

2018-04-24 13页 doc 40KB 34阅读




深圳市城建档案馆接收建设工程档案规范深圳市城建档案馆接收建设工程档案规范 深圳市档案局 关于印发《深圳市城建档案馆接收建设工程 档案规范》的通知 深档规〔2012〕2号 各有关单位: 为规范建设工程档案的接收进馆工作~确保国家馆藏档案资源的质量~有效实现城建档案资源的安全保管和有效利用~根据国家档案法律、法规及有关规定~结合本市实际~我局制定了《深圳市城建档案馆接收建设工程档案规范》~现予印发施行。 深圳市档案局 二?一二年七月十二日 深圳市城建档案馆接收建设工程档案规范 第一条 为规范建设工程档案的接收进馆工作~确保国家馆藏档案资源的质量~...
深圳市城建档案馆接收建设工程档案 深圳市档案局 关于印发《深圳市城建档案馆接收建设工程 档案规范》的通知 深档规〔2012〕2号 各有关单位: 为规范建设工程档案的接收进馆工作~确保国家馆藏档案资源的质量~有效实现城建档案资源的安全保管和有效利用~根据国家档案法律、法规及有关规定~结合本市实际~我局制定了《深圳市城建档案馆接收建设工程档案规范》~现予印发施行。 深圳市档案局 二?一二年七月十二日 深圳市城建档案馆接收建设工程档案规范 第一条 为规范建设工程档案的接收进馆工作~确保国家馆藏档案资源的质量~有效实现城建档案资源的安全保管和有效利用~根据国家档案法律、法规及有关规定~结合本市实际~制定本规范。 第二条 本规范适用于深圳市城市建设档案馆,以下简称市城建档案馆,接收建设工程档案的活动。 第三条 市城建档案馆是收集、保管、向社会提供城建档案利用服务的市级国家专门档案馆~是永久保管城建档案基地和利用城建档案信息资源中心。 市城建档案馆应当遵循丰富馆藏、优化结构、整合资源、集中保管、信息共享的原则~加强馆藏城建档案资源建设~依法接收分管范围内对国家和社会有保存价值的城建档案~逐步建立内容丰富、结构gas is decomposed into atomic State of arsenic, arsenic in a special hollow-cathode lamp emitting light-excited atomic fluorescence, fluorescence intensity at fixed conditions is proportional to the concentration of arsenic in the liquid to be measured and compared with the standard quantitative. 3 reagent 3.1 sodium hydroxide solution (2g/L). 3.2 sodium borohydride (NaBH4) solutions (10g/L), weighing 10.0g with sodium borohydride, sodium hydroxide soluble in 2g/L l000mL in the mix. The liquid in a refrigerator can be kept for 10 days, remove and use (you can also weigh 14g borohydride potassium instead of sodium 10G borohydride). 3.3 thiourea solution (S0g/L). 3.4 sulphuric acid solutions (1+9): measuring of sulfuric acid. 100mI. And carefully pour water 900mL, and mix. 3.5 sodium hydroxide solution (100g/L) (used for preparation of standard solution of arsenic, a small amount that is enough). 36 3.6.1 standard stock solution of arsenic arsenic standard solution: arsenic 0.1mg/mL. Weigh accurately at 100 ? 2H drying of arsenic trioxide (As203) 0.1320g. 10mL and 100g/L sodium hydroxide, dissolving, with the amount of water transferred 1000mL volumetric flask, add (1+9) 25mL sulfate, water volume to scale. 3.6.2 use arsenic standards: arsenic-containing 1 μg. Drawing standard stock solution of arsenic 1.00mL in a 100mL bottle, dilute to scale. This solution should be prepared to use. 3.7 wet digestion reagents: nitric acid, sulfuric acid and perchloric acid. Ash 3.8 thousand agents: magnesium nitrate hexahydrate (150g/L), magnesium chloride, hydrochloric acid (1+1). 4 instrument atomic fluorescence spectrometer. 5 the analysis step 5.1 5.1.1 wet digestion of sample digestion: the sample 1g~2.5G solid sample. liquid sample sample 5g~lOg (or mL) (accurate to the second decimal place) put 50mL~100mL in the Erlenmeyer 合理的城建档案资源体系。 第四条 凡列入市城建档案馆接收范围的建设工程档案~建设单位必须按本规范的要求向市城建档案馆移交,法律、法规、规章另有规定的~从其规定。 第五条 建设单位应当将档案工作纳入项目建划和管理程序~纳入管理及监理工作内容~并根据项目实际情况~采取有效措施~确保建设项目档案工作与工程建设同步~确保建设项目档案的完整、准确、系统。 各有关单位应当指定专人负责本单位建设工程档案的收集、归档、保管和移交工作~并将建设工程档案的收集整理工作纳入本单位工程建设的相关工作程序和有关人员的岗位职责。 第六条 市城建档案馆依法接收下列全市市政工程、基础设施建设工程档案以及经市级以上有关行政主管部门行政许可报建的其他建设项目的工程档案: ,一,民用建筑工程档案:包括住宅、办公、文化、教育、卫生、体育、商业、金融、保险及其他公共建筑工程档案, ,二,工业建筑工程档案:包括大中型工厂、仓储企业等工业建筑物、构筑物工程档案, ,三,市政基础设施工程档案:包括道路、广场、桥梁、涵洞、隧道、排水、城市照明、环境卫生等工程档案, ,四,公用基础设施工程档案:包括供水、供气、供热、供电、照明、邮政、电信、广播电视等工程档案, ,五,公共交通基础设施工程档案:包括铁路、公路、水运、航空、港口、码头、管道运输、城市公交、城市轨道交通、交通廊道等工程档案, ,六,园林、风景名胜工程档案:包括公园、风景区、城市雕塑及纪念碑、古建筑等工程档案, ,七,市容环境卫生设施工程档案:包括环境治理项目、市容环境、卫生设施等工程档案, containing 1 μg. Drawing standard stock solution of arsenic 1.00mL in a 100mL bottle, dilute to scale. This solution should b-3.6.2 use arsenic standards: arseniccale. ydroxide, dissolving, with the amount of water transferred 1000mL volumetric flask, add (1+9) 25mL sulfate, water volume to s 2H drying of arsenic trioxide (As203) 0.1320g. 10mL and 100g/L sodium h?solution: arsenic 0.1mg/mL. Weigh accurately at 100 ndard tion of standard solution of arsenic, a small amount that is enough). 36 3.6.1 standard stock solution of arsenic arsenic stang of sulfuric acid. 100mI. And carefully pour water 900mL, and mix. 3.5 sodium hydroxide solution (100g/L) (used for preparaeasuriorohydride potassium instead of sodium 10G borohydride). 3.3 thiourea solution (S0g/L). 3.4 sulphuric acid solutions (1+9): mble in 2g/L l000mL in the mix. The liquid in a refrigerator can be kept for 10 days, remove and use (you can also weigh 14g be solude solution (2g/L). 3.2 sodium borohydride (NaBH4) solutions (10g/L), weighing 10.0g with sodium borohydride, sodium hydroxidncentration of arsenic in the liquid to be measured and compared with the standard quantitative. 3 reagent 3.1 sodium hydroxiexcited atomic fluorescence, fluorescence intensity at fixed conditions is proportional to the co-cathode lamp emitting light-gas is decomposed into atomic State of arsenic, arsenic in a special hollow2liquid sample sample 5g~lOg (or mL) (accurate to the second decimal place) put 50mL~100mL in the Erlenmeyerple. omic fluorescence spectrometer. 5 the analysis step 5.1 5.1.1 wet digestion of sample digestion: the sample 1g~2.5G solid samAsh 3.8 thousand agents: magnesium nitrate hexahydrate (150g/L), magnesium chloride, hydrochloric acid (1+1). 4 instrument at e prepared to use. 3.7 wet digestion reagents: nitric acid, sulfuric acid and perchloric acid. ,八,城市防洪、抗震、人防工程档案:包括监测、防洪设施、抗震加固、人防建筑物、构筑物等工程档案。 向市城建档案馆移交的建设项目的工程档案~移交范围按本规范附件《深圳市城建档案馆建设工程档案接收范围》执行。 第七条 不属于市城建档案馆接收范围的工程档案~由区城建档案室或区综合档案馆,未设城建档案室的区,按国家有关规定接收进馆。 第八条 国家、省、市重大建设项目在移交纸质档案的同时~还应当按规定移交相关的声像档案。 声像档案的移交范围和整理质量标准另行制定。 第九条 建设工程档案的移交应当符合以下要求: ,一,档案材料是原件。 ,二,档案材料完整、准确、系统~字迹清楚~整理编目符合《深圳市城建档案整理规范》要求。 ,三,工程竣工图与工程实体相符~修改符合规范要求~加盖了竣工图章~图面整洁~规格统一~签署完备,地下管线工程竣工图应当以竣工测量成果为依据~数据完整、准确。 ,四,各单位在移交建设工程档案时~应当将该建设工程档案纸质总目录一式两套及工程项目信息与档案总目录电子模版一并移交,工程项目信息与档案总目录电子模版格式详见深圳档案网,。 第十条 建设单位应当在工程竣工验收后6个月内向市城建档案馆移交建设工程档案。 建设工期在5年以上,含满5年,或分期建设的工程项目~建设单位可按建设周期或标段移交建设工程档案。 第十一条 地下管线权属单位应当将地下管线工程普查、补测、补绘形成的地下管线工程档案~在项目结束后6个月内向市城建档案馆移交~并于每年上半年向市城建档案馆报送上一年度的地下管线现状图及更改、报废、漏测部分的管线技术资料及相应的电子文件。 第十二条 区城建档案室应当在每年上半年向市城建档案馆报送 /L), magnesium chloride, hydrochloric acid (1+1). 4 instrument atomic fluorescence spectrometer. 5 the analysis step 5.1 5.1.estion reagents: nitric acid, sulfuric acid and perchloric acid. Ash 3.8 thousand agents: magnesium nitrate hexahydrate (150guse. 3.7 wet digg. Drawing standard stock solution of arsenic 1.00mL in a 100mL bottle, dilute to scale. This solution should be prepared to μcontaining 1 -olumetric flask, add (1+9) 25mL sulfate, water volume to scale. 3.6.2 use arsenic standards: arsenicrred 1000mL v2H drying of arsenic trioxide (As203) 0.1320g. 10mL and 100g/L sodium hydroxide, dissolving, with the amount of water transfe ?). 36 3.6.1 standard stock solution of arsenic arsenic standard solution: arsenic 0.1mg/mL. Weigh accurately at 100 enoughnd mix. 3.5 sodium hydroxide solution (100g/L) (used for preparation of standard solution of arsenic, a small amount that is ea solution (S0g/L). 3.4 sulphuric acid solutions (1+9): measuring of sulfuric acid. 100mI. And carefully pour water 900mL, athiouran be kept for 10 days, remove and use (you can also weigh 14g borohydride potassium instead of sodium 10G borohydride). 3.3 ), weighing 10.0g with sodium borohydride, sodium hydroxide soluble in 2g/L l000mL in the mix. The liquid in a refrigerator c(10g/Lred with the standard quantitative. 3 reagent 3.1 sodium hydroxide solution (2g/L). 3.2 sodium borohydride (NaBH4) solutions rescence intensity at fixed conditions is proportional to the concentration of arsenic in the liquid to be measured and compaexcited atomic fluorescence, fluo-cathode lamp emitting light-gas is decomposed into atomic State of arsenic, arsenic in a special hollow—ecimal place) put 50mL~100mL in the Erlenmeyerdigestion of sample digestion: the sample 1g~2.5G solid sample. liquid sample sample 5g~lOg (or mL) (accurate to the second d1 wet 3— 上年度接收的建设工程所涉范围内的地下管线工程档案和探测档案电子数据及上年度接收的城建档案文件级电子目录。 第十三条 停建、缓建的建设工程项目~其建设工程档案暂由建设单位保管,被撤销单位的建设工程档案~向其上一级行政主管部门或者城建档案馆,室,移交,法律、法规另有规定的~从其规定。 第十四条 建设工程档案的真实性和准确性由档案形成单位负责。 第十五条 建设工程项目完工后~勘察、设计、施工、监理等单位应当对建设工程档案进行系统收集、规范整理~并按时向建设单位移交~由建设单位审查、汇总并进行统一编号编目后~以项目为单位向市城建档案馆移交。 建设项目实行总承包的~各分包单位负责收集、整理分包范围内的档案~交总承包商汇总编目编号后由建设单位向市城建档案馆移交,建设单位也可以委托总承包商向市城建档案馆移交工程档案。 第十六条 移交单位在办理档案移交前~应当提请市档案行政管理部门对移交档案进行进馆前的检查。需整改的~市档案行政管理部门应当在《深圳市建设工程档案进馆质量检查意见书》上一次性告知,整改完毕的~由市档案行政管理部门向移交单位发出《深圳市建设工程档案移交进馆通知》。 第十七条 市城建档案馆在办理档案交接时~应当对照目录逐一清点档案~并向移交单位出具《深圳市城建档案移交进馆凭据》,工程档案移交流程详见深圳档案网,。 第十八条 对不按照规定向市城建档案馆移交建设工程档案的单位和负有责任的个人~市档案行政管理部门将依据《深圳经济特区档案与文件收集利用条例》第三十二条规定对单位和直接责任人予以处罚。 第十九条 本规范自发布之日起施行~有效期5年。 e prepared to use. 3.7 wet digestion reagents: nitric acid, sulfuric acid and perchloric acid.containing 1 μg. Drawing standard stock solution of arsenic 1.00mL in a 100mL bottle, dilute to scale. This solution should b-3.6.2 use arsenic standards: arseniccale. ydroxide, dissolving, with the amount of water transferred 1000mL volumetric flask, add (1+9) 25mL sulfate, water volume to s 2H drying of arsenic trioxide (As203) 0.1320g. 10mL and 100g/L sodium h?solution: arsenic 0.1mg/mL. Weigh accurately at 100 ndard tion of standard solution of arsenic, a small amount that is enough). 36 3.6.1 standard stock solution of arsenic arsenic stang of sulfuric acid. 100mI. And carefully pour water 900mL, and mix. 3.5 sodium hydroxide solution (100g/L) (used for preparaeasuriorohydride potassium instead of sodium 10G borohydride). 3.3 thiourea solution (S0g/L). 3.4 sulphuric acid solutions (1+9): mble in 2g/L l000mL in the mix. The liquid in a refrigerator can be kept for 10 days, remove and use (you can also weigh 14g be solude solution (2g/L). 3.2 sodium borohydride (NaBH4) solutions (10g/L), weighing 10.0g with sodium borohydride, sodium hydroxidncentration of arsenic in the liquid to be measured and compared with the standard quantitative. 3 reagent 3.1 sodium hydroxiexcited atomic fluorescence, fluorescence intensity at fixed conditions is proportional to the co-cathode lamp emitting light-gas is decomposed into atomic State of arsenic, arsenic in a special hollow4liquid sample sample 5g~lOg (or mL) (accurate to the second decimal place) put 50mL~100mL in the Erlenmeyerple. omic fluorescence spectrometer. 5 the analysis step 5.1 5.1.1 wet digestion of sample digestion: the sample 1g~2.5G solid samAsh 3.8 thousand agents: magnesium nitrate hexahydrate (150g/L), magnesium chloride, hydrochloric acid (1+1). 4 instrument at 附件 深圳市城建档案馆建设工程档案接收范围 序号 接收范围 备注 工程准备阶段文件 1 项目建议书及项目审批性文件 2 可行性及审批文件 3 工程地质勘察报告 4 水文地质勘察报告、自然条件、地震调查等文件 5 红线地界桩放点测量报告 初步设计、技术设计、施工图设计、总体规划设计、设6 计计算书、关键技术试验及报告评价、鉴定、审批文件 7 勘察、设计承包合同 8 施工承包合同 9 监理委托合同 10 建设项目代建合同 11 建设工程规划许可证及其附件 12 建设工程施工许可证等开工申请或许可文件 13 工程项目管理机构,项目经理部,及负责人名单 14 工程项目监理机构,项目监理部,及负责人名单 工程项目施工管理机构,施工项目经理部,及负责人名15 单 监理文件 1 工程开工/复工审批文件 2 工程开工/复工暂停文件 3 不合格项目通知材料 4 质量事故报告及处理意见 5 分包单位资质报审文件 6 合同争议、违约报告及处理意见 7 合同变更材料 8 监理#工作总结# μcontaining 1 -olumetric flask, add (1+9) 25mL sulfate, water volume to scale. 3.6.2 use arsenic standards: arsenicrred 1000mL v2H drying of arsenic trioxide (As203) 0.1320g. 10mL and 100g/L sodium hydroxide, dissolving, with the amount of water transfe ?). 36 3.6.1 standard stock solution of arsenic arsenic standard solution: arsenic 0.1mg/mL. Weigh accurately at 100 enoughnd mix. 3.5 sodium hydroxide solution (100g/L) (used for preparation of standard solution of arsenic, a small amount that is ea solution (S0g/L). 3.4 sulphuric acid solutions (1+9): measuring of sulfuric acid. 100mI. And carefully pour water 900mL, athiouran be kept for 10 days, remove and use (you can also weigh 14g borohydride potassium instead of sodium 10G borohydride). 3.3 ), weighing 10.0g with sodium borohydride, sodium hydroxide soluble in 2g/L l000mL in the mix. The liquid in a refrigerator c(10g/Lred with the standard quantitative. 3 reagent 3.1 sodium hydroxide solution (2g/L). 3.2 sodium borohydride (NaBH4) solutions rescence intensity at fixed conditions is proportional to the concentration of arsenic in the liquid to be measured and compaexcited atomic fluorescence, fluo-cathode lamp emitting light-gas is decomposed into atomic State of arsenic, arsenic in a special hollow—ecimal place) put 50mL~100mL in the Erlenmeyerdigestion of sample digestion: the sample 1g~2.5G solid sample. liquid sample sample 5g~lOg (or mL) (accurate to the second d1 wet /L), magnesium chloride, hydrochloric acid (1+1). 4 instrument atomic fluorescence spectrometer. 5 the analysis step 5.1 5.1.estion reagents: nitric acid, sulfuric acid and perchloric acid. Ash 3.8 thousand agents: magnesium nitrate hexahydrate (150guse. 3.7 wet digg. Drawing standard stock solution of arsenic 1.00mL in a 100mL bottle, dilute to scale. This solution should be prepared to 5— 9 质量评估报告 施工文件 1 开工申请文件 2 项目机构人员设置文件 3 合同文件 4 图纸会审等审图文件 5 工程图纸变更文件 6 竣工测量及验收文件 7 工程定位测量复核材料 8 地基处理材料 9 各类工程工种施工检查、安装、调试试验文件 10 隐蔽工程检查文件 原材料、构配件、设备进场质量控制文件~试验及功能11 性报告 12 工程质量检验材料 竣工图 1 综合竣工图 2 专业竣工图 竣工验收文件 1 工程竣工总结 2 单位,子单位,工程质量验收文件 3 竣工验收文件 竣工验收备案文件,包括消防、环保、电梯、燃气、规4 划、民防、节能等专项验收认可文件, 5 工程质量保修文件 6 质量检查报告 7 竣工验收申请及整改材料 设备文件 1 设备开箱检查安装、调试试验文件 2 设备进场质量控制文件~试验及功能性检测报告 e prepared to use. 3.7 wet digestion reagents: nitric acid, sulfuric acid and perchloric acid.containing 1 μg. Drawing standard stock solution of arsenic 1.00mL in a 100mL bottle, dilute to scale. This solution should b-3.6.2 use arsenic standards: arseniccale. ydroxide, dissolving, with the amount of water transferred 1000mL volumetric flask, add (1+9) 25mL sulfate, water volume to s 2H drying of arsenic trioxide (As203) 0.1320g. 10mL and 100g/L sodium h?solution: arsenic 0.1mg/mL. Weigh accurately at 100 ndard tion of standard solution of arsenic, a small amount that is enough). 36 3.6.1 standard stock solution of arsenic arsenic stang of sulfuric acid. 100mI. And carefully pour water 900mL, and mix. 3.5 sodium hydroxide solution (100g/L) (used for preparaeasuriorohydride potassium instead of sodium 10G borohydride). 3.3 thiourea solution (S0g/L). 3.4 sulphuric acid solutions (1+9): mble in 2g/L l000mL in the mix. The liquid in a refrigerator can be kept for 10 days, remove and use (you can also weigh 14g be solude solution (2g/L). 3.2 sodium borohydride (NaBH4) solutions (10g/L), weighing 10.0g with sodium borohydride, sodium hydroxidncentration of arsenic in the liquid to be measured and compared with the standard quantitative. 3 reagent 3.1 sodium hydroxiexcited atomic fluorescence, fluorescence intensity at fixed conditions is proportional to the co-cathode lamp emitting light-gas is decomposed into atomic State of arsenic, arsenic in a special hollow6liquid sample sample 5g~lOg (or mL) (accurate to the second decimal place) put 50mL~100mL in the Erlenmeyerple. omic fluorescence spectrometer. 5 the analysis step 5.1 5.1.1 wet digestion of sample digestion: the sample 1g~2.5G solid samAsh 3.8 thousand agents: magnesium nitrate hexahydrate (150g/L), magnesium chloride, hydrochloric acid (1+1). 4 instrument at
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