
课堂的要求 课程的序曲 选举出桌长 确定小组的队名 每天的上下午

2017-12-28 16页 doc 50KB 29阅读




课堂的要求 课程的序曲 选举出桌长 确定小组的队名 每天的上下午课堂的要求 课程的序曲 选举出桌长 确定小组的队名 每天的上下午 课堂的要求 课程的序曲 选举出桌长 确定小组的队名 每天的上下午,我们需要指定一个人换组 小组讨论: 一个高效能的人士需要具备哪些素质, 课程的内容 个人使命宣言 积极的心态 有效的时间管理 双赢思维 同理心倾听 建立良好的人际关系 单元1:个人使命宣言 确定个人使命宣言 挑战舒适区 设定目标的5个关键步骤 达成目标的12个关键步骤 个人使命宣言 挑战舒适区 认识自己的舒适区 起草个人使命宣言 我们要将一个人成功地送上月球,并能使他安全地返回地球。 “让每一个...
课堂的要求 课程的序曲 选举出桌长 确定小组的队名 每天的上下午
课堂的要求 课程的序曲 选举出桌长 确定小组的队名 每天的上下午 课堂的要求 课程的序曲 选举出桌长 确定小组的队名 每天的上下午,我们需要指定一个人换组 小组讨论: 一个高效能的人士需要具备哪些素质, 课程的内容 个人使命宣言 积极的心态 有效的时间管理 双赢思维 同理心倾听 建立良好的人际关系 单元1:个人使命宣言 确定个人使命宣言 挑战舒适区 设定目标的5个关键步骤 达成目标的12个关键步骤 个人使命宣言 挑战舒适区 认识自己的舒适区 起草个人使命宣言 我们要将一个人成功地送上月球,并能使他安全地返回地球。 “让每一个办公桌和每一个家庭都有一台计算机。” “为人民服务”VS“为人民币服务” 提供优质培训课程VS成为“五星讲师” 自由选择 四种人类的天赋潜能 影响圈 主动积极的行动 积极心态 案例讨论:小海豚的困惑 积极心态 案例分析: 积极心态 人类最终的自由就是不论什么环境、发生什么事我们都可选择如何回应。 四种人类天赋潜能 四种人类天赋潜能 主动积极―― 我还是迟到了,明 天我一定要更加提前一 点„„ 被动消极―― 这实在令人生气~因为塞 车我无法按时到,我已经 起床够早的啦„ 四种人类天赋潜能 我很明白这次培训对 我很重要。我一定要好 好珍惜这次机会。 被动消极―― 路上塞车,这个我也不想 啊,可是没有啊 消极被动者常归因于三种决定因素 遗传的(我们遗传的特性) 我老祖辈传下的 心理的(我们的成长) 我父母造成的 环境的(我们周遭的状况) 我的老板、配偶或经济因素导致的 单元3:有效的时间管理 要事第一 be limited to no more than 2 days of work, material deposited in special insulated containers, material handling to gently and make use of thermal insulation material in windproof, waterproof, moisture-proof measure. 6.2 thermal design optimization for high-temperature special thermal insulation for piping support and hanger design, reduced heat dissipation of the hangers, ensure that the wall does not overheat. Small-diameter piping, thermal instrument layout and positioning of support and hanger design take fully into account the expansion space and insulation thickness. Large-diameter pipes after heat preservation plastering construction of valves, turbine, checking smooth surface, high temperature powder paint fully dry after. Protective coverings for electric equipment insulation boards designed with pressure plate, when ordering according to the installation diagram, model specifications publishing order, ensure when installing corners neat, uniform appearance, reduce the amount of on-site machining. Before valves, flange insulation shell construction, be sure to make a unified model, all valves, flanges, insulation cover unified, tidy and beautiful. When four parts such as pipes, boiler insulation, must do first article inspection, proof of design and construction methods, technology can meet the technological requirements, before extensive construction. Boiler steel beams, door opening boxes designed with insulation gaskets, flange cannot be oblique, even fastened. Back into the slope of the tubing during installation pay attention to the piping, oil station is a low point. Refueling must be controlled when casting material parts, select low thermal conductivity materials as far as possible, ensure that these parts do not overheat. 6.3 quality defects of insulation technology management optimization of construction process and develop a reasonable duration, regional transfer of strictly 时间矩阵图 80/20原则 有效计划 有效的时间管理 鹅 卵 石 的 故 事 有效的时间管理 普通人的时间安排 成功人士的时间安排 Mutual Benefit: 强调相互的利益 Abundance: 强调富足的心态 单元5:同理心倾听 认识同理心 同理心倾听 同理心训练 同理心倾听 倾听的目的? 基本原则 ,,下处方前必须先诊断 ,,了解是来自于倾听 主要思维 ,,我需要去倾听因为我的假设是我不完全了解。 ,,如果我先倾听来了解他人,那他人才会更深入的去了解我。 Ignoring 忽视 Pretend Listening 假装听 Selective Listening: 选择性倾听 Attentive Listening: 留意的听 Empathic Listening: 同理心倾听 自传式的回应 自传式的回应的效能 自传式的回应的效能 同理心倾听 课程回顾 个人使命宣言 舒适区\设定目标的5个关键步骤\达成目标的12个关键步骤 积极的心态 自由选择\四种人类的天赋潜能\影响圈与关切圈 有效的时间管理 时间矩阵图\4D原则\80/20原则 双赢思维(纸牌游戏) 同理心倾听 倾听的五个层次\自传式回应 建立良好的人际关系 人际关系的障碍\情感帐户 当对方的沟通充满情绪 当人际关系已变be limited to no more than 2 days of work, material deposited in special insulated containers, material handling to gently and make use of thermal insulation material in windproof, waterproof, moisture-proof measure. 6.2 thermal design optimization for high-temperature special thermal insulation for piping support and hanger design, reduced heat dissipation of the hangers, ensure that the wall does not overheat. Small-diameter piping, thermal instrument layout and positioning of support and hanger design take fully into account the expansion space and insulation thickness. Large-diameter pipes after heat preservation plastering construction of valves, turbine, checking smooth surface, high temperature powder paint fully dry after. Protective coverings for electric equipment insulation boards designed with pressure plate, when ordering according to the installation diagram, model specifications publishing order, ensure when installing corners neat, uniform appearance, reduce the amount of on-site machining. Before valves, flange insulation shell construction, be sure to make a unified model, all valves, flanges, insulation cover unified, tidy and beautiful. When four parts such as pipes, boiler insulation, must do first article inspection, proof of design and construction methods, technology can meet the technological requirements, before extensive construction. Boiler steel beams, door opening boxes designed with insulation gaskets, flange cannot be oblique, even fastened. Back into the slope of the tubing during installation pay attention to the piping, oil station is a low point. Refueling must be controlled when casting material parts, select low thermal conductivity materials as far as possible, ensure that these parts do not overheat. 6.3 quality defects of insulation technology management optimization of construction process and develop a reasonable duration, regional transfer of strictly 质或信任度不高时 当我们不确定我们是否了解 当资讯是不熟悉的或太复杂时 当不确定对方是否确知我们了解他的意思 站在对方的角度 能专心听对方说话,让对方觉得被尊重 能正确辩识对方情绪 能正确解读对方说话的含义 同理心训练 1、站在对方的角度 如果你站在对方的角度看,你会发现其实游戏很简单~ 趣味游戏:猜五官 同理心训练 2、能专心听对方说话,让对方觉得被尊重 人都有渴望被尊重的需要。有了尊重,沟通就有了基础。 开放式情景对话: 男:小姐,今晚你有空吗, 女:没空~ 男:为什么没空, 女:约人了~ 男:约谁了, 女:你管不着~ 男:摆什么臭架子~ 女扬长而去„„ 封闭式情景对话: 男:小姐,看你不着急走,是不是不用回家吃饭啊, 女:是啊~ 男:有人请你吃饭吗, 女:没有~ 男:不如我请你吃饭怎样, 女:好啊~ 同理心训练 情境模拟: 假设你一是一个三岁小孩的父母,你的孩子生病了需要打吊针,针管插在孩子的胳膊上,孩子一直哭着,这个时候,您怎么让孩子不哭呢, A、「拜托你不要哭好不好,医院的人都被你吵得受不了了。」 B、「妈妈抱你,,听话啊 。等一下我买玩具给你喔。」、 C、「你再哭,病就好不了喔~」 D、「你不哭,我就去买好吃的麦当劳给你,好不好,」 E、「你一直哭,那么大声,被隔壁警察听到了,就麻烦喔~」 „„ 同理心训练 同理心be limited to no more than 2 days of work, material deposited in special insulated containers, material handling to gently and make use of thermal insulation material in windproof, waterproof, moisture-proof measure. 6.2 thermal design optimization for high-temperature special thermal insulation for piping support and hanger design, reduced heat dissipation of the hangers, ensure that the wall does not overheat. Small-diameter piping, thermal instrument layout and positioning of support and hanger design take fully into account the expansion space and insulation thickness. Large-diameter pipes after heat preservation plastering construction of valves, turbine, checking smooth surface, high temperature powder paint fully dry after. Protective coverings for electric equipment insulation boards designed with pressure plate, when ordering according to the installation diagram, model specifications publishing order, ensure when installing corners neat, uniform appearance, reduce the amount of on-site machining. Before valves, flange insulation shell construction, be sure to make a unified model, all valves, flanges, insulation cover unified, tidy and beautiful. When four parts such as pipes, boiler insulation, must do first article inspection, proof of design and construction methods, technology can meet the technological requirements, before extensive construction. Boiler steel beams, door opening boxes designed with insulation gaskets, flange cannot be oblique, even fastened. Back into the slope of the tubing during installation pay attention to the piping, oil station is a low point. Refueling must be controlled when casting material parts, select low thermal conductivity materials as far as possible, ensure that these parts do not overheat. 6.3 quality defects of insulation technology management optimization of construction process and develop a reasonable duration, regional transfer of strictly 对话模拟: 「打针很痛喔~」 「你很想不要打针是吗,」 「很想把这点滴拿掉是吗,」 「你害怕打针打很久,」 「我去问医生,可不可以不要打,」 讨论:你会怎样做, 同理心训练 3、能正确辩识对方情绪 [观察训练:] 旅途中 场景:在深圳飞往天津的飞行途中 人物: 看报纸的男士(45岁左右,穿着休闲服装) 正在看窗外的男士(28岁左右,西装革履) 四处张望的老婆婆(60岁左右,好象第一次坐飞机) 刚吃完准备休息的小姐(24岁左右,看起来心情不错) 任务:你是机组乘务员,公司正在推行一项“顾客满意计划”你的任务就是通过和乘客进行交流,想办法让乘客填写一份有效意见调查表。 同理心训练 4、能正确解读对方说话的含义 [案例讨论] 你的同事小张,是个很优秀的销售代表,在公司业绩领先。但他最近有点消沉。下班以后,在办公室,他找你聊天。 同理心训练 情境一: 小张说:“我用了整整一周的时间做这个客户,但客户的销售量还是不高。” ,小张的意思是( ) A)抱怨 B)无奈 C)表达建议 D)征求建议 E)希望指导 当对方仅仅是向你抱怨的时候,你就注意不要给对方指导的建议。他其实自己知道怎么做,就只是想发泄一下而已。这个时候他需要一个很好的倾听者,你只要听着就可以了,适当的时候也可以发表一些无关痛痒的抱怨。 A 同理心训练 情境二: 小张说:“嗨,我用了整整一周的时间,做这个客户,也不知道怎么搞的,客户的销售量还不高。”小张的意思是( ) A)抱怨 B)无奈 C)表达建议 D)征求建议 E)希望指导 当对方无奈的时候,可能be limited to no more than 2 days of work, material deposited in special insulated containers, material handling to gently and make use of thermal insulation material in windproof, waterproof, moisture-proof measure. 6.2 thermal design optimization for high-temperature special thermal insulation for piping support and hanger design, reduced heat dissipation of the hangers, ensure that the wall does not overheat. Small-diameter piping, thermal instrument layout and positioning of support and hanger design take fully into account the expansion space and insulation thickness. Large-diameter pipes after heat preservation plastering construction of valves, turbine, checking smooth surface, high temperature powder paint fully dry after. Protective coverings for electric equipment insulation boards designed with pressure plate, when ordering according to the installation diagram, model specifications publishing order, ensure when installing corners neat, uniform appearance, reduce the amount of on-site machining. Before valves, flange insulation shell construction, be sure to make a unified model, all valves, flanges, insulation cover unified, tidy and beautiful. When four parts such as pipes, boiler insulation, must do first article inspection, proof of design and construction methods, technology can meet the technological requirements, before extensive construction. Boiler steel beams, door opening boxes designed with insulation gaskets, flange cannot be oblique, even fastened. Back into the slope of the tubing during installation pay attention to the piping, oil station is a low point. Refueling must be controlled when casting material parts, select low thermal conductivity materials as far as possible, ensure that these parts do not overheat. 6.3 quality defects of insulation technology management optimization of construction process and develop a reasonable duration, regional transfer of strictly 对客户的能力有怀疑。可能需要和你分析一下客户的实际情况和公司的策略,这个时候你只要安慰和一起分析就可以了。 B 同理心训练 情境三: 小张说:“看来是麻烦了,我用了整整一周的时间做这个客户,客户的销量还是不高。” 小张的意思是( ) A)抱怨 B)无奈 C)表达建议 D)征求建议 E)希望指导 这样的说法,可能对方是想换这个客户了,可能他已经有后选客户了。当对方想切换客户时,可能是对直接切换的信心不足,需要你给他鼓励。这个时候你只要鼓励他,并分享你曾经切换客户的经验就可以了。 E 同理心训练 情境四: “说来也奇怪,我用了一周的时间做这个客户,销量还是不高。”小张的意思是( ) A)抱怨 B)无奈 C)表达建议 D)征求建议 E)希望指导 可能小张想从你这里得到建议,希望和你探讨一下,怎样做这个客户。当对方是真正寻求你的帮助的时候,你可以和他一起来分析这个市场的情况,给出你的建议。但是要说明,仅仅是你的建议而已。 D 同理心训练 单元6:良好的人际关系 讨论: 人际关系中最常见的问题, 缺少承诺和信任 总是企图改变对方 假定别人是不怀好意的 容易形成交易型的人际关系 „„ 情感帐户 存款 取款 结余 情感帐户对帐单 Emotional Bank Account xxxxx 感情投资(存款) 阶段/事项 感情投资(取款) 人际关系中的产能是信任 情感帐户 在情感帐户存款是为了取款吗? 情感帐户和拉关系是一样的吗? 如何能够在情感帐户上存款? 亲和及有礼貌 不亲和且不礼貌 遵守诺言 违背诺言 尊重期望 违背期望 对缺席者忠诚/不做两面人 不忠诚,两面人 认错be limited to no more than 2 days of work, material deposited in special insulated containers, material handling to gently and make use of thermal insulation material in windproof, waterproof, moisture-proof measure. 6.2 thermal design optimization for high-temperature special thermal insulation for piping support and hanger design, reduced heat dissipation of the hangers, ensure that the wall does not overheat. Small-diameter piping, thermal instrument layout and positioning of support and hanger design take fully into account the expansion space and insulation thickness. Large-diameter pipes after heat preservation plastering construction of valves, turbine, checking smooth surface, high temperature powder paint fully dry after. Protective coverings for electric equipment insulation boards designed with pressure plate, when ordering according to the installation diagram, model specifications publishing order, ensure when installing corners neat, uniform appearance, reduce the amount of on-site machining. Before valves, flange insulation shell construction, be sure to make a unified model, all valves, flanges, insulation cover unified, tidy and beautiful. When four parts such as pipes, boiler insulation, must do first article inspection, proof of design and construction methods, technology can meet the technological requirements, before extensive construction. Boiler steel beams, door opening boxes designed with insulation gaskets, flange cannot be oblique, even fastened. Back into the slope of the tubing during installation pay attention to the piping, oil station is a low point. Refueling must be controlled when casting material parts, select low thermal conductivity materials as far as possible, ensure that these parts do not overheat. 6.3 quality defects of insulation technology management optimization of construction process and develop a reasonable duration, regional transfer of strictly 道歉 骄傲、自负、傲慢、自大 存款 提款 , 情感帐户 因为我们不知道 究竟什么对我们最重要, 所以每件事好像都很重要。 因为每件事好像都很重要 所以我们不得不每件事都做。 有些人看到我们每件事都做, 所以,他们期望我们什么都做。 每件事都做让我们非常忙碌, 所以我们没有时间去考虑, 究竟什么对我们最重要。 忙 人 的 告 白 成功和失败的分水岭可以用五个字来表达。“ 我没有时间。” 请你列出假如没有明天,我此刻最想做的事。 a.我要________________________________________。 b.我要________________________________________。 c.我要________________________________________。 我们真的花了时间去做这些对我们一生都很重要的事情了吗? 要事第一 个人的使命宣言是衡量事情是否重要的 80/20原则 80%最佳效 果的工作 20%较为 次要的工作 80%的时间 20%的时间 来自 花去 80/20原则 去寻找用20%的努力就可得到80%的效果的领域 集中精力解决少数重要问题,而不是解决所有问题 在每天中思维最活跃的时间内做最有挑战和最有创意的工作 时间矩阵图 时间矩阵图 虚假的 必要的 危机 有限期的任务 项目 计划 准备 建立关系 真正的创新 领导的 干扰 一些会议 一些 浪费的 逃避的活动 4 D 原 则 DO IT NOW DO IT LATER DELEGATE DON’T DO IT 稍后做 授权 不做 立即做 25-30% 15% 50-60% 2-3% 25-30% 15% 50-60% 2-3% 25-30% 15% 50-60% 2-3% 20-25% 65-80% 15% 1% [案例分析]: 销售部王经理下班后在做明天的工作计划: 1、起草中实公司的合作意be limited to no more than 2 days of work, material deposited in special insulated containers, material handling to gently and make use of thermal insulation material in windproof, waterproof, moisture-proof measure. 6.2 thermal design optimization for high-temperature special thermal insulation for piping support and hanger design, reduced heat dissipation of the hangers, ensure that the wall does not overheat. Small-diameter piping, thermal instrument layout and positioning of support and hanger design take fully into account the expansion space and insulation thickness. Large-diameter pipes after heat preservation plastering construction of valves, turbine, checking smooth surface, high temperature powder paint fully dry after. Protective coverings for electric equipment insulation boards designed with pressure plate, when ordering according to the installation diagram, model specifications publishing order, ensure when installing corners neat, uniform appearance, reduce the amount of on-site machining. Before valves, flange insulation shell construction, be sure to make a unified model, all valves, flanges, insulation cover unified, tidy and beautiful. When four parts such as pipes, boiler insulation, must do first article inspection, proof of design and construction methods, technology can meet the technological requirements, before extensive construction. Boiler steel beams, door opening boxes designed with insulation gaskets, flange cannot be oblique, even fastened. Back into the slope of the tubing during installation pay attention to the piping, oil station is a low point. Refueling must be controlled when casting material parts, select low thermal conductivity materials as far as possible, ensure that these parts do not overheat. 6.3 quality defects of insulation technology management optimization of construction process and develop a reasonable duration, regional transfer of strictly 向书(2H) 2、商讨索赔案的处理意见(1H) 3、与华金公司讨论定价(3H) 4、明天要向人事部上报新员工试用期表现结果报告 5、天际公司货未到的问题 6、季度业绩报表(2H) 7、讨论月底的促销会策略(1H) 8、阅读内容刊物(1H) 9、打电话给10位客户(0.5H) 10、归档文件(0.5H) 11、明天的周例会 请用时间管理的原则帮王经理安排一下时间 更高效的时间安排 不 (少)做计划的原因 1. 计划限制了自由 2. 着急要紧的事情总是先到,要先解决 3. 我没有时间做计划 当我们做重要的事情时,就不会被琐碎的事情所牵制。 每周计划 1. 联结使命 2. 回顾角色 3. 确定目标 4. 每周规划 5. 言行一致 6. 评估小结 将预先决定要做的事情写出来 纸牌游戏 游戏规则: 1、每4人一组,每人手里拿着标有X、Y标记的纸牌各一张 2、进行10局选择。每人出X或Y,根据如下记分规则进行记分: 4X 每人输1元 3X 每人输1元 1Y 每人输3元 2X 每人输2元 2Y 每人输2元 1X 每人赢1元 3Y 每人输1元 4Y 每人赢1元 纸牌游戏 游戏规则: 1、每4人一组,每人手里拿着标有X、Y标记的纸牌各一张 2、进行10局选择。每人出X或Y,根据如下记分规则进行记分: 4X 每人输1元 3X 每人输1元 1Y 每人输3元 2X 每人输2元 2Y 每人输2元 1X 每人赢1元 3Y 每人输1元 be limited to no more than 2 days of work, material deposited in special insulated containers, material handling to gently and make use of thermal insulation material in windproof, waterproof, moisture-proof measure. 6.2 thermal design optimization for high-temperature special thermal insulation for piping support and hanger design, reduced heat dissipation of the hangers, ensure that the wall does not overheat. Small-diameter piping, thermal instrument layout and positioning of support and hanger design take fully into account the expansion space and insulation thickness. Large-diameter pipes after heat preservation plastering construction of valves, turbine, checking smooth surface, high temperature powder paint fully dry after. Protective coverings for electric equipment insulation boards designed with pressure plate, when ordering according to the installation diagram, model specifications publishing order, ensure when installing corners neat, uniform appearance, reduce the amount of on-site machining. Before valves, flange insulation shell construction, be sure to make a unified model, all valves, flanges, insulation cover unified, tidy and beautiful. When four parts such as pipes, boiler insulation, must do first article inspection, proof of design and construction methods, technology can meet the technological requirements, before extensive construction. Boiler steel beams, door opening boxes designed with insulation gaskets, flange cannot be oblique, even fastened. Back into the slope of the tubing during installation pay attention to the piping, oil station is a low point. Refueling must be controlled when casting material parts, select low thermal conductivity materials as far as possible, ensure that these parts do not overheat. 6.3 quality defects of insulation technology management optimization of construction process and develop a reasonable duration, regional transfer of strictly 4Y 每人赢1元 3、分别与游戏的第3次和第6次开始前有30秒时间进行沟通,其余的过程当中不允许说话 基本原则 主要思维 主要流程 相互利益能建立有效长久的人际关系 我寻求别人的利益也照顾自己的利益 要得到更加的成果,我以互赖合作代替独立竞争 以平衡勇气及关照来寻求相互利益 尽管过去有赢输状况,坚持寻求双赢的结果 单元4:双赢思维 ―― 富足/匮乏的心态 ―― * 富足的心态 (相信宇宙有足够的资源提供给每个人) * 匮乏的心态 (资源不足够供给每个人,我一定要先得到) 双赢思维 双赢思维 双赢思维 打破WIN-LOSE和LOSE-LOSE观念,强调WIN-WIN 消除敌对因素,建立信任 把注意力放在双方的利益上,而不是只考虑自己的利益 什么是同理心 同理心(empathy)是EQ理论的专有名词,是指正确了解他人的感受和情绪,进而做到相互理解、关怀和情感上的融洽。 同理心就是将心比心,同样时间、地点、事件,把当事人换成自己,也就是设身处地去感受、去体谅他人。 请用你们的手指 be limited to no more than 2 days of work, material deposited in special insulated containers, material handling to gently and make use of thermal insulation material in windproof, waterproof, moisture-proof measure. 6.2 thermal design optimization for high-temperature special thermal insulation for piping support and hanger design, reduced heat dissipation of the hangers, ensure that the wall does not overheat. Small-diameter piping, thermal instrument layout and positioning of support and hanger design take fully into account the expansion space and insulation thickness. Large-diameter pipes after heat preservation plastering construction of valves, turbine, checking smooth surface, high temperature powder paint fully dry after. Protective coverings for electric equipment insulation boards designed with pressure plate, when ordering according to the installation diagram, model specifications publishing order, ensure when installing corners neat, uniform appearance, reduce the amount of on-site machining. Before valves, flange insulation shell construction, be sure to make a unified model, all valves, flanges, insulation cover unified, tidy and beautiful. When four parts such as pipes, boiler insulation, must do first article inspection, proof of design and construction methods, technology can meet the technological requirements, before extensive construction. Boiler steel beams, door opening boxes designed with insulation gaskets, flange cannot be oblique, even fastened. Back into the slope of the tubing during installation pay attention to the piping, oil station is a low point. Refueling must be controlled when casting material parts, select low thermal conductivity materials as far as possible, ensure that these parts do not overheat. 6.3 quality defects of insulation technology management optimization of construction process and develop a reasonable duration, regional transfer of strictly
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