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阅读课教案(book 4, module 6 unexplained mysteries of the natural world) 滕州七中 高歌

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阅读课教案(book 4, module 6 unexplained mysteries of the natural world) 滕州七中 高歌阅读课教案(book 4, module 6 unexplained mysteries of the natural world) 滕州七中 高歌 【阅读课课教案】 滕州七中 高歌 【授课时间】2013/06/24 【授课内容】Book4 Module6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World ------ Reading and Vocabulary 【一、教学目标、方法和手段概述】 Unexplained Mysteries of the 课 题 课 型 Read...
阅读课教案(book 4, module 6 unexplained mysteries of the natural world) 滕州七中  高歌
阅读课(book 4, module 6 unexplained mysteries of the natural world) 滕州七中 高歌 【阅读课课教案】 滕州七中 高歌 【授课时间】2013/06/24 【授课内容】Book4 Module6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World ------ Reading and Vocabulary 【一、教学目标、方法和手段概述】 Unexplained Mysteries of the 课 课 型 Reading &Vocabulary Natural World To learn: 1. Key words: monster, attack, footprint, hairy, frightening, creature, exist, sharp, journal, sighting, mysterious, claim. 2. Key phrases: be back in the news, jump out of, on the surface of, dive into, repeat the action, close up, too far away, be skeptical about, be unlikely to, cover an area of. 知 识 3.Key sentences: 目 标 1). He claims to have seen a round black creature moving quickly through the water. 2). They also think that there might be similar creature in other lakes around the world. 3). It covers an area of about ten square kilometers. 4). They say that the low-temperature lake is unlikely to be able to support such large living creatures. 1. Improve the students’ reading skills, such as skimming, scanning, careful reading and finding correct information. 2. Help the students grasp the main article and have a better 能 力 understanding of the text. 目 标 3. Improve the students’ oral English by retelling the text and talking about “Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World”. 1. Encourage the students to study hard and enlarge their 情 感 knowledge actively to solve the remaining mysteries for our 态 度 human beings in the natural world. 价 值 2. Enable students to be active and work cooperatively with others. 观 1 1. Help the students understand the main information of the 教 学 text and describe “The Monster of Lake Tianchi”. 重 难 2. Enable the students to describe some unexplained mysteries of the nature. 点 教学方 法 自主互助、合作探究(Task-based teaching approach; Group work.) Multi-media; Guiding paper 教学手段 【二、教学流程设计】 Before reading: Step1. Leading in (设计意图:利用幻灯片呈现大自然未解之谜---天池湖及其怪物的图片并提出问题How much do you know about Lake Tianchi? Where is it? How big / deep is it? 直奔主题 The Monster of Lake Tianchi。迅速引起学生的共鸣,鼓励学生have a discussion about something of the Lake Tianchi and the monster in order to arouse their interest in learning about mysterious things. 为整堂课奠定良好的感情基调。) 2 T: Class begins! Ss: Good morning, Miss Gao. T: Good morning, boys and girls. Sit down, please! Ss: Thank you! T: Yesterday we talked about some unexplained mysteries in the natural world such as The Bigfoot, The Yeti, The Loch Ness Monster and The Grey Man. To begin with our class today, please look at some pictures about the Lake Tianchi and the monster (展 示天池湖及其怪物的图片幻灯片) How much do you know about Lake Tianchi? Where is it? How big / deep is it?(板书:How much do you know about Lake Tianchi? Where is it? How big / deep is it?)You can discuss in your groups for 2 minutes to get some information. T :( 2 minutes later) Which group would like to share your information? S1: The Lake Tianchi is located in the north-eastern Jilin province in China. S2: It is 2,183 meters high and covers an area of 9.82 square kilometers. S3: On average, lake Tianchi is 204 meters deep. The deepest point is 373 meters where is the deepest in Tianchi. Lake Tianchi is the deepest of all the lakes in China. S4: As far as I know, the north and south of the Lake Tianchi is 4.85 kilometers long and the east and west is 3.35 kilometers wide. S5 :… T: Sounds great! You did a very good job, boys and girls! It’s reported that there have been more than 30 reported sightings by tourists from home and abroad in th last20 years. They said that they saw the great monster in the Lake Tianchi. There’re 3 many pictures and videos of this creature, but none is clear enough. Today, we’ll learn “The Monster of Lake Tianchi”. And I think you’ll be interested in it.(板书:The Monster of Lake Tianchi)Before we learn the new lesson, let’s revise the vocabulary together. Please look at the words on the screen.(学习每个模块前已经集中识词) Can you remember the following words? (展示幻灯片) Step2.Vocabulary (设计意图:此处通过小组展示课前自主学习情况,复习巩固与阅读相关的: 一、三、五组各指派一名同学在前黑板听写相同的词汇,二、四、六组完成另 一个词汇任务,其余同学在导学案中听写全部词汇。为下一步的阅读扫清障碍。) T: I want to ask 6 Ss to dictate the words and phrases on the blackboard. The students in Group1, 2 and 3 go to the front and the students in group 4, 5 and 6 go to the back. The rest of you write them on your guiding paper. Then check the vocabulary together and read one more times. Guide the students to pay attention to the pronunciation of each one and the relationship between the pronunciation and its spelling. (老师领读一词三遍) Review the words and phrases : 1).怪物n. monster 2).袭击 vt. attack 3).存在 vi. exist 4).脚印 n. footprint 5).多毛的adj. hairy 6). 吓人的adj. frightening 7).动物n. creature 8).锋利的adj. sharp 9).杂志 n. journal 10)目击n. sighting 11).神秘的adj.mysterious 12)声称vt. claim 13).再次成为新闻 be back in the news 14). 对„持怀疑态度be skeptical about14). 15).在„的表面on the surface of 16.潜入 dive into 17). 不可能„ be unlikely to 18).重复这个动作repeat the action 19). 距离太远too far away 20).从„跳出 jump out of 21). 靠近close up 22).占地„面积 cover an area of While reading: Step 1: Inferring (设计意图:此环节既是导入和阅读间的过渡衔接,又培养学生阅读前的预测能 力、发散思维能力和推理判断能力。同时,吸引学生注意力,调动学生主动学习 的积极性,激发学生想说愿说乐说的强烈愿望,为后面的阅读活动做好充分的准 备和铺垫。) T: I’m very glad that you have a good effort. Now read the beginning of the passage and decide where it comes from. (展示幻灯片) ?a tourist guide ?a newspaper ? a dictionary ? a scientific journal You can discuss this question for 1 minute in your groups. Then I’ll ask some of you to report your idea. Are you clear? 4 Ss: Yes. T: (1 minute later) Now who’d like to tell us where it comes from? Volunteer? S1: From the beginning of the passage, I think it comes from a newspaper. Answer: a newspaper. Step 2: Skimming (399 words, 5 minutes ). ?略读方法指导: 读首段,抓中心。3. 浏览其他段首、末句。4.最后读结尾段。 1. 浏览标题 2. (设计意图: 主要操练学生整体把握文章脉络,搜取有用的信息点,初步认识天 池水怪的能力。引导学生在快速阅读的过程中使用Skimming这种方法来找寻文 章的主旨大意,借助于抓每一自然段的中心论点或中心句来判断一篇文章的大 意,形成对语篇的把握,提高阅读技能。) T: Thank you for your good inference. Now let’s read the text as quickly as possible to find the structure of the passage.5 minutes for you. Do not read word by word, just find the main information. Are you clear? (展示幻灯片) Task:Read the passage quickly and get the main idea of the passage and each paragragh. SS: Yes. Read the passage quickly and try to get the main idea of the passage and each paragragh. The topic sentence of the passage: paragraph 1 The information about the Lake Tianchi paragraph 2 The latest sighting of the Tianchi monster paragraph 3 Another recent sighting of the Tianchi monster paragraph 4 A third sighting of the Tianchi monster paragraph 5 More information about the Tianchi monster T: (5 minutes later) Time is up, class. Turn around and exchange your ideas in groups. Ss: Discuss in groups for 1 minute. (设计意图:小组讨论活动能充分体现学生为主体,教师为主导的新课程理念。 培 养学生分析信息,处理信息以及合作探究的能力。) T: Which group would like to share your answers? Which sentence is the topic sentence of the passage? S1: The first sentence is the topic sentence of the passage. The “monster of Lake Tianchi” in the Changbai Mountains in JiLin province, northeast China, is back in the news after several recent sightings. T: Well, is there any different answer? Ss: No. 5 T: Good! Reasonable understanding! You’ve got it! What about the main idea of each paragragh? S2: Paragraph 1 tells us the latest sighting of the Tianchi monster; Paragraph 2 is about another recent sighting of the Tianchi monster; The third paragragh is about a third sighting of the Tianchi monster; Paragraph 4 tells us more information about the Tianchi monster and the last paragragh is about the information about the Lake Tianchi. T: Do you agree with her? Ss: Yes! T:Well done!What should we do when we want to get the structure of the passage or the main idea of a passage? (引导学生思考怎样抓文章的框架结构或主旨大意) Ss: We can read the first sentence. T: Yes. We can read the title, the first sentence or the last sentence very quickly to get the main idea. But not all the main ideas are given in the first or last sentence. It may be in the middle of the passage or it needs us to summarize the main idea. Now look at the structure of this passage please.( 展示幻灯片,让学生大声读每段的 main idea.) Answers: The topic sentence of the passage: The “monster of Lake Tianchi” in the Changbai Mountains in JiLin province, northeast China, is back in the news after several recent sightings. paragraph 1 The information about the Lake Tianchi paragraph 2 The latest sighting of the Tianchi monster paragraph 3 Another recent sighting of the Tianchi monster paragraph 4 A third sighting of the Tianchi monster paragraph 5 More information about the Tianchi monster T: You did a very good job! Well, so much for the main idea of the passage. Now let’s do scanning and finish the following tasks by yourselves on your guiding paper. (展示 幻灯片)This is a reading skill used to look for important details. Step 3: Scanning (10 minutes) ?查读方法指导:1.先看题,明确查询信息的特点。2.快速阅读,找到关键词。 3.停下细读,理清答案。 6 (设计意图: 为了让学生加深理解文中的重点信息,设计了Scanning这一环节。 I think it can help students to improve their scanning skills and develop their ability to find and analyze some key information quickly.) ?Task 1: Read the whole passage and say if the following sentences are true(T) or false(F). 1.The director of a local tourist office, Meng Fanying happened to see a monster in the “Monster of Lake Tianchi” in the Changbai Mountains in Jilin province,northeast China. 2. In another recent sighting, a group of soldiers claim they saw an animal jumped out of the water like a seal. 3. A third report came from Li Xiaohe, who claims to have seen a round black creature moving quickly through the water. 4. Not being skeptical scientists say that the low-temperature lake is likely to be able to support such large living creatures. 5. Lake Tianchi is the highest volcanic lake in the world. Suggested answers: T F T F T ? Task 2: Find out the answers to the following questions. (设计意图: wh- question and how question训练学生在具体语篇中分析问题, 理解问题,判断问题和推理问题的能力和用英语组织句子的阅读表达能力。同 时也为高考卷二中的阅读表达准备应对策略。) 1. Who saw the monster clearly, and why? 2. How long was the history of reports of monsters in Lake Tianchi? 3. What do many people think? 4. What is special about Lake Tianchi? Suggested answers: 1. Li Xiao he and his family saw the monster clearly, because the weather was fine and the lake was calm. 2. There have been reports of monsters in Lake Tianchi since the beginning of the last century. 3. The monster may be a distant cousin of the Loch Ness monster in Scotland and there might be similar creatures in other lakes around the world 4. It’s the highest volcanic lake in the world. Ss: Read the whole passage and do the two tasks by themselves on their guiding paper. T: You can share your ideas with your partner if you need. (学会分享共同提高。) T: I heard you’re very active.Wonderful! Have you finished? Ss: Yes. T: Who’d like to answer the first sentence in task 1? S1: The first sentence is true. T: Can you tell us the information you scanned from the text? S1: The information is from sentence 1 and 2 in paragraph1. 【原句】The “Monster of Lake Tianchi” in the Changbai Mountains in Jilin province, northeast China, is back in the news after several recent sightings. The director of a local tourist office, Meng 7 Fanying, said the monster, which seemed to be black in color, was ten meters from the edge of the lake during the most recent sighting. T: Just it! Thank you! What are the meanings of the sentences? Ss: 在最近几次露面后,中国东北吉林省长白山的“天池怪兽”又成了新闻。据 当地的旅游办公室主任孟凡迎介绍,最近有人看见怪物就在离湖边十米的地方, 怪物的颜色似乎是黑色的。 T: You are right! Very good translation! What about the second one? S2: The second is false. The information is from the first sentence in paragraph2.【原 句】In another recent sighting, a group of soldiers claim they saw an animal moving on the surface of the water. T: Do you agree with him, class? Ss: Yes. T: Good judgement! You got the answer! Please pay attention to the usage of “claim”. Claim vt.宣称,声称,后跟动词不定式或that从句。Eg:他们声称已经发现治疗 的一种药物。They claimed to have discovered/that they have discovered a cure for e discovered a cure for the disease. How about sentence 3? the disease. S3: Sentence 3 is true. The helpful information is in sentence 3 and 4 in paragraph4.【原句】Many people think that the monster may be a distant cousin of the Loch Ness monster in Scotland. They also think that there might be similar creatures in other lakes around the world T: Good understanding! Nothing is difficult in the world if you put your heart into it. It’s a very interesting sentence. What’s the meaning of it? S4:许多人认为,天池怪物或许是苏格兰尼斯湖怪物的远亲。他们还认为,在世 界其他地方的湖泊中可能也有类似的怪物。 T: You did well enough! “there might be ” 表示猜测,“可能有”、“或许有”的 意思。Look at sentence 4. In your opinion, is it true or false? S5: In my opinion, it is false.The information is from the last 2 sentences in paragraph4.【原句】Scientists, however, are skeptical. They say that the low-temperature lake is unlikely to be able to support such large living creatures. T: Better understanding! What’s the meaning of this sentence, class? Ss:然而,科学家们表示怀疑。他们说,温度低的湖中不可能存活如此大的生物。 T: Good translation! It seems that nothing is difficult for you. “be (un)likely to do…” (不)可能做…eg:今天晚上可能要变冷。It is likely to be cold tonight. 【拓展】 It’s likely that…有可能… eg: 他可能会赢。He is likely to win.=It’s likely that he will win. Come on, class! What about the last one? Is it true or false? S6: I think it is true. The information is from the first sentence in paragraph5. Lake Tianchi is the highest volcanic lake in the world. T: Right answer! What is the area of the Lake Tianchi? Ss: It covers an area of about ten square kilometers. T: You did a very good job.It is 2,189 meters high and covers an area of about ten square kilometers. Can you translate? Ss:天池海拔2189米,面积有大约10 平方公里。Cover an area of…意为“占有„ 空间”,也可以只用cover来表示。 T: I appreciate your good ideas. cover an area of意为“占有…空间”,也可以只用 cover an area of意为“占有…空间”,也可以只用 8 cover表示此意。Let’s come to task 2. Who saw the monster clearly, and why? cover表示此意。 S7:Li Xiao he and his family saw the monster clearly, because the weather was fine and the lake was calm. T: Quite right! How long was the history of reports of monsters in Lake Tianchi? S8: There have been reports of monsters in Lake Tianchi since the beginning of the last century. T: Yes. Since the beginning of the last century there have been reports of monsters in Lake Tianchi. What do many people think of the monster? S9: The monster may be a distant cousin of the Loch Ness monster in Scotland and there might be similar creatures in other lakes around the world T: It sounds reasonable. Thank you. By now, we’ve learned the main idea and some important information, but this is not enough for us to understand the text better. Do you want to get more detailed information? Ss: Yes. Step4:Careful- reading and group work: (5 minutes) (设计意图: 这个环节的任务是让学生自主细读课文,填写表格,加深对课文 的理解。小组互助,合作探究,帮助学生明了文中三次目击水怪露面,如何描 ) 述对水怪的印象。。 T:So we should come to some details. Read the passage carefully and fill in the blanks on your guiding paper on your own first. Learn to choose the key words to do this activity. In this part, if you have something not sure, you can exchange your ideas in your group.Go ahead, please. with each other Ss: Read the text carefully and fill in the blanks with their guiding paper. Then discuss in groups. Sighting Witness Description Sighting one Sighting two Sighting three T: Well, Most of you have finished, let’s check your answers. What about sighting one? I’d like to know about your ideas. Are you ready? Any volunteer? S1: Xue Junlin , the witness of sighting one, claimed that it’s head looked like a horse. T: An active boy! Your answer is very comprehensive! Come on, class! Who’d like to share your information about sighting two? S2: A group of soldiers claimed that they saw an animal moving on the surface of the water. It was greenish-black and had a round head with 10 cm horns. T: Do you agree with her? Ss: Yes. 9 T: Good voice! A beautiful girl and so beautiful answer! Thank you! Sit down, please! the third sightingWhat about? S3: Li Xiaohe claimed to have seen a round black creature moving quickly through the water. After three or four hundred meters it dived into the water. Ten minutes later the monster appeared again and repeated the action. T: Great! You’ve hit the nail on the head.Look at the screen, please. Here are my answers. (Show the complete answers to the students and let them read it.) Sighting Witness Description Sighting Xue Junlin It’s head looked like a horse. one Sighting A group of moving on the surface of the water; two soldiers Greenish-black, round head with 10 cm horns. Sighting Li Xiaohe A round black creature moving quickly through the three water; dive into; appear again and repeat the action. T: Do you have any difficulties with the text or any other questions, Ss: No. T: All of you have done well enough in above activities! So far, we have learned much about the detailed information of the text. When you have read a passage, try to summarize it in your own language. Trying to use what you’ve learnt is the most efficient way of learning. Now let’s fill in the blanks and try to recite the passage. Post reading: ?Task 1: Summary: Do a thorough reading and fill in the blanks. Try to recite the passage. (设计意图:展示课文的浓缩,让学生根据句子结构的语法性和上下文的连贯性, 在空格处填入适当的词或词的适当形式。引导学生通过短文信息复述课文,总 结运用文章中所学的知识和语言运用规律进行语言输出,对本课所学重点知识 进一步操练。这个过程中学习的主体始终是学生。学生用英语做事,在做中学, 在做中用,在做中体验,提高学习英语的自信心,积极性和主动性。) Read the whole passage again and fill in the blanks. (5ms) The “Monster” of Lake Tianchi, the highest __(1)__ lake in the world, is __(2)_ The “Monster” of Lake Tianchi, the highest __(1)__ lake in the world, is __(2)_ after several recent sightings. But no one has ever got a clear look at the __(3)__ after several recent sightings. But no one has ever got a clear look at the __(3)__ creature. In one sighting, as is __(4)__ by the director of a local tourist office, it is creature. In one sighting, as is __(4)__ by the director of a local tourist office, it is black and __(5)__ the water like a seal. In another recent sighting, a group of soldieblack and __(5)__ the water like a seal. In another recent sighting, a group of soldie rs watched it __(6)__ for about 2 minutes. A third report came from a family who rs watched it __(6)__ for about 2 minutes. A third report came from a family who __(7)__ to __(8)__ a round black creature __(9)__ quickly through the water and __(7)__ to __(8)__ a round black creature __(9)__ quickly through the water and then __(10)__the water. Many people think the monster may be a __(11)__cousin ofthen __(10)__the water. Many people think the monster may be a __(11)__cousin of the Loch Ness monster in Scotland. Scientists, however, are __(12)__, because the the Loch Ness monster in Scotland. Scientists, however, are __(12)__, because the low-temperature lake is __(13)__ to be able to __(14)__ such a large __(15)__ low-temperature lake is __(13)__ to be able to __(14)__ such a large __(15)__ 10 creature. creature. T: Who would like to have a try? Is there any volunteers? S1: … T: Good voice! After class do more reading and you will recite it fluently. S2: … Suggested Answers: Suggested Answers: (1) volcanic (2) back in the news (3) mysterious (4) claimed (5) jumped out of (1) volcanic (2) back in the news (3) mysterious (4) claimed (5) jumped out of (6) swimming (7) claimed (8) have seen (9) moving (10) diving into (11) distant (6) swimming (7) claimed (8) have seen (9) moving (10) diving into (11) distant (12) sceptical (13) unlikely (14) support (15) living (12) sceptical (13) unlikely (14) support (15) living ?Task 2: Group Discussion (5 minutes) (设计意图:Discuss to help the students understand what they’ve learned better.学 生通过阅读,不仅了解了天池水怪的相关信息,而且也获得了听、说、读、写 各方面知识和能力的提高。此环节ask the students to make up another story about a monster--- Himalayan Yeti 能够培养学生用英语描述喜马拉雅山雪人的综合语 运能力,发展学生的思维能力和分析、解决问题的能力。而且帮助学生进一步 认识我们所处的世界,培养他们不断探索自然奥秘的精神。) T: Fluent reciting! As we all know, the natural world is wonderful, full of some unexplained mysteries. However, we can’t explain some of the mysteries at present. Do you believe in unexplained things such as UFOs, Yetis and monsters? Why or why not? Suppose some American friends want to know the monster and mystery in Himalayas--- the Himalayan Yeti (喜马拉雅山雪人). Please make up a story about Himalayan Yeti for them. (展示幻灯片) So please discuss in groups for about 5 minutes. The Yeti: Half-man and half-beast 11 ? Suppose some American friends want to know a modern legend : the monster and mystery in Himalayas--- Himalayan Yeti (喜马拉雅山雪人). Please make up a story about Himalayan Yeti for them. 喜马拉雅山雪人,【雪人被称作“夜帝” (Yeti),yeti /?jeti/ n [C] ,意思是居 住在岩石上的动物。】半人半兽,居住在中国和尼泊尔的喜马拉雅地区。关于雪 人的传说可以追溯到公元前326年,它们高1.5米到4.6米不等,头颅尖耸, 红发披顶,周身长满灰黄色的毛,步履快捷。 1998年, 一个美国登山者声称,他在中国的喜马拉雅山上像人,毛茸茸的, 厚厚的黑色皮毛,身高六英尺,巨大的肩膀,臂长,手大。10名中国工程师在 湖北省神农架国家森林发现喜马拉雅山雪人以惊人的速度和强度跑动。 ?Do you believe in unexplained things such as UFOs, Yetis and monsters? Why or why not? Ss: Discuss in groups for about 5 minutes. T: Try to be as active as possible in your group, and at the same time, listen to the others. Discuss the answers with your group members. (此时老师引导学生积极讨论,互相尊重,互相关心,互相欣赏,这利于形成和谐 培养他们的团队精神和合作能力,从而达到对知识的应用拓展,反的学习氛围, 思升华。) T: (5 minutes later.)Which group would like to share your opinion? Have a try, please! (小组展示) Group 1: (One student in group 1) The Himalayas snowman is called the Yeti, which means an animal living on the rocks and has been called half-man, half-beast. T: Great idea! (板书:… is called…, which means …)Anyone else? Group 2: The Yeti is an ape said to live in the Himalayan region of Nepal and China. The legend dates back to about 326 BC. They are 1.5 meters to 4.6 meters high with pointy head and red hair. The whole body is covered with brownish hair, walking fast. T: I was drooling greedy now hearing what your words. Good voice! An active girl! I’m in favor of your idea. (板书:dates back to ;is covered with )Who else want to share your idea? Group 3: On the Chinese side of the Himalayas,an American mountain climber claimed that he saw The Yeti. It is man-like, hairy, six feet tall with huge shoulders, and large hands. T: You made very good sentences! (板书:claimed that …with …)Any more information? Group 4: They have thick black fur with long arms. T: Good sentence! What else? Group 5: In another sighting, ten Chinese engineers saw the Yeti running with amazing speed and strength in the Shennongjia National Forest Hubei Province. s T: Wonderful idea! All of you did well enough! Do you believe in unexplained things such as UFOs, Yetis and monsters? Why or why not? Group 6: I believe in them. Because 大千世界,无奇不有。 12 T: I agree with you, because the world is full of wonders. Group 5: I don’t believe in them. I think the mystery will be explained and solved someday in the future through scientific theory. T: Wonderful idea! The world is full of mysteries. Although people can’t explain all of them at present, maybe in the future, after you have grown up, you can do some research and explain all of them. Because you’re the owners of the future world! Look at the screen, please. Read by yourselves. (展示幻灯片) The most beautiful thing one can experience is mysteries. They are truly the basis of all arts and sciences. Albert Einstein Ss: Read aloud. T: After class, please write a passage about your discussion results. Homework (设计意图: 鼓励学生运用所学知识,以写作的形式巩固所学知识,将之前输入 的大量语言输出出来,培养学生综合运用英语的能力,激发学生热爱科学,不 断进取。) Write a paragraph based on your discussion to describe your ideas about the the Himalayan Yeti (about 100 words). T: So much for today. Thank you very much. Class is over. Good-bye, boys and girls! Ss: Good-bye, Miss Gao! 13 【三、课时作业】 Write a paragraph based on your discussion to describe your ideas about the Himalayan Yeti. ( about 100 words ). 【四、课时评价设计】 (设计意图:针对学生的课堂表现给出及时、多样性的、鼓励为主的口头评价外,对于表现突出的学生和小组给予加分奖励记录,以便鼓励学生积极思考,勇于展示自己。) 1.自我评价: ?How do you feel now? A. very confident B. confident C. need improvement D.unconfident ?说说学习过程中自己特别感兴趣并有帮助的三项活动,说出这些活动在哪些方面对自己有能帮助 Activity What kind of help 课文复述 I can introduce the text without difficulty. 略读、查读训练 I can find the main idea of each paragragh and the important detailed information quickly. 小组讨论 I can introduce the story of Himalayan Yeti (喜马拉雅山 雪人) using simple English. 2.小组互评 发言的次数和同学的合对同伴的启为小组活动 (多于平均作意愿(好发和帮助准备的资料 姓名 3,一般2, 3, 一般2, (较大3, (较多3, 总分 少于平均不太愿意一般2, 几一般2, 很 1) 1) 乎没有1) 少1) 司星星 3 3 3 3 12 刘汉城 2 3 2 3 10 徐延杰 3 3 3 3 12 徐海钦 2 2 2 2 8 李景花 3 2 3 3 11 1. 教师评价: Group(1-6) 声音洪亮 语言流利 语音 有创新观点总分 (student)(3分满分) (3分满分)(3分满分)(3分满分) 1: 司星星 3 3 3 3 12 2: 刘汉城 3 2 2 3 10 14 3:徐延杰 3 3 3 3 12 4:徐永帧 2 2 2 2 8 5:彭娇娇 3 2 2 3 10 6:吕高文 3 1 1 3 8 【五、板书设计】 The Monster of Lake Tianchi How much do you know about Lake Tianchi? … is called…, which means … dates back to ;is covered with Where is it? claimed that …with … How big / deep is it? 【六、】 课堂亮点: 1). 注重学生间的自主互助和小组合作探究,引导学生充分参与课堂活动,非常有利于课堂任务地有效完成。 2). 能创设引领全文主要脉络和重要信息又让学生感兴趣的问题情境,注重对学生的启发、诱导和鼓励、点拨。 3). 关注学情,能分层安排任务并适时地对学生进行学法指导。 4). 情感教育效果明显。 不足之处: 很多时候,我是让学生跟着我安排的活动走。如果在课堂上能给学生更多的时间,更多的思维空间,会有更多的问题需要讨论。例如:在三班进行语言输出部分的小组合作讨论喜马拉雅山雪人环节时,学生们英汉夹杂,畅所欲言,各抒己见,而且还出现了一个小争论:如果真的有雪人存在,我们究竟该把他看作人还是动物,是让他生活在动物园还是和我们一起, 努力方向:要充分相信学生的潜能。给学生充分的时间、空间展示自己,让他们有话想说,有话敢说,有话乐说,学生思维的火花将会不断点燃。文 - 汉语汉字 编辑词条 文,wen,从玄从爻。天地万物的信息产生出来的现象、纹路、轨迹,描绘出了阴阳二气在事物中的运行轨迹和原理。 故文即为符。上古之时,符文一体。 古者伏羲氏之王天下也,始画八卦,造书契,以代结绳(爻)之政,由是文籍生焉。--《尚书序》 15 依类象形,故谓之文。其后形声相益,即谓之字。--《说文》序》 仓颉造书,形立谓之文,声具谓之字。--《古今通论》 (1) 象形。甲骨文此字象纹理纵横交错形。"文"是汉字的一个部首。本义:花纹;纹理。 (2) 同本义 [figure;veins] 文,英语念为:text、article等,从字面意思上就可以理解为文章、文字,与古今中外的各个文学著作中出现的各种文字字形密不可分。古有甲骨文、金文、小篆等,今有宋体、楷体等,都在这一方面突出了"文"的重要性。古今中外,人们对于"文"都有自己不同的认知,从大的方面来讲,它可以用于表示一个民族的文化历史,从小的方面来说它可用于用于表示单独的一个"文"字,可用于表示一段话,也可用于人物的姓氏。 折叠编辑本段基本字义 1(事物错综所造成的纹理或形象:灿若,锦。 2.刺画花纹:,身。 3(记录语言的符号:,字。,盲。以,害辞。 4(用文字记下来以及与之有关的:,凭。,艺。,体。,典。,苑。,献(指有历史价值和参考价值的图书资料)。,采(a(文辞、文艺方面的才华;b(错杂艳丽的色彩)。 5(人类劳动成果的总结:,化。,物。 6(自然界的某些现象:天,。水,。 7(旧时指礼节仪式:虚,。繁,缛节(过多的礼节仪式)。 8(文华辞采,与“质”、“情”相对:,质彬彬。 9(温和:,火。,静。,雅。 10(指非军事的:,职。,治武功(指礼乐教化和军事功绩)。 11(指以古汉语为基础的书面语:552,言。,白间杂。 12(专指社会科学:,科。 13(掩饰:,过饰非。 14(量词,指旧时小铜钱:一,不名。 16 15(姓。 16( 皇帝谥号,经纬天地曰文;道德博闻曰文;慈惠爱民曰文;愍民惠礼曰文;赐民爵位曰文;勤学好问曰文;博闻多见曰文;忠信接礼曰文;能定典礼曰文;经邦定誉曰文;敏而好学曰文;施而中礼曰文;修德来远曰文;刚柔相济曰文;修治班制曰文;德美才秀曰文;万邦为宪、帝德运广曰文;坚强不暴曰文;徽柔懿恭曰文;圣谟丕显曰文;化成天下曰文;纯穆不已曰文;克嗣徽音曰文;敬直慈惠曰文;与贤同升曰文;绍修圣绪曰文;声教四讫曰文。如汉文帝。 折叠编辑本段字源字形 字源演变与字形比较 折叠编辑本段详细字义 〈名〉 1(右图是 “文”字的甲骨文图片,资料来源:徐无闻主编:《甲金篆隶大字典》,四川辞书出版社。1991年7月第一版。 “文”字的甲骨文字绘画的像一个正面的“大人”,寓意“大象有形”、“象形”;特别放大了胸部,并在胸部画了“心”,含义是“外界客体在心里面的整体影像、整体写真、整体素描、整体速写”。 许慎《说文解字》把“文”解释为“错画也”,意思是“对事物形象进行整体素描,笔画交错,相联相络,不可解构”,这与他说的独体为文、合体为字的话的意思是一致的。“说文解字”这个书名就表示了“文”只能“说”,而“字”则可“解”的意思。“文”是客观事物外在形象的速写,是人类进一步了解事物内在性质的基础,所以它是“字”的父母,“字”是“文”的孩子。“文”生“字”举例(以“哲”为例):先对人手摩画,其文为“手”;又对斧子摩画,其文为“斤”。以手、斤为父母,结合、生子,其子就是“折”(手和斤各代表父母的基因)。这个“折”就是许慎所谓的“字”。“字”从宀从子,“宀”表示“独立的房子”,子在其中,有“自立门户”的意思。故“字”还能与“文”或其他“字”结合,生出新“字”来。在本例,作为字的“折”与作为文的“口”结合,就生出了新的字“哲”。 2( 同本义 [figure;veins] 文,错画也。象交文。今字作纹。——东汉?许慎《说文》 17 五章以奉五色。——春秋?左丘明《左传?昭公二十五年》。注:“青与赤谓之文,赤与白谓之章,白与黑谓之黼,黑与青谓之黻。” 美于黼黼文章。——《荀子?非相》 茵席雕文。——《韩非子?十过》 织文鸟章,白旆央央。——《诗?小雅?六月》 斑文小鱼。——明? 刘基《诚意伯刘文成公文集》 3(又如:文驾(彩车);文斑(杂色的斑纹);文旆(有文彩的旗帜);文绣(绣有彩色花纹的丝织品;刺花图案);文织(有彩色花纹的丝织品);文鳞(鱼鳞形花纹)。 4(字,文字(“文”,在先秦时期就有文字的意思,“字”,到了秦朝才有此意。分别讲,“文”指独体字;“字”指合体字。笼统地说,都泛指文字。) [character] 饰以篆文。——南朝宋?范晔《后汉书?张衡传》 分文析字。——东汉?班固《汉书?刘歆传》 夫文,止戈为武。——《左传?宣公十二年》 距洞数百步,有碑仆道,其文漫灭。——王安石《游褒禅山记》 文曰“天启壬戌秋日”。——明? 魏学洢《核舟记》 文曰“初平山尺”。 5(又如:甲骨文;金文;汉文;英文;文迹(文字所记载的事迹);文书爻(有关文字、文凭之类的卦象);文异(文字相异);文轨(文字和车轨);文狱(文字狱);文钱(钱。因钱有文字,故称);文状(字据,军令状);文引(通行证;路凭);文定(定婚)。 6(文章(遣造的词句叫做“文”,结构段落叫做 “章”。) [literary composition] 故说诗者不以文害辞。——《孟子?万章上》 好古文。——唐? 韩愈《师说》 属予作文以记之。——宋? 范仲淹《岳阳楼记》 能述以文。——宋? 欧阳修《醉翁亭记》 摘其诗文。——清? 纪昀《阅微草堂笔记》 18 7(又如:文价(文章的声誉);文魔(书呆子);文会(旧时读书人为了准备应试,在一起写文章、互相观摩的集会);文移(旧时官府文书的代称);文雄(擅长写文章的大作家);文意(文章的旨趣);文义(文章的义理);文情(文章的词句和情思);本文(所指的这篇文章);作文(写文章;学习练习所写的文章);文魁(文章魁首);文价(文章的声价);文什(文章与诗篇)。 8(美德;文德 [virtue] 圣云继之神,神乃用文治。——杜牧《感怀诗一首》 9(又如:文丈(对才高德韶的老者的敬称);文母(文德之母);文武(文德与武功);文命(文德教命);文惠(文德恩惠);文德(写文章的道德);文薄(谓文德浅薄);文昭(文德昭著)。 10.文才;才华。亦谓有文才,有才华 [literary talent] 而文采不表于后世也。——汉? 司马迁《报任安书》 11(又如:文业(才学);文英(文才出众的人);文采风流(横溢的才华与潇洒的风度);文郎(有才华的青少年);文彦(有文才德行的人);文通残锦(比喻剩下不多的才华)。 12(文献,经典;韵文 [document;classics;verse] 儒以文乱法。——《韩非子?五蠹》 言必遵修旧文而不穿凿。——《说文解字?叙》 13(辞词句。亦指文字记载 [writings;record]。如:文几(旧时书信中开头常用的套语。意为将书信呈献于几前);文倒(文句颠倒);文过其实(文辞浮夸,不切实际);文义(文辞);文辞(言词动听的辞令);文绣(辞藻华丽)。 14(自然界的某些现象 [natural phenomenon] 经纬天地曰文。——《左传?昭公二十八年》 15(又如:天文;地文;水文;文象(日月星辰变化的迹象);文曜(指日月星辰;文星);文昌(星座名)。 16(文治;文事;文职。与“武”相对。 [achievements in culture and education;civilian post] 文能取胜。——《史记?平原君虞卿列传》 文不能取胜。 19 文武并用。——唐? 魏征《谏太宗十思疏》 精神折冲于千里,文武为宪于万邦。――明《袁可立晋秩兵部右侍郎诰》 17(又如:文臣,文吏(文职官吏);文席(教书先生的几席);文品(文官的品阶);文帅(文职官员出任或兼领统帅);文烈(文治显赫);文员(文职吏员);文阶(文职官阶);文道(文治之道);文业(文事);文僚(文职官吏)。 18(法令条文 [articles of decree] 而刀笔吏专深文巧诋,陷人于罪。——《史记?汲黯列传》 19(又如:文劾(根据律令弹劾);文法吏(通晓法令、执法严峻的官吏);文丈(规矩;制度);文移(官府文书);文牓(布告;文告);文宪(礼法;法制)。 20(文言。古代散文文体之一;别于白话的古汉语书面语 [literary language]。如:半文半白;文语;文白(文言文和白话文)。 21(文教;礼节仪式 [rites] 则修文德。——《论语?季氏》 22(又如:文丈(崇尚礼文仪节);文俗(拘守礼法而安于习俗);文致(指礼乐);文貌(礼文仪节);文绪(文教礼乐之事);文仪(礼节仪式) 23(指表现形式;外表 [form;appearance]。如:文服(表面服从);文榜(告示、布告之类);文诰(诰令) 24(指鼓乐,泛指曲调 [music;tune]。如:文曲(指乐曲);文始(舞乐名) 25(谥号,谥法:勤学好问叫文 [study deligently] 何以谓之文。——《论语》 是以谓之文。 26(姓 〈动〉 1(在肌肤上刺画花纹或图案 [tatto (the skin)] 被发文身。——《礼记?王制》。注:“谓其肌,以丹青涅之。” 20 文绣有恒。——《礼记?月令》 2(又如:文笔匠(在人身上刺花的艺人);文身断发(古代荆楚、南越一带的习俗。身刺花纹,截短头发,以为可避水中蛟龙的伤害。后常以指落后地区的民俗);文木(刻镂以文采之木) 3(修饰;文饰 [cover up] 身将隐,焉用文之?——《左传?僖公二十三年》 饰邪说,文奸言,以枭乱天下。——《荀子?非十二子》 4(又如:文过饰非;文致(粉饰;掩饰);文冢(埋葬文稿之处) 5(装饰 [decorate] 舍其文轩。——《墨子?公输》 此犹文奸。 文车二驷。——明? 归有光《项脊轩志》 文马四百匹。——《史记?宋世家》 若将比予文木邪。——《庄子?人间世》 6(又如:文巧(文饰巧辩);文竿(以翠羽为饰之竿);文舫(装饰华丽的游艇);文饰(彩饰);文榭(饰以彩画的台榭);文舟,文艘(装饰华丽的船);文剑(装饰华丽的剑);文舆(饰以彩绘的车) 7(撰写文章 [write]。如:文匠(写文章的大家);文祸(因写文章而招来的灾祸);文雄,文杰(指文豪) 〈形〉 1(有文采,华丽。与“质”或“野”相对 [magnificent;gorgeous] 其旨远,其辞文。——《易?系辞下》 晋公子广而俭,文而有礼。——《左传?僖公二十三年》 2(又如:文巧(华丽奇巧);文朴(文华与质朴);文服(华美的衣服);文砌(华美的石阶);文背(不文雅,粗俗);文轩(华美的车子);文质(文华与质朴) 21 3.柔和,不猛烈 [mild;gentle]。如:文烈(指火候温猛) 4(美,善 [fine;good]。如:文徽(华美);文鸳(即鸳鸯。以其羽毛华美,故称);文衣(华美 的服装) 5(通“紊”。紊乱的 [disordered] 惇宗将礼,称秩元祀,咸秩无文。——《书?洛诰》 天子祭天下名山大川,怀柔百神,咸秩无文。——《汉书?郊祀志上》 王者报功,以次秩之,无有文也。——庆劭《风俗通义?山泽》 〈量〉 1(用于旧时的铜钱。如:一文钱 2(用于计算纺织物 五扶为一首,五首成一文。——《后汉书》 22
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