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Ckjpiri教你如何制造浪漫Ckjpiri教你如何制造浪漫 romoting the construction of rule of law, but also the most basic development environment. Despite my good social order in General, but there are law-abiding consciousness, social order is not standard, regardless of faith, Twining visit visit and o...
Ckjpiri教你如何制造浪漫 romoting the construction of rule of law, but also the most basic development environment. Despite my good social order in General, but there are law-abiding consciousness, social order is not standard, regardless of faith, Twining visit visit and other outstanding problems. We want to actively promote the field of multi-level governance according to law, promote the continuous improvement of the social environment. To promote universal compliance. Actively foster the rule of law culture, carry out law publicity and education on honesty and trustworthiness, guide the masses and consciously abide by the law, failing to find method, problem-solving method, method of gradually changing the world, he is not looking for but someone "unspoken rules", formed all law law, abide by the good atmosphere. To strengthen the comprehensive management of public security. Deepening peace xingan construction, strongly against violence crime, mafia and serious criminal offences, to protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons, carry out criminal policy of temper justice with mercy, the maximum stimulating social vitality, and earnestly safeguard social harmony and stability. To resolve social conflicts by law. To further smooth channels of reporting social conditions and public opinion, improving regulation, arbitration, as well 七夕,古今诗人惯咏星月与悲情。吾生虽晚,世态炎凉却已看透矣。情也成空,且作“挥手袖底风”罢。是夜,窗外风雨如晦,吾独坐陋室,听一曲《尘缘》,合成诗韵一首,觉放诸古今,亦独有风韵也。乃于纸上。毕而卧。凄然入梦。乙酉年七月初七。 -----啸之记。 101个浪漫点子 NO.1 如果你的伴侣要出差一段时间,告诉她你很担心她。你说,你会派出一个保镖来保护她,然后给她一个玩具熊。 NO.2 买一袋夜里会发光的星星,粘在你床上正上方的天花板上,拼出“I ? U”的形状。当夜间关掉灯光,你的白就会显现。 NO.3 在某个特定的时刻,送她11枝红玫瑰加一枝塑料红玫瑰。将这枝塑料红玫瑰放在花束的中间,附上一张卡片:我会爱你直到最后一枝玫瑰褪色。 NO.4 买下你女友名字的网络域名。创建一个浪漫的页面,让她在上网时不经意间发现这个页面。 NO.5 送你女友一个小手镜作为礼物,在盒子中附带一张卡片,写上“在这面镜子中,你会看到世界上最美丽的姑娘的样子”。 NO.6 当你心仪的女孩在看一本书,把她手中的书拿过来。用一枝铅笔在某段文章中找出“我”、“爱”、“你”这三个字,下划线划出。如果是在看一本英文书的话,就划出I love you这个句子的每个字母。 NO.7 送一束鲜花到她的公司。她不仅仅会喜欢上这束鲜花,更喜欢公司同事那种羡慕的眼光,这会增加她愉悦的感觉。 NO.8 和她外出旅行的途中,收集一块光洁的石头,说你会将它作为此次和她旅行的纪念品。然后,旅行结束到刻字店里刻上类似“我爱XXX”的句子,送给她。 NO.9 在一个有蓝天白云的晴天,到郊区去。找到一座荒草丛生的小山,躺在草地上,看着天上的白云朵朵。玩儿时的游戏,指着天上的云朵,说这朵云像一头小绵羊,这多云像一只小兔子…… NO.10 准备好一张纸和若干彩色蜡笔。用彩色蜡笔在纸上花两个手牵手的可爱的小朋友和一个笑容满面的太阳(最好是天真烂漫的儿童画风),标注上你们的名字。画上心形的I love you。将这张画装进信封,贴上邮票,寄到你女友的公司。 NO.11 背诵出莎士比亚的一首情诗,在合适的时间、浪漫的地点,用温柔的声音念给她听。 NO.12 当你的女友需要加班到很晚,为她准备一个点心盒,里面放置她喜欢的食物。比如巧克力、饼干、小玩具熊等。在盒盖上写上“米歇尔的深夜急救箱”,然后在字下面画一个大大的红“十”字图案。 NO.13 当你们在公园里游玩的时候,可以让你的女友去坐荡秋千。这会让她回忆起快乐的儿童时光。 NO.14 买一枝茎杆很长的红玫瑰,在茎杆上写下“Thank you for coming into my life”,而后将这枝玫瑰送给她。 NO.15 如果你的女友即将开始一份新的工作,那么请她听“The Sound of Music”这首歌。编辑这首歌曲,在歌曲末尾添上你的鼓励话语“亲爱的好运~我对你有信心”。 romoting the construction of rule of law, but also the most basic development environment. Despite my good social order in General, but there are law-abiding consciousness, social order is not standard, regardless of faith, Twining visit visit and other outstanding problems. We want to actively promote the field of multi-level governance according to law, promote the continuous improvement of the social environment. To promote universal compliance. Actively foster the rule of law culture, carry out law publicity and education on honesty and trustworthiness, guide the masses and consciously abide by the law, failing to find method, problem-solving method, method of gradually changing the world, he is not looking for but someone "unspoken rules", formed all law law, abide by the good atmosphere. To strengthen the comprehensive management of public security. Deepening peace xingan construction, strongly against violence crime, mafia and serious criminal offences, to protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons, carry out criminal policy of temper justice with mercy, the maximum stimulating social vitality, and earnestly safeguard social harmony and stability. To resolve social conflicts by law. To further smooth channels of reporting social conditions and public opinion, improving regulation, arbitration, as well romoting the construction of rule of law, but also the most basic development environment. Despite my good social order in General, but there are law-abiding consciousness, social order is not standard, regardless of faith, Twining visit visit and other outstanding problems. We want to actively promote the field of multi-level governance according to law, promote the continuous improvement of the social environment. To promote universal compliance. Actively foster the rule of law culture, carry out law publicity and education on honesty and trustworthiness, guide the masses and consciously abide by the law, failing to find method, problem-solving method, method of gradually changing the world, he is not looking for but someone "unspoken rules", formed all law law, abide by the good atmosphere. To strengthen the comprehensive management of public security. Deepening peace xingan construction, strongly against violence crime, mafia and serious criminal offences, to protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons, carry out criminal policy of temper justice with mercy, the maximum stimulating social vitality, and earnestly safeguard social harmony and stability. To resolve social conflicts by law. To further smooth channels of reporting social conditions and public opinion, improving regulation, arbitration, as well NO.16 准备一个小的硬纸盒、一张彩色条纸、一点按摩油和一张空白卡片。用彩色条纸装饰纸盒,涂上按摩油。在空白卡片上写下:我知道一个伟大的按摩师,要预约请拨打:XXXXX(你的电话号码)。 NO.17 当你的伴侣辛苦地劳累了一整天,替她洗个热水澡吧。在浴缸里放些芳香的沐浴露,温柔地帮她从头到脚搓澡。然后将她抱进卧室,温柔地替她擦干身体,在她的额头亲一下。 NO.18 这个浪漫的主意需要一个mp3播放器和一副耳塞。在一个浪漫的地点,比如纽约帝国大厦顶楼或者野营的山顶,问你的女友要跳舞吗,将一个耳塞给她,另一个耳塞塞在自己的耳朵里。这样尽情享受专属你们两人的舞池世界吧。 NO.19 如果你的女友有一只宠物,比如猫啊、狗啊什么的。那么在圣诞节的时候,你除了要给她买礼物,也为她的宠物准备个小礼物吧。她会很感动滴。 NO.20 当你俩儿在沙滩上游玩的时候,你可以用手指在沙滩上画一个巨大的心形。搂着你的女友坐在巨大心形的中间,和她一起看日落。或者坐在心形的中间拍照留念。 NO.21 邀请你的女友去散步。准备一个双肩背包,里面放置以下的一些东西:一张野营毯子,水果盒子包括草莓、西瓜、葡萄、猕猴桃。一些奶酪和一些三明治、鱼子酱。一瓶香槟酒和两只香槟酒杯子。如果你的女友问到,你的包里是什么,你只笑说是一件夹克和一些午餐。当你找到了一个浪漫的地点,询问她是否要坐下来吃点东西。然后打开你的背包,拿出准备好的水果、酒、杯子,开始你们的野餐吧。 NO.22 如果你会一样乐器,那么制造一个浪漫的场景为你心仪的女孩演奏吧。举个例子,我们假设你会吹萨克斯。和你心仪女孩的室友串通好,让你的僚机在晚上9:30分准时安排你心仪的女孩到阳台上去。提前到她公寓的楼下,准备好一个大的烟火。当你心仪的女孩在9:30分出现在阳台上时,点燃你的烟火,然后演奏一首舒缓浪漫的曲子。 NO.23 如果你的伴侣即将要出门上班去,而你由于某些原因需待在家中。和她在前门说再见,然后马上回到电脑前,发一封电子邮件给她。内容很简单:“又想你了”。当你的伴侣一早到达公司,检查她的收件箱时,她会发现这第一封邮件。 NO.24 如果你的伴侣有一头长发,温柔地帮她梳一次秀发吧。这一招在她刚洗过澡正准备上床睡觉时,将会有非常特别的效果。 NO.25 在一个特殊的日子,比如她生日的那天,为她安排一个地图寻宝游戏。这个游戏可以在你提议去海滩散步时进行。你们启程去海滩之前,你需要在身上背一个小包。小包里放置一个瓶子,瓶中装一张寻宝图。为了让这张寻宝图看起来更加逼真,你可以用火柴把地图的边缘烧成不规则。当你们在海滩上散步时,让小瓶子从包里不经意间掉出来,落在海水的边缘。这个动作可以在你和女友接吻时进行,以防被她发现。装作没事,然后继续散步,无意间折回发现这个地上的瓶子。在地图上画一条线,指向沙滩附近的一家咖啡馆。在咖啡馆,你的女友可能会找不到任何线索,而提议坐下来喝杯咖啡。当女服务员送咖啡过来,她会暗示你的女友将在咖啡杯底找到正在寻找中的东西。当你的女友翻转杯底,她会发现杯底粘着一把钥匙。很明显,你已经事先和女服务员商量好了。大多数的女服务员非常乐意成全一个浪漫的男人所将要做的浪漫的事。在地图的下一站,你的女友将会找到一把铲子。然后在地图的最后一站,女友会发现两根木棒所组成的一个大大的“X”字。她用力地铲开泥土,发现了一个锁着的箱子。让她用咖啡馆里的那把钥匙打开这个箱子,她会看到她的生日礼物。 NO.26 将一个优盘装进一个黑色的信封,寄给你的女友。优盘里放一个音频文件,用可以变声的音频编辑软件处理自己的声音,使你的女友无法辨认出来。录下一段话:“你现在的任务是在今天晚上七点到达Cafe Venoli餐厅,在那里你会遇见一个带着一枝康乃馨的极具魅力的男士。自由世界的未来掌握在你的手中。这个优盘将会在5秒钟之后自爆。”然后传来10下嘟嘟的响声,接着出现你的声音“你会相信这10秒钟……”。虽然这个方法比较老土,但是它会逗你的女友开心。 as dispute resolution mechanisms, implement fully the petitioners ' cases "third-party" hearings and supervising system of letters and calls, and to resolve the involved law lawsuit into the orbit of rule of law, vexatious, Twining visit visit, disturbing social order and other malicious extortion, resolutely crack down. Five, improving cadres Vitale, provide strong protection for forest development XI General Secretary stressed that the comprehensive revitalization in Northeast China, needs a high quality, solid style, cadres of the dare to play. Cadre cadres is a pledge, should want to do work and able to do good, enthusiasm is paramount. Treat party cadres, it is necessary to Strict management, and warm care, enable the broad masses of cadres work hard work, this is two parallel principles. In strict accordance with the standards of good cadres selection and appointment, the real officers, dare officers, those who want to play, good as excellent cadres at all levels of leadership in the past. At present, some leading cadres work initiative is not high, beyond political, idle, lazy governance governance, not as, slow, messy and a phenomenon still exist to varying degrees, affected and restricted economic and social development. We must mobilize the enthusiasm of cadres as an urgent task, adhere to combination of incentives and constraints, and adhere to the strict management and warm care, practical solution "for the officers not to" problem, motivate cadres and better lead the masses to an undertaking, the cadres and create the new achievement in a dare to play, good at shows as new. To identify the problem, accurate pulse. All things reflected all cadres "for the officers not to" there are 3 main romoting the construction of rule of law, but also the most basic development environment. Despite my good social order in General, but there are law-abiding consciousness, social order is not standard, regardless of faith, Twining visit visit and other outstanding problems. We want to actively promote the field of multi-level governance according to law, promote the continuous improvement of the social environment. To promote universal compliance. Actively foster the rule of law culture, carry out law publicity and education on honesty and trustworthiness, guide the masses and consciously abide by the law, failing to find method, problem-solving method, method of gradually changing the world, he is not looking for but someone "unspoken rules", formed all law law, abide by the good atmosphere. To strengthen the comprehensive management of public security. Deepening peace xingan construction, strongly against violence crime, mafia and serious criminal offences, to protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons, carry out criminal policy of temper justice with mercy, the maximum stimulating social vitality, and earnestly safeguard social harmony and stability. To resolve social conflicts by law. To further smooth channels of reporting social conditions and public opinion, improving regulation, arbitration, as well NO.27 联系你女友的家人,询问有什么东西是你女友儿童时期一直要想要的却未能如愿的。举个例子,如果她一直想要个瓷娃娃,那么在她生日的时候送她一个。她不仅会很喜欢这个礼物,更喜欢你精心思考准备的她一直想要的这个礼物。 NO.28 组织拍一张专业的婚纱照,像一对夫妻似的。将这张照片裱上相框,挂在某个突出的位置。尽可能地给你女友足够的提醒,以使她能够准备好。 NO.29 写一个便签条“I thought of you today,and it made me smile.”将这个便签条粘在你的伴侣能够看到的地方。 NO.30 为迎接情人节的到来,你可以买一个魔法手链。你所选的魔法手链上须装饰有14个以上的小挂饰。将手链上的小挂饰全都拆下来,藏好。在二月初的前14天里,让你的女友每天都能在“无意间”发现一个小挂饰。直到情人节的那天,你将这副手链和剩下的挂饰送给你的女友。 NO.31 当你和女友路过购物中心或者机场的时候,去拍一套大头贴。选一个浪漫的背景,在即将快门的时候,迅速亲吻你的女友。 NO.32 如果你的女友可以收到语音邮件或者语音留言,给她留个消息:“没什么事,只想告诉你我想你了”。在任何时候,她都会很感动,特别是当她心情低落的时,效果巨好。 NO.33 为你和女友一次神秘的旅行。一些旅行社有提供这项服务,旅行目的地是保密未知的,直到你们登上飞机或者到达目的地。 NO.34 买一些玫瑰花瓣,将它们藏在你副驾驶位置的遮阳板上。写一个句子“我爱你”,粘在遮阳板的背面。当你们行驶向浪漫的地点时,看着你女友的脸,告诉她需要脸部防晒。于是,她会拉下遮阳板。这时,玫瑰花瓣会如雪花般飞下,落在她的脸上,她也会看到那句“我爱你”。 NO.35 当你的伴侣要去出差,将一个小礼物藏在她行李箱的角落里。她不经意间发现时,会很感动的呦。 NO.36 如果你和伴侣要举行一次周年纪念,买两个香槟被子,在杯子上刻上你们的名字和纪念日,比如:预先到你所预定的餐馆,要求他们使用你提供的杯子。这会给你的伴侣很大的惊喜,也是你们俩很有意义的纪念品。 NO.37 在一个特别的日子,比如她的生日,买24朵玫瑰。约好在一家购物中心见面,然后去吃饭。提前到达购物中心,在某个角落找到藏身之地。找一个小伙子,询问他是否愿意帮忙。给他一枝玫瑰,指出你的女友,让他上前跟她说“Happy Birthday Meagan”,给她玫瑰,然后离开。重复这样的行为,以送出剩下的11枝玫瑰。选择帮忙伙伴的时候要注意,不能选长得太帅的,而且要不同年龄层次的。最后的一枝玫瑰可以由一个小朋友送出,可能需要小朋友的父母帮忙才能完成也不一定啊,呵呵。当12枝玫瑰全部送达时,你可以走上前去,来到你女友的身旁,给她剩下的12枝玫瑰。 NO.38 用清单记下你的伴侣经常缅怀在记忆中的一些东西。比如,她经常谈起儿时在一家很特别冰激凌店所吃的冰激凌。当一个特殊的时刻来临,检查你的清单,找到你的伴侣所想再现的情景。举个例子,造访那家店,买一桶冰激凌,确保容器上印有店的名字。 NO.39 创作一段爱的视频剪辑蒙太奇电影,用收集的一些你俩的照片,几张旅游景点门票的票根,对你们有纪念意义的小东西。用这些材料进行架构,可以组成三段式的叙述。或者,买一个相框,在相框中粘些有意义的东西,为你自己创作一个蒙太奇剪辑。 NO.40 买一个精美雕刻的木盒子,周身用红绿丝带装饰。找到一支复古风的钥匙,将它放入盒子中。接着,弄到一块金黄色的小饰板,刻上下面这个句子:The Key To My Heart,将这块面板安装在盒子内部的盖上,这样当盒子被打开,她就能看到这个句子。 romoting the construction of rule of law, but also the most basic development environment. Despite my good social order in General, but there are law-abiding consciousness, social order is not standard, regardless of faith, Twining visit visit and other outstanding problems. We want to actively promote the field of multi-level governance according to law, promote the continuous improvement of the social environment. To promote universal compliance. Actively foster the rule of law culture, carry out law publicity and education on honesty and trustworthiness, guide the masses and consciously abide by the law, failing to find method, problem-solving method, method of gradually changing the world, he is not looking for but someone "unspoken rules", formed all law law, abide by the good atmosphere. To strengthen the comprehensive management of public security. Deepening peace xingan construction, strongly against violence crime, mafia and serious criminal offences, to protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons, carry out criminal policy of temper justice with mercy, the maximum stimulating social vitality, and earnestly safeguard social harmony and stability. To resolve social conflicts by law. To further smooth channels of reporting social conditions and public opinion, improving regulation, arbitration, as well romoting the construction of rule of law, but also the most basic development environment. Despite my good social order in General, but there are law-abiding consciousness, social order is not standard, regardless of faith, Twining visit visit and other outstanding problems. We want to actively promote the field of multi-level governance according to law, promote the continuous improvement of the social environment. To promote universal compliance. Actively foster the rule of law culture, carry out law publicity and education on honesty and trustworthiness, guide the masses and consciously abide by the law, failing to find method, problem-solving method, method of gradually changing the world, he is not looking for but someone "unspoken rules", formed all law law, abide by the good atmosphere. To strengthen the comprehensive management of public security. Deepening peace xingan construction, strongly against violence crime, mafia and serious criminal offences, to protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons, carry out criminal policy of temper justice with mercy, the maximum stimulating social vitality, and earnestly safeguard social harmony and stability. To resolve social conflicts by law. To further smooth channels of reporting social conditions and public opinion, improving regulation, arbitration, as well NO.41 和你的伴侣一起去买棵树,种在一个特别的地方。每年到了你们结婚周年纪念的时候,靠在你们种的树旁,一起喝香槟,跟她说“你多爱她,和树一样茁壮生长。 NO.42 如果你是在早上洗澡的,浴室将全是蒸汽。在镜子上写下“Pete Loves Kathy”这样的句子,当你的伴侣进入浴室,她会看到。同理,在天气冷的冬天,在汽车玻璃上哈口气同样奏效。 NO.43 作为特别的礼物,用你伴侣的名字命名一颗行星。一些天文学机构应许以个人名义命名行星,然后你会收到一张以你伴侣名字命名的行星证明书。 NO.44 找到一本卡通动画,确定能够引起你的伴侣曾经有过美好回忆的动画角色。用复印机放大这个动画,并且用白色的涂改液覆盖文字部分。写上你想要的句子,然后再次影印,这样看起来就像原生的似的。在送给你的伴侣之前,为了使之更有质感,你可以在背面粘上一块纸板。 NO.45 当你和你的伴侣有一段休假的时期,组织起个大早,一起去风景优美的地方看日出。 可能你觉得有困难,但是至少做一次是非常值得和有意义。与你的伴侣共同分享新的一天来临,这样的体验非常特别。 NO.46 当你们准备去泡温泉,用水上漂浮着的玫瑰和浴池旁点燃着的蜡烛来创造一个非常浪漫的氛围。你的伴侣可以一边泡温泉,一边享受香槟、巧克力和草莓,她会非常喜欢滴。 NO.47 制作一些爱的礼券,你的伴侣可以用这些礼券兑换浪漫的服务。比如:使用此礼券可兑换以下服务:一只脚的按摩服务。有效期至2082年8月7号止。使用一个多年以后的截止日期寓意着你和她会长相厮守。 NO.48 在一个星空晴朗的夏夜,安排一次后花园的野餐。草地上铺着野餐布,放上小点心、巧克力和香槟。和你的伴侣躺在野餐布上,一起凝视天上璀璨的星星。 NO.49 下次碰到老天下倾盆大雨,和你的伴侣在雨中漫步,不要带伞和带雨披。和她疯狂地冲进下着雨的大街,跳进路上的水坑,全身湿透。抱起她在雨中旋转,在大雨倾盆中吻她。亲吻品尝她脸上的雨水,紧紧地抱着她。然后你们一起回家洗个热水澡,喝点热酒,在壁炉旁烤火。 NO.50 组织一次热气球飞翔之旅,作为给她的一次惊喜。开始你们的漂浮旅行之前,通常要喝一杯香槟。 NO.51 当你的伴侣长时间地坐在电脑面前工作,你可以走到她的背后,给她一次背部、肩部和头部的按摩。按摩结束之后,温柔地亲她脸颊一下。 NO.52 在一个非常普通的日子里,写下一张纸条:亲爱的阿曼达,有你在我的身旁,每天都像情人节。谢谢你的陪伴。爱你的,格雷厄姆。 NO.53 买一本你和你的伴侣都很有兴趣朗诵的书。每晚当你们躺在床上,你们可以轮流朗诵书中的一个章节。这个节目可以取代无聊的看电视。 NO.54 当你的伴侣正在洗澡,将她的浴巾放在烘干机中烘干加热。她洗完澡出来后,递上温暖干燥的浴巾。 NO.55 复印你的手掌,然后传真给你的女友,附上一句,“想要牵我的手吗,” NO.56 下次预定一个匹萨时,在送上门之前先要求将之切为心型。 NO.57 买一盒巧克力,非常小心地打开塑料包装的一边,让盒子滑出。打开盒子,塞进你爱的宣言,然后小心地将盒子放回塑料包装中,重新封上塑料包装。 NO.58 租一辆串联式自行车,和你的伴侣合作骑行。骑行的终点是公园,在那里和她一起野餐。 as dispute resolution mechanisms, implement fully the petitioners ' cases "third-party" hearings and supervising system of letters and calls, and to resolve the involved law lawsuit into the orbit of rule of law, vexatious, Twining visit visit, disturbing social order and other malicious extortion, resolutely crack down. Five, improving cadres Vitale, provide strong protection for forest development XI General Secretary stressed that the comprehensive revitalization in Northeast China, needs a high quality, solid style, cadres of the dare to play. Cadre cadres is a pledge, should want to do work and able to do good, enthusiasm is paramount. Treat party cadres, it is necessary to Strict management, and warm care, enable the broad masses of cadres work hard work, this is two parallel principles. In strict accordance with the standards of good cadres selection and appointment, the real officers, dare officers, those who want to play, good as excellent cadres at all levels of leadership in the past. At present, some leading cadres work initiative is not high, beyond political, idle, lazy governance governance, not as, slow, messy and a phenomenon still exist to varying degrees, affected and restricted economic and social development. We must mobilize the enthusiasm of cadres as an urgent task, adhere to combination of incentives and constraints, and adhere to the strict management and warm care, practical solution "for the officers not to" problem, motivate cadres and better lead the masses to an undertaking, the cadres and create the new achievement in a dare to play, good at shows as new. To identify the problem, accurate pulse. All things reflected all cadres "for the officers not to" there are 3 main romoting the construction of rule of law, but also the most basic development environment. Despite my good social order in General, but there are law-abiding consciousness, social order is not standard, regardless of faith, Twining visit visit and other outstanding problems. We want to actively promote the field of multi-level governance according to law, promote the continuous improvement of the social environment. To promote universal compliance. Actively foster the rule of law culture, carry out law publicity and education on honesty and trustworthiness, guide the masses and consciously abide by the law, failing to find method, problem-solving method, method of gradually changing the world, he is not looking for but someone "unspoken rules", formed all law law, abide by the good atmosphere. To strengthen the comprehensive management of public security. Deepening peace xingan construction, strongly against violence crime, mafia and serious criminal offences, to protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons, carry out criminal policy of temper justice with mercy, the maximum stimulating social vitality, and earnestly safeguard social harmony and stability. To resolve social conflicts by law. To further smooth channels of reporting social conditions and public opinion, improving regulation, arbitration, as well NO.59 如果你此时公务在身出差在外,为你的伴侣你一整天的生活是如何度过的吧。举个例子:马克生命中的一天。早上六点:刚起床就开始想你,多希望此时你正躺在我的身旁。好吧,我该准备去工作了。早上七点:我在火车上,火车很挤,每个人看起来都好像处于半死的状态。我非常想念你。早上八点:刚安排好我一天的日程,它将会是忙碌的一天。早上九点半:处于枯燥无味的会议中。我尝试将注意力集中在月销售数据上,但脑海中不时出现你美丽的眼神。傍晚六点半:谢天谢地,这一天终于结束了。我掰着指头数着还剩几天才能够和你团聚。将此信发送给你的伴侣。这是非常棒的一种方式,来告诉你的伴侣在一天中你有多想她。以这样特别的方式,与她分享你的生活。 NO.60 询问你伴侣的家人,找到她儿时最喜欢的一本书。买下此书,躺在床上时为她朗诵。 NO.61 和你的伴侣合作写一部电子邮件小说。邮件开头可以是这样:第一章:这是一部关于Pete和Kate的故事,他俩是在朋友的订婚宴上认识的,一个夏天的午后。此邮件中故事可能是完全虚构的,也可能是一半虚构一半真实。用下面这句话结束你的邮件,“即将开始第二章,轮到你了……” NO.62 挑一个阳光灿烂微风习习的日子,和你的伴侣一起到户外放风筝。如果你负担得起,可以买一个巨型风筝,这种风筝非常有趣。 NO.63 如果你和伴侣准备外出野餐,建议你们玩一次“探险野餐”。规则如下:设置好定时器,倒计时20分钟。接下来,叫你的伴侣在5到10之间选一个数字。我们假设她选择数字7。给你的伴侣一枚硬币,告诉她每经过第七个路口,她就抛一次硬币。如果是正面朝上就左转,反面朝上就右拐。当20分钟的倒计时结束,你们就在附近寻找一个适合的野餐地点。这是一种非常有趣的方式,未知而又冒险。 NO.64 如果你和伴侣准备去某个特别的地方,拿出你的相机,等待她从房子里走出来。当她一出现,你马上扮演成一位专业的摄影师,开着闪光灯,对着她一阵猛拍。你一边拍照,一边连珠炮般地向她提问题,好像她是一位著名的女明星,而你正在采编你的独家新闻。这样不仅非常有趣,而且有时候能拍到很棒的照片。 NO.65 如果你的伴侣抱病在家休息,为她请一天假来照顾她。租几部碟片,为她煲汤,用毛毯裹紧她,陪着她。 NO.66 当你们在吃晚饭的时候,问你的伴侣,有什么愿望她一直想实现的。然后,写下这些事情,这样你就不会忘记,不断地长时间地尝试让它们变成现实。举个例子,她曾经说过想和海豚一起游泳。找到哪个地方可以实现她的愿望,将它作为一个惊喜送给她。 NO.67 租一部碟片,叫《An Affair To Remember》(《金玉盟》)。准备一些爆米花、香槟和浇着巧克力的草莓,在家中搞一个电影之夜。 NO.68 别老坐在车里,偶尔体验一下自驾的乐趣。在地上摊开野餐布,点燃蜡烛和打开爆米花,拥抱着你的伴侣一起享受电影吧。 NO.69 为你的伴侣制作一本个性化的杂志封面。你需要一张她的高质量的照片和一本时尚娱乐杂志。带着这两样东西,找到一家专业的快印店。设计好封面,比如加个封面专题“2003年度最美的30位女性”。快印店会提供专业的杂志封面装订服务,这可能要收费。拿着这本个性十足的杂志,找到一家报亭,问店主能否将这本杂志陈列在货架上。把你的伴侣约出来,跟她说想在报亭买本杂志。你的伴侣会不经意间在货架上发现她的那本专属杂志。 NO.70 在汽车后备箱里装满氦气球。开车到乡野去散步。最理想的地点是,有明净的空气、晴朗的天空、优美风景。从车里出来,假装要开始你们的徒步旅行了。确保你的伴侣离车比你近,然后扔给她车钥匙,叫她在后备箱找到你的夹克,而你此时弯腰去系鞋带。当她打开汽车后备箱,气球会释放出来。你也可以放置一个标语“I love you”在后备箱里,当后备箱被打开,标语会被看到。 romoting the construction of rule of law, but also the most basic development environment. Despite my good social order in General, but there are law-abiding consciousness, social order is not standard, regardless of faith, Twining visit visit and other outstanding problems. We want to actively promote the field of multi-level governance according to law, promote the continuous improvement of the social environment. To promote universal compliance. Actively foster the rule of law culture, carry out law publicity and education on honesty and trustworthiness, guide the masses and consciously abide by the law, failing to find method, problem-solving method, method of gradually changing the world, he is not looking for but someone "unspoken rules", formed all law law, abide by the good atmosphere. To strengthen the comprehensive management of public security. Deepening peace xingan construction, strongly against violence crime, mafia and serious criminal offences, to protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons, carry out criminal policy of temper justice with mercy, the maximum stimulating social vitality, and earnestly safeguard social harmony and stability. To resolve social conflicts by law. To further smooth channels of reporting social conditions and public opinion, improving regulation, arbitration, as well romoting the construction of rule of law, but also the most basic development environment. Despite my good social order in General, but there are law-abiding consciousness, social order is not standard, regardless of faith, Twining visit visit and other outstanding problems. We want to actively promote the field of multi-level governance according to law, promote the continuous improvement of the social environment. To promote universal compliance. Actively foster the rule of law culture, carry out law publicity and education on honesty and trustworthiness, guide the masses and consciously abide by the law, failing to find method, problem-solving method, method of gradually changing the world, he is not looking for but someone "unspoken rules", formed all law law, abide by the good atmosphere. To strengthen the comprehensive management of public security. Deepening peace xingan construction, strongly against violence crime, mafia and serious criminal offences, to protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons, carry out criminal policy of temper justice with mercy, the maximum stimulating social vitality, and earnestly safeguard social harmony and stability. To resolve social conflicts by law. To further smooth channels of reporting social conditions and public opinion, improving regulation, arbitration, as well NO.71 在一个特殊的时刻,为你的伴侣制作一件特别的礼物。你需要准备两件白色T恤和一些纤维涂料。画半颗心和两个字母LO在一件衬衫上,然后在另外一件衬衫上画半颗心和字母VE。当你们相拥走在大街上是,一颗整心和单词LOVE就会显现。 NO.72 在一个炎热的夏日,买两把水枪,带着它们上沙滩。拿出你的水枪,扔一把给你的伴侣,一起来场水枪大战吧。 NO.73 与你的伴侣分享食物。当你们外出参加宴会,往她嘴里喂一叉食物,说:“尝尝这个。”相互喂食物能够拉近夫妻俩之间的感情和距离。 NO.74 在众人面前赞美你的伴侣。如果你在和一群人聊天,可以将谈话引入类似这样的句子,“凯特做的烤肉真是棒极了~”。谈论她的同时,你要温柔地拉着她的手。 NO.75 百忙之中抽出一个特别的假日,和她一起吃早餐,去公园散步,然后去商场购物。在一家舒适的休闲餐厅喝下午茶,最后以一顿浪漫的晚餐结束这美妙的一天。 NO.76 到一家美容会所买张面部护理的礼券,附上一张卡片,写上:特别的爱给特别的你。 NO.77 假如你正准备出去买牛奶,你此时可以装成刚经历过一次大的历险,幸运地回到家的样子。你说:“刚才太惊险了,天下起了大雪,我又碰到了一群狼。幸好我活着回来来了~”然后,给你的伴侣一个紧紧的熊抱。 NO.78 发送一封感谢信给你的伴侣。比如像这样:亲爱的Bec:谢谢你帮我搬家。新家给我带来了新的面貌。诚挚地感谢你的帮助和你的爱。Tim NO.79 假如你有孩子,在某个周末把他打发到爷爷奶奶家去玩。然后在周五的晚上,向你的爱人宣布这个周末属于你们二人。与她分享美妙的“二人世界”周末的计划吧。 NO.80 送你的爱人一个魔幻礼物箱。固定在每月的某一天在箱子里放一个小礼物,让她去发现。 NO.81 细心研究你的配偶最喜欢的业余爱好是什么,为她准备一个与此相关的实用的礼物。礼物越贴心,效果越好。可以通过与她家人聊天和使用互联网来获得你要的信息。 NO.82 邀她参加假面舞会,告诉她你会在晚上八点整准时与她相遇。戴上你的面具,遇见她,不要说一句话,径直拉着她的手走向舞池。 NO.83 在礼拜四的时候,告诉你的爱人,让她准备好一个包裹,里面装些旅行必备物品,比如休闲服、跑步鞋。但是不能透露出你的浪漫计划细节。礼拜五下班后开车去接她,直接驶向你们的休闲旅馆,开始你们的周末放松之旅吧。 NO.84 在某个有闲情逸致的夜晚,准备两张白纸和一些铅笔或者彩色蜡笔。在每张白纸上各画一个魔法预言水晶球的轮廓。让你的爱人专注地注视她的水晶球内部,然后画出她所想象的五年之后你们二人是怎样的一副的情景。同样你也画出你所想象的,然后跟她的做一下比较,讨论一下。 NO.85 为你的女友起一个卡哇伊的绰号。这个绰号可以是她小时候的奶名,也可以是专属你们二人互称的暗号。 NO.86 如果你有音乐天赋,那么为你的女友写首歌吧。歌名可以叫“娜塔莎的歌”。制作一本看起来很专业的歌曲底稿,将它装裱。把歌曲刻在CD上,然后打印一张带背胶的CD圆形封面,粘在CD上。CD盒内侧也要一张插入封面,看起来就像在音像店里买来似的。将歌曲底稿和带封面的CD装进小箱子中,送给你的女友。 NO.87 开车载着你的女友去一个特别的地方,车子行驶中用绷带蒙住她的眼睛。这个特别的地方最好是她无法预见的,比如悬崖之巅、小艇上的晚餐、复古风的游船。总之,一定要让她在摘下绷带后感受到强烈的视觉冲击。因为在刚才在路上,你已经吊足了她的胃口。 as dispute resolution mechanisms, implement fully the petitioners ' cases "third-party" hearings and supervising system of letters and calls, and to resolve the involved law lawsuit into the orbit of rule of law, vexatious, Twining visit visit, disturbing social order and other malicious extortion, resolutely crack down. Five, improving cadres Vitale, provide strong protection for forest development XI General Secretary stressed that the comprehensive revitalization in Northeast China, needs a high quality, solid style, cadres of the dare to play. Cadre cadres is a pledge, should want to do work and able to do good, enthusiasm is paramount. Treat party cadres, it is necessary to Strict management, and warm care, enable the broad masses of cadres work hard work, this is two parallel principles. In strict accordance with the standards of good cadres selection and appointment, the real officers, dare officers, those who want to play, good as excellent cadres at all levels of leadership in the past. At present, some leading cadres work initiative is not high, beyond political, idle, lazy governance governance, not as, slow, messy and a phenomenon still exist to varying degrees, affected and restricted economic and social development. We must mobilize the enthusiasm of cadres as an urgent task, adhere to combination of incentives and constraints, and adhere to the strict management and warm care, practical solution "for the officers not to" problem, motivate cadres and better lead the masses to an undertaking, the cadres and create the new achievement in a dare to play, good at shows as new. To identify the problem, accurate pulse. All things reflected all cadres "for the officers not to" there are 3 main romoting the construction of rule of law, but also the most basic development environment. Despite my good social order in General, but there are law-abiding consciousness, social order is not standard, regardless of faith, Twining visit visit and other outstanding problems. We want to actively promote the field of multi-level governance according to law, promote the continuous improvement of the social environment. To promote universal compliance. Actively foster the rule of law culture, carry out law publicity and education on honesty and trustworthiness, guide the masses and consciously abide by the law, failing to find method, problem-solving method, method of gradually changing the world, he is not looking for but someone "unspoken rules", formed all law law, abide by the good atmosphere. To strengthen the comprehensive management of public security. Deepening peace xingan construction, strongly against violence crime, mafia and serious criminal offences, to protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons, carry out criminal policy of temper justice with mercy, the maximum stimulating social vitality, and earnestly safeguard social harmony and stability. To resolve social conflicts by law. To further smooth channels of reporting social conditions and public opinion, improving regulation, arbitration, as well NO.88 和你的女友来场枕头大战。你需要两个带小洞的羽毛枕头。当你们在互相击打的时候,羽毛能从小洞中掉出,在空中飞舞。此时,你们可以感受到时间在空气中漂浮。 NO.89 到大自然中去,和你的女友徒步旅行,举行一次篝火晚餐。你们围坐在篝火旁,一边烤面包,一边看着火星上蹿到夜空中,在空气中起舞。 NO.90 将你和女友的合影照片设置为她电脑的桌面背景。 NO.91 如果你有足够的艺术天赋,去上几节绘画课,为你的爱人画一张人体素描。 NO.92 带着你的女友参加嘉年华会或者狂欢节。比如,像美食节、摇滚音乐节、啤酒节等。 NO.93 录制一段时空穿梭视频。视频画面首先出现你们两人坐在一起的身影,介绍录制这个视频的缘由,台词可以是这样:“现在是2002年7月14日,我们今天录制下这段视频是为了我们未来的25周年结婚纪念日。”然后,你单独地对着镜头录制一段视频,不要让你的爱人你知道录制的内容。同样地,你的爱人也录制一段。录制完毕后,将录像带存放到银行的保管箱。当你们的25周年结婚纪念日到来的时候,一起回头看看这段录像吧。韩国电影《我的野蛮女友》中也有类似的游戏,还记得埋在树底下的那个罐子吗,虽然后来那棵树被雷劈了,囧zzzz。 NO.94 如果你们在一个偏僻隐蔽的人迹罕至的野外,天气也足够温暖,恰好旁边有个湖。那么,和你的爱人脱光衣服裸泳,非常刺激呦~ NO.95 这个浪漫游戏特别适合异地恋,强力推荐~你们经常用QQ聊天吧,好的,安排一次秘密的探望。当你秘密地来到她家的门前,打电话叫你的死党或者好友登陆你的QQ,向她发送一个消息:真的好想你,希望我此时正站在你家的门前,敲响你的门。你的好友一发送这条消息,你就马上敲门~ NO.96 送一缸金鱼给你的女友,附上一张卡片:鱼儿在水里,你在我心里。 NO.97 当你们在清晨或者傍晚的时候开车在路上,你拉着她的小手,听一些大自然的音乐(Sounds Of the Rainforest),感觉会非常美妙。 NO.98 在你爱人生日的前一天,买些氢气球、彩带和鲜花,将它们藏好。当你的爱人睡着后,用气球、彩带和鲜花将床的周围装饰得温馨浪漫。第二天的清晨,她醒过来必定惊喜无比。 NO.99 找一个休闲的下午,和你的爱人去书店。最好是那种可以一边坐着品咖啡,一边看书的休闲书店。 NO.100 如果你经济上允许,租一辆跑车度周末。为你的爱人准备一条白色的开司米披肩和一副墨镜,载着她行驶在盘山公路上,欣赏海岸小镇的美丽风光。 NO.101 伺候你的爱人在床上吃早饭。比如像这样:(1)一个心形的荷包蛋。厨房用品商店销售各种形状的厨具。(2)带火腿的法式烤面包(3)麦片粥(4)果汁(5)一朵鲜花。 romoting the construction of rule of law, but also the most basic development environment. Despite my good social order in General, but there are law-abiding consciousness, social order is not standard, regardless of faith, Twining visit visit and other outstanding problems. We want to actively promote the field of multi-level governance according to law, promote the continuous improvement of the social environment. To promote universal compliance. Actively foster the rule of law culture, carry out law publicity and education on honesty and trustworthiness, guide the masses and consciously abide by the law, failing to find method, problem-solving method, method of gradually changing the world, he is not looking for but someone "unspoken rules", formed all law law, abide by the good atmosphere. To strengthen the comprehensive management of public security. Deepening peace xingan construction, strongly against violence crime, mafia and serious criminal offences, to protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons, carry out criminal policy of temper justice with mercy, the maximum stimulating social vitality, and earnestly safeguard social harmony and stability. To resolve social conflicts by law. To further smooth channels of reporting social conditions and public opinion, improving regulation, arbitration, as well
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