
以 “色彩”为话题作文写作指导

2018-11-04 13页 doc 37KB 40阅读




以 “色彩”为话题作文写作指导以 “色彩”为话题作文写作指导 以 “色彩”为话题作文写作指导 一、话题设计 红橙黄绿青蓝紫,是彩虹的颜色;桃红柳绿花儿笑,是春天的颜色;大树苍翠又葱绿,是夏天的颜色;金黄遍地秋收望,是秋天的颜色;皑皑白雪铺满地,是冬天的颜色。颜色是季节的服饰,是生命的体现。颜色也是人生理想的再现。不同的季节,不同的生命,不同的人生,不同的颜色。色彩,可以是一种生活元素,也可以是一种生活内容,还可以是一种生活追求„„请以“色彩”为话题,写一篇作文。 要求:1、立意自定。2、文体自选。3、题目自拟。4、不少于600字。 审题: 作文...
以 “色彩”为话题作文写作指导
以 “色彩”为话作文写作指导 以 “色彩”为话题作文写作指导 一、话题 红橙黄绿青蓝紫,是彩虹的颜色;桃红柳绿花儿笑,是春天的颜色;大树苍翠又葱绿,是夏天的颜色;金黄遍地秋收望,是秋天的颜色;皑皑白雪铺满地,是冬天的颜色。颜色是季节的服饰,是生命的体现。颜色也是人生理想的再现。不同的季节,不同的生命,不同的人生,不同的颜色。色彩,可以是一种生活元素,也可以是一种生活内容,还可以是一种生活追求„„请以“色彩”为话题,写一篇作文。 要求:1、立意自定。2、文体自选。3、题目自拟。4、不少于600字。 审题: 作文题由材料、话题和要求三部分组成。 材料中的“生活元素”、“生活内容”、“生活追求”从色彩的作用入手,把色彩与生活、人生联系在一起,告诉我们,生活离不开色彩,色彩是生活中的重要组成部分,我们要追求多姿多彩的人生,或追求某种色彩的人生。 而“色彩”一词看似普通,实际上内涵丰富。它在《现代汉语词典》上的释义是:?颜色;?比喻人的某种思想倾向或事物的某种情调。?为本义,指具体的颜色,如红、黄、蓝、白、黑等;?为比喻义或象征义,如人的某种品质,某物的民族色彩、时代色彩等。那么,考生选择它的本义与引申意思来写作文都是不跑题的。然而,在立意上还是有高下之分的。最好的立意一定是在话题的比喻义或象征义上展开,而在本义上做文章则是其次了。 二、写作指导: (一)从某种具体的色彩出发来立意: 1、“我”喜欢某种颜色及理由 从具体的颜色入题,引出其比喻义或象征义,来写自己对生活的理解与面对生活的态度,把自己的个性、好恶、追求等很好地与“色彩”结合起来。 如,喜欢红色------因为红色热情而温暖,给予人如火一样的激情,使人感到生活是美好的,光明的,从而现“我”对生活的热爱。还可写红色耀眼夺目,让人热血沸腾,象征着火热的青春,激情燃烧的岁月,活力四射的青春年华,它给了“我”力量与信念,让“我”更富有青春的激情,燃起奋斗的欲望,从而不断挑战自我,创造奇迹。 如,喜欢蓝色------蓝色天空,广阔高远;蓝色大海,宽广包容。蓝色给予人沉静与理智,使人像蓝天、大海那样,既有宽广的胸怀,又有宏远的气魄。 此类立意在写作中容易写肤浅,建议运用象征手法,把主观情感或意志寄托在某种色彩鲜明的事物上,通过对该事物的描写,进一步揭示其象征意义,从而表达自己的人生追求。 points, engineering plastic used in the cable the level should not exceed 400mm, vertical should not be greater than 1000mm. The minimum bending radius of the cable should be greater than 10D (d is the outer diameter of the cable). Minimum bending radius of the cable shall conform to the values set out in table:-cable single core cables, electrical cable type rubber cable 10D PVC control cable 10D cable 10D 15D 20D of xlpe cable and cable laying, cable leads at the top of the disk, cables should not be in the bracket and the frictional drag on the ground. Cable laying should be neat, not cross and should be fixed, and to install signs in time. Cable terminations, cable glands, the corner office should install signs. Line number must be shown on the sign, and when there is no number, should indicate the type, specification and starting point, sign writing should be clear and not easy to fall off, the mount should be solid. Vertical installation or more than 45 degree tilt on the laying of cables in each bracket should be fixed, horizontal laying of cables at the cable head end and corner should be fixed. for on site installation of cables and pipelines, the spacing between thermal equipment, parallel should not be less than 1M cross should not be less than 0.5M, when you subject to conditions, protective measures should be taken, after the completion of cable laying should be promptly remove debris, cover cover plate. If necessary, cover the gap should be sealed. part outside the use of buried cables, the laying distance from the floor should not be less than 0.7m, the introduction of building steel protection, cable when crossing the road, should be added to the metal protective tube, which protect tube ends should extend each 2、把某种颜色同人的品质联系在一起 从具体的颜色入手,在揭示其象征意义时,把它和人的品质联系在一起,来歌颂人的诸多优良品质,比如珍爱生命、博爱善良、正直无私、刚正不阿、奋斗不止、刚强不屈、淡泊名利等真善美的品质,进而写这种品质在社会、时代中的重要作用,呼唤更多的人具有这种品质。在具体写作过程中,可将“色彩”巧妙地融合在各种品质中,“拉来”历史英雄、文化名人助阵,把自己对生命意义的理解作具体的诠释。如—— 白色:清白,纯洁,高洁的象征。屈原的一生是追求白色的一生,白色是他的颜色。在那个斑驳陆离的时代,他是那样的清高。披发行吟,形容枯槁,白袖飘飘游于江畔。举世皆浊,而他独清,“终不能变心而从俗”。他是时代的先行者,看透政治黑暗,宁可粉身碎骨也不肯同流合污。是呀,“安能以皓皓之白,而蒙世之温蠖乎”,于是不甘与之俱黑的屈原选择了死亡,“伏清白以死直兮”,汨罗江的清流收纳了他,于是那白衣随着他高洁的灵魂徜徉在天上、人间。“宁可粉身碎骨也不肯同流合污”,屈原洁白的生命之色是那样的高洁。今天中华传统美德中正有他的精髓。 红色:可联想到丹心,象征着忠诚。 文天祥“人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青”表达了对朝廷的无比忠诚。 岳飞的生命是红色的。当年的汤阴少年,一杆红缨,扫遍南北,历经“三十功名尘与土”的磨难,那红一丝没变。他用自己的生命洒下满江的红色——浓重的红。 文天祥、岳飞鲜红的生命之色,正是今天中华大地上空回荡的爱国之歌中的一个强烈音符。 (二)从“多彩”出发立意: 1、自然界多彩,人类社会某领域的发展要多元。 自然界是五彩斑斓的,正是这斑斓的色彩,才使大自然呈现出勃勃的生机与活力。社会上某领域的多元化发展,才能促使其繁荣进步,多姿多彩,而不至于风格单一,缺乏生机与活力。 这里,某领域可具体化。如: (1)建筑风格的多样化并存,可使古老与现代、典雅与浪漫、传统与西洋等和谐地融为一体,奏出一曲优美动人的建筑交响乐,反映时代的变革与进步。 (2)服饰的色彩、式样由单一向多样化的发展、变迁,折射出物质生活水平的提高,人们思想观念的变化,反映了时代的进步,社会的包容。 (3)思想、文化等诸多领域应倡导多色彩、多元素、多风格、多流派,提倡“百花齐放,百家争鸣”。 points, engineering plastic used in the cable the level should not exceed 400mm, vertical should not be greater than 1000mm. The minimum bending radius of the cable should be greater than 10D (d is the outer diameter of the cable). Minimum bending radius of the cable shall conform to the values set out in table:-cable single core cables, electrical cable type rubber cable 10D PVC control cable 10D cable 10D 15D 20D of xlpe cable and cable laying, cable leads at the top of the disk, cables should not be in the bracket and the frictional drag on the ground. Cable laying should be neat, not cross and should be fixed, and to install signs in time. Cable terminations, cable glands, the corner office should install signs. Line number must be shown on the sign, and when there is no number, should indicate the type, specification and starting point, sign writing should be clear and not easy to fall off, the mount should be solid. Vertical installation or more than 45 degree tilt on the laying of cables in each bracket should be fixed, horizontal laying of cables at the cable head end and corner should be fixed. for on site installation of cables and pipelines, the spacing between thermal equipment, parallel should not be less than 1M cross should not be less than 0.5M, when you subject to conditions, protective measures should be taken, after the completion of cable laying should be promptly remove debris, cover cover plate. If necessary, cover the gap should be sealed. part outside the use of buried cables, the laying distance from the floor should not be less than 0.7m, the introduction of building steel protection, cable when crossing the road, should be added to the metal protective tube, which protect tube ends should extend each 温柔的树叶在微风中用绿色来装点大地,绵延的云朵在阳光下用白色来陪衬蓝天,无际的大海在波涛汹涌中用蓝色来表达自己的深邃„„自然界就是由这多种色彩构成的。生活亦是如此,生活本身就是七色板。色彩单一是贫瘠,五彩斑斓才是生活的本质。自然容纳多种色彩,社会包容多种思想。因此,我们在思想、文化等诸多领域也应倡导多色彩、多元素、多风格、多流派,提倡“百花齐放,百家争鸣”。先秦文化的繁盛在于思想自由,诸子百家,异彩纷呈;欧洲的文艺复兴首先是解放了思想,尊重个性,倡导多元化,因而才诞生了达.芬奇、但丁等一批巨匠,使思想、文化、艺术多姿多彩,魅力无穷。 2、让心灵充满七彩阳光,努力为自己的生命调制亮丽的色彩。 有些人遭遇了挫折、不幸,于是心灵的天空满是灰色的阴霾,没有亮色。亲爱的朋友,我要告诉你:如果你嫌秋太萧条,抹一笔春的绿色带给它生气;如果你嫌冬太肃杀,勾一笔夏的粉红,带给它热情和欢快;如果你面临困境,请把“山重水复疑无路”的灰暗,调成“柳暗花明又一村”的明快,把“黑云压城城欲摧”的绝望调成“甲光向日金鳞开”的希冀。让心灵充满七彩阳光,努力为自己的生命调制出亮丽的色彩吧~ 3、平凡人的人生同样可以是多彩的,我们要努力调制出属于自己的人生色彩,用自己的双手调出生活的色彩,用青春的彩笔描绘我们生命的华章。(为个性着色) 有些人认为自己太平凡、太普通了,没有出众的外表,没有傲人的才华,没有让人艳羡的职业,觉得自己的生活平淡无奇,缺少色彩。其实,平凡之人只要在自己的岗位上尽职尽责,全心投入,同样会让自己的人生绽放出绚丽的色彩。雷锋、徐虎、李素丽、许振超、王顺友等都是这样的普通人。 4、用心感受多彩的生活,不要因为社会上、生活中存在黑暗、丑陋便否定了社会、生活的美。生活中有冷色,更有暖色,有暗淡的影子,更有亮丽的色彩。我们应用心感受生活中的美,感受生活的多彩与芬芳。 5、写随着年龄的增长,生活中的色彩即乐趣越来越趋于单调,进而探寻生活的本来色彩。 (三)反向立意:不要给生命着色,要保持自己的本来色彩,活出真我风采。 一杯清水,来自高山,没有任何色彩。然而很多时候,我们为了迎合客人的口味,往这杯水中加入各种“调味剂”,使之失去本来的纯净,而我们想要恢复它的纯洁,却是万分困难。一个人,刚一出生,就如一张白纸,洁白无瑕。在这个物欲横流的世界,我们不要与世俗同流合污,而应坚持自己纯洁的操守,保持自己的本色,活出真我的风采。 当然,在立意上是可以“色彩纷呈”的。 三、写作注意问题: 1、注意材料对话题的限制作用。 points, engineering plastic used in the cable the level should not exceed 400mm, vertical should not be greater than 1000mm. The minimum bending radius of the cable should be greater than 10D (d is the outer diameter of the cable). Minimum bending radius of the cable shall conform to the values set out in table:-cable single core cables, electrical cable type rubber cable 10D PVC control cable 10D cable 10D 15D 20D of xlpe cable and cable laying, cable leads at the top of the disk, cables should not be in the bracket and the frictional drag on the ground. Cable laying should be neat, not cross and should be fixed, and to install signs in time. Cable terminations, cable glands, the corner office should install signs. Line number must be shown on the sign, and when there is no number, should indicate the type, specification and starting point, sign writing should be clear and not easy to fall off, the mount should be solid. Vertical installation or more than 45 degree tilt on the laying of cables in each bracket should be fixed, horizontal laying of cables at the cable head end and corner should be fixed. for on site installation of cables and pipelines, the spacing between thermal equipment, parallel should not be less than 1M cross should not be less than 0.5M, when you subject to conditions, protective measures should be taken, after the completion of cable laying should be promptly remove debris, cover cover plate. If necessary, cover the gap should be sealed. part outside the use of buried cables, the laying distance from the floor should not be less than 0.7m, the introduction of building steel protection, cable when crossing the road, should be added to the metal protective tube, which protect tube ends should extend each 在话题作文中,材料与话题的关系主要有四种:?材料引出话题。?材料解释话题。?材料限制话题。?材料拓展话题。同时这四种关系并不是单独在起作用,在很多题目中,可能是几种关系同时存在。本次作文题目,材料限制话题的作用比较明显。正如前面分析时所说,材料中的“生活元素”、“生活内容”、“生活追求”从色彩的作用入手,把色彩与生活、人生联系在一起。而通过写大自然山水的色彩变化,来谈环境污染问题,就没有吃透命题者的意图,没有注意材料对话题的限制,没把“色彩”与生活、人生联系起来,有打“擦边球”之嫌。 2、选择合适的文体,量体裁衣。 本作文不太适合写记叙文,而更适合写说理或抒情的。如果写记叙文就只能运用象征手法来选择某种有特殊意义的事物,还要扣住“色彩”来记叙事件,这是很难操作的。 3、表述上要紧扣话题来突出主题,而不要偏离话题。 “为了自己的人生追求,他刻苦努力,终成我国著名的家,人生绽放出绚丽的色彩。”这句话没能紧扣话题“色彩”,而是转移到突出“人生追求”上了。可改为:“为了给自己的生命着上五彩的颜色,他刻苦努力,不懈追求,终成我国著名的数学家,人生绽放出绚丽的色彩。” 很多时候,学生能做到扣主题,却在扣话题上不能到位,不能实现主题与话题的完美“接轨”。一般情况下,开篇与结尾都要做“主题与话题接轨”的表述,分析事例时也要注意扣住话题来突出主题、分析论证。 佳作展示: 为生活调色 有人说,生活是红色的。它给予人似火的灼热,使人感到生活是美好的;有人说,生活是蓝色的,它给予人沉静与理智,使人像大海那样有宽广的胸怀、宏远的气魄;有人说,生活是绿色的,它给予人青春的梦幻,使人期盼在有限的生命中寻觅绿色的美丽;有人说,生活是灰色的,它布满了陷阱和失败,让你遍体鳞伤,愁容满面;有人说,生活是黑色的,山穷水尽,看不到希望,看不到未来。 “一千个读者眼中有一千个哈姆雷特”。每个人都有自己的答案,那么你的生活是什么颜色的呢,我想这是一个要用人的一生来回答的问题。 你只看到黑暗,你就永远在黑暗里;你看到光明,光明就会在你的生命中。 坐在轮椅上的巨人———霍金,用痛苦去把生活画上灿烂的色彩;又聋又盲的海伦?凯勒,在苦涩的黑暗中描绘五彩缤纷的光明世界。董存瑞用自己的忠诚爆出轰天巨响,浓黑的硝烟散去,蔚蓝的天空飘扬着鲜艳的红旗;杨利伟用中国人的志气和智慧在太空中划出一道道光辉的轨迹„„ points, engineering plastic used in the cable the level should not exceed 400mm, vertical should not be greater than 1000mm. The minimum bending radius of the cable should be greater than 10D (d is the outer diameter of the cable). Minimum bending radius of the cable shall conform to the values set out in table:-cable single core cables, electrical cable type rubber cable 10D PVC control cable 10D cable 10D 15D 20D of xlpe cable and cable laying, cable leads at the top of the disk, cables should not be in the bracket and the frictional drag on the ground. Cable laying should be neat, not cross and should be fixed, and to install signs in time. Cable terminations, cable glands, the corner office should install signs. Line number must be shown on the sign, and when there is no number, should indicate the type, specification and starting point, sign writing should be clear and not easy to fall off, the mount should be solid. Vertical installation or more than 45 degree tilt on the laying of cables in each bracket should be fixed, horizontal laying of cables at the cable head end and corner should be fixed. for on site installation of cables and pipelines, the spacing between thermal equipment, parallel should not be less than 1M cross should not be less than 0.5M, when you subject to conditions, protective measures should be taken, after the completion of cable laying should be promptly remove debris, cover cover plate. If necessary, cover the gap should be sealed. part outside the use of buried cables, the laying distance from the floor should not be less than 0.7m, the introduction of building steel protection, cable when crossing the road, should be added to the metal protective tube, which protect tube ends should extend each 生活并不是上帝用来检测我们有多蠢而布下的陷阱,而是一个让我们演绎精彩的舞台,是一堂让我们去感悟、去体验人生的必修课,是一个巨大的调色盘。 所以,我们应该用自己的双手去调出自己生活的色彩~ 如果你面临困境,请把“山穷水复疑无路”的灰暗,调成“柳暗花明又一村”的明快。把“黑云压城城欲摧”的绝望调成“甲光向日金鳞开”的希冀。 如果你嫌秋太萧条,抹一笔春的绿色带给它生气;如果你嫌冬太肃杀,勾一笔夏的粉红,带给它热情和欢快。 如果你不甘于生活中平淡的底色,那就放飞自己的理想。奋勇一搏。让平淡消失在成功的金色之下。 如果你在金色的光环和铜臭的诱惑之下丧失理智,那就用金铜铸成警示的大钟。 用自己的双手去调出生活的色彩,用青春的彩笔去描绘我们生命的华章。 用亿万双手去创造和谐的社会,中华之树必定根深叶茂,万古长青。 【点评】:作者将生活比做一个“调色盘”,将人在不同境况中的感受同相关颜色联系起来,表现出“用自己的双手去调出自己生活的色彩”的主题,属于从多个角度写多种色彩;文章思路清晰,结构严谨,在抒发生活“是一个巨大的调色盘”的感受之后,引出文章主旨,然后再一路“调”下去,“调”出“和谐的社会”,结尾深化和升华了主题。属于放———收———放的“X”结构。语言运用方面,文章清晰明快、淋漓酣畅,多引诗句,巧用排比,清新中透着文雅,整散结合,正反对举,稳健里不失明快。 points, engineering plastic used in the cable the level should not exceed 400mm, vertical should not be greater than 1000mm. The minimum bending radius of the cable should be greater than 10D (d is the outer diameter of the cable). Minimum bending radius of the cable shall conform to the values set out in table:-cable single core cables, electrical cable type rubber cable 10D PVC control cable 10D cable 10D 15D 20D of xlpe cable and cable laying, cable leads at the top of the disk, cables should not be in the bracket and the frictional drag on the ground. Cable laying should be neat, not cross and should be fixed, and to install signs in time. Cable terminations, cable glands, the corner office should install signs. Line number must be shown on the sign, and when there is no number, should indicate the type, specification and starting point, sign writing should be clear and not easy to fall off, the mount should be solid. Vertical installation or more than 45 degree tilt on the laying of cables in each bracket should be fixed, horizontal laying of cables at the cable head end and corner should be fixed. for on site installation of cables and pipelines, the spacing between thermal equipment, parallel should not be less than 1M cross should not be less than 0.5M, when you subject to conditions, protective measures should be taken, after the completion of cable laying should be promptly remove debris, cover cover plate. If necessary, cover the gap should be sealed. part outside the use of buried cables, the laying distance from the floor should not be less than 0.7m, the introduction of building steel protection, cable when crossing the road, should be added to the metal protective tube, which protect tube ends should extend each
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