

2017-09-26 26页 doc 76KB 19阅读




怎样教孩子学拼音怎样教孩子学拼音 二、成都市城乡一体化的基本思路 基本做法:以“三个集中”为核心、以市场化为动力、以规范化服务型政协府建设和基层民主政治建设为保障~着眼于打破城乡二元结构~突出加快城市化进程这条主线~着力推进城乡规划一体化、城乡产业布局一体化、城乡基础设施建设和社会事业发展一体化~配套政策措施一体化~力促农村居民身份向城市居民身份转变~实现城乡一体化发展的格局。 工业向园区集中 以推进工业向工业园区集中为重点~走新型工业化道路。制定了城乡一体的工业布局规划~将原规模小、布局分散的116个工业开发区~调整、归并为21个工...
怎样教孩子学拼音 二、成都市城乡一体化的基本思路 基本做法:以“三个集中”为核心、以市场化为动力、以规范化服务型政协府建设和基层民主政治建设为保障~着眼于打破城乡二元结构~突出加快城市化进程这条主线~着力推进城乡规划一体化、城乡产业布局一体化、城乡基础设施建设和社会事业发展一体化~配套政策措施一体化~力促农村居民身份向城市居民身份转变~实现城乡一体化发展的格局。 工业向园区集中 以推进工业向工业园区集中为重点~走新型工业化道路。制定了城乡一体的工业布局规划~将原规模小、布局分散的116个工业开发区~调整、归并为21个工业集中区~通过规划调控、政策引导~建立投资促进机制~强力推进工业向集中区集中~ 21个工业集中发展区现已初具规模~进驻集中区的规模以上工业企业占全市规模以上企业的63.5%。 ,二,土地向规模化集中 坚持以稳定农村家庭承包经营为基础~按照依法、自愿、有偿的原则~采取转包、租赁、入股等形式~稳步推进土地向规模经营集中。至2006年成都市共流转土地153.78万亩~截至2007年底~全市共实施土地规模经营211.2万亩,规模以上农业产业化龙头企业发展到789家,各类农业产业化经营主体联系带动农户134.5万户~占全市农业总人口的64.5%。据初步测算~农业集约经营亩产值平均增加1000元以上~每亩收益增加600元左右。D. non-destructive inspection report; E. static grounding test records; F. design changes and material substitution file. (2) the piping system according to the design files have been installed; A. pipe, hangers, material, in the form of the installation location is correct, complete number, strength, welding quality; B. completed welding work, weld quality inspection; C. weld parts should be checked and it should not be hidden. (3) pressure test of temporary reinforcement measures for safe and reliable, such as: temporary support should be strong, can withstand the pressure of water. Temporary blind flange plus reset correctly, and should identify clear, while mark on the single line diagram, records should be complete, high and low discharge point set is complete and correct; (4) cannot participate in the testing of control valves, filters, flow orifice and flow meters should be removed, connected with the temporary spool; (5) approval of pressure test system and construction scheme and the pressure group is disclosure. 1.5.2 pressure test press design offers you the test pressure of the pressure test, pressure test media selected according to design specifications. (1) tests should be used when high point within the exhaust system of air, boosting ratings slowly, reach the test pressure after 10min, then down to pressure regulator 30 min, no pressure drop, no leakage, Visual deformation is qualified. When pressure testing in case of spill shall not be under pressure to repair defect elimination and try again until the qualified. (2) after the piping system passes the test, should slow buck, the test medium emission should be at the right place, try to pressure test water discharged into the nearby sewer pipes or rain. Pressure test after the purge the piping system if not to temporarily blind and short pipe, support should be removed, reset in a timely manner and fill pipe system pressure test records. 1.6 pipe blowing and wash 农民收入由单一的种粮收入转向土地租金、就业收入、房屋租赁、股金分红、社会保障等多项收入~2006年农民人均现金收入4905元~比2002年增长了45.2%~初步形成了多元化的农民持续增收机制及农民收入与社会收入同步增长的机制。 ,三, 农民向城镇集中 遵循“因地制宜、农民自愿、依法有偿、稳步推进”的原则~科学规划建设城镇新型社区和农村新型社区~在具备条件的农村地区引导兴建农民集中居住区~配套完善基础设施~有组织、分层次地梯度引导农民向城镇和二三产业转移。到2007年底~五年新建农民居住区和农村新型社区2249.1万平方米~37.8万农民入住重点镇和社区。 三、具体做法 ,一,统筹城乡规划~一张蓝图绘到底 一是将城乡全部纳入规划。成都市在规划修编中通过“一体化、一盘棋”安排~第一次对全市1.24万平方公里包括中心城区、14个县,市、区,、220多个乡镇和2200多个村庄做了统一规划~目前中心城区418平方公里建设区控制性详细规划已完满覆盖~中心城198平方公里非城市建设用地规划也已制定。14个郊区、县城和30个重点镇的总体规划已完成。 在规划中~成都将城郊、近郊和远郊分成三个圈层~根据各自优势进行错位发展~在城乡基础设施建设、产业布局、就业和社会保障、社会事业发展、政策措施等六个方面~实行城乡一体D. non-destructive inspection report; E. static grounding test records; F. design changes and material substitution file. (2) the piping system according to the design files have been installed; A. pipe, hangers, material, in the form of the installation location is correct, complete number, strength, welding quality; B. completed welding work, weld quality inspection; C. weld parts should be checked and it should not be hidden. (3) pressure test of temporary reinforcement measures for safe and reliable, such as: temporary support should be strong, can withstand the pressure of water. Temporary blind flange plus reset correctly, and should identify clear, while mark on the single line diagram, records should be complete, high and low discharge point set is complete and correct; (4) cannot participate in the testing of control valves, filters, flow orifice and flow meters should be removed, connected with the temporary spool; (5) approval of pressure test system and construction scheme and the pressure group is disclosure. 1.5.2 pressure test press design offers you the test pressure of the pressure test, pressure test media selected according to design specifications. (1) tests should be used when high point within the exhaust system of air, boosting ratings slowly, reach the test pressure after 10min, then down to pressure regulator 30 min, no pressure drop, no leakage, Visual deformation is qualified. When pressure testing in case of spill shall not be under pressure to repair defect elimination and try again until the qualified. (2) after the piping system passes the test, should slow buck, the test medium emission should be at the right place, try to pressure test water discharged into the nearby sewer pipes or rain. Pressure test after the purge the piping system if not to temporarily blind and short pipe, support should be removed, reset in a timely manner and fill pipe system pressure test records. 1.6 pipe blowing and wash 化布局。公共设施、社会事业等许多以前城里人才能享受的文明与实惠开始沿着这张图延伸到乡村。 二是完善城乡规划体系。相继制定了城乡经济和社会发展总体规划、土地利用规划、区域规划、功能分区规划、产业规划和各专项规划~并确保规划时空的衔接~通过执行规划来引领发展的科学有序推进。 三是强化规划的监督和评价机制。设臵了市规划执法监督局~由市政府向各区(市)县派驻城乡规划监督专员~组建市规划编制研究中心。严格规划执法~有效杜绝了“拍脑袋“决策、随意性规划~城乡规划一体化有了强大保障。通过各种媒体公开规划信息~充分发挥规划的引导和调控作用。 ,二,因地制宜调整和优化城乡产业布局~形成强大的产业支撑 产业发展是支撑城乡一体化的关键~统筹城乡产业就是要统筹城乡的各类生产要素~让各类生产要素在市场机制的推动下按照规划在城乡之间有序流动。在抓产业发展布局过程中~特别注重以下几点: 一是按照规划来推动产业发展~明确市域功能分区~避免盲目性.将全市划分为4个主体功能区~针对不同的功能区~配套不同的相关政策。 二是坚持走新型工业化道路~按照集约发展、效益优先的原则~推进工业集中发展区建设。按照“一区,县、市,一园一业”D. non-destructive inspection report; E. static grounding test records; F. design changes and material substitution file. (2) the piping system according to the design files have been installed; A. pipe, hangers, material, in the form of the installation location is correct, complete number, strength, welding quality; B. completed welding work, weld quality inspection; C. weld parts should be checked and it should not be hidden. (3) pressure test of temporary reinforcement measures for safe and reliable, such as: temporary support should be strong, can withstand the pressure of water. Temporary blind flange plus reset correctly, and should identify clear, while mark on the single line diagram, records should be complete, high and low discharge point set is complete and correct; (4) cannot participate in the testing of control valves, filters, flow orifice and flow meters should be removed, connected with the temporary spool; (5) approval of pressure test system and construction scheme and the pressure group is disclosure. 1.5.2 pressure test press design offers you the test pressure of the pressure test, pressure test media selected according to design specifications. (1) tests should be used when high point within the exhaust system of air, boosting ratings slowly, reach the test pressure after 10min, then down to pressure regulator 30 min, no pressure drop, no leakage, Visual deformation is qualified. When pressure testing in case of spill shall not be under pressure to repair defect elimination and try again until the qualified. (2) after the piping system passes the test, should slow buck, the test medium emission should be at the right place, try to pressure test water discharged into the nearby sewer pipes or rain. Pressure test after the purge the piping system if not to temporarily blind and short pipe, support should be removed, reset in a timely manner and fill pipe system pressure test records. 1.6 pipe blowing and wash 的思路确定了21个工业集中区~分别因地制宜地明确不同的主导产业~引进与培育相结合~相继建成一批产业链条长、市场前景好、易于形成产业集群的重大项目。对集中区外已建项目不符合产业政策的坚决予以取缔~对符合产业政策的政府给予一定的补贴引导企业搬入工业集中区~如对成都东郊工业区1 69家规划规模以上企业(涉及322亿元资产和1 5万多名职工)进行搬迁改造。新上工业项目一律进入开发区~对工业开发区以外乡镇引进的工业项目~实行分利税、分产值等异地招商办法~并按集约用地的精神~执行严格的供地。 典型事例:青羊模具产业园是成都市有关部门确立的三个模具工业园之一~是省市重点工程项目~目前园区内聚集了成飞集成、天元模具、宏明双新等一大批国家、省市重点骨干企业~青羊模具产业园为进一步提升和扩大模具产业~依托骨干企业~瞄准成都市整个模具产业的空白和薄弱环节~以模具标准件为主导~致力打造模具“中场产业”领域的专业模具园~使其成为集模具设计、制造、制件、销售、培训、服务一条龙的“模具产业基地”。为此~园区内规划有模具工程技术中心------共性技术平台、12000平方米的模具展示平台~模具制造实训中心------人才提升和交流的平台~机械制造资源信息系统------园区资源共享平台,青羊工业集中发展区(西区)的建设,平台的搭建为企业提供了更加有利的发展环境, 是创新工业集中发展模式、优化资源配臵的重大举措。 D. non-destructive inspection report; E. static grounding test records; F. design changes and material substitution file. (2) the piping system according to the design files have been installed; A. pipe, hangers, material, in the form of the installation location is correct, complete number, strength, welding quality; B. completed welding work, weld quality inspection; C. weld parts should be checked and it should not be hidden. (3) pressure test of temporary reinforcement measures for safe and reliable, such as: temporary support should be strong, can withstand the pressure of water. Temporary blind flange plus reset correctly, and should identify clear, while mark on the single line diagram, records should be complete, high and low discharge point set is complete and correct; (4) cannot participate in the testing of control valves, filters, flow orifice and flow meters should be removed, connected with the temporary spool; (5) approval of pressure test system and construction scheme and the pressure group is disclosure. 1.5.2 pressure test press design offers you the test pressure of the pressure test, pressure test media selected according to design specifications. (1) tests should be used when high point within the exhaust system of air, boosting ratings slowly, reach the test pressure after 10min, then down to pressure regulator 30 min, no pressure drop, no leakage, Visual deformation is qualified. When pressure testing in case of spill shall not be under pressure to repair defect elimination and try again until the qualified. (2) after the piping system passes the test, should slow buck, the test medium emission should be at the right place, try to pressure test water discharged into the nearby sewer pipes or rain. Pressure test after the purge the piping system if not to temporarily blind and short pipe, support should be removed, reset in a timely manner and fill pipe system pressure test records. 1.6 pipe blowing and wash 三是用对于一些不适于发展工业、市场容量小的乡镇~坚持用抓工业的理念推进农业产业化经营~完善农村社会化服务体系~提高农业综合生产能力。通过土地流转~促进土地向规模化集中~引进有竞争能力的市场主体对土地进行产业化经营~形成了一批粮食、花卉种植、养猪、弥猴桃等现代化农业基地。农业产业化经营(公司+专业合作经济组织+农户)发展加快~ 2005年~成都引进投资3000万元以上的重大农业产业化项目36个~5000万元以上的龙头企业115家。较为规范的农村合作经济组织已有1245个~拥有成员15.3万人~带动农户面达52,~2007年带动面达64.5%. 典型事例:红砂村距离成都市区只有十几公里~素来有种花的历史~锦江区政府就把这里规划为以花卉为特色的旅游度假区。他们首先把一家一户的土地集中起来流转出去:村民以入股的形式~把土地的使用权委托给村里组建的土地流转中心~再由流转中心把土地出租给上海传化花卉公司~形成土地的规模经营~进而实现花卉、旅游产业的协调发展。现在~从前的农业户口被逐步取消~统一改为居民户口~农民的生产生活方式实现同步转变~农民的人均年收入从过去人均4000元提高到8000元。以产业为支撑~红砂村已快步融入了城市文明。 土地流转的主要方式:成都制定的《关于推进农村土地承包经营权流转的意见》~至少确认了4种流转方式~分别是转包、租赁、互换经营和入股. 1、转包:承包方自行与有经营能力的业主协商~将自己的土D. non-destructive inspection report; E. static grounding test records; F. design changes and material substitution file. (2) the piping system according to the design files have been installed; A. pipe, hangers, material, in the form of the installation location is correct, complete number, strength, welding quality; B. completed welding work, weld quality inspection; C. weld parts should be checked and it should not be hidden. (3) pressure test of temporary reinforcement measures for safe and reliable, such as: temporary support should be strong, can withstand the pressure of water. Temporary blind flange plus reset correctly, and should identify clear, while mark on the single line diagram, records should be complete, high and low discharge point set is complete and correct; (4) cannot participate in the testing of control valves, filters, flow orifice and flow meters should be removed, connected with the temporary spool; (5) approval of pressure test system and construction scheme and the pressure group is disclosure. 1.5.2 pressure test press design offers you the test pressure of the pressure test, pressure test media selected according to design specifications. (1) tests should be used when high point within the exhaust system of air, boosting ratings slowly, reach the test pressure after 10min, then down to pressure regulator 30 min, no pressure drop, no leakage, Visual deformation is qualified. When pressure testing in case of spill shall not be under pressure to repair defect elimination and try again until the qualified. (2) after the piping system passes the test, should slow buck, the test medium emission should be at the right place, try to pressure test water discharged into the nearby sewer pipes or rain. Pressure test after the purge the piping system if not to temporarily blind and short pipe, support should be removed, reset in a timely manner and fill pipe system pressure test records. 1.6 pipe blowing and wash 地承包经营权部分或全部流转给业主。 家庭劳动力外出打工或从事非农生产的农户~往往采取这种方式 2.租赁:农户在自愿基础上~把土地书面委托给集体经济组织或中介组织管理。然后~由这两种组织代理农户与业主签订~由业主承租或承包~统一开发经营。 3~互换经营:同一集体经济组织内的承包方~为土地集中经营需要~可自愿将承包土地进行互换。交换条件、附带的利益关系和补偿等~由互换双方协商。比如~某片土地需要成片规模经营~但其中有一块承包人要保留自己的承包经营权~在自愿原则下~就可用其他的地~来换这块地。 4.土地股份合作:土地承包方自愿联合起来~用土地承包经营权入股~从事农业合作生产。也可采取土地承包经营权入股方式~与业主合作经营。 四是重点扶持服务业的发展。如锦江区是成都市的中心城区之一~是规划中的服务业优化发展区~该区为了扶持服务业的发展~专设了服务业引导资金~仅2007年就高达2000多万元。利用区位优势发展总部经济~为引进大企业的总部~锦江区政府不仅对大企业的总部租房或购房提供资金补贴~甚至对大企业的高层管理人员的住房进行补贴。此举对于吸引一些大企业把总部设在该区起到了较大的推动作用,打造了税收上千万的楼宇经济。 ,三,统筹城乡基础设施建设~城乡共享现代文明 农村基础设施是实现新农村建设目标的基本物质条件。为加D. non-destructive inspection report; E. static grounding test records; F. design changes and material substitution file. (2) the piping system according to the design files have been installed; A. pipe, hangers, material, in the form of the installation location is correct, complete number, strength, welding quality; B. completed welding work, weld quality inspection; C. weld parts should be checked and it should not be hidden. (3) pressure test of temporary reinforcement measures for safe and reliable, such as: temporary support should be strong, can withstand the pressure of water. Temporary blind flange plus reset correctly, and should identify clear, while mark on the single line diagram, records should be complete, high and low discharge point set is complete and correct; (4) cannot participate in the testing of control valves, filters, flow orifice and flow meters should be removed, connected with the temporary spool; (5) approval of pressure test system and construction scheme and the pressure group is disclosure. 1.5.2 pressure test press design offers you the test pressure of the pressure test, pressure test media selected according to design specifications. (1) tests should be used when high point within the exhaust system of air, boosting ratings slowly, reach the test pressure after 10min, then down to pressure regulator 30 min, no pressure drop, no leakage, Visual deformation is qualified. When pressure testing in case of spill shall not be under pressure to repair defect elimination and try again until the qualified. (2) after the piping system passes the test, should slow buck, the test medium emission should be at the right place, try to pressure test water discharged into the nearby sewer pipes or rain. Pressure test after the purge the piping system if not to temporarily blind and short pipe, support should be removed, reset in a timely manner and fill pipe system pressure test records. 1.6 pipe blowing and wash 快城乡一体化进程~成都市首先将城乡基础设施纳入统一规划~在规划中~全市城乡一体化基础设施建设项目高达2800多个~总投资1538亿元。成都市率先在西部地区实现县县通高速公路~村村通水泥,沥青,路~共新改建水泥,沥青,路6700公里~连通城乡的乡村公路总里程达13000公里~较5年前增长60%。形成了以镇,乡,为节点、通村联社、四通八达的乡村路网。2003年以来~成都市先后启动了农民新居工程、农村教育医疗卫生和疾病预防设施工程、农村电网改造工程、重大农林水利项目建设工程和农村新型社区的等建设~成效显著~农村基础设施明显改善。 典型事例:蒲江是成都市边远郊农业县之一。然而~我们在这个县复兴乡彭河社区看到的是一幅旧农村“脱胎换骨”的新景象。这里居住着,?,多户村民~一横四纵的水泥路连着的是一排排川西民居式的二层小楼~附近山冈下是一排集中养猪场~下面的沼气池直接与农户家的沼气灶相连。社区里既有卫生医疗站、村活动室~也有小超市和露天健身广场……。这种变化得益于,,,,年开展的土地整理工作。全乡在,万余亩的区域内进行了土地整理~改造坡地、荒地~归并零碎地块~引导农民集中居住~复耕宅基地~最后新增耕地?,,,亩。政府从土地整理所获资金中拿出一部分~用来建设集中居住区的水、电、气、路、绿化等基础设施~并对迁入集中区建房的农民进行补贴。利用集中整理的土地~政府引进了一家新西兰业主成片开发猕猴桃产业~农民不仅有租金收入~还可以在龙头企业里打工~仅此一项~农民D. non-destructive inspection report; E. static grounding test records; F. design changes and material substitution file. (2) the piping system according to the design files have been installed; A. pipe, hangers, material, in the form of the installation location is correct, complete number, strength, welding quality; B. completed welding work, weld quality inspection; C. weld parts should be checked and it should not be hidden. (3) pressure test of temporary reinforcement measures for safe and reliable, such as: temporary support should be strong, can withstand the pressure of water. Temporary blind flange plus reset correctly, and should identify clear, while mark on the single line diagram, records should be complete, high and low discharge point set is complete and correct; (4) cannot participate in the testing of control valves, filters, flow orifice and flow meters should be removed, connected with the temporary spool; (5) approval of pressure test system and construction scheme and the pressure group is disclosure. 1.5.2 pressure test press design offers you the test pressure of the pressure test, pressure test media selected according to design specifications. (1) tests should be used when high point within the exhaust system of air, boosting ratings slowly, reach the test pressure after 10min, then down to pressure regulator 30 min, no pressure drop, no leakage, Visual deformation is qualified. When pressure testing in case of spill shall not be under pressure to repair defect elimination and try again until the qualified. (2) after the piping system passes the test, should slow buck, the test medium emission should be at the right place, try to pressure test water discharged into the nearby sewer pipes or rain. Pressure test after the purge the piping system if not to temporarily blind and short pipe, support should be removed, reset in a timely manner and fill pipe system pressure test records. 1.6 pipe blowing and wash 人均增收,,,,多元。 ,四,公共服务向农村延伸~农民成为城乡一体化最大的受益者 2006年~成都市财政对“三农”的投入达69(24亿元~占全市财政收入的24,~与2002年相比~4年间增长7(8倍。 2004年~成都市财政拿出10亿元对全市410所农村中小学进行标准化建设~全面提高农村基础教育办学水平~促进城乡教育均衡发展~60多万农村学生受益。 为了让农民能看病、看得起病、看得好病~2005年~成都市财政投入2亿多元~全面启动224个乡镇卫生院和300个村卫生站的规范化、标准化建设。到2006年底~成都市93,的农业人口参加了新型农村合作医疗~累计受益农民达430万人次~政府补偿金额达1(9亿元。 农村社会保险制度从无到有~逐步健全~实施了为失地农民“量身定做”的综合社会保险、被征地农转非人员社会保险、农村新型合作医疗、农民养老保险和最低生活保障等~其中以“土地承包权收益换社保”的方式建立农民养老保险收效较为显著~迄今~全市已有20(2万被征地农民参加了社保~按月领取养老金的达7(1万人。 改革城乡就业制度~实现培训就业一体化。建立统一、开放、竞争、有序的劳务市场。通过发展乡镇企业、引进企业和发展劳动密集型产业来增加就业岗位,优先安排当地农民~优先为失地D. non-destructive inspection report; E. static grounding test records; F. design changes and material substitution file. (2) the piping system according to the design files have been installed; A. pipe, hangers, material, in the form of the installation location is correct, complete number, strength, welding quality; B. completed welding work, weld quality inspection; C. weld parts should be checked and it should not be hidden. (3) pressure test of temporary reinforcement measures for safe and reliable, such as: temporary support should be strong, can withstand the pressure of water. Temporary blind flange plus reset correctly, and should identify clear, while mark on the single line diagram, records should be complete, high and low discharge point set is complete and correct; (4) cannot participate in the testing of control valves, filters, flow orifice and flow meters should be removed, connected with the temporary spool; (5) approval of pressure test system and construction scheme and the pressure group is disclosure. 1.5.2 pressure test press design offers you the test pressure of the pressure test, pressure test media selected according to design specifications. (1) tests should be used when high point within the exhaust system of air, boosting ratings slowly, reach the test pressure after 10min, then down to pressure regulator 30 min, no pressure drop, no leakage, Visual deformation is qualified. When pressure testing in case of spill shall not be under pressure to repair defect elimination and try again until the qualified. (2) after the piping system passes the test, should slow buck, the test medium emission should be at the right place, try to pressure test water discharged into the nearby sewer pipes or rain. Pressure test after the purge the piping system if not to temporarily blind and short pipe, support should be removed, reset in a timely manner and fill pipe system pressure test records. 1.6 pipe blowing and wash 农民创造就业机会,对自主创业的农民在税费给予减免优惠~同时以订单培训、定向培训为重点大规模加强农民技能培训~增强农民的就业能力~切实做到失地不失业。2006年全市培训农民工71.9万人次~近170万农村富余劳动力转移到非农产业~农民劳务收入近百亿元。 主要亮点:失地农民安臵 实施“三个同步”:居住区规划与促进就业同步,居住区建设与农民培训同步,项目引进与扩大就业同步~确保农民失地不失业、失地不失利。农民搬迁由过去的零星自建变为了集中安臵~每搬迁一批农民~就形成一条漂亮的街道~建成一个功能齐全的社区。此举不仅实现农民身份的转变~更促使农民实现生活方式的转变~让失地农民更多地享受到城市现代文明。 实行城乡一体的户籍~ 2007年~成都市全面实行城乡户口一元化登记管理~无论城市人口还是农业人口~全部登记为“居民户口” 四、成都市推进城乡一体化的体制创新 ,一,打破城乡分割~努力构建城乡一体的新型管理体制 几年来~成都市致力于打破城乡二元结构~逐步消除城乡分割的体制性障碍~在加快构建城乡统筹发展的新体制新机制方面进行了大量的改革探索。一是推进规范化服务型政府建设。实施了流程再造、集中服务、阳光行政“三大举措”~ 强化了政府在推进城乡一体化中的社会管理和公共服务职能。二是积极开展基D. non-destructive inspection report; E. static grounding test records; F. design changes and material substitution file. (2) the piping system according to the design files have been installed; A. pipe, hangers, material, in the form of the installation location is correct, complete number, strength, welding quality; B. completed welding work, weld quality inspection; C. weld parts should be checked and it should not be hidden. (3) pressure test of temporary reinforcement measures for safe and reliable, such as: temporary support should be strong, can withstand the pressure of water. Temporary blind flange plus reset correctly, and should identify clear, while mark on the single line diagram, records should be complete, high and low discharge point set is complete and correct; (4) cannot participate in the testing of control valves, filters, flow orifice and flow meters should be removed, connected with the temporary spool; (5) approval of pressure test system and construction scheme and the pressure group is disclosure. 1.5.2 pressure test press design offers you the test pressure of the pressure test, pressure test media selected according to design specifications. (1) tests should be used when high point within the exhaust system of air, boosting ratings slowly, reach the test pressure after 10min, then down to pressure regulator 30 min, no pressure drop, no leakage, Visual deformation is qualified. When pressure testing in case of spill shall not be under pressure to repair defect elimination and try again until the qualified. (2) after the piping system passes the test, should slow buck, the test medium emission should be at the right place, try to pressure test water discharged into the nearby sewer pipes or rain. Pressure test after the purge the piping system if not to temporarily blind and short pipe, support should be removed, reset in a timely manner and fill pipe system pressure test records. 1.6 pipe blowing and wash 层民主政治建设 ~推动基层民主政治步入制度化、规范化轨道。是推进城乡一体化的重要组织保证。三是全面开展乡镇综合配套改革 ~在有条件的地方设立街道办事处~改村委会为社区居委会。四是创新农业管理体制~城区撤销了农业局等机构~组建城乡一体化工作局~而且创新了“三农”工作机制~促进了“三农”工作协调联动。五是统筹实施城乡管理体制改革~建立城乡一体的规划管理体制~实现城乡规划编制管理、实施管理、监督管理满覆盖。 ,二,制定和完善相关配套政策~为推进城乡一体化提供制度保障 从开始实施城乡一体化发展战略起~成都市就出台了《关于统筹城乡经济社会发展推进城乡一体化的意见》~作为统领全市推进城乡一体化工作的纲领性文件~明确了推进城乡一体化的思路、目标和措施~接着相继制定了涉及户籍管理、就业、社会保障、教育、卫生、计划生育等一系列50多个配套文件~搭建了推进城乡一体化的政策框架~提高了统筹城乡发展的主动性、规范性和实效性~为顺利实施这项决策提供了制度保障。 ,三,加大政府推动作用~健全市场化配臵资源的体制和机制~增强城乡一体化发展的动力和活力 可以看到~成功地定位政府的角色~是政府在推动城乡一体化顺利地履行自身职能的基本保证。在市场与政府之间的边缘地带~成都市政府发挥了极大的推动作用。 D. non-destructive inspection report; E. static grounding test records; F. design changes and material substitution file. (2) the piping system according to the design files have been installed; A. pipe, hangers, material, in the form of the installation location is correct, complete number, strength, welding quality; B. completed welding work, weld quality inspection; C. weld parts should be checked and it should not be hidden. (3) pressure test of temporary reinforcement measures for safe and reliable, such as: temporary support should be strong, can withstand the pressure of water. Temporary blind flange plus reset correctly, and should identify clear, while mark on the single line diagram, records should be complete, high and low discharge point set is complete and correct; (4) cannot participate in the testing of control valves, filters, flow orifice and flow meters should be removed, connected with the temporary spool; (5) approval of pressure test system and construction scheme and the pressure group is disclosure. 1.5.2 pressure test press design offers you the test pressure of the pressure test, pressure test media selected according to design specifications. (1) tests should be used when high point within the exhaust system of air, boosting ratings slowly, reach the test pressure after 10min, then down to pressure regulator 30 min, no pressure drop, no leakage, Visual deformation is qualified. When pressure testing in case of spill shall not be under pressure to repair defect elimination and try again until the qualified. (2) after the piping system passes the test, should slow buck, the test medium emission should be at the right place, try to pressure test water discharged into the nearby sewer pipes or rain. Pressure test after the purge the piping system if not to temporarily blind and short pipe, support should be removed, reset in a timely manner and fill pipe system pressure test records. 1.6 pipe blowing and wash 一是实施投融资体制改革。城乡一体化建设~资金是重要的保障~而仅靠政府的投入是有限的。为此成都市对承担城市基础设施建设和运营的企业进行现代企业制度改造~组建了有300亿元资产的城市建设总公司~作为整合各类建设资金的的投融资平台~充分利用政府有限的投入作为引导~撬动民间资金~并推向市场~平等参与竞争,建立了政府性投资项目投资、建设和管理“三分离”的管理体制。最大限度地盘活政府经营性资产~将各部门政府经营性资产统一收归市国有资产管理部门集中管理~对政府控制的土地、财政性资金、特许经营权以及投资信息等~实行集中统一管理和合理有效配臵。2004年全市土地经营总收入 91亿元~吸收民间资金112亿元投向“三农"~加快了城乡基础设施建设步伐。 对于农业投入~成都市改变过去财政性农业资金主要以简单的无偿支付为主的投入方式~利用农业财政性资金~搭建现代农业的融资平台~吸引信贷资金和民间资金。如2007年成都市整合财政性农业资金组建了现代农业发展投资公司~利用这个融资平台~通过担保贷款、贴息、直接投资等方式吸引银行资金15亿元~撬动、聚集社会资金21亿元~放大了财政资金的效益。 二是充分运用市场机制~将民间投资主体引入到工业园区的建设、经营管理中来~以企业为投资主体开发经营管理工业园区。 三是大力发展农村合作经济组织~实现多种所有制并存~促进农村土地、劳动力等生产要素的市场化配臵。 主要亮点:政府推动、市场化运作。在启动“五朵金花”项D. non-destructive inspection report; E. static grounding test records; F. design changes and material substitution file. (2) the piping system according to the design files have been installed; A. pipe, hangers, material, in the form of the installation location is correct, complete number, strength, welding quality; B. completed welding work, weld quality inspection; C. weld parts should be checked and it should not be hidden. (3) pressure test of temporary reinforcement measures for safe and reliable, such as: temporary support should be strong, can withstand the pressure of water. Temporary blind flange plus reset correctly, and should identify clear, while mark on the single line diagram, records should be complete, high and low discharge point set is complete and correct; (4) cannot participate in the testing of control valves, filters, flow orifice and flow meters should be removed, connected with the temporary spool; (5) approval of pressure test system and construction scheme and the pressure group is disclosure. 1.5.2 pressure test press design offers you the test pressure of the pressure test, pressure test media selected according to design specifications. (1) tests should be used when high point within the exhaust system of air, boosting ratings slowly, reach the test pressure after 10min, then down to pressure regulator 30 min, no pressure drop, no leakage, Visual deformation is qualified. When pressure testing in case of spill shall not be under pressure to repair defect elimination and try again until the qualified. (2) after the piping system passes the test, should slow buck, the test medium emission should be at the right place, try to pressure test water discharged into the nearby sewer pipes or rain. Pressure test after the purge the piping system if not to temporarily blind and short pipe, support should be removed, reset in a timely manner and fill pipe system pressure test records. 1.6 pipe blowing and wash 目前期~农民由于观念滞后没有积极性~于是锦江区政府投入2个亿~进行景观道路及水、电、气等基础建设~按每户每平方120元对当地农居的改造进行补贴~并号召政府部门干部到该区拟打造的农事体验旅游区“江家菜地”以每分地800元/年认种菜地~以此带动农户发展“农家乐”。此举对打造“五朵金花”农业观光旅游起到极大的推动作用。 ,四,积极做好区域规划引导市级规划审批~按照规划引项目。锦江区是成都市的一个中心城区~过去也经历过针对项目跑规划的困难~为突破这一限制~该区在符合城市总体规划的基础上~提前编制区域详细规划~并争取批准实施~用以引导市的规划审批~并按照规划引项目~既有效地缩短了规划审批的时间~更有利于引导经济和社会的科学、有序发展。 ,五,人才机制创新 “人才兴镇计划”--从,,,,年起~每年两次组织重点镇用人单位赴外地招聘急需人才,从大专院校、科研院所选派?,名专业技术人才、管理人才到重点镇挂职~挂职干部进镇领导班子~不占领导职数~任期两年,从区,市,县国家机关选派,,名年轻干部到优先发展重点镇锻炼~时间为,年,在,,个优先发展重点镇建立“城乡一体化专家服务基地”~动员优秀专家参与乡镇建设。 “借脑兴业计划”--围绕重大产业发展需要~,,,,年起成都市分行业组建了“专家咨询服务团”,又称智囊团,~政府部D. non-destructive inspection report; E. static grounding test records; F. design changes and material substitution file. (2) the piping system according to the design files have been installed; A. pipe, hangers, material, in the form of the installation location is correct, complete number, strength, welding quality; B. completed welding work, weld quality inspection; C. weld parts should be checked and it should not be hidden. (3) pressure test of temporary reinforcement measures for safe and reliable, such as: temporary support should be strong, can withstand the pressure of water. Temporary blind flange plus reset correctly, and should identify clear, while mark on the single line diagram, records should be complete, high and low discharge point set is complete and correct; (4) cannot participate in the testing of control valves, filters, flow orifice and flow meters should be removed, connected with the temporary spool; (5) approval of pressure test system and construction scheme and the pressure group is disclosure. 1.5.2 pressure test press design offers you the test pressure of the pressure test, pressure test media selected according to design specifications. (1) tests should be used when high point within the exhaust system of air, boosting ratings slowly, reach the test pressure after 10min, then down to pressure regulator 30 min, no pressure drop, no leakage, Visual deformation is qualified. When pressure testing in case of spill shall not be under pressure to repair defect elimination and try again until the qualified. (2) after the piping system passes the test, should slow buck, the test medium emission should be at the right place, try to pressure test water discharged into the nearby sewer pipes or rain. Pressure test after the purge the piping system if not to temporarily blind and short pipe, support should be removed, reset in a timely manner and fill pipe system pressure test records. 1.6 pipe blowing and wash 门选拔的后备干部先派给专家作助手~目的是拓展后备干部的思维~培养有科学决策能力的领导人才。鼓励企事业专业技术人才、经营管理人才到重点镇和工业集中发展区兼职。鼓励用人单位以岗位聘用、任务聘用和人才租赁、政府雇员等方式引进各类人才。建立人事部门与工业集中发展区人才工作联系制度~为企业人才引进、培训等提供“直通车”服务。 ,六,成立土地储备中心~突破土地瓶颈制约 成都市通过向上级争取“增加城镇建设用地、减少农村建设用地”的政策~在全市范围内实行土地占补平衡~并实施土地整理~将整理出的土地纳入土地储备中心管理~有效地缓解了土地对城镇项目建设的制约。 ,七,科学的决策机制 除了严格按照规划进行科学决策外~对于政府性投资项目~须经由发改部门组织政府专业投资咨询机构——投资评审中心进行评审后方可决定建设~有效地提高了政府性投资的科学性。 D. non-destructive inspection report; E. static grounding test records; F. design changes and material substitution file. (2) the piping system according to the design files have been installed; A. pipe, hangers, material, in the form of the installation location is correct, complete number, strength, welding quality; B. completed welding work, weld quality inspection; C. weld parts should be checked and it should not be hidden. (3) pressure test of temporary reinforcement measures for safe and reliable, such as: temporary support should be strong, can withstand the pressure of water. Temporary blind flange plus reset correctly, and should identify clear, while mark on the single line diagram, records should be complete, high and low discharge point set is complete and correct; (4) cannot participate in the testing of control valves, filters, flow orifice and flow meters should be removed, connected with the temporary spool; (5) approval of pressure test system and construction scheme and the pressure group is disclosure. 1.5.2 pressure test press design offers you the test pressure of the pressure test, pressure test media selected according to design specifications. (1) tests should be used when high point within the exhaust system of air, boosting ratings slowly, reach the test pressure after 10min, then down to pressure regulator 30 min, no pressure drop, no leakage, Visual deformation is qualified. When pressure testing in case of spill shall not be under pressure to repair defect elimination and try again until the qualified. (2) after the piping system passes the test, should slow buck, the test medium emission should be at the right place, try to pressure test water discharged into the nearby sewer pipes or rain. Pressure test after the purge the piping system if not to temporarily blind and short pipe, support should be removed, reset in a timely manner and fill pipe system pressure test records. 1.6 pipe blowing and wash
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