
发挥比较优势 开辟西林生态经济双赢发展新路

2018-09-15 16页 doc 47KB 10阅读




发挥比较优势 开辟西林生态经济双赢发展新路发挥比较优势 开辟西林生态经济双赢发展新路 发挥比较优势 开辟西林生态经济双赢发展新路 谢德强 当今社会~经济发展与保护环境的矛盾日益突出~如何处理好生态环境与经济发展的关系~显得越来越重要~特别是在县域经济的发展中~这一矛盾已经越来越多地直接摆到了党委、政府面前。对于西林这样发展相对滞后的地区来说~这一矛盾更加突出~因此如何解决这一问题~探索一条实现经济效益与生态效益双赢、人与自然和谐相处的科学发展道路~显得尤为迫切。我们认真按照科学发展观的内在要求~在总结西林生态经济发展的经验和基础上~对这一问题再次进行了调研和思考...
发挥比较优势 开辟西林生态经济双赢发展新路
发挥比较优势 开辟西林生态经济双赢发展新路 发挥比较优势 开辟西林生态经济双赢发展新路 谢德强 当今社会~经济发展与保护环境的矛盾日益突出~如何处理好生态环境与经济发展的关系~显得越来越重要~特别是在县域经济的发展中~这一矛盾已经越来越多地直接摆到了党委、政府面前。对于西林这样发展相对滞后的地区来说~这一矛盾更加突出~因此如何解决这一问题~探索一条实现经济效益与生态效益双赢、人与自然和谐相处的科学发展道路~显得尤为迫切。我们认真按照科学发展观的内在要求~在西林生态经济发展的经验和基础上~对这一问题再次进行了调研和思考。 一、西林生态优势突出,具备发展生态型经济的良好条件 西林县隶属广西壮族自治区百色市~地处桂、 滇、黔三省区边缘结合部~是一个“山多路远交通差~土肥林茂水丰富~地阔人稀民风好~经济社会待发展”的山区农业县~目前还是国家定点帮扶的贫困县。2008年~广西人均GDP已经达到14891元~而西林只有6862元~差距相当大~因此加快发展的需求也更为迫切。同时~由于西林地理、气候、文化等方面比较特殊~生态条件良好~加上工业化程度低~远离工业污染~还是一块“处女地”~生态资源优势比较突出。 1、森林覆盖率高~是珠江上游的绿色生态屏障区。西林位于珠江流域西江水系的右江上游~属于桂西北山地水源涵养与生物多样性保护重要区~生态保护良好。全县总面积3020平方公里~森林覆盖率高达 71.9%~比全区的52.7,高 19.2个百分点。 2、土地肥沃~生物物种资源丰富。西林土地肥沃~雨量丰沛、development of freezing plans and emergency precautions. 3, night-time setting the full-time attendant to ensure someone on duty and on duty day and night recording, while setting the Weatherman, responsible listens to and published on the weather conditions. 4, should complete the construction of the winter rainy season Shi ... Has not finished filling the pit covered with a poncho, should be drained before the next fill clean water content meet the requirements before construction began. 5, higher in the winter rain, prior to construction, priority project areas, and built a simple waste water facilities, in order to ensure normal construction. The 12th chapter, resources planning and advancement, introduction of new technology, new technology, new equipment, new material measures in order to ensure the survival of seedlings planted, in the planting process except in strict accordance with the tender specified planting methods and technical measures, the application of new technology to ensure quality: 1, the use of some new scientific achievements and improve survival. (1) ABT-3 rooting powder. This kind of rooting powder for Evergreen coniferous trees take root and valuable species of fast rooting, improve the survival rate is obvious. (2) KD-1 Super absorbent polymers. Insurance agent can enhance soil water storage, water retention and improve survival. (3) the use of puffing chicken manure. High temperature expansion 气候温和~适宜多种生物生长发育~被誉为一个“插根扁担都能发芽”的地方~生物多样性明显。县境有广西金钟山黑颈长尾雉国家级自然保护区~以及广西王子山雉类自然保护区、广西那佐苏铁自然保护区2个自治区级自然保护区。优越的自然环境孕育了优良的生态产品~生产的生姜、茶叶、水果、西林水牛、西林黄牛、西林麻鸭等多种产品在区内外有一定的知名度。 3、清洁能源充足~环境得到有效保护。西林境内溪河密布~分属南盘江水系和右江水系~有大小河溪295条~水能理论蕴藏量23万千瓦。目前全县共建有大小水电站16座~总装机容量13.2万千瓦~年发电量4亿千瓦时。同时~西林大力推广“猪-沼-果”、“猪-沼-鱼”等生态种养模式~发展沼气~有效保护森林资源。2008年~全县沼气池入户率达 68.3%,比广西的平均水平41.7%高26.6个百分点。 4、民风淳朴~具有保护生态的民族文化。西林是西汉时期句町古国的故地~有悠久的文化历史~15个民族都保留了自己独特的民族文化传统。在传统习俗、禁忌和习惯中~有不少与现代环保理念有关~如壮族有不砍伐鸡血藤,句町民族的崇拜图腾,、很多村庄都建有土地庙并对周围的树木、森林实行保护等传统~在这些传统的影响下~民众中普遍具有人与自然和谐相处的淳朴意识。 5、多年探索实践~积累了丰富的经验。历届领导都意识到西林的位置、基础设施及发展水平决定了不可能走沿海地区、平原地区的“大交通、大工业”型的发展路子~历届领导都从西林的实际出发~不断探索生态型的发展道路。经过多年的探索和实践~生态已经逐渐成为西林经济发展的特色~以能耗低、污染少的产业为主: improve the survival rate is obvious. (2) KD3 rooting powder. This kind of rooting powder for Evergreen coniferous trees take root and valuable species of fast rooting, -use of some new scientific achievements and improve survival. (1) ABT 1, theance with the tender specified planting methods and technical measures, the application of new technology to ensure quality: , new material measures in order to ensure the survival of seedlings planted, in the planting process except in strict accordipmentl construction. The 12th chapter, resources planning and advancement, introduction of new technology, new technology, new equnter rain, prior to construction, priority project areas, and built a simple waste water facilities, in order to ensure normathe wiho, should be drained before the next fill clean water content meet the requirements before construction began. 5, higher in . 4, should complete the construction of the winter rainy season Shi ... Has not finished filling the pit covered with a poncns to and published on the weather conditionstime attendant to ensure someone on duty and on duty day and night recording, while setting the Weatherman, responsible liste-time setting the full-velopment of freezing plans and emergency precautions. 3, nightdecken manure. High temperature expansionnt polymers. Insurance agent can enhance soil water storage, water retention and improve survival. (3) the use of puffing chi1 Super absorbe-2 农业经济以林业、水果、茶叶和水产畜牧业为主~工业经济以水能资源开发、农副产品加工等为主。此外~历届领导积累了丰富的生态建设和生态经济建设的经验~生态的发展方向经过多年的宣传和实践的验证~也已经深入人心~具有良好的群众基础。 因此~生态就是西林的比较优势~具有生态特色的产业现状就是西林最主要的发展基础。这些条件为西林走一条依托生态优势~发展生态型经济的道路奠定了良好的基础。 二、明确生态发展理念,确定生态经济发展目标 有什么样的发展理念~就有什么样的发展模式~有什么样的发展模式~就可以实现什么样的发展目标。在不断地探索中~西林树立了“越是欠发达~越要加快发展~越是生态环境好~越要在保护和完善生态的基础上加快发展”的发展理念~决定走一条“生态—经济—生态”循环发展的道路。力争到2015年~生态环境得到进一步改善~生态经济发展的水平得到明显提高~在发展模式和生态环境上形成明显的特色~生态农业、生态工业、生态城镇、生态文化和生态旅游都取得一定的成效~初步确立西林的生态经济品牌。具体要达到以下几个方面的基本要求: 1、生态环境质量进一步提高。森林覆盖率达到并稳定在75%,生物多样性更加丰富~大气、水体环境质量保持全区先进水平。 2、建成具有西林特色的生态经济体系。大力发展生态经济模式~使林、果、茶和水电、农副产品加工等生态与经济双赢产业得到进一步发展~形成具有西林特色的生态产业体系。 3、建设舒适优美文明的人居环境。打造生态特色的城镇和农村环境~城镇化率达到35%以上~城镇建成区绿化覆盖率达到40%以上~ -plication of new technology to ensure quality: 1, the use of some new scientific achievements and improve survival. (1) ABTin the planting process except in strict accordance with the tender specified planting methods and technical measures, the ap anted,ction of new technology, new technology, new equipment, new material measures in order to ensure the survival of seedlings plwaste water facilities, in order to ensure normal construction. The 12th chapter, resources planning and advancement, introduimple rements before construction began. 5, higher in the winter rain, prior to construction, priority project areas, and built a snot finished filling the pit covered with a poncho, should be drained before the next fill clean water content meet the requins to and published on the weather conditions. 4, should complete the construction of the winter rainy season Shi ... Has time attendant to ensure someone on duty and on duty day and night recording, while setting the Weatherman, responsible liste-the fulltime setting -development of freezing plans and emergency precautions. 3, nightand improve survival. (3) the use of puffing chicken manure. High temperature expansion1 Super absorbent polymers. Insurance agent can enhance soil water storage, water retention -e the survival rate is obvious. (2) KDing powder. This kind of rooting powder for Evergreen coniferous trees take root and valuable species of fast rooting, improv3 root3 城乡环境得到进一步净化、绿化和美化。 4、形成繁荣的生态文化。公众生态环境保护意识和参与生态县建设的积极性提高~全社会形成浓厚的生态文化氛围~生态文化作为打造句町文化建设的内容~得到大力宣传。 5、生态旅游逐渐具备条件。原有的旅游资源得到进一步开发和宣传~生态环境资源和句町文化资源得到进一步挖掘~初步形成以生态为特色的旅游产业。 三、提高生态环境质量,进一步打造生态品牌 生态是西林最大的优势和品牌~一定要充分发挥利用好~不仅要保护好生态~还要在目前的基础上发展生态~打造质量更高的生态环境。 1、做好环境保护~留住生态。在干部群众中树立“没有能力去开发,但有责任去保护”的观念~守住林地红线、耕地红线~努力保持现有的生态资源优势~为子孙后代保住青山绿水,为可持续发展打下基础。 2、要提高生态环境质量~发展生态。实施“青山”~以目前已经设立的两个自然保护区等区域为重点~做好造林、封山工作~优化和提升森林的生态功能~营造林业生态网络体系~实现“青山常在”。实施“绿水工程”~对水质下降的水体、水土流失、植被破坏等生态损毁进行修复~建设无害化垃圾处理场、城镇生活污水处理厂等基础设施~实现“绿水长流”。 3、要提倡绿色生活方式~享受生态。以积极倡导现代绿色文明生活方式为引导~发扬句町故地的优良民族传统文化~引导居民形成健康环保的生活习惯等等~形成浓厚生态文化氛围~进而构建人 1, theance with the tender specified planting methods and technical measures, the application of new technology to ensure quality: , new material measures in order to ensure the survival of seedlings planted, in the planting process except in strict accordipmentl construction. The 12th chapter, resources planning and advancement, introduction of new technology, new technology, new equnter rain, prior to construction, priority project areas, and built a simple waste water facilities, in order to ensure normathe wiho, should be drained before the next fill clean water content meet the requirements before construction began. 5, higher in . 4, should complete the construction of the winter rainy season Shi ... Has not finished filling the pit covered with a poncns to and published on the weather conditionstime attendant to ensure someone on duty and on duty day and night recording, while setting the Weatherman, responsible liste-time setting the full-velopment of freezing plans and emergency precautions. 3, nightdecken manure. High temperature expansionnt polymers. Insurance agent can enhance soil water storage, water retention and improve survival. (3) the use of puffing chi1 Super absorbe-improve the survival rate is obvious. (2) KD3 rooting powder. This kind of rooting powder for Evergreen coniferous trees take root and valuable species of fast rooting, -use of some new scientific achievements and improve survival. (1) ABT4 与自然和谐相处的社会。 四、分领域重点实施,全面提高生态经济水平 对欠发达、欠开发的西林来说~加快经济发展仍是第一位的~要把经济发展作为最重要的目标~将生态理念贯穿全过程~有所侧重~分领域具体实施。 1、发展现代农业~建设生态农业体系。农业是西林目前的基础产业~现代农业是农业发展的趋势~也是必须要走的发展道路~西林要努力走出一条以基地育生态品牌、以品牌拓市场、以市场带基地的生态农业经济良性循环发展的路子。一是进行规模化开发~农业生产上规模。西林目前的农业产业~林业、水果、茶叶、水产畜牧等产业已经逐渐成为支柱产业~要重点围绕这些产业做好进一步的开发~特别是要实施好“三个十万”工程~即“十万亩茶叶”、“十万亩优质水果”和“十万头牛”工程~达到全县农民人均一亩茶、一亩水果和一头牛~提高西林农业发展水平~农业生产规模进一步扩大~优化全县农业产业结构。二是实施生态化改造~农业生产上档次。以主导产业、特色产业为突破口~对原有的农业产业进行生态化改造。借鉴先进地区的经验~建立和完善农产品生产、加工、贮运、销售全过程、全方位的标准体系~提升农产品品质。三是打造生态农业品牌~农业生产增效益。按照现代农业的理念,探索建立农产品生态品牌~从争创名优品牌、壮大市场品牌等方面着力提供强有力的政策支持,促进企业、专业合作社与农民尽快建立起紧密型生产关系,实现定向生产、订单销售,增加农产品销售的效益。 2、加快工业发展~打造生态工业基地~开创以工带农的新格局。西林的工业基础相当薄弱~所以只要符合生态建设的要求~不污染 plication of new technology to ensure quality: 1, the use of some new scientific achievements and improve survival. (1) ABTin the planting process except in strict accordance with the tender specified planting methods and technical measures, the ap anted,ction of new technology, new technology, new equipment, new material measures in order to ensure the survival of seedlings plwaste water facilities, in order to ensure normal construction. The 12th chapter, resources planning and advancement, introduimple rements before construction began. 5, higher in the winter rain, prior to construction, priority project areas, and built a snot finished filling the pit covered with a poncho, should be drained before the next fill clean water content meet the requins to and published on the weather conditions. 4, should complete the construction of the winter rainy season Shi ... Has time attendant to ensure someone on duty and on duty day and night recording, while setting the Weatherman, responsible liste-the fulltime setting -development of freezing plans and emergency precautions. 3, nightand improve survival. (3) the use of puffing chicken manure. High temperature expansion1 Super absorbent polymers. Insurance agent can enhance soil water storage, water retention -e the survival rate is obvious. (2) KDing powder. This kind of rooting powder for Evergreen coniferous trees take root and valuable species of fast rooting, improv3 root-5 环境,不浪费资源,不重复建设的都要支持~在已经规模发展的水利电力、木材加工、农副产品加工和建材冶炼“四大亿元产业”的基础上~进一步发展工业。一是巩固和提高以驮娘江梯级水电站为主的清洁能源工业。为驮娘江梯级水电站的生产做好必要的协调工作~加快其他水电站的改制、扩容~提高全县的水电总装机容量和发电量。同时~进一步争取电力留在当地使用~为工业发展和人民生活提供能源支撑。二是加快推进特色农副产品加工的发展~努力形成特色优势产品精深加工基地。做好汇宏农副产品加工厂等大企业的建设、生产~继续引进一批以生态农产品为生产原料的农副产品加工型生产企业~构建生态农副产品中心~以茶叶、水果、生姜及中草药加工为主~打造一批生态产品品牌~提高竞争力。三是通过工业化带动原料生产。支持加工企业进行精深加工~提高产品附加值~带动农民发展生态农业的积极性~扩大生产,同时~支持鼓励企业开发自己的生产基地或与农户联营~并发挥企业在技术、资金等方面的优势建设生态化农业生产基地~带动生态农业发展壮大~构建了具有生态特色的农特产品加工产业体系。 3、营造良好的人居环境~构建生态城镇格局。结合山多林茂水丰富~气候宜人的特点~从改善人民群众居住环境~提高生活质量的要求出发~打造休闲度假的目的地。在城镇建设上~要以打造适宜休闲度假的环境为一个长期的目标~抓好生态建设~完善城市功能。一是加强城镇人居环境建设~逐步提高城镇化水平。实施县城“品味提升工程”~坚持以规划为先导~统揽县城建设~通过万寿新区的开发~实施一批城镇建设项目~把县城建设成既有山区特色~又体现民族风情的“山水园林城镇”,实施“小城镇建设试点工程”~ cken manure. High temperature expansionnt polymers. Insurance agent can enhance soil water storage, water retention and improve survival. (3) the use of puffing chi1 Super absorbe-improve the survival rate is obvious. (2) KD3 rooting powder. This kind of rooting powder for Evergreen coniferous trees take root and valuable species of fast rooting, -use of some new scientific achievements and improve survival. (1) ABT 1, theance with the tender specified planting methods and technical measures, the application of new technology to ensure quality: , new material measures in order to ensure the survival of seedlings planted, in the planting process except in strict accordipmentl construction. The 12th chapter, resources planning and advancement, introduction of new technology, new technology, new equnter rain, prior to construction, priority project areas, and built a simple waste water facilities, in order to ensure normathe wiho, should be drained before the next fill clean water content meet the requirements before construction began. 5, higher in . 4, should complete the construction of the winter rainy season Shi ... Has not finished filling the pit covered with a poncns to and published on the weather conditionstime attendant to ensure someone on duty and on duty day and night recording, while setting the Weatherman, responsible liste-time setting the full-velopment of freezing plans and emergency precautions. 3, nightde6 加快重点小城镇的建设~打造出各具特色的乡镇城镇建设点~形成以县城为中心~重点小城镇为辐射点~形成各点与中心交相辉映、相得益彰的生态城镇建设局面。二是大力抓好社会主义新农村试点建设~着力改善农村生态环境。以新寨试点的竣工开放为契机~大力推广新寨、鲁维、渭归、那来等试点的发展经验~进一步加强全县农村基础设施建设、村容改造、庭院经济建设~改善农村人居环境~推进社会主义新农村建设步伐。 4、发挥生态优势~开发生态旅游目的地。 以打造适宜休闲度假的环境为一个长期的目标~充分利用好良好的生态环境、丰富的生态资源、深厚的文化底蕴开发旅游业。一是继续做好现有旅游资源的开发。围绕宫保府、那岩古木寨等已经具备较高知名度的旅游资源~突出历史文化和原生态特点~塑造本地的主打旅游品牌~主动融入并利用好桂、滇、黔周边旅游经济圈~逐步扩大影响。二是打造句町文化历史旅游品牌。结合句町历史文化的挖掘和研究~利用好句町文化艺术节的成功举办掀起的宣传热潮~立足广西、面向云贵~大力向外界宣传句町历史文化~提高句町和西林的知名度。三是结合社会主义新农村建设~因地制宜、统筹规划~注重特色、突出“农”味和生态优势~做好农家乐、乡村游文章~延伸旅游产业链。四是抓好基础设施配套工程建设。大力争取上级投资建设西林到八大河等通边的二级公路~引进客商在县城建设三星级以上酒店等等~提高旅游产业的配套设施。 5、加强挖掘塑造~提升生态文化品味。良好的生态文化品味可以提高人的素质、保持昂扬向上的精神状态和营造浓厚的发展氛围。西林蕴藏着丰富而深厚的文化底蕴~具有建设生态文化的良好基础~ and improve survival. (3) the use of puffing chicken manure. High temperature expansion1 Super absorbent polymers. Insurance agent can enhance soil water storage, water retention -e the survival rate is obvious. (2) KDing powder. This kind of rooting powder for Evergreen coniferous trees take root and valuable species of fast rooting, improv3 root-plication of new technology to ensure quality: 1, the use of some new scientific achievements and improve survival. (1) ABTin the planting process except in strict accordance with the tender specified planting methods and technical measures, the ap anted,ction of new technology, new technology, new equipment, new material measures in order to ensure the survival of seedlings plwaste water facilities, in order to ensure normal construction. The 12th chapter, resources planning and advancement, introduimple rements before construction began. 5, higher in the winter rain, prior to construction, priority project areas, and built a snot finished filling the pit covered with a poncho, should be drained before the next fill clean water content meet the requins to and published on the weather conditions. 4, should complete the construction of the winter rainy season Shi ... Has time attendant to ensure someone on duty and on duty day and night recording, while setting the Weatherman, responsible liste-the fulltime setting -development of freezing plans and emergency precautions. 3, night7 要加以发挥。一是加大对句町原生态历史文化的挖掘和研究。充分依托西林出土句町时期铜棺、铜鼓等罕见文物的独特优势~结合各民族的原始农耕文化、稻作文化等遗产~加大对句町原生态历史文化的挖掘与研究~为句町文化历史不断增加新内容~注入新活力。二是努力创建全区文化先进县。继续实施文化名县战略~以满足人民群众日益增长的精神文化需求为出发点~加大文化基础设施建设力度、加大对群众文化活动的支持力度、加大对文艺人才的培养力度、加大本地文人文艺作品的宣传推介力度等等~进一步营造西林的文化氛围、提升文化名气~进而创建文化先进县。 五、生态与经济相互促进,达到良性循环发展 经济与生态相互促进~实现“双赢”的发展局面~这是发展生态经济要努力实现的最终目标。 1、以生态促进经济发展。首先是通过生态打造品牌。利用西林良好的生态条件提高产品的品质质量~打造绿色产品、无公害产品品牌~提高产品附加值、提高区域竞争力~从而达到经济快速发展的目标。其次是通过生态吸引项目。进一步改善西林的生态环境~形成更明显的生态优势~有利于引进和发展制药等对环境质量有较高要求的产业~同时~健康、高品质的自然居住条件对投资者也会产生更大的吸引力~有利于引进更多的项目~从而在一定程度上弥补交通条件制约形成的相对劣势。 2、通过经济促进生态建设。首先~在政府层面~快速发展的经济为生态建设提供更充足的资金。经济建设发展起来后~政府将得到更多的税收~可以利用更多的资金投入到环境的保护、投入到生态型产业发展的扶持以及配套的基础设施建设等等~进一步提高生 cken manure. High temperature expansionnt polymers. Insurance agent can enhance soil water storage, water retention and improve survival. (3) the use of puffing chi1 Super absorbe-improve the survival rate is obvious. (2) KD3 rooting powder. This kind of rooting powder for Evergreen coniferous trees take root and valuable species of fast rooting, -use of some new scientific achievements and improve survival. (1) ABT 1, theance with the tender specified planting methods and technical measures, the application of new technology to ensure quality: , new material measures in order to ensure the survival of seedlings planted, in the planting process except in strict accordipmentl construction. The 12th chapter, resources planning and advancement, introduction of new technology, new technology, new equnter rain, prior to construction, priority project areas, and built a simple waste water facilities, in order to ensure normathe wiho, should be drained before the next fill clean water content meet the requirements before construction began. 5, higher in . 4, should complete the construction of the winter rainy season Shi ... Has not finished filling the pit covered with a poncns to and published on the weather conditionstime attendant to ensure someone on duty and on duty day and night recording, while setting the Weatherman, responsible liste-time setting the full-velopment of freezing plans and emergency precautions. 3, nightde8 态环境质量。其次~在民众层面~富裕之后的群众可以拿出更多的资金发展生态产业~减少粗放生产对环境的破坏,同时~群众生活条件提高之后~对生态环境的要求更高~更有利于树立环保意识~主动执行环境保护的规定~促进生态环境质量的提高。 3、实现生态、经济相互促进的良性循环。加大政府对生态经济发展和生态环境保护方面的引导~形成系统的行政法规管理体系~不断规范和提高生产和生活的行为标准~使生态的发展和经济的发展在这一管理体系之内实现有序的、相互促进的良性循环。最终实现生态效益、经济效益、社会效益的高度统一和可持续发展~生态条件越来越好、经济发展越来越快、人民生活水平越来越高~从而建立人与自然和谐共处的和谐社会。 ,作者系中共西林县委书记, -e the survival rate is obvious. (2) KDing powder. This kind of rooting powder for Evergreen coniferous trees take root and valuable species of fast rooting, improv3 root-plication of new technology to ensure quality: 1, the use of some new scientific achievements and improve survival. (1) ABTin the planting process except in strict accordance with the tender specified planting methods and technical measures, the ap anted,ction of new technology, new technology, new equipment, new material measures in order to ensure the survival of seedlings plwaste water facilities, in order to ensure normal construction. The 12th chapter, resources planning and advancement, introduimple rements before construction began. 5, higher in the winter rain, prior to construction, priority project areas, and built a snot finished filling the pit covered with a poncho, should be drained before the next fill clean water content meet the requins to and published on the weather conditions. 4, should complete the construction of the winter rainy season Shi ... Has time attendant to ensure someone on duty and on duty day and night recording, while setting the Weatherman, responsible liste-the fulltime setting -development of freezing plans and emergency precautions. 3, nightand improve survival. (3) the use of puffing chicken manure. High temperature expansion1 Super absorbent polymers. Insurance agent can enhance soil water storage, water retention 9
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