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医患英语对话 第7期-感觉疼

2018-01-24 2页 doc 13KB 27阅读




医患英语对话 第7期-感觉疼医患英语对话 第7期-感觉疼 医患英语对话 第7期:感觉疼 „Do you feel any pain? 你感到疼, Oh, yes, quite a bit. 是的,很疼。 Could you show me where it hurts? 能告诉我哪里疼吗, Right here, Doctor, in my chest. 在这儿,胸部。 Here, hm… Is it always just in that spot? 这儿…..总是在这个区域疼吗, No, sometimes it moves ...
医患英语对话 第7期-感觉疼
医患对话 第7期-感觉疼 医患英语对话 第7期:感觉疼 „Do you feel any pain? 你感到疼, Oh, yes, quite a bit. 是的,很疼。 Could you show me where it hurts? 能告诉我哪里疼吗, Right here, Doctor, in my chest. 在这儿,胸部。 Here, hm… Is it always just in that spot? 这儿…..总是在这个区域疼吗, No, sometimes it moves around to here. 不,有时候疼痛会转移到这。 I see. What kind of pain is it? Can you describe the pain? 嗯,是怎样地疼呢,能描述一下吗, Well, most of the time it feels like a cramp, but occasionally it?s sharp and stabbing. 好的,大多数时候感觉到痉挛性痛,但是偶尔会感到剧痛,刺痛。 Does it come and go or do you have it all the time? 是疼一下就不疼了还是一直疼, Well, it?s worse at times. It seems to come over me in waves, but mostly it?s there all the time. 嗯,有时疼痛会加重。好像疼痛是突然一阵一阵来的,但是大多数 的时候是一直疼的。 Does it start suddenly or build up slowly? 是突然就感到疼还是慢慢地感到疼, It seems to build up gradually. 似乎是慢慢疼起来的。 What do you do when you get the pain? 当你感到疼的时候你采取什么, Well, there isn?t much I can do. I just have to put up with it. 嗯,我做不了什么,只能忍着。 And does anything in particular seem to bring the pain on or make it worse? 有没有什么特别的举动能引起或者使疼痛加剧, Well, I find going upstairs difficult. Also, when I have to cough or take a deep breath. 我发现上楼变得困难了。而且,当我咳嗽或者深呼吸的时候感觉很 疼, It?s terrible, like a knife stabbing me.? 好像刀在扎我。 百度搜索“就爱阅读”,专业,生活学习,尽在就爱阅读网,您的在 线图书馆!
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