

2017-10-10 23页 doc 60KB 15阅读




如何开一家生意兴隆的水果店如何开一家生意兴隆的水果店 人气就是销售,人多了销售额上来了,钱也就挣了。下面说几点,不知行不, 一。办会员卡 二。促销果品 三。周特价果品 四。宣传果品 L9 j, {# c8 N6 z 五。代金票- h4 p- v6 J$ o" E7 a 六。果品全 七。化整为零,就是切开卖。水果论坛,果农论坛,果树论坛,水果超市,水果网,水果店,水果价格,水果批发,水果市场,水果冷藏保鲜,水果包装设计; e9 X: P0 y' Y, C* H) x. L 八。代交各种水电费什么的。收费的。 九。免费充自行车气。 十...
如何开一家生意兴隆的水果店 人气就是销售,人多了销售额上来了,钱也就挣了。下面说几点,不知行不, 一。办会员卡 二。促销果品 三。周特价果品 四。宣传果品 L9 j, {# c8 N6 z 五。代金票- h4 p- v6 J$ o" E7 a 六。果品全 七。化整为零,就是切开卖。水果论坛,果农论坛,果树论坛,水果超市,水果网,水果店,水果价格,水果批发,水果市场,水果冷藏保鲜,水果包装设计; e9 X: P0 y' Y, C* H) x. L 八。代交各种水电费什么的。收费的。 九。免费充自行车气。 十。卖果汁,地方小的话设个窗口就行啦。 十一。公司企业什么的,你得走走,那是来钱道呀。bbs 经营水果,门槛似乎不高,但经营规模却相差甚远。 经营水果具有各种规模:有的是在街边摆水果摊,有的是和副食店一起联合经营,也有水果专卖店。每逢夏天,街上还有专门卖水果的卡车,相当于一个流动水果摊。 很多人小本起家,会选择卖水果。有几百块钱,可以挑着竹筐走街串巷;有几千块钱,可以支起一个小摊子;有几万块钱,可以开一家水果店;等积累到十几万元,可以开一家水果超市;要是有更多的钱,就可以开水果连锁超市了。在城市或者乡镇的街道上、居民区,无论是挑着筐的,还是开着店的,生意看上去都还不错。 不过,水果生意也不好做。做小了,赚不多;做大了,不好管。水果暴利时代已经过去,普通水果的平均利润不高,只在20,左右,高级水果的利润也只在70,左右。还有如何保鲜这个大问,时时困扰着经营水果生意的老板们。到底如何才能把水果的进货成本、保鲜成本降到最低,又能够提升销售量? 进多方调查了解,分步骤教你如何开一家生意兴隆的水果店。 【选址】 一般来说,菜场旁边、公交车站、中高档居民区、成熟居民区、医院旁边,这五个地点是最好的水果店址。 1.菜场聚集了周围小区的人流,人们买菜时总要顺便挑些水果。 2.公交车站是人群集散地,顺手买水果带回家的人不在少数。 3.在中高档居民区销售高档水果比较容易,有这个暴利点,赚钱也比较容易。 washed twice, 15 mL at a time. Water washed into the same 1125 mL, in a separatory funnel, shake can be replaced. Water through the dry filter paper filter 100 ml volumetric flask, wash the filter with a small amount of water, add 2.5 mL of ammonium acetate solution (1100g/L), add water to the scale, shake well. Will this solution filter, discard first 20 mL of the filtrate. Collect used for colorimetric determination of landfill leachate.c In the formula: X--PG content in the sample, expressed in grams per kilogram (g/kg); PG quality of samples for determination of A--, measured in micrograms (μg g); M--quality of the sample, expressed in grams (g); V1--total volume of samples after extraction. Milliliters (mL); V2--draw samples for the determination of the volume, expressed in milliliters (mL). Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. TBHQ detection detection of TBHQ in colleges and universities in accordance with SN/T1050-2002 by high performance liquid chromatography, this method of simultaneous determination of 9 kinds of food antioxidants. Lead () total arsenic GB/T5009.12 GB/T5009.11 Copper (beans), GB/T5009.13 Al-principle 1, sample processing, ferric and lead ions in acetic acid-sodium acetate buffer solution, with chrome azurol s and trimethylamine 16 alkyl bromide reaction forming the blue of ternary complex. measuring absorbance at 640 nm wavelength and compared with standard sizing. 2, nitric acid reagent. Perchloric acid. Sulfuric acid. Hydrochloric acid. 6mol/L hydrochloric acid: volume 50mL hydrochloric acid (4), diluted with water to 100mL. 1% (vol) 4.比较特殊的是医院附近的水果店,除了供应附近小区居民的水果外,还可以做果篮这个专线,生意比较好做。 5.成熟居民区也就是一般说的老居民区,居民没有供、 【装饰布局】 关于装饰布局,水果摊可说的不多,干净清爽、整齐有序八个字可以概括。所以,以下仅仅介绍水果店的装饰布局要点。 1.店面招牌广告规划: 店面广告要想引起注意,必须以简洁的形式、新颖的格调、和谐的色彩突出自己的形象,否则,就会被消费者忽视。 设计内容包括:(1)灯箱(2)门面海报 2.关于天花板的规划 (1)在天花板上面悬挂一些塑料绿色的枝叶和假的水果,突出水果店的自然、绿色、健康概念。 (2)灯光主要突出水果的自然色泽,选择高亮度的日光灯比较好,不会出现色泽偏差问题。 (3)用“多吃水果有益健康”、“绿色健康每一天”等标语吊旗,增加气氛。 3.规划布局 简单的说,水果店装修要明快简洁,以绿色等清爽的颜色为主。出口和入口分开,便于引导顾客采购路线。付款和过秤处也分开,节约付款时间。一定不要让顾客等待超过3分钟,不然顾客会烦。 在门两侧合适的地方可以装上镜子,使水果店看上去品种更加繁多、琳琅满目,非常抢眼。 4.水果架及水果柜设计要点 (1)防水性能好。水果保鲜,需要经常洒水,如果是木架子就会腐烂。 (2)水果容易碰伤,装水果的架子不能有棱角。 (3)盛装水果的边沿不能太高,以刚好盛放下一层苹果的高度为宜。 5.设计制作 水果名称标志牌、价格牌、各个区域标志牌、灯箱、墙面色彩、天花(吊旗及绿色自然装饰)等等都需要开店之前系统设计,以免之后手忙脚乱。 【批发技巧】 1.确定经营种类 一般街上的小摊贩主要是卖苹果、橙子等普通水果,这类水果的保鲜期长,不容易放坏;副食店会增加香蕉、西瓜、柚子等时令水果;水果店的品种更多一些,规模大的除了普通水果外,还会卖一些进口水果,规模小washed twice, 15 mL at a time. Water washed into the same 1125 mL, in a separatory funnel, shake can be replaced. Water through the dry filter paper filter 100 ml volumetric flask, wash the filter with a small amount of water, add 2.5 mL of ammonium acetate solution (1100g/L), add water to the scale, shake well. Will this solution filter, discard first 20 mL of the filtrate. Collect used for colorimetric determination of landfill leachate.c In the formula: X--PG content in the sample, expressed in grams per kilogram (g/kg); PG quality of samples for determination of A--, measured in micrograms (μg g); M--quality of the sample, expressed in grams (g); V1--total volume of samples after extraction. Milliliters (mL); V2--draw samples for the determination of the volume, expressed in milliliters (mL). Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. TBHQ detection detection of TBHQ in colleges and universities in accordance with SN/T1050-2002 by high performance liquid chromatography, this method of simultaneous determination of 9 kinds of food antioxidants. Lead () total arsenic GB/T5009.12 GB/T5009.11 Copper (beans), GB/T5009.13 Al-principle 1, sample processing, ferric and lead ions in acetic acid-sodium acetate buffer solution, with chrome azurol s and trimethylamine 16 alkyl bromide reaction forming the blue of ternary complex. measuring absorbance at 640 nm wavelength and compared with standard sizing. 2, nitric acid reagent. Perchloric acid. Sulfuric acid. Hydrochloric acid. 6mol/L hydrochloric acid: volume 50mL hydrochloric acid (4), diluted with water to 100mL. 1% (vol) 一点的,也会有芒果、哈密瓜等进价较高的水果;在卡车、平板车上经营的流动水果摊则主要是做体积比较大的时令水果,比如菠萝、柚子、西瓜、哈密瓜、橙子等。 2.时间和批发地点选择 水果批发市场的工作时间从早晨4点钟开始,10点之前最活跃。 从大型批发市场进货的都是要货量大的商家。小主顾最好到中小型批发市场,那里的批发商部分货品也来自大批发市场,多一层转手,价格可能贵一些。不过进货还有个就近原则,大批发市场的货便宜些,加上路费,也不一定划得来。 3.认清批发商: 批发商大概有两大类四小种: (1)本地批发商,都有自己固定的场地,他们又分两种:一批人到外地收货,自己再批发;另一批人从外地中间商处接货。 (2)外地批发商,他们一般没有固定场所,又分两种:一种批发商在本地收大量的果子,运到批发市场直接批发给零售商;大种植户直接把自己家中的果子运到市场批发给零售商。 这四种批发商,给出的价格和销售的品种都不一样,需要多观察了解才能区分,确定长期合作的批发商。 4.弄清楚批发的真实价格: 各种批发商口头上的价格都差不多,但不同类别的批发商价格让步范围不同,要搞清楚真实的批发价格。 批发商一般是在货过称后,把数量用笔记本记下来,这时候你要悄悄观察总共有多少斤。一般批发商会用计算器计算费用,如果可能就靠过去看他们计算的过程,这样一般都能得到真实的批发价格。这时候要注意进货的多少和价格的多少,进的货数量不一样价格也有差别,多观察几次就能搞清楚了。 5.其他小技巧 (1)想拿便宜货,可以稍微等一等 以樱桃为例,这种果子大概4点开始卖,一过9点批发商便随时准备低价抛售,因为樱桃太容易坏掉了。一般8.5元/斤能跳水到7元/斤。 (2)核对批发价格 批发商用计算器算价格,在原来的价格上加上0.05元,你用脑袋不一定能算过来。所以,要么拿着计算器核对一遍,要么亲自看着他按数目。 (3)检查水果品质 水果一定要逐一过目、过手,尤其是整箱批发的时候。在一箱水果中藏有一两个坏果很容易。开箱检查是很麻烦,却让你避免损失。 washed twice, 15 mL at a time. Water washed into the same 1125 mL, in a separatory funnel, shake can be replaced. Water through the dry filter paper filter 100 ml volumetric flask, wash the filter with a small amount of water, add 2.5 mL of ammonium acetate solution (1100g/L), add water to the scale, shake well. Will this solution filter, discard first 20 mL of the filtrate. Collect used for colorimetric determination of landfill leachate.c In the formula: X--PG content in the sample, expressed in grams per kilogram (g/kg); PG quality of samples for determination of A--, measured in micrograms (μg g); M--quality of the sample, expressed in grams (g); V1--total volume of samples after extraction. Milliliters (mL); V2--draw samples for the determination of the volume, expressed in milliliters (mL). Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. TBHQ detection detection of TBHQ in colleges and universities in accordance with SN/T1050-2002 by high performance liquid chromatography, this method of simultaneous determination of 9 kinds of food antioxidants. Lead () total arsenic GB/T5009.12 GB/T5009.11 Copper (beans), GB/T5009.13 Al-principle 1, sample processing, ferric and lead ions in acetic acid-sodium acetate buffer solution, with chrome azurol s and trimethylamine 16 alkyl bromide reaction forming the blue of ternary complex. measuring absorbance at 640 nm wavelength and compared with standard sizing. 2, nitric acid reagent. Perchloric acid. Sulfuric acid. Hydrochloric acid. 6mol/L hydrochloric acid: volume 50mL hydrochloric acid (4), diluted with water to 100mL. 1% (vol) (4)核对整箱重量 不要批发商说一箱多重,就直接搬货了。一箱一箱过称,少一斤都不行。做生意不是比豪气,一颗果子也是钱,小钱不赚大钱难赚。 (5)学会有人情味的技巧 如果想要验一下批发商的秤,大没有必要自己也带一台。出发去批货的时候精确称出自己的体重,然后在市场借“称体重”验秤就可以了。有时候挑水果试吃试多了,批发商会不耐烦,这时候掏出一两元钱,说是买下自己尝的,批发商一般就不会再为难你,由你继续慢慢挑下去了。 【水果挑选和储藏】 水果生意有其特殊性,水果的挑选和储藏技巧是第一要务,减少损耗是赚钱的基础。经营者最怕挑到不是那么新鲜的水果,或者储存不当,出现大批量的损坏。坏果的霉烂很容易传染,根据记者对各家水果店的调查,一批进错的水果造成的损失很有可能就会抵消当月所有的利润,如果是量大本小,进错当季主打货品,还有可能因为一批进错的水果而倒闭。 要及时把握各种水果的时令,按照利润比率来讲,某种水果刚上市的时候,价格最高,顾客也容易图新鲜而购买,是最好赚钱的时间段。而在这种水果即将下市的时候,进货要十分小心,容易出现坏果。 由于各种水果的新鲜程度的判断和储藏技巧各不相同,无法统一描述,以下只简略说明常销售的水果的一般进货和储存技巧,如果是经营其他水果,请读者寻找相关书籍阅读后再进货,以免造成损失。 ◎西瓜 挑选: 1.西瓜形状要好看,纹路清晰而不凌乱、条纹均匀。一般受光照面积大、瓜皮光滑的比较甜。瓜蒂和瓜脐部位向里凹入,瓜藤根部粗壮的是好瓜。托瓜时,手感觉颤巍巍的为好。熟了的西瓜相对较轻,同一品种、体积差不多大的西瓜,越轻越好。用手指弹西瓜,如果发出“嘭嘭”的声音,说明西瓜成熟程度适中,应该是好瓜。 2.如果瓜柄已经变黄,表示这个西瓜放了很久,里面有一部分已经空了。如果柄处还有小毛毛,表示瓜还未成熟好。 储藏: 一般西瓜放在常温下,保持通风流畅,可以保存两三周。西瓜切开后,先以保鲜膜完全包覆,再放入保鲜盒中冷藏保存,可放1周左右。 ◎荔枝 荔枝一般分为普通大籽荔枝和小籽荔枝。大籽荔枝籽大肉少,比较便宜。小籽荔枝特甜、肉多,但是价格贵。 挑选: washed twice, 15 mL at a time. Water washed into the same 1125 mL, in a separatory funnel, shake can be replaced. Water through the dry filter paper filter 100 ml volumetric flask, wash the filter with a small amount of water, add 2.5 mL of ammonium acetate solution (1100g/L), add water to the scale, shake well. Will this solution filter, discard first 20 mL of the filtrate. Collect used for colorimetric determination of landfill leachate.c In the formula: X--PG content in the sample, expressed in grams per kilogram (g/kg); PG quality of samples for determination of A--, measured in micrograms (μg g); M--quality of the sample, expressed in grams (g); V1--total volume of samples after extraction. Milliliters (mL); V2--draw samples for the determination of the volume, expressed in milliliters (mL). Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. TBHQ detection detection of TBHQ in colleges and universities in accordance with SN/T1050-2002 by high performance liquid chromatography, this method of simultaneous determination of 9 kinds of food antioxidants. Lead () total arsenic GB/T5009.12 GB/T5009.11 Copper (beans), GB/T5009.13 Al-principle 1, sample processing, ferric and lead ions in acetic acid-sodium acetate buffer solution, with chrome azurol s and trimethylamine 16 alkyl bromide reaction forming the blue of ternary complex. measuring absorbance at 640 nm wavelength and compared with standard sizing. 2, nitric acid reagent. Perchloric acid. Sulfuric acid. Hydrochloric acid. 6mol/L hydrochloric acid: volume 50mL hydrochloric acid (4), diluted with water to 100mL. 1% (vol) 1.表皮凹凸不平、纹路深的通常都是小核荔枝,而表面光滑平坦一般是大核荔枝。 2.从外表看,新鲜荔枝的颜色很亮,颜色发黑的荔枝已经有些变质。 3.用手触摸,握在手里的荔枝,应该是硬实而富有弹性,剥开果皮,里面的膜应该是白色,如果出现黑斑,说明时间已经长了。 4.有些荔枝看起来是好荔枝,在柄部与果实相连的部位有小洞,就证明荔枝有虫。 储藏: 可以将过长的荔枝枝梗剪掉一截,放入塑料口袋内,扎紧袋口,然后浸泡在水中。艾叶有杀菌防腐的作用,对延长荔枝保存时间也有功效。如放入冰箱冷冻保存,气温在零下18?时,可以保存一个月时间。 ◎葡萄 葡萄以新疆、河北和江浙一带尤为著名。味道、特点主要与产地、品种、成熟度和新鲜度有关,选购时可以从外观、色泽、气味和滋味等方面来判断葡萄的优劣。 挑选: 1.外观新鲜,大小均匀整齐,枝梗新鲜牢固、颗粒饱满、青籽和瘪籽较少、外有白霜者,品质为最佳。新鲜的葡萄用手轻轻提起时,颗粒牢固、落籽较少。 2.成熟度适中的葡萄,颜色较深、较鲜艳,如玫瑰香为黑紫色,龙眼为琥珀色、紫红色,巨峰为黑紫色,牛奶为黄白色等。 3.批发时可试吃一串葡萄最下面的一颗,来判断口味优劣。最下面的一颗往往由于光照程度最差,成熟度不佳。如果最后一颗比较甜,这串葡萄应该很甜。 储藏: 葡萄装入无毒塑料袋或大食用袋,每袋装2,2.5kg,扎紧袋口,轻轻放在垫有碎纸或泡沫塑料的硬纸箱或浅篓中,每箱只摆1层装满葡萄的小袋。0,5?是葡萄最佳保存温度。 ◎苹果 挑选: 成熟的苹果一般表皮光洁无伤痕、色泽鲜艳、肉质嫩软、味正质脆。用手握试苹果的硬软情况,太硬者未熟,太软者过熟,软硬适度为佳。用手掂量,如果重量轻则是肉质松绵,一般认为质量不佳。 储藏: 苹果是较耐藏的水果之一,但是不同品种的耐藏性不同。红富士、国光等晚熟品种在贮藏过程中硬度和品质变化不是很大,而且抗病性强,适合长期贮藏。红星、元帅、红玉、乔纳金、北斗等中熟品种在贮藏过程中易后熟发绵,品质变化大。 washed twice, 15 mL at a time. Water washed into the same 1125 mL, in a separatory funnel, shake can be replaced. Water through the dry filter paper filter 100 ml volumetric flask, wash the filter with a small amount of water, add 2.5 mL of ammonium acetate solution (1100g/L), add water to the scale, shake well. Will this solution filter, discard first 20 mL of the filtrate. Collect used for colorimetric determination of landfill leachate.c In the formula: X--PG content in the sample, expressed in grams per kilogram (g/kg); PG quality of samples for determination of A--, measured in micrograms (μg g); M--quality of the sample, expressed in grams (g); V1--total volume of samples after extraction. Milliliters (mL); V2--draw samples for the determination of the volume, expressed in milliliters (mL). Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. TBHQ detection detection of TBHQ in colleges and universities in accordance with SN/T1050-2002 by high performance liquid chromatography, this method of simultaneous determination of 9 kinds of food antioxidants. Lead () total arsenic GB/T5009.12 GB/T5009.11 Copper (beans), GB/T5009.13 Al-principle 1, sample processing, ferric and lead ions in acetic acid-sodium acetate buffer solution, with chrome azurol s and trimethylamine 16 alkyl bromide reaction forming the blue of ternary complex. measuring absorbance at 640 nm wavelength and compared with standard sizing. 2, nitric acid reagent. Perchloric acid. Sulfuric acid. Hydrochloric acid. 6mol/L hydrochloric acid: volume 50mL hydrochloric acid (4), diluted with water to 100mL. 1% (vol) 批发来的水果一般都做过套袋、熏蒸、涂蜡等保鲜措施,只需要注意不要磕碰、温度适宜、通风条件良好,就可以保存半年左右。 ◎草莓 挑选: 1.草莓不要批发太红的,颜色越是鲜艳就越酸,红里带点白的草莓最香甜。 2.不要选非常大、形状奇怪的那种,大小要一致,小一点更安全。 储藏: 草莓不要碰到水珠、不要有磕碰破坏表皮,否则很容易烂掉。另外要恒温,如果放在0~10?的恒温,大概可以保存一个星期。 如果无法继续保存,就放在冷冻室里冻成冰草莓,以后用来做草莓酱等食品。 小贴士: 如果是生手或者进货量比较大,最好在批发市场花五元左右,找一个专门帮人挑水果的人一起挑选水果。既减少了坏果的数量,又加快了进货速度,还可以趁机和他交流今天的市场行情。 【水果摆放技巧】 现实生活之中,我们经常会发现同一条街上,经营同类商品、规模相当的商店,生意却截然不同,除了经营上的问题,很大程度上和店内商品的陈列有关。商品陈列没有抓住顾客的眼睛,就激发不了顾客的购买欲望。 如何有效陈列水果才能在瞬间吸引顾客的注意呢? 1.主题陈列 主题陈列,就是在卖场内创造出一个场景,表现一定的主题和内涵,使顾客产生一种新奇、与众不同的感觉,不知不觉中对号入座,让消费者更愿意欣赏和自由选择,让水果超市更具生命力。 主题的具体划分可根据场地、环境、季节等实际情况而分为:口味最佳区和营养最丰富区;老人区和小孩区;当季区和反季区;本周销售冠军区和本周最实惠卖价区等等。 2.陈列原则 (1)新鲜原则 水果在销售区域进行陈列之前,必须进行质检,确保所有货架上的水果符合优良品质的,体现出水果经营的“新鲜”宗旨。一旦发现腐烂、变质的水果,要第一时间挑拣出来,以免影响销售。 (2)丰满原则 水果的陈列要丰满、货多,起到吸引顾客、货优价平的作用,坚决杜绝缺货、少货。 (3)色彩搭配原则 washed twice, 15 mL at a time. Water washed into the same 1125 mL, in a separatory funnel, shake can be replaced. Water through the dry filter paper filter 100 ml volumetric flask, wash the filter with a small amount of water, add 2.5 mL of ammonium acetate solution (1100g/L), add water to the scale, shake well. Will this solution filter, discard first 20 mL of the filtrate. Collect used for colorimetric determination of landfill leachate.c In the formula: X--PG content in the sample, expressed in grams per kilogram (g/kg); PG quality of samples for determination of A--, measured in micrograms (μg g); M--quality of the sample, expressed in grams (g); V1--total volume of samples after extraction. Milliliters (mL); V2--draw samples for the determination of the volume, expressed in milliliters (mL). Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. TBHQ detection detection of TBHQ in colleges and universities in accordance with SN/T1050-2002 by high performance liquid chromatography, this method of simultaneous determination of 9 kinds of food antioxidants. Lead () total arsenic GB/T5009.12 GB/T5009.11 Copper (beans), GB/T5009.13 Al-principle 1, sample processing, ferric and lead ions in acetic acid-sodium acetate buffer solution, with chrome azurol s and trimethylamine 16 alkyl bromide reaction forming the blue of ternary complex. measuring absorbance at 640 nm wavelength and compared with standard sizing. 2, nitric acid reagent. Perchloric acid. Sulfuric acid. Hydrochloric acid. 6mol/L hydrochloric acid: volume 50mL hydrochloric acid (4), diluted with water to 100mL. 1% (vol) 水果的颜色丰富、色彩鲜艳,陈列的颜色适当组合、搭配,能充分体现出水果的丰富性、变化性,既能给顾客赏心悦目、不停变化的新鲜感,又能较好地促销所陈列的水果,这一点是水果陈列的技巧所在。如:紫色的葡萄,红色的苹果、金色的橙子、绿色的啤梨搭配在一起会产生五彩缤纷的色彩效果。 (4)防损耗原则 水果在陈列时必须考虑不同商品的特性,选择正确的道具、、陈列温度,否则将因不当的陈列而造成损耗。如桃子比较怕压且容易生热,所以陈列时不能堆放;苹果对香蕉、猕猴桃等水果有催熟效果,放在一起容易导致其他水果过快变坏。 水果的陈列面积必须与周转量比例适当。若比例过大,则水果在货架的滞留时间长;若比例过小,则每日补货的次数频繁。还要注意当前温度、湿度下,此种水果所能维持的生命期。 (5)先进先出原则 如果同一品种在不同时间分几批进货,先进先出是判断哪一批商品先陈列销售的原则。水果的周转期短、质量变化快,坚持这一原则至关重要。 (6)季节性原则 水果的经营具有非常强的季节性,不同的季节有相应的水果上市。因此水果的陈列应因时而变,将新上市的品种陈列在明显的地方,更好满足顾客的新需求。 7)清洁卫生原则 ( 清洁处理后才陈列出的水果卖相好,比较好销售。陈列区域、设备、陈列用的器具是否清洁卫生,也影响顾客的购买欲。 【经营技巧】 每个成功的水果店都有他的特别之处。以下借助成功,分析经营好水果店的技巧。 1.一种实惠带动生意 谁也没想陈元朗的水果摊一个月的销售额竟达17万元。他的秘诀之一是换货。陈元朗的低价货源是海南菠萝。他将菠萝以原价从同乡处换得进口洋桃等十几种原价水果。这样,他摊上的水果进货时便全是较低的第一手价。他的另一个秘诀是将杨桃以微利出售,其他品种则与附近的水果摊在价格上持平。他选择的这座大厦属写字楼,每到上下班或中午休息时间,有大量女职员进出。陈元朗出售的微利杨桃吸引了她们,踊跃购买,并且成了陈元朗的义务宣传员,使陈记水果摊一时声名鹊起。其他水果摊索性也来他这儿进货,于是批发加零售,微利加厚利,陈元朗不动声色,直忙得收不过钱来。 2.“傍”大超市的人气 washed twice, 15 mL at a time. Water washed into the same 1125 mL, in a separatory funnel, shake can be replaced. Water through the dry filter paper filter 100 ml volumetric flask, wash the filter with a small amount of water, add 2.5 mL of ammonium acetate solution (1100g/L), add water to the scale, shake well. Will this solution filter, discard first 20 mL of the filtrate. Collect used for colorimetric determination of landfill leachate.c In the formula: X--PG content in the sample, expressed in grams per kilogram (g/kg); PG quality of samples for determination of A--, measured in micrograms (μg g); M--quality of the sample, expressed in grams (g); V1--total volume of samples after extraction. Milliliters (mL); V2--draw samples for the determination of the volume, expressed in milliliters (mL). Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. TBHQ detection detection of TBHQ in colleges and universities in accordance with SN/T1050-2002 by high performance liquid chromatography, this method of simultaneous determination of 9 kinds of food antioxidants. Lead () total arsenic GB/T5009.12 GB/T5009.11 Copper (beans), GB/T5009.13 Al-principle 1, sample processing, ferric and lead ions in acetic acid-sodium acetate buffer solution, with chrome azurol s and trimethylamine 16 alkyl bromide reaction forming the blue of ternary complex. measuring absorbance at 640 nm wavelength and compared with standard sizing. 2, nitric acid reagent. Perchloric acid. Sulfuric acid. Hydrochloric acid. 6mol/L hydrochloric acid: volume 50mL hydrochloric acid (4), diluted with water to 100mL. 1% (vol) 五年前开始做水果生意的赵先生,两家店都开在大超市旁边。“卖水果就是做人气生意。我选在大超市附近开店,就是看中了这里的人气。”选址“傍”上了大超市,赵先生水果店的促销节奏也跟超市同步。他经常到大超市做调查、比价格,店里的水果一般卖的比大超市便宜。 3.诱人广告语和活动促销 李小姐的水果店,有许多诱人的广告:水蜜桃的摊上立着一块“我很丑,可是我很甜”的牌子;白梨的旁边写着“去您一年肝火”…… 夏天的时候,李小姐会学着超市搞西瓜“猜重量”促销。顾客只要猜中西瓜的重量,就可以免费拿走。你别说,这招还真聚集起不少人气。 4.写字楼水果配送 给附近单位配送水果是老蒋水果店的最大利润来源。每天下午5点,老蒋会用小手推车将50,100kg的西瓜、苹果等送到附近几家单位。“每天能赚五六十元,好的时候有100多元,关键是量要大。”老蒋说,“能找到大单位固定送,这样店里的水果能出完,才能赚到钱。” 5.直销 有一群小水果店老板,在家乡拥有果园,在城市里开的小水果店既是零售点也是批发点,而且兼做联络站。水果丰收期,就经营自家的水果,利润比批发要高得多;平时则出售各种水果维持运行。 6.延伸服务提升人气 这家开在大学城旁边的水果店面积不大,服务项目却很齐全,时尚感十足。外面是水果区,里面是水吧,卖的全是鲜榨果汁、水果茶、水果沙拉、果干等和水果挂钩的东西,吸引了不少大学生,连附近小区的人也喜欢来这里。 长期来的客人可以办理会员打折卡。只要是大学城和附近小区的客人,打电话过来,订购20元以上的水果,就可以送外卖。如果对水果不满意,当天还包退换。 最近,老板正筹划着推出水果券,“送老师、送朋友都很好啊,省得提着沉沉的水果上门,还要费心打听别人喜欢什么水果。” 7.现场扎果篮 张小哥在一家大医院的住院部对面摆摊卖水果,生意最好。原因是那块大大的牌子:现场扎果篮。很多医院门口的水果店为了多赚钱,事先把果篮包扎好,里面的水果却多半是坏果。张小哥现场扎果篮,水果都是顾客自己选的,他还会咨询一下送给患什么病的人,介绍有利于这种病康复的水果给顾客挑选。他卖水果实惠而诚恳,周围的居民和看病人的人都喜欢在这里购买水果。薄利多销,张小哥赚的钱反而比那些耍心眼的同行多些。 【注意事项】 washed twice, 15 mL at a time. Water washed into the same 1125 mL, in a separatory funnel, shake can be replaced. Water through the dry filter paper filter 100 ml volumetric flask, wash the filter with a small amount of water, add 2.5 mL of ammonium acetate solution (1100g/L), add water to the scale, shake well. Will this solution filter, discard first 20 mL of the filtrate. Collect used for colorimetric determination of landfill leachate.c In the formula: X--PG content in the sample, expressed in grams per kilogram (g/kg); PG quality of samples for determination of A--, measured in micrograms (μg g); M--quality of the sample, expressed in grams (g); V1--total volume of samples after extraction. Milliliters (mL); V2--draw samples for the determination of the volume, expressed in milliliters (mL). Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. TBHQ detection detection of TBHQ in colleges and universities in accordance with SN/T1050-2002 by high performance liquid chromatography, this method of simultaneous determination of 9 kinds of food antioxidants. Lead () total arsenic GB/T5009.12 GB/T5009.11 Copper (beans), GB/T5009.13 Al-principle 1, sample processing, ferric and lead ions in acetic acid-sodium acetate buffer solution, with chrome azurol s and trimethylamine 16 alkyl bromide reaction forming the blue of ternary complex. measuring absorbance at 640 nm wavelength and compared with standard sizing. 2, nitric acid reagent. Perchloric acid. Sulfuric acid. Hydrochloric acid. 6mol/L hydrochloric acid: volume 50mL hydrochloric acid (4), diluted with water to 100mL. 1% (vol) 1.降低水果损耗的小窍门 (1)冷藏和冷冻 (2)注意摆放方式,让商品尽快周转 水果要摆放好,而且进货的时候最好选大小差不多的,这样能减少顾客乱翻的次数。不同水果摆法不同。比如苹果要横面朝上,因为这面最光鲜;西瓜要竖着放,节约空间;桃子怕压容易生热,不能堆放;木瓜、芒果不要放冰柜不然会起黑斑;猕猴桃不要放苹果和梨旁边,因为苹果和梨都容易释放乙烯,会加速果肉成熟腐烂…… (3)及时处理货品 水果拉到店里,马上质检,不好的立刻挑出来。特别像桂圆一类的,一颗流水了,周围的都要坏。质检后有些水果要用规格的包装盒分装,用打包机热膜包装(这也利于保鲜),然后上架。要入冰箱的水果可先不清洗,以塑料袋或纸袋装好,防止果实的水分蒸散。在塑料袋上要扎几个小孔,保持透气,以免水汽积聚,造成水果腐坏。 (4)洒水保鲜 (5)透气 水果架下留出一定空隙,以便通风透气,减少水果腐坏。 2.不要盲目扩张 如果进货的渠道和货品数量没有大的改变,经营成本和规模便受到制约。水果店和水果超市店租、装修装饰、水电费用等开支高于游动商贩和坐摊经营,价格上也没有太大优惠,一不小心就会亏本关门。 washed twice, 15 mL at a time. Water washed into the same 1125 mL, in a separatory funnel, shake can be replaced. Water through the dry filter paper filter 100 ml volumetric flask, wash the filter with a small amount of water, add 2.5 mL of ammonium acetate solution (1100g/L), add water to the scale, shake well. Will this solution filter, discard first 20 mL of the filtrate. Collect used for colorimetric determination of landfill leachate.c In the formula: X--PG content in the sample, expressed in grams per kilogram (g/kg); PG quality of samples for determination of A--, measured in micrograms (μg g); M--quality of the sample, expressed in grams (g); V1--total volume of samples after extraction. Milliliters (mL); V2--draw samples for the determination of the volume, expressed in milliliters (mL). Results to two significant figures. 6, precision under repeatability conditions to obtain the absolute value of the difference of two independent test results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 10%. TBHQ detection detection of TBHQ in colleges and universities in accordance with SN/T1050-2002 by high performance liquid chromatography, this method of simultaneous determination of 9 kinds of food antioxidants. Lead () total arsenic GB/T5009.12 GB/T5009.11 Copper (beans), GB/T5009.13 Al-principle 1, sample processing, ferric and lead ions in acetic acid-sodium acetate buffer solution, with chrome azurol s and trimethylamine 16 alkyl bromide reaction forming the blue of ternary complex. measuring absorbance at 640 nm wavelength and compared with standard sizing. 2, nitric acid reagent. Perchloric acid. Sulfuric acid. Hydrochloric acid. 6mol/L hydrochloric acid: volume 50mL hydrochloric acid (4), diluted with water to 100mL. 1% (vol)
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