
[转帖]怎样临习智永《千字文》 - 书画欣赏 - 中经论坛 - Powered by

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[转帖]怎样临习智永《千字文》 - 书画欣赏 - 中经论坛 - Powered by[转帖]怎样临习智永《千字文》 - 书画欣赏 - 中经论坛 - Powered by [转帖]怎样临习智永《千字文》 - 书画欣赏 - 中经论坛 - Powered by Discuz!注册 登录 分栏模式 标签 邀请查询 爱墙 帮助 中经论坛 » 书画欣赏 » [转帖]怎样临习智永《千字文》 | 下一主题 ›› 13 12›› 发新话题 发‹‹ 上一主题 布投票 发布商品 发布悬赏 发布活动 发布辩论 发布视频 打...
[转帖]怎样临习智永《千字文》 - 书画欣赏 - 中经论坛 - Powered by
[转帖]怎样临习智永《千字文》 - 画欣赏 - 中经论坛 - Powered by [转帖]怎样临习智永《千字文》 - 书画欣赏 - 中经论坛 - Powered by Discuz!注册 登录 分栏模式 标签 邀请查询 爱墙 帮助 中经论坛 » 书画欣赏 » [转帖]怎样临习智永《千字文》 | 下一主题 ›› 13 12›› 发新话题 发‹‹ 上一主题 布投票 发布商品 发布悬赏 发布活动 发布辩论 发布视频 打印 [转帖]怎样临习智永《千字文》 孤独大圣 版主 发短消息 加为好友 当前离线 1# 大 中 小 发表于 2008-10-17 21:14 只看该作者 [转帖]怎样临习智永《千字文》 [转帖]怎样临习智永《千字文》 (1) 一、智永与其真草《千字文》 智永,生卒年不详。南朝陈、隋间人,名法极,晋王羲之七世孙,山阴(今浙江绍兴)永欣寺僧,世称“永禅师”。相传,,年不下楼,书《千字文》八百余本,分送浙东各寺。退 《书断》评其书:“微尚有道之风,半得笔头置大笔簏中,簏受一石余,五簏皆满。唐张怀 右军之肉,兼能诸体,于草最优。”北宋苏轼《东坡题跋》言:“永禅师书,骨气深稳,体兼众妙,精能之至,返造疏淡。 智永真草《千字文》墨迹本妩媚俊挑,今人疑为唐人摹本。然墨本较之刻本更易直观显现古人笔法,故为习书首选范本。何况智永书法“精熟过人,惜无奇态矣”(李嗣真《书后评》),这一点无疑对初入书道者更是大有裨益,可较快地入手。我们这次系列讲座选用的是智永真草《千字文》的墨迹影印本。 二、用笔概要 清河绍基《东洲草堂金石跋》中日:“智永《千文》,笔笔从空中落,空中住,虽“屋漏痕”犹不足喻之。”分析此帖用笔,诚如何所言,无论起、行、收笔均力实气空,笔势浑穆。 ,(起笔。智永《千字文》的起笔多空中作势,尖锋翻笔入纸,但并非直落直行,而是在笔锋落纸的一刹那有一个轻微的切笔动作,而后不露痕迹地行笔。这种起笔法看似漫不经心,实则需要深厚的手上功夫,初习者必须经过较长时间的训练才能稳住笔势。 ,(行笔。关于行笔,今人多有忽视。清包世臣《艺舟双楫》中言:“用笔之法,见于画之两端,而古人雄厚恣肆令人断不可企及者,则在画之中截。”包世臣这段话言明了行笔与起、收笔同样重要。 智永《千字文》的行笔丰厚遒劲、骨力洞达。临写时要求能裹住笔锋,手腕沉稳且轻虚,以达到力实气空的线条效果。 ,(收笔。明董其昌〈画禅室随笔〉中谓:“无垂不缩,无往不收。”此帖中的收笔多lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25--the 50mL and 2~3 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to join 100~150mL, Lysis solution alkalized. Note the funnel neck cannot be empty. ensure a liquid seal. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. Collected by 20~30min about 200mL to the liquid in the Erlenmeyer flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the Erlenmeyer flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle. Ensure that release ammonia into the Erlenmeyer flask quantitatively, liquid in the bottle is green. 10 or 25mL pipette calibration sulfuric acid titration of liquid in the bottle and, until the color becomes purplish red, read number of ml of the standard solution of sulphuric acid consumption. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. Blank: reagent blank determination, such as sample containers containing nitrogen, then the container should be blank. 6, the results of the calculation method: ammonia nitrogen content in starches are sample weight to the original weight of the sample expressed as a percentage of weight in the formula: x--sample nitrogen,%; T--standards for titration of moles of sulfuric acid concentration, mol/l; Vo--blank with sulfuric acid solution volume, 蕴藉丰润,笔去而势未尽。临习时,要有一种静穆的心态,注意收笔的蓄势,处理好收与放的关系。 (2) 三、临写准备 每当我们面对一本新帖时,应掌握一些临帖常识,充分做好临帖前期的工具准备与心里调解,切不可“笔不论柔与硬,腕不论低与高”。应尽可能多地去了解每一本字帖所处的时代(当时的书风、用笔、用纸、作者的取法等)、书写的背景(作品书写年代及作者书写时的年龄、心境等)、相关的评论等方面的资料,以便于我们较好地理解原帖、走近原帖,达到事半功倍的临写效果。 在临写智永真草《千字文》之前,笔者以为要注意以下两个方面: 1(把握字形,确定临字的大小 此帖字径大多不过2厘米,结构方正稳健,气息畅达。由于这是智永书写的一本普及性书法字帖,因此它并不追求险绝多变的体势,而是注意结字的稳健、匀称,力求符合大众的审美观,以便于人们欣赏、学习。我们在临习时,要抓住本帖的这一要旨,把握住字形特点。初习时可悬腕书写,字形基本与原文相当为宜;待有一定基础后亦可悬肘书写,略放大字形。 2(对笔、纸、墨的选择 此帖真书介于中楷与小楷之间,可视为小楷。小楷在结字上要“舒展开疏,间可跑马”,因此对临写者指、腕的要求甚高,执笔要紧,运腕要活。总体而言,临习真、草二体,可如虞世南《笔髓论》中言:“真一(距笔头一寸)、行二、草三,指实掌虚。” 小楷落笔及草书的折转引带全仗笔尖部位运行,所以动物要爽洁、清劲、准确,宜用弹性较强的纯狼毫书写。 在用纸上,由于所临字较小,线条纤细,点画间留白较少,因此不宜在渗化严重的生宣上书写。平日临帖可用毛边纸,创作可选用七成熟的宣纸,如色宣、仿古宣、瓦当宣等。 在用墨上,同样应防止渗化,切忌为追求墨色变化而兑水书写。 (3) 四、真书的用笔分析 智永用笔“精熟过人”,其笔法绚烂多姿,富于变化。我们在临习前应先认真读帖,留意帖中相同点画的不同写法,找出规律。 (一)横的写法 ,(长横 作为一字的主画,长横起着稳定字势、调节节奏的作用,应写得生动得势。此帖中的长横一般有三种形态: 其一如“举”字长横,书写时笔管略向左下方倾侧,笔锋落纸后向左下方切笔,而后抵住右行,至收笔时将笔稍抵提起回锋。此横寓凌厉遒劲之势。 其二如“妾”字长横,笔行至中段稍提,收笔向右下稍顿而成。此横呈轻灵婉转之态。 其三如“具”字长横,尖锋入纸后迅速挺直右行,前轻后重,刚直有力。此横有劲健流动之势。 ,(短横 短横在此帖中的形态颇多,或笔锋上行,取仰势,如“老”字上横;或笔锋下顿,取lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25--the 50mL and 2~3 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to join 100~150mL, Lysis solution alkalized. Note the funnel neck cannot be empty. ensure a liquid seal. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. Collected by 20~30min about 200mL to the liquid in the Erlenmeyer flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the Erlenmeyer flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle. Ensure that release ammonia into the Erlenmeyer flask quantitatively, liquid in the bottle is green. 10 or 25mL pipette calibration sulfuric acid titration of liquid in the bottle and, until the color becomes purplish red, read number of ml of the standard solution of sulphuric acid consumption. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. Blank: reagent blank determination, such as sample containers containing nitrogen, then the container should be blank. 6, the results of the calculation method: ammonia nitrogen content in starches are sample weight to the original weight of the sample expressed as a percentage of weight in the formula: x--sample nitrogen,%; T--standards for titration of moles of sulfuric acid concentration, mol/l; Vo--blank with sulfuric acid solution volume, 俯势,如“杯”字右部之横;或尖锋入纸,求劲利,如“情”字右部的横;或切笔向右上提锋,求果断,如“求”字的横;或平直坚挺,求沉实,如“耳”字的上横;或婉曲多姿,求妍媚,如“且”字下横。 ,(横的变化 汉字中的横画最多,因此其形态、体势的变化也颇多。深谙于此的智永在用笔上更是多变,下面拈出几例说明。如“士”字两横并列,上横前重后轻,取仰势而放之,下横前轻后重,取俯势而书之,对比鲜明。如“任”字右部的三横,上仰、中平、下俯,长短各异,变化自然和谐。又如“声”字中的横画,自上至下依次减细,且各横之间均有笔势上的照应,至末横处理成提画的走势。临写中,对横画较多的字,应多观察分析,找出共性,举一反三。 (4) (二)竖的写法 汉字横多竖少。竖是字的骨干,起着支撑字形、稳定重心的作用,宜写得劲健挺拔。 1(长竖 此帖中的长竖有以下三种: 一为悬针竖,如“ ”字右竖,起笔时与上一点画呼应,笔锋迂回而下,收笔时出锋,显出畅意流美之态。 二为重露竖,如“辞”字最后一笔竖,收笔时回锋,显得浑厚沉静。 三为“行意竖”。由于此帖行意浓厚,因此字中时有行书笔意的点画,如“斩”字末竖,显然是为求流畅的笔势而带出。 2(短竖 短竖在写法上与长竖相似,有起、收笔上的藏露变化,有相向、相背的体势变化。 (三)点的写法 待横、竖将手、腕训练得较为稳定后可转入对点的学习。南宋书学理论家姜夔言:“点者,字之眉目,全藉顾盼精神,有向有背,随字异形。” 点为字之神,点亦富于变化,但何时用什么点并非可以随心所欲,而是要遵循一定的规律。如左右两点用于字首、字中,一般就是如“糠”、“嫡”、“少”的写法;用于下部,一般就是如“凉”、“员”、“异”几种写法。四点底一般也只有如“熟”、“谦”等为数不多的几种变化。而上下两点的写法,由如“钧”、“扇”二字可见,上下三点由“沉”、“落”二字可见。 此帖中点单独出现时,形态最多的是侧点,书写时笔取侧势,锋尖入纸用力向右下,待毫铺开后笔锋稍顿,衄挫回锋。其他还有直点、长点、垂点、撇点、挑点、平点等,书写时要留意它们与不同笔画搭配时的形态,找出规律性。 (5) 五、草书的用笔分析 孙过庭《书谱》云:“草以点画为情性,使转为形质。”因此对草书的用笔把握首先体现在使转上。智永笔法精熟,“笔笔从空中落”,故而可以说,智永此帖草书教科书般的笔法为我们做了极好的示范。 (一)使转 此帖在使转上达到了“导之则泉注,顿之则山安”(孙过庭《书谱》语)的艺术效果。lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25--the 50mL and 2~3 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to join 100~150mL, Lysis solution alkalized. Note the funnel neck cannot be empty. ensure a liquid seal. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. Collected by 20~30min about 200mL to the liquid in the Erlenmeyer flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the Erlenmeyer flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle. Ensure that release ammonia into the Erlenmeyer flask quantitatively, liquid in the bottle is green. 10 or 25mL pipette calibration sulfuric acid titration of liquid in the bottle and, until the color becomes purplish red, read number of ml of the standard solution of sulphuric acid consumption. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. Blank: reagent blank determination, such as sample containers containing nitrogen, then the container should be blank. 6, the results of the calculation method: ammonia nitrogen content in starches are sample weight to the original weight of the sample expressed as a percentage of weight in the formula: x--sample nitrogen,%; T--standards for titration of moles of sulfuric acid concentration, mol/l; Vo--blank with sulfuric acid solution volume, 其转笔淳厚流畅,灵动而不诡异,沉实而不呆板。 1(下转。如“霄”、“易”二字之横下行时,腕部要随之缓缓外转,使锋居于正中,忌勾指直接向下。 2(上转。如“充”、“肠”二字,在笔上转时不可懈怠(勿猛提笔),稍驻后翻转而上,忌机械硬转,令锋散开。 3(平转。如“饱”、“畏”二字笔至平转(撇折)时腕要稍向内翻,并在转处稍顿。行笔时注意要手腕轻虚,避免动作过大。 4(连转。如“ ”、“ ”二字,转笔处顺势相连,行笔动作基本一致。但转折中应注意动作到位和连转处的变化。 草书使转中最难的是上、下转交替进行,如“委”、“寓”二字。临写时首先要看清行笔线路,其次要把握好腕部动作,可先在空中熟悉两遍后落笔。检验连转动作是否正确的方法是审视线条的起、行、收处,不能出现散锋或尖薄的情况。如果动作不对,应及时调整,直到准确为止。 (6) (二)横 草书中多牵丝映带,许多点画相互依存,横画也不例外。它可以与竖、撇、捺、点等连接在一起,难分彼此,如“佐”、“曲”、“弱”、“营”等字。当然,相对独立的横画也会以 不同的姿态出现在字中,与字的其他部分互相呼应。 1(短横 草书中独立的短撇一般为字的首笔或末笔,其起、收有轻重,体势有俯仰。一般上横多用轻起、仰势,如“飘”字;亦有切笔入纸重起者,如“青”字。下横多取俯势,如“士”字;有重起轻收者,如“旦”字,也有重起重收者。 短横中还有一种逆势写法,如“执”字。此法多用于横连竖,目的是顺势。 2(长横 长横多为一字之主笔,一般呈左低右高之态。长横在用笔上变化颇多,如“晋”字中横尖锋杀纸而入,凌厉劲健;“耻”字上横尖锋轻入,辅以提按,含蓄蕴藉;“每”字上横翻锋入纸后提笔右行,至收笔处顿锋上转,沉实婉转;“并”字末横取隶意,一波三折,意趣自足;“丁”字之横呈下俯之态,顾盼含情。 (三)竖 字中竖画好比搭台的支柱,一般写得挺直厚重。 1(短竖。根据所处的位置,此帖中的短竖有以下几种形式:位于左,多用垂露,只是起笔或轻或重,如“佳”字;位于中,大多与其他点画相连,变化多端,如“维”字;位于下,一般厚重有力,支撑上部,如“闲”字。 2(长竖。《千字文》的示范性约束着作者的个性发挥,因此本帖中没有抒情畅意的特长竖,只有相对较长的竖。如“植”字的长竖居于左,切笔下行,丰润秀逸;“刻”字的长竖居于右,行笔轻重变换,颇有动感;“想”字的长竖承上启下,巧妙地将字的气息绾结于一体。 lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25--the 50mL and 2~3 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to join 100~150mL, Lysis solution alkalized. Note the funnel neck cannot be empty. ensure a liquid seal. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. Collected by 20~30min about 200mL to the liquid in the Erlenmeyer flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the Erlenmeyer flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle. Ensure that release ammonia into the Erlenmeyer flask quantitatively, liquid in the bottle is green. 10 or 25mL pipette calibration sulfuric acid titration of liquid in the bottle and, until the color becomes purplish red, read number of ml of the standard solution of sulphuric acid consumption. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. Blank: reagent blank determination, such as sample containers containing nitrogen, then the container should be blank. 6, the results of the calculation method: ammonia nitrogen content in starches are sample weight to the original weight of the sample expressed as a percentage of weight in the formula: x--sample nitrogen,%; T--standards for titration of moles of sulfuric acid concentration, mol/l; Vo--blank with sulfuric acid solution volume, (7) (四)点 其实,看似简单的点往往是书法中最具变化、最难表现的,因此临写时一定要多观察、多比较,体会其用笔的细微变化,抓住其个性与共性特征,使之成为点睛之笔。 1(单点 单点并非孤立存在,它与其他点画仍有相呼应的关系。单点作为首笔或未笔时,一般多用俯势,笔毫入纸后向右下稍顿弹起,如“庙”字;亦有取仰势者,如“跃”字的左上点,起笔与横法类似,笔锋向右稍转后即折回而下。 另外视字的结构,具体作点时还应留意其角度的变化。 2(双点 双点一般笔势相连,分为上下点和左右点。 (1)上下点。如“论”字末熟练的提按,在上点完成后顺势带出下点;“嗣”字右部两点稍作翻腕,一笔而成,凝练有神;“禄”字中右两点开张大气,气势汹涌,角度、收放变化自然;“盗”字左上两点行笔稳健,气息相连。 (2)左右点。如“凉”字右部下两点饱满沉实,遥相呼应;“羲”字上两点笔力千钧,峻急飞动;“乎”字的两点提按自如,一气呵成;“微”字的两点纵横交错,轻灵洒脱。 3(多点 多点并列要注意各点的不同写法及相互间的呼应。 (1)横式。如“密”字中部的点,重起顿笔后转腕提笔,而后翻锋向上完成左右,至右时,腕外转顿笔顺势完成右点。如“羔”字中的横点,笔势起伏,提按、顿挫极富节奏感。 (2)纵式。如“清”字上点采用单点的写法,下两点一笔写成并顺势提出与下一笔呼应。“落”字中左下三点一笔写成,由轻渐重,简约而凝练。 (8) (五)撇 草书中的撇画多与其他点画相连或相映。 1(长撇 此帖中长撇或厚重沉实,线条遒丽,如“映”、“初”二字;或凝练老辣,劲挺畅意,如“廉”、“碑”二字;或笔意婉转,飘逸洒脱,如“沙”、“接”二字。 2短撇 短撇变化较多。如“欣”字之撇藏锋入纸,腕外转撇出;“戚”字之撇由上一笔顺势带出,翻转灵活;“求”字上撇由横变异而来,状若兰叶;“夙”字之撇露锋直下,迅速发力。 (六)捺 草书为了取势的需要,形态完整的捺一般出现较少,取而代之的多为反捺。 1(长捺 长捺多以反捺出现者居多,如“ ”、“履”之捺均轻入轻收,中截浑厚;而“秦”、“岳”之捺取章草意,收笔含蓄。 2(平捺 此帖中平捺的写法较为统一,多尖锋入纸后向右下行笔,渐行渐按,至尾部稍顿捺出,隶意盎然,如“逸”、“运”二字。 lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25--the 50mL and 2~3 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to join 100~150mL, Lysis solution alkalized. Note the funnel neck cannot be empty. ensure a liquid seal. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. Collected by 20~30min about 200mL to the liquid in the Erlenmeyer flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the Erlenmeyer flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle. Ensure that release ammonia into the Erlenmeyer flask quantitatively, liquid in the bottle is green. 10 or 25mL pipette calibration sulfuric acid titration of liquid in the bottle and, until the color becomes purplish red, read number of ml of the standard solution of sulphuric acid consumption. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. Blank: reagent blank determination, such as sample containers containing nitrogen, then the container should be blank. 6, the results of the calculation method: ammonia nitrogen content in starches are sample weight to the original weight of the sample expressed as a percentage of weight in the formula: x--sample nitrogen,%; T--standards for titration of moles of sulfuric acid concentration, mol/l; Vo--blank with sulfuric acid solution volume, 3(短捺 在草书中,短捺多化为姿不同的点,如“读”“笑”“实”“囊”各字。独立者多饱满厚重,如高山坠石;连带者多婉转流畅,似泉水奔涌。 (9) (六)钩的写法 作钩之法,需蹲锋,令钩饱满劲健。钩的变化较多,但写法大致相似,只是方向、长短、粗细的差异而己。竖钩的起、行笔与竖相同,至将转笔处手腕稍向右上翻,而后向左平推而出,如“则”字之钩。 本帖中的竖钩也有拖钩法,即出钩时将笔锋调正,掣住笔势向左稍行钩出,如“孰”字左下的钩画。 钩的形态一般有以下几种,兹列出典型字例,可强化练习,如“宅”、“弱”、“飘”、“心”、“贼”、“处”字中的竖弯钩、横折钩、弯钩、斜钩、卧钩等。 (七)折的写法 折是由横和竖搭接而成的。智永真书的折笔多暗转,劲力内敛,如“伊”、“旦”二字的折,转处笔势稍顿,圆锋而下,折处圆劲而有张力。而“曲”、“忠”二字之折,则笔至转角处提笔换锋,抵住下行,折处笔力盎然,似切金断玉一般。 以上分析了智永真草《千字文》中真书的笔法特点。需要提醒临写者注意的是,此帖真书类似于行楷,笔致流畅圆洁,故而要想更好地表现其笔端灵便畅达的气息,则必须具备一定的行书基础。因此在临写此帖的同时可穿插临写王羲之的行书帖,以切准智永楷书与王字行的契合点,达到由形入神的目的。 (10) 六、草书的结构特点 虞世南《笔髓论》言:“草即纵心奔放,覆腕转蹙。”笔势的迅疾自然给草书结字提出了更高的要求。《千字文》专为习书而创制,因此其草法相对工稳、规范了许多。 1(气息绾结 文章要“形散而神凝”书法亦然。草书更应讲究跌宕起伏、大开大合间的气息绾结。如“嵇”字翻转腾挪,一笔而成,体势紧凑;“临”字各部分虽相对分离,但笔势不断,气息贯通。 作草求势,或连绵转折,或笔断意连。而势的表现主要通过改变笔顺和简化点画达到。如“并”字先写两竖再完成两横,令整字行笔便捷顺畅。再如“躬”字本来较为复杂,而经过简化笔画,自然就容易贯气了。 2(字形多变 草书讲究整体美,而这种美靠什么实现呢,表现在字法上便是字形变幻和大小穿插。相对来说,《千字文》作为习书范本,其大小变化并非十分突出,但临习时不应忽视,尤其应注意训练以结字大小调节书作的节奏。而字形的多变是根据字的结构来随机处理的。总的原则是在注意字形饱满的同时避免出现正方形或长方形的字势,力求以形变增强书作的节奏与韵律。 lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25--the 50mL and 2~3 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to join 100~150mL, Lysis solution alkalized. Note the funnel neck cannot be empty. ensure a liquid seal. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. Collected by 20~30min about 200mL to the liquid in the Erlenmeyer flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the Erlenmeyer flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle. Ensure that release ammonia into the Erlenmeyer flask quantitatively, liquid in the bottle is green. 10 or 25mL pipette calibration sulfuric acid titration of liquid in the bottle and, until the color becomes purplish red, read number of ml of the standard solution of sulphuric acid consumption. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. Blank: reagent blank determination, such as sample containers containing nitrogen, then the container should be blank. 6, the results of the calculation method: ammonia nitrogen content in starches are sample weight to the original weight of the sample expressed as a percentage of weight in the formula: x--sample nitrogen,%; T--standards for titration of moles of sulfuric acid concentration, mol/l; Vo--blank with sulfuric acid solution volume, 3(揖让有度 王羲之在《题卫夫人〈笔阵图〉后》中言:“意在笔前,然后作字。”作草尤需如此。下笔前应预想各部分的空间比例,然后落笔。如“ ”字,其左部上揖下让,右部上让下揖,巧妙搭配,浑然一体。 4(伸缩得体 字法要打破正方或长方的呆板走势,就必须要注意伸缩。一般情况下,左右、左中右结构的字要注意各部分的长短参差,勿使齐平,如“绛”字;上下、上中下结构的字要注意各部分的宽窄搭配,如“寥”字;独体字要注意点画的伸缩,令字形多姿多彩,如“毛”字。 5(疏密映衬 智永草书《千字文》中,有左密右疏者,如“散”字;有左疏右密者,如“谁”字;有上密下疏者,如“历”字;有上疏下密者,如“带”字;有中疏外密者,如“领”字;有中密外疏者,如“感”字。 总体看来,智永草书《千字文》由于其书写宗旨的制约,在结字上仍以匀称、沉稳为主。当然,如果运用于创作,我们可以放开一些,增加行笔的连带及体势的变化,让笔意更抒情一些。 (11) 七、历代《千字文》名帖介绍 《千字文》是传统的蒙学范本之一,相传为梁武帝时员外郎周兴嗣所撰,叙述有关自然、社会、历史、伦理、教育等方面内容。全文共1000字,无重复者,成四字韵语。与其他蒙学书有所不同的是,《千字文》是专为学书而创造的,因此历代书家以《千字文》为题材的 作品很多,兹选出几种予以介绍,以便开阔视野,有比较地学习。 唐代为中国书法的鼎盛时期,怀素更以其富有特色的草书誉满书坛。晚年其亦以小草书写了《千字文》。该帖84行,1045字,艺术风格不像其大草般纵横狂怪、奔放险峻,而是给人以恬淡洒脱、神定气闲的艺术感受。 唐人高闲在书法史上并不出名,但其传世草书墨迹《千字文》残卷却显露出深厚的书法造诣。该卷行笔遒劲刚健、灵动跌宕,盘旋流转间尽显盛唐的气度与风范。 宋人的《千字文》名作当数徽宗赵佶的瘦金体《千字文》及草书《千字文》,另有徐铉的篆书《千字文》也颇可观。至元代,赵孟 的六体《千字文》一枝独秀,广为流传,亦为“赵体”的一时风行起到了推波助澜的作用。明、清及近代,作《千字文》者亦不乏其人,如文彭的楷书《千字文》、沈粲的草书《千字文》徐霖的篆书《千字文》、徐渭的行书《千字文》还有王宠、傅山、于右任、来楚生等都有《千字文》书法传世,但由于种种原因未能广为流传。 (12) 八、部分《千字文》书法名篇赏析 1(临作 隋智果乃智永同时代人,并曾向智永学习书法,书论《心成颂》为其所著。 真草《千字文》(为作品局部)传为智果所书,就其风格而言可视为临作。与原帖相比,此篇用笔更为沉静入骨,而且瘦劲敦厚了许多,颇有几分逸少《乐毅论》的影子。 lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25--the 50mL and 2~3 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to join 100~150mL, Lysis solution alkalized. Note the funnel neck cannot be empty. ensure a liquid seal. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. Collected by 20~30min about 200mL to the liquid in the Erlenmeyer flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the Erlenmeyer flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle. Ensure that release ammonia into the Erlenmeyer flask quantitatively, liquid in the bottle is green. 10 or 25mL pipette calibration sulfuric acid titration of liquid in the bottle and, until the color becomes purplish red, read number of ml of the standard solution of sulphuric acid consumption. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. Blank: reagent blank determination, such as sample containers containing nitrogen, then the container should be blank. 6, the results of the calculation method: ammonia nitrogen content in starches are sample weight to the original weight of the sample expressed as a percentage of weight in the formula: x--sample nitrogen,%; T--standards for titration of moles of sulfuric acid concentration, mol/l; Vo--blank with sulfuric acid solution volume, 南宋赵构的真草《千字文》(为作品局部)显然属于实临作品。其有笔、结字皆忠实于原帖,只是笔法及字法上显得过于谨小慎微,气度小了许多此亦或为情性使然。 由上两例可以看出,历史上一些书家的临作可供我们临写时参考、借鉴,但一般不宜直接拿来作为范本。 2(创作 与赵构相比,宋徽宗赵佶的瘦金体《千字文》则显得亮丽豁达了许多。该帖点画劲健飘逸,舒展开张,结字清瘦方正,宽绰洒脱,自成一格。不可否认,从纯然书法的角度去分析,瘦金体有着书法艺术的诸多缺憾,但今天它对我们训练笔法、转腕、骨力等方面无疑仍是一剂良方。 傅山,一个在当代书坛仍很流行的名字。我们熟悉他“四字四毋”的艺术主张,熟悉他雄强恣肆的大草,而他的这件了不起眼的楷书《千字文》也颇受后人推崇。章炳麟评其“小楷乃独淳古”,于右任谓其“小字乃温厚和平,如此乃知有道君子真不易测也”。傅山晚年此作横见轻灵,竖则淳厚,撇捺隶意盎然,结字奇崛多变,显出高古的气息及别张一帜的面貌。 与傅山的《千字文》相比,王宠的真书《千字文》在用笔上与之相近,捺取隶意,笔致厚重。但细加推敲,二者又迥然有别。用笔上,王宠着力追求简约含蓄,以韵取胜;字法上亦不若傅书匠心独运,而追求自然朴实、疏朗静穆的艺术效果。 观一叶而知秋,历代书家的《千字文》墨迹无疑可视为中国书法发展史的一个剪影,它为我们学习传统书法开启了一扇轩窗。我们应当重视对《千字文》的学习与研究,让这篇专为书法而创制的蒙学教材发挥其更大的功用 俺是山里人,没见过大世面,您可别忽悠俺~ 孤独大圣原名:孙钰峰(孙玉峰)别署清风斋主,山东沂水人。 赞同(0) 反对(0) UID64264 帖子5860 精华21 积分30573 阅读权限100 来自山东 在线时间643 小时 注册时间2006-6-13 最后登录2011-6-10 查看个人网站 查看详细资料TOP “我为食品安全建言献策” 贴文、博文有奖征集活动开始啦~ 孤独大圣 版主 发短消息 加为好友 当前离线 2# 大 中 小 发表于 2008-10-17 21:15 只看该作者 4.jpg (159.36 KB) 2008-10-17 21:15 俺是山里人,没见过大世面,您可别忽悠俺~ 孤独大圣原名:孙钰峰(孙玉峰)别署清风斋主,山东沂水人。 lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25--the 50mL and 2~3 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to join 100~150mL, Lysis solution alkalized. Note the funnel neck cannot be empty. ensure a liquid seal. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. Collected by 20~30min about 200mL to the liquid in the Erlenmeyer flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the Erlenmeyer flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle. Ensure that release ammonia into the Erlenmeyer flask quantitatively, liquid in the bottle is green. 10 or 25mL pipette calibration sulfuric acid titration of liquid in the bottle and, until the color becomes purplish red, read number of ml of the standard solution of sulphuric acid consumption. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. Blank: reagent blank determination, such as sample containers containing nitrogen, then the container should be blank. 6, the results of the calculation method: ammonia nitrogen content in starches are sample weight to the original weight of the sample expressed as a percentage of weight in the formula: x--sample nitrogen,%; T--standards for titration of moles of sulfuric acid concentration, mol/l; Vo--blank with sulfuric acid solution volume, 赞同(0) 反对(0) UID64264 帖子5860 精华21 积分30573 阅读权限100 来自山东 在线时间643 小时 注册时间2006-6-13 最后登录2011-6-10 查看个人网站 贴文、博文有奖征集活动开始啦~ 查看详细资料TOP “我为食品安全建言献策” 孤独大圣 版主 发短消息 加为好友 当前离线 3# 大 中 小 发表于 2008-10-17 21:15 只看该作者 0.jpg (158.87 KB) 2008-10-17 21:15 俺是山里人,没见过大世面,您可别忽悠俺~ 孤独大圣原名:孙钰峰(孙玉峰)别署清风斋主,山东沂水人。 赞同(0) 反对(0) UID64264 帖子5860 精华21 积分30573 阅读权限100 来自山东 在线时间643 小时 注册时间2006-6-13 最后登录2011-6-10 查看个人网站 查看详细资料TOP “我为食品安全建言献策” 贴文、博文有奖征集活动开始啦~ 孤独大圣 版主 发短消息 加为好友 当前离线 4# 大 中 小 发表于 2008-10-17 21:16 只看该作者 4.jpg (181.2 KB) 2008-10-17 21:16 俺是山里人,没见过大世面,您可别忽悠俺~ 孤独大圣原名:孙钰峰(孙玉峰)别署清风斋主,山东沂水人。 赞同(0) 反对(0) UID64264 帖子5860 精华21 积分30573 阅读权限100 来自山东 在线时间643 小时 注册时间2006-6-13 最后登录2011-6-10 查看个人网站 查看详细资料TOP “我为食品安全建言献策” 贴文、博文有奖征集活动开始啦~ lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25--the 50mL and 2~3 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to join 100~150mL, Lysis solution alkalized. Note the funnel neck cannot be empty. ensure a liquid seal. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. Collected by 20~30min about 200mL to the liquid in the Erlenmeyer flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the Erlenmeyer flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle. Ensure that release ammonia into the Erlenmeyer flask quantitatively, liquid in the bottle is green. 10 or 25mL pipette calibration sulfuric acid titration of liquid in the bottle and, until the color becomes purplish red, read number of ml of the standard solution of sulphuric acid consumption. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. Blank: reagent blank determination, such as sample containers containing nitrogen, then the container should be blank. 6, the results of the calculation method: ammonia nitrogen content in starches are sample weight to the original weight of the sample expressed as a percentage of weight in the formula: x--sample nitrogen,%; T--standards for titration of moles of sulfuric acid concentration, mol/l; Vo--blank with sulfuric acid solution volume, 孤独大圣 版主 发短消息 加为好友 当前离线 5# 大 中 小 发表于 2008-10-17 21:16 只看该作者 5.jpg (176.43 KB) 2008-10-17 21:16 俺是山里人,没见过大世面,您可别忽悠俺~ 孤独大圣原名:孙钰峰(孙玉峰)别署清风斋主,山东沂水人。 赞同(0) 反对(0) UID64264 帖子5860 精华21 积分30573 阅读权限100 来自山东 在线时间643 小时 注册时间2006-6-13 最后登录2011-6-10 查看个人网站 查看详细资料TOP “我为食品安全建言献策” 贴文、博文有奖征集活动开始啦~ 孤独大圣 版主 发短消息 加为好友 当前离线 6# 大 中 小 发表于 2008-10-17 21:17 只看该作者 7.jpg (167.21 KB) 2008-10-17 21:17 俺是山里人,没见过大世面,您可别忽悠俺~ 孤独大圣原名:孙钰峰(孙玉峰)别署清风斋主,山东沂水人。 赞同(0) 反对(0) UID64264 帖子5860 精华21 积分30573 阅读权限100 来自山东 在线时间643 小时 注册时间2006-6-13 最后登录2011-6-10 查看个人网站 查看详细资料TOP “我为食品安全建言献策” 贴文、博文有奖征集活动开始啦~ 孤独大圣 版主 发短消息 加为好友 当前离线 7# 大 中 小 发表于 2008-10-18 09:53 只看该作者 5.jpg (167.08 KB) 2008-10-18 09:53 lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25--the 50mL and 2~3 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to join 100~150mL, Lysis solution alkalized. Note the funnel neck cannot be empty. ensure a liquid seal. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. Collected by 20~30min about 200mL to the liquid in the Erlenmeyer flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the Erlenmeyer flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle. Ensure that release ammonia into the Erlenmeyer flask quantitatively, liquid in the bottle is green. 10 or 25mL pipette calibration sulfuric acid titration of liquid in the bottle and, until the color becomes purplish red, read number of ml of the standard solution of sulphuric acid consumption. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. Blank: reagent blank determination, such as sample containers containing nitrogen, then the container should be blank. 6, the results of the calculation method: ammonia nitrogen content in starches are sample weight to the original weight of the sample expressed as a percentage of weight in the formula: x--sample nitrogen,%; T--standards for titration of moles of sulfuric acid concentration, mol/l; Vo--blank with sulfuric acid solution volume, 俺是山里人,没见过大世面,您可别忽悠俺~ 孤独大圣原名:孙钰峰(孙玉峰)别署清风斋主,山东沂水人。 赞同(0) 反对(0) UID64264 帖子5860 精华21 积分30573 阅读权限100 来自山东 在线时间643 小 6-13 时 注册时间2006- 最后登录2011-6-10 查看个人网站 查看详细资料TOP “我为食品安全建言献策” 贴文、博文有奖征集活动开始啦~ 孤独大圣 版主 发短消息 加为好友 当前离线 8# 大 中 小 发表于 2008-10-18 09:53 只看该作者 5.jpg (170.81 KB) 2008-10-18 09:53 俺是山里人,没见过大世面,您可别忽悠俺~ 孤独大圣原名:孙钰峰(孙玉峰)别署清风斋主,山东沂水人。 赞同(0) 反对(0) UID64264 帖子5860 精华21 积分30573 阅读权限100 来自山东 在线时间643 小时 注册时间2006-6-13 最后登录2011-6-10 查看个人网站 查看详细资料TOP “我为食品安全建言献策” 贴文、博文有奖征集活动开始啦~ 孤独大圣 版主 发短消息 加为好友 当前离线 9# 大 中 小 发表于 2008-10-18 09:54 只看该作者 0.jpg (158.1 KB) 2008-10-18 09:54 俺是山里人,没见过大世面,您可别忽悠俺~ 孤独大圣原名:孙钰峰(孙玉峰)别署清风斋主,山东沂水人。 赞同(0) 反对(0) UID64264 帖子5860 精华21 积分30573 阅读权限100 来自山东 在线时间643 小时 注册时间2006-6-13 最后登录2011-6-10 查看个人网站 lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25--the 50mL and 2~3 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to join 100~150mL, Lysis solution alkalized. Note the funnel neck cannot be empty. ensure a liquid seal. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. Collected by 20~30min about 200mL to the liquid in the Erlenmeyer flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the Erlenmeyer flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle. Ensure that release ammonia into the Erlenmeyer flask quantitatively, liquid in the bottle is green. 10 or 25mL pipette calibration sulfuric acid titration of liquid in the bottle and, until the color becomes purplish red, read number of ml of the standard solution of sulphuric acid consumption. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. Blank: reagent blank determination, such as sample containers containing nitrogen, then the container should be blank. 6, the results of the calculation method: ammonia nitrogen content in starches are sample weight to the original weight of the sample expressed as a percentage of weight in the formula: x--sample nitrogen,%; T--standards for titration of moles of sulfuric acid concentration, mol/l; Vo--blank with sulfuric acid solution volume, 查看详细资料TOP “我为食品安全建言献策” 贴文、博文有奖征集活动开始啦~ 孤独大圣 版主 发短消息 加为好友 当前离线 10# 大 中 小 发表于 2008-10-18 09:54 只看该作者 2.jpg (163.76 KB) 2008-10-18 09:54 俺是山里人,没见过大世面,您可别忽悠俺~ 孤独大圣原名:孙钰峰(孙玉峰)别署清风斋主,山东沂水人。 赞同(0) 反对(0) UID64264 帖子5860 精华21 积分30573 阅读权限100 来自山东 在线时间643 小时 注册时间2006-6-13 最后登录2011-6-10 查看个人网站 查看详细资料TOP “我为食品安全建言献策” 贴文、博文有奖征集活动开始啦~ ‹‹ 上一主题 | 下一主题 ›› 13 12›› 中经杂坛 “伟大历程” 网上作品征集 DV作品 Flash作品 摄影作品 文字作品 中经论坛 活动专区 2010活动专区 共绘蓝图——我为“十二五”规划建言献策 我是名记 有话好好说 焦点坊谈 网络文明 我的“白话” 读者之声 传媒视点 报网互动 我有问题问部长 网友对话企业家 网友点题 记者采访 中经茶馆 亿万网民共同记录“中国一日”活动 lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25--the 50mL and 2~3 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to join 100~150mL, Lysis solution alkalized. Note the funnel neck cannot be empty. ensure a liquid seal. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. Collected by 20~30min about 200mL to the liquid in the Erlenmeyer flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the Erlenmeyer flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle. Ensure that release ammonia into the Erlenmeyer flask quantitatively, liquid in the bottle is green. 10 or 25mL pipette calibration sulfuric acid titration of liquid in the bottle and, until the color becomes purplish red, read number of ml of the standard solution of sulphuric acid consumption. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. Blank: reagent blank determination, such as sample containers containing nitrogen, then the container should be blank. 6, the results of the calculation method: ammonia nitrogen content in starches are sample weight to the original weight of the sample expressed as a percentage of weight in the formula: x--sample nitrogen,%; T--standards for titration of moles of sulfuric acid concentration, mol/l; Vo--blank with sulfuric acid solution volume, “我的5.12”网络作品大赛 图片类作品 文字类作品 视频类作品 转变发展方式?百城深度调研 沧州 威海 防城港 连云港 南昌 三亚 宁波 珠海 青岛 酒泉 济南 成都 西安 福州 银川 襄樊 吕梁 广州 大连 黄冈 衡水 邯郸 包头 温州 新余 惠州 常德 爱财经 国际经济 经济改革 扩大内需 产业振兴 谈股论经 黄金专区 当家理财 中小企业 金英汇 IKON Asia外汇专区 HY兴业投资专区 lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25--the 50mL and 2~3 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to join 100~150mL, Lysis solution alkalized. Note the funnel neck cannot be empty. ensure a liquid seal. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. Collected by 20~30min about 200mL to the liquid in the Erlenmeyer flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the Erlenmeyer flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle. Ensure that release ammonia into the Erlenmeyer flask quantitatively, liquid in the bottle is green. 10 or 25mL pipette calibration sulfuric acid titration of liquid in the bottle and, until the color becomes purplish red, read number of ml of the standard solution of sulphuric acid consumption. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. Blank: reagent blank determination, such as sample containers containing nitrogen, then the container should be blank. 6, the results of the calculation method: ammonia nitrogen content in starches are sample weight to the original weight of the sample expressed as a percentage of weight in the formula: x--sample nitrogen,%; T--standards for titration of moles of sulfuric acid concentration, mol/l; Vo--blank with sulfuric acid solution volume, 爱消费 我爱汽车 我爱家居 轶闻地产 我爱打折 商场折扣信息 餐饮 楼市地产 汽车 数码产品 家电 消费维权 中国商用汽车网专区 爱生活 时尚白领 求职招聘 我爱旅游 我爱娱乐 我爱科技 我爱军事 我爱读书 我爱体育 我爱游戏 魔兽世界 帝国崛起 情随心走 发泄吧 温馨港湾 征婚交友 我爱贴图 动漫在线 我爱原创 月满西楼 饮食男女 E友堂 风尚视觉 幽默时空 书画欣赏 开心宠物吧 莘莘学子 健康人生 亲子乐园 名人堂 三竹缘 lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25--the 50mL and 2~3 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to join 100~150mL, Lysis solution alkalized. Note the funnel neck cannot be empty. ensure a liquid seal. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. Collected by 20~30min about 200mL to the liquid in the Erlenmeyer flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the Erlenmeyer flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle. Ensure that release ammonia into the Erlenmeyer flask quantitatively, liquid in the bottle is green. 10 or 25mL pipette calibration sulfuric acid titration of liquid in the bottle and, until the color becomes purplish red, read number of ml of the standard solution of sulphuric acid consumption. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. Blank: reagent blank determination, such as sample containers containing nitrogen, then the container should be blank. 6, the results of the calculation method: ammonia nitrogen content in starches are sample weight to the original weight of the sample expressed as a percentage of weight in the formula: x--sample nitrogen,%; T--standards for titration of moles of sulfuric acid concentration, mol/l; Vo--blank with sulfuric acid solution volume, 散淡的小屋 百年的树人儿 韩子和他的NBA 【菩提树下】 版务交流 板 意见箱 ce股吧 实战看盘 创业板区 黑马天地 道听途说 百家争鸣 行业研究 新股发审汇 招股说明书大全 "我看招股书"有奖征文活动 上市全观察 投资内参 高手经验 专题讨论吧 技术交流 新手交流 每日必读 股民学校 杂谈 逗牛场 股市幽默 理财吧 理财产品 消费无极限 财富投资 理财规划 财富故事 金融吧 倾诉专区 保险杂谈 保险经纪 政策探讨 大话银行 金融学堂 控制面板首页 编辑个人资料 积分交易 积分记录 公众用户组 勋章 基本概况 流量统计 客户软件发帖量记录 版块排行主题排行发帖排行积分排行 交易排行 在线时间 管理团队 管理统计 当前时区 GMT+8, 现在时间是 2011-6-12 17:40 lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25--the 50mL and 2~3 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to join 100~150mL, Lysis solution alkalized. Note the funnel neck cannot be empty. ensure a liquid seal. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. Collected by 20~30min about 200mL to the liquid in the Erlenmeyer flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the Erlenmeyer flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle. Ensure that release ammonia into the Erlenmeyer flask quantitatively, liquid in the bottle is green. 10 or 25mL pipette calibration sulfuric acid titration of liquid in the bottle and, until the color becomes purplish red, read number of ml of the standard solution of sulphuric acid consumption. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. Blank: reagent blank determination, such as sample containers containing nitrogen, then the container should be blank. 6, the results of the calculation method: ammonia nitrogen content in starches are sample weight to the original weight of the sample expressed as a percentage of weight in the formula: x--sample nitrogen,%; T--standards for titration of moles of sulfuric acid concentration, mol/l; Vo--blank with sulfuric acid solution volume, 清除 Cookies - 联系我们 - 中国经济网 - Archiver - WAP - TOP - 界面风格 默认风格 喝彩奥运 深邃永恒 粉妆精灵 诗意田园 春意盎然 Powered by Discuz! 6.1.0 © 2001-2008 Comsenz Inc. lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25--the 50mL and 2~3 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to join 100~150mL, Lysis solution alkalized. Note the funnel neck cannot be empty. ensure a liquid seal. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. Collected by 20~30min about 200mL to the liquid in the Erlenmeyer flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the Erlenmeyer flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle. Ensure that release ammonia into the Erlenmeyer flask quantitatively, liquid in the bottle is green. 10 or 25mL pipette calibration sulfuric acid titration of liquid in the bottle and, until the color becomes purplish red, read number of ml of the standard solution of sulphuric acid consumption. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. Blank: reagent blank determination, such as sample containers containing nitrogen, then the container should be blank. 6, the results of the calculation method: ammonia nitrogen content in starches are sample weight to the original weight of the sample expressed as a percentage of weight in the formula: x--sample nitrogen,%; T--standards for titration of moles of sulfuric acid concentration, mol/l; Vo--blank with sulfuric acid solution volume,
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