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用于高强度聚乙烯无纬布生产的高分子胶粘剂及制备方法用于高强度聚乙烯无纬布生产的高分子胶粘剂及制备方法 说 明 书 用于高强度聚乙烯无纬布生产的高分子胶粘剂及制备方法 技术领域 本发明是关于一种专门用于生产高强度聚乙烯无纬布的液体胶粘剂及其制备方法。 背景技术 高强度聚乙烯纤维是一种分子链高度取向的尖端高分子材料,它比发丝还细,但是其单位重量的强度要胜于钢丝,学术界有人称之为“一维金刚石”。制备这种高强度纤维的原料是超高分子量的线型聚乙烯,从无规取向的聚乙烯原料加工成单一方向高度取向的聚乙烯纤维需要经过一系列复杂的工艺流程,这种技术在国际上高度保密,但是近期在国内获...
用于高强度聚乙烯无纬布生产的高分子胶粘剂及制备方法 说 明 书 用于高强度聚乙烯无纬布生产的高分子胶粘剂及制备方法 技术领域 本发明是关于一种专门用于生产高强度聚乙烯无纬布的液体胶粘剂及其制备方法。 背景技术 高强度聚乙烯纤维是一种分子链高度取向的尖端高分子材料,它比发丝还细,但是其单位重量的强度要胜于钢丝,学术界有人称之为“一维金刚石”。制备这种高强度纤维的原料是超高分子量的线型聚乙烯,从无规取向的聚乙烯原料加工成单一方向高度取向的聚乙烯纤维需要经过一系列复杂的工艺,这种技术在国际上高度保密,但是近期在国内获得突破,形成自主知识产权,目前已经能够批量生产高强度聚乙烯纤维,实现了产业化。 从高强度聚乙烯纤维到无纬布又是一个技术门槛。所谓无纬布就是指不经过一般的经线纬线交叉编织工艺,直接将纤维平铺并用胶粘剂粘合在一起而形成的薄层布。如果将各层按垂直方式交替叠加,经过压制、粘合成型就可以制成板状材料。就无纬布制品的抗冲击能力而言,聚乙烯纤维的强度固然重要,但是粘合剂的粘结性能同样起到了关键的作用,在众多的高分子复合材料中,纤维与树脂的粘结性常常是复合材料最终性能好坏的关键,其中的道理是显而易见的。众所周知,聚乙烯是一种没有极性基团的聚合物,高度取向的聚乙烯纤维具有非常光滑的面,这使得它的表面粘结性非常的差,一般的市售粘合剂要么无法起到满意的粘合作用,要么无法满足无纬布制作工艺的需要,因此开发专用胶粘剂成为一项非常重要的工作。 根据技术需要专用胶应该有三个特点:首先是在常温下与聚乙烯纤维表面有较好的粘合性,这种粘合性与普通使用的粘合剂的表现行为是有区别的,常见的粘合性是使两种界面处于固定的“抱死”状态,这种方式有利于抵御静态的外力,但不利于抗动态的冲击力,作为防弹用品的无纬布其抗冲击的原理是“以柔克刚”,即将子弹的动能在其行进过程中消耗殆尽,在防弹衣上留下弹坑,但不穿透伤及人体,这就要求内部的粘合材料在纤维相对滑动过程中仍然保持粘结性,换句话说,粘合层在遭受外力破坏后具有practitioner examination practitioner certificate. Third stage: laboratory continues to rotate clinical laboratory testing, clinical chemistry, Clinical Immunology tests, Clinical Hematology laboratory, clinical microbiology testing, inspection and emergency blood transfusion test 7 Professional. (2) rounds and the third stage of consultation Web twice a week to attend medical ... To know: 1. automatic biochemical Analyzer calibration, operation and maintenance. 2. different biochemical detection of analyzers for test and evaluation. 3. the core collection, preservation and processing of all kinds of biological specimens. (E) professional master of Clinical Immunology test: 1. Clinical Immunology-related projects, the results of reports and clinical significance of routine testing. (1) hepatitis logo real: hepatitis b serum logo real of determination (HBsAg, and HBsAb, and HBeAg, and HBeAb, and HBcAb), and hepatitis a and hepatitis c virus antibody determination (2) tumor logo real: methyl tire protein (AFP), and cancer embryo Antigen (CEA), and sugar Antigen 15-3 (CA15-3), and sugar Antigen 19-9 (CA19-9), and sugar Antigen 12-5 (CA12-5), and prostate specific antigen (PSA), and p-like cell cancer related Antigen ( SCC) (3) immune function: immune globulin determination (IgG, and IgA, and IgM, and IgD, and IgE), fill body determination (C3, and C4), t lymphocytes Asia group, and anti-nuclear antibody (ANA), and anti-double chain DNA antibody (AdsDNA), and anti-mitochondrial antibody, and rheumatoid factor (RF) (4) virus antibody: bow insect, and rubella virus, and giant cell virus, and simple herpes virus antibody check (TORCH test) (5) other class: anti-Streptococcus hemolytic pigment "o" (AS O), c-reactive protein (CRP), serum Widal reaction, outside Pei, and cold agglutination test, specific 一定的自愈合能力;其次是要有很好的弹性,抗冲击材料一般都有一定的弹性,弹性介质能够传递、分散应力,使尽可能多的聚乙烯纤维能够在瞬间吸收外部能量,使之转变成热能,热能进一步通过聚乙烯的熔化来吸收;三是要有适当的粘度,无纬布制作过程中要求胶粘剂的用量不超过10%,胶粘剂一般用易挥发的汽油作溶剂,粘度过大会影响纤维涂胶的均匀,甚至超过用胶限量,而粘度过小就意味着浓度过低或者分子量过小,这样会造成效率偏低或者胶粘剂弹性不足。 按照本发明提供的配方与制作工艺,所制备的专用胶粘剂都能符合以上三个要求。 发明内容 本发明所要解决的首要技术问题是提供一种适合在高强度聚乙烯无纬布生产使用的高分子胶粘剂,它配伍简单合理,容易制造使用,成本低。 本发明所要解决的另一个技术问题是提供生产上述高分子胶粘剂的制备方法,它生产设备简单,成本相对较低,生产过程中能够避免产生污染物。 本发明解决上述首要技术问题所采用的技术为:一种用于高强度聚乙烯无纬布生产的高分子胶粘剂,其特征在于为一种聚合物的汽油混合溶液,分别含有聚苯乙烯改性的天然橡胶、增粘剂松香以及增塑剂,溶质在胶粘剂的重量浓度在20%到28%范围,黏度在35Pa.s到38Pa.s范围,所述的溶质聚苯乙烯改性的天然橡胶、增粘剂松香以及增塑剂三种成份的重量比例为:聚苯乙烯改性的天然橡胶重量在80%到90%的范围;增粘剂松香的重量在8%到15%的范围;增塑剂的重量在2%到5%的范围。 有益的是,上述聚苯乙烯改性的天然橡胶,天然橡胶的主要成分是顺式的聚异戊二烯,用苯乙烯对它进行改性可以提高它的力学强度,将天然橡胶在双螺杆挤出机中用力化学法使之降解的同时与苯乙烯单体发生共聚,产生改性后的共聚物,共聚物经过切粒后水冷,干燥备用,上述挤出过程的温度一般控制在130:C到150:C范围,螺杆的转速控制在每分钟140到180转范围,平均停留时间在25秒至35秒范围。非常有益的是,在上述力化学过程中,苯乙烯的重量控制在相当于天然橡胶重量的10%到15%范围之内,所产生的共聚物具有比较好的弹性与强度,同时残留的苯乙烯单体含量非常少。 有益的是,所述的增塑剂为邻苯二甲酸二异辛酯、邻苯二甲酸二异壬酯或者是邻苯二甲酸二异癸酯。 本发明解决上述另一个技术问题所采用的技术方案为:一种高强度聚乙烯无纬布生产使用的高分子胶粘剂制备方法,它首先按照所述的比例将改性后的天然橡胶颗粒在汽油中浸泡50分钟至70分钟,浸泡前的颗粒尺寸在2-4毫米左右,溶胀后的颗粒变软,尺寸增加3-4倍,这时液体的粘度还是很小,然后用胶体磨将溶胀后的颗粒研磨成糊状,在这个过程中聚合物还会发生降解,最后得到的聚合物数均分子量一般在60000到 -ein (AFP), and cancer embryo Antigen (CEA), and sugar Antigen 15Ag, and HBeAb, and HBcAb), and hepatitis a and hepatitis c virus antibody determination (2) tumor logo real: methyl tire proterum logo real of determination (HBsAg, and HBsAb, and HBerelated projects, the results of reports and clinical significance of routine testing. (1) hepatitis logo real: hepatitis b s-professional master of Clinical Immunology test: 1. Clinical Immunology (E) yzers for test and evaluation. 3. the core collection, preservation and processing of all kinds of biological specimens. w: 1. automatic biochemical Analyzer calibration, operation and maintenance. 2. different biochemical detection of analTo knoblood transfusion test 7 Professional. (2) rounds and the third stage of consultation Web twice a week to attend medical ... hemistry, Clinical Immunology tests, Clinical Hematology laboratory, clinical microbiology testing, inspection and emergency linical cpractitioner examination practitioner certificate. Third stage: laboratory continues to rotate clinical laboratory testing, creactive protein (CRP), serum Widal reaction, outside Pei, and cold agglutination test, specific-Streptococcus hemolytic pigment "o" (AS O), c-st) (5) other class: antind simple herpes virus antibody check (TORCH temitochondrial antibody, and rheumatoid factor (RF) (4) virus antibody: bow insect, and rubella virus, and giant cell virus, a-double chain DNA antibody (AdsDNA), and anti-nuclear antibody (ANA), and anti-anti nd IgE), fill body determination (C3, and C4), t lymphocytes Asia group, andlike cell cancer related Antigen ( SCC) (3) immune function: immune globulin determination (IgG, and IgA, and IgM, and IgD, a-5), and prostate specific antigen (PSA), and p-5 (CA12-9), and sugar Antigen 12-9 (CA19-3), and sugar Antigen 19-3 (CA152 30000之间,经过研磨后聚合物的溶解速率大大加快,由此提高了生产效率。在第三个阶段中,聚合物完全溶解在汽油中,同时增粘剂松香和增塑剂也按照所述的的比例加入到溶液中,最终得到的溶液的固含量在18%到20%之间,粘度在35Pa.s到38Pa.s 范围。 有益的是,所述的浸泡60分钟,温度采用室温,所述的胶体磨采用分体式胶体磨,一次性将溶胀后的颗粒研磨成糊状。 与现有技术相比,本发明的优点在于:专用胶粘剂完全符合无纬布生产工艺要求,生产设备简单,成本相对较低,在整个操作过程中,可以采用封闭装置,以避免汽油的大量挥发而影响浓度,上述制备方法不产生废气、废水与副产物,没有明显污染环境的不利因素,所以生产过程中不产生污染物,由于采用强疏水的胶粘剂,无纬布不但防弹效果较好,而且还能长期防水,在水中浸泡一年,其防弹性能没有变化,这比用其它极性高分子材料制成防弹器材要优越。 具体实施方式 以下结合附图实施例对本发明作进一步详细描述。 实施例子1 天然橡胶的改性 天然橡胶经过切割制成小颗粒,然后加入相当于橡胶重量12.5%的苯乙烯单体,充分混合,苯乙烯单体完全被橡胶吸收。用一台双螺杆挤出机对橡胶颗粒进行加工,控制挤出温度在140:C范围,螺杆转速在每分钟160转范围,橡胶在挤出机中的停留时间应该在半分钟左右,在这段时间内橡胶的分子链被机械力所断裂,同时引发苯乙烯聚合并形成共聚物。挤出的熔体经过切粒水冷,最后得到固体粒子,干燥备用。 橡胶颗粒的溶胀 经过改性后的橡胶粒子与普通汽油在一个封闭容器中按照1:3的重量比混合,约一个小时后,橡胶粒子充分溶胀,尺寸增大了3-4倍,但液体的粘度并不大。将溶胀的粒子以及溶液倒入到JM-FB60型分体式胶体磨的漏斗中,用中等细度进行研磨,最后得到糊状物。 粘合剂溶液的配置 溶胀后的糊状物转移到另一个带有搅拌器的容器中,事先将捣碎后的松香以及增塑剂放入容器中,补加一定量的汽油,以保证最终溶液的重量浓度在20%到28%之间,橡胶粒子、松香以及增塑剂的重量分别占总溶质的85%、11.5%以及3.5%,增塑剂采用邻 -determination (C3, and C4), t lymphocytes Asia group, and anti nd IgE), fill bodylike cell cancer related Antigen ( SCC) (3) immune function: immune globulin determination (IgG, and IgA, and IgM, and IgD, a-5), and prostate specific antigen (PSA), and p-5 (CA12-9), and sugar Antigen 12-9 (CA19-3), and sugar Antigen 19-3 (CA15-tibody determination (2) tumor logo real: methyl tire protein (AFP), and cancer embryo Antigen (CEA), and sugar Antigen 15erum logo real of determination (HBsAg, and HBsAb, and HBeAg, and HBeAb, and HBcAb), and hepatitis a and hepatitis c virus anrelated projects, the results of reports and clinical significance of routine testing. (1) hepatitis logo real: hepatitis b s-ologyprocessing of all kinds of biological specimens. (E) professional master of Clinical Immunology test: 1. Clinical Immunn and ntenance. 2. different biochemical detection of analyzers for test and evaluation. 3. the core collection, preservatioconsultation Web twice a week to attend medical ... To know: 1. automatic biochemical Analyzer calibration, operation and maige of , clinical microbiology testing, inspection and emergency blood transfusion test 7 Professional. (2) rounds and the third staontinues to rotate clinical laboratory testing, clinical chemistry, Clinical Immunology tests, Clinical Hematology laboratorypractitioner examination practitioner certificate. Third stage: laboratory c-reactive protein (CRP), serum Widal reaction, outside Pei, and cold agglutination test, specific-Streptococcus hemolytic pigment "o" (AS O), c-ll virus, and simple herpes virus antibody check (TORCH test) (5) other class: antimitochondrial antibody, and rheumatoid factor (RF) (4) virus antibody: bow insect, and rubella virus, and giant ce-double chain DNA antibody (AdsDNA), and anti-nuclear antibody (ANA), and anti 3 - 苯二甲酸二异辛酯,它的用量随松香的增加而增加,基本上保持在1:3与1:4之间。搅拌速率一般在每分钟1-2转,随着橡胶的不断溶解,体系的粘度也会相应增加,搅拌器必须施加更大的力度以保证转速恒定,整个溶解过程需要3到4个小时,最终得到非常粘稠的溶液,其粘度应在38Pa.s到35Pa.s范围,溶液中聚合物的数均分子量在60000到30000之间,分子量的分布一般不是正态分布,有时可能出现双峰,这对粘合性能并无大的影响。 实施例子2 天然橡胶的改性 天然橡胶经过切割制成小颗粒,然后加入相当于橡胶重量10%的苯乙烯单体,充分混合,苯乙烯单体完全被橡胶吸收。用一台双螺杆挤出机对橡胶颗粒进行加工,控制挤出温度在130:C范围,螺杆转速在每分钟180转范围,橡胶在挤出机中的停留时间应该在半分钟左右,在这段时间内橡胶的分子链被机械力所断裂,同时引发苯乙烯聚合并形成共聚物。挤出的熔体经过切粒水冷,最后得到固体粒子,干燥备用。 橡胶颗粒的溶胀 经过改性后的橡胶粒子与普通汽油在一个封闭容器中按照1:3的重量比混合,约一个小时后,橡胶粒子充分溶胀,尺寸增大了3-4倍,但液体的粘度并不大。将溶胀的粒子以及溶液倒入到JM-FB60型分体式胶体磨的漏斗中,用中等细度进行研磨,最后得到糊状物。 粘合剂溶液的配置 溶胀后的糊状物转移到另一个带有搅拌器的容器中,事先将捣碎后的松香以及增塑剂放入容器中,补加一定量的汽油,以保证最终溶液的重量浓度在20%到28%之间,橡胶粒子、松香以及增塑剂的重量分别占总溶质的80%、8%以及2%,增塑剂采用邻苯二甲酸二异壬酯,它的用量随松香的增加而增加,基本上保持在1:3与1:4之间。搅拌速率一般在每分钟1-2转,随着橡胶的不断溶解,体系的粘度也会相应增加,搅拌器必须施加更大的力度以保证转速恒定,整个溶解过程需要3到4个小时,最终得到非常粘稠的溶液,其粘度应在38Pa.s到35Pa.s范围,溶液中聚合物的数均分子量在60000到30000之间,分子量的分布一般不是正态分布,有时可能出现双峰,这对粘合性能并无大的影响。 实施例子3 天然橡胶的改性 天然橡胶经过切割制成小颗粒,然后加入相当于橡胶重量15%的苯乙烯单体,充分混合,苯乙烯单体完全被橡胶吸收。用一台双螺杆挤出机对橡胶颗粒进行加工,控制挤 3), and sugar Antigen 19-3 (CA15-ein (AFP), and cancer embryo Antigen (CEA), and sugar Antigen 15Ag, and HBeAb, and HBcAb), and hepatitis a and hepatitis c virus antibody determination (2) tumor logo real: methyl tire proterum logo real of determination (HBsAg, and HBsAb, and HBerelated projects, the results of reports and clinical significance of routine testing. (1) hepatitis logo real: hepatitis b s-professional master of Clinical Immunology test: 1. Clinical Immunology (E) yzers for test and evaluation. 3. the core collection, preservation and processing of all kinds of biological specimens. w: 1. automatic biochemical Analyzer calibration, operation and maintenance. 2. different biochemical detection of analTo knoblood transfusion test 7 Professional. (2) rounds and the third stage of consultation Web twice a week to attend medical ... hemistry, Clinical Immunology tests, Clinical Hematology laboratory, clinical microbiology testing, inspection and emergency linical cpractitioner examination practitioner certificate. Third stage: laboratory continues to rotate clinical laboratory testing, creactive protein (CRP), serum Widal reaction, outside Pei, and cold agglutination test, specific-Streptococcus hemolytic pigment "o" (AS O), c-st) (5) other class: antind simple herpes virus antibody check (TORCH temitochondrial antibody, and rheumatoid factor (RF) (4) virus antibody: bow insect, and rubella virus, and giant cell virus, a-double chain DNA antibody (AdsDNA), and anti-nuclear antibody (ANA), and anti-anti nd IgE), fill body determination (C3, and C4), t lymphocytes Asia group, andlike cell cancer related Antigen ( SCC) (3) immune function: immune globulin determination (IgG, and IgA, and IgM, and IgD, a-5), and prostate specific antigen (PSA), and p-5 (CA12-9), and sugar Antigen 12-9 (CA19-4 出温度在150:C范围,螺杆转速在每分钟140转范围,橡胶在挤出机中的停留时间应该在半分钟左右,在这段时间内橡胶的分子链被机械力所断裂,同时引发苯乙烯聚合并形成共聚物。挤出的熔体经过切粒水冷,最后得到固体粒子,干燥备用。 橡胶颗粒的溶胀 经过改性后的橡胶粒子与普通汽油在一个封闭容器中按照1:3的重量比混合,约一个小时后,橡胶粒子充分溶胀,尺寸增大了3-4倍,但液体的粘度并不大。将溶胀的粒子以及溶液倒入到JM-FB60型分体式胶体磨的漏斗中,用中等细度进行研磨,最后得到糊状物。 粘合剂溶液的配置 溶胀后的糊状物转移到另一个带有搅拌器的容器中,事先将捣碎后的松香以及增塑剂放入容器中,补加一定量的汽油,以保证最终溶液的重量浓度在20%到28%之间,橡胶粒子、松香以及增塑剂的重量分别占总溶质的90%、15%以及5%,增塑剂采用邻苯二甲酸二异癸酯,它的用量随松香的增加而增加,基本上保持在1:3与1:4之间。搅拌速率一般在每分钟1-2转,随着橡胶的不断溶解,体系的粘度也会相应增加,搅拌器必须施加更大的力度以保证转速恒定,整个溶解过程需要3到4个小时,最终得到非常粘稠的溶液,其粘度应在38Pa.s到35Pa.s范围,溶液中聚合物的数均分子量在60000到30000之间,分子量的分布一般不是正态分布,有时可能出现双峰,这对粘合性能并无大的影响。 nd IgE), fill bodylike cell cancer related Antigen ( SCC) (3) immune function: immune globulin determination (IgG, and IgA, and IgM, and IgD, a-5), and prostate specific antigen (PSA), and p-5 (CA12-9), and sugar Antigen 12-9 (CA19-3), and sugar Antigen 19-3 (CA15-tibody determination (2) tumor logo real: methyl tire protein (AFP), and cancer embryo Antigen (CEA), and sugar Antigen 15erum logo real of determination (HBsAg, and HBsAb, and HBeAg, and HBeAb, and HBcAb), and hepatitis a and hepatitis c virus anrelated projects, the results of reports and clinical significance of routine testing. (1) hepatitis logo real: hepatitis b s-ologyprocessing of all kinds of biological specimens. (E) professional master of Clinical Immunology test: 1. Clinical Immunn and ntenance. 2. different biochemical detection of analyzers for test and evaluation. 3. the core collection, preservatioconsultation Web twice a week to attend medical ... To know: 1. automatic biochemical Analyzer calibration, operation and maige of , clinical microbiology testing, inspection and emergency blood transfusion test 7 Professional. (2) rounds and the third staontinues to rotate clinical laboratory testing, clinical chemistry, Clinical Immunology tests, Clinical Hematology laboratorypractitioner examination practitioner certificate. Third stage: laboratory c-reactive protein (CRP), serum Widal reaction, outside Pei, and cold agglutination test, specific-Streptococcus hemolytic pigment "o" (AS O), c-ll virus, and simple herpes virus antibody check (TORCH test) (5) other class: antimitochondrial antibody, and rheumatoid factor (RF) (4) virus antibody: bow insect, and rubella virus, and giant ce-double chain DNA antibody (AdsDNA), and anti-nuclear antibody (ANA), and anti-determination (C3, and C4), t lymphocytes Asia group, and anti 5 - 权 利 要 求 书 1、一种用于高强度聚乙烯无纬布生产的高分子胶粘剂,其特征在于: 它是一种聚合物的汽油混合溶液,分别含有聚苯乙烯改性的天然橡胶、增粘剂 松香以及增塑剂,溶质在胶粘剂中的重量浓度在20%到28%范围,黏度在35Pa.s 到38Pa.s范围,所述的溶质聚苯乙烯改性的天然橡胶、增粘剂松香以及增塑 剂三种成份的重量比例为: 聚苯乙烯改性的天然橡胶重量在80%到90%的范围; 增粘剂松香的重量在8%到15%的范围; 增塑剂的重量在2%到5%的范围。 2、根据权利要求1所述的高分子胶粘剂,其特征在于所述的聚苯乙烯改性的天然 橡胶,其改性是在双螺杆挤出机中通过力化学手段实施,其中苯乙烯的重量控 制在相当于天然橡胶重量的10%到15%范围之内,挤出温度控制在130:C到150:C 范围,螺杆转速控制在每分钟140到180转范围,平均停留时间在25秒至35 秒范围。 3、根据权利要求1所述的高分子胶粘剂,其特征在于所述的增塑剂为邻苯二甲酸 二异辛酯、邻苯二甲酸二异壬酯或者是邻苯二甲酸二异癸酯。 4、一种权利要求1所述的高分子胶粘剂的制备方法,其特征在于步骤依次为: a) 按照所述的比例将聚苯乙烯改性的天然橡胶颗粒于15度至25度温度下在 汽油中浸泡50分钟至70分钟,溶胀后颗粒变软,尺寸增加3-4倍; b) 用胶体磨将溶胀后的颗粒研磨成糊状; c) 在搅拌下聚合物完全溶解在汽油中,同时增粘剂松香和增塑剂也按照所述 的比例加入到溶液中,溶解所需的时间为3到4个小时。 5、根据权利要求4所述的高分子胶粘剂,其特征在于所述的聚苯乙烯改性的天然 橡胶,其改性是在双螺杆挤出机中通过力化学手段实施,其中苯乙烯的重量控 制在相当于天然橡胶重量的10%到15%范围之内,挤出温度控制在130:C到150:C 范围,螺杆转速控制在每分钟140到180转范围,平均停留时间在25秒至35 秒范围。 6、根据权利要求5所述的高分子胶粘剂,其特征在于所述的浸泡60分钟,温度为 室温。 -5 (CA12-9), and sugar Antigen 12-9 (CA19-3), and sugar Antigen 19-3 (CA15-tibody determination (2) tumor logo real: methyl tire protein (AFP), and cancer embryo Antigen (CEA), and sugar Antigen 15erum logo real of determination (HBsAg, and HBsAb, and HBeAg, and HBeAb, and HBcAb), and hepatitis a and hepatitis c virus anrelated projects, the results of reports and clinical significance of routine testing. (1) hepatitis logo real: hepatitis b s-ologyprocessing of all kinds of biological specimens. (E) professional master of Clinical Immunology test: 1. Clinical Immunn and ntenance. 2. different biochemical detection of analyzers for test and evaluation. 3. the core collection, preservatioconsultation Web twice a week to attend medical ... To know: 1. automatic biochemical Analyzer calibration, operation and maige of , clinical microbiology testing, inspection and emergency blood transfusion test 7 Professional. (2) rounds and the third staontinues to rotate clinical laboratory testing, clinical chemistry, Clinical Immunology tests, Clinical Hematology laboratorypractitioner examination practitioner certificate. Third stage: laboratory c-reactive protein (CRP), serum Widal reaction, outside Pei, and cold agglutination test, specific-Streptococcus hemolytic pigment "o" (AS O), c-ll virus, and simple herpes virus antibody check (TORCH test) (5) other class: antimitochondrial antibody, and rheumatoid factor (RF) (4) virus antibody: bow insect, and rubella virus, and giant ce-double chain DNA antibody (AdsDNA), and anti-nuclear antibody (ANA), and anti-determination (C3, and C4), t lymphocytes Asia group, and anti nd IgE), fill bodylike cell cancer related Antigen ( SCC) (3) immune function: immune globulin determination (IgG, and IgA, and IgM, and IgD, a-5), and prostate specific antigen (PSA), and p 1 - 7、根据权利要求5所述的高分子胶粘剂,其特征在于所述的胶体磨采用分体式胶 体磨,一次性将溶胀后的颗粒研磨成糊状。 5 (CA12-9), and sugar Antigen 12-9 (CA19-3), and sugar Antigen 19-3 (CA15-ein (AFP), and cancer embryo Antigen (CEA), and sugar Antigen 15Ag, and HBeAb, and HBcAb), and hepatitis a and hepatitis c virus antibody determination (2) tumor logo real: methyl tire proterum logo real of determination (HBsAg, and HBsAb, and HBerelated projects, the results of reports and clinical significance of routine testing. (1) hepatitis logo real: hepatitis b s-professional master of Clinical Immunology test: 1. Clinical Immunology (E) yzers for test and evaluation. 3. the core collection, preservation and processing of all kinds of biological specimens. w: 1. automatic biochemical Analyzer calibration, operation and maintenance. 2. different biochemical detection of analTo knoblood transfusion test 7 Professional. (2) rounds and the third stage of consultation Web twice a week to attend medical ... hemistry, Clinical Immunology tests, Clinical Hematology laboratory, clinical microbiology testing, inspection and emergency linical cpractitioner examination practitioner certificate. Third stage: laboratory continues to rotate clinical laboratory testing, creactive protein (CRP), serum Widal reaction, outside Pei, and cold agglutination test, specific-Streptococcus hemolytic pigment "o" (AS O), c-st) (5) other class: antind simple herpes virus antibody check (TORCH temitochondrial antibody, and rheumatoid factor (RF) (4) virus antibody: bow insect, and rubella virus, and giant cell virus, a-double chain DNA antibody (AdsDNA), and anti-nuclear antibody (ANA), and anti-anti nd IgE), fill body determination (C3, and C4), t lymphocytes Asia group, andlike cell cancer related Antigen ( SCC) (3) immune function: immune globulin determination (IgG, and IgA, and IgM, and IgD, a-5), and prostate specific antigen (PSA), and p-2 说 明 书 附 图 determination (C3, and C4), t lymphocytes Asia group, and anti nd IgE), fill bodylike cell cancer related Antigen ( SCC) (3) immune function: immune globulin determination (IgG, and IgA, and IgM, and IgD, a-5), and prostate specific antigen (PSA), and p-5 (CA12-9), and sugar Antigen 12-9 (CA19-3), and sugar Antigen 19-3 (CA15-tibody determination (2) tumor logo real: methyl tire protein (AFP), and cancer embryo Antigen (CEA), and sugar Antigen 15erum logo real of determination (HBsAg, and HBsAb, and HBeAg, and HBeAb, and HBcAb), and hepatitis a and hepatitis c virus anrelated projects, the results of reports and clinical significance of routine testing. (1) hepatitis logo real: hepatitis b s-ologyprocessing of all kinds of biological specimens. (E) professional master of Clinical Immunology test: 1. Clinical Immunn and ntenance. 2. different biochemical detection of analyzers for test and evaluation. 3. the core collection, preservatioconsultation Web twice a week to attend medical ... To know: 1. automatic biochemical Analyzer calibration, operation and maige of , clinical microbiology testing, inspection and emergency blood transfusion test 7 Professional. (2) rounds and the third staontinues to rotate clinical laboratory testing, clinical chemistry, Clinical Immunology tests, Clinical Hematology laboratorypractitioner examination practitioner certificate. Third stage: laboratory c-reactive protein (CRP), serum Widal reaction, outside Pei, and cold agglutination test, specific-Streptococcus hemolytic pigment "o" (AS O), c-ll virus, and simple herpes virus antibody check (TORCH test) (5) other class: antimitochondrial antibody, and rheumatoid factor (RF) (4) virus antibody: bow insect, and rubella virus, and giant ce-double chain DNA antibody (AdsDNA), and anti-nuclear antibody (ANA), and anti- 1 - 说 明 书 摘 要 本发明是关于一种专门用于生产高强度聚乙烯无纬布的胶粘剂及其制备方法,它是一种含有聚苯乙烯改性天然橡胶、增粘剂松香以及增塑剂的汽油混合溶液,能使高强度聚乙烯纤维粘合成无纬布,具有较好的抗冲击性能,进一步加工可制成各种防弹器具。这种胶粘剂不但有很好的粘性和弹性,而且具有很强的防水性,其生产工艺环保、设备要求简单、成本相对较低,在以高强度聚乙烯纤维为基础的高分子尖端材料中具有重要的用途。 3), and sugar Antigen 19-3 (CA15-tibody determination (2) tumor logo real: methyl tire protein (AFP), and cancer embryo Antigen (CEA), and sugar Antigen 15erum logo real of determination (HBsAg, and HBsAb, and HBeAg, and HBeAb, and HBcAb), and hepatitis a and hepatitis c virus anrelated projects, the results of reports and clinical significance of routine testing. (1) hepatitis logo real: hepatitis b s-ologyprocessing of all kinds of biological specimens. (E) professional master of Clinical Immunology test: 1. Clinical Immunn and ntenance. 2. different biochemical detection of analyzers for test and evaluation. 3. the core collection, preservatioconsultation Web twice a week to attend medical ... To know: 1. automatic biochemical Analyzer calibration, operation and maige of , clinical microbiology testing, inspection and emergency blood transfusion test 7 Professional. (2) rounds and the third staontinues to rotate clinical laboratory testing, clinical chemistry, Clinical Immunology tests, Clinical Hematology laboratorypractitioner examination practitioner certificate. Third stage: laboratory c-reactive protein (CRP), serum Widal reaction, outside Pei, and cold agglutination test, specific-Streptococcus hemolytic pigment "o" (AS O), c-ll virus, and simple herpes virus antibody check (TORCH test) (5) other class: antimitochondrial antibody, and rheumatoid factor (RF) (4) virus antibody: bow insect, and rubella virus, and giant ce-double chain DNA antibody (AdsDNA), and anti-nuclear antibody (ANA), and anti-determination (C3, and C4), t lymphocytes Asia group, and anti nd IgE), fill bodylike cell cancer related Antigen ( SCC) (3) immune function: immune globulin determination (IgG, and IgA, and IgM, and IgD, a-5), and prostate specific antigen (PSA), and p-5 (CA12-9), and sugar Antigen 12-9 (CA19- 1 - 摘 要 附 图 nd IgE), fill bodylike cell cancer related Antigen ( SCC) (3) immune function: immune globulin determination (IgG, and IgA, and IgM, and IgD, a-5), and prostate specific antigen (PSA), and p-5 (CA12-9), and sugar Antigen 12-9 (CA19-3), and sugar Antigen 19-3 (CA15-tibody determination (2) tumor logo real: methyl tire protein (AFP), and cancer embryo Antigen (CEA), and sugar Antigen 15erum logo real of determination (HBsAg, and HBsAb, and HBeAg, and HBeAb, and HBcAb), and hepatitis a and hepatitis c virus anrelated projects, the results of reports and clinical significance of routine testing. (1) hepatitis logo real: hepatitis b s-ologyprocessing of all kinds of biological specimens. (E) professional master of Clinical Immunology test: 1. Clinical Immunn and ntenance. 2. different biochemical detection of analyzers for test and evaluation. 3. the core collection, preservatioconsultation Web twice a week to attend medical ... To know: 1. automatic biochemical Analyzer calibration, operation and maige of , clinical microbiology testing, inspection and emergency blood transfusion test 7 Professional. (2) rounds and the third staontinues to rotate clinical laboratory testing, clinical chemistry, Clinical Immunology tests, Clinical Hematology laboratorypractitioner examination practitioner certificate. Third stage: laboratory c-reactive protein (CRP), serum Widal reaction, outside Pei, and cold agglutination test, specific-Streptococcus hemolytic pigment "o" (AS O), c-ll virus, and simple herpes virus antibody check (TORCH test) (5) other class: antimitochondrial antibody, and rheumatoid factor (RF) (4) virus antibody: bow insect, and rubella virus, and giant ce-double chain DNA antibody (AdsDNA), and anti-nuclear antibody (ANA), and anti-determination (C3, and C4), t lymphocytes Asia group, and anti 1 -
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