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16-40周胎儿测量的正常值16-40周胎儿测量的正常值 16-40周胎儿测量正常值(cm) 孕周 双顶径(BPD) 头围(HC) 腹围(AC) 股骨(FL) 小脑(CB) 羊水指数(AFI) 16 3.41?0.43 12.20?1.32 9.54?1.60 2.17?0.34 1.60?0.11 7.9-18.5 17 3.89?0.03 13.98?0.92 12.24?1.66 2.62?0.21 1.71?0.12 8.3-19.4 18 4.32?0.22 15.72?0.90 14.38?2.62 3.03?0.16 1.83?0.0...
16-40周胎儿测量的正常值 16-40周胎儿测量正常值(cm) 孕周 双顶径(BPD) 头围(HC) 腹围(AC) 股骨(FL) 小脑(CB) 羊水指数(AFI) 16 3.41?0.43 12.20?1.32 9.54?1.60 2.17?0.34 1.60?0.11 7.9-18.5 17 3.89?0.03 13.98?0.92 12.24?1.66 2.62?0.21 1.71?0.12 8.3-19.4 18 4.32?0.22 15.72?0.90 14.38?2.62 3.03?0.16 1.83?0.09 8.7-20.2 19 4.63?0.24 16.71?0.87 15.20?2.76 3.36?0.17 2.01?0.20 9.0-20.7 20 4.79?0.28 17.33?1.14 15.66?2.58 3.49?0.27 2.16?0.16 9.3-21.2 21 5.24?0.27 19.01?0.83 17.41?3.17 3.91?0.31 2.23?0.13 9.5-21.4 22 5.62?0.27 20.03?0.81 18.21?4.50 4.17?0.24 2.38?0.14 9.7-21.6 23 5.72?0.36 20.87?1.15 19.55?3.12 4.44?0.26 2.51?0.25 9.8-21.8 24 6.33?0.28 22.78?0.84 21.39?3.84 4.82?0.36 2.70?0.19 9.8-21.9 25 6.57?0.36 23.74?0.95 21.93?2.88 5.00?0.21 2.85?0.17 9.7-22.1 26 6.85?0.44 24.51?1.20 22.95?2.83 5.25?0.31 3.00?0.20 9.7-22.3 27 7.05?0.41 25.42?1.34 23.69?3.71 5.47?0.26 3.21?0.34 9.5-22.6 28 7.36?0.38 26.36?1.29 25.02?3.48 5.64?0.23 3.43?0.33 9.4-22.8 29 7.58?0.27 27.10?1.19 25.58?3.31 5.77?0.19 3.47?0.25 9.2-23.1 30 7.80?0.25 27.74?0.82 26.80?3.23 5.91?0.21 3.86?0.34 9.0-23.9 31 7.88?0.32 28.06?1.11 27.08?3.81 6.09?0.22 3.77?0.26 8.8-23.8 32 8.25?0.30 29.28?1.26 28.58?4.07 6.39?0.25 3.85?0.34 8.6-24.2 33 8.42?0.30 29.71?1.10 29.84?3.92 6.52?0.25 4.10?0.32 8.3-24.5 34 8.65?0.32 30.35?1.13 30.47?6.42 6.69?0.15 4.20?0.44 8.1-24.8 35 8.55?0.19 30.19?1.31 30.94?4.69 6.82?0.15 4.29?0.26 7.9-24.9 36 8.82?0.30 31.25?0.99 31.98?4.13 7.03?0.25 4.44?0.30 7.7-24.9 37 9.01?0.27 31.74?0.95 32.34?4.26 7.27?0.19 4.61?0.45 7.5-24.4 38 9.15?0.31 32.30?1.10 33.51?3.62 7.41?0.21 4.72?0.31 7.3-23.9 39 9.29?0.27 33.24?0.99 34.41?3.72 7.62?0.17 4.80?0.44 7.2-22.6 40 9.31?0.22 33.20?1.02 34.19?4.69 7.69?0.18 4.87?0.42 7.1-21.4 双顶径:,,,代表胎头双顶径,是指胎儿头两边直径测量的数据,也是推算胎儿大小的指标之一。按一 般规律,怀孕3个月时小于3 厘米;在怀孕5个月以后,基本与怀孕月份相符,也就是说,妊娠28周(7个 steel welding procedure 6 SH3525-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2000 8 JB4730-2005 pressure vessel welding procedures of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T4744-2000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineering 1 GB150-98 2 GB50128-2005 vertical cylindrical steel pressure vessel steel welded specification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T4735-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-2009 mechanical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for 5 GB50275-98 compressor, fan and pump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG20201-2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor for acetylene cylinders, illegal carrying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hot sun exposure measures, responsibilities of team a fine of 50 Yuan. (7) at height and the opening and provisional protective measures have been taken, the responsible unit fined 200 Yuan, construction person in charge a fine of 50 Yuan. (8) no permit to work and the job in accordance with the provisions, on the job unit fined 300 yuan, the unit will charge a fine of 100 Yuan. 7.5.3 accident penalties (1) injuries fatalities directly punished 1~2 million. Direct responsibility for the accident and have the corresponding responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrative sanctions, should be brought to the company or the relevant Department. (2) personal injury accident occurred, the direct punishment 0.5-10,000 yuan, responsible for the direct 月)时,,,约为7厘米,32周(8个月)时约为8厘米,以此类推。怀孕8个月以后,平均每周增长约为 0.2厘米为正常。 胎盘位置:位置是说明胎盘在子宫壁的位置;胎盘的正常厚度应在2.5~5厘米之间;有的报告单上将胎盘 位置分为III级,I级为胎盘成熟的早期阶段,回声均匀,在怀30~32周可见到此种变化;II级表示胎盘接 近成熟;III级提示胎盘已经成熟。越接近足月,胎盘越成熟,回声的不均匀。如果胎盘位置检测过低, 就有可能堵住宫颈口,影响正常的分娩。 羊水范围:羊水范围的数值可以间接的判断胎儿有无异常,一般来讲,羊水深度在3~7厘米之间为正常, 超过7厘米为羊水增多,少于3厘米为羊水减少。如果羊水范围过多表明胎儿的神经管或消化道有可能异 常;如果羊水范围过少则可能是胎儿泌尿系统出现了问题。 胎 动:胎动能表明胎儿在宫内的正常状况,是用来预测胎儿在宫内安危的重要信号。从怀孕的第18, 20周以后,大多数准妈妈可以感觉到胎动了,开始较轻微,次数也较少。怀孕的28,32周,胎动最强烈, 怀孕36,38周以后,胎动幅度、次数逐渐减少。胎动在上午8,12时比较均匀,午后2,3时最少,晚上6, 10时最频繁。如果报告单写明“有”、“强”为正常,“无”、“弱”可能胎儿在睡眠中,也可能为异常 情况,要结合其他项目综合分析。 胎位为先露部的代表在产妇骨盆的位置,亦即在骨盆的四相位--左前、右前、左后、右后。 顶先露的代表骨为枕骨(occipital,缩写为O);臀先露的代表骨为骶骨(sacrum,缩写为S);面先露 的为下颏骨(mentum,缩写为M);肩先露的代表骨为肩胛骨(scapula,缩写为Sc)。 胎位的写法由三方面来表明: steel welding procedure 6 SH3525-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2000 8 JB4730-2005 pressure vessel welding procedures of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T4744-2000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineering 1 GB150-98 2 GB50128-2005 vertical cylindrical steel pressure vessel steel welded specification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T4735-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-2009 mechanical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for 5 GB50275-98 compressor, fan and pump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG20201-2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor for acetylene cylinders, illegal carrying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hot sun exposure measures, responsibilities of team a fine of 50 Yuan. (7) at height and the opening and provisional protective measures have been taken, the responsible unit fined 200 Yuan, construction person in charge a fine of 50 Yuan. (8) no permit to work and the job in accordance with the provisions, on the job unit fined 300 yuan, the unit will charge a fine of 100 Yuan. 7.5.3 accident penalties (1) injuries fatalities directly punished 1~2 million. Direct responsibility for the accident and have the corresponding responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrative sanctions, should be brought to the company or the relevant Department. (2) personal injury accident occurred, the direct punishment 0.5-10,000 yuan, responsible for the direct 1、代表骨在骨盆的左侧或右侧,简写为左(L)或右(R); 2、代表骨名称,如顶先露为“枕”,即“O”,臀先露为“骶”,即“S”,面先露为“颏”,即“M”, 肩先露为“肩”,即“Sc”; 3、代表骨在骨盆之前、后或横。例如顶先露,枕骨在骨盆左侧,朝前,则胎位为左枕前(LOA),为最常 见之胎位。 各胎位缩写如下: 顶先露有六种胎位: 左枕前(LOA) 左枕横(LOT) 左枕后(LOP) 右枕前(ROA) 右枕横(ROT) 右枕后(ROP) 臀先露有六种胎位: 左骶前(LSA) 左骶横(LST) 左骶后(LSP) 右骶前(RSA) 右骶横(RST) 右骶后(RSP) 面先露有六种胎位: 左颏前(LMA) 左颏横(LMT) 左颏后(LMP) 右颏前(RMA) 右颏横(RMT) 右颏后(RMP) 肩先露有四种胎位: 左肩前(LScA) 左肩后(LScP) 右肩前(RScA) 右肩后(RScP) AC —— 腹围 APTD —— 腹部前后间的厚度,又称为“腹部前后径”。在检查胎儿腹部的发育状况以及推定胎儿体重时 ,需要测量该数据。 BDP —— 双顶径 头部左右两侧之间最长部位的长度,又称为“头部大横径”。当初期无法通过CRL来确 steel welding procedure 6 SH3525-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2000 8 JB4730-2005 pressure vessel welding procedures of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T4744-2000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineering 1 GB150-98 2 GB50128-2005 vertical cylindrical steel pressure vessel steel welded specification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T4735-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-2009 mechanical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for 5 GB50275-98 compressor, fan and pump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG20201-2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor for acetylene cylinders, illegal carrying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hot sun exposure measures, responsibilities of team a fine of 50 Yuan. (7) at height and the opening and provisional protective measures have been taken, the responsible unit fined 200 Yuan, construction person in charge a fine of 50 Yuan. (8) no permit to work and the job in accordance with the provisions, on the job unit fined 300 yuan, the unit will charge a fine of 100 Yuan. 7.5.3 accident penalties (1) injuries fatalities directly punished 1~2 million. Direct responsibility for the accident and have the corresponding responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrative sanctions, should be brought to the company or the relevant Department. (2) personal injury accident occurred, the direct punishment 0.5-10,000 yuan, responsible for the direct 定预产日时,往往通过BPD来预测;中期以后,在推定胎儿体重时,往往也需要测量该数据。妊娠12到14 周时BPD的误差可以达到很小,能够有效地判断妊娠周数。 CRL —— 头臀长 为头臀距,表示胎体纵轴平行测量最大的长轴,主要用于判定孕7~12周的胎龄。 HC —— 头围 FTA ——躯干横断面积 FL —— 股骨长 胎儿的大腿骨的长度,又称为“大腿骨长”。大腿骨是指大腿根部到膝部的长度。一般 在妊娠20周左右,通过测量FL来检查胎儿的发育状况。 GS —— 胎囊 月经规则的妇女,停经35天,B超就可在宫腔内看到孕囊。在怀孕1.5个月时孕囊直径约2 厘米,2.5个月时约5厘米。胎囊位置在子宫的宫底、前壁、后壁、上部、中部都属正常;形态圆形、椭圆 形、清晰为正常;如胎囊为不规则形、模糊,且位置在下部,孕妇同时有腹痛或阴道流血时,可能要流产 。用阴道超声波在四到五周、腹部超声波在六到七周就可以看出并可以描绘出来。到六周以后当子宫内 GS看不出来时,可以怀疑是宫外孕。 HL —— 肱骨长,上腕骨的长轴。用于推断妊娠中后期的妊娠周数。 TTD —— 腹部的宽度,又称为“腹部横径”。在妊娠20周之后,与APTD一起来对胎儿的发育情况进行检 查。有时也会测量腹部的面积 GP —— 胎盘分级,一般胎盘分为0,I ,II,III级,有时还有III+级 AFI —— 羊水指数,做B超时,以孕妇的脐部为中心,分上,下,左,右4区域,将4个区域的羊水深度相 加,就得到羊水指数,孕晚期羊水指数的正常值是8~18(24)厘米。 S/D —— 胎儿脐动脉收缩压与舒张压的比值,与胎儿供血相关,当胎盘功能不良或steel welding procedure 6 SH3525-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2000 8 JB4730-2005 pressure vessel welding procedures of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T4744-2000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineering 1 GB150-98 2 GB50128-2005 vertical cylindrical steel pressure vessel steel welded specification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T4735-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-2009 mechanical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for 5 GB50275-98 compressor, fan and pump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG20201-2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor for acetylene cylinders, illegal carrying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hot sun exposure measures, responsibilities of team a fine of 50 Yuan. (7) at height and the opening and provisional protective measures have been taken, the responsible unit fined 200 Yuan, construction person in charge a fine of 50 Yuan. (8) no permit to work and the job in accordance with the provisions, on the job unit fined 300 yuan, the unit will charge a fine of 100 Yuan. 7.5.3 accident penalties (1) injuries fatalities directly punished 1~2 million. Direct responsibility for the accident and have the corresponding responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrative sanctions, should be brought to the company or the relevant Department. (2) personal injury accident occurred, the direct punishment 0.5-10,000 yuan, responsible for the direct 脐带异常时此比值会 出现异常,在正常妊娠情况下,随孕周增加胎儿需要增加S下降,D升高,使比值下 降,近足月妊娠时S/D 小于3。 OFD:枕额径 TCD: 小脑横径 FTH: 胎儿腿部皮下脂肪厚度 FUH: 宫高 MVP: 最大垂直羊水池 胎儿体重预测: 公式1: Y,,4973.72,260.69HC 公式2: Y,,2686.60,171.48AC 公式3: Y,,2232.56,747.42FL 公式4: Y,,2513.51,1049.90FTH 公式5: Y,,5168.32,100.97HC,110.86AC,143.09FL,331.43FTH 说明: 1. 可以使用其中任一个公式计算,公式5的精度最高。 2. 参数的含义如下,参数可以从B超单中查到: Y: 胎儿体重的估算值(g) HC: 头围 AC: 腹围 FL: 股骨长 FTH: 胎儿腿部皮下脂肪厚度 ,、胎囊:胎囊只在怀孕早期见到。在孕1.5个月时直径约2厘米,2.5个月时约5 steel welding procedure 6 SH3525-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2000 8 JB4730-2005 pressure vessel welding procedures of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T4744-2000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineering 1 GB150-98 2 GB50128-2005 vertical cylindrical steel pressure vessel steel welded specification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T4735-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-2009 mechanical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for 5 GB50275-98 compressor, fan and pump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG20201-2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor for acetylene cylinders, illegal carrying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hot sun exposure measures, responsibilities of team a fine of 50 Yuan. (7) at height and the opening and provisional protective measures have been taken, the responsible unit fined 200 Yuan, construction person in charge a fine of 50 Yuan. (8) no permit to work and the job in accordance with the provisions, on the job unit fined 300 yuan, the unit will charge a fine of 100 Yuan. 7.5.3 accident penalties (1) injuries fatalities directly punished 1~2 million. Direct responsibility for the accident and have the corresponding responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrative sanctions, should be brought to the company or the relevant Department. (2) personal injury accident occurred, the direct punishment 0.5-10,000 yuan, responsible for the direct 厘米为正常。胎囊位置在 子宫的宫底、前壁、后壁、上部、中部都属正常;形态圆形、椭圆形、清晰为正常;如胎囊为不规则形、 模糊,且位置在下部,孕妇同时有腹痛或阴道流血时,可能要流产。 ,、胎头:轮廓完整为正常,缺损、变形为异常,脑中线无移位和无脑积水为正常。BPD代表胎头双顶径, 怀孕到足月时应达到9.3厘米或以上。按一般规律,在孕5个月以后,基本与怀孕月份相符,也就是说,妊 娠28周(7个月)时BPD约为7.0厘米,孕32周(8个月)时约为8.0厘米,以此类推。孕8个月以后,平均每 周增长约为0.2厘米为正常。 ,、胎心:有、强为正常,无、弱为异常。胎心频率正常为每分钟120-160次之间。 ,、胎动:有、强为正常,无、弱可能胎儿在睡眠中,也可能为异常情况,要结合其他项目综合分析。 ,、胎盘:位置是说明胎盘在子宫壁的位置;胎盘的正常厚度应在2.5-5厘米之间;钙化一项报告单上分 为?级,?级为胎盘成熟的早期阶段,回声均匀,在怀30-32周可见到此种变化;?级表示胎盘接近成熟 ;?级提示胎盘已经成熟。越接近足月,胎盘越成熟,回声的不均匀。 ,、股骨长度:是胎儿大腿骨的长度,它的正常值与相应的怀孕月份的BPD值差2-3厘米左右,比如说BPD 为9.3厘米,股骨长度应为7.3厘米;BPD为8.9厘米,股骨长度应为6.9厘米等。 ,、羊水:羊水深度在3-7厘米之间为正常,超过7厘米为羊水增多,少于3厘米为羊水减少。 ,、脊椎:胎儿脊柱连续为正常,缺损为异常,可能脊柱有畸形。 ,、脐带:正常情况下,脐带应漂浮在羊水中,如在胎儿颈部见到脐带影像,可能为脐带绕颈。 steel welding procedure 6 SH3525-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2000 8 JB4730-2005 pressure vessel welding procedures of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T4744-2000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineering 1 GB150-98 2 GB50128-2005 vertical cylindrical steel pressure vessel steel welded specification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T4735-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-2009 mechanical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for 5 GB50275-98 compressor, fan and pump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG20201-2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor for acetylene cylinders, illegal carrying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hot sun exposure measures, responsibilities of team a fine of 50 Yuan. (7) at height and the opening and provisional protective measures have been taken, the responsible unit fined 200 Yuan, construction person in charge a fine of 50 Yuan. (8) no permit to work and the job in accordance with the provisions, on the job unit fined 300 yuan, the unit will charge a fine of 100 Yuan. 7.5.3 accident penalties (1) injuries fatalities directly punished 1~2 million. Direct responsibility for the accident and have the corresponding responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrative sanctions, should be brought to the company or the relevant Department. (2) personal injury accident occurred, the direct punishment 0.5-10,000 yuan, responsible for the direct 胎位缩写含义 胎位为先露部的代表在产妇骨盆的位置,亦即在骨盆的四相位--左前、右前、左后、右后。顶先露的代表骨为枕骨(occipital,缩写为O);臀先露的代表骨为骶骨(sacrum,缩写为S);面先露的为下颏骨(mentum,缩写为M);肩先露的代表骨为肩胛骨(scapula,缩写为Sc)。 胎位的写法由三方面来表明: 1、代表骨在骨盆的左侧或右侧,简写为左(L)或右(R);2、代表骨名称,如顶先露为“枕”,即“O”,臀先露为“骶”,即“S”,面先露为“颏”,即“M”,肩先露为“肩”,即“Sc”;3、代表骨在骨盆之前、后或横。例如顶先露,枕骨在骨盆左侧,朝前,则胎 位为左枕前(LOA),为最常见之胎位。 各胎位缩写如下: 顶先露有六种胎位: 左枕前(LOA) 左枕横(LOT) 左枕后(LOP) 右枕前(ROA)右枕横(ROT) 右枕后(ROP) 臀先露有六种胎位: 左骶前(LSA) 左骶横(LST) 左骶后(LSP) 右骶前(RSA)右骶横(RST) 右骶后(RSP) 面先露有六种胎位: 左颏前(LMA) 左颏横(LMT) 左颏后(LMP) 右颏前(RMA)右颏横(RMT) 右颏后(RMP) 肩先露有四种胎位: 左肩前(LScA) 左肩后(LScP) 右肩前(RScA) 右肩后(RScP) steel welding procedure 6 SH3525-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2000 8 JB4730-2005 pressure vessel welding procedures of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T4744-2000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineering 1 GB150-98 2 GB50128-2005 vertical cylindrical steel pressure vessel steel welded specification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T4735-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-2009 mechanical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for 5 GB50275-98 compressor, fan and pump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG20201-2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor for acetylene cylinders, illegal carrying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hot sun exposure measures, responsibilities of team a fine of 50 Yuan. (7) at height and the opening and provisional protective measures have been taken, the responsible unit fined 200 Yuan, construction person in charge a fine of 50 Yuan. (8) no permit to work and the job in accordance with the provisions, on the job unit fined 300 yuan, the unit will charge a fine of 100 Yuan. 7.5.3 accident penalties (1) injuries fatalities directly punished 1~2 million. Direct responsibility for the accident and have the corresponding responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrative sanctions, should be brought to the company or the relevant Department. (2) personal injury accident occurred, the direct punishment 0.5-10,000 yuan, responsible for the direct
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