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分红推销剧本剧本分红推销剧本剧本 四平支公司 二001年六月 一、公司简介 自从分红保险推出后,在四平地区占有很大份额,但由于客户对公司和新险种的不了解,普遍存在着“到底能不能分红,怎样分红;平安是股份制企业,不如国有的好”等疑问,其实分红险和传统险不一样,传统险的卖点是保障和储蓄,而分红险的卖点是分享公司利润的多少,关键在于公司的实力和信誉,公司的经营状况如何,这些决定了给客户的分红情况。下面着重介绍一下公司的实际情况: (一)公司现状 中国平安保险股份有限公司成立于1988年3月21日,同年5月27日正式对外营业,是经中国人民...
分红推销剧本剧本 四平支公司 二001年六月 一、公司简介 自从分红保险推出后,在四平地区占有很大份额,但由于客户对公司和新险种的不了解,普遍存在着“到底能不能分红,怎样分红;平安是股份制企业,不如国有的好”等疑问,其实分红险和传统险不一样,传统险的卖点是保障和储蓄,而分红险的卖点是分享公司利润的多少,关键在于公司的实力和信誉,公司的经营状况如何,这些决定了给客户的分红情况。下面着重介绍一下公司的实际情况: (一)公司现状 中国平安保险股份有限公司成立于1988年3月21日,同年5月27日正式对外营业,是经中国人民银行批准,在国家工商局注册的我国首家股份制保险公司,也是我国唯一一家有外资参股的综合性、全国性保险公司。经过十多年的探索和实践,公司获得长足的发展。1988年保费为480万,1999年222亿,2000年为272亿,1988年公司总资产为0.5亿,1999年450亿,2000年650亿,2001年资产展望达到1300亿,预计到2005年将达到3500亿元人民币,一个平安品牌的价值为900亿元人民币。而且被《亚洲周刊》评为——亚太地区100家最大寿险公司中保费规模第24位,资产利润率第2位。以上这些充分说明我们公司的实力雄厚和良好的发展趋势。马明哲总经理提出要在3-5年内进入世界500强400优的发展策略,所谓世界500强是指全球发展规模前500位,400优是指企业品质占全球前400位,其价值特征的平均水平为:5年平均投资回报率为16%,市场盈利率为32.3倍,资产增长率为23.1%,平安今年的半年投资回报率为15.8%,资产增长率为 44.4%,我们将在3年内进入世界500强和400优,用事实来说明自己的实力和信誉。 平安股票的公开上市要求企业施行透明化管理(及时披露经营信息,对市场的快速反映反应能力和对经营策略及时调整能力)、国际化审计(按 he representativeness of the sample, first a scientific sampling programme, then use appropriate sampling techniques and sampure teness of the sample for analysis is essential, that is, sample number, size and nature of major impact on the results. To ensthe sampling programme is a small sample of test results illustrate a large number of food hygiene, so that the representativ ics ofditional samples collected very carefully to ensure that no violations of this rule. Second, the microbiological characteriste samples collected, and one of the most important rule is: never contaminated the sample. Need samples to collect all the adterile collected from sample number, date, number, and other identifying information for the first person to differentiate. When swhen, together with spike marks, samples, records together into the Inspector's notes, sample sample additional samples can b oduct,llow sample disclosure. When the sample collection, sample collection as well as conditions such as the temperature of the prp of the bag, solid cord in prison; the bottom should be folded twice, so that the cord will not penetrate the plastic bags ads, providing local opened her bag, place the sample in, then roll up at the towill its all heap into until tube Central. Sterilization bags: bags must be purchased and sterilization of used only tear hea--tube head Shang carefully to will swab child into of outside end; next wipe to sampling of parts, as Board head or top Department pipeline, then fromtion. Formed by means of a liquid solution: gases dissolved in liquids, solids dissolved in liquid andd solid solution (also known as solid solution solid solution). Solution the term traditionally refers to the liquid soluon) anstem. Classification divides according to the aggregation solution, solution gas, liquid solution (often called liquid solutiolecular level. Solution is part of the chemical composition and physical properties of the same mixture of a homogeneous syhe mtance formed by the mixture of two or more (mixture). These substances are even at the molecular level, that spread reached tsection III solution the general concepts and preparation of a solution, solution definition and characteristics are two subs-L? 1.0 ? 2.0 soluble Silicon *to (SiO2) ? 0.01 ? 0.02 meter+,mg/-), mg/L? ? 2 ?evaporation residue (105 -? 0.08 ? 0.4 sucking photometric (254nm,1cm light drive) ? 0.001 ? 0.01-), mS/m ? 0.01 ? 0.10 ? 0.50 can oxidation material *to (O) meter+,mg/L?ate (25 7.5 conductivity r-5.0--)?should meet Xia table by column specifications: project a level two level three level pH value range (25 nic trace analysis, experiments are divided into 3 levels: level water, secondary, tertiary water. Analysis laboratory water 1992 water for analytical laboratory specifications and test methods of chemical analysis of water and inorga-ratory water GB/T6682ments in a piece of paper, so as to avoid a long stick. Section II national standard specifications of the experimental laboterm preservation of grinding pad between the instru-our in test case, to secure, high, great instruments in it. Required for longboko). (3) measuring glassware should be naturally drain cannot be baked in the oven. Glassware storage to provide storage, fe kamale preservation and transport keep samples in their original condition. Whatever the methodfor urgent air dryer drying (on th2 照国际进行企业财务审计,了解公司利润来源和成本支出,以最小的成本获取最大的效益)、标准化作业(实行全预算管理原则和公司,进行标准化运作,不做无效劳动)等严格的管理,充分保证公司的信誉是可以信任的。 (二)国际上对平安的: 1、国际证券业巨头——法国国家巴黎百富乐副董事长兼总经理,梁伯韬认为:平安的经营管理不仅是国内最好的,即使按照国际标准衡量,也是非常优秀的;平安的资产质量不仅是中国金融企业中最好的,也是亚洲最好的之一。 2、据11月20日中国保险网消息,中国平安保险股份有限公司获准成为欧洲保险联盟在中国大陆的唯一一家成员公司,其选择的标准就是经营并且经营管理符合国际惯例的公司。 二、购买点 客户不同,保险的需求是不同的,其实就是其价值观不同 ---家庭型,主要特点:重视家庭,不喜欢改变,思考模式是稳定,有安全感。可从子女教育、退休养老金、家庭安全保障入手。 ----模仿型,主要特点是缺乏自信,看到别人投保,就会投保,可结合保险事故和生活圈子的具体投保例子,认识需求。 ----成功型,要求最好的,独特的,与众不同的方式,往往是高档次的客户,讲大额保单的例子,并从稳定投资、成熟回报入手。 ----社会认同型:对社会奉献、付出,要求回报,可从父母养育子女责任、一家之主的责任、子女孝敬父母的责任谈起 ----生存型,要求越便宜、越好,可从免税节税的利益,保值分红的方面入手。 三、销售面谈的流程(背景:客户为高先生) 理财之鸿利篇 步骤 重点 话术 寒暄 认同赞美关心(转介绍) 与感谢(问、听) 业:A(对方情况良好时——多赞美他) 久闻大名,一直听***说起您,说您事业、家庭都成功,你 可要多多指教~ B(普通——肯定他) 看得出来,高先生是位知足常乐的人,真是懂得惜福。 C(不佳时——安慰他) 那没关系,高先生,你的一脸福相,将来一定会大富大贵的。 (陌生)业:高总,公司上下一心,朝气蓬勃,真是佩服,都是 你领导有方啊~ (缘故)业:高兄真是不简单,太太贤惠,小孩乖巧。 开门 从理财入手 (新客户) 业:高先生,您事业很成功,是吧, 客:哪里,也就一般 业:您认为赚钱多少能不能代表个人能力,是不是这样, 客:可以 业:您现在拥有很多财富,但是您想不想拥有更多财富, 客:当然想。 业:我现在可以帮助您做到,您想听听吗, 客:我自己投资也可以做到。 业:您把钱放到银行还是投到股市上呢, 客:1、存银行 业:现在银行的利率为2.25%,扣除20%利息税,只有1.8%, 您知道能存钱并且能钱生钱才算真正有财富,您是否认为把钱存 银行,利息太低, 2、投股市 业:您觉得炒股票,挣钱的人多吗, 客:有挣的,有赔的。 业:股市普遍存在70%的人赔钱,只有10%的人挣钱,您 觉得炒股需不需要花太多的时间呢, 客:当然需要 业:您事业那么成功,工作那么忙,您能有时间仔细研究股 票吗,。我们这个险种非常适合您投资,专业的投资、便宜的保 费肯定会给你带来很高的收益,而且可充分的避税。它就是分红 保险,下面我为您介绍一下,好吗, (老客户) 业:高先生,您觉得保险公司赚不赚钱, 客:赚 业:那么,您想不想做保险公司的老板呢,(想~),您可有兴趣, 是这样的,我们专门推出了一种“分红保险”回馈客户,让客户 分享保险公司的利润,一人投保,三代受益,回报丰厚…… 2展示解说(鸿利综合或鸿祥综合)建议书 说明 *以30岁男子投保鸿利5份为例说明: 当您投保5份鸿利后,就有三个储钱罐供您终身使用,第一个每 三年给您4000元旅游费,第二个储钱罐,平安保险公司每年给 our in test case, to secure, high, great instruments in it. Required for longboko). (3) measuring glassware should be naturally drain cannot be baked in the oven. Glassware storage to provide storage, fe kamale preservation and transport keep samples in their original condition. Whatever the methodfor urgent air dryer drying (on thhe representativeness of the sample, first a scientific sampling programme, then use appropriate sampling techniques and sampure teness of the sample for analysis is essential, that is, sample number, size and nature of major impact on the results. To ensthe sampling programme is a small sample of test results illustrate a large number of food hygiene, so that the representativ ics ofditional samples collected very carefully to ensure that no violations of this rule. Second, the microbiological characteriste samples collected, and one of the most important rule is: never contaminated the sample. Need samples to collect all the adterile collected from sample number, date, number, and other identifying information for the first person to differentiate. When swhen, together with spike marks, samples, records together into the Inspector's notes, sample sample additional samples can b oduct,llow sample disclosure. When the sample collection, sample collection as well as conditions such as the temperature of the prp of the bag, solid cord in prison; the bottom should be folded twice, so that the cord will not penetrate the plastic bags ads, providing local opened her bag, place the sample in, then roll up at the towill its all heap into until tube Central. Sterilization bags: bags must be purchased and sterilization of used only tear hea--tube head Shang carefully to will swab child into of outside end; next wipe to sampling of parts, as Board head or top Department pipeline, then fromtion. Formed by means of a liquid solution: gases dissolved in liquids, solids dissolved in liquid andd solid solution (also known as solid solution solid solution). Solution the term traditionally refers to the liquid soluon) anstem. Classification divides according to the aggregation solution, solution gas, liquid solution (often called liquid solutiolecular level. Solution is part of the chemical composition and physical properties of the same mixture of a homogeneous syhe mtance formed by the mixture of two or more (mixture). These substances are even at the molecular level, that spread reached tsection III solution the general concepts and preparation of a solution, solution definition and characteristics are two subs-L? 1.0 ? 2.0 soluble Silicon *to (SiO2) ? 0.01 ? 0.02 meter+,mg/-), mg/L? ? 2 ?evaporation residue (105 -? 0.08 ? 0.4 sucking photometric (254nm,1cm light drive) ? 0.001 ? 0.01-), mS/m ? 0.01 ? 0.10 ? 0.50 can oxidation material *to (O) meter+,mg/L?ate (25 7.5 conductivity r-5.0--)?should meet Xia table by column specifications: project a level two level three level pH value range (25 nic trace analysis, experiments are divided into 3 levels: level water, secondary, tertiary water. Analysis laboratory water 1992 water for analytical laboratory specifications and test methods of chemical analysis of water and inorga-ratory water GB/T6682ments in a piece of paper, so as to avoid a long stick. Section II national standard specifications of the experimental laboterm preservation of grinding pad between the instru-4 您发红包,并自动以复利计息,您随时可取,假定复利为6%, 您60岁(投保30年)时第二个罐里将有7.26万现金,供您使 用。第三个储钱罐为您准备5万元意外残疾金,为您孩子准备了 5万元现金。(只需12元/天) *以30周岁男子投保鸿祥5份为例: 当您保险期满时,可领取5万元,并且自投保后公司每年给您发 红包,您可一并领出(以20年为例,累积红利可能为2.66万元)。 或您转换为每年领取方式,直至终身,把它变成养老金领取。如 中途有意外发生可给孩子留下5万元和累积的红利。 关门 业:不晓得这样的投资+保障,您觉得满不满意, 这样的理财计划可以吗, 如果方便的话,是不是有一些资料我们可以先填一填, 子女教育之世纪彩虹、鸿利篇 步骤 重点 话术 寒暄 认同赞美关心(转介绍) 与感谢(问、听) 业:A(对方情况良好时——多赞美他) 久闻大名,一直听***说起您,说您事业、家庭都成功,你 可要多多指教~ B(普通——肯定他) 看得出来,高先生是位知足常乐的人,真是懂得惜福。 C(不佳时——安慰他) 那没关系,高先生,你的一脸福相,将来一定会大富大贵的。 (陌生)业:高总,公司上下一心,朝气蓬勃,真是佩服,都是 你领导有方啊~ (缘故)业:高兄真是不简单,太太贤惠,小孩乖巧。 客:。。。。。。 开门 从子女教育入业:高先生,您事业那么成功,家庭那么幸福,你是不是很喜欢手 你的孩子, 客:当然 业:您是不是想呵护他长大成人, 客:当然 业:假如有一天,我们忘记呼吸,您是不是希望也能很好的照顾 您的孩子。 客:当然, 业:您认为谁能做到呢,假如我们现在就能做好准备,无论何时 都能做到,您觉得怎样, 展示说(世纪彩虹综合/鸿利)建议书 明 以0岁男孩投保5份彩虹为例。 当孩子18—21岁时每年领取2万元教育金,25岁时领取4万 元婚嫁金,60岁时领取5万元祝寿金,并自投保起每年做平安 的股东,分得公司利润的70%,当孩子60岁时,假定累积利率 为6%,累积红利达到23.7万元。 关门 业:这样的理财计划可以吗, 如果方便的话,是不是有一些资料我们可以先填一填, 理财之鸿盛篇 ,养老之鸿盛篇, 步骤 重点 话术 寒暄 认同赞美关心(转介绍) 与感谢(问、听) 业:A(对方情况良好时——多赞美他) 久闻大名,一直听***说起您,说您事业、家庭都成功,你 可要多多指教~ B(普通——肯定他) 看得出来,高先生是位知足常乐的人,真是懂得惜福。 C(不佳时——安慰他) 那没关系,高先生,你的一脸福相,将来一定会大富大贵的。 (陌生)业:高总,公司上下一心,朝气蓬勃,真是佩服,都是 你领导有方啊~ (缘故)业:高兄真是不简单,太太贤惠,小孩乖巧。 开门 从意外伤害入业:高先生,您认为是坐飞机危险呢,还是坐汽车危险呢, 手 客:当然坐汽车危险 业:您知道坐飞机都有保险是吧, 客:是 业:现在电视和报纸,经常报道有车祸发生,意外事故率那么高, 您为什么不先做好安排呢, 客:-------- 从养老金入手 业:高先生,您有没有想过您退休以后想过什么样的生活,想不 想带着您太太到美丽的风景区去旅游, 客:当然想 业:您现在做好准备吗,您需要您的孩子助您一臂之力吗, 客:当然 业:社会逐渐老龄化,且一个孩子要负担4个老人,您觉得他们 能做到吗, 客:不能 业:养老得靠我们自己,,我这里有个很好的养老计划,既可以 享受理财专家为您打工,您坐享投资收益,又可保证您的养老生 活,不知您有兴趣吗, 展示说解说(鸿盛综合)建议书 明 以30岁男子投保5份,20年交费为例 自投保后,公司给您两个储钱罐,第一个,分享公司的经营成果, 公司年年给您分红并以复利进行计算,直至终身。假定复利利率 为6%,当您60岁时,里面就有9万元的现金。第二个为您准 备5万元意外残疾保障金,为您孩子准备了5万元现金(只需 5.16元/天)。 关门 业:不晓得这样的投资+保障,您觉得满不满意,如果方便 的话,是不是有一些资料我们可以先填一填, boko). (3) measuring glassware should be naturally drain cannot be baked in the oven. Glassware storage to provide storage, fe kamale preservation and transport keep samples in their original condition. Whatever the methodfor urgent air dryer drying (on thhe representativeness of the sample, first a scientific sampling programme, then use appropriate sampling techniques and sampure teness of the sample for analysis is essential, that is, sample number, size and nature of major impact on the results. To ensthe sampling programme is a small sample of test results illustrate a large number of food hygiene, so that the representativ ics ofditional samples collected very carefully to ensure that no violations of this rule. Second, the microbiological characteriste samples collected, and one of the most important rule is: never contaminated the sample. Need samples to collect all the adterile collected from sample number, date, number, and other identifying information for the first person to differentiate. When swhen, together with spike marks, samples, records together into the Inspector's notes, sample sample additional samples can b oduct,llow sample disclosure. When the sample collection, sample collection as well as conditions such as the temperature of the prp of the bag, solid cord in prison; the bottom should be folded twice, so that the cord will not penetrate the plastic bags ads, providing local opened her bag, place the sample in, then roll up at the towill its all heap into until tube Central. Sterilization bags: bags must be purchased and sterilization of used only tear hea--tube head Shang carefully to will swab child into of outside end; next wipe to sampling of parts, as Board head or top Department pipeline, then fromtion. Formed by means of a liquid solution: gases dissolved in liquids, solids dissolved in liquid andd solid solution (also known as solid solution solid solution). Solution the term traditionally refers to the liquid soluon) anstem. Classification divides according to the aggregation solution, solution gas, liquid solution (often called liquid solutiolecular level. Solution is part of the chemical composition and physical properties of the same mixture of a homogeneous syhe mtance formed by the mixture of two or more (mixture). These substances are even at the molecular level, that spread reached tsection III solution the general concepts and preparation of a solution, solution definition and characteristics are two subs-L? 1.0 ? 2.0 soluble Silicon *to (SiO2) ? 0.01 ? 0.02 meter+,mg/-), mg/L? ? 2 ?evaporation residue (105 -? 0.08 ? 0.4 sucking photometric (254nm,1cm light drive) ? 0.001 ? 0.01-), mS/m ? 0.01 ? 0.10 ? 0.50 can oxidation material *to (O) meter+,mg/L?ate (25 7.5 conductivity r-5.0--)?should meet Xia table by column specifications: project a level two level three level pH value range (25 nic trace analysis, experiments are divided into 3 levels: level water, secondary, tertiary water. Analysis laboratory water 1992 water for analytical laboratory specifications and test methods of chemical analysis of water and inorga-ratory water GB/T6682ments in a piece of paper, so as to avoid a long stick. Section II national standard specifications of the experimental laboterm preservation of grinding pad between the instru-our in test case, to secure, high, great instruments in it. Required for long6 健康篇 步骤 重点 话术 寒暄 认同赞美关心(转介绍) 与感谢(问、听) 业:A(对方情况良好时——多赞美他) 久闻大名,一直听***说起您,说您事业、家庭都成功,你 可要多多指教~ B(普通——肯定他) 看得出来,高先生是位知足常乐的人,真是懂得惜福。 C(不佳时——安慰他) 那没关系,高先生,你一脸福相,将来一定会大富大贵的。 (陌生)业:高总,公司上下一心,朝气蓬勃,真是佩服,都是 你领导有方啊~ (缘故)业:高兄真是不简单,太太贤惠,小孩乖巧。 开门 用赞美点作开业:***,不晓得你有没有买保险, 门点 A:客:有。 业:那很好,高先生是个精明人,我相信您在购买保险时, 一定经过深思熟虑才作出决定。那我要告诉您一个好消息,有一 种新的医疗险,您只要一对比,就会知道它将更合算。 B:客:没有。 业:您是不喜欢保险还是不太了解保险,我相信一个能给您 带来幸福、健康、安宁的事物,您是不会不喜欢的,那么您是不 太了解保险吗,我可以向您介绍一下: 从健康入手 业:高先生,您现在身体很健康,不知道您通过什么方式,保持 自己的健康, 客:我每天健身,做运动。 业:但您有没有想过无论我们做什么,有一天自己都会老, 客:当然想过 业:您能保证,当您需要用钱来换回健康时,您一定有足够的钱 吗,而保险公司却能帮助我们永远健康。 从重大疾病入业:每个人都不愿谈及疾病,但古语说的好,人吃五谷杂粮,谁手 又能不得病呢,您说是吧, 客:对 业:您清楚现在国家进行医疗体制改革吗, 客:我大概了解。 业:据我所知,医疗费用完全由国家负担将是不可能的,不知道 您在这方面有准备吗, 客:现在多挣钱呗 业:您想没想过一次性拿几万元和每个月存下一点点钱,获得相 同的安心和健康时,您选择哪种, 客:。。。。。。 业:有精明的投资者算过一笔帐,如果存5万元在银行,没准一 场大病就把这笔存款一笔勾销。而把这笔钱中的很少一部分放在 保险公司,投保一份医疗保险,即使不幸生了大病,小钱就可派 上大用场,若一生平平安安没病没灾,若干年一,子女可以继承 比交付总额高得多的一笔受益鑫,还是免税的~ 展示说康泰2万+重疾1万+安心1档+医疗1档+意外伤害+意外医疗 明 一年内得大病给付3000+所交保费,保险公司终止。 一年后得大病给付3万元医疗费,给孩子留下2万元免税遗产, 如果一生平安渡过或因意外而亡,将有给您孩子5万元免税遗 产。每年因病住院,合理医疗费用按90%报销,每年最高可报 4400元;除此之外,超过三天部分,每天可获30元补助,每年 最高180天,癌症住院每天50元,每年最多180天,另外还有 500-5000元手术费补贴。因意外造成的医疗费用,超100元以 上的,按实际费用报销,最高 元。因意外死亡公司将赔付 元。(每天只需 元)。 关门 业:不晓得这样的保障,您觉得够不够,这样的费用可以吗, 如果方便的话,是不是有一些资料我们可以先填一填, 备注:鸿利、鸿盛、鸿祥附带七级三十四项意外残疾保障。 四、拒绝处理 1、 平安是股份制,不如国有的好,到底能不能分红,能不能倒闭等等。 客:保险公司倒闭了怎么办, 业:您听说过哪家保险公司倒闭吗, 客:没有 业:那么,您到银行存过钱吗, 客:存过。 业:您现在还存钱吗, 客:当然。 业:您有没有想过银行会破产或倒闭, 客:有/没有(此时您已经扭转了准客户的疑虑再乘胜追击), 业:您为什么还存款,不担心呢, 客:银行有破产保障。 业:对呀,保险也一样,您说对吗, 客:平安保险公司是股份制,不如国有的好。 ure teness of the sample for analysis is essential, that is, sample number, size and nature of major impact on the results. To ensthe sampling programme is a small sample of test results illustrate a large number of food hygiene, so that the representativ ics ofditional samples collected very carefully to ensure that no violations of this rule. Second, the microbiological characteriste samples collected, and one of the most important rule is: never contaminated the sample. Need samples to collect all the adterile collected from sample number, date, number, and other identifying information for the first person to differentiate. When swhen, together with spike marks, samples, records together into the Inspector's notes, sample sample additional samples can b oduct,llow sample disclosure. When the sample collection, sample collection as well as conditions such as the temperature of the prp of the bag, solid cord in prison; the bottom should be folded twice, so that the cord will not penetrate the plastic bags ads, providing local opened her bag, place the sample in, then roll up at the towill its all heap into until tube Central. Sterilization bags: bags must be purchased and sterilization of used only tear hea--tube head Shang carefully to will swab child into of outside end; next wipe to sampling of parts, as Board head or top Department pipeline, then fromtion. Formed by means of a liquid solution: gases dissolved in liquids, solids dissolved in liquid andd solid solution (also known as solid solution solid solution). Solution the term traditionally refers to the liquid soluon) anstem. Classification divides according to the aggregation solution, solution gas, liquid solution (often called liquid solutiolecular level. Solution is part of the chemical composition and physical properties of the same mixture of a homogeneous syhe mtance formed by the mixture of two or more (mixture). These substances are even at the molecular level, that spread reached tsection III solution the general concepts and preparation of a solution, solution definition and characteristics are two subs-L? 1.0 ? 2.0 soluble Silicon *to (SiO2) ? 0.01 ? 0.02 meter+,mg/-), mg/L? ? 2 ?evaporation residue (105 -? 0.08 ? 0.4 sucking photometric (254nm,1cm light drive) ? 0.001 ? 0.01-), mS/m ? 0.01 ? 0.10 ? 0.50 can oxidation material *to (O) meter+,mg/L?ate (25 7.5 conductivity r-5.0--)?should meet Xia table by column specifications: project a level two level three level pH value range (25 nic trace analysis, experiments are divided into 3 levels: level water, secondary, tertiary water. Analysis laboratory water 1992 water for analytical laboratory specifications and test methods of chemical analysis of water and inorga-ratory water GB/T6682ments in a piece of paper, so as to avoid a long stick. Section II national standard specifications of the experimental laboterm preservation of grinding pad between the instru-our in test case, to secure, high, great instruments in it. Required for longboko). (3) measuring glassware should be naturally drain cannot be baked in the oven. Glassware storage to provide storage, fe kamale preservation and transport keep samples in their original condition. Whatever the methodfor urgent air dryer drying (on thhe representativeness of the sample, first a scientific sampling programme, then use appropriate sampling techniques and samp8 业:您认为现在哪家公司是国内最好的企业, 客:海尔/。。。。。。。 业:请问它是股份制,还是国有企业呢, 客:股份 业:您认为现在国内知名企业是股份制多,还是国有企业多, 客:你们说年年分红,能保证分红吗, 业:您知道现在国际上主要险种是什么险吗, 客:不知道。 业:主要是分红险,您认为分红保险最大的特点是什么, 客:年年分红。 业:为了和国际接轨,国内以后主要险种也是分红险,您认为平安以后的主打险种是不是分红险呢, 客:是/不知道 业:如果平安不给客户分红,您会怎么想, 客:不相信平安,不会购买平安的产品。 业:您知道,我们平安的品牌就值900亿元人民币,您认为我们能昌这个风险吗, 客:你们怎样保证企业盈利, 业:设有专门的资金管理中心,并有顶尖的人才如斯蒂芬.迈尔、徐建军进行投资理财,而且平安股票的公开上市要求企业随时透露企业经营状况,并按国际标准进行企业财务审计,实行全预算管理原则,这此决定平安将以最小的成本获取最大的效益,现在半年投资回报率为15%,而且我们公司要在3-5年内进入全球500强和400优,说明公司的经营情况非常良好,公司盈利是不成问题。 客:你们到时能不能少分我们一些钱, 业:公司聘请了安达信—世界五大会计师事务所之一,也是信誉最好的公司之一, 进行全面财务审计,它的客户一般是世界500强400优的企业,确保了资金利用与利润分配对客户的透明度,从而使平安拥有了连续6年具有国际标准化的审计报告。 2、我对保险没兴趣 客:老实跟你说,我对保险没兴趣。 业:“没兴趣,这太好了,假如您说对保险充满兴趣的话,不但保险公司,就连我都会害怕,因为一个说他对保险有兴趣的人,往往有问题存在。而您说对保险没兴趣,显示您不会有道德风险顾虑,正是我们最佳的承保对象。我想提供最好的投保资料给您参考,希望您能更客观的进行评估。” 客:[摇摇头]“您实在太会说话了”。 业:“不是我太会说话,我只是说出实情,我曾经听过几个例子,他们都是对保险充满兴趣,一个是我的同事,他的客户说是要替他的父亲投保,投保书自己拿去填,保险生效后没多久,那客户的父亲却死了,保险公司一查,居然是人瘫在医院时投保的,这份保单当然无效,而我那同事也被公司惩罚,因为他没亲自去看一下被保险人。 “类似这种案例太多了,人在平时视保险如异物,但危难临头,想到家人,想到即将到来的损失,恨不得能多买几份保险来弥补,但已经太迟了”。 客:“我不会,我身体好得很,怎么会跟他们一样呢,” 业:“就是因为您现在身体好,所以必须在正常状况时就有准备,防患于未然,您的安危直接影响到您家庭的每一位,还关系到以往付出的努力成果。因此保险不能以有没有兴趣来看待,保险就象船上的救生圈、车子的煞车、备用轮胎,家中的灭火器,那是绝对的必需品,无法忽视和节省的配备。保险就是在您不需要时购买,在您需要时使用.” 3、不需要买保险 客:我不需要买保险 业:[感慨]“在你心里一定想,我平日很小心,不需要买保险,我绝对信任您,因为您既健康且谨慎小心,但很多事情却不是自己的因素造成的,我看过很多需要保险而 ratory water GB/T6682ments in a piece of paper, so as to avoid a long stick. Section II national standard specifications of the experimental laboterm preservation of grinding pad between the instru-our in test case, to secure, high, great instruments in it. Required for longboko). (3) measuring glassware should be naturally drain cannot be baked in the oven. Glassware storage to provide storage, fe kamale preservation and transport keep samples in their original condition. Whatever the methodfor urgent air dryer drying (on thhe representativeness of the sample, first a scientific sampling programme, then use appropriate sampling techniques and sampure teness of the sample for analysis is essential, that is, sample number, size and nature of major impact on the results. To ensthe sampling programme is a small sample of test results illustrate a large number of food hygiene, so that the representativ ics ofditional samples collected very carefully to ensure that no violations of this rule. Second, the microbiological characteriste samples collected, and one of the most important rule is: never contaminated the sample. Need samples to collect all the adterile collected from sample number, date, number, and other identifying information for the first person to differentiate. When swhen, together with spike marks, samples, records together into the Inspector's notes, sample sample additional samples can b oduct,llow sample disclosure. When the sample collection, sample collection as well as conditions such as the temperature of the prp of the bag, solid cord in prison; the bottom should be folded twice, so that the cord will not penetrate the plastic bags ads, providing local opened her bag, place the sample in, then roll up at the towill its all heap into until tube Central. Sterilization bags: bags must be purchased and sterilization of used only tear hea--tube head Shang carefully to will swab child into of outside end; next wipe to sampling of parts, as Board head or top Department pipeline, then fromtion. Formed by means of a liquid solution: gases dissolved in liquids, solids dissolved in liquid andd solid solution (also known as solid solution solid solution). Solution the term traditionally refers to the liquid soluon) anstem. Classification divides according to the aggregation solution, solution gas, liquid solution (often called liquid solutiolecular level. Solution is part of the chemical composition and physical properties of the same mixture of a homogeneous syhe mtance formed by the mixture of two or more (mixture). These substances are even at the molecular level, that spread reached tsection III solution the general concepts and preparation of a solution, solution definition and characteristics are two subs-L? 1.0 ? 2.0 soluble Silicon *to (SiO2) ? 0.01 ? 0.02 meter+,mg/-), mg/L? ? 2 ?evaporation residue (105 -? 0.08 ? 0.4 sucking photometric (254nm,1cm light drive) ? 0.001 ? 0.01-), mS/m ? 0.01 ? 0.10 ? 0.50 can oxidation material *to (O) meter+,mg/L?ate (25 7.5 conductivity r-5.0--)?should meet Xia table by column specifications: project a level two level three level pH value range (25 nic trace analysis, experiments are divided into 3 levels: level water, secondary, tertiary water. Analysis laboratory water 1992 water for analytical laboratory specifications and test methods of chemical analysis of water and inorga-10 没有保险的人,最后都是追悔莫及的。” 客:“怎么说,” 业:现代科技进步,交通工具速度飞快,速度愈快,万一灾情发生时,就会愈惨重。而每一灾情发生后,遇难者家属一定有三阶段的反应: 第一阶段:是人命最重要,用什么都换不回来,其它的谈都不用谈。 第二阶段:是残酷的事实已成定局,责任方能赔偿多少,有没有买保险等等。 第三阶段:是反弹,赔偿对象为什么责任这么轻,没有诚意处理吗,保险理赔为什么还不快点下来,通过什么渠道可以争取最高赔偿,官司扯不清,道不完。 虽然谁也不喜欢保险,但在必要时,却是谁也不能拒绝。反倒欢迎都来不及了。何况,保险并不是单为自己买的,只为自己,苦一点也就算了,问题是有了家人,有了下一代,为了替他们着想,是否该慎重些。以我现有的财产现金,若是发生了事故,对于家人未来的生活有没有足够的保障,要是没有这个保障,要是没有这个把握,那么保险就是最好的保证品。它是一个以小博大的投资。你说是吗, 客:“您讲的没错,但我是坐办公室的,安全性高,难道还需要保险吗,” 业:“是不是真的立刻需要保险我不敢说,但在您的办公室或您的家中,总有一些东西不常用但却不得不准备,如字典里数十万字,你却可能只查了几次。墙角的灭火器,或许过了使用年限都没派上用场。不一定会停电,但抽屉里总放着手电筒。每家保险公司的死亡理赔率总在0.15%--0.20%左右,这表示一千人中会有两人不幸死亡。试想,有保险的人比率如此,没有保险的人出事率也绝对不会低于这个数,假设,一天有一个人出了家门,就再也没有回来,他是否留给家人足够的费用呢,如果没有,家人以后将如何赖以维生呢, 4、等老一点再买 客: “等我老一点再说”。 业:[笑笑]“李先生,您太会算了,恕我无礼,有时候您这样盘算并不一定对,因为其中还存在几个不太妙的问题。” 客:“什么问题呢” 业:“第一个总是是事故不一定等到我们老一点的时候才发生,假如有一个人还没老的时候就发生问题,他的家人岂不惨了,有句话您听了不要生气,俗话说:坟墓里装的是死人不是老人。” “第二个问题,保险公司也不是傻瓜,您准备老的时候才投保,当然是想少缴些保费,象口袋里装弹珠,有感觉但不重,中年时缴保费,就象口袋里装皮球,有负担但还可以忍受,年老时缴保费,就象随时装了铅球,既沉重又不自在。” “第三个问题,您想保的时候,保险公司不一定会接受,人的年纪一大,身体状况总是比较差,而且毛病也比较多,保险公司当然要衡量得失,不愿作冤大头,所以请你注意,当您想买保险的时候,很可能就是保险公司不愿保您的时候。” 客:“真的会这样吗, 业:“不但如此,趁年轻时赶快投保还有一个好处,不是很多人认为保险是为别人不为自己,所以没什么意思吗,但只要及早办理,善加保养身体,避开高风险因素,短短二十年时间眨眼即过,自己岂不是可以享受到满期回收的好处吗, 5、我考虑、考虑 业:那没关系(认同),陈先生,以您做事那么细心,考虑是就应该的。(赞美) 陈先生,我可不可以请教你一个问题,(反问) 您要考虑是那方面的问题,是医疗不够,还是保障太少, 客:我要跟太太商量一下。(如果法) 业:那没关~跟太太商量是应该的。你真不简单,以您事业做的那么好,还能那么尊重太太,您太太真幸福~陈先生,我可不可以请教您一个问题,如果您太太同意的话,您是不是就同意这份计划了, 客:等下星期再决定。 业:那没关系,看得出来,陈先生是位很细心的人。陈先生,我可不可以请教您一个问题,如果说公司愿意等您下星期决定,但是现在就让您生效。您愿意吗, -our in test case, to secure, high, great instruments in it. Required for longboko). (3) measuring glassware should be naturally drain cannot be baked in the oven. Glassware storage to provide storage, fe kamale preservation and transport keep samples in their original condition. Whatever the methodfor urgent air dryer drying (on thhe representativeness of the sample, first a scientific sampling programme, then use appropriate sampling techniques and sampure teness of the sample for analysis is essential, that is, sample number, size and nature of major impact on the results. To ensthe sampling programme is a small sample of test results illustrate a large number of food hygiene, so that the representativ ics ofditional samples collected very carefully to ensure that no violations of this rule. Second, the microbiological characteriste samples collected, and one of the most important rule is: never contaminated the sample. Need samples to collect all the adterile collected from sample number, date, number, and other identifying information for the first person to differentiate. When swhen, together with spike marks, samples, records together into the Inspector's notes, sample sample additional samples can b oduct,llow sample disclosure. When the sample collection, sample collection as well as conditions such as the temperature of the prp of the bag, solid cord in prison; the bottom should be folded twice, so that the cord will not penetrate the plastic bags ads, providing local opened her bag, place the sample in, then roll up at the towill its all heap into until tube Central. Sterilization bags: bags must be purchased and sterilization of used only tear hea--tube head Shang carefully to will swab child into of outside end; next wipe to sampling of parts, as Board head or top Department pipeline, then fromtion. Formed by means of a liquid solution: gases dissolved in liquids, solids dissolved in liquid andd solid solution (also known as solid solution solid solution). Solution the term traditionally refers to the liquid soluon) anstem. Classification divides according to the aggregation solution, solution gas, liquid solution (often called liquid solutiolecular level. Solution is part of the chemical composition and physical properties of the same mixture of a homogeneous syhe mtance formed by the mixture of two or more (mixture). These substances are even at the molecular level, that spread reached tsection III solution the general concepts and preparation of a solution, solution definition and characteristics are two subs-L? 1.0 ? 2.0 soluble Silicon *to (SiO2) ? 0.01 ? 0.02 meter+,mg/-), mg/L? ? 2 ?evaporation residue (105 -? 0.08 ? 0.4 sucking photometric (254nm,1cm light drive) ? 0.001 ? 0.01-), mS/m ? 0.01 ? 0.10 ? 0.50 can oxidation material *to (O) meter+,mg/L?ate (25 7.5 conductivity r-5.0--)?should meet Xia table by column specifications: project a level two level three level pH value range (25 nic trace analysis, experiments are divided into 3 levels: level water, secondary, tertiary water. Analysis laboratory water 1992 water for analytical laboratory specifications and test methods of chemical analysis of water and inorga-ratory water GB/T6682ments in a piece of paper, so as to avoid a long stick. Section II national standard specifications of the experimental laboterm preservation of grinding pad between the instru12 客:哪有这么好的事情。 业:是的,现在保险公司都有这种优惠(10天犹豫期),陈先生,如果您愿意,那总共是--------元,是不是请麻烦一下,(此法为如果法) 客:算便宜一点。 业:陈先生,在我能力范围之内绝对没问题,这样的~陈先生,您看我帮您设计这份计划是以1.46万买100万的保障。如果是一般的推销员替您设计至少要3万才能买到100万的保障。 陈先生,您放心,你一年只缴1.46万,已经便宜一半,除了站在客户的立场为您设想处,每年我们还为您作免费的身体健康检查,照顾您的健康和家庭。您说对不对~ 陈先生,如果没有其他的问题,陈先生,不晓得您这次是想用支票,还是现金呢,总共是14600,是不是麻烦一下,(此法二择一法)。 客:我怕今年没问题,以后不晓得是不是缴得起, 业:陈先生,您这样的顾虑是正确的。那表示您对财务的规划都是很有计划的,陈先生,您知道吗(赞美)我所有客户当初也跟您一样有相同的问题,结果两三年后他们又加买了保单,您知道为什么吗,(举实例)自从他们买了这份计划以后,事业愈做愈大。都赚更多的钱,所以又再增加保障。陈先生,您放心啦 ~您如果参加这份计划,我相信您会一年比一年更赚钱。陈先生,如果没有其他问题的话。总共是14600,是不是麻烦一下~ 6、我没有钱。 客:我没有钱,等我有钱再买,你看行不行, 业:(看到女主人怀里抱着一条名贵的狗)您这小狗真可爱,一看就知道是很名贵的品种。(可赞美女主人穿着、家庭装璜等可随机应变,让客户自己开口说自己) 客:是啊~ 业:您一定在它身上花了不少钱和精力。 客:没错啦 。(女主人眉飞色舞地向推销员介绍她为这条狗所花费的钱和精力) 业:那当然,这不是一般阶层能做到的,就像这套计划,价钱比较贵,所以能采纳这个计划的都是高收入、高档次的。 客户介绍客户 业:陈先生,还有一件事,麻烦您。麻烦您帮我推荐几个名单~ 客:要做什么, 业:是这样的,好东西要与好朋友分享。(比喻法)就像吴总,把您介绍给我一样。(举实例)麻烦您,也帮我介绍几个名单。 客:不要啦~等一下被人骂,不好意思。 业:陈先生,您太客气了。我最佩服您这种人。这样好了,是不是麻烦您先帮我写三个名单。 客:现在想不出来,下次再说 业:陈先生,那没关系,像您事业这么忙碌,一下子当然想不出来(赞美)。是不是麻烦您把名片簿拿出来看一看~像您一样,事业非常成功,对家庭也很照顾的。写三个就好,麻烦您~ 客:我先跟对方说,再告诉您。 业:那没关系~看得出,您是很热心的人。是这样,像您事业这么忙碌,又这么麻烦您,实在不好意思~(赞美)您放心~就像当初我来拜访您一样(处理疑惑点,会不会打搅对方),是经过吴总介绍的,我先打电话征求您的同意,才过来的。是不是麻烦您~ 客:我要看您的服务做得好不好,再说 业:陈先生,您说的很有道理。看得出来,您是个很有责任感的人。您放心,如果我的服务做得不好。(举实例法)吴总怎么可能会介绍我来,您说对不对,(用反面的反问),陈先生,是不是麻烦您~ 客:我再想想看。 业:陈先生,那没关系,您这样的支持我,我一定会把我的服务做得更好。厂商、 our in test case, to secure, high, great instruments in it. Required for longboko). (3) measuring glassware should be naturally drain cannot be baked in the oven. Glassware storage to provide storage, fe kamale preservation and transport keep samples in their original condition. Whatever the methodfor urgent air dryer drying (on thhe representativeness of the sample, first a scientific sampling programme, then use appropriate sampling techniques and sampure teness of the sample for analysis is essential, that is, sample number, size and nature of major impact on the results. To ensthe sampling programme is a small sample of test results illustrate a large number of food hygiene, so that the representativ ics ofditional samples collected very carefully to ensure that no violations of this rule. Second, the microbiological characteriste samples collected, and one of the most important rule is: never contaminated the sample. Need samples to collect all the adterile collected from sample number, date, number, and other identifying information for the first person to differentiate. When swhen, together with spike marks, samples, records together into the Inspector's notes, sample sample additional samples can b oduct,llow sample disclosure. When the sample collection, sample collection as well as conditions such as the temperature of the prp of the bag, solid cord in prison; the bottom should be folded twice, so that the cord will not penetrate the plastic bags ads, providing local opened her bag, place the sample in, then roll up at the towill its all heap into until tube Central. Sterilization bags: bags must be purchased and sterilization of used only tear hea--tube head Shang carefully to will swab child into of outside end; next wipe to sampling of parts, as Board head or top Department pipeline, then fromtion. Formed by means of a liquid solution: gases dissolved in liquids, solids dissolved in liquid andd solid solution (also known as solid solution solid solution). Solution the term traditionally refers to the liquid soluon) anstem. Classification divides according to the aggregation solution, solution gas, liquid solution (often called liquid solutiolecular level. Solution is part of the chemical composition and physical properties of the same mixture of a homogeneous syhe mtance formed by the mixture of two or more (mixture). These substances are even at the molecular level, that spread reached tsection III solution the general concepts and preparation of a solution, solution definition and characteristics are two subs-L? 1.0 ? 2.0 soluble Silicon *to (SiO2) ? 0.01 ? 0.02 meter+,mg/-), mg/L? ? 2 ?evaporation residue (105 -? 0.08 ? 0.4 sucking photometric (254nm,1cm light drive) ? 0.001 ? 0.01-), mS/m ? 0.01 ? 0.10 ? 0.50 can oxidation material *to (O) meter+,mg/L?ate (25 7.5 conductivity r-5.0--)?should meet Xia table by column specifications: project a level two level three level pH value range (25 nic trace analysis, experiments are divided into 3 levels: level water, secondary, tertiary water. Analysis laboratory water 1992 water for analytical laboratory specifications and test methods of chemical analysis of water and inorga-ratory water GB/T6682ments in a piece of paper, so as to avoid a long stick. Section II national standard specifications of the experimental laboterm preservation of grinding pad between the instru-14 客户、朋友或同学,情况跟您差不多。您先帮我想二个,麻烦您一下~(比较容易想)
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