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功能性食品论文功能性食品论文 功能性食品之木鳖果 学院:信息科学与技术学院 专业:电子信息工程 姓名:樊美钦 学号:2011508193 of the people, "Da Yi Ju", big love Yi Ju "unite to society is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At present, in the County's recommended good in China has reached 16, Shandong go...
功能性食品论文 功能性食品之木鳖果 学院:信息科学与技术学院 专业:电子信息 姓名:樊美钦 学号:2011508193 of the people, "Da Yi Ju", big love Yi Ju "unite to society is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At present, in the County's recommended good in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more than 200. More optimized development environment, perseverance deepen style construction, increase" Yong lazy slow hiding remediation efforts, window units in service quality, service efficiency significantly improved. While fully affirming our achievements, we also want to clearly see the majority control group The expectations of the public, control a city evaluation system standards, the county a city work, there still exist many weak links and the prominent question. Mainly in: 1, environmental sanitation, city back lane and rural road, bridge, village, ditches still exist health corner, Ji Cunla garbage is not completely clear, after the Qing chaos, while rebound phenomenon occur frequently., and the appearance of the order, city roads, key areas of illegal structures, unlicensed stalls, probe the market, Jeeves, running red lights, vehicle Luantingluanfang phenomenon still exists, part of the urban road traffic order is chaotic; Street business operators to implement the "door 3 packets" is not in place, commercial street, residential areas and other shop management repeated, serious impact on the image of the city., "five small" industries management, some operating premises license, part of the practitioners no certificates. 4, community construction, community property management is not standardized, is not in place, public service space generally lack, the insufficient number of facilities of the public fire control community minors live Dynamic venues and other infrastructure facilities is not perfect, community volunteer service activities often cannot carry out 功能性食品之木鳖果 木鳖果(Momordica cochinchinensis Spreng) 别名漏苓子、藤桐子、木鳖。为葫芦科植物,其种子称为木鳖子。叶互生,圆形至阔卵形,长7,14厘米,通常3浅裂或深裂,裂片略呈卵形或长卵形,全缘或具微齿,基部近心形,先端急尖,上面光滑,下面密生小乳突,3出掌状网脉;叶柄长5,10厘米,具纵棱,在中部或近叶片处具2,5腺体。花单性,雌雄同株,单生叶腋,花梗细长,每花具1片大型苞片,黄绿色;雄花:萼片5,革质,粗糙,卵状披针形,基部连合,花瓣5,浅黄色,基部连合,雄蕊5,愈合成3体;雌花:萼片线状披针形,花冠与雄花相似,子房下位。瓠果椭圆形,成熟后红色,肉质,外被软质刺灾,种子略呈扁圆形或近椭圆形,边缘四周具不规则的突起,呈龟板状,灰棕色。 长久以来,河流与海洋带来充沛养分滋润南亚这块辽阔土地,大自然以最原始的方式喂养土地上的人民;繁茂的平原及山 区,长出肥美营养的果实及各式草药,有四分之三的人以农业维生,特别是居住在越南北部红河三角洲一带的原住民,他们的生活与当地一种原生水果密不可分,几 百年来,这种水果不仅供应居民的饮食所需,更可说是他们健康的守护神。 这种生长于越南北部及其它南亚国家的「超级珍果」名为木鳖果,几世纪以来,木鳖果因其神奇的保养功效受到当地of the people, "Da Yi Ju", big love Yi Ju "unite to society is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At present, in the County's recommended good in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more than 200. More optimized development environment, perseverance deepen style construction, increase" Yong lazy slow hiding remediation efforts, window units in service quality, service efficiency significantly improved. While fully affirming our achievements, we also want to clearly see the majority control group The expectations of the public, control a city evaluation system standards, the county a city work, there still exist many weak links and the prominent question. Mainly in: 1, environmental sanitation, city back lane and rural road, bridge, village, ditches still exist health corner, Ji Cunla garbage is not completely clear, after the Qing chaos, while rebound phenomenon occur frequently., and the appearance of the order, city roads, key areas of illegal structures, unlicensed stalls, probe the market, Jeeves, running red lights, vehicle Luantingluanfang phenomenon still exists, part of the urban road traffic order is chaotic; Street business operators to implement the "door 3 packets" is not in place, commercial street, residential areas and other shop management repeated, serious impact on the image of the city., "five small" industries management, some operating premises license, part of the practitioners no certificates. 4, community construction, community property management is not standardized, is not in place, public service space generally lack, the insufficient number of facilities of the public fire control community minors live Dynamic venues and other infrastructure facilities is not perfect, community volunteer service activities often cannot carry out 居民珍视,且由于果子长在树上,摘取时需伸手向上,而有「来自天堂的水果」之称。 橘红色外、大小有如罗马甜瓜般的木鳖果属季节性水果,虽然很容易生长,但每年只有从 9 月持续到 12 月的采收期,每到这段期间,乡间常可见扶老携幼的采果人群及一篓篓鲜 红肥硕的果实,而木鳖果绿油油的蔓藤攀爬在乡间房舍门窗格子上,更是当地特色景致之一。 木鳖果不仅是越南人的传统食物,它的籽膜也被用来制造一种补药 ( 木鳖油 ) ,可做为孕妇、哺乳母亲及儿童的营养补充。当地人也认为木鳖果可用于促进成长及保护视力。 木鳖果同时也是越南美食 ?? 红糯米饭的主要材料。红糯米饭的做法,是将木鳖果的籽和果肉在煮好的糯米饭里搅拌,使得米饭带点红红的颜色和独特风味。传统上,在婚礼、农历新年及其它重 要节庆的日子,越南人都会做红糯米饭来吃,在这些重要场合中,掩盖米饭的白色是绝对必要的,因为白色在越南文化中代表丧色。而他们也相信,在礼俗仪式中的 「天堂水果」,会带来健康与活力。 天然奈米化专有载体系统活化营养素 ?? 脂类胡萝卜素,1941 年,西方科学家 Guichard 和 Bui 两人到越南旅行,他们对这种被当地居民视为「天堂水果」的木鳖果深感好奇,更惊讶于它的神奇疗效,于是开始对其营养成分做分析。 of the people, "Da Yi Ju", big love Yi Ju "unite to society is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At present, in the County's recommended good in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more than 200. More optimized development environment, perseverance deepen style construction, increase" Yong lazy slow hiding remediation efforts, window units in service quality, service efficiency significantly improved. While fully affirming our achievements, we also want to clearly see the majority control group The expectations of the public, control a city evaluation system standards, the county a city work, there still exist many weak links and the prominent question. Mainly in: 1, environmental sanitation, city back lane and rural road, bridge, village, ditches still exist health corner, Ji Cunla garbage is not completely clear, after the Qing chaos, while rebound phenomenon occur frequently., and the appearance of the order, city roads, key areas of illegal structures, unlicensed stalls, probe the market, Jeeves, running red lights, vehicle Luantingluanfang phenomenon still exists, part of the urban road traffic order is chaotic; Street business operators to implement the "door 3 packets" is not in place, commercial street, residential areas and other shop management repeated, serious impact on the image of the city., "five small" industries management, some operating premises license, part of the practitioners no certificates. 4, community construction, community property management is not standardized, is not in place, public service space generally lack, the insufficient number of facilities of the public fire control community minors live Dynamic venues and other infrastructure facilities is not perfect, community volunteer service activities often cannot carry out 这两位科学家深入研究后发现,木鳖果中含有极高浓度的类胡萝卜素,尤其是 β- 胡萝卜素和茄红素,含量比越南当地常见的水果和蔬菜都高得多。特别的是,木鳖果的类胡萝卜素会与脂肪酸形成一种天然奈米化脂类胡萝卜素的形式,可提高类胡萝卜素的生物可利用率,相较于一般蔬果中的 β- 胡萝卜素,木鳖果中的 β- 胡萝卜素更容易被吸收,也是因为这种独特的脂类胡萝卜素。 这些天然奈米化脂类胡萝卜素可以吸引及保存重要抗氧化物质和营养素,以促进这些物质和营养素的吸收,使得木鳖果成为一 种理想的营养素媒介物。更神奇的是,这种鲜艳美丽的水果不只为食用者带来健康益处,它们还有保护自己的天性。当木鳖果成熟时,它会保持完整无缺,即使掉落 在地上,仍不会破裂,它的有益成分保持在硬皮内,直到人们需要的时候。 强效吸收营养素跑不掉 ?? 神奇的脂类胡萝卜素,天然奈米化脂类胡萝卜素是一种 β- 胡萝卜素和脂肪酸的基质,有助于有效吸收及运送 β- 胡萝卜素和其它脂溶性维生素。木鳖果的籽膜和果肉中含有高浓度的长链脂肪酸,木鳖果油也富含维生素 E 和必要脂肪酸。 它是最强的超级抗氧化剂,造物者创造植物时给了不同的颜色、气味与质地,让它们能躲避昆虫攻击,抵抗细菌与病毒侵害。而这些本领(或说组成物质),正是现代科学家急of the people, "Da Yi Ju", big love Yi Ju "unite to society is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At present, in the County's recommended good in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more than 200. More optimized development environment, perseverance deepen style construction, increase" Yong lazy slow hiding remediation efforts, window units in service quality, service efficiency significantly improved. While fully affirming our achievements, we also want to clearly see the majority control group The expectations of the public, control a city evaluation system standards, the county a city work, there still exist many weak links and the prominent question. Mainly in: 1, environmental sanitation, city back lane and rural road, bridge, village, ditches still exist health corner, Ji Cunla garbage is not completely clear, after the Qing chaos, while rebound phenomenon occur frequently., and the appearance of the order, city roads, key areas of illegal structures, unlicensed stalls, probe the market, Jeeves, running red lights, vehicle Luantingluanfang phenomenon still exists, part of the urban road traffic order is chaotic; Street business operators to implement the "door 3 packets" is not in place, commercial street, residential areas and other shop management repeated, serious impact on the image of the city., "five small" industries management, some operating premises license, part of the practitioners no certificates. 4, community construction, community property management is not standardized, is not in place, public service space generally lack, the insufficient number of facilities of the public fire control community minors live Dynamic venues and other infrastructure facilities is not perfect, community volunteer service activities often cannot carry out 欲了解的「植物性化学成分」,这种化学成分既不是矿物质、也不是维生素,而是初为人知的一种天然化合物质。Guichard 和 Bui 的发现,让科学家们雀跃不已,相继投入相关研究。 2004 年,美国农业部 (USDA) 发表指出,木鳖果所含的茄红素约是蕃茄的 70 倍,而所含 β- 胡萝卜素则是胡萝卜的 10 倍。除了茄红素与 β- 胡萝卜素含量超高之外,木鳖果的果油也含有丰富的维生素 E 和必要脂肪酸。这点对健康的帮助可是非常重要,因为饮食中脂肪的含量及质量在对 β- 胡萝卜素的吸收中,扮演关键角色。 在美国农业部的研究中也显示,两组研究对象中,每天食用含 3.5 毫克 β- 胡萝卜素之木鳖果者,其血浆中 β- 胡萝卜素含量比另一组每天食用含 5.0 毫克纯 β- 胡萝卜素粉的人高得多,这也再次验证木鳖果所含的丰富脂肪酸,有助产生脂类胡萝卜素( lipo-carotenes )形式,因而提高类胡萝卜素的吸收与利用。 科学验证古老传说,另一项在越南当地进行的实验研究发现,孩童在补充木鳖果 30 天后,其血浆中的 β- 胡萝卜素及维生素 A 浓度皆增加。 在这项由 185 名学龄前孩童参加、为期 30 天的营养补充测验中,血色素浓度低的孩童被分配为三组;木鳖果组、 β- 胡萝卜素添加组及一般米饭组。实验结果显示,每天吃木of the people, "Da Yi Ju", big love Yi Ju "unite to society is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At present, in the County's recommended good in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more than 200. More optimized development environment, perseverance deepen style construction, increase" Yong lazy slow hiding remediation efforts, window units in service quality, service efficiency significantly improved. While fully affirming our achievements, we also want to clearly see the majority control group The expectations of the public, control a city evaluation system standards, the county a city work, there still exist many weak links and the prominent question. Mainly in: 1, environmental sanitation, city back lane and rural road, bridge, village, ditches still exist health corner, Ji Cunla garbage is not completely clear, after the Qing chaos, while rebound phenomenon occur frequently., and the appearance of the order, city roads, key areas of illegal structures, unlicensed stalls, probe the market, Jeeves, running red lights, vehicle Luantingluanfang phenomenon still exists, part of the urban road traffic order is chaotic; Street business operators to implement the "door 3 packets" is not in place, commercial street, residential areas and other shop management repeated, serious impact on the image of the city., "five small" industries management, some operating premises license, part of the practitioners no certificates. 4, community construction, community property management is not standardized, is not in place, public service space generally lack, the insufficient number of facilities of the public fire control community minors live Dynamic venues and other infrastructure facilities is not perfect, community volunteer service activities often cannot carry out 鳖果的孩童们,对 β- 胡萝卜素的吸收度,远超过直接在米饭中添加 β- 胡萝卜素和仅吃一般米饭的孩子们。 在越南乡下,缺乏维生素 A 是一个备受关切的问题,科学家们的研究证实,在土产水果和蔬菜中,木鳖果的 β- 胡萝卜素含量超高,因此,当地传统以木鳖果为材料的红糯米饭,是乡下孩子们补充维生素 A 的最佳来源。尤其是严重贫血的孩童,应能够从定期规律食用红糯米饭来改善健康状况。 解读木鳖果的红色密码 ,蔬菜水果号称为 21 世纪最天然的维生素,许多研究也证实,多吃蔬果有助身体远离癌症,其中奥秘就存在蔬果五颜六色的色彩中。在这些有如彩虹般的颜色密码里,近年来最受注目的就属类胡萝卜素,其中讨论最多的就是: β- 胡萝卜素、茄红素、叶黄素及玉米黄素。 类胡萝卜素因属于「牺牲型」的营养素,为抗氧化防御网第一线,但因身体无法合成,必须由饮食提供,当体内的类胡萝卜素含量不足时,则整个抗氧化防御网就会变差,因此,类胡萝卜素可说是身体防御系统整体机能的重要指针性营养素。 由于类胡萝卜素必须由饮食供应,因此补充的够不够、吸收好不好,都攸关身体健康,这也正是木鳖果「高人一等」之处:木鳖果中除了特有的天然奈米化脂类胡萝卜素外,尚of the people, "Da Yi Ju", big love Yi Ju "unite to society is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At present, in the County's recommended good in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more than 200. More optimized development environment, perseverance deepen style construction, increase" Yong lazy slow hiding remediation efforts, window units in service quality, service efficiency significantly improved. While fully affirming our achievements, we also want to clearly see the majority control group The expectations of the public, control a city evaluation system standards, the county a city work, there still exist many weak links and the prominent question. Mainly in: 1, environmental sanitation, city back lane and rural road, bridge, village, ditches still exist health corner, Ji Cunla garbage is not completely clear, after the Qing chaos, while rebound phenomenon occur frequently., and the appearance of the order, city roads, key areas of illegal structures, unlicensed stalls, probe the market, Jeeves, running red lights, vehicle Luantingluanfang phenomenon still exists, part of the urban road traffic order is chaotic; Street business operators to implement the "door 3 packets" is not in place, commercial street, residential areas and other shop management repeated, serious impact on the image of the city., "five small" industries management, some operating premises license, part of the practitioners no certificates. 4, community construction, community property management is not standardized, is not in place, public service space generally lack, the insufficient number of facilities of the public fire control community minors live Dynamic venues and other infrastructure facilities is not perfect, community volunteer service activities often cannot carry out 有 β- 胡萝卜素、茄红素、叶黄素及玉米黄素等丰富营养素,因此称之为「超级水果」一点也不为过。 据网上记载,木鳖子“全身是宝”,根、茎、叶、果实、种子、果皮等都能入药,是一种名贵中药材,治痈肿、疔疮、瘰疬、痔疮、无名肿毒、癣疮,风湿痹痛,筋脉拘挛等有神效。另外,木鳖子有毒,不可随意食用,尤其是不能跟猪肉一起同时食用。 木鳖子具有解毒散结、消肿止痛的作用,可以 治疗 恶疮顽肿、瘰疬、无名肿毒、风湿痹痛、跌扑损伤等症,它在临床上常配合其它抗肿瘤药物,用于治疗多种肿瘤。目前,恶性肿瘤的发病率有不断增加的趋势,研究 安全有效的抗肿瘤药物迫在眉睫。对于木鳖子的研究将有助于抗癌新药的研究以及新用途的进一步开发。具有如此强大的营养价值和保健功用,相信木鳖果一定会为人类的健康带来福音。 of the people, "Da Yi Ju", big love Yi Ju "unite to society is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At present, in the County's recommended good in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more than 200. More optimized development environment, perseverance deepen style construction, increase" Yong lazy slow hiding remediation efforts, window units in service quality, service efficiency significantly improved. While fully affirming our achievements, we also want to clearly see the majority control group The expectations of the public, control a city evaluation system standards, the county a city work, there still exist many weak links and the prominent question. Mainly in: 1, environmental sanitation, city back lane and rural road, bridge, village, ditches still exist health corner, Ji Cunla garbage is not completely clear, after the Qing chaos, while rebound phenomenon occur frequently., and the appearance of the order, city roads, key areas of illegal structures, unlicensed stalls, probe the market, Jeeves, running red lights, vehicle Luantingluanfang phenomenon still exists, part of the urban road traffic order is chaotic; Street business operators to implement the "door 3 packets" is not in place, commercial street, residential areas and other shop management repeated, serious impact on the image of the city., "five small" industries management, some operating premises license, part of the practitioners no certificates. 4, community construction, community property management is not standardized, is not in place, public service space generally lack, the insufficient number of facilities of the public fire control community minors live Dynamic venues and other infrastructure facilities is not perfect, community volunteer service activities often cannot carry out
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