

2017-10-23 21页 doc 59KB 51阅读




幼儿园老师如何与家长沟通幼儿园老师如何与家长沟通 幼儿园教师如何与家长沟通 ——教师培训资料 沟通的原则是,人格平等 互相尊重 导引为主 真诚交流 家园牵手 和谐共育 入园接待时或孩子离园时,是老师和家长沟通的最佳时机,宝宝在幼儿园一天的表现,状况等等都可以在这时候与家长面对面地交流,与家长谈谈孩子在家中的表现,习惯等等是否与在学校一样,有的孩子在家和在学校完全是两样,所以老师就要在这时候多了解一下孩子在家中的表现,这样也更利于比较有针对性地教育孩子。不用刻意与家长交流什么,就是多交流一下孩子在学校的状况,然后了解孩子在家中的情况,也可以与家长...
幼儿园老师如何与家长沟通 幼儿园教师如何与家长沟通 ——教师资料 沟通的原则是,人格平等 互相尊重 导引为主 真诚交流 家园牵手 和谐共育 入园接待时或孩子离园时,是老师和家长沟通的最佳时机,宝宝在幼儿园一天的表现,状况等等都可以在这时候与家长面对面地交流,与家长谈谈孩子在家中的表现,习惯等等是否与在学校一样,有的孩子在家和在学校完全是两样,所以老师就要在这时候多了解一下孩子在家中的表现,这样也更利于比较有针对性地教育孩子。不用刻意与家长交流什么,就是多交流一下孩子在学校的状况,然后了解孩子在家中的情况,也可以与家长说一些老师这一学期,这个月,这一周的一些安排,活动等等,这样让家长了解他的孩子在学校学到了些什么,是否对孩子有帮助,而且有时还可以听听家长给与的一些经验。 幼儿园老师与家长的沟通是一门艺术 除了要掌握沟通的时间、时机,更要掌握沟通的技巧和方法 1 孩子入园时的随机但不随意的沟通 2 家长专访日的家园沟通必须是有目的有计划的行为但还要随机应变 3 特殊情况下的即时沟通 4 园里的群体沟通和个别沟通 5 生活中的随机沟通比如路遇巧遇朋友遇等等 沟通的方式多样,见面谈话 电话沟通 网络沟通 专访沟通、校讯通、书面留言沟通等等,所有沟通都包含单向沟通和双向沟通两个方面 以双向为佳, 《规程》第四十八条指出,“幼儿园应主动与幼儿家庭配合,帮助家长创设教好的家庭教育环境,向家长宣传科学保育,共同担负教育幼儿的任务”。 在幼儿期,对儿童影响最大的是家庭,家园共育可以说是素质教育的立足点。教师要与家长建立平等合作的伙伴关系,共同生成适宜于促进每个幼儿最大限度发展的教育。 掌握教师与家长沟通的艺术,对提高教师的教育素质是不可缺少的一个方面。因为从家长处教师可获得许多宝贵的知识经验与信息,对提高教师素质,有很大的帮助。所以幼儿园教育必须与家庭教育相互支持,相互配合。 对于幼儿园老师来说,与家长沟通,积极寻找教育幼儿的最佳切入点,从而提高教育质量,发展幼儿个性,显得犹为重要。这里的沟通,是指在孩子发展与教育上,家园双方随时互通信息,交流看法,以求全面了解孩子发展的情况,在教育上取得共识,从而共商教育策略,协同进行教育。那么,幼儿园教师该如何有效的与家长沟通呢, 一、教师应讲究与家长交流的语言艺术 孩子入园后,家长就会不时听到教师对自己孩子的评4-6m, transverse horizontal bar on typically 1.2 m-1.5 m, steel should be paint coated. (2) fasteners shall comply with the provisions of the steel tube scaffolding fastener, material using the malleable GB9440 provided not less than KTH330-08 grades of mechanical properties of malleable cast iron or GB11352 medium ZG230-450 cast steel production, fasteners and the joint surface of the pipe must be strictly cosmetic, should meet the requirements of tensile properties of the retainer. Fasteners must not have defects such as cracks, holes, loose, sand hole. (3) the scaffold, scaffold used bamboo and wooden scaffold used wooden scaffold made of pine 50mm, length of 3-6 meters, width not less than 150mm, the material should be consistent with existing national standards for the structural engineering construction and acceptance of second material requirements. --Construction and erection requirements along the four surrounding circles of buildings erection, when if conditions cannot be set, you should set the necessary lateral support, side strengthened walls. 1, cantilevered scaffold erection more than three starts, six-layer for a closed period. 2, the scaffold and the main structure of the lateral distance connection points using 3-4 double column vertical distance, but not more than 4 times times column latitude and vertical spacing 2-3 horizontal step, but it shouldn't be more than 3 times the longitudinal bar step. 3, vertical rods from 1.5 meters distance ? 1.8M, outer rows of horizontal bar spacing ? 0.9m, horizontal bar spacing ? 1.0M. 4 lateral, longitudinal bracing located in scaffolds along the height setting from the bottom, vertical support width suitable for 5-7 pole spacing, diagonal angle with the ground should be at 45 degrees to 60 degrees. Longitudinal bracing rotating buckles with pole and horizontal bars fastened joints from the scaffold node is not greater than 200mm, 价。孩子有时表现好,有时会犯上一点小错误,有的老师在向家长汇报孩子情况时,似乎没看到孩子的优点,总是向家长告状说孩子这也不是,那也不行。这往往使家长难以接受。作为教师,应客观的向家长告知孩子在幼儿园的情况,而不应该掺杂主观色彩和情绪。教师应该用平和的语气,委婉的态度,一分为二的观点与家长交流。可以先向家长介绍一些孩子的优点,再说孩子不足之处或须改正的地方,这样,便于家长接受。 二、教师应耐心辅导家长运用科学的育儿方式 许多家长由于对孩子年龄特点不了解,不知道如何教育孩子。有时教育孩子的方式很不恰当,一味的溺爱,甚至放纵。而教师是有一定育儿知识的专业人员,遇到问应通过各种方式启发、引导家长,让他们了解孩子的身心特点,更新教育观念,掌握正确的育儿方法。曾遇到过一个家长向我诉苦“老师,我们家孩子太任性,每天早上非要吃豆皮,怎么打他骂他都没用,这不,早上又要我买了一碗。”我先告诉家,经常早上吃一种早点,不但有碍于幼儿身体健康,还会造成幼儿偏食,向家长介绍幼儿园早点的营养配置,让家长知道每天与其他幼儿公进早餐可加强幼儿的集体意识,建议家长把这些好处用浅显的语言讲给幼儿听,其效果肯定比打、骂的方式好的多。家长从我这里了解到了正确的育儿知识,及时的改变了自己的教育方法。与此同时,我更加了解这个孩 子,与这位家长也拉进了距离。 三、教师应以“换位”的思维方式与家长沟通 如今,幼儿园里老师年轻化,好多老师尚没有为人父母的角色体验,有的即便是已经做了母亲,在与家长沟通时,常常会遇到难以达成共识的局面,这就要求教师了解父母的角色,并从父母的角色去体会家长的心情和需求。孩子在集体活动中有时手或头碰破一点皮,家长接孩子时十分惊讶、十分心痛是肯定的,而有的教师表现得若无其事的态度,认为家长大惊小怪,那么,一件小事立即会使家长觉得老师对自己孩子不够关心,对工作不够负责,进而影响家长与老师的关系,给家园沟通设置了障碍。如果老师从孩子父母的角色去心疼孩子,或是换个角度想想,如果受伤的孩子是自己的孩子,那就会很自然的理解家长的心情,处事态度也会大不相同。那么家园沟通就不会受阻。 四、教师应通过多渠道,采取多种方法与家长沟通 1、家长委员会 老师们要充分发挥家长委员会的作用。幼儿园大型家园共育活动,可请家长委员会代表参与制定方案并一起组织实施。还可通过家长委员会真实了解家长们的心声。 2、客座教师 通过调查,许多家长素质较高,具有参与幼儿园活动的愿望和能力。我们不妨以幼儿为中介,让家长自愿报名,然4-6m, transverse horizontal bar on typically 1.2 m-1.5 m, steel should be paint coated. (2) fasteners shall comply with the provisions of the steel tube scaffolding fastener, material using the malleable GB9440 provided not less than KTH330-08 grades of mechanical properties of malleable cast iron or GB11352 medium ZG230-450 cast steel production, fasteners and the joint surface of the pipe must be strictly cosmetic, should meet the requirements of tensile properties of the retainer. Fasteners must not have defects such as cracks, holes, loose, sand hole. (3) the scaffold, scaffold used bamboo and wooden scaffold used wooden scaffold made of pine 50mm, length of 3-6 meters, width not less than 150mm, the material should be consistent with existing national standards for the structural engineering construction and acceptance of second material requirements. --Construction and erection requirements along the four surrounding circles of buildings erection, when if conditions cannot be set, you should set the necessary lateral support, side strengthened walls. 1, cantilevered scaffold erection more than three starts, six-layer for a closed period. 2, the scaffold and the main structure of the lateral distance connection points using 3-4 double column vertical distance, but not more than 4 times times column latitude and vertical spacing 2-3 horizontal step, but it shouldn't be more than 3 times the longitudinal bar step. 3, vertical rods from 1.5 meters distance ? 1.8M, outer rows of horizontal bar spacing ? 0.9m, horizontal bar spacing ? 1.0M. 4 lateral, longitudinal bracing located in scaffolds along the height setting from the bottom, vertical support width suitable for 5-7 pole spacing, diagonal angle with the ground should be at 45 degrees to 60 degrees. Longitudinal bracing rotating buckles with pole and horizontal bars fastened joints from the scaffold node is not greater than 200mm, 后根据活动内容选择具有相关知识能力的家长共同备课,保证质量。客座教师活动的开展为教师和家长,家长和家长之间提供了一个经验交流和资源共享的机会。教师从家长所拥有的专业知识、生活经验中获得帮助,家长从教师身上获取教育经验技能,而且更加了解老师的工作。孩子们也在活动中倍感亲切。 3、家长辩论会 以往的家长会多以老师说教为主,家长兴趣不大。我们可以改变老的形式把家长会改为家教辩论会。老师举出几个班上幼儿最具代表性的事例,以家长为主,让家长分析讨论,各抒己见。在激烈的辩论中,家长们更新教育观,对照事例,反思自己的教育行为,并产生学习和参与各种教育活动的兴趣。待家长们发言完毕,教师再有的放矢的发表意见,表明观点,介绍经验,其效果事半功倍。 4、家长园地 家长园地是幼儿园与家长沟通的一个重要窗口。老师们似乎已习惯于用更多的心思来栏目、寻找内容,而忽略了家长参与的深度与广度。我们为什么不准备一块小天地,将家长请到家长园地中来。如栏目可写孩子在家的表现,“我的育儿心得”让家长畅所欲言,“我的问题”可写上家长的困惑等等。家长园地不能只是教师唱“独角戏”,要调动家长积极参与的兴趣,为教师与家长的沟通搭起一座彩桥。 5、家园共育袋 我们可给每个孩子准备一个家园袋。每周,我们都将幼儿所学的内容及作品全部放入袋中,还可随时将幼儿在园情况,教学内容及需家长帮助等写好,放入袋中。由于袋里装着孩子们小小的成果,家长们会很乐意每个周末将袋子带回家,周一再带入幼儿园。另外,家长对老师的工作有何意见、要求都可写下来装入袋中,以助于老师工作的提高。家园共育袋使忙碌的家长能更了解幼儿的发展情况,无声的交流促进了教师与家长的沟通。 6、个别化的家园沟通 由于每个孩子个性的不同,家庭环境的不同,家长文化素质的不同,大量的通常性的沟通是个别化的。个别化家园沟通的方式有家访、约谈、家园联系册、电话、便条以及接送孩子时的交谈等。如今,许多幼儿园上了宽带网,并且实现了班班通,这样就更加拓宽了沟通渠道,网上交谈也是很方便的。个别化的沟通要着重于针对每个幼儿不同的问题和不同的家长在教育上的问题而进行,以促进每个孩子的身心发展为目的。 教师与家长的沟通双方都有,但教师更应主动些,并且要努力为沟通渠道创造条件。幼儿教师要真正从狭隘的教育观中走出来,必须充分认识到,家长工作的最终目的在于实现家园合作,共同为幼儿奠定良好的素质基础。 4-6m, transverse horizontal bar on typically 1.2 m-1.5 m, steel should be paint coated. (2) fasteners shall comply with the provisions of the steel tube scaffolding fastener, material using the malleable GB9440 provided not less than KTH330-08 grades of mechanical properties of malleable cast iron or GB11352 medium ZG230-450 cast steel production, fasteners and the joint surface of the pipe must be strictly cosmetic, should meet the requirements of tensile properties of the retainer. Fasteners must not have defects such as cracks, holes, loose, sand hole. (3) the scaffold, scaffold used bamboo and wooden scaffold used wooden scaffold made of pine 50mm, length of 3-6 meters, width not less than 150mm, the material should be consistent with existing national standards for the structural engineering construction and acceptance of second material requirements. --Construction and erection requirements along the four surrounding circles of buildings erection, when if conditions cannot be set, you should set the necessary lateral support, side strengthened walls. 1, cantilevered scaffold erection more than three starts, six-layer for a closed period. 2, the scaffold and the main structure of the lateral distance connection points using 3-4 double column vertical distance, but not more than 4 times times column latitude and vertical spacing 2-3 horizontal step, but it shouldn't be more than 3 times the longitudinal bar step. 3, vertical rods from 1.5 meters distance ? 1.8M, outer rows of horizontal bar spacing ? 0.9m, horizontal bar spacing ? 1.0M. 4 lateral, longitudinal bracing located in scaffolds along the height setting from the bottom, vertical support width suitable for 5-7 pole spacing, diagonal angle with the ground should be at 45 degrees to 60 degrees. Longitudinal bracing rotating buckles with pole and horizontal bars fastened joints from the scaffold node is not greater than 200mm, 总之,教师与家长的沟通,主要靠幼儿教师做出努力。教师常常要换位思考,善于与不同类型的家长相处,遭到家长误解时教师要保持冷静,善于自控,遇到矛盾时,教师要主动反思,为畅通渠道做出努力。 教师与家长沟通的艺术,关键在于教师与家长间建立相互信任,相互尊重,相互支持的伙伴关系与亲密感情。而这种关系与感情的建立首先取决于教师的态度与行为,对孩子的关爱、对工作的责任感、对家长的尊重和理解。当家长感受道教师喜爱并关心自己的孩子时,工作尽心尽责时,自然的产生信任感,并由衷的尊重教师,心理上的距离自然消除,从而乐于与教师接近,愿意与家长沟通,家长与老师的关系会十分融洽。在与家长的沟通中教师的教育思想、育儿之方、知识技能等等均能不同程度的得到提高。做好家园沟通的工作,让老师受益非浅。 家园互动工作是幼儿园整体工作的组成部分,不断提高教师与家长沟通艺术是做好各项工作的保证,“沟通”也就是交流,是人与人之间心灵的碰撞。教师的责任不仅是要使孩子“亲其师,信其道”,也要使家长“亲孩子之师,信孩子之道”便于成功的发挥家园教育的合力,培养身心健康的孩子。我园“家园齐心合力 实现同步教育”专题研究组,结合工作实际,深入研究与家长沟通艺术,推出了幼儿教师与家长沟通用语20句。内容如下, 面向全体家长推荐用语 1.您的孩子最近表现很好,如果在以下几个方面改进一下,孩子的进步会更大。 2.您有什么事情需要老师做吗, 3.您有特别需要我们帮助的事情吗, 4.这孩子太可爱了,老师和小朋友都很喜欢他,继续加油。 5.谢谢您的理解,这是我们应该做的。 6.您的孩子最近经常迟到,我担心他会错过许多好的活动,我们一起来帮他好吗, 7.您的孩子最近没有来园,老师和小朋友都很想他,真希望早点见到他。 8.请相信孩子的能力,他会做好的。 9.幼儿园的食谱是营养配餐,为了他的身体健康,我们一起来帮他改掉挑食的习惯,让他吃饱吃好。 10.近期我们要举行XX活动,相信有您的参与支持,会使活动更精彩。 11.我们向您推荐好的育儿知识读物,您一定有收获的,孩子也会受益。 面向个体家长推荐用语 1.请家长不要着急,孩子偶尔犯错是难免的,我们一起来慢慢引导他。 2.谢谢您的提醒,我查查看,了解清楚了再给您答复好4-6m, transverse horizontal bar on typically 1.2 m-1.5 m, steel should be paint coated. (2) fasteners shall comply with the provisions of the steel tube scaffolding fastener, material using the malleable GB9440 provided not less than KTH330-08 grades of mechanical properties of malleable cast iron or GB11352 medium ZG230-450 cast steel production, fasteners and the joint surface of the pipe must be strictly cosmetic, should meet the requirements of tensile properties of the retainer. Fasteners must not have defects such as cracks, holes, loose, sand hole. (3) the scaffold, scaffold used bamboo and wooden scaffold used wooden scaffold made of pine 50mm, length of 3-6 meters, width not less than 150mm, the material should be consistent with existing national standards for the structural engineering construction and acceptance of second material requirements. --Construction and erection requirements along the four surrounding circles of buildings erection, when if conditions cannot be set, you should set the necessary lateral support, side strengthened walls. 1, cantilevered scaffold erection more than three starts, six-layer for a closed period. 2, the scaffold and the main structure of the lateral distance connection points using 3-4 double column vertical distance, but not more than 4 times times column latitude and vertical spacing 2-3 horizontal step, but it shouldn't be more than 3 times the longitudinal bar step. 3, vertical rods from 1.5 meters distance ? 1.8M, outer rows of horizontal bar spacing ? 0.9m, horizontal bar spacing ? 1.0M. 4 lateral, longitudinal bracing located in scaffolds along the height setting from the bottom, vertical support width suitable for 5-7 pole spacing, diagonal angle with the ground should be at 45 degrees to 60 degrees. Longitudinal bracing rotating buckles with pole and horizontal bars fastened joints from the scaffold node is not greater than 200mm, 吧。 3.您有什么想法,我们可以坐下来谈谈,都是为了孩子好。 4.孩子之间的问题可以让他们自己来解决,放心吧,他们会成为好朋友的。 5.很抱歉,孩子受伤了,老师也很心疼,以后我会更关注他。 6.这件事是XX负责,我可以帮您联系一下。 7.我们非常欣赏您这样直言不讳的家长,您的建议我们会考虑的。 8.您有这样的心情我很理解,等我们冷静下来再谈好吗, 首先,与家长沟通要注意八项, 1、与家长沟通时要注意态度和语气 2、要多途径与家长交流 3、多征求家长的愿望、需求、意见 4、可以经常更换信息栏 5、恰当方式谈幼儿行为问题与家长沟通 6、特殊事件主动坦诚与家长沟通 7、保持家庭隐私 8、冷静处理与家长、幼儿的关系 其次,在与家长谈论孩子的缺点时,可以着重注意以下 几点, 1、导入尊重感。在与家长交往的过程中,班主任应做到文明礼貌,尊重对方。班主任通常比家长更熟悉教育知识和教育手段,懂得教育规律。决不能以教训式口吻与家长谈话,特别是当其子女在学校“闯了祸”的时候,班主任仍要在谈话时给对方以尊重。也不能当着学生的面训斥家长,这不仅使家长难堪,有损家长在孩子心目中的威信,而且家长一旦将这种羞愤之情转嫁于孩子,极易形成孩子与班主任的对立情绪。当与家长的看法有分歧时,也应平心静气地讲清道理,说明利害关系,既要以礼待人,更要以理服人。 2、流露真诚感。用真诚的语言或行动去与对方沟通,使其感动的方法。以诚感人要求诚与情密切配合,要使人动情,唤起人的真情;以诚感人要做到诚与真结合;以诚感人还必须伴之以虚心,否则难以取得对方的信任。 3、评论学生要客观如实。 4、注意谈话形式与方式。班主任与学生家长的关系应是平等的同志关系,班主任与家长的谈话,切忌用教训式语气,而应像对待同志或客人那样用商量或交流的口气,态度要随和,语气要婉和,语态要真诚,语调要亲切,语势要平稳,语境要清楚,语感要分明,使家长一听就明,能准确把握要旨,领悟当家长的应做些什么,从你的谈话中受到启发。 5、语言务求得体和有分寸。 4-6m, transverse horizontal bar on typically 1.2 m-1.5 m, steel should be paint coated. (2) fasteners shall comply with the provisions of the steel tube scaffolding fastener, material using the malleable GB9440 provided not less than KTH330-08 grades of mechanical properties of malleable cast iron or GB11352 medium ZG230-450 cast steel production, fasteners and the joint surface of the pipe must be strictly cosmetic, should meet the requirements of tensile properties of the retainer. Fasteners must not have defects such as cracks, holes, loose, sand hole. (3) the scaffold, scaffold used bamboo and wooden scaffold used wooden scaffold made of pine 50mm, length of 3-6 meters, width not less than 150mm, the material should be consistent with existing national standards for the structural engineering construction and acceptance of second material requirements. --Construction and erection requirements along the four surrounding circles of buildings erection, when if conditions cannot be set, you should set the necessary lateral support, side strengthened walls. 1, cantilevered scaffold erection more than three starts, six-layer for a closed period. 2, the scaffold and the main structure of the lateral distance connection points using 3-4 double column vertical distance, but not more than 4 times times column latitude and vertical spacing 2-3 horizontal step, but it shouldn't be more than 3 times the longitudinal bar step. 3, vertical rods from 1.5 meters distance ? 1.8M, outer rows of horizontal bar spacing ? 0.9m, horizontal bar spacing ? 1.0M. 4 lateral, longitudinal bracing located in scaffolds along the height setting from the bottom, vertical support width suitable for 5-7 pole spacing, diagonal angle with the ground should be at 45 degrees to 60 degrees. Longitudinal bracing rotating buckles with pole and horizontal bars fastened joints from the scaffold node is not greater than 200mm, 6、谈话要委婉和注重可接受性。班主任和家长谈话时,一般应先讲学生的优点,后讲缺点,对孩子的缺点也不要一下讲得过多。应该给家长一种感觉,孩子每天都在进步。惟如此家长才会欢迎班主任,愿意接受班主任的建议,愉快地与班主任合作,对孩子的优缺点也能正确认识和正确对待。要把握好沟通步骤的时序。“哪壶先开提哪壶”,先说说孩子的优点和进步,等家长有了愉快的情绪,再逐渐提一些建议,家长会更乐于接受。因为同一件事,往往可以从多个角度来描述它,为了使人们乐意接受,我们就可尽量从人们的心理易于接受的那一个角度去叙述,尽量避免那种容易引起人们反感的角度。 幼儿园老师该怎么与家长沟通?能不能实话告诉家长孩子的不好地方? 对于无关痛痒的小毛病当然可以告诉家长,但孩子真的有比较大的毛病,比如爱偷东西,爱打人等等,还是应该婉转的告诉家长,没有一个家长愿意听到别人说自己孩子 的不好。沟通时要先表扬孩子进步的地方,然后再说出不足,这样家长听了会很容易接受的。 幼儿园教师如何与三类家长沟通 教师在与家长的交流中,就能看出他们在家对孩子的教育态度。把脉家长,对症下药,才能做好家园共育工作。 类型一,包办代替 有位家长经常说“老师,我的孩子不会穿鞋,请老师帮助穿好,我的孩子吃饭慢,老师多给喂喂”之类的话。他从来不提及让孩子学习生活方面的技能,而是一味得让老师代劳。 此类家长在家一定是包办代替,什么都帮孩子做好,完全不考虑孩子的能力,这是包办代替型家长。此种类型的家长容易培养出生活自理能力差的孩子,做事情自信心不足,不适应集体生活。 采取措施, 1、利用家长开放日,让家长发现自己孩子与其他孩子在生活自理方面存在的差距。 2、与家长单独沟通,让家长了解此年龄段孩子应该掌握的生活技能有哪些,帮助家长树立正确的教育观。 3、教给幼儿生活方面的技能技巧,在园提供给幼儿更多锻炼的机会,帮幼儿树立自信心,让幼儿愿意为自我服务,并把幼儿的成功及时反馈给家长。 类型2,望子成龙 有位家长一来接送孩子,就和老师长谈,还经常给老师打电话,询问孩子在幼儿园的种种表现,“孩子吃得怎么样,睡得怎么样,上课回答问题了吗,学的东西都掌握了吗,在家需要家长怎样辅导,”等等。 其实,此类家长对孩子抱以重任,“望儿成龙、望女成凤”的心4-6m, transverse horizontal bar on typically 1.2 m-1.5 m, steel should be paint coated. (2) fasteners shall comply with the provisions of the steel tube scaffolding fastener, material using the malleable GB9440 provided not less than KTH330-08 grades of mechanical properties of malleable cast iron or GB11352 medium ZG230-450 cast steel production, fasteners and the joint surface of the pipe must be strictly cosmetic, should meet the requirements of tensile properties of the retainer. Fasteners must not have defects such as cracks, holes, loose, sand hole. (3) the scaffold, scaffold used bamboo and wooden scaffold used wooden scaffold made of pine 50mm, length of 3-6 meters, width not less than 150mm, the material should be consistent with existing national standards for the structural engineering construction and acceptance of second material requirements. --Construction and erection requirements along the four surrounding circles of buildings erection, when if conditions cannot be set, you should set the necessary lateral support, side strengthened walls. 1, cantilevered scaffold erection more than three starts, six-layer for a closed period. 2, the scaffold and the main structure of the lateral distance connection points using 3-4 double column vertical distance, but not more than 4 times times column latitude and vertical spacing 2-3 horizontal step, but it shouldn't be more than 3 times the longitudinal bar step. 3, vertical rods from 1.5 meters distance ? 1.8M, outer rows of horizontal bar spacing ? 0.9m, horizontal bar spacing ? 1.0M. 4 lateral, longitudinal bracing located in scaffolds along the height setting from the bottom, vertical support width suitable for 5-7 pole spacing, diagonal angle with the ground should be at 45 degrees to 60 degrees. Longitudinal bracing rotating buckles with pole and horizontal bars fastened joints from the scaffold node is not greater than 200mm, 态过重,希望孩子样样都出类拔萃,遥遥领先,有些急功见利,却往往造成孩子做事情胆怯,缺乏创造力。 采取措施, 1、与家长单独沟通,让家长了解此年龄段孩子应该具备的各种能力,讨论过分管制孩子会造成不良后果的严重性,帮助家长树立正确的教育观。 2、教师在幼儿入园、离园时主动与他交流幼儿在园情况,多报喜少报忧,最好长话短说。 舒缓幼儿情绪,鼓励其认真完成每件事,只要尽自己最大的努力就可以了。 类型3,漠视教育 有位家长从不主动与老师交流孩子在幼儿园或在家中的情况。如果老师与他反馈幼儿在园情况时,好的方面他只是表示同意,不好的方面嘴里说“配合老师,帮助孩子改正”,却没有看到他真正行动。 我认为这类家长其实是在漠视教育。此种类型家长会造成幼儿对一切事物产生无所谓的态度,不求上进。 采取措施, 1、先了解家长不交流的真正原因,是工作忙,还是不知道该怎么配合老师, 2、与家长个别沟通,教给家长配合的方法,向其说明配合后会产生的效果。对工作忙得家长,老师可以以书信的方式 与之交流,帮助家长解决教育问题。 3、向家长宣传幼儿园丰富多彩的活动,鼓励幼儿积极参与到各项活动中来,取得好成绩后及时向家长汇报。 家园合作中一项重要的工作就是与家长沟通。在现代生活中,由于年轻的家长工作忙,许多祖辈家长承担了接送孩子的任务,成为了教师沟通交流的对象。祖辈家长有着与年轻家长不同的特点,他们更为宠爱孩子,关注琐碎的生活细节,他们喜欢以经验代替科学,思想较为保守,不易变通,他们爱唠叨,眼里只有自己的孩子。这给家园沟通带来了很大的困难。很多教师怕与他们沟通,要么采用迁就、顺从的办法,尽量让他们满意,要么不认同他们的教育观念,对他们的要求置之不理。 我班有个幼儿叫小宝,体质较弱,容易出虚汗,经常需要教师帮他擦汗。小宝的奶奶很担心小宝在幼儿园是否会得到很好的照顾,每天下午来接小宝时第一件事就是检查小宝的擦汗布,如果擦汗布比较干,奶奶就认为教师没帮孩子擦汗。奶奶来到班上只要看到教师不在小宝身边,就认为教师不关心她的孙子,因而不高兴。我们怕得罪奶奶,与她处不好关系,因此给予小宝更多的关注,但奶奶还是不满意。有时她送孩子来园后会躲在暗处观察,如果见到我对某个孩子较关注,她事后会借机问我,“某某的家长是干什么的?我看你们老师对他挺关心的嘛!”一次“六一”节文艺表演前,孩子们一4-6m, transverse horizontal bar on typically 1.2 m-1.5 m, steel should be paint coated. (2) fasteners shall comply with the provisions of the steel tube scaffolding fastener, material using the malleable GB9440 provided not less than KTH330-08 grades of mechanical properties of malleable cast iron or GB11352 medium ZG230-450 cast steel production, fasteners and the joint surface of the pipe must be strictly cosmetic, should meet the requirements of tensile properties of the retainer. Fasteners must not have defects such as cracks, holes, loose, sand hole. (3) the scaffold, scaffold used bamboo and wooden scaffold used wooden scaffold made of pine 50mm, length of 3-6 meters, width not less than 150mm, the material should be consistent with existing national standards for the structural engineering construction and acceptance of second material requirements. --Construction and erection requirements along the four surrounding circles of buildings erection, when if conditions cannot be set, you should set the necessary lateral support, side strengthened walls. 1, cantilevered scaffold erection more than three starts, six-layer for a closed period. 2, the scaffold and the main structure of the lateral distance connection points using 3-4 double column vertical distance, but not more than 4 times times column latitude and vertical spacing 2-3 horizontal step, but it shouldn't be more than 3 times the longitudinal bar step. 3, vertical rods from 1.5 meters distance ? 1.8M, outer rows of horizontal bar spacing ? 0.9m, horizontal bar spacing ? 1.0M. 4 lateral, longitudinal bracing located in scaffolds along the height setting from the bottom, vertical support width suitable for 5-7 pole spacing, diagonal angle with the ground should be at 45 degrees to 60 degrees. Longitudinal bracing rotating buckles with pole and horizontal bars fastened joints from the scaffold node is not greater than 200mm, 个个排好队等着教师化妆,小宝的奶奶说小宝容易过敏,不能化妆。我们建议小宝不化妆,只佩戴头饰,奶奶又觉得和别人不一样会很难看。于是我们决定让小宝化淡妆。因为怕他过敏,我们想临上场时再帮小宝化妆,所以就先忙着帮其他孩子化妆,没再顾得上搭理小宝和他的奶奶。奶奶觉得教师把他们晾在了一边不理他们,就气冲冲地抱起小宝哭着跑出了活动室。自那之后,我们更是小心翼翼地与小宝的奶奶相处,但不久之后小宝转班了。 其实奶奶的心情我完全理解,但为什么我和她就沟通不好呢?经过很长时间的反思,并与有经验的同事交流,我渐渐总结出了自己在与小宝的奶奶沟通中的两大问题——傲慢与偏见。一方面我认为奶奶只是在生活上照顾孙子,对教育的事一点都不懂,跟她沟通也没用,另一方面,我一开始就认定奶奶对孩子的疼爱就是溺爱,内心对她的教育观念很不认同,也不愿意去和她沟通。因此,我始终没有与奶奶交流教育方面的问题,只是为了双方能和平共处而迁就她,谁知不但没能使她满意,反而让她变本加厉,最终导致误会的加深。 尽管与祖辈家长沟通不容易,但事实上祖辈家长接送孩子的现象已越来越普遍,在我班就占了约80,。避免与祖辈家长接触、交流是行不通的,唯一的方法就是正视这一问题并积极地去面对。自那以后,我总结出了“坚持原则、以诚相 待、一视同仁”的沟通原则。我相信,只要理解祖辈家长疼爱孩子的心理,并注重沟通艺术,就一定能取得良好的沟通效果。现在,小班幼儿入园前的第一次家访,我都会认真地把家长说的事,尤其是祖辈家长提到的要点记录下来,这一方面可以作为自己工作时的参考,另一方面也让家长觉得我对他们的话很重视。我抓住祖辈家长喜欢和教师谈天的特点,在孩子入园和离园时总是热情地与他们打招呼,还主动把孩子在幼儿园发生的事说给他们听、让他们感觉到我们对孩子很关心,观察孩子很细心。一段时间相处下来,老人们说,“老师真不简单。对孩子观察那么仔细,孩子在这里我们放心。” 考虑到祖辈家长时间充裕,我们便热情地邀请他们参与班级活动,如家庭教育经验交流会、“奶奶故事会”等。老人觉得自己受重视了,参与的积极性提高了,也更加配合幼儿园教育教学工作了。如教师请幼儿设法丰富自然角的材料,老人们知道后会自觉地结伴寻找。由于有了老人的肯定、支持与帮助,班级工作的开展越来越顺利。在此过程中,老人的教育观念也在不知不觉中发生了变化,与教师的合作也越来越默契了。 无论是祖辈家长还是年轻家长,都是教师重要的合作伙伴。做好家园沟通工作关键在于教师和家长要建立相互信任、尊重、支持的情感桥梁,共同探索家园共育的新视角、新内涵。虽然祖辈家长与年轻的爸爸妈妈们相比,在教育观4-6m, transverse horizontal bar on typically 1.2 m-1.5 m, steel should be paint coated. (2) fasteners shall comply with the provisions of the steel tube scaffolding fastener, material using the malleable GB9440 provided not less than KTH330-08 grades of mechanical properties of malleable cast iron or GB11352 medium ZG230-450 cast steel production, fasteners and the joint surface of the pipe must be strictly cosmetic, should meet the requirements of tensile properties of the retainer. Fasteners must not have defects such as cracks, holes, loose, sand hole. (3) the scaffold, scaffold used bamboo and wooden scaffold used wooden scaffold made of pine 50mm, length of 3-6 meters, width not less than 150mm, the material should be consistent with existing national standards for the structural engineering construction and acceptance of second material requirements. --Construction and erection requirements along the four surrounding circles of buildings erection, when if conditions cannot be set, you should set the necessary lateral support, side strengthened walls. 1, cantilevered scaffold erection more than three starts, six-layer for a closed period. 2, the scaffold and the main structure of the lateral distance connection points using 3-4 double column vertical distance, but not more than 4 times times column latitude and vertical spacing 2-3 horizontal step, but it shouldn't be more than 3 times the longitudinal bar step. 3, vertical rods from 1.5 meters distance ? 1.8M, outer rows of horizontal bar spacing ? 0.9m, horizontal bar spacing ? 1.0M. 4 lateral, longitudinal bracing located in scaffolds along the height setting from the bottom, vertical support width suitable for 5-7 pole spacing, diagonal angle with the ground should be at 45 degrees to 60 degrees. Longitudinal bracing rotating buckles with pole and horizontal bars fastened joints from the scaffold node is not greater than 200mm, 念、教育方法上可能有不足的地方,但他们也具有不可忽视的优势,他们对孙辈的关爱是无私的、专注的,他们有更多的时间与教师交流、与其他孩子的家长交流,他们阅历丰富、做事耐心,有充裕的时间参与幼儿园的活动。因此,祖辈家长应该成为幼儿园重要的教育资源,成为家园合作的重要力量。而这一切的起点在于教师对他们的尊重与理解,引导与沟通。
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