daily education, style construction your in long caught tireless, to caught real grasp "three strict three real" and "loyalty, and clean, and play" topic education, seriously understand its deep connotation and specific requirements, continues to consolidation party of mass line education practice results, full implementation to "hanging village package group face-to-face, and people Forum heart, and four visit 呼、手舞足蹈。 一次,爸爸穿上件新衣服笑盈盈地问你:爸爸好看吗,你竟然不屑一顾地说道:“好看什么好看,好看就是不好看,不好看就是好看~”那时你不到三岁。至今为止妈妈仍然奇怪你小小年纪如何能说出如此美妙的至理名言。 今日的你总得意于自己能歌善舞。其实你哪里知daily education, style construction your in long caught tireless, to caught real grasp "three strict three real" and "loyalty, and clean, and play" topic education, seriously understand its deep connotation and specific requirements, continues to consolidation party of mass line education practice results, full implementation to "hanging village package group face-to-face, and people Forum heart, and four visit 道你话还说不全的时候就已会唱歌了,尽管唱出的歌词含混不清,但唱腔纯正圆润;与生俱来的柔软度着实让妈妈惊叹了好一阵子,弯腰下叉擗腿轻松自如、游刃有余。 更让妈妈引以为自豪的是你不满六岁就基本认识了常用的汉字,自己可以独立阅读成人版的童话或小说,进而也养成了良好的阅读习惯。小学毕业时大部daily education, style construction your in long caught tireless, to caught real grasp "three strict three real" and "loyalty, and clean, and play" topic education, seriously understand its deep connotation and specific requirements, continues to consolidation party of mass line education practice results, full implementation to "hanging village package group face-to-face, and people Forum heart, and four visit 分名著你都已阅读,即使是紧张繁忙的学习也没能限制你的爱好,无论功课多紧张你仍能挤出时间读你喜爱的文学作品,并能忙里偷闲写出了长达两万多字的小说发到网络中。 你七岁那年,正是姥姥病重之时。每次回姥家探望返回时你都会大哭着对姥姥说:姥姥一定能好的,还会回来看姥姥的。火车上看着你泪流满面的样子让本daily education, style construction your in long caught tireless, to caught real grasp "three strict three real" and "loyalty, and clean, and play" topic education, seriously understand its deep connotation and specific requirements, continues to consolidation party of mass line education practice results, full implementation to "hanging village package group face-to-face, and people Forum heart, and four visit 来就伤痛难忍的我更觉凄苦、悲凉了。 还记得小学期间的一次夏令营,你去北京。这可是你第一次离开家独立在外自己照顾自己,你知道吗,着实让妈妈担心哪~当你满怀喜悦归来时,妈妈还是忍不住流泪了;当你拿出用节省下来的钱为爸爸妈妈买回的礼物时,妈妈更是激动不已,情不自禁地将你拥入怀中…… daily education, style construction your in long caught tireless, to caught real grasp "three strict three real" and "loyalty, and clean, and play" topic education, seriously understand its deep connotation and specific requirements, continues to consolidation party of mass line education practice results, full implementation to "hanging village package group face-to-face, and people Forum heart, and four visit 十二岁,你小学毕业了,并以全校第三名的好成绩获得了优秀毕业生的光荣称号。但是最让妈妈感到骄傲的却是一直以来老师对你的褒奖:品学兼优,不仅爱劳动,而且会劳动。尽管妈妈眼里的你干起活来笨手笨脚,可听到老师的褒奖我心里仍然是美滋滋的。 宝贝儿,妈妈知道如果此刻我问你这十二年的学daily education, style construction your in long caught tireless, to caught real grasp "three strict three real" and "loyalty, and clean, and play" topic education, seriously understand its deep connotation and specific requirements, continues to consolidation party of mass line education practice results, full implementation to "hanging village package group face-to-face, and people Forum heart, and four visit 习生涯中最不满意的阶段是什么时候,你一定会毫不犹豫地说是初中的三年。尽管你所在的初中学校是全市中考升学率最高的学校之一,是诸多学生渴望的读书场所。但你偏偏不喜欢,不喜欢它死板生硬的教学管理,不喜欢它填鸭式的教学方式,更讨厌某些老师以办补习班为名的市侩庸俗的做法。再加上你青春期极强的逆反心理,致使你到初三的时候情绪达到了最低daily education, style construction your in long caught tireless, to caught real grasp "three strict three real" and "loyalty, and clean, and play" topic education, seriously understand its deep connotation and specific requirements, continues to consolidation party of mass line education practice results, full implementation to "hanging village package group face-to-face, and people Forum heart, and four visit 谷,好像我们母女俩三天两头的就要争吵一次,甚至有时我还会因生气动手、摔东西…… 其实,妈妈也知道学校这种死板生硬的教学管理有偏颇,但学校要升学率呀,谁让中考比高考还难考呢,妈妈也知道学校这种填鸭式的教学方式不适合你,你喜欢老师把所有的自习课(包括早自习、下午自习和晚自习)还给你,让你daily education, style construction your in long caught tireless, to caught real grasp "three strict three real" and "loyalty, and clean, and play" topic education, seriously understand its deep connotation and specific requirements, continues to consolidation party of mass line education practice results, full implementation to "hanging village package group face-to-face, and people Forum heart, and four visit 自由支配,我也相信你一定会支配得很好,但这种填鸭式的教学方式是很多学生喜欢的,他们需要这种硬塞式的方法,而且也是大部分老师更放心的一种教学方式。 正因为你的不适应,学习成绩下降,正因为成绩的下降,你的心理压力更大,情绪也更坏;也正因为你的一切变化,妈妈也更加紧张,更加缺乏耐性。好多时daily education, style construction your in long caught tireless, to caught real grasp "three strict three real" and "loyalty, and clean, and play" topic education, seriously understand its deep connotation and specific requirements, continues to consolidation party of mass line education practice results, full implementation to "hanging village package group face-to-face, and people Forum heart, and four visit 候因为你妈妈偷偷地流泪,同时也暗暗地调整自己,对你多了几分理解,多了几分包容,多了几分鼓励,多了几分赞扬…… 最后,我们达成,晚自习尽量不上,以各种缘由向老师请假,回家自己复习。这样,你的成绩便有了明显的提高。中考时尽管成绩不优秀,但仍考上了我市最好的高中——省重点高中。 daily education, style construction your in long caught tireless, to caught real grasp "three strict three real" and "loyalty, and clean, and play" topic education, seriously understand its deep connotation and specific requirements, continues to consolidation party of mass line education practice results, full implementation to "hanging village package group face-to-face, and people Forum heart, and four visit 过后你也曾说:都怪自己信心不足,耐力不够,看问题也不够全面,当然自己有时也不够有修养。 宝贝儿,因了你的进步、因了你的成长,妈妈真是喜出望外呀;同时,也因了你的促进、因了你的推动,妈妈也在成长啊~ 十五岁,你以全新的姿态步入了高中,视野更开daily education, style construction your in long caught tireless, to caught real grasp "three strict three real" and "loyalty, and clean, and play" topic education, seriously understand its deep connotation and specific requirements, continues to consolidation party of mass line education practice results, full implementation to "hanging village package group face-to-face, and people Forum heart, and four visit 阔,兴趣更广泛,个性更鲜明,人也更热情更积极了。 上高中后的你竟然喜欢上武打、传奇小说,金庸、古龙你羡慕,沧月、小椴你敬佩,并且大胆地动笔写出了《落雪殇逝》、《黄昏的夕颜》、《风车》三篇小说。当时妈妈真担心会影响你学习,可是你却说:我会掌握好“度”的,妈妈不觉得我的作文从中汲取了很多营养吗,也许不久的将来我会daily education, style construction your in long caught tireless, to caught real grasp "three strict three real" and "loyalty, and clean, and play" topic education, seriously understand its deep connotation and specific requirements, continues to consolidation party of mass line education practice results, full implementation to "hanging village package group face-to-face, and people Forum heart, and four visit 成为一名自由撰稿者呢~ 高二文理分科时,你毅然决然地选择了学文,还劝妈妈说:我也知道文科高考分数线要更高些,而且选择专业的面要窄得多,可是我喜欢,希望做名翻译,我要为理想去拼一拼。宝贝儿,妈妈能说什么呢,我尊重你的选择,我永远都是你的支持者,不仅仅是现在。 宝贝儿,你最让妈妈感daily education, style construction your in long caught tireless, to caught real grasp "three strict three real" and "loyalty, and clean, and play" topic education, seriously understand its deep connotation and specific requirements, continues to consolidation party of mass line education practice results, full implementation to "hanging village package group face-to-face, and people Forum heart, and four visit 到欣慰的是我们之间总是无话不谈,从没因为你年岁的增长,我们之间的距离拉大。我们可以畅所欲言,我们可以无拘无束,我们可以毫无顾忌,我们甚至可以争论得面红耳赤,我们可以笑谈彼此的校园文化,我们可以品评李白杜甫白居易,我们可以毫不隐讳地阐明自己的爱情观,我们可以毫不保留地说出心理的小秘密……那是怎样的一种默契与心灵相通啊~ daily education, style construction your in long caught tireless, to caught real grasp "three strict three real" and "loyalty, and clean, and play" topic education, seriously understand its deep connotation and specific requirements, continues to consolidation party of mass line education practice results, full implementation to "hanging village package group face-to-face, and people Forum heart, and four visit 点点滴滴,凡此种种…… 转瞬间,宝贝儿你已出落成一位模样俊俏秀美气质优雅洁净的大姑娘,你的可爱、乖巧、善解人意时时让妈妈心生暖意和美好,也时时让妈妈情不自禁地感谢上天赐给我如此貌美而又可人的女儿,更会让妈妈充满激情地工作着、生活着,试图让我的才能、热情daily education, style construction your in long caught tireless, to caught real grasp "three strict three real" and "loyalty, and clean, and play" topic education, seriously understand its deep connotation and specific requirements, continues to consolidation party of mass line education practice results, full implementation to "hanging village package group face-to-face, and people Forum heart, and four visit 和爱在你的身上延续,从而使你的生命异常美丽、异常精彩。 宝贝儿,妈妈再一次祝贺你,并衷心地祝福你~ 宝贝儿,至今为止你的人生路仅仅走过了十八个年头,以后的路还很长,在这慢慢的人生路上妈妈希望你脚踏实地地走好每一daily education, style construction your in long caught tireless, to caught real grasp "three strict three real" and "loyalty, and clean, and play" topic education, seriously understand its deep connotation and specific requirements, continues to consolidation party of mass line education practice results, full implementation to "hanging village package group face-to-face, and people Forum heart, and four visit 步。记得一位哲人曾说过:如果让人从八十岁往一岁活,会有三分之二的人是伟人,只可惜我们都要从一岁往八十岁来活。所以,妈妈只希望你做个普通人,为人善良、真诚,做事热情、积极,性格乐观、豁达,品质坚毅、果敢,能通过自己的努力去收获成功与幸福,即使失败,也能凭借自己的智慧和韧性重新站起,张扬个性的同时能顾及他人的利益,坦然面对生活,努力塑daily education, style construction your in long caught tireless, to caught real grasp "three strict three real" and "loyalty, and clean, and play" topic education, seriously understand its deep connotation and specific requirements, continues to consolidation party of mass line education practice results, full implementation to "hanging village package group face-to-face, and people Forum heart, and four visit 造自己,书写满意人生。 老子说:“天道无亲,恒与善人”。我们可以不显赫,但不能不善良。人,要对世间万物怀有一颗怜悯之心,不去做损害他人的事。唯有如此,才能无愧于心,才能与他人、与自然和谐相处,才能真正感受到生活的美好、生命的伟大。很欣赏哲学家培根的一段话,送给你:“利人的品德我认为就是善。在性格中具有这daily education, style construction your in long caught tireless, to caught real grasp "three strict three real" and "loyalty, and clean, and play" topic education, seriously understand its deep connotation and specific requirements, continues to consolidation party of mass line education practice results, full implementation to "hanging village package group face-to-face, and people Forum heart, and four visit 种天然倾向的人,就是„仁者?。这是人类的一切精神和道德品格最伟大的一种。因为它是属于神的品格。如果人不具有这种品格,他就成为一种自私的、比禽兽好不了多少的东西”。 不知道谁说过这样一句话:“去以自己的火点燃旁人的火,去以心发现心”。我想,这便是真诚。妈妈希望你捧着一颗真诚的心做人,用一颗真诚的心微笑着daily education, style construction your in long caught tireless, to caught real grasp "three strict three real" and "loyalty, and clean, and play" topic education, seriously understand its deep connotation and specific requirements, continues to consolidation party of mass line education practice results, full implementation to "hanging village package group face-to-face, and people Forum heart, and four visit 面对世界,真诚地感谢秀美的山水赋予你灵气,真诚地感谢千年的文化滋养你成长,真诚地感谢仁慈的父母给予你生命……学会真诚,你便阳光一片。 一个人的品性、学识固然重要,但如果做事不积极,没有热情,纵使你人品再好、才学再高,也同样无济于事。所以妈妈希望你做任何事情都要有良好的精神状态,激发更大潜能,积daily education, style construction your in long caught tireless, to caught real grasp "three strict three real" and "loyalty, and clean, and play" topic education, seriously understand its deep connotation and specific requirements, continues to consolidation party of mass line education practice results, full implementation to "hanging village package group face-to-face, and people Forum heart, and four visit 极进取,勇于拼搏。 犹记你的作文《生命的养分》,开篇写道:“《越狱》中有这样一番对白:„在这监狱,我还能拥有什么去面对生活,?„热情~?看到这二字,我怦然心动,……热情,如生命的养分,一呼一吸径自彰显着一种华贵。……”文中你还热情地歌颂了你心中的明星Orlando Bloom——电影《魔戒》中精灵王子的饰演者:“他独daily education, style construction your in long caught tireless, to caught real grasp "three strict three real" and "loyalty, and clean, and play" topic education, seriously understand its deep connotation and specific requirements, continues to consolidation party of mass line education practice results, full implementation to "hanging village package group face-to-face, and people Forum heart, and four visit 有的热情如生命的养分,不仅对自己,也对他身边的人……” 同时妈妈也仿佛看到了你那充满热情的笑容…… 人生在世不可能事事尽如人意,这就需要你时时拥有乐观的情绪和豁达的态度。乐观与豁达就是:面对瑟瑟秋风却怀揣喜悦;处于漫漫长夜而遥望晨曦。一直很欣赏豁达通脱、乐观开朗的伟大文学家苏轼,尽管daily education, style construction your in long caught tireless, to caught real grasp "three strict three real" and "loyalty, and clean, and play" topic education, seriously understand its deep connotation and specific requirements, continues to consolidation party of mass line education practice results, full implementation to "hanging village package group face-to-face, and people Forum heart, and four visit 境遇不自由,但心胸洒脱,用美好的幻想慰藉自己,“挟飞仙以遨游,抱明月而长终”,在精神世界里自己解放自己;尽管人生遭遇不测,却能不以风雨为忧,不以晚晴为慰,对他来说“也无风雨也无晴”,超脱得“一蓑烟雨任凭生”;尽管有失意之苦、分离之痛,却能从大自然中得到慰藉,“人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺,此事古难全”,不仅摆脱了人生苦恼,也实现了旷达,daily education, style construction your in long caught tireless, to caught real grasp "three strict three real" and "loyalty, and clean, and play" topic education, seriously understand its deep connotation and specific requirements, continues to consolidation party of mass line education practice results, full implementation to "hanging village package group face-to-face, and people Forum heart, and four visit 并高歌“但愿人长久,千里共婵娟”。 还有一点妈妈想说的是,望你练就坚毅果敢的优秀品质,不要害怕挫折,不要拒绝磨难,更不要祈求一生都会风平浪静。雷•克罗克曾说:世上没有东西可以取代坚毅的地位,才干不能,有才能而失败者比比皆是;天才不能,才华横溢又毫无者不胜枚举;单靠教育不能,受过教育但潦倒终生daily education, style construction your in long caught tireless, to caught real grasp "three strict three real" and "loyalty, and clean, and play" topic education, seriously understand its deep connotation and specific requirements, continues to consolidation party of mass line education practice results, full implementation to "hanging village package group face-to-face, and people Forum heart, and four visit 者充斥世间;唯有坚毅与果断者能够无所不能,得到成功。 宝贝儿,还有几个月你就要走进大学的校门了,我们在一起的时间只能用天来数,大学毕业以后的日子就要用小时来计算,那就让我们用享受和珍惜的心情度过这短暂而美好的时光,在琐碎繁杂的家庭生活中daily education, style construction your in long caught tireless, to caught real grasp "three strict three real" and "loyalty, and clean, and play" topic education, seriously understand its deep connotation and specific requirements, continues to consolidation party of mass line education practice results, full implementation to "hanging village package group face-to-face, and people Forum heart, and four visit 培养起更多的爱与默契。也许妈妈不是你的偶像,但家永远是你无论何时都可以停靠的港湾;也许妈妈不伟大,但家永远是你远离父母可以生存的支柱。请记住妈妈永远都是你麦田里的守望着。 爱你,亲爱的宝贝儿,一生一世~ daily education, style construction your in long caught tireless, to caught real grasp "three strict three real" and "loyalty, and clean, and play" topic education, seriously understand its deep connotation and specific requirements, continues to consolidation party of mass line education practice results, full implementation to "hanging village package group face-to-face, and people Forum heart, and four visit
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