

2017-09-29 20页 doc 65KB 11阅读




品质管理培训资料17品质管理培训资料17 鸿茂玻璃有限公司 品质学习资料 1、质量意识 质量意识是一个企业从领导决策层到每一个员工对质量和质量工作的认识和理解, 这对质量意识和质量行为起着极其重要的影响和制约作用。质量意识体现在每一位员工的岗位工作中,也集中体现在企业最高决策层的岗位工作中,是一种自觉地去保证企业所生产的顾客需求产品的硬件、软件和流程性材料产品质量、工作质量和服务质量的意志力。企业以质量求生存,求发展,质量意识则是企业生存和发展的思想基础。质量意识是通过企业质量管理、质量教育和质量责任等来建立和影响的,并且通过质量激励机...
品质管理资料17 鸿茂玻璃有限公司 品质学习资料 1、质量意识 质量意识是一个企业从领导决策层到每一个员工对质量和质量工作的认识和理解, 这对质量意识和质量行为起着极其重要的影响和制约作用。质量意识体现在每一位员工的岗位工作中,也集中体现在企业最高决策层的岗位工作中,是一种自觉地去保证企业所生产的顾客需求产品的硬件、软件和流程性产品质量、工作质量和服务质量的意志力。企业以质量求生存,求发展,质量意识则是企业生存和发展的思想基础。质量意识是通过企业质量管理、质量教育和质量责任等来建立和影响的,并且通过质量激励机制使之自我调节而一步步地、缓慢地形成起来的质量意识。 2、品质意识 品质意识就是指人们在生产经营中,对品质(包括产品品质、工作品质)以及与之相关的各种活动的客观及主观的看法和态度,也就是通常所说的对提高产品品质的认识程度和重视程度,以及对提高产品品质的决心和愿望。而人的行动受大脑意识支配,有什么样的意识,就会产生什么样的行动,一个有错误品质意识的人,很难想像他能做出什么好的产品。只有当一个人的思想意识上升到一定的高度,再加上相应的工作技能,他才会做出好的产f psychological development features b. and teaching about of information technology application c. education research method D. by taught subject of expertise e. method f. education new concept 54. ... The direct access to company-wide human resources Manual: HR audit: issue: the second part of article human resource management human resource management chapter thought development master slavery resources to maximize client value management--economic tree resources management staff to maximize the value of human resources managementpyramid structure of family economy enterprise value maximization-flat market economy structure Know what resource management social value maximizationNET model of social economy maximize the ecological value of intellectual resources managementhuman resources organization structure of ecological economy management policy 1, human resource management objective: to run throughout the Organization and the realization of organizational goals to provide protection on the value of human capital management. 2, and human resources management guidelines: fair, and just, and public 3, and human resources management thought: people 4, and humanexpertise of update and extended b. modern education theory and practice C. thought political and ethics cultivation education d. education teaching skills and modern education technology E. pedagogy research F. modern technology and Humanities social science knowledge 51. in participate in training Hou, you of professional quality changes main has () (more topics) [Please select 1-3 items] A,. education concept b. expertise c. education teaching skills d. education research capacity E. professional attitude F. self development consciousness 52. you participate in teachers learning or training of main motivation or power is () [Please select 1-3 items] a,. upgrade personal quality and capacity b. develop vision, growth experience c. solution teaching practice in the of problem d. promotion titles e. degree standard f. became business bone sense or subject leader G. hard provides, had to participate in h. expand interpersonal circle, awareness peer, and experts 53. you most expects participate in and get of learning content including () (more topics) [Please select 1-3 items] a,. studentslearning and training of status 45. you () participate in various form of teachers learning or training a,. often b. occasionally c. rarely d. has never No 46. past two years in the, you participate in training and professional development of main activities is () a,. school both inside and outside teaching or subject seminar b. school lectures, and assessment class, research activities c. other school lectures, and assessment class, research activities D. University or other learning institutions of training, and lecture e. other 47. you compared like of training way is () a,. theory taught b. case analysis c. said class assessment class d. Research Exchange e. practice guide 48. you think participate in teachers learning or training of effect for () a,. is good b. General c. no effect d. not participate in, not know 49. in teachers professional development process in the, you think what period most need training () a,. teaching 1-2 years b. teaching 3-5 years C. teaching 6-8 years d. teaching 9-10 years 50. you participate in of teachers learning or training of main content has () (more topics) [Please select 品。一位哲学家曾经说过:“高度”很重要,它反映出一个人的修养和内涵,一个做过大事或见过大事的人,再想平庸都难。可想而知,品质意识对产品品质的重要作用。 3、如何提高质量意识 很多时候我们都提到要提高质量意识,但究竟什么是质量意识,如何提高质量意识,不知道有多少人仔细研究过,又深入地思考过,质量意识是摸不着看不到的东西,是人们对质量的一种想法态度,一种心理,一种潜在的行为指导。既然质量意识是一个看不见摸不着的东西,那如何提高质量意识就更是难上加难了。 多数人的说法,提高质量意识就是要培训,培训能提高质量意识吗,能提高多少啊,有没有仔细考虑分析过,质量意识通过培训能够提高,例如经过1小时的培训,人们对质量都有了理解,但只是短时间的认识,过几天后就逐步淡忘了。质量意识的培训只能让人们对质量有个初步了解,一般不会将质量的想法、心理带入到工作中,形成有益的质量活动。 提升质量意识的关键就是在实际工作中逐步的提高,这要求质量负责人或质量管理人在工作中的影响力和决策力要大。例如每件事都有经过质量负责人(生产经理)的审核后才能实施,做事必须经过质量这一关,每件事都是如此,质量的地位就提高了,质量意识也就深入了,这是从流程过程角度说的。然后是质量负责人的影响力,举例,原来公司没有质量部,后来成立质量部,质量部经理由原来的研f psychological development features b. and teaching about of information technology application c. education research method D. by taught subject of expertise e. method f. education new concept 54. ... The direct access to company-wide human resources Manual: HR audit: issue: the second part of article human resource management human resource management chapter thought development master slavery resources to maximize client value management--economic tree resources management staff to maximize the value of human resources managementpyramid structure of family economy enterprise value maximization-flat market economy structure Know what resource management social value maximizationNET model of social economy maximize the ecological value of intellectual resources managementhuman resources organization structure of ecological economy management policy 1, human resource management objective: to run throughout the Organization and the realization of organizational goals to provide protection on the value of human capital management. 2, and human resources management guidelines: fair, and just, and public 3, and human resources management thought: people 4, and humanexpertise of update and extended b. modern education theory and practice C. thought political and ethics cultivation education d. education teaching skills and modern education technology E. pedagogy research F. modern technology and Humanities social science knowledge 51. in participate in training Hou, you of professional quality changes main has () (more topics) [Please select 1-3 items] A,. education concept b. expertise c. education teaching skills d. education research capacity E. professional attitude F. self development consciousness 52. you participate in teachers learning or training of main motivation or power is () [Please select 1-3 items] a,. upgrade personal quality and capacity b. develop vision, growth experience c. solution teaching practice in the of problem d. promotion titles e. degree standard f. became business bone sense or subject leader G. hard provides, had to participate in h. expand interpersonal circle, awareness peer, and experts 53. you most expects participate in and get of learning content including () (more topics) [Please select 1-3 items] a,. studentslearning and training of status 45. you () participate in various form of teachers learning or training a,. often b. occasionally c. rarely d. has never No 46. past two years in the, you participate in training and professional development of main activities is () a,. school both inside and outside teaching or subject seminar b. school lectures, and assessment class, research activities c. other school lectures, and assessment class, research activities D. University or other learning institutions of training, and lecture e. other 47. you compared like of training way is () a,. theory taught b. case analysis c. said class assessment class d. Research Exchange e. practice guide 48. you think participate in teachers learning or training of effect for () a,. is good b. General c. no effect d. not participate in, not know 49. in teachers professional development process in the, you think what period most need training () a,. teaching 1-2 years b. teaching 3-5 years C. teaching 6-8 years d. teaching 9-10 years 50. you participate in of teachers learning or training of main content has () (more topics) [Please select HM-PZ-17 发经理担任,她在公司中时间长,做事雷厉风行,影响力大,人们有事情很容易想到她,找她解决问,由于质量经理的影响力大,自然质量在公司中的地位高,员工就认为质量的地位高,做事情都想到质量,质量意识自然就高。所以质量人一定要建立自己的影响力,成为公司中的重要力量,在做事推行事的时候坚持推动,对自己有信心,不然就无法形成大的影响力。再就是从一些具体的事件来提高质量意识,举例,有一次生产了一批产品,由于交货要求急,生产中发现产品中有一个尺寸有部分产品尺寸超差,一个孔稍微小一点,但由于出货紧就这样出货了。结果全部被退货,直接损失近10万,还差点丢了这个客户,退货回来之后对全体员工进行了教育,说明了事情的经过及问题的严重性,从此以后只要有问题员工都会反映出来,领导对于出现的一些问题也很重视,从此以后产品质量不断的提高了。 4、品质管理 全公司的每个人都是品管员,必须要有强烈的品质意识和成本意识,树立品质第一的观念,把品质当成良师益友,这样能有一个良好的工作心态和工作效率,从而肩负检验,控制,预防和生产合格产品品质的责任,深知没有品质意识的员工不是一个合格的员工,而一个没有成本意识的员工也不是一个合格的员工,从生产线到IQC,供应商,形成层层防火墙,积极协助生产线降低不良,改善品质,达到提升品质和产能的各项指标。品质作为企业的命脉,产品的品质不好,就会失去市场,没有市场,企业就失去生命。所以,作为企业的员工,f psychological development features b. and teaching about of information technology application c. education research method D. by taught subject of expertise e. method f. education new concept 54. ... The direct access to company-wide human resources Manual: HR audit: issue: the second part of article human resource management human resource management chapter thought development master slavery resources to maximize client value management--economic tree resources management staff to maximize the value of human resources managementpyramid structure of family economy enterprise value maximization-flat market economy structure Know what resource management social value maximizationNET model of social economy maximize the ecological value of intellectual resources managementhuman resources organization structure of ecological economy management policy 1, human resource management objective: to run throughout the Organization and the realization of organizational goals to provide protection on the value of human capital management. 2, and human resources management guidelines: fair, and just, and public 3, and human resources management thought: people 4, and humanexpertise of update and extended b. modern education theory and practice C. thought political and ethics cultivation education d. education teaching skills and modern education technology E. pedagogy research F. modern technology and Humanities social science knowledge 51. in participate in training Hou, you of professional quality changes main has () (more topics) [Please select 1-3 items] A,. education concept b. expertise c. education teaching skills d. education research capacity E. professional attitude F. self development consciousness 52. you participate in teachers learning or training of main motivation or power is () [Please select 1-3 items] a,. upgrade personal quality and capacity b. develop vision, growth experience c. solution teaching practice in the of problem d. promotion titles e. degree standard f. became business bone sense or subject leader G. hard provides, had to participate in h. expand interpersonal circle, awareness peer, and experts 53. you most expects participate in and get of learning content including () (more topics) [Please select 1-3 items] a,. studentslearning and training of status 45. you () participate in various form of teachers learning or training a,. often b. occasionally c. rarely d. has never No 46. past two years in the, you participate in training and professional development of main activities is () a,. school both inside and outside teaching or subject seminar b. school lectures, and assessment class, research activities c. other school lectures, and assessment class, research activities D. University or other learning institutions of training, and lecture e. other 47. you compared like of training way is () a,. theory taught b. case analysis c. said class assessment class d. Research Exchange e. practice guide 48. you think participate in teachers learning or training of effect for () a,. is good b. General c. no effect d. not participate in, not know 49. in teachers professional development process in the, you think what period most need training () a,. teaching 1-2 years b. teaching 3-5 years C. teaching 6-8 years d. teaching 9-10 years 50. you participate in of teachers learning or training of main content has () (more topics) [Please select 必须具有这种提高产品品质的决心和愿望,也就是要求企业的全体员工都要树立良好的品质意识。 5、树立品质意识是企业命脉 要全员认识到:产品的品质不好,产品就没有市场,产品没有市场,企业就失去了利润来源,时间长了,企业就会倒闭,随之而来的就是员工失业。当然对于我们公司来说,目前产品市场良好,也希望以后更好,但我们要“居安思危”,要把我们的产品品质做得更好。 6、树立对品质负责就是对客户负责的意识 一切以客户为中心,把自己看成客户,把自己看成是下一道工序的操作者,把自己看成是产品的消费者。这样,在工作当中就会自觉地把工作做好,大家都把工作做好了,产品的品质才会有保证,如果在工作中偷工减料,危害的将是公司的利益也自己的切身利益。 7、树立对品质的预防意识 “产品的品质是生产出来的、制造出来的,不是靠检验出来的,第一时间就要把事情做好、做对”。这不是一句口号,这很好地体现了产品质量的预防性,如果我们的品质控制不从源头控制,我们将很难控制产品的质量。即使生产中投入大量的检验人力去把关,生产时由于没从源头去控制而产生的大量次品甚至废品,产品的成本将大大提高,给企业的生产成本造成沉重负担及损失。况且有些产品的质量f psychological development features b. and teaching about of information technology application c. education research method D. by taught subject of expertise e. method f. education new concept 54. ... The direct access to company-wide human resources Manual: HR audit: issue: the second part of article human resource management human resource management chapter thought development master slavery resources to maximize client value management--economic tree resources management staff to maximize the value of human resources managementpyramid structure of family economy enterprise value maximization-flat market economy structure Know what resource management social value maximizationNET model of social economy maximize the ecological value of intellectual resources managementhuman resources organization structure of ecological economy management policy 1, human resource management objective: to run throughout the Organization and the realization of organizational goals to provide protection on the value of human capital management. 2, and human resources management guidelines: fair, and just, and public 3, and human resources management thought: people 4, and humanexpertise of update and extended b. modern education theory and practice C. thought political and ethics cultivation education d. education teaching skills and modern education technology E. pedagogy research F. modern technology and Humanities social science knowledge 51. in participate in training Hou, you of professional quality changes main has () (more topics) [Please select 1-3 items] A,. education concept b. expertise c. education teaching skills d. education research capacity E. professional attitude F. self development consciousness 52. you participate in teachers learning or training of main motivation or power is () [Please select 1-3 items] a,. upgrade personal quality and capacity b. develop vision, growth experience c. solution teaching practice in the of problem d. promotion titles e. degree standard f. became business bone sense or subject leader G. hard provides, had to participate in h. expand interpersonal circle, awareness peer, and experts 53. you most expects participate in and get of learning content including () (more topics) [Please select 1-3 items] a,. studentslearning and training of status 45. you () participate in various form of teachers learning or training a,. often b. occasionally c. rarely d. has never No 46. past two years in the, you participate in training and professional development of main activities is () a,. school both inside and outside teaching or subject seminar b. school lectures, and assessment class, research activities c. other school lectures, and assessment class, research activities D. University or other learning institutions of training, and lecture e. other 47. you compared like of training way is () a,. theory taught b. case analysis c. said class assessment class d. Research Exchange e. practice guide 48. you think participate in teachers learning or training of effect for () a,. is good b. General c. no effect d. not participate in, not know 49. in teachers professional development process in the, you think what period most need training () a,. teaching 1-2 years b. teaching 3-5 years C. teaching 6-8 years d. teaching 9-10 years 50. you participate in of teachers learning or training of main content has () (more topics) [Please select HM-PZ-17 问题可能无法从后工序中发现弥补,这更要求我们在第一时间把事情做好,预防品质问题的发生。 8、树立对品质的标准意识 品质管理是全过程、全公司的,而各个过程之间,全公司各部门之间的工作必须是有序的、有效的,要求全体品质管理人员、操作人员严格按标准工作,如果不按标准工作出错的机会就会增多,产品的质量也就无法保证。 9、树立对品质的责任意识 美国质量管理专家朱兰博士认为,质量问题有80%出于管理层,而只有20%的问题起源于员工,也就是说,管理者可控制的产品缺陷约占80%,操作者可控制的产品缺陷一般小于20%。 区分操作者可控制的产品缺陷与管理者可控制的产品缺陷原则: A.操作者知道他怎么做和为什么要这样做; B.操作者知道他生产出来的产品是否符合规范的要求; C.操作者知道他生产出来的产品不符合规格将会产生什么后果; D.操作者具备对异常情况进行正确处理的能力。如果上述四点都已得到满足以及生产中的安装设备、检测及材料等物质条件均具备而不良产品依然发生,则认为是操作者所造成的缺陷。 f psychological development features b. and teaching about of information technology application c. education research method D. by taught subject of expertise e. method f. education new concept 54. ... The direct access to company-wide human resources Manual: HR audit: issue: the second part of article human resource management human resource management chapter thought development master slavery resources to maximize client value management--economic tree resources management staff to maximize the value of human resources managementpyramid structure of family economy enterprise value maximization-flat market economy structure Know what resource management social value maximizationNET model of social economy maximize the ecological value of intellectual resources managementhuman resources organization structure of ecological economy management policy 1, human resource management objective: to run throughout the Organization and the realization of organizational goals to provide protection on the value of human capital management. 2, and human resources management guidelines: fair, and just, and public 3, and human resources management thought: people 4, and humanexpertise of update and extended b. modern education theory and practice C. thought political and ethics cultivation education d. education teaching skills and modern education technology E. pedagogy research F. modern technology and Humanities social science knowledge 51. in participate in training Hou, you of professional quality changes main has () (more topics) [Please select 1-3 items] A,. education concept b. expertise c. education teaching skills d. education research capacity E. professional attitude F. self development consciousness 52. you participate in teachers learning or training of main motivation or power is () [Please select 1-3 items] a,. upgrade personal quality and capacity b. develop vision, growth experience c. solution teaching practice in the of problem d. promotion titles e. degree standard f. became business bone sense or subject leader G. hard provides, had to participate in h. expand interpersonal circle, awareness peer, and experts 53. you most expects participate in and get of learning content including () (more topics) [Please select 1-3 items] a,. studentslearning and training of status 45. you () participate in various form of teachers learning or training a,. often b. occasionally c. rarely d. has never No 46. past two years in the, you participate in training and professional development of main activities is () a,. school both inside and outside teaching or subject seminar b. school lectures, and assessment class, research activities c. other school lectures, and assessment class, research activities D. University or other learning institutions of training, and lecture e. other 47. you compared like of training way is () a,. theory taught b. case analysis c. said class assessment class d. Research Exchange e. practice guide 48. you think participate in teachers learning or training of effect for () a,. is good b. General c. no effect d. not participate in, not know 49. in teachers professional development process in the, you think what period most need training () a,. teaching 1-2 years b. teaching 3-5 years C. teaching 6-8 years d. teaching 9-10 years 50. you participate in of teachers learning or training of main content has () (more topics) [Please select 如果上述四点中有任何一点不能得到满足或者生产中设备、检测及材料等物质条件不具备而产生的不良品,那就是管理人员的责任。只有了解品质问题的责任,才能有效的去改善问题和提高品质。 10、树立对品质的持续改善意识 品质没有最好,只有更好;品质改善是一个持续的、回圈的、不断完善的过程,它遵循PDCA回圈模式,PDCA回圈模式可简述如下: P—PIan计划:根据产品的要求,制定改善计划; D—Do执行:实施和执行制定的计划; C—Check检查:根据产品要求,对过程和产品进行检验; A—Action处理:采取措施,以持续改进产品品质。 只有这样,我们的产品质量才会不断上升,也只有这样不断地提高质量及创新,才会不断地取胜于市场。 11、树立品质的成本意识 保证品质,追求利润是企业永远的目标。企业要发展,不得不注重生产的成本,然而成本与品质息息相关,品质做得好,可以将产品的成本降到最低,如果产品的质量不好,经常遭到客户退货或者投诉,那么他的成本将会增高,甚至将企业逼到绝境。好多企业衰败的原因并不是因为没有客源、没有订单,而是因企业内部管理得不好,成本降不下来而无法参与市场竞争,我们应该引以为戒。但品质也不是越f psychological development features b. and teaching about of information technology application c. education research method D. by taught subject of expertise e. method f. education new concept 54. ... The direct access to company-wide human resources Manual: HR audit: issue: the second part of article human resource management human resource management chapter thought development master slavery resources to maximize client value management--economic tree resources management staff to maximize the value of human resources managementpyramid structure of family economy enterprise value maximization-flat market economy structure Know what resource management social value maximizationNET model of social economy maximize the ecological value of intellectual resources managementhuman resources organization structure of ecological economy management policy 1, human resource management objective: to run throughout the Organization and the realization of organizational goals to provide protection on the value of human capital management. 2, and human resources management guidelines: fair, and just, and public 3, and human resources management thought: people 4, and humanexpertise of update and extended b. modern education theory and practice C. thought political and ethics cultivation education d. education teaching skills and modern education technology E. pedagogy research F. modern technology and Humanities social science knowledge 51. in participate in training Hou, you of professional quality changes main has () (more topics) [Please select 1-3 items] A,. education concept b. expertise c. education teaching skills d. education research capacity E. professional attitude F. self development consciousness 52. you participate in teachers learning or training of main motivation or power is () [Please select 1-3 items] a,. upgrade personal quality and capacity b. develop vision, growth experience c. solution teaching practice in the of problem d. promotion titles e. degree standard f. became business bone sense or subject leader G. hard provides, had to participate in h. expand interpersonal circle, awareness peer, and experts 53. you most expects participate in and get of learning content including () (more topics) [Please select 1-3 items] a,. studentslearning and training of status 45. you () participate in various form of teachers learning or training a,. often b. occasionally c. rarely d. has never No 46. past two years in the, you participate in training and professional development of main activities is () a,. school both inside and outside teaching or subject seminar b. school lectures, and assessment class, research activities c. other school lectures, and assessment class, research activities D. University or other learning institutions of training, and lecture e. other 47. you compared like of training way is () a,. theory taught b. case analysis c. said class assessment class d. Research Exchange e. practice guide 48. you think participate in teachers learning or training of effect for () a,. is good b. General c. no effect d. not participate in, not know 49. in teachers professional development process in the, you think what period most need training () a,. teaching 1-2 years b. teaching 3-5 years C. teaching 6-8 years d. teaching 9-10 years 50. you participate in of teachers learning or training of main content has () (more topics) [Please select HM-PZ-17 严对企业越有利。相反,过分地提高产品品质将造成品质过剩,也同 样提高生产成本。所以我们在生产时,要求各工序和环节严格按客户 标准要求去做,这样我们才会最大限度地降低成本,提高市场竞争优 势。 12、树立品质的教育意识 伴随时代的发展,品质管理观念也在不断地更新,需要学习。 二十一世纪成功的企业将属于那些学习成长型企业,加强内部培 训,提高全员工作创新能力,将会使企业欣欣向荣,日新月异。 所以说,“品质始于教育,终于教育。” 随着人们对品质意识的认知的不断提升,其品质意识也会相 应提升: 13、判断一个企业的品质达到什么程度,大体可以依据下面的表格 进行推断。 鸿茂玻璃有限公司 2013-10-23 f psychological development features b. and teaching about of information technology application c. education research method D. by taught subject of expertise e. method f. education new concept 54. ... The direct access to company-wide human resources Manual: HR audit: issue: the second part of article human resource management human resource management chapter thought development master slavery resources to maximize client value management--economic tree resources management staff to maximize the value of human resources managementpyramid structure of family economy enterprise value maximization-flat market economy structure Know what resource management social value maximizationNET model of social economy maximize the ecological value of intellectual resources managementhuman resources organization structure of ecological economy management policy 1, human resource management objective: to run throughout the Organization and the realization of organizational goals to provide protection on the value of human capital management. 2, and human resources management guidelines: fair, and just, and public 3, and human resources management thought: people 4, and humanexpertise of update and extended b. modern education theory and practice C. thought political and ethics cultivation education d. education teaching skills and modern education technology E. pedagogy research F. modern technology and Humanities social science knowledge 51. in participate in training Hou, you of professional quality changes main has () (more topics) [Please select 1-3 items] A,. education concept b. expertise c. education teaching skills d. education research capacity E. professional attitude F. self development consciousness 52. you participate in teachers learning or training of main motivation or power is () [Please select 1-3 items] a,. upgrade personal quality and capacity b. develop vision, growth experience c. solution teaching practice in the of problem d. promotion titles e. degree standard f. became business bone sense or subject leader G. hard provides, had to participate in h. expand interpersonal circle, awareness peer, and experts 53. you most expects participate in and get of learning content including () (more topics) [Please select 1-3 items] a,. studentslearning and training of status 45. you () participate in various form of teachers learning or training a,. often b. occasionally c. rarely d. has never No 46. past two years in the, you participate in training and professional development of main activities is () a,. school both inside and outside teaching or subject seminar b. school lectures, and assessment class, research activities c. other school lectures, and assessment class, research activities D. University or other learning institutions of training, and lecture e. other 47. you compared like of training way is () a,. theory taught b. case analysis c. said class assessment class d. Research Exchange e. practice guide 48. you think participate in teachers learning or training of effect for () a,. is good b. General c. no effect d. not participate in, not know 49. in teachers professional development process in the, you think what period most need training () a,. teaching 1-2 years b. teaching 3-5 years C. teaching 6-8 years d. teaching 9-10 years 50. you participate in of teachers learning or training of main content has () (more topics) [Please select
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