

2018-03-02 10页 doc 37KB 45阅读




女西装设计内容女西装设计内容 课程总结 大学时光荏苒,匆忙之中都已经步入大三结课,刚开始做衣服时觉得很难,现在想想只要认真去按要求去做其实也不难,可是老师说女士西装工艺比较难,当时还也不以为然,后来慢慢开始做,也了解了西服的有些工艺要求,发现要求特别多,做起来也比较麻烦。这还只是女士西装,据说男士西装要求更高,但经过这些天的女士西服的课程,我对西装起码有了进一步的了解。 我们学的服装是从布料变成服装,这是一个很值得体验的过程,以前不懂的时候以为服装设计很简单,以为只要是裁缝就能做出漂亮的衣服,现在想想不是服装简单,是那时候的头脑简单,...
女西装设计内容 课程 大学时光荏苒,匆忙之中都已经步入大三结课,刚开始做衣服时觉得很难,现在想想只要认真去按要求去做其实也不难,可是老师说女士西装比较难,当时还也不以为然,后来慢慢开始做,也了解了西服的有些工艺要求,发现要求特别多,做起来也比较麻烦。这还只是女士西装,据说男士西装要求更高,但经过这些天的女士西服的课程,我对西装起码有了进一步的了解。 我们学的服装是从布料变成服装,这是一个很值得体验的过程,以前不懂的时候以为服装设计很简单,以为只要是裁缝就能做出漂亮的衣服,现在想想不是服装简单,是那时候的头脑简单,现在我们做了女西装,其中的工艺要求比以前要高很多,但是我觉得只要认真的去做,只要能从第一部开始就秉着丝毫不差,的认真态度,一步一步的不急于求成,不浮躁不偷懒就会做好一件衣服。 今年去实习,正好在北京买了面料,所以这次做衣服没有自己去买面料,我选这个面料,我觉得色彩比较清纯活泼,适合女休闲西装。 制作中,其实拆了不少回,比如说绱袖,我绱袖时没注意左右区分,袖子上反了,上好了一个袖子检查时发现上错了,拆了从来。绱过面时,快到上完时发现吃势不够,又拆了从来,就这样拆拆缝缝,不知不觉中我做的衣服也成型了。rational concept to allow network more in line with the objective laws of the future development of the city. 1.5.2 planning research areas: throughout the city, with an area of 13,000 km2, cover 2 districts and 8 counties of the city, including downtown and city levels. Planning range: main for City Center City, area for 1268km2, North to cases field Xiang, and Jin Pingzhen, and Gao Dian Zhen, and huangshazhen, and Liu home town North Township territories, East Nan XI Zhen, and Jiangnan East Township territories, South to horse home, and song home, and Li Zhuang Zhen, and South wide town, and Zhao field Street do South administrative border, West to baixizhen, and dish dam town, and thought slope Xiang West Township territories. 1.6 planning target 1.6.1 General target this items research to will Yibin city built Yangtze River upstream chuan Yunnan Guizhou combined Department Regional Center City, support city space of ordered expand for target, reference Yibin city integrated traffic planning (2014-2030 years) and the Yibin City City general planning (2013-2030 years) of research results, using science, and advanced of network research method, building more level, and more mode of track traffic system, Meet at different levels of the city's rail transportation needs and quality requirements. 1.6.2 target 1, refined urban development axis of urban development concepts, judgments, rail-guided downtown from solo to group-development of the network, from one Center to center city with axial development. 2, network planning adapted to Yibin City status and future development needs, demonstrates rational scale of rail transport to meet the needs 做成一件衣服其中缺少不了老师的指点,和老师着重强调的重点提醒,当然也缺少不了那个经常用我机器的女孩儿。 做衣服时我打的样板不怎么好,所以用别人的样板,我感觉首先样板打不好的话那么衣服肯定做不好,所以下次的样板我要好好认真的去对待。其次缝合时也需要一定的基础,要耐心,细心,用心。需要好好听老师的讲解,不然会走很多弯路,会犯很多错误。 本次女西装我感觉有很大的意义,首先对于下半学期的男士西装有个很好的过度作用,其次我觉得这是我们在迈向工作岗位之前的一次考验,它使我们不仅在对服装结构的理解上有很大提高,在对服装工艺的设计上也有了自己的主见,同时也使我们在处理事情的耐力上得到了较大的锻炼,通过本次女西装的制作,我觉得无论做什么什么事情都要有很大的耐心和细心,只有这样我们才能更好的把事情做好。 。 rational concept to allow network more in line with the objective laws of the future development of the city. 1.5.2 planning research areas: throughout the city, with an area of 13,000 km2, cover 2 districts and 8 counties of the city, including downtown and city levels. Planning range: main for City Center City, area for 1268km2, North to cases field Xiang, and Jin Pingzhen, and Gao Dian Zhen, and huangshazhen, and Liu home town North Township territories, East Nan XI Zhen, and Jiangnan East Township territories, South to horse home, and song home, and Li Zhuang Zhen, and South wide town, and Zhao field Street do South administrative border, West to baixizhen, and dish dam town, and thought slope Xiang West Township territories. 1.6 planning target 1.6.1 General target this items research to will Yibin city built Yangtze River upstream chuan Yunnan Guizhou combined Department Regional Center City, support city space of ordered expand for target, reference Yibin city integrated traffic planning (2014-2030 years) and the Yibin City City general planning (2013-2030 years) of research results, using science, and advanced of network research method, building more level, and more mode of track traffic system, Meet at different levels of the city's rail transportation needs and quality requirements. 1.6.2 target 1, refined urban development axis of urban development concepts, judgments, rail-guided downtown from solo to group-development of the network, from one Center to center city with axial development. 2, network planning adapted to Yibin City status and future development needs, demonstrates rational scale of rail transport to meet the needs 女装课程设计 四 缝合制作工艺说明 (一)准备材料:面料裁片:领面、挂面、斜插袋片、大 袋嵌线等。里料裁片:里衣片、里袖、 袋布等。衬料裁片:大身衬、领衬、袖 口衬、袋口嵌条衬、胸衬等。辅料:缝 纫线、纽扣、袖窿斜纱条等 (二)准备工作:前片、侧片、后篇、口袋、过面、领子、 袖子贴粘合衬。包缝机锁边,熨斗扣烫 衣片整理。 (三)制作重点:做口袋、做袖、绱袖、绱领,整烫与归 拔。 (四)制作注意:领口,过面,袖口都打欠条,绱领 时需要在袖口先缝合斜纱布条,里料熨 烫使缝缝倒向后中,绱领和绱袖注意吃 势。 rational concept to allow network more in line with the objective laws of the future development of the city. 1.5.2 planning research areas: throughout the city, with an area of 13,000 km2, cover 2 districts and 8 counties of the city, including downtown and city levels. Planning range: main for City Center City, area for 1268km2, North to cases field Xiang, and Jin Pingzhen, and Gao Dian Zhen, and huangshazhen, and Liu home town North Township territories, East Nan XI Zhen, and Jiangnan East Township territories, South to horse home, and song home, and Li Zhuang Zhen, and South wide town, and Zhao field Street do South administrative border, West to baixizhen, and dish dam town, and thought slope Xiang West Township territories. 1.6 planning target 1.6.1 General target this items research to will Yibin city built Yangtze River upstream chuan Yunnan Guizhou combined Department Regional Center City, support city space of ordered expand for target, reference Yibin city integrated traffic planning (2014-2030 years) and the Yibin City City general planning (2013-2030 years) of research results, using science, and advanced of network research method, building more level, and more mode of track traffic system, Meet at different levels of the city's rail transportation needs and quality requirements. 1.6.2 target 1, refined urban development axis of urban development concepts, judgments, rail-guided downtown from solo to group-development of the network, from one Center to center city with axial development. 2, network planning adapted to Yibin City status and future development needs, demonstrates rational scale of rail transport to meet the needs 三 ,,, , 面料里料裁片 1.做记号 2. 面料贴衬 3.修正裁片 , 前片后片 1.合面料缝缝 2.分烫缝缝 3.前片做口袋 4.合里子缝缝 5.烫缝缝(倒向后片) 6.挂面与里子缝合 7.熨烫 8.做领定型、做记号 9.领子面里缝合、定型 10.上领 11.合前后片侧缝 12.合前后片侧缝(里子) 13.做底摆,烫好定型 14.合面子肩缝 , 做袖、上袖 1 .合大小袖,合袖里 2.合袖缝 3.袖子面上斜纹布条 4.上袖(先上面子、后上里子) , 整烫 , 成品 rational concept to allow network more in line with the objective laws of the future development of the city. 1.5.2 planning research areas: throughout the city, with an area of 13,000 km2, cover 2 districts and 8 counties of the city, including downtown and city levels. Planning range: main for City Center City, area for 1268km2, North to cases field Xiang, and Jin Pingzhen, and Gao Dian Zhen, and huangshazhen, and Liu home town North Township territories, East Nan XI Zhen, and Jiangnan East Township territories, South to horse home, and song home, and Li Zhuang Zhen, and South wide town, and Zhao field Street do South administrative border, West to baixizhen, and dish dam town, and thought slope Xiang West Township territories. 1.6 planning target 1.6.1 General target this items research to will Yibin city built Yangtze River upstream chuan Yunnan Guizhou combined Department Regional Center City, support city space of ordered expand for target, reference Yibin city integrated traffic planning (2014-2030 years) and the Yibin City City general planning (2013-2030 years) of research results, using science, and advanced of network research method, building more level, and more mode of track traffic system, Meet at different levels of the city's rail transportation needs and quality requirements. 1.6.2 target 1, refined urban development axis of urban development concepts, judgments, rail-guided downtown from solo to group-development of the network, from one Center to center city with axial development. 2, network planning adapted to Yibin City status and future development needs, demonstrates rational scale of rail transport to meet the needs 女装课程设计 二 西装款式说明 1设计说明:本次主要是设计青果领式女西服款式,青果领,左右衣片各有一个单眼皮口袋,右胸斜插袋一个;全里料, 2 风格说明:休闲式女西装 3适合群体:年轻白领女性 4穿着季节:春夏季节 5面料说明:冷蓝白色西装布料 面料里料小样 6号型说明:160/84A rational concept to allow network more in line with the objective laws of the future development of the city. 1.5.2 planning research areas: throughout the city, with an area of 13,000 km2, cover 2 districts and 8 counties of the city, including downtown and city levels. Planning range: main for City Center City, area for 1268km2, North to cases field Xiang, and Jin Pingzhen, and Gao Dian Zhen, and huangshazhen, and Liu home town North Township territories, East Nan XI Zhen, and Jiangnan East Township territories, South to horse home, and song home, and Li Zhuang Zhen, and South wide town, and Zhao field Street do South administrative border, West to baixizhen, and dish dam town, and thought slope Xiang West Township territories. 1.6 planning target 1.6.1 General target this items research to will Yibin city built Yangtze River upstream chuan Yunnan Guizhou combined Department Regional Center City, support city space of ordered expand for target, reference Yibin city integrated traffic planning (2014-2030 years) and the Yibin City City general planning (2013-2030 years) of research results, using science, and advanced of network research method, building more level, and more mode of track traffic system, Meet at different levels of the city's rail transportation needs and quality requirements. 1.6.2 target 1, refined urban development axis of urban development concepts, judgments, rail-guided downtown from solo to group-development of the network, from one Center to center city with axial development. 2, network planning adapted to Yibin City status and future development needs, demonstrates rational scale of rail transport to meet the needs 一 西装款式图 rational concept to allow network more in line with the objective laws of the future development of the city. 1.5.2 planning research areas: throughout the city, with an area of 13,000 km2, cover 2 districts and 8 counties of the city, including downtown and city levels. Planning range: main for City Center City, area for 1268km2, North to cases field Xiang, and Jin Pingzhen, and Gao Dian Zhen, and huangshazhen, and Liu home town North Township territories, East Nan XI Zhen, and Jiangnan East Township territories, South to horse home, and song home, and Li Zhuang Zhen, and South wide town, and Zhao field Street do South administrative border, West to baixizhen, and dish dam town, and thought slope Xiang West Township territories. 1.6 planning target 1.6.1 General target this items research to will Yibin city built Yangtze River upstream chuan Yunnan Guizhou combined Department Regional Center City, support city space of ordered expand for target, reference Yibin city integrated traffic planning (2014-2030 years) and the Yibin City City general planning (2013-2030 years) of research results, using science, and advanced of network research method, building more level, and more mode of track traffic system, Meet at different levels of the city's rail transportation needs and quality requirements. 1.6.2 target 1, refined urban development axis of urban development concepts, judgments, rail-guided downtown from solo to group-development of the network, from one Center to center city with axial development. 2, network planning adapted to Yibin City status and future development needs, demonstrates rational scale of rail transport to meet the needs
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