

2017-09-18 47页 doc 122KB 2123阅读




魔兽世界最新单机版所有gm命令魔兽世界最新单机版所有gm命令 account create 4 Syntax: .account create $account $password Create account and set password to it. account delete 4 Syntax: .account delete $account Delete account with all characters. account lock 0 Syntax: .account lock [on|off] Allow login ...
魔兽世界最新单机版所有gm命令 account create 4 Syntax: .account create $account $password Create account and set password to it. account delete 4 Syntax: .account delete $account Delete account with all characters. account lock 0 Syntax: .account lock [on|off] Allow login from account only from current used IP or remove this requirement. account onlinelist 4 Syntax: .account onlinelist Show list of online accounts. account password 0 Syntax: .account password $old_password $new_password $new_password Change your account password. account set addon 3 Syntax: .account set addon [$account] #addon Set user (posible targeted) expansion addon level allowed. Addon values: 0 - normal, 1 - tbc, 2 - wotlk. account set gmlevel 4 Syntax: .account set gmlevel [$account] #level Set the security level for targeted player (can't be used at self) or for account $name to a level of #level. #level may range from 0 to 3. account set password 4 Syntax: .account set password $account $password $password Set password for account. account set 3 Syntax: .account set $subcommand Type .account set to see the list of possible subcommands or .help account set $subcommand to see info on subcommands account 0 Syntax: .account Display the access level of your account. additem 3 璇 硶锛?.additem #itemid [#鐗?搧鎬绘暟] 鎴栬??.additem 0 #鐗?搧鎬绘暟 $鐗?搧鍚嶅瓧 娣诲姞鎸囧畾鏁伴噺鐨刬d涓?itemid鐨勭墿鍝佸埌浣犳墍閫夋嫨瑙掕壊鐨勮儗鍖呴噷. 濡傛灉 #鐗?搧鏁伴噺鐪佺暐, 閭,彧娣诲姞涓?涓 墿鍝? 绗 簩绉嶈 娉曞彲浠ユ坊鍔犵簿纭 殑鐗?搧鍚嶅瓧涓?$itemname 鐨勭墿鍝? additemset 3 璇 硶锛?.additemset #itemsetid 娣诲姞濂楄 缂栧彿涓?#itemsetid 鐨勫 瑁呯墿鍝佸埌浣犳垨鑰呬綘鎵?閫夋嫨瑙掕壊鐨勮儗鍖呴噷. 灏嗕細娣诲姞鎵?鏈塱temset鐩稿悓鐨勭墿鍝? announce 1 璇 硶锛?.announce $闇?瑕佸箍鎾 殑娑堟伅 骞挎挱 $闇?瑕佸箍鎾 殑娑堟伅 缁欐墍鏈夊湪绾跨殑鐜? . aura 3 璇 硶: .aura #spellid 涓烘墍閫夌洰鏍囨坊鍔營D涓?#spellid 鐨勫厜鐜? ban account 3 Syntax is: ban account $Name $bantime $reason Ban account kick player. $bantime: negative value leads to permban, otherwise use a timestring like "4d20h3s". ban character 3 Syntax is: ban character $Name $bantime $reason Ban account and kick player. $bantime: negative value leads to permban, otherwise use a timestring like "4d20h3s". ban ip 3 Syntax is: ban ip $Ip $bantime $reason Ban IP. $bantime: negative value leads to permban, otherwise use a timestring like "4d20h3s". ban 3 Syntax: .ban $subcommand Type .ban to see the list of possible subcommands or .help ban $subcommand to see info on subcommands Syntax is: baninfo account baninfo account 3 Watch full information about a specific ban. baninfo character 3 Syntax is: baninfo character Watch full information about a specific ban. baninfo ip 3 Syntax is: baninfo ip Watch full information about a specific ban. baninfo 3 Syntax: .baninfo $subcommand Type .baninfo to see the list of possible subcommands or .help baninfo $subcommand to see info on subcommands bank 3 璇 硶锛?.bank 鏄剧ず浣犵殑閾惰 鐨勮 缁嗙洰褰曘?? banlist account 3 Syntax is: banlist account [$Name] Searches the banlist for a account name pattern or show full list account bans. banlist character 3 Syntax is: banlist character $Name Searches the banlist for a character name pattern. Pattern required. banlist ip 3 Syntax is: banlist ip [$Ip] Searches the banlist for a IP pattern or show full list of IP bans. banlist 3 Syntax: .banlist $subcommand Type .banlist to see the list of possible subcommands or .help banlist $subcommand to see info on subcommands bindsight 3 Syntax: .bindsight Binds vision to the selected unit indefinitely. Cannot be used while currently possessing a target. cast back 3 Syntax: .cast back #spellid [triggered] Selected target will cast #spellid to your character. If 'trigered' or part provided then spell casted with triggered flag. cast dist 3 Syntax: .cast dist #spellid [#dist [triggered]] You will cast spell to pint at distance #dist. If 'trigered' or part provided then spell casted with triggered flag. Not all spells can be casted as area spells. cast self 3 Syntax: .cast self #spellid [triggered] Cast #spellid by target at target itself. If 'trigered' or part provided then spell casted with triggered flag. cast target 3 Syntax: .cast target #spellid [triggered] Selected target will cast #spellid to his victim. If 'trigered' or part provided then spell casted with triggered flag. cast 3 Syntax: .cast #spellid [triggered] Cast #spellid to selected target. If no target selected cast to self. If 'trigered' or part provided then spell casted with triggered flag. character customize 2 Syntax: .character customize [$name] Mark selected in game or by $name in command character for customize at next login. character delete 4 Syntax: .character delete $name Delete character $name. character level 3 Syntax: .character level [$playername] [#level] Set the level of character with $playername (or the selected if not name provided) by #numberoflevels Or +1 if no #numberoflevels provided). If #numberoflevels is omitted, the level will be increase by 1. If #numberoflevels is 0, the same level will be restarted. If no character is selected and name not provided, increase your level. Command can be used for offline character. All stats and dependent values recalculated. At level decrease talents can be reset if need. Also at level decrease equipped items with greater level requirement can be lost. character rename 2 Syntax: .character rename [$name] Mark selected in game or by $name in command character for rename at next login. character reputation 2 Syntax: .character reputation [$player_name] Show reputation information for selected player or player find by $player_name. combatstop 2 Syntax: .combatstop [$playername] Stop combat for selected character. If selected non-player then command applied to self. If $playername provided then attempt applied to online player $playername. cometome 3 SYntax: .cometome $parameter Make selected creature come to your current location (new position not saved to DB). commands 0 璇 硶锛?.commands 鏄剧ず浣犵殑甯愬彿鍙 互浣跨敤鐨勫懡浠? cooldown 3 璇 硶: .cooldown [#spell_id] 缁撴潫鎸囧畾鐜? 鎴栬?呰嚜宸辩殑鎸囧畾鐨?spell_id娉曟湳鐨勫喎鍗达紝濡傛灉娌?寚瀹氭硶鏈疘D锛屽垯缁撴潫鎵?鏈夋硶鏈 殑鍐峰嵈鏃堕棿.濡傛灉娌?湁鎸囧畾鐜? 锛屽垯涓鸿嚜宸便?? damage 3 璇 硶: .damage $damage_amount [$school [$spellid]] 瀵圭洰鏍囬?犳垚浼ゅ 鏁颁负$damage_amount锛?$school涓轰激瀹崇被鍨嬶紝$spellid涓洪?犳垚浼ゅ 鐨勯瓟娉曟垨鎶?鑳絀D锛屽彲澶氶??锛岀渷鐣ュ垯涓烘櫘閫氫激瀹? Apply $damage to target. If not $school and $spellid provided then this flat clean melee damage without any modifiers. If $school provided then damage modified by armor reduction (if school physical), and target absorbing modifiers and result applied as melee damage to target. If spell provided then damage modified and applied as spell damage. $spellid can be shift-link. debug arena 3 Syntax: .debug arena Toggle debug mode for arenas. In debug mode GM can start arena with single player. debug bg 3 Syntax: .debug bg Toggle debug mode for battlegrounds. In debug mode GM can start battleground with single player. debug Mod32Value 3 Syntax: .debug Mod32Value #field #value Add #value to field #field of your character. debug play cinematic 1 Syntax: .debug play cinematic #cinematicid Play cinematic #cinematicid for you. You stay at place while your mind fly. debug play movie 1 Syntax: .debug play movie #movieid Play movie #movieid for you. debug play sound 1 Syntax: .debug play sound #soundid Play sound with #soundid. Sound will be play only for you. Other players do not hear this. Warning: client may have more 5000 sounds... debug 1 Syntax: .debug $subcommand Type .debug to see the list of possible subcommands or .help debug $subcommand to see info on subcommands demorph 2 璇 硶锛?.demorph 鎭? 浣跨敤鍙樺舰鏁堟灉鍙樺舰鐨勮 鑹? die 3 璇 硶锛?.die 鏉?姝讳綘鎵?閫夋嫨瑙掕壊鎴栫敓鐗? 濡傛灉娌,?夋嫨瀵硅薄,灏嗘潃姝讳綘. dismount 0 璇 硶锛?.dismount 濡傛灉浣犳湁楠‎‎戝潗楠?灏嗕笅椹? distance 3 璇 硶锛?.distance 鏄剧ず浣犵殑瑙掕壊鍒颁綘閫夊畾鐢熺墿鐨勮窛绂? event activelist 2 Syntax: .event activelist Show list of currently active events. event start 2 Syntax: .event start #event_id Start event #event_id. Set start time for event to current moment (change not saved in DB). event stop 2 Syntax: .event stop #event_id Stop event #event_id. Set start time for event to time in past that make current moment is event stop time (change not saved in DB). event 2 Syntax: .event #event_id Show details about event with #event_id. explorecheat 3 璇 硶锛?.explorecheat #鏍囪 鏄剧ず鎴栬?呴殣钘忎綘鎵?閫夋嫨鐜? 鐨勬墍鏈夌殑 鎺?储鍦板浘. 濡傛灉娌?湁閫夋嫨鐜? 灏嗕細鏄剧ず鎴栭殣钘忎綘鐨?鎺?储鍦板浘. ユ樉绀?浣跨敤鏍囪 0 鏉ラ殣钘? 浣跨敤鏍囪 1 鏉 flusharenapoints 3 Syntax: .flusharenapoints Use it to distribute arena points based on arena team ratings, and start a new week. freeze 2 Syntax: .freeze (#player) "Freezes" #player and disables his chat. When using this without #name it will freeze your target. gm chat 1 Syntax: .gm chat [on/off] Enable or disable chat GM MODE (show gm badge in messages) or show current state of on/off not provided. gm fly 3 Syntax: .gm fly on/off Enable/disable gm fly mode. gm ingame 0 Syntax: .gm ingame Display a list of available in game Game Masters. gm list 3 璇 硶: .gm list 鏄剧ず鍦ㄧ嚎GM鍒楄〃. gm visible 1 璇 硶: .gm visible on/off 浣縂M鏄 惁瀵圭帺瀹跺彲瑙? gm 1 Syntax: .gm [on/off] Enable or Disable in game GM MODE or show current state of on/off not provided. gmannounce 4 Syntax: .gmannounce $announcement Send an announcement to online Gamemasters. gmnameannounce 2 Syntax: .gmnameannounce $announcement. Send an announcement to all online GM's, displaying the name of the sender. gmnotify 2 Syntax: .gmnotify $notification Displays a notification on the screen of all online GM's. go creature 1 璇 硶: .go creature #creature_guid Teleport your character to creature with guid #creature_guid. .gocreature #creature_name Teleport your character to creature with this name. .gocreature id #creature_id Teleport your character to a creature that was spawned from the template with this entry. *If* more than one creature is found, then you are teleported to the first that is found inside the database. 浼犻?佷綘鍒?creature_guid浠,〃鐨勭敓鐗?綅缃? .gocreature #creature_name 浼犻?佷綘鍒板悕涓?creature_name鐨勭敓鐗?湭浣嶇疆 .gocreature id #creature_id 浼犻?佷綘鍒?#creature_id涓烘ā鏉跨殑鐢熺墿浣嶇疆锛屽 鏋滀笉姝 竴涓 紝鍒欎紶閫佸埌鏈?鏃?埛鍑虹殑鐢熺墿韬 竟 go graveyard 1 璇 硶: .go graveyard #graveyardId 佷綘鍒?graveyardId 鎵?浠,〃鐨勫 鍦? 浼犻? go grid 1 璇 硶: .go grid #gridX #gridY [#mapId] 浼犻?佷綘鍒?#mapId鎵?浠,〃鐨勫湴鍥撅紝#gridX #gridY鎵?鏋勬垚鐨勭綉鏍肩殑涓 績锛堟按骞抽潰鐨刋,Y鍧愭爣锛夛紝鐪佺暐#mapId 鍒欎负褰撳墠鍦板浘.. go object 1 璇 硶: .go object #object_guid 浼犻?佷綘鍒?#object_guid鎵?浠,〃鐨勭墿浣撲綅缃? go taxinode 1 Syntax: .go taxinode #taxinode Teleport player to taxinode coordinates. You can look up zone using .lookup taxinode $namepart go ticket 1 Syntax: .go ticket #ticketid Teleports the user to the location where $ticketid was created. go trigger 1 璇 硶: .go trigger #trigger_id 浼犻?佷綘鍒?#trigger_id鎵?浠,〃鐨勪紶閫侀棬.濡傛灉浼犻?侀棬姝,湪杩愪綔灏嗕紶閫佷綘鍒拌 浼犻?侀棬鐨勭洰鐨勫湴. go xy 1 璇 硶: .go xy #x #y [#mapid] 浼犻?佷綘鍒板湴鍥緄d涓?mapid 銆佸潗鏍囦负(#x,#y) 鐨勫湴骞抽潰鎴栨按骞抽潰涓婏紝鐪佺暐 #mapid鍒欎负褰撳墠鍦板浘. go xyz 1 璇 硶: .go xyz #x #y #z [#mapid] 浼犻?佷綘鍒板湴鍥緄d涓?mapid 銆佸潗鏍囦负(#x,#y,#z)鐨?鍦板钩闈?垨姘村钩闈 笂锛岀渷鐣?#mapid鍒欎负褰撳墠鍦板浘. go zonexy 1 璇 硶: .go zonexy #x #y [#zone] 浼犻?佷綘鍒板尯鍩焛d涓?zone 銆佸潗鏍囦负(#x,#y) 鍦板钩闈?垨姘村钩闈 笂锛岀渷鐣?zone鍒欎负褰撳墠鍖哄煙锛屽彲浠ョ敤 .lookup area $namepart 鏌ヨ 鐩稿簲#zone go 1 Syntax: .go $subcommand Type .go to see the list of possible subcommands or .help go $subcommand to see info on subcommands gobject activate 2 Syntax: .gobject activate #guid Activates an object like a door or a button. gobject add 2 璇 硶: .gobject add #id 浠庣墿浣撴ā鏉夸腑娣诲姞涓?涓?#id浠,〃鐨勭墿浣撳埌褰撳墠涓栫晫浣嶇疆. Spawntimesecs涓哄埛鏂版椂闂达紝闈炲繀椤? 娉ㄦ剰: 姝や负 .gameobject鐨勭炕鐗? gobject delete 2 璇 硶: .gobject delete #go_guid 鍒犻櫎褰撳墠涓栫晫涓?#go_guid鎵?浠,〃鐨勭墿浣? gobject move 2 璇 硶: .gobject move #goguid [#x #y #z] 绉诲姩#goguid浠,〃鐨勭墿浣撳埌 (#x,#y,#z)鐨勫潗鏍囦綅缃?锛岀渷鐣ュ潗鏍囧垯涓轰綘鐨勫綋鍓嶄綅缃? gobject near 2 璇 硶: .gobject near [#distance] 鍒楀嚭涓庣帺瀹惰窛绂?distance 鐨勬墍鏈夌墿浣擄紝鍖呮嫭鐗?綋guidID and 鍧愭爣. 鐪佺暐 #distance鍒欎负榛樿 鍊?0. gobject setphase 2 Syntax: .gobject setphase #guid #phasemask Gameobject with DB guid #guid phasemask changed to #phasemask with related world vision update for players. Gameobject state saved to DB and persistent. gobject target 2 璇 硶: .gobject target [#go_id|#go_name_part] 閿佸畾 浠?#go_id 涓烘ā鏉挎垨鍚嶅瓧鍖呭惈 #go_name_part 鎵?鍒峰嚭鐨勬渶杩戠殑鐗?綋锛岀渷鐣?go_id 鍜?#go_name_part 鍒欓攣瀹氭渶杩戠殑涓?涓 墿浣?. gobject tempadd 2 Adds a temporary gameobject that is not saved to DB. gobject turn 2 璇 硶: .gobject turn #goguid 璁惧畾 #goguid 鎵?浠,〃鐨勭墿浣撴湞鍚戜负褰撳墠浣犵殑鏈濆悜. gobject 2 Syntax: .gobject $subcommand Type .gobject to see the list of possible subcommands or .help gobject $subcommand to see info on subcommands goname 1 璇 硶锛?.goname $charactername 浼犻?佸埌瑙掕壊鍚嶄负$charactername鐨勭帺瀹堕偅. 鐢ㄨ 鑹插悕鎴栬?呯偣鍑荤帺瀹剁殑澶村儚,渚嬪 缁勯槦鏃跺?欑殑澶村儚. gps 1 璇 硶锛?.gps 鏄剧ず浣犳墍閫夋嫨瑙掕壊鎴栫敓鐗?殑浣嶇疆淇?伅. 浣嶇疆淇?伅鍖呮嫭 X杞? Y杞? Z杞? 鍜屾湞鍚? MapId and ZoneId groupgo 1 Syntax: .groupgo $charactername Teleport the given character and his group to you. guid 2 璇 硶锛?.guid 鏄剧ず浣犳墍閫夋嫨瑙掕壊鐨凣UID. guild create 2 Syntax: .guild create [$GuildLeaderName] "$GuildName" Create a guild named $GuildName with the player $GuildLeaderName (or selected) as leader. Guild name must in quotes. guild delete 2 Syntax: .guild delete "$GuildName" Delete guild $GuildName. Guild name must in quotes. Syntax: .guild invite [$CharacterName] "$GuildName" guild invite 2 Add player $CharacterName (or selected) into a guild $GuildName. Guild name must in quotes. guild rank 2 璇 硶: .guild rank $CharacterName #Rank 璁惧畾瑙掕壊$CharacterName 鐨勫叕浼氱瓑绾т负 #Rank . guild uninvite 2 璇 硶: .guild uninvite $CharacterName 浠庡叕浼氫腑灏嗚 鑹?$CharacterName绉婚櫎. guild 3 Syntax: .guild $subcommand Type .guild to see the list of possible subcommands or .help guild $subcommand to see info on subcommands help 0 璇 硶锛?.help $command 鏄剧ず $command 鍛戒护鐨勪娇鐢ㄦ柟娉曚粙缁? hidearea 3 璇 硶锛?.hidearea #areaid 闅愯棌浣犳墍閫夋嫨瑙掕壊鐨勫湴鍥惧尯鍩烮D 涓?#areaid 鐨勫湴鍥惧尯鍩? 濡傛灉娌?湁閫夋嫨瑙掕壊,灏嗛殣钘忎綘鐨? honor add 2 璇 硶: .honor add $amount 澧炲姞鐩 爣鐜? 浠婂ぉ鎵?鑾峰緱鐨勮崳瑾夊??$amount. honor addkill 2 Syntax: .honor addkill 娣诲姞鐩 爣涓轰綘浠婂ぉ鐨凱VP鑽,獕鏉ユ簮 (鍙 湁瀵规柟鏄 帺瀹朵紮绉嶆棌棰嗚 鏄 綘鎵嶄細鑾峰緱鑽,獕) honor update 2 璇 硶: .honor update 鍦ㄧ洰鏍囩帺瀹舵槰澶?崳瑾夊?煎熀纭?涓婂己鍒舵洿鏂颁粖澶?殑鑽,獕鍊兼暟鎹?锛屽苟閲嶇疆鐩 爣鐜? 浠婂ぉ鐨勮崳瑾夊?? honor 2 Syntax: .honor $subcommand Type .honor to see the list of possible subcommands or .help honor $subcommand to see info on subcommands hover 3 璇 硶锛?.hover #flag 鍏佽 鎴栫 姝 綘鐨勮 鑹茬殑鎮 ?妯″紡. 浣跨敤 #flag绛変簬 1 鍏佽 鎮 ?, 浣跨敤 #flag绛変簬 0 绂佹 鎮 ?. instance listbinds 3 Syntax: .instance listbinds Lists the binds of the selected player. instance savedata 3 Syntax: .instance savedata Save the InstanceData for the current player's map to the DB. instance stats 3 Syntax: .instance stats Shows statistics about instances. instance unbind 3 Syntax: .instance unbind all All of the selected player's binds will be cleared. instance 3 Syntax: .instance $subcommand Type .instance to see the list of possible subcommands or .help instance $subcommand to see info on subcommands itemmove 2 璇 硶锛?.itemmove #sourceslotid #destinationslotid 绉诲姩鐗?搧鏍忎负#sourceslotid 鐨勭墿鍝佸埌鐗?搧鏍忎负 #destinationslotid 鐨勫湴鏂? 灏氭湭瀹炵幇 kick 2 璇 硶锛?.kick $charactername 灏嗚 鑹插悕涓?charactername鐨勭帺瀹朵粠鏈嶅姟鍣ㄤ笂韪 笅绾? learn all 3 璇 硶: .learn all 瀛,範鎵?鏈夊彲鑳藉 绠,悊鍛樻湁鐢ㄧ殑榄旀硶銆佹妧鑳? learn all_crafts2 璇 硶: .learn crafts 瀛,範鎵?鏈変笓涓氬拰鍗疯酱閰嶆柟. learn all_default 1 璇 硶: .learn all_default [$playername] 璁?悕涓?playername 鐨勭帺瀹跺 浼氬叾鑱屼笟鍜岀 鏃忕殑鍏ㄩ儴榄旀硶鎶?鑳斤紝浠ュ強閫氳繃瀹屾垚浠诲姟鎵?瀛,細鐨勯瓟娉曟妧鑳? learn all_gm 2 璇 硶: .learn all_gm 瀛,範GM鐨勬墍鏈夐粯璁ら瓟娉曟妧鑳? learn all_lang 1 璇 硶: .learn all_lang 瀛,範鎵?鏈夎 瑷?. learn all_myclass 3 璇 硶: .learn all_myclass 瀛,範鎵?鏈夋湰鑱屼笟鐨勯瓟娉曟妧鑳藉拰澶?祴. learn all_mypettalents 3 Syntax: .learn all_mypettalents Learn all talents for your pet available for his creature type (only for hunter pets). learn all_myspells 3 璇 硶: .learn all_myspells 瀛,範鏈 亴涓氱殑鎵?鏈夐瓟娉曞拰鎶?鑳斤紙澶?祴鍜屽ぉ璧嬫妧鑳介櫎澶栵級. learn all_mytalents 3 璇 硶: .learn all_mytalents 瀛,範鏈 亴涓氭墍鏈夊ぉ璧嬪拰澶?祴鎶?鑳? learn all_recipes 2 Syntax: .learn all_recipes [$profession] Learns all recipes of specified profession and sets skill level to max. Example: .learn all_recipes enchanting learn 3 璇 硶锛?.learn #spellID 缁欎綘鎵?閫夋嫨鐨勮 鑹插 涔營D涓?#spellID鐨勯瓟娉? 鍙 湁GM鍙 互浣跨敤 .learn all 鏉ュ 涔犳墍鏈塆M榛樿 鐨勯瓟娉? .learn all_lang 鏉ュ 涔犳墍鏈夎 瑷?, and .learn all_myclass 鏉ュ 涔犺嚜宸辫亴涓氱殑鎵?鏈夊彲鐢ㄩ瓟娉?閫夋嫨鍏朵粬瑙掕壊灏嗚 蹇界暐). levelup 3 璇 硶锛?.levelup #numberoflevels 澧炲姞閲屾墍閫夋嫨瑙掕壊鐨勭瓑绾?#numberoflevels,浜虹墿鐨勬渶楂樼瓑绾т笉瑕佽秴杩?55. 濡傛灉 #numberoflevels 鐪佺暐, 绛夌骇灏嗗 鍔?绾? 濡傛灉娌?湁閫夋嫨鐨勮 鑹?灏嗗 鍔犱綘鑷 繁鐨勭瓑绾? linkgrave 3 璇 硶锛?.linkgrave #graveyard_id [alliance鎴杊orde] 涓烘墍鏈夐樀钀ョ殑鐜? (鎴栬??alliance涓鸿仈鐩?horde涓洪儴钀界殑鐏甸瓊)閾炬帴褰撳墠Zone鐨勫 鍦板埌澧撳湴ID涓?#graveyard_id鐨勫 鍦?濡傛灉澧撳湴鍒拌 閾炬帴鐨勫湴鍖?zone)鏈?杩?骞朵笖鎺ュ彈璇ラ樀钀?鍒欑帺瀹舵 鍚庣伒榄傚皢琚 紶閫佸埌璇ュ 鍦? 鍙 兘澧炲姞鍗曚竴澧撳湴鍦ㄤ竴涓 湴鍥句笂骞朵笖璇ュ湴鍥句笂娌?湁琚 摼鎺ョ殑澧撳湴(鎴栬?呮墦绠楅摼鎺ョ殑鍦板浘). list auras 3 Syntax: .list auras List auras (passive and active) of selected creature or player. If no creature or player is selected, list your own auras. list creature 3 Syntax: .list creature #creature_id [#max_count] 鍒楀嚭浠?#creature_id涓烘ā鏉跨殑鎵?鏈夌敓鐗?紝鍖呮嫭guid鍜屽潗鏍囥?傝緭 澶т负#max_count锛屽 鏋滅渷鐣?max_count锛屽垯榛樿 鏈?澶т负10鍑烘暟鏈? 涓? list item 3 璇 硶: .list item #item_id [#max_count] 鍒楀嚭鎵?鏈夎 鑹查摱琛屻?侀偖绠便?佸寘瑁广?佹媿鍗栬 涓 互 #item_id 涓烘ā鏉跨殑鎵?鏈夌墿鍝併?傚垪鍑哄畠浠 殑guid銆佺墿涓籫uid銆佺墿涓昏处鍙峰拰鍚嶅瓧銆?杈撳嚭鏈?澶ф暟涓?#max_count.鐪佺暐 #max_count鍒欎负榛樿 鏈?澶у??0.. list object 3 璇 硶: .list object #gameobject_id [#max_count] 鍒楀嚭浠?#gameobject_id 涓烘ā鏉跨殑鎵?鏈夌墿浣? 鍖呮嫭guid鍜岀浉瀵圭帺瀹剁殑鍧愭爣. 鍒楀嚭鐨勬渶澶ф暟涓?max_count. 鐪佺暐#max_count鍒欎负榛樿 鏈?澶у??0. Syntax: .list $subcommand list 3 Type .list to see the list of possible subcommands or .help list $subcommand to see info on subcommands listfreeze 1 Syntax: .listfreeze Search and output all frozen players. loadpath 3 Syntax: .loadpath $pathid Load path changes ingame - IMPORTANT: must be applied first for new paths before .path load #pathid loadscripts 3 璇 硶锛?.loadscripts $scriptlibraryname 鍦ㄦ湇鍔″櫒姝,湪杩愯 鏃跺?欎綘鏀瑰彉浜嗚剼鏈 簱,鐢ㄨ 鍛戒护鍗歌浇褰撳墠鑴氭湰,骞惰浇鍏ヨ剼鏈 簱鍚嶄负 $scriptlibraryname鐨勮剼鏈 簱 鎴?濡傛灉鐪佺暐$scriptlibraryname 灏嗗彧鍗歌浇褰撳墠鑴氭湰搴? lookup area 1 璇 硶: .lookup area $namepart 鏌ヨ 鍚嶅瓧涓 寘鍚?$namepart鐨勫湴鍩熷悕瀛? 灏嗚繑鍥炴墍鏈夌 鍚堟潯浠剁殑鍦板煙ID. lookup creature 3 璇 硶: .lookup creature $namepart 鏌ヨ 鍚嶅瓧涓 寘鍚?$namepart鐨勭敓鐗?灏嗚繑鍥炴墍鏈夌 鍚堟潯浠剁殑鐢熺墿ID. lookup event 2 Syntax: .lookup event $name Attempts to find the ID of the event with the provided $name. lookup faction 3 璇 硶: .lookup faction $name 鏌ヨ 浠?name.涓哄悕鐨勯樀钀 D. lookup item 3 璇 硶: .lookup item $itemname 鏌ヨ 浠?itemname 涓哄悕鐨勭墿鍝両D. lookup itemset 3 璇 硶: .lookup itemset $itemname 鏌ヨ 浠?$itemname鍚嶇О涓哄叾涓?鐨勫 瑁呯殑鎵?鏈夎 澶囦唬鐮? lookup map 3 Syntax: .lookup map $namepart Looks up a map by $namepart, and returns all matches with their map ID's. lookup object 3 璇 硶: .lookup object $objname 鏌ヨ 鍚嶅瓧涓 寘鍚?objname鐨勭墿浣揑D,灏嗚繑鍥炴墍鏈夌 鍚堟潯浠剁殑ID. lookup player account 2 Syntax : .lookup player account $account ($limit) Searchs players, which account username is $account with optional parametr $limit of results. lookup player email 2 Syntax : .lookup player email $email ($limit) Searchs players, which account email is $email with optional parametr $limit of results. lookup player ip 2 Syntax : .lookup player ip $ip ($limit) Searchs players, which account ast_ip is $ip with optional parametr $limit of results. lookup quest 3 璇 硶: .lookup quest $namepart 鏌ヨ 鍚嶅瓧涓 寘鍚?namepart鐨勪换鍔 D, 灏嗚繑鍥炴墍鏈夌 鍚堟潯浠剁殑ID. lookup skill 3 璇 硶: .lookup skill $$namepart 鏌ヨ 鍚嶅瓧涓 寘鍚?namepart鐨勫晢涓氭妧鑳絀D, 灏嗚繑鍥炴墍鏈夌 鍚堟潯浠剁殑ID. lookup spell 3 璇 硶: .lookup spell $namepart 鏌ヨ 鍚嶅瓧涓 寘鍚?namepart鐨勮亴涓氭妧鑳芥硶鏈疘D, 灏嗚繑鍥炴墍鏈夌 鍚堟潯浠剁殑ID. lookup taxinode 3 Syntax: .lookup taxinode $substring Search and output all taxinodes with provide $substring in name. lookup tele 1 璇 硶: .lookup tele $substring 鏌ヨ 鍒?substring鐨?.tele 鍛戒护. lookup 3 Syntax: .lookup $subcommand Type .lookup to see the list of possible subcommands or .help lookup $subcommand to see info on subcommands maxskill 3 鐢ㄦ硶锛?.maxskill 鎶婁綘閫夋嫨瑙掕壊鐨勬墍鏈夋妧鑳界殑褰撳墠鍊艰 缃 负鏈?澶? modify arena 1 璇 硶: .modify arena #value 璁惧畾鐩 爣绔炴妧鐐规暟涓?value (鍙栧??-999999).. modify aspeed 1 璇 硶锛?.modify aspeed #speed 淇 敼浣犳墍閫夋嫨瑙掕壊鐨勬墍鏈夌殑閫熷害鍖呮嫭 鍚戝墠璺?娓告吵 鍚庨??. 濡傛灉娌?湁閫夋嫨鐜? ,灏嗕慨鏀逛綘鐨勯?熷害. #speed 蹇呴』鍦?鍒?0鑼冨洿鍐? modify bit 1 璇 硶锛?.modify bit #field #bit 淇 敼浣犻?夋嫨瑙掕壊鐨?field鐨刡it鍊间负#bit. 濡傛灉娌?湁閫夋嫨鐜? ,灏嗕慨鏀逛綘鑷 繁. modify bwalk 1 璇 硶锛?.modify bwalk #speed 淇 敼浣犳墍閫夋嫨鐜? 鐨勫悗閫?閫熷害. 濡傛灉娌?湁閫夋嫨鐜? ,灏嗘敼 繁鐨勯?熷害. 鍙樹綘鑷 #speed 蹇呴』鍦?鍒?0鑼冨洿鍐? modify drunk 1 璇 硶: .modify drunk #value 璁惧畾鐩 爣閱夐厭绛夌骇#value (0鍒?00). modify energy 1 璇 硶锛?.modify energy #energy 淇 敼浣犳墍閫夋嫨鐜? 鐨勮兘閲忓?? 濡傛灉娌?湁閫夋嫨鐜? ,灏嗘敼鍙樹綘鑷 繁鐨勮兘閲? modify faction 1 璇 硶锛?.modify faction #factionid #flagid #npcflagid #dynamicflagid 淇 敼浣犳墍閫夋嫨鐢熺墿鐨勯樀钀ヤ负#factionid ,flagid涓?flagid. 涓嶇敤澶氳 ,鏄剧ず鎵?閫夋嫨鐢熺墿鐨刦action鍜宖lags. modify fly 1 .modify fly $parameter Modify the flying speed of the selected player to "normal flying speed"*rate. If no player is selected, modify your speed. #rate may range from 0.1 to 10. modify gender 2 Syntax: .modify gender male/female Change gender of selected player. modify honor 1 璇 硶: .modify honor $amount 澧炲姞鐩 爣鐨勮崳瑾夊??amount. modify hp 1 璇 硶锛?.modify hp #newhp 淇 敼鎵?閫夋嫨鐜? 鐨勮 閲? 濡傛灉娌?湁閫夋嫨鐜? , 灏嗕慨鏀逛綘鐨勮 閲? modify mana 1 璇 硶锛?.modify mana #newmana 淇 敼鎵?閫夋嫨鐜? 鐨勯瓟娉曞?? 濡傛灉娌?湁閫夋嫨鐜? , 灏嗕慨鏀逛綘鐨勯瓟娉曞?? modify money 1 璇 硶锛? .modify money #money .money #money 澧炲姞鎴栬?呭噺灏戜綘閫夋嫨鐜? 鐨勯挶,濡傛灉娌,?夋嫨鐜? ,鍒欎负鑷 繁. #gold涓鸿礋鏁版椂鏄 噺灏戦挶. modify morph 2 璇 硶: .modify morph #displayid 鏀瑰彉浣犵殑妯″瀷涓?#displayid. 璇 硶:.modify mount #id #speed modify mount 1 浣跨洰鏍囬獞涓?#id 鎵?浠,〃鐨勭敓鐗?紝骞惰 瀹氶?熷害涓?#speed.. modify phase 3 Syntax: .modify phase #phasemask Selected character phasemask changed to #phasemask with related world vision update. Change active until in game phase changed, or GM-mode enable/disable, or re-login. Character pts pasemask update to same value. modify rage 1 璇 硶锛?.modify rage #newrage 淇 敼鎵?閫夋嫨鐜? 鐨勬?掓皵鍊? 濡傛灉娌?湁閫夋嫨鐜? , 灏嗕慨鏀逛綘鐨勬?掓皵鍊? modify rep 2 璇 硶: .modify rep #repId (#repvalue | $rankname [#delta]) 璁惧畾鐩 爣鐜? 鍦?#repId 鎵?鎸囬樀钀ョ殑澹版湜鍊间负#repvalue 鎴栧,鏈涢樁娈典负 $reprank. 濡傛灉鐢?rankname鎸囨槑澹版湜闃舵 锛屽垯淇 敼鍚庡,鏈涘?间负杈惧埌璇ラ樁娈电殑鏈?灏忓?笺?備綘鍙 互鐢?.pinfo rep 鍛戒护鍒楀嚭鎵?鏈夊凡鐭ュ,鏈涢樀钀ョ殑ID锛屾垨浣跨敤 .lookup faction $name 鍛戒护鏌ヨ 鎸囧畾闃佃惀鐨処D銆? Sets the selected players reputation with faction #repId to #repvalue or to $reprank. If the reputation rank name is provided, the resulting reputation will be the lowest reputation for that rank plus the delta amount, if specified. You can use '.pinfo rep' to list all known reputation ids, or use '.lookup faction $name' to locate a specific faction id. modify runicpower 1 Syntax: .modify runicpower #newrunicpower Modify the runic power of the selected player. If no player is selected, modify your runic power. modify scale 1 璇 硶锛?.modify scale #size 淇 敼鎵?閫夋嫨鐢熺墿鐨勫ぇ灏? modify speed 1 璇 硶锛?.modify speed #speed 淇 敼鐜? 鍚戝墠璺戞 鐨勯?熷害. 濡傛灉娌?湁閫夋嫨鐜? , 灏嗕慨鏀逛綘鐨勯?熷害. #speed蹇呴』鍦ㄨ寖鍥?鍒?0浠ュ唴. modify spell 1 璇 硶锛?.modify spell 淇 敼spell modify standstate 2 Syntax: .modify standstate #emoteid Change the emote of your character while standing to #emoteid. modify swim 1 璇 硶锛?.modify swim #speed 淇 敼鎵?閫夋嫨鐜? 鐨勬父娉抽?熷害. 濡傛灉娌?湁閫夋嫨鐜? , 灏嗕慨鏀逛綘鐨勬父娉抽?熷害. #speed 蹇呴』鍦?鍒?0鑼冨洿鍐? modify titles 1 璇 硶: .modify titles #mask .titles #mask Allows user to use all titles from #mask. #mask=0 disables the title-choose-field 浠?mask琛ㄩ?夋嫨銆佷慨鏀圭帺瀹跺ご琛? #mask=0 绂佺敤澶磋 閫夋嫨鍒楄〃 modify tp 1 Syntax: .modify tp #amount Ste free talent pointes for selected character or character's pet. It will be reset to default expected at next levelup/login/quest reward. modify 1 Syntax: .modify $subcommand Type .modify to see the list of possible subcommands or .help modify $subcommand to see info on subcommands movegens 3 璇 硶: .movegens 鏌ョ湅琚 ?夋嫨鐨勭敓鐗?垨鐜? 鐨勭Щ鍔ㄨ矾绾? mute 1 Syntax: .mute [$playerName] $timeInMinutes [$reason] Disible chat messaging for any character from account of character $playerName (or currently selected) at $timeInMinutes minutes. Player can be offline. nameannounce1 Syntax: .nameannounce $announcement. Send an announcement to all online players, displaying the name of the sender. namego 1 璇 硶锛?.namego $charactername 鎶婅 鑹插悕涓?charactername鐨勭帺瀹朵紶閫佸埌浣犺韩杈? 鐢ㄨ 鑹插悕鎴栬?呯偣鍑荤帺瀹剁殑澶村儚,渚嬪 缁勯槦鏃跺?欑殑澶村儚. neargrave 3 璇 硶锛?.neargrave [alliance|horde] 鏌ユ壘閾炬帴鍒‎‎拌 鍖哄煙(zone)鐨勬渶杩戠殑澧撳湴 (鎴栬?呬娇鐢?lliance鏌ユ壘鑱旂洘闃佃惀鎴杊orde鏌ユ壘閮ㄨ惤闃佃惀). notify 1 璇 硶: .notify $MessageToBroadcast 鍚戞墍鏈夊湪绾跨帺瀹跺彂閫佸叕鍛婂箍鎾? npc add 2 璇 硶: .npc add #creatureid 鍒峰嚭涓?涓狪D涓?#creatureid 鐨勭敓鐗? npc addformation 1 Syntax: .npc addformation $leader Add selected creature to a leader's formation. npc additem 2 璇 硶: .npc additem #itemId <#maxcount><#incrtime><#extendedcost>r 鍚戣 閫夊晢浜虹殑鍞 崠鍒楄〃涓 坊鍔犱竴涓狪D涓?itemid 鐨勭墿鍝? #maxcount锛氭渶澶у簱瀛樸??#incrtime锛氳ˉ鍏呮椂闂撮棿闅斻?? #extendedcost锛氬崠浠? npc addmove 2 Syntax: .npc addmove #creature_guid [#waittime] Add your current location as a waypoint for creature with guid #creature_guid. And optional add wait time. npc allowmove 3 璇 硶: .npc allowmove 鍏佽 /绂佺敤鐩 爣鐢熺墿鐨勭Щ鍔? npc changeentry 3 Syntax: .npc changeentry $entry Switch selected creature with another entry from creature_template. - New creature.id value not saved to DB. npc changelevel 2 Syntax: .npc changelevel #level 鏀瑰彉浣犻?夋嫨鐢熺墿鐨勭瓑绾э紝鏁版嵁蹇呴』鍦?锛?3涔嬮棿銆? npc delete 2 璇 硶: .npc delete 浠庝笘鐣屼腑鍒犻櫎鎵?閫夌敓鐗? npc delitem 2 璇 硶: .npc delitem #itemId 浠庤 閫夊晢浜虹殑鍟嗗搧涔板崠鍒楄〃涓 Щ闄や竴涓?#itemId 浠,〃鐨勭墿 鍝? npc factionid 2 璇 硶: .npc factionid #factionid 璁剧疆鎵?閫夌敓鐗?殑闃佃惀涓?#factionid 鎵?鎸囬樀钀? npc flag 2 璇 硶: .npc flag #npcflag 璁惧畾鎵?閫塏PC鐨勬爣绛惧拰瀵瑰簲妯?澘鐨勬爣绛句负 #npcflag. 璇ユ爣绛句 細鍦ㄦ湇鍔″櫒閲嶅惎鍚庡簲鐢ㄤ簬鎵?鏈変互璇ユā鏉垮埛鍑虹殑 NPC 銆? npc follow 2 Syntax: .npc follow Selected creature start follow you until death/fight/etc. npc info 3 璇 硶: .npc info Display a list of details for the selected creature. The list includes: - GUID, Faction, NPC flags, Entry ID, Model ID, - Level, - Health (current/maximum), eld flags, dynamic flags, faction template, - Fi - Position information, - and the creature type, e.g. if the creature is a vendor. 鍒楀嚭琚 ?塏PC鐨勮 缁嗘弿杩般??鍖呮嫭锛? - GUID, Faction, NPC flags, Entry ID, Model ID, - Level, - Health (current/maximum), - Field flags, dynamic flags, faction template, - 浣嶇疆淇?伅 - creature type npc move 2 Syntax: .npc move [#creature_guid] 绉诲姩鐩 爣鐢熺墿鍒颁綘鐨勪綅缃? npc playemote 3 璇 硶: .npc playemote #emoteid 浣挎墍閫夌敓鐗?仛 #emoteid 鎵?鎸囩殑琛ㄦ儏鍔ㄤ綔. npc say 1 Syntax: .npc say $message Make selected creature say specified message. npc setdeathstate 2 Syntax: .npc setdeathstate on/off Set default death state (dead/alive) for npc at spawn. npc setlink 2 Syntax: .npc setlink $creatureGUID Links respawn of selected creature to the condition that $creatureGUID defined is alive. npc setmodel 2 璇 硶: .npc setmodel #displayid 鏀瑰彉鎵?閫夌敓鐗?殑妯″瀷涓?#displayid 鎵?鎸囩殑妯″瀷.. npc setmovetype 2 璇 硶: .npc setmovetype [#creature_guid] stay/random/way [NODEL] 璁惧畾#creature_guid鎵?鎸囩敓鐗?殑绉诲姩鏂瑰紡涓?stay/random/way 骞跺皢鍏剁Щ鍔ㄥ埌鍒锋柊鐐癸紙濡傛灉浠栬繕娲荤潃鐨勮瘽锛夈??鑻ヤ笉浣跨敤 NODEL鍙傛暟锛岃 鐢熺墿鐨勪换浣曞凡瀛樺湪鐨勮矾寰勭偣灏嗚 鍒犻櫎. 濡傛灉璇ョ敓鐗?凡姝讳骸锛屽垯璇ョЩ鍔ㄦ柟寮忎細鍦ㄥ叾涓嬫 鍒锋柊鏃剁敓鏁?濡傛灉浣犳兂淇濈暀璺 緞鐐圭殑璇濊 浣跨敤NODEL鍙傛暟 npc setphase 2 Syntax: .npc setphase #phasemask Selected unit or pet phasemask changed to #phasemask with related world vision update for players. In creature case state saved to DB and persistent. In pet case change active until in game phase changed for owner, owner re-login, or GM-mode enable/disable.. npc spawndist 2 璇 硶: .npc spawndist #dist 璋冩暣鎵?閫夌敓鐗?殑鍒锋柊璺濈 涓?dist. npc spawntime 2 璇 硶: .npc spawntime #time 璋冩暣鎵?閫夌敓鐗?殑鍒锋柊鏃堕棿涓?time. npc tempadd 2 Adds temporary NPC, not saved to database. npc textemote 1 璇 硶: .npc textemote #emoteid 璁剧疆鎵?閫塏PC鐨勫 璇濊〃鎯呬负#emoteid. npc unfollow 2 Syntax: .npc unfollow Selected creature (non pet) stop follow you. npc whisper 1 璇 硶: .npc whisper #playerguid #text 璁剧疆鎵?閫塏PC瀵?playerguid鐨勭帺瀹跺瘑璇?鍐呭 涓?text銆? npc yell 1 Syntax: .npc yell $message Make selected creature yell specified message. npc 1 Syntax: .npc $subcommand Type .npc to see the list of possible subcommands or .help npc $subcommand to see info on subcommands pdump load 3 Syntax is: pdump load $filename $account [$newname] [$newguid] Load character dump from dump file into character list of $account with saved or $newname, with saved (or first free) or $newguid guid. pdump write 3 Syntax is: pdump write $filename $playerNameOrGUID Write character dump with name/guid $playerNameOrGUID to file $filename. pdump 3 Syntax: .pdump $subcommand Type .pdump to see the list of possible subcommands or .help pdump $subcommand to see info on subcommands pet create 2 Syntax: .pet create Creates a pet of the selected creature. pet learn 2 Syntax: .pet learn Learn #spellid to pet. pet tp 2 Syntax: .pet tp # Change pet's amount of training points. pet unlearn 2 Syntax: .pet unlean unLearn #spellid to pet. pet 2 Syntax: .pet $subcommand Type .pet to see the list of possible subcommands or .help pet $subcommand to see info on subcommands pinfo 2 璇 硶锛?.pinfo [$player_name] 鏄剧ず浣犳墍閫夋嫨鐜? 鐨勫笎鍙蜂俊鎭?鎴栬?呭 鏋滀娇鐢ㄤ簡$player_name鍒欐樉绀?鐜? 鍚嶅瓧涓?player_name鐨勭帺瀹剁殑甯愬彿淇?伅. playall 2 Syntax: .playall #soundid Player a sound to whole server. possess 3 Syntax: .possess Possesses indefinitely the selected creature. quest add 3 璇 硶: .quest add #quest_id 娣诲姞1涓 换鍔 D涓?quest_id鐨勪换鍔″埌鐩 爣鐜? 浠诲姟鏃ュ織閲? 濡傛灉璇ヤ换鍔?槸鐗?搧瑙,彂鐨勫垯涓嶈兘鐢ㄨ 鍛戒护娣诲姞,瑕佺敤.additem鍒堕?犺繖涓 墿鍝?鐒跺悗鍐嶆帴浠诲姟. quest complete 3 Syntax: .quest complete #questid Mark all quest objectives as completed for target character active quest. After this target character can go and get quest reward. quest remove 3 璇 硶: .quest remove #quest_id 璁剧疆鐩 爣鐜? 鐨勪换鍔,紪鍙蜂负#quest_id鐨勪换鍔′负鏈 畬鎴愭垨鏈 縺娲伙紝骞朵粠浠诲姟鏃ュ織涓 Щ闄? quest 3 Syntax: .quest $subcommand Type .quest to see the list of possible subcommands or .help quest $subcommand to see info on subcommands recall 1 璇 硶锛?.recall $place 浼犻?佷綘鍒颁笘鐣岀殑瀛, 涓 煄闀? $place 瀹氫箟浜嗙洰鏍囩殑浣嶇疆. 鍙 敤鐨?places鍖呭惈: sunr, thun, cross, ogri, neth, thel, storm, iron, under,鍜?darr. reload all 3 Syntax: .reload all 閲嶆柊杞藉叆鏁版嵁搴撴墍鏈夎〃鏍硷紝濡傛灉鏌愪釜琛ㄦ牸鏀 寔閲嶈浇娣诲姞锛屽垯瀹冧細琚 畨鍏ㄩ噸杞? reload all_item 3 Syntax: .reload all_item Reload page_text, item_enchantment_table tables. reload all_locales 3 Syntax: .reload all_locales Reload all `locales_*` tables with reload support added and that can be _safe_ reloaded. reload all_loot 3 璇 硶: .reload all_loot 閲嶆柊杞藉叆 *_loot_template锛堟帀钀斤級琛? 杩欎簺琛ㄥ彲浠ュ湪鏈嶅姟鍣ㄥ惎鍔ㄤ互鍚庡啀杞藉叆.. reload all_npc 3 Syntax: .reload all_npc Reload npc_gossip, npc_option, npc_trainer, npc vendor, points of interest tables. reload all_quest 3 璇 硶: .reload all_quest 鏈変换鍔,浉鍏宠〃鍗曪紝濡傛灉杩欎簺琛ㄦ敮鎸侀噸杞芥坊鍔閲嶆柊杞藉叆鎵? 狅紝鍒欒繖浜涜‎‎〃浼氳 瀹夊叏閲嶈浇. reload all_scripts 3 Syntax: .reload all_scripts Reload gameobject_scripts, event_scripts, quest_end_scripts, quest_start_scripts, spell_scripts, db_script_string, waypoint_scripts tables. reload all_spell 3 Syntax: .reload all_spell 閲嶆柊杞藉叆鎵?鏈夋妧鑳界浉鍏宠〃鍗曪紝濡傛灉杩欎簺琛ㄦ敮鎸侀噸杞芥坊鍔狅紝鍒欒繖浜涜‎‎〃浼氳 瀹夊叏閲嶈浇. reload areatrigger_involvedrelation 3 Syntax: .reload areatrigger_involvedrelation Reload areatrigger_involvedrelation table. reload areatrigger_tavern 3 Syntax: .reload areatrigger_tavern Reload areatrigger_tavern table. reload areatrigger_teleport 3 Syntax: .reload areatrigger_teleport Reload areatrigger_teleport table. reload command 3 Syntax: .reload command Reload command table. reload config 3 Syntax: .reload config Reload config settings (by default stored in mangosd.conf). Not all settings can be change at reload: some new setting values will be ignored until restart, some values will applied with delay or only to new objects/maps, some values will explicitly rejected to change at reload. reload creature_involvedrelation 3 Syntax: .reload creature_involvedrelation Reload creature_involvedrelation table. reload creature_linked_respawn 2 Syntax: .reload creature_linked_respawn Reload creature_linked_respawn table. reload creature_loot_template3 Syntax: .reload creature_loot_template Reload creature_loot_template table. reload creature_questrelation 3 Syntax: .reload creature_questrelation Reload creature_questrelation table. reload disenchant_loot_template 3 Syntax: .reload disenchant_loot_template Reload disenchant_loot_template table. reload event_scripts 3 Syntax: .reload event_scripts Reload event_scripts table. reload fishing_loot_template 3 Syntax: .reload fishing_loot_template Reload fishing_loot_template table. reload game_graveyard_zone 3 Syntax: .reload game_graveyard_zone Reload game_graveyard_zone table. reload game_tele 3 Syntax: .reload game_tele Reload game_tele table. reload gameobject_involvedrelation 3 Syntax: .reload gameobject_involvedrelation Reload gameobject_involvedrelation table. reload gameobject_loot_template 3 Syntax: .reload gameobject_loot_template Reload gameobject_loot_template table. reload gameobject_questrelation 3 Syntax: .reload gameobject_questrelation Reload gameobject_questrelation table. reload gameobject_scripts 3 Syntax: .reload gameobject_scripts Reload gameobject_scripts table. reload gm_tickets 3 Syntax: .reload gm_tickets Reload gm_tickets table. reload item_enchantment_template 3 Syntax: .reload item_enchantment_template Reload item_enchantment_template table. reload item_loot_template 3 Syntax: .reload item_loot_template Reload item_loot_template table. reload locales_creature 3 Syntax: .reload locales_creature Reload locales_creature table. reload locales_gameobject 3 Syntax: .reload locales_gameobject Reload locales_gameobject table. reload locales_item 3 Syntax: .reload locales_item Reload locales_item table. reload locales_npc_text 3 Syntax: .reload locales_npc_text Reload locales_npc_text table. reload locales_page_text 3 Syntax: .reload locales_page_text Reload locales_page_text table. reload locales_points_of_interest 3 Syntax: .reload locales_points_of_interest Reload locales_point_of_interest table. reload locales_quest 3 Syntax: .reload locales_quest Reload locales_quest table. reload milling_loot_template 3 Syntax: .reload milling_loot_template Reload milling_loot_template table. reload npc_gossip 3 Syntax: .reload npc_gossip Reload npc_gossip table. reload npc_option 3 Syntax: .reload npc_option Reload npc_option table. reload npc_trainer 3 Syntax: .reload npc_trainer Reload npc_trainer table. reload npc_vendor 3 Syntax: .reload npc_vendor Reload npc_vendor table. reload page_text 3 Syntax: .reload page_text Reload page_text table. reload pickpocketing_loot_template 3 Syntax: .reload pickpocketing_loot_template Reload pickpocketing_loot_template table. reload points_of_interest 3 Syntax: .reload points_of_interest Reload points_of_interest table. reload prospecting_loot_template 3 Syntax: .reload prospecting_loot_template Reload prospecting_loot_template table. reload quest_end_scripts 3 Syntax: .reload quest_end_scripts Reload quest_end_scripts table. reload quest_mail_loot_template 3 Syntax: .reload quest_mail_loot_template Reload quest_mail_loot_template table. reload quest_start_scripts 3 Syntax: .reload quest_start_scripts Reload quest_start_scripts table. reload quest_template 3 Syntax: .reload quest_template Reload quest_template table. reload reference_loot_template 3 Syntax: .reload reference_loot_template Reload reference_loot_template table. reload reserved_name 3 Syntax: .reload reserved_name Reload reserved_name table. reload skill_discovery_template 3 Syntax: .reload skill_discovery_template Reload skill_discovery_template table. reload skill_extra_item_template 3 Syntax: .reload skill_extra_item_template Reload skill_extra_item_template table. reload skill_fishing_base_level 3 Syntax: .reload skill_fishing_base_level Reload skill_fishing_base_level table. reload skinning_loot_template 3 Syntax: .reload skinning_loot_template Reload skinning_loot_template table. reload spell_area 3 Syntax: .reload spell_area Reload spell_area table. reload spell_bonus_data 3 Syntax: .reload spell_bonus_data Reload spell_bonus_data table. reload spell_disabled 3 Syntax: .reload spell_disabled Reload spell_disabled table. reload spell_elixir 3 Syntax: .reload spell_elixir Reload spell_elixir table. reload spell_learn_spell 3 Syntax: .reload spell_learn_spell Reload spell_learn_spell table. reload spell_linked_spell 3 Usage: .reload spell_linked_spell Reloads the spell_linked_spell DB table. reload spell_loot_template 3 Syntax: .reload spell_loot_template Reload spell_loot_template table. reload spell_pet_auras3 Syntax: .reload spell_pet_auras Reload spell_pet_auras table. reload spell_proc_event 3 Syntax: .reload spell_proc_event Reload spell_proc_event table. reload spell_required 3 Syntax: .reload spell_required Reload spell_required table. reload spell_script_target 3 Syntax: .reload spell_script_target Reload spell_script_target table. reload spell_scripts 3 Syntax: .reload spell_scripts Reload spell_scripts table. reload spell_target_position 3 Syntax: .reload spell_target_position Reload spell_target_position table. reload spell_threats 3 Syntax: .reload spell_threats Reload spell_threats table. reload trinity_string 3 Syntax: .reload trinity_string Reload trinity_string table. reload waypoint_scripts 3 Syntax: .reload waypoint_scripts Reload waypoint_scripts table. Syntax: .reload $subcommand reload 3 Type .reload to see the list of possible subcommands or .help reload $subcommand to see info on subcommands repairitems 2 Syntax: .repairitems Repair all selected player's items. reset achievements 3 Syntax: .reset achievements [$playername] Reset achievements data for selected or named (online or offline) character. Achievements for persistance progress data like completed quests/etc re-filled at reset. Achievements for events like kills/casts/etc will lost. reset all 3 Syntax: .reset all spells Syntax: .reset all talents Request reset spells or talents (including talents for all character's pets if any) at next login each existed character. reset honor 3 璇 硶: .reset honor [Playername] 閲嶇疆鐩 爣鐜? 鐨勮崳瑾夌偣 reset level 3 璇 硶: .reset level [Playername] 閲嶇疆鐩 爣鐜? 鐨勭瓑绾т负1绾э紝骞堕噸缃 墍鏈夋妧鑳介瓟娉曞拰灞炴?х姸鎬侊紝浠讳綍宸茶 澶囩殑楂樼瓑绾х墿鍝佸皢浼氫涪澶?. reset spells 3 璇 硶: .reset spells [Playername] 浠庨瓟娉曪紙鎶‎‎?鑳斤級涔,腑绉婚櫎鎵?鏈夐潪搴旀湁鐨勯瓟娉曟妧鑳? Playername鍙 互涓虹 绾跨帺瀹剁殑瑙掕壊鍚嶅瓧. reset stats 3 璇 硶: .reset stats [Playername] 閲嶆柊璁,畻鐩 爣鐜? 鐨勬墍鏈夊睘鎬х姸鎬佷负褰撳墠绛夌骇鐨勫簲鏈夊?? reset talents 3 Syntax: .reset talents [Playername] Removes all talents of the targeted player or pet or named player. Playername can be name of offline character. With player talents also will be reset talents for all character's pets if any. reset 3 Syntax: .reset $subcommand Type .reset to see the list of possible subcommands or .help reset $subcommand to see info on subcommands respawn 3 璇 硶: .respawn 绔嬪嵆鍒锋柊闄勮繎鐨勬墍鏈夌敓鐗? revive 3 璇 硶锛?.revive 閫夋嫨鐨勭帺瀹? 濡傛灉娌?湁閫夋嫨鐜? , 鍒欏 娲讳綘鑷 繁. 澶嶆椿鎵? save 0 璇 硶锛?.save 淇濆瓨鐜? 瑙掕壊. saveall 1 璇 硶锛?.saveall 淇濆瓨娓告垙閲‎‎岀殑鎵?鏈夎 鑹蹭俊鎭? send items 3 Syntax: .send items #playername "#subject" "#text" itemid1[:count1] itemid2[:count2] ... itemidN[:countN] Send a mail to a player. Subject and mail text must be in "". If for itemid not provided related count values then expected 1, if count > max items in stack then items will be send in required amount stacks. All stacks amount in mail limited to 12. send mail 1 Syntax: .send mail #playername "#subject" "#text" Send a mail to a player. Subject and mail text must be in "". send message 3 Syntax: .send message $playername $message Send screen message to player from ADMINISTRATOR. send money 3 Syntax: .send money #playername "#subject" "#text" #money Send mail with money to a player. Subject and mail text must be in "". server corpses 2 Syntax: .server corpses Triggering corpses expire check in world. server exit 4 Syntax: .server exit Terminate mangosd NOW. Exit code 0. server idlerestart cancel 3 Syntax: .server idlerestart cancel Cancel the restart/shutdown timer if any. server idlerestart 3 Syntax: .server idlerestart #delay Restart the server after #delay seconds if no active connections are present (no players). Use #exist_code or 2 as program exist code. server idleshutdown cancel 3 Syntax: .server idleshutdown cancel Cancel the restart/shutdown timer if any. server idleshutdown 3 Syntax: .server idleshutdown #delay [#exist_code] Shut the server down after #delay seconds if no active connections are present (no players). Use #exist_code or 0 as program exist code. server info 0 Syntax: .server info Display server version and the number of connected players. server motd 0 Syntax: .server motd Show server Message of the day. server plimit 3 Syntax: .server plimit [#num|-1|-2|- 3|reset|player|moderator|gamemaster|administrator] Without arg show current player amount and security level limitations for login to server, with arg set player linit ($num > 0) or securiti limitation ($num < 0 or security leme name. With `reset` sets player limit to the one in the config file server restart cancel 3 Syntax: .server restart cancel Cancel the restart/shutdown timer if any. server restart 3 Syntax: .server restart #delay Restart the server after #delay seconds. Use #exist_code or 2 as program exist code. server set closed 3 Syntax: server set closed on/off Sets whether the world accepts new client connectsions. server set loglevel 4 Syntax: .server set loglevel #level Set server log level (0 - errors only, 1 - basic, 2 - detail, 3 - debug). server set motd 3 Syntax: .server set motd $MOTD Set server Message of the day. server shutdown cancel 3 Syntax: .server shutdown cancel Cancel the restart/shutdown timer if any. server shutdown 3 Syntax: .server shutdown #delay [#exist_code] Shut the server down after #delay seconds. Use #exist_code or 0 as program exist code. server 3 Syntax: .server $subcommand Type .server to see the list of possible subcommands or .help server $subcommand to see info on subcommands setskill 3 璇 硶: .setskill #skill #level [#max] 浣跨洰鏍囧 浼氭妧鑳?skill骞朵娇鎶?鑳界啛缁冨害涓?level鎴栨渶澶э紙#max锛?濡傛灉娌?湁閫夋嫨鐜? ,鍒欎负鑷 繁 #max 锛氫负鎶?鑳芥渶澶у?硷紝鐪佺暐 #max 鍒欎负褰撳墠绛夌骇鐨勬渶澶у?笺?傛棤鐩 爣鍒欎负浣犺嚜宸便?? showarea 3 璇 硶锛?.showarea #areaid 鏄剧幇鍦板尯ID(area)涓?#areaid鐨勫湴鍖虹殑 鎺?储鍦板浘,濡傛灉娌?湁閫夋嫨瑙掕壊,灏嗕负浣犳樉鐜? start 0 璇 硶锛?.start 浼犻?佷綘鐨勮 鑹插埌浣犵殑鍑虹敓鍦? taxicheat 1 璇 硶: .taxicheat on/off 涓存椂寮?鍚 垨鍏抽棴鐩 爣鐜? 鐨勬墍鏈夐 琛岃矾绾? 濡傛灉娌?湁鐩 爣锛屽垯涓轰綘鑷 繁銆?浣跨敤鍚庢湭寮?鍚 殑椋炶 鐐逛粛鐒堕渶瑕佸紑鍚?. tele add 3 璇 硶: .tele add $name 灏嗗綋鍓嶅湴鐐规坊鍔犲埌 .tele 鍛戒护鍒楄〃涓 紝鍗冲 鍔?.tele $name 鐨勫懡浠わ紝鐢ㄤ簬浼犻?佸埌褰撳墠浣嶇疆. tele del 3 璇 硶: .tele del $name 绉婚櫎涓?涓?.tele $name 鐨?.tele 鍛戒护. tele group 1 璇 硶: .tele group#location 浼犻?佺洰鏍囩帺瀹跺拰浠栫殑闃熷憳鍒扮粰瀹氫綅缃? tele name 1 璇 硶: .tele name #playername #location 浼犻?佺帺瀹?#playername 鍒扮粰瀹氱殑浣嶇疆 #location. tele 1 璇 硶: .tele #location 浼犻?佺帺瀹跺埌涓?涓 粰瀹氱殑鍦扮偣. ticket assign 3 Usage: .ticket assign $ticketid $gmname. Assigns the specified ticket to the specified Game Master. ticket close 2 Usage: .ticket close $ticketid. Closes the specified ticket. Does not delete permanently. ticket closedlist 1 Displays a list of closed GM tickets. ticket comment 2 Usage: .ticket comment $ticketid $comment. Allows the adding or modifying of a comment to the specified ticket. ticket delete 3 Usage: .ticket delete $ticketid. Deletes the specified ticket permanently. Ticket must be closed first. ticket list 1 Displays a list of open GM tickets. ticket onlinelist 1 Displays a list of open GM tickets whose owner is online. ticket unassign3 Usage: .ticket unassign $ticketid. Unassigns the specified ticket from the current assigned Game Master. ticket viewid 1 Usage: .ticket viewid $ticketid. Returns details about specified ticket. Ticket must be open and not deleted. ticket viewname 1 Usage: .ticket viewname $creatorname. Returns details about specified ticket. Ticket must be open and not deleted. ticket 1 璇 硶锛?.ticket on .ticket off .ticket #num .ticket $character_name 鏃犳垨鑰卭ff 鐩存帴涓篏M鏄剧ず鎴栬?呬笉鏄剧ずticket, $character_name 鍙 樉绀鸿 鑹插悕涓?character_name鐜? 鐨則icket, #num 鏄剧ずnum涓?#num鐨則icket. unaura 3 璇 硶: .unaura #spellid 绉婚櫎鐩 爣韬 笂#spellid 鎵?鎸囩殑鍏夌幆. unban account 3 Syntax is: unban account $Name Unban accounts for account name pattern. unban character 3 Syntax is: unban character $Name Unban accounts for character name pattern. unban ip 3 Syntax is: unban ip $Ip Unban accounts for IP pattern. unban 3 Syntax: .unban $subcommand Type .unban to see the list of possible subcommands or .help unban $subcommand to see info on subcommands unbindsight 3 Syntax: .unbindsight Removes bound vision. Cannot be used while currently possessing a target. unfreeze 2 Syntax: .unfreeze (#player) "Unfreezes" #player and enables his chat again. When using this without #name it will unfreeze your target. unlearn3 璇 硶锛?.unlearn #startspell #endspell 閬楀繕浣犳墍閫夋嫨瑙掕壊鐨勯瓟娉旾D浠?#startspell 鍒?#endspell鑼冨洿鍐呯殑鎵?鏈夐瓟娉? 濡傛灉娌?湁鎻愪緵#endspell, 鍒欏彧閬楀繕id涓?#startspell鐨勯瓟娉? unmute1 Syntax: .unmute $playerName 鍙栨秷瀵圭帺瀹?$playerName鐨勭 瑷?. modify jf 3 淇 敼绉 垎鍛戒护 鑼冧緥 .modify jf 250 灏辨槸鎶婄Н鍒嗗彉鎴?50 unpossess 3 Syntax: .unpossess If you are possessed, unpossesses yourself; otherwise unpossesses current possessed target. waterwalk 2 Syntax: .waterwalk on/off Set on/off waterwalk state for selected player. wchange 3 璇 硶锛?.wchange #weathertype #status 璁剧疆褰撳墠鐨勫ぉ姘斾负 #weathertype, 澶?皵鐘跺喌 #status. #weathertype 绛変簬1涓轰笅闆? 2涓轰笅闆? 浠ュ強 3涓烘矙灏樻毚. #status 绛変簬 0涓虹 姝?ぉ姘? 宸茬粡 1 涓哄厑璁? whispers 1 鐢ㄦ硶锛?.whispers on|off 鍏佽 /绂佹 Gm鎺ュ彈鍏朵粬鐜? 鐨勬倓鎮勮瘽. 榛樿 鏃跺?欎娇鐢?angosd.conf鐨勮 缃? wp event 2 Syntax: .wp event $subcommand Type .path event to see the list of possible subcommands or .help path event $subcommand to see info on subcommands. wp load 2 Syntax: .wp load $pathid Load pathid number for selected creature. Creature must have no waypoint data. wp show 2 Syntax: .wp show $option Options: on $pathid (or selected creature with loaded path) - Show path off - Hide path info $slected_waypoint - Show info for selected waypoint. wp unload 2 Syntax: .wp unload Unload path for selected creature. sj 0 涓栫晫鑱婂ぉ鍛戒护 鑼冧緥 .sj 涓栫晫浣犲ソ 浣犲氨浼氬悜鎵?鏈夌殑鐜? 鍙戦?佷竴鏉′笘鐣屼俊鎭?
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