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三星堆博物馆三星堆博物馆位于全国重点文物保护单位三星堆遗址东北角,地处历史文化名城四川省广汉市城西鸭子河畔,南距省会成都约35公里,是我国一座现代化的专题性遗址博物馆。 博物馆于1992年8月奠基,1997年10月建成开放,馆区占地630亩,展馆面积11000平方米。博物馆融文物收藏保护、陈列展示、学术研究、社会教育等职能于一体,集中收藏和展示三星堆遗址内出土的极富古蜀地方特色的珍贵文物。 三星堆文物是宝贵的人类文化遗产,在中国浩如烟海蔚为壮观的文物群体中,属最具历史科学文化艺术价值和最富观赏性的文物群体之一。在这批古蜀秘宝中,有许...
三星堆博物馆位于全国重点文物保护单位三星堆遗址东北角,地处历史文化名城四川省广汉市城西鸭子河畔,南距省会成都约35公里,是我国一座现代化的专性遗址博物馆。 博物馆于1992年8月奠基,1997年10月建成开放,馆区占地630亩,展馆面积11000平方米。博物馆融文物收藏保护、陈列展示、学术研究、社会教育等职能于一体,集中收藏和展示三星堆遗址内出土的极富古蜀地方特色的珍贵文物。 三星堆文物是宝贵的人类文化遗产,在中国浩如烟海蔚为壮观的文物群体中,属最具历史科学文化艺术价值和最富观赏性的文物群体之一。在这批古蜀秘宝中,有许多光怪陆离奇异诡谲的青铜造型,有高2.62米的青铜大立人像、有宽1.38米的青铜纵目面具、更有高达3.95米的青铜神树等,均堪称独一无二的旷世神品。而以流光溢彩的金杖为代表的金器,以满饰图案的边璋为代表的玉石器,亦多属前所未见的稀世之珍。 《古城古国古蜀文化陈列》为博物馆基本陈列。陈列充分运用各种现代表现手法,通过精心的空间组合,深刻发掘文物内涵,追求陈列内容科普化与陈列形式艺术化的完美结合。该陈列荣获首届全国文博系统十大陈列展览精品奖。 博物馆主馆建筑外形追求与地貌、史迹及文物造型艺术相结合的神韵、融原始意味和现代气息为一体。馆外环境布局巧妙,匠心独具,园内绿草如茵,湖光岛影,充分体现了博物馆“馆园结合”之特色。 三星堆博物馆以其文物、建筑、陈列、园林之四大特色,成为享誉中外的文化旅游胜地,四川向世界推出的三大国际旅游精品之一,首批国家“AAAA”级旅游景区、全国科技教育基地2003年博物馆通过“绿色环球21”世界旅行旅游业可持续发展、ISO9000质量管理体系标准两项认证,成为亚太地区首家通过两项认证的博物馆,2008年,三星堆博物馆被国家文物局评为首批国家一级博物馆,2010年,三星堆荣获首批”国家考古遗址公园”称号。 Situated in the northeast of the state-protected Sanxingdui Site by the bank of the Yazi River in Guanghan---a city famed for its long history and splendid culture, Sanxingdui Museum is a modern theme museum which is 40 kilometers to the north of Chengdu. Covering a total area of 530 yields, in which 11000 square meters serve as the main tableaus for the exhibits, Sanxingdui Museum had its foundation laid in August 1992, and opened to the public in October 1997. Integrating collection, preservation, academic research and social education all in one, the museum showcases kinds of precious cultural relics unearthed at Sanxingdui Site. The cultural relics at Sanxingdui are precious cultural heritage of mankind, which contain rich historical, cultural and scientific value, and bespeak themselves as the most attractive ones amongst the multitude of the spectacular relics in China. Amongst the hoards of prize antiquities there are a variety of unique, grotesque bronzes, such as 2.62-meter-tall standing statue, 1.38-meter-wide bronze mask, 3.95-meter-high bronze tree, all of which stand out as treasures unparalleled. In addition, the gold ware represented by the gleaming gold scepter, and jade ware such as the blades with heavy motif, turn out to be undeniable rare jewels never seen before. The section on Ancient City, Ancient State and Ancient Shu Culture is the main exhibition in the museum, which is arranged in such a novel, creative manner that space and voids are interconnected by utilizing various latest means of demonstration, whereby the implication of the relics are tapped to the full extent, and a perfect combination of popularized display and artistic style of the artifacts is achieved. The museum honored the prize at one of the first ten excellent national exhibitions. The main building of the museum stands erect in pursuit of fitting its contour with the landform, the historical site and the shapes of the relics while blending primitivism with modernism; the surroundings of the museum are arranged in an ingenious layout. Now there are a serene lake and lush lawn, and now here are isles reflected in the lake, all in a unique setting with flora at all seasons. One can catch such views at a glance. Featured for its relics, architecture, demonstration and gardens, the museum has become a place of cultural and tourist attractions enjoying prestige both at home and abroad and one of the three exquisite spots Sichuan has offered to the world tourism. Moreover, it is the first museum that has been certified both “Green Globe 21” and ISO9000. AAAA级旅游景区National “AAAA” Tour Spot “绿色环球”21Green Globe 21 ISO9001:2000 1997年十大陈列展览精品 Prize at the first ten excellent national museum exhibitions in 1997 三星堆文物不仅具有丰厚深邃的文化积淀和神秘独特的文化底蕴,且具颇为独特的美学品格,在中国乃至世界古代文物群体中占有极其重要的地位。三星堆博物馆展出三星堆遗址及两坑出土文物凡1200余件,荟萃瑰宝奇珍,凸显三星堆古蜀国博大深厚的文化气象。气势沉雄的青铜雕像群,蔚为大观的玉石器群,华光四溢的金器群、朴雅大方的陶器群等,共同彰著了三星堆青铜文明的最高成就,透露出古蜀社会初期特定的时代信息,对探索长江文明起源及发展进程具有重大的历史价值和广泛的社会意义。。 Mysterious rich and profound cultural deposits and its unique aesthetic appreciation make the Sanxingdui artifacts take great position in ancient cultural relics groups of China even the world. About 1200 artifacts unearthed from the two pits and other places at the Sanxingdui site displayed in the Sanxingdui museum reflect great culture of Sanxingdui-based Shu state. Magnificent bronze sculptures, grand jade and stone wares, glittering gold objects, and simple potteries reveal greatest achievement of bronze civilization and important information of the beginning of ancient Shu society, which is of great value in exploring the source and developing course of Yangtzi 馆区地势开阔,绿化面积达80%以上,其环境布局动静得宜:曲径敞道,浓荫送凉;湖光粼粼,垂柳依依,古树奇葩,凝翠溢香。现代园林景观与周围自然环境浑融一体,俨然一幅清丽天然的画卷。三星堆博物馆文化功能与园林清赏互融互彰的建构格局在国内博物馆中堪称独创一格、别具新意。 The greenbelt amounts to 80% of the whole area of the museum. The environmental arrangement and the buildings harmonize well with each other. Shady zigzag paths and broad roads, weeping willows around a glittering lake, old green trees and aromatic flowers make a picturesque scene. The cultural function and the garden complement each other, which makes the museum one of the best in China in terms of the architecture design. 三星堆博物馆展馆建筑构型意匠新奇,风格凝重大气。一展馆建筑为半弧斜坡型生态式建筑,系张扬人与自然和谐共生之人文精神。二展馆建筑为三部一体的变形螺旋式建筑,其整体具有“堆列三星”与“人类历史演进历程”之双重象征。两大展馆建筑以其赋形所具的文化象征功能,含蓄地传达出三星堆文化苍古雄浑、博大精深之历史意蕴,立足三星堆而提示出“人与社会”、“人与自然”这一永恒主题。 The structure of the Sanxingdui museum is a magnificent innovation with a style of solemnity, which consists of two galleries. Gallery one represents an arc-sloped ecological building, emphasizing the theme that human world and nature are in perfect harmony. Gallery two is spiral architecture, symbolizing both Three-star Mounds and the course of human history development. Through the cultural symbolic building, they implicitly convey rich connotation and profound historical deposits of Sanxingdui culture and also reflect the eternal theme of man and society as well as man and nature. “三星堆博物馆《古城古国古蜀文化陈列》由《三星伴月灿烂的古蜀文明》、《三星永耀神秘的青铜王国》两大展馆之分展合构而成,共辖九个单元。前者为“综合馆”,陈展金、铜、玉、石、陶等各类文物,以类设题,因题见意,纵向贯通、横向展开,全面系统地介绍古蜀历史及三星堆古蜀国在各个领域取得的辉煌成就。后者为“青铜器馆”,通过连续递进的场景组合,全面系统地展示三星堆阵势雄浑威赫森严的青铜雕像群及一批造型神秘诡谲的古蜀青铜神品重器。两大展馆陈列规模宏大,布局考究,匠心巧运,制作精良。陈列内容与展线节奏动静结合、波澜起伏,以其融知识性、故事性、观赏性、趣味性于一炉的诠释方式,有力地揭示出三星堆文物的深刻内涵,集中反映了三星堆文明的辉煌灿烂,清晰地勾勒出古蜀历史文化的发展脉络,给人以身临其境、故国神游之感…… The display of the Sanxingdui museum is entitled Ancient City, Ancient State and Ancient Shu Culture, which is made up of two galleries, including 9 sections .One is Three Stars Accompany the Moon---Brilliant ancient Shu civilization, the other is Three Stars Shine forever----mysterious bronze kingdom. In gallery one comprehensively displays gold, bronze, jade and pottery artifacts and great achievement in every aspect. In gallery two ---specialized bronze gallery, through successively combination of scenes introduce group of bronze images and mysterious sculptures. Both of them are broad in scale and fine in arrangement, showing great originality. The contents and the display itinerary combine undulately. By means of interesting story-telling, rich knowledge explaining and elegant artistic appreciating, they not only strongly reveal profound connotation of Sanxingdui cultural relics and reflect the brilliance of Sanxingdui civilization, but also distinctly lay out the development course of ancient Shu history and culture. 1993年5月三星堆部分文物在瑞士洛桑奥林匹克博物馆展出(图1)。 1995年6月三星堆部分文物在德国埃森克鲁勃山庄展出。 1995年12月三星堆部分文物在德国慕尼黑海伯基金艺术馆展出。 1996年4月三星堆部分文物在瑞士苏黎世艺术之家展出。 1996年9月三星堆部分文物在英国不列颠博物馆展出(图2)。 1997年2月三星堆部分文物在丹麦路易斯安娜博物馆展出。 1998年4月~12月三星堆部分文物在日本东京、京都、福冈、广岛等地巡展。 这是三星堆文物在海外的首次特展(图3)。 1999年3月~7月三星堆部分文物在台北故宫博物院展出,这是大陆文物首次进入台北故宫博物院展出。 2000年12月~2001年3月三星堆部分文物在澳大利亚新南威尔士艺术博物馆展出。 2001年3月~2002年6月三星堆部分文物在美国西雅图、金布尔、纽约巡展(图4)。 2002年7月~2002年10月三星堆部分文物在加拿大皇家安大略博物馆展出(图5)。 2003年10月~2004年1月三星堆部分文物在法国巴黎市政厅展出。 2004年5月~2005年3月三星堆部分文物在日本秋田、盛岗、东京、富山、青森、郡山等地巡回展出。 2007年1月三星堆文物在新加坡亚洲文明博物馆展出。 2007年6月三星堆文物在香港文化博物馆展出。 High Reputation all over the World As cultural messengers, the archaeological relics from Sanxingdui make great contribution to the promotion of ancient Chinese civilization and to advancing cultural exchange between China and the rest of the world. These relics have been exhibited in over ten countries and regions such as Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, Britan, Hongkong, Japan, Taiwan, Australia, the United States, Canada, Singapore,France and have aroused great sensation in each place. The foreign visitors and compatriots of Taiwan and Hongkong were all full of surprise and admiration and shocked by the exquisite cultural relics and brilliant civilization of Sanxingdui. 1997年10月22日,李瑞环同志参观三星堆博物馆。 Mr. LiRuihuan visits the Sanxingdui Museum on Oct. 22, 1997. 1997年11月5日,李岚清同志参观三星堆博物馆。 Mr. LiLanqing visits the Sanxingdui Museum on Nov. 5, 1997. 1998年4月5日,尉建行同志参观三星堆博物馆。 Mr. WeiJianxing visits the Sanxingdui Museum on Apr. 5, 1998. 1999年4月21日,江泽民同志参观三星堆博物馆(图二)。 Mr. JiangZemin visits the Sanxingdui Museum on Apr. 21, 1999. 1999年9月11日,朱镕基同志参观三星堆博物馆。 Mr. ZhuRongji visits the Sanxingdui Museum on Sep. 11, 1999. 2000年2月24日,胡锦涛同志参观三星堆博物馆(图一)。 Mr. HuJintao visits the Sanxingdui Museum on Feb.24, 2000. 2003年2月16日,李鹏同志参观三星堆博物馆。 Mr. LiPeng visits the Sanxingdui Museum on Feb. 16, 2003. 2003年4月11日,吴官正同志参观三星堆博物馆。 Mr. WuGuanzheng visits the Sanxingdui Museum on Apr. 11, 2003. 2004年4月10日,李长春同志参观三星堆博物馆。 Mr. LiChangchun visits the Sanxingdui Museum on Apr. 10, 2004. 2004年6月11日,贾庆琳同志参观三星堆博物馆。 Mr. JiaQinglin visits the Sanxingdui Museum on Jun. 11, 2004. 2004年10月9日,黄菊同志参观三星堆博物馆。 Mr. Huangju visits the Sanxingdui Museum on Oct. 9, 2004. 1 参加2009年全国讲解员大赛,张岚荣获英文专业组一等奖 2 “亮丽窗口形象”风采展示大赛 3 “三星堆博物馆走进校园”活动 4 讲解员参加公益宣传活动 5 讲解员看望留守儿童 6 讲解员在考古现场参观学习Visiting and studying in Xi'an 1, The 2009 national competition interpreters, Zhang Lan received the first price in the English professional group. 2,“Bright window image”style contest show. 3,“Sanxingdui Museum into the campus” 4,The interpreters devoted themselves the public campaign. 5,The interpreters with children left behind. 6,The view and emulate at the archaeological site of the interpreters. 三星堆博物馆讲解员是活跃在博物馆宣教工作一线上的生力军,是博物馆对外宣传服务的窗口与形象。他们用知识搭建远古与现实的桥梁,用热情点燃游客心灵的明灯,他们是传播文化的使者,是三星堆最亮丽的风景线。 三星堆博物馆陈列宣教部现有讲解员50余名,平均年龄24.5岁,其中党员11名,大学本科学历21人。这支朝气蓬勃的队伍具有专精的业务素质和良好的职业操守,以其深入浅出、亲切自然的讲解艺术与热忱、严谨、耐心、谦虚的工作态度, 出色地完成了多次重大接待任务,赢得了中外各界游客的广泛赞誉。2005年三星堆博物馆陈列宣教部讲解组被授予“全国青年文明号”荣誉称号。 Working on the promotion and education front, the staff of docents who provide guided tour service in the Sanxingdui Museum is a vital new force that serves as a window open to the public and represents the image of the Museum. With their enthusiasm and professional knowledge, they build the bridge connecting the past and the present and ignite the sparks of wisdom in the hearts of visitors. They are cultural disseminators and the most beautiful scenery of the Museum. At present, among the 49 docents in the Department of Display, Promotion and Education of the Sanxingdui Museum, 11 are CPC members, 21 are bachelors. Averagely, they are 24.5 years old. With their excellent professional quality and ethics, kind and simple explaining way, enthusiastic, precise, patient and modest style of work, this vigorous team has accomplished many important reception tasks splendidly and has won widespread acclaim. In 2005, they were awarded the honorable title of National Model Young Team.
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