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·2014年翻译考试笔译中级文章导读Old friends. They finish your sentences, they remember the cat that ran away when you were twelve, and they tell you the truth when you’ve had a bad haircu t. But mostly, they are always there for you—whether it’s in person or via la te night phone calls—through goo...
Old friends. They finish your sentences, they remember the cat that ran away when you were twelve, and they tell you the truth when you’ve had a bad haircu t. But mostly, they are always there for you—whether it’s in person or via la te night phone calls—through good times and bad. But as the years pass, it bec omes increasingly difficult to see each other, to make new memories. Fortunatel y, my high school girlfriends and I vowed long ago not to let this happen. We v owedto have reunions. 老朋友。他们会接完你没说完的句子,他们记得在你十二岁时跑掉的那只猫,如果你剪了一个很糟糕的发型,他们会跟你说实话。但主要的是,不论是在美好抑或糟糕的日子里,他们总会在你身边——或是面对面交流,或是深夜与你通电话。但是随着年月流逝,彼此越来越难见到对方,也越来越难制造新的回忆了。幸运的是,很早以前,我与我的一帮高中女友们曾立下誓言不让这样的事发生。我们许诺一定要重聚。 A few months ago, we met up for a three-day weekend in the American Southwe st. We grew up together in Maine and have said for years that we should have an annual event, yet it’s often postponed or canceled due to schedule conflicts. Not this year. 几个月前的一个周末,我们在美国西南部聚了三天。我们一起在缅因州长大,这几年来一直都在说我们应该有个一年一度的聚会,但通常都因为日程冲突而延迟或取消。今年终于如愿了。 Four of us-two from San Francisco, one from Boston, and one from Seattle-bo arded planes bound for Santa Fe, New Mexico, where one of the ganglives and wor ks for an art gallery. Two years ago, she moved there-escaped, rather-from the film industry in New York City, where she led a life that felt too fast, too un fulfilling. The artist in her longed for vibrant landscapes and starry moonlit skies. She wanted to drive a truck on dusty roads, a trusty dog at her side, ri ding shotgun. She got all that and found love, too. She is happy. 我们一行四人——两个来自旧金山,一个来自波士顿,还有一个来自西雅图——登上了飞往新墨西哥州圣菲的航班。我们这帮人中有一个住在圣菲,为那里的一家画廊工作。两年前,她搬到那里——更准确地说是从纽约的电影业中——逃离出来。她当时觉得在纽约生活节奏太快,太没有成就感。她那艺术家的本性向往生机盎然的自然景致和繁星点缀的月夜。她希望能在尘土飞扬的路上开着卡车,有只忠诚的狗坐在前排的乘客座位,陪伴她左右。这一切都实现了,她还找到了爱情。她是幸福快乐的。 The rest of us-still big city folks-converged on her like a cyclone straight out of the pages of a girlfriend novel. Chattering and memory swapping, we were fifteen again in a space of five minutes. Naturally, we relived some of the st ories of our youth-angst and all-but we also brought much more to the gathering this time. We were new people. We were wives and girlfriends to someone back h ome. We were businesswomen, artists and writers. We were no longer girls, no lo nger post-college grads. We were women. 我们其余几人——仍然是大城市居民——像是从女性小说的页面中直接跳出来的一股旋风似地向她袭去。我们聊天、分享回忆,仿佛在短短的五分钟内又重返十五岁。我们自然而然地重温了年轻时候的故事——忧愁怅惘等种种情感——但我们给这次聚会带来的还不止这些。我们是有着全新身份的人。我们是家里那位的妻子或女友。我们是女商人、艺术家及作家。我们不再是小女孩,也不再是刚毕业的大学生。我们已成为女人。 I shared an air mattress that night with my friend from Boston, the one who calls me, while rubbernecking in traffic, to catch up on her cell phone, to te ll me of her life and love. On the next mattress was a gal from San Francisco, newly single and enjoying her independence. Our host, the artist, shared her be droom that weekend with a married dot-commer from San Francisco. Yes, we are di fferent, but we are also the same. The years of our youth say so. 那天晚上,我与来自波士顿的朋友共睡一张充气床。路上交通堵塞时,她会边看热闹边给我打电话闲聊,说说她的生活及爱情。旁边的另一张床上睡的是来自旧金山的朋友,她刚刚恢复单身,正享受着一个人的生活。我们的主人——那位艺术家,那个周末与来自旧金山,就职IT行业的一位已婚姐妹同住一间房。是的,我们变得不同了,但我们又仍然未变。我们的青春岁月可以证明这一切。 The apartment was open and we talked late into the night, our voices carryi ng back and forth between the rooms as we laughed, cackling about things that w ould only be humorous to friends with this kind of history. The next morning, I awoke to a brilliant blue sky, beautifully contrasted by the earthy brown of t he surrounding adobe. It was Saturday and the art enthusiasts were out, so, wit h coffee in hand, I dropped off our host at work. I returned to find the others still deep in slumber, deep lines on their faces evidence of a restfulsleep. 那房子的是开放式的,我们聊天至深夜,笑谈着那些要有同样经历才觉得逗笑的事情,大家的声音在各个房间之间来回飘荡着。第二天早上醒来后,我发现外面阳光灿烂,在周围那泥褐色的房屋的映衬下,蔚蓝的天空显得分外美丽。当天是周六,那些艺术爱好者们都出动了。于是,我手捧咖啡送我们的主人去工作。回来后,我发现其他人还在熟睡,她们脸上压出的深痕明她们睡得很沉很香。 We checked out town and headed to the airport to pick up the last straggler, wh o came in from San Francisco for one night. “I wouldn’t have missed this for anything,” she said, despite her 4 a.m. trip to the airport. That night we cel ebrated over margaritas and Southwestern fare, each of us gazing at the faces a round the table as we wondered, who would have thought the bonds of childhood c ould last this long? Some of us have been friends since the age of five, some s ince age twelve and, yet, here we are approaching the age of thirty. Quite rapi dly, I might add. 我们离开城里,去机场接最后一个“落伍者”。她来自旧金山,会来呆上一晚。“我怎么也不能错过这次聚会。”她说。尽管她要凌晨四点赶到机场。那天晚上,我们喝着玛格丽塔酒,吃着美国西南部的佳肴来庆祝。彼此都凝望着围坐在桌子前的这些面孔,心生感慨:谁会想到孩童时的友谊可以维持这么长时间呢?我们其中一些人自五岁起便是朋友,有些是十二岁才开始成为朋友,然而,我们现在都接近三十岁了。真的过得很快,我不得不加上这句。 The weekend consisted of long talks by the pool, wonderful meals, and a hik e that brought the entire group to tears. Not tears of sadness or anger, but an outpouring of emotion over the sheer wonderment that we can be this close-twel ve years after graduation-with such physical distance between us. It’s heartbr eaking that we can’t spend our days together in the same neighborhood, walking the same streets, reading the same newspaper at the same coffee shop. But that’s life. Grown-up life. 那个周末的活动包括在池塘边长时间谈心,享用美味的饭菜以及一次让我们所有人泪湿衣襟的远足步行。这些不是伤心或愤怒的眼泪,而是纯粹惊叹尽管毕业十二年了,彼此距离那么遥远,但却能保持如此亲密的关系,眼泪是这种情感的迸发。我们不能在同一个社区里生活,不能每天走在同一条街道上,不能坐在同一间咖啡店里看同一份报纸,这都让人感到悲伤。但,这就是生活,成年人的生活。 Most amazing is the group’s adaptability to one another. The months we spe nd apart are non-existent. No need to get reacquainted, we jump back in the sad dle and it’s as comfortable as ever. Old friends-friends with an ever-present sense of support and sisterhood, friends that know each other innately-are hard to come by and yet we remain as tight today as we were, years ago, giggling in the back row of Mr. McKechnie’s 9th grade math class. 最让人觉得不可思议的是我们这帮人对彼此的适应性。仿佛我们分开的那些日子不曾存在过。无须重新了解熟悉对方,只要跳回各自的角色,舒心依旧。老朋友们——那些不断给予支持,姐妹情深的朋友,那些命定知心的朋友——是很难遇到的。然而如今,我们亲密如故,就像当年念九年级时在麦基奇尼先生教的课上我们在教室后排咯咯傻笑那样。 Life today, however, is no math class. Our world, spinning slightlyoff its axis is full of doubt, full of fear. Yet it reminds me-now, more than ever-how vital it is that we stay in close touch. We may have questions about our future, but we have true faith in our past, and though this reunion of friends has com e to a close, we are already drawing up plans for the next one. 虽然我们如今已不用再上数学课了。我们的世界稍微有点离轴,其中充满了猜疑和恐惧。然而,这反而提醒了我——让我现在比以前更清楚地知道,保持亲密关系是多么的重要。我们可能会对未来充满疑问,但我们对于过去有真正的信念。尽管这次的朋友聚会已接近尾声,但我们已经开始着手计划下一次聚会了 我常想,窗可以算房屋的眼睛。眼睛是灵魂的窗户,我们看见外界,同时也让人看到我们的内心;眼睛往往跟着心在转。我们跟戴黑眼镜的人谈话,总觉得捉摸不住他的用意,彷佛他以假面具相对,就是为此。歌德恨一切戴眼镜的人,说他们看得清楚他脸上的皱纹,但是他给他们的玻璃片耀得眼花缭乱,看不出他们的心境。 窗子许里面人看出去,同时也许外面人看进来,所以在热闹地方住的人要用窗帘子,替他们私生活做个保障。晚上访人,只要看窗里有无灯光,就约略可以猜到主人在不在家,不必打开了门再问,好比不等人开口,从眼睛里看出他的心思。关窗的作用等于闭眼。天地间有许多景象是要闭了眼才看得见的,比如梦。假使窗外的人声物态太嘈杂了,关了窗好让灵魂自由地去探胜,安静地默想。 有时,关窗和闭眼也有连带关系,你觉得窗外的世界不过尔尔,并不能给予你什么满足,你想回到故乡,你要看见跟你分离的亲友,你只有睡觉,闭了眼向梦里寻去,于是你起来先关了窗。因为只是春天,还残留着残冷,窗子也不能整天整夜不关的。 i often think that the window is the eye of a house. they say that the eyes are the windows of the soul. with the eyes we see the world, and at the same t ime they let others see our inner selves – the eyes communicate the movements and turnings of the heart. that is why it is always difficult to figure out the intentions of someone wearing dark glasses. it seems as if we are talking to s omeone wearing a mask. goethe hated everyone with glasses, saying that they cou ld see the wrinkles on his face, while the dazzling glare of their lenses would prevent him from seeing what was on in their minds. a window likewise allows those who are inside to see outside, and also allo ws outsiders to see inside. that is why those who live in bustling areas need t o draw their curtains to protect their privacy. when visiting friends at night, there’s no need to wait until the door is opened to ask if they’re there. si milarly, you don’t need to wait for a man to open his mouth to work out what’s on his mind – you can see that from his eyes. shutting a window works in the same way as closing one’s eyes. there are m any things that can be seen only with the eyes closed. dreams, for instance. if outside there is too much noise and excitement, closing the window will make i t easier for the soul to engage in free exploration and quiet contemplation. sometimes closing the eyes is connected to shutting the windows: when you f eel that the world outside is so commonplace and unrewarding that you want to g o back to your hometown and see relatives and friends from whom you have been l ong parted, all you have to do is shut the windows before you go to sleep, and close your eyes before you dream.but the windows still cannot be left open all day and all nigh long, since it is still spring, and still cold. Compulsory Translation There was, last week, a glimmer of hope in the world food crisis. Expecting a bumper harvest, Ukraine relaxed restrictions on exports. Overnight, global w heat prices fell by 10 percent. By contrast, traders in Bangkok quote rice prices around $1,000 a ton, up f rom $460 two months ago. Such is the volatility of today’s markets. We do not know how high food pr ices might go, nor how far they could fall. But one thing is certain: We have g one from an era of plenty to one of scarcity. Experts agree that food prices ar e not likely to return to the levels the world had grown accustomed to any time soon. Imagine the situation of those living on less than $1 a day - the “bottom billion,” the poorest of the world’s poor. Most live in Africa, and many migh t typically spend two-thirds of their income on food. In Liberia last week, I heard how people have stopped purchasing imported r ice by the bag. Instead, they increasingly buy it by the cup, because that’s a ll they can afford. Traveling though West Africa, I found good reason for optimism. In Burkina Faso, I saw a government working to import drought resistant seeds and better m anage scarce water supplies, helped by nations like Brazil. In Ivory Coast, we saw a women’s cooperative running a chicken farm set up with UN funds. The pro ject generated income - and food - for villagers in ways that can easily be rep licated. Elsewhere, I saw yet another women’s group slowly expanding their local ag ricultural production, with UN help. Soon they will replace World Food Program rice with their own home-grown produce, sufficient to cover the needs of their school feeding program. These are home-grown, grass-roots solutions for grass-roots problems - prec isely the kind of solutions that Africa needs. Compulsory Translation “中国制造”模式遭遇发展瓶颈,这种模式必须要改进和提高。一些外国人认为,“中国制造”大约就是质量低下的代名词。不可否认,少数产品的确存在质量问题,让大多数价廉质优的产品代其受罪。 质量是产品的生命线。随着外国市场的夸大,中国企业也意识到质量的重要性。因此一场旨在提高质量,提供优良服务的运动正在兴起。 在传统的制造业中,中国企业通过技术创新和质量管理,为国际市场提供高质量的产品。在新兴的信息产业,中国企业以高科技为师,增强和外国企业的交流与合作,提高产品质量。 近几年来,中国政府通过立法和社会监督保证产品质量,创造全社会重视产品问题的环境。 “中国制造”模式遭遇发展瓶颈,这种模式必须要改进和提高。一些外国人认为,“中国制造”大约就是质量低下的代名词。不可否认,少数产品的确存在质量问题,让大多数价廉质优的产品代其受罪。 质量是产品的生命线。随着外国市场的夸大,中国企业也意识到质量的重要性。因此一场旨在提高质量,提供优良服务的运动正在兴起。 在传统的制造业中,中国企业通过技术创新和质量管理,为国际市场提供高质量的产品。在新兴的信息产业,中国企业以高科技为师,增强和外国企业的交流与合作,提高产品质量。 近几年来,中国政府通过立法和社会监督保证产品质量,创造全社会重视产品问题的环境。 Topic 1 For a decade, metallurgists studying the hulk of the Titanic have arg ued that the storied ocean liner went down quickly after hitting an iceberg bec ause the ship's builder used substandard rivets that popped their heads and let tons of icy seawater rush in. More than 1,500 people died. Now a team of scientists has moved into deeper waters, uncovering evidence in the builder's own archives of a deadly mix of great ambition and use of low-quality iron that doomed the ship, which sank 96 years ago Tuesday. The scientists found that the ship's builder, Harland and Wolff, in Belfast, struggled for years to obtain adequate supplies of rivets and riveters to buil d the world's three biggest ships at once: the Titanic and two sisters, Olympic and Britannic. Each required three million rivets, and shortages peaked during Titanic's c onstruction. "The board was in crisis mode," said Jennifer Hooper McCarty, a member of t he team that studied the company's archive and other evidence. "It was constant stress. Every meeting it was, 'There's problems with the rivets, and we need t o hire more people.' " The team collected other clues from 48 Titanic rivets, using modern tests, computer simulations, comparisons to century-old metals and careful documentati on of what engineers and shipbuilders of the era considered state of the art. The scientists say the troubles began when the colossal plans forced Harlan d and Wolff to reach beyond its usual suppliers of rivet iron and include small er forges, as disclosed in company and British government papers. Small forges tended to have less skill and experience. Adding to the threat, the company, in buying iron for Titanic's rivets, ord ered No. 3 bar, known as "best," not No. 4, known as "best-best," the scientist s found. They also discovered that shipbuilders of the day typically used No. 4 iron for anchors, chains and rivets. So the liner, whose name was meant to be synonymous with opulence, in at le ast one instance relied on cheap materials. The scientists argue that better rivets would have probably kept the Titani c afloat long enough for rescuers to have arrived before the icy plunge, saving hundreds of lives. Topic 1 1996年,一位摄影师在新疆喀纳斯自然保护区无意间拍到一只白熊。自此以后的十年里,白熊藏身于深山之中,再无音讯。直到2003年,人们才再次在该自然区又发现了白熊的踪迹。 在熊的家族里,只有北极熊是白色的。但是,这个庞然大物是如何离开极地寒带,来到这个寒温带的地方呢?难道它是通过通往北极的水路来到此地?这一猜测遭到动物学家的质疑。首先,北极熊不能在温带的树林中生活。其次,。。。。。。。。。 2006年,一个科学考察队在白熊出没的地区发现了熊冬眠的冬窝儿,还发现了一小团白色的动物毛发。DNA样本鉴定为棕熊的毛发。但是,也有可能,至少那团毛发不属于照片中的白熊。 Topic 2 蓝藻是一种简单的水生植物,它可以在河湖、湿地、树干和温泉自然蔓延生长。当蓝藻细胞达到一定程度时,蓝藻的“密集孽生”会使水体变色、引起泡沫、散发臭气、影响贝类和鱼类的生存,还会使水质大幅度下降。 2007年夏天,富营养物和其他污染导致蓝藻在太湖、巢湖、滇池发生了蓝藻“密集孽生”现象,影响了城市供水及水生产品生长。 “密集孽生”最严重的是太湖东部。太湖是我国第三大淡水湖。这次“密集孽生”导致周边100多万居民供水问题长达10天之久。为了防止污染,当地环保部门关闭了770家化工厂。 2008年夏天,长期的温暖、干燥气候导致蓝藻在部分地区发生。9月,一艘可以快速、有效地清除蓝藻的船在江苏省投入使用
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