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南京南站28日投入使用地铁高铁换乘南京南站28日投入使用地铁高铁换乘 南京南站28日投入使用地铁高铁换乘"零距离" 2011-06-21 08:14:30 分享到:QQ空间新浪微博腾讯微博人人网 【大字 中字 小字】【打 印】 昨日,记者在南站候车大厅内看到,专门用来拖地的电动车正在来回拖着地面。宋峤 摄 “高铁南京南”五个字是整体烧铸的,虽改名还要存在一段时间。宋峤 摄 南京发布 南京南站将于28日正式开通,京沪高铁将于本月底通车运营,本周内市民可以买到高铁车票。昨日,南京市政府召开新闻发布会,通报了南京南站建设以及通车前准备工作情况。 ...
南京南站28日投入使用地铁高铁换乘 南京南站28日投入使用地铁高铁换乘"零距离" 2011-06-21 08:14:30 分享到:QQ空间新浪微博腾讯微博人人网 【大字 中字 小字】【打 印】 昨日,记者在南站候车大厅内看到,专门用来拖地的电动车正在来回拖着地面。宋峤 摄 “高铁南京南”五个字是整体烧铸的,虽改名还要存在一段时间。宋峤 摄 南京发布 南京南站将于28日正式开通,京沪高铁将于本月底通车运营,本周内市民可以买到高铁车票。昨日,南京市政府召开新闻发布会,通报了南京南站建设以及通车前准备工作情况。 南站将设60个自助售票机 南京南站汇集京沪高铁、沪汉蓉城际铁路、宁安城际铁路,宁杭城际铁路,连接沪宁城际铁路,形成28站线,有28个站台。南京火车站副站长关群介绍,南京南站功能更加便of the people, "Da Yi Ju", big love Yi Ju "unite to society is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At present, in the County's recommended good in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more than 200. More optimized development environment, perseverance deepen style construction, increase" Yong lazy slow hiding remediation efforts, window units in service quality, service efficiency significantly improved. While fully affirming our achievements, we also want to clearly see the majority control group The expectations of the public, control a city evaluation system standards, the county a city work, there still exist many weak links and the prominent question. Mainly in: 1, environmental sanitation, city back lane and rural road, bridge, village, ditches still exist health corner, Ji Cunla garbage is not completely clear, after the Qing chaos, while rebound phenomenon occur frequently., and the appearance of the order, city roads, key areas of illegal structures, unlicensed stalls, probe the market, Jeeves, running red lights, vehicle Luantingluanfang phenomenon still exists, part of the urban road traffic order is chaotic; Street business operators to implement the "door 3 packets" is not in place, commercial street, residential areas and other shop management repeated, serious impact on the image of the city., "five small" industries management, some operating premises license, part of the practitioners no certificates. 4, community construction, community property management is not standardized, is not in place, public service space generally lack, the insufficient number of facilities of the public fire control community minors live Dynamic venues and other infrastructure facilities is not perfect, community volunteer service activities often cannot carry out 捷化,在售票方面,车站在到达层、站台层、出发层也就是地上三层均设有售票区。运营初期将使用人工窗口50个,自助售票机60台。 关群介绍,南京南站分三个站场,第一个是京沪,第二个是宁杭和沪汉蓉,第三个是宁安。建成运营初期,宁安场不会开通,京沪以及沪汉蓉将在这里上下客。其中京沪动车组列车71对,沪汉蓉26对。为了满足旅客对不同速度等级票价的选择,开通初期安排了59对高字头的动车,和12对动车,分别前往,北京,天津,郑州,徐州等方向。京沪场位于站台的最北侧,中间则是沪汉蓉场。而开通初期,南站只开放北落客平台,即乘客只能从北边出站。 市民不买票也能进候车区观光 南京南站站房分成五个层面,地下一层是地铁的换乘大厅以及商业区,在负二层为地铁1号线,地面一层是换乘大厅,地面二层是站台层(出发厅),地面三层是高架候车层(候车厅)。乘客到达了一层后,旅客可通过南北的入口平台直接进入,也可以通过地面换乘大厅进入。在南京南站综合交通枢纽大致600米范围内,铁路、地铁、公路客运、公交4大交通体系通过130部电梯完全连接在一起。记者了解到,南京南站的一大创举是,候车大厅是开放的,市民无需买票可进入参观、购物。主候车室面积5.8万平方米,最高的聚集人数达8000人。 本周市民可买到高铁票 对于京沪高铁究竟何时正式通车运营,关群示,按照计划是6月底,目前还在等待铁道路的正式通知。她透露,昨天全路局已按新的时刻表进行实战模拟。由于正式通车时间未公布,目前何时才能买到高铁票还不能完全确定。但是,火车票的预售期为5天(含当日)。据此推算,本周周日为6月26日,当天上午8点应该开卖6月30日的车票。 不少市民关心,调图后沪宁城际铁路的时速将降到300公里,而票价是否也会进行调整,南京火车站相关负责人表示,目前铁道部对于调整后的票价尚未公布,估计肯定会有降低,而京沪高铁最终的实施价格也会比公布价有一定的优惠。 主城5条道路可通南京南站 南京市公安交管局副局长李友庆介绍,南京南站通车后,机场高速南北双向均可以进入南站。南北向新建的绿都大道,明城大道,将增加从软件大道往南站的通道。玉兰路改造工程——雨花南路至南站北广场也将全线完工,届时玉兰路将是进出南站的主要通道。此外,环绕站房及铁路周围的道路也将全部修建完成,其中东西向新建道路——金阳东街,将连接双龙大道至南站。 据介绍,根据目前南站现有配套周边路网建设情况,交管部门研究制订了相应的临时交通组织情况。从主城往南站的通道有5条(如右上表),由西向东依次为:机场高速连接线,绿都大道,玉兰路,明城大道以及卡子门大街——双龙大道。从江宁方向往南站的通道,主要有三个,第一个是机场高速,第二个是将军大道,第三个是双龙大道。由于站房南侧区域的道路建设尚未成网,所以沿将军大道及双龙大道过来的车辆必须向北绕行至软件大道,再选择绿都大道、玉兰路或明城大道进入南站。 of the people, "Da Yi Ju", big love Yi Ju "unite to society is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At present, in the County's recommended good in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more than 200. More optimized development environment, perseverance deepen style construction, increase" Yong lazy slow hiding remediation efforts, window units in service quality, service efficiency significantly improved. While fully affirming our achievements, we also want to clearly see the majority control group The expectations of the public, control a city evaluation system standards, the county a city work, there still exist many weak links and the prominent question. Mainly in: 1, environmental sanitation, city back lane and rural road, bridge, village, ditches still exist health corner, Ji Cunla garbage is not completely clear, after the Qing chaos, while rebound phenomenon occur frequently., and the appearance of the order, city roads, key areas of illegal structures, unlicensed stalls, probe the market, Jeeves, running red lights, vehicle Luantingluanfang phenomenon still exists, part of the urban road traffic order is chaotic; Street business operators to implement the "door 3 packets" is not in place, commercial street, residential areas and other shop management repeated, serious impact on the image of the city., "five small" industries management, some operating premises license, part of the practitioners no certificates. 4, community construction, community property management is not standardized, is not in place, public service space generally lack, the insufficient number of facilities of the public fire control community minors live Dynamic venues and other infrastructure facilities is not perfect, community volunteer service activities often cannot carry out 从南站往主城方向的通道有四个,由西往东依次为绿都大道,玉兰路,明城大道以及卡子门大街。从南站往江宁方向的通道主要有两个,一个是双龙大道,第二个通道,车辆先通过绿都大道、玉兰路或者明城大道北至软件大道后,再选择将军大道或机场高速前往江宁。 地铁考虑提前首班时间对接高铁 南京地铁运营公司总经理张建平介绍,地铁1号线南延线南京南站站将于6月28日正式启用,市民从新街口搭乘南延线只需要18分钟左右就可以抵达,从药科大学到南京南站也就25分钟左右。 据介绍,地铁在南京南站共设了7个出入口。目前,高铁中央换乘通道内2、3、4出入口已经具备开放条件,位于北广场1、7号出入口预计于6月28日具备开放条件。5、6号出入口因为火车站南广场在施工目前不具备开放条件,等施工完毕以后同期开放。 根据,一共有四条地铁轨道线穿越南京南站,分别是地铁1号线南延线,地铁3号线,机场线和12号线。张建平透露,为了更好地与高铁进行衔接,地铁方面将对地铁一二号线的首班车时间进行微调,考虑适度提前,方便乘客赶早搭乘高铁。 本报记者 仇惠栋 权威声音 “京沪高铁迟早还要跑到350km/h” 省铁路办副主任张晓铃回应热点问题 京沪高铁开通在即,为什么速度从350公里/小时降到300公里/小时?为什么许多车站都远离市区?昨天下午江苏省交通运输厅副厅长、省铁路办副主任张晓铃接受记者采访时对一些热点问题一一回应。尤其是关于“降速说”,张晓铃予以否定,他认为“京沪高铁迟早还要跑到350公里/小时”。 “降速说”那是误解 京沪高铁设计时速为350公里/小时,开通初期只开到300公里/小时,此前不少人都质疑,京沪高铁临时“降速”是不是出于安全考虑?难道因为太赶工期质量跟不上?甚至还有人发出这样的疑问。 张晓铃告诉记者,所谓“降速说”那完全是误解,“京沪高铁立项时批下来的初期运营速度就是300公里/小时,并不是说现在才临时决定的,这是出于运营成本的考虑,如果速度一下子提得太高,必然带来成本上升和票价的上升。”他表示,京沪高铁建设标准定得高,技术做得精准,京沪高铁跑更高的速度完全没问题,“现在跑300公里真有点大材小用了,今后迟早会恢复到350公里/小时。” 县站设得太少有点遗憾 of the people, "Da Yi Ju", big love Yi Ju "unite to society is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At present, in the County's recommended good in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more than 200. More optimized development environment, perseverance deepen style construction, increase" Yong lazy slow hiding remediation efforts, window units in service quality, service efficiency significantly improved. While fully affirming our achievements, we also want to clearly see the majority control group The expectations of the public, control a city evaluation system standards, the county a city work, there still exist many weak links and the prominent question. Mainly in: 1, environmental sanitation, city back lane and rural road, bridge, village, ditches still exist health corner, Ji Cunla garbage is not completely clear, after the Qing chaos, while rebound phenomenon occur frequently., and the appearance of the order, city roads, key areas of illegal structures, unlicensed stalls, probe the market, Jeeves, running red lights, vehicle Luantingluanfang phenomenon still exists, part of the urban road traffic order is chaotic; Street business operators to implement the "door 3 packets" is not in place, commercial street, residential areas and other shop management repeated, serious impact on the image of the city., "five small" industries management, some operating premises license, part of the practitioners no certificates. 4, community construction, community property management is not standardized, is not in place, public service space generally lack, the insufficient number of facilities of the public fire control community minors live Dynamic venues and other infrastructure facilities is not perfect, community volunteer service activities often cannot carry out 京沪高铁全线设24个站,其中江苏有8个站。这8个站分别为徐州东、南京南、镇江西、常州北、无锡北、苏州北、昆山南和丹阳东。8个站中只有昆山和丹阳是县级站。 “其实在刚开始,京沪高铁只设计了21个站,全线仅有一个县级站就是我们江苏的昆山南站,后来一些省反映县级站太少,我省也一起争取到了一个名额, 这才增加了丹阳东这一站,安徽增加了定远站,山东增加了曲阜站,总站数增加到了24个。”张晓铃说,“不过,现在看来,县级站还是少了点,铁道路内部也有这样的观点,多少有点遗憾。” 为啥高铁站都设在主城外 试运行一段时间以来,也有不少市民心有不解:为什么京沪高铁的站点大多设在离主城挺远的地方?张晓铃介绍,当初选站点离城比较远,主要有3个原因:一是为了线路顺直,如果老是往主城里拐弯,就会带来曲线半径等方面的问题,对速度有影响;二是考虑到拆迁成本,主城区的拆迁成本太高;三是地方政府的态度,不少地方政府考虑到规划、协调等问题,也不太愿意把高铁路建到城里来。 “这么做,如果从长远看未必不是件好事,这给城市的下一步发展留下了更大的空间,比如南京南站,正建在主城区与江宁新城区之间,可以说是个绝佳的位置。”同时,他向记者指出,江苏的8个站距离现有老火车站的距离还是比较适中的,最远的无锡北站距老站12公里,苏州北站距老站10公里,常州北站比较近只有3公里的距离。 2公里设一个24小时岗哨 对于京沪高铁的安全问题,张晓铃坦言:“那是恨不得用一个大罩子把它罩起来,但这不可能。”所以,上个月刚批下来,将在京沪高铁沿线每2公里左右设置一个岗楼,24小时派专人职守,全线共设652个岗楼,按每公里1人的标准不间断对线路进行巡守。同时,高铁沿线全部设置了视频监控系统,一旦发现异常情况计算机控制中心就会第一时间作出反映,运行中的列车会自动停车。他还告诉记者,现在京沪高铁沿线正在全面清理在危险品生产、加工、储存、销售场所及采石、爆破作业等。 本报记者 石小磊 ?地铁紧急更名 地铁站名争论有了结果 “高铁南京南”正式改名“南京南站” 本报讯 高铁南京南,之前有不少读者反映南京地铁的这个站名有些怪。记者昨日乘坐地铁时发现,新的线路图已经出来,原来的“高铁南京南”已经变成了“南京南站”。而地铁南京南站里,工人也在忙着对旧版标识进行更新换代。 记者昨日在地铁一号线玄武门站看到,地铁线路图的标识已经更新,原来的“高铁南京南”已经更名为“南京南站”。地铁公司的相关人士介绍,在规划装修之初,政府定的名字就是“高铁南京南”。而现在地名办已经确定,确定为“南京南站”,为此所有的导向标识、以及地铁列车上的线路图都要进行更改。不过,地铁运营公司相关负责人告诉记者:“南京南站站台上黄色搪瓷钢板的„高铁南京南‟五个字因为是整体烧铸的,短时间无法更改,需要一定的of the people, "Da Yi Ju", big love Yi Ju "unite to society is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At present, in the County's recommended good in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more than 200. More optimized development environment, perseverance deepen style construction, increase" Yong lazy slow hiding remediation efforts, window units in service quality, service efficiency significantly improved. While fully affirming our achievements, we also want to clearly see the majority control group The expectations of the public, control a city evaluation system standards, the county a city work, there still exist many weak links and the prominent question. Mainly in: 1, environmental sanitation, city back lane and rural road, bridge, village, ditches still exist health corner, Ji Cunla garbage is not completely clear, after the Qing chaos, while rebound phenomenon occur frequently., and the appearance of the order, city roads, key areas of illegal structures, unlicensed stalls, probe the market, Jeeves, running red lights, vehicle Luantingluanfang phenomenon still exists, part of the urban road traffic order is chaotic; Street business operators to implement the "door 3 packets" is not in place, commercial street, residential areas and other shop management repeated, serious impact on the image of the city., "five small" industries management, some operating premises license, part of the practitioners no certificates. 4, community construction, community property management is not standardized, is not in place, public service space generally lack, the insufficient number of facilities of the public fire control community minors live Dynamic venues and other infrastructure facilities is not perfect, community volunteer service activities often cannot carry out 周期来调整。”记者昨日下午来到地铁南京南站的站台,发现工人已经将部分原有的标识去掉,正在准备安装新的标识,而站台的巨大搪瓷钢板还留在原处。相关工作人员告诉记者,这块标识估计开通前是改不过来了。 (仇惠栋) ?航空紧急应对 “宁京空中快线”昨天开通了 机场大巴发车位置不变,机场开了安检快捷通道 6月20日,禄口机场联合五家航空公司共同设立的“宁京空中快线”正式开通。通过设立专用值机柜台, 缩短截载时间,设立安检快捷通道、优先安排登机、机票相互签转等服务,以应对京沪高铁对南京至北京航线的影响。 目前,南京-北京航班周一、三、五每天18班,其余时间每天17班,分别由东航江苏公司(7班)、上航(1班)、国航(周一、三、五每天8班,其余时间每天7班、南方航(1班)及海航(1班)执飞。航班时间从上午7:50至夜间22:20,航班密度达到每小时一班,旅客基本上可以随到随走。 ?机场大巴之前在南京站、汉中门长途汽车站、中华门长途汽车站的所有机场大巴,班次、发车点不变。目前南京汽车南站的机场大巴发车点,机场还在和相关单位进行协调,如果协调到位,会第一时间通过媒体发布。 ?票 价 机票预售期会提前21天,可以订到2.8折的机票,提前15天订,最低在4折;提前7天预订,可以订到5.2折的机票。各航空公司将根据实际销售数据进行分析,实行浮动票价折扣,一般折扣票价基本维持在500-600元之间。东航江苏公司在北京航线上推出提前6天、13天、20天等不同预售期不同的折扣机票。旅客提前购票越早,机票折扣会更多些。 ?机票可签转 东航(MU)和上航(FM)航班相互之间可以无条件签转。不过要在后续航班有座位的基础上。 ?携带行李宽限25公斤 乘坐南京飞机前往北京的旅客,东航和国航每人免费托运的行李重量从20公斤增加到25公斤。同时机场承诺到达南京的航班首件行李到旅客手中不超过12分钟。 ?快捷通道 南京机场在出发大厅值机区域(E岛)开辟3节柜台,专门为前往北京航班旅客办理登机及托运行李手续。东航(MU)、国航(CA)上航(FM)、南航(CZ),以及海航(HU)航班的截载时间由原来的航班起飞前30分钟减少到20分钟。 为节省旅客时间,南京机场还开辟北京航班安检快捷通道,对所有飞往北京的航班上停靠主楼登机口,力争旅客在安检过后,分钟内到达登机口。 of the people, "Da Yi Ju", big love Yi Ju "unite to society is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At present, in the County's recommended good in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more than 200. More optimized development environment, perseverance deepen style construction, increase" Yong lazy slow hiding remediation efforts, window units in service quality, service efficiency significantly improved. While fully affirming our achievements, we also want to clearly see the majority control group The expectations of the public, control a city evaluation system standards, the county a city work, there still exist many weak links and the prominent question. Mainly in: 1, environmental sanitation, city back lane and rural road, bridge, village, ditches still exist health corner, Ji Cunla garbage is not completely clear, after the Qing chaos, while rebound phenomenon occur frequently., and the appearance of the order, city roads, key areas of illegal structures, unlicensed stalls, probe the market, Jeeves, running red lights, vehicle Luantingluanfang phenomenon still exists, part of the urban road traffic order is chaotic; Street business operators to implement the "door 3 packets" is not in place, commercial street, residential areas and other shop management repeated, serious impact on the image of the city., "five small" industries management, some operating premises license, part of the practitioners no certificates. 4, community construction, community property management is not standardized, is not in place, public service space generally lack, the insufficient number of facilities of the public fire control community minors live Dynamic venues and other infrastructure facilities is not perfect, community volunteer service activities often cannot carry out 【记者体验】 5分钟进入等候区 昨天上午10:00,记者进入候机楼,在工作人员的指引下,来到京沪航班的专门值机柜台,柜台前排了两个人。记者观察了一下,平均一个人办理值机手续的时间,为2分钟。“京沪高铁开通后你会去坐京沪高铁,还是坐空中快线,”记者随机调查了5名乘客,有4名说“试过才知道”,有1位则坚定地说要去坐高铁,“因为从家到机场要提前3个小时出发。” 从值机柜台走到“绿色通道”也只需1分钟。绿色通道几乎没什么人排队,随到随走。从绿色通道的柜台,一直到等候区,也只需要两三分钟。这样算下来,整个值机过程只要5分钟。 通讯员 郑健 本报记者 徐媛园 记者观察 南京南站公交车场站“伤不起” 10条公交“瘦身”成7条,其中2条还是区间车 昨天,南京市政府新闻发布会,发布了与南京南站“无缝对接”的公交线路,但在最新发布的时刻表上,记者发现,原先预定的10条公交线路,现在只剩了7条,7条线路中还有两条是区间“接驳车”。记者了解到,公交线路“瘦身”的原因是公交车场站、站房等基础设施还未建好。此外,记者还在探访中发现,南京南站公交车场站还有“硬伤”。 “硬伤”一:人车混行 场站内有点乱 所谓“人车混行”,中山陵站的东沟公交站是个很好的模板。由于工期仓促,中山陵东沟停车场,只是用推土机,在土地上平整出了一块空地,上下客都在此。一辆游1开过来,还没下完客,等车的乘客就一蜂窝地涌向车门口。一时间,人、土、车混在一起。 “一般公交车进入车场站,要先在场站外让客流下车,然后进站等待发车,最后出站带客。”这样“人车分流”有利于客流的上下客。“之前我们的设想是,在公交车场站上方,建一个„八爪鱼‟一样的高架天桥,乘客下车后,可以直接通过八个„爪子‟去火车南站、汽车南站等他们想去的地方。”这样既可以做到“人车分离”,又方便了乘客。但由于时间问题,最终这一没能实行。 “硬伤”二:公交车无奈“瘦身” 公交车场站位于西南角,与汽车南站相隔不到50米。昨天,记者去南京公交车场站探访时发现,那里还只是一片平整过的土地,还没有形成“16000平方米”公交换乘站的气候,一个“候车站台”的底座正在建设中。记者从进入南站后连续询问了十几个工地工人,甚至没人知道公交车场站在哪儿。 of the people, "Da Yi Ju", big love Yi Ju "unite to society is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At present, in the County's recommended good in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more than 200. More optimized development environment, perseverance deepen style construction, increase" Yong lazy slow hiding remediation efforts, window units in service quality, service efficiency significantly improved. While fully affirming our achievements, we also want to clearly see the majority control group The expectations of the public, control a city evaluation system standards, the county a city work, there still exist many weak links and the prominent question. Mainly in: 1, environmental sanitation, city back lane and rural road, bridge, village, ditches still exist health corner, Ji Cunla garbage is not completely clear, after the Qing chaos, while rebound phenomenon occur frequently., and the appearance of the order, city roads, key areas of illegal structures, unlicensed stalls, probe the market, Jeeves, running red lights, vehicle Luantingluanfang phenomenon still exists, part of the urban road traffic order is chaotic; Street business operators to implement the "door 3 packets" is not in place, commercial street, residential areas and other shop management repeated, serious impact on the image of the city., "five small" industries management, some operating premises license, part of the practitioners no certificates. 4, community construction, community property management is not standardized, is not in place, public service space generally lack, the insufficient number of facilities of the public fire control community minors live Dynamic venues and other infrastructure facilities is not perfect, community volunteer service activities often cannot carry out 南京目前开辟新公交线路首要硬件就是两头必须要有停车站,没有预留公交场站并配备相应的设施,则无法开辟新的线路,也无法形成地面、地下交通大枢纽站。据悉,场站的站房问题目前仍在协商中,不过公交车的用水、洗车等问题倒是暂时解决了,因为离长途客运南站只有50米远,开通初期,将“借用”这里的洗车场洗车。另外,虽然没有水、没有站房,但是南站公交场站预留了弱电系统,并为公交实施智能化管理留下了空间。 由于初期场站配置不够,客管部门先前规划入驻的10条公交线路,现在只能入驻7条。 “硬伤”三:公交车场站只能进不能出 预计6月28日南站只有北落客平台和北广场投入使用,周边配套的道路也只能通车一部分。“初期规划时,公交车场站的设计是:公交车逆向绕行,但现在进站的路已经建好了,但出站的路还没建好。”那公交车如何进出南站,尤其是江宁方向,由于绕城路与宁溧路的双龙街立交正在施工,宁溧路高架双龙街地面道路6月底并不通车,这些都还有待协调。 “京沪高铁初期安排开行90对动车组列车,但是初期每天怎么也有三五万的客流。再加上长途汽车站,初期每天客流2万左右,公共交通疏散客流的压力还是很大。”离京沪高铁月底通车还有不到十天,关于公交车场站的很多问题,都还在协商中。 公交设置(临时) 南站开通后公交方面7条线路将进入南站。具体计划如下: (一)江宁方向3条线路: 1、191路:众彩物流中心至南站,经东麒大道、万泰路、丰泽路、润发路、润麒路、东麒大道、天印大道、文靖路、北沿路、宁溧路、软件大道、玉兰路至南站,停靠沿途所有站点。 2、192路:出口加工区客运站至南站,经苏源大道、吉印大道、文心街、兰台街、九竹路、殷华街、清水亭东路、双龙大道、软件大道、玉兰路至南站,停靠沿途所有站点。 3、119路:武夷绿洲至南站,经天元路、天元西路、通淮街、胜太西路、将军路、软件大道、站西路至南站,停靠沿途所有站点。 (二)主城方向(含河西方向)4条线路: 1、190路:南京火车站至南站,经龙蟠路、富贵山隧道、北安门街、珠江路、黄埔路、解放路、大光路、大明路、软件大道、玉兰路至南站,停靠沿途所有站点。 2、129路,应天大街公交站至南站,由应天大街经苍山路、兴隆大街、庐山路、新安江路、泰山路、阅城大道、软件大道、站西路至南站,停靠沿途所有站点。 3、19路区间(雨花台南大门至南站),由雨花台南大门经雨花南路、雨花大道、软件大道、站西路至南站,停靠沿途所有站点。沿途可换乘线路有33路、44路、19路、84路、of the people, "Da Yi Ju", big love Yi Ju "unite to society is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At present, in the County's recommended good in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more than 200. More optimized development environment, perseverance deepen style construction, increase" Yong lazy slow hiding remediation efforts, window units in service quality, service efficiency significantly improved. While fully affirming our achievements, we also want to clearly see the majority control group The expectations of the public, control a city evaluation system standards, the county a city work, there still exist many weak links and the prominent question. Mainly in: 1, environmental sanitation, city back lane and rural road, bridge, village, ditches still exist health corner, Ji Cunla garbage is not completely clear, after the Qing chaos, while rebound phenomenon occur frequently., and the appearance of the order, city roads, key areas of illegal structures, unlicensed stalls, probe the market, Jeeves, running red lights, vehicle Luantingluanfang phenomenon still exists, part of the urban road traffic order is chaotic; Street business operators to implement the "door 3 packets" is not in place, commercial street, residential areas and other shop management repeated, serious impact on the image of the city., "five small" industries management, some operating premises license, part of the practitioners no certificates. 4, community construction, community property management is not standardized, is not in place, public service space generally lack, the insufficient number of facilities of the public fire control community minors live Dynamic venues and other infrastructure facilities is not perfect, community volunteer service activities often cannot carry out 46路、99路、112路、120路、154路、173路、游2线、游4线、雨石线、雨乌线等10余条线路。 4、181路区间(光卡路至南京南站),由光卡路站经大明路、软件大道、玉兰路至南站,停靠沿途所有站点。沿途可换乘的线路有46路、99路、112路、120路、27路、84路、103路、118路、126路、63路、301路等10余条线路。 探访南京南站地铁站 未来将实现零距离换乘! 记者探访即将与南京南站同步开通的“高铁南京南”地铁站。未来,1号线南延线、3号线、12号线、机场轻轨线将在此实现零距离换乘。 不久前,本报对进出南京南站的路面交通进行了全方位的报道。昨天,记者又走入地下,探访即将与南京南站同步开通的“高铁南京南”地铁站。未来,1号线南延线、3号线、12号线、机场轻轨线将在此实现零距离换乘。 >>南京地铁一号线南延线6月底停南京南站 如何进站, 南站内外共设7个出入口 “高铁南京南”站由两部分组成,一部分是1号线南延线与3号线的站点,位于南京南站站房的正下方,土建工程已经完毕;另一部分为12号线与机场轻轨线的站点,位于南站的北广场,正在建设中。 of the people, "Da Yi Ju", big love Yi Ju "unite to society is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At present, in the County's recommended good in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more than 200. More optimized development environment, perseverance deepen style construction, increase" Yong lazy slow hiding remediation efforts, window units in service quality, service efficiency significantly improved. While fully affirming our achievements, we also want to clearly see the majority control group The expectations of the public, control a city evaluation system standards, the county a city work, there still exist many weak links and the prominent question. Mainly in: 1, environmental sanitation, city back lane and rural road, bridge, village, ditches still exist health corner, Ji Cunla garbage is not completely clear, after the Qing chaos, while rebound phenomenon occur frequently., and the appearance of the order, city roads, key areas of illegal structures, unlicensed stalls, probe the market, Jeeves, running red lights, vehicle Luantingluanfang phenomenon still exists, part of the urban road traffic order is chaotic; Street business operators to implement the "door 3 packets" is not in place, commercial street, residential areas and other shop management repeated, serious impact on the image of the city., "five small" industries management, some operating premises license, part of the practitioners no certificates. 4, community construction, community property management is not standardized, is not in place, public service space generally lack, the insufficient number of facilities of the public fire control community minors live Dynamic venues and other infrastructure facilities is not perfect, community volunteer service activities often cannot carry out 走进南京南站一楼大厅,沿着60级台阶往下,便可来到地铁1号线南延线与3号线的站厅层,这里是市民进站购票的地方。这里已经不再是黑漆漆的地下通道,站厅的模样已基本显现。空调、电梯等站厅内部机电设施安装基本完毕,正在进行装修。 “站点分为上下两层,站厅层和站台层,总建筑面积为5.2万平方米。”地铁建设分公司土建安装一部副经理龚洪祥说,站厅层共设有7个出入口,其中3个出入口直达南京南站一楼大厅的南区、中区、北区,可直接进站换乘高铁;剩下的4个出口,分别位于站房外的南广场、北广场,可换乘公交车、出租车、长途客车等。 未来,站点周边还将有大量商业开发,因此站厅层还预留了11个连通口与之相连。 如何换乘, 下了1号线南延可上3号线 “高铁南京南地铁站最大的特色是在负二层的站台层。”龚洪祥说。 步行至地下二层,整个站台层要比普通地铁站站台层大出一倍,共设有4条轨道。 外侧的两条轨道已经安装上安全门,不时有1号线南延线的列车呼啸而过。内侧的两条轨道还仅仅是一个框架,为将来的3号线预留。 3号线与两侧的1号线南延线之间,各设有一座宽10米左右站台。换乘同方向地铁,只要下了车,就可在站台上直接换乘。如果是反方向,乘客必须经过上方的站厅层,再下到对面的站台上乘车,与现有的地铁奥体中心站相似。不过,站台层共设有10部扶手电梯,6座楼梯,一部残疾人电梯,可方便市民换乘。 站厅走到最北端,可换12号线和机场轻轨 那么1号线南延线和3号线如何换乘12号线、机场轻轨线, 站厅层的最北端就是12号线与机场轻轨线的站点,两个站点之间相对独立,但又可通过一近8米长的通道,进行互通。乘客下了地铁,只需上到站厅层,不需出站,就可换乘,与新街口站1号线与2号线的换乘方式类似。 据龚洪祥介绍,12号线与机场轻轨线,也是采用双岛4线车站,两条线路也是同站台换乘。未来,4条线路都开通时,市民可在此方便地换乘前往江北新市区、东山新市区、禄口机场等地。 地铁一号线南延线“高铁南京南”站站台层装修基本完成。 本报记者 徐琦摄 of the people, "Da Yi Ju", big love Yi Ju "unite to society is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At present, in the County's recommended good in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more than 200. More optimized development environment, perseverance deepen style construction, increase" Yong lazy slow hiding remediation efforts, window units in service quality, service efficiency significantly improved. While fully affirming our achievements, we also want to clearly see the majority control group The expectations of the public, control a city evaluation system standards, the county a city work, there still exist many weak links and the prominent question. Mainly in: 1, environmental sanitation, city back lane and rural road, bridge, village, ditches still exist health corner, Ji Cunla garbage is not completely clear, after the Qing chaos, while rebound phenomenon occur frequently., and the appearance of the order, city roads, key areas of illegal structures, unlicensed stalls, probe the market, Jeeves, running red lights, vehicle Luantingluanfang phenomenon still exists, part of the urban road traffic order is chaotic; Street business operators to implement the "door 3 packets" is not in place, commercial street, residential areas and other shop management repeated, serious impact on the image of the city., "five small" industries management, some operating premises license, part of the practitioners no certificates. 4, community construction, community property management is not standardized, is not in place, public service space generally lack, the insufficient number of facilities of the public fire control community minors live Dynamic venues and other infrastructure facilities is not perfect, community volunteer service activities often cannot carry out
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