
章鹏飞:借助区位优势 努力发展经济

2018-01-30 10页 doc 32KB 27阅读




章鹏飞:借助区位优势 努力发展经济章鹏飞:借助区位优势 努力发展经济 章鹏飞:借助区位优势 努力发展经济 加快建设经济文化强省,必须有一大批综合实力强县作支撑。而县域经济发展,需要典型引路。8月4日—5日,由大众日报、省发改委、山东社科院共同主办的山东县域经济跨越发展研讨会在烟台召开。与会专家学者、商界人士,就牟平跨越发展进行探析,分析其成功因素,提炼其标本价值,把脉未来发展走向。本报特刊发与会学者专家观点,以期对全省县域经济发展有所启示。 一、强调“转调” 不影响跨越发展 省委农工办主任王泽厚:从过去的经验来看,改革开放三十年以来,每一次大的结构调整...
章鹏飞:借助区位优势 努力发展经济
章鹏飞:借助区位优势 努力发展经济 章鹏飞:借助区位优势 努力发展经济 加快建设经济文化强省,必须有一大批综合实力强县作支撑。而县域经济发展,需要典型引路。8月4日—5日,由大众日报、省发改委、山东社科院共同主办的山东县域经济跨越发展研讨会在烟台召开。与会专家学者、商界人士,就牟平跨越发展进行探析,分析其成功因素,提炼其标本价值,把脉未来发展走向。本报特刊发与会学者专家观点,以期对全省县域经济发展有所启示。 一、强调“转调” 不影响跨越发展 省委农工办主任王泽厚:从过去的经验来看,改革开放三十年以来,每一次大的结构调整都能涌现出一批跨越发展的典型。对县域经济而言,只要抓住机遇,完全有可能实现跨越式发展。 以牟平为例,在蓝色经济的大背景下,牟平新上了一大批高新技术产业项目,拥有广阔的发展空间,也给发展注入了新的活力。牟平以蓝色引领发展,成效明显,对推动半岛发展,提升全省县域经济,有较高启示和示范意义。 省委政研室巡视员孙建生:牟平近年来的跨越式发展,这几方面给我留下深刻印象: 一是发展速度、质量和竞争实力。牟平的若干经济指标,三年翻一番,综合实力快速提升,呈现快发持续发展势头。11项指标增幅烟台第一,地方财政、固定投资比增长数倍。今年上半年的发展势头迅猛。 二是市场繁荣活跃,生产要素流通顺畅,有内生发展动力和活力,成为投资兴业热土,民营经济迅速。在融资方面,牟平3年增加3家上市公司。 三是各个方面的优势在形成合力。文化、色生态、人文,聚集成综合品牌效应,为牟平加快发展、招商引资增大了优势,如养马岛和河系整治等。 四是城乡建设日新,民生改善,基础设施全面提升。科学发展,综合实力加速。 这些证明了县域经济在强调“转调”中,同样可以实现跨越式发展。 大众报业集团党委常委、副总编辑赵念民:县域之间的差距,面看是发展数字,关键是思想、战略、作风的差距。牟平区高点定位、高招解难、高效做事,工作实,亮点多,业绩突出,从根本上说,是较好解决了为谁发展、怎么发展、以什么样的精神状态推进发展的问题。这 是牟平实现跨越发展的“精、气、神”。发展县域经济,是强基富民工程,推动县域科学发展整体提升,省委、省政府要求高,人民群众期待多,必须始终保持这样的自觉,毫不动摇信仰科学发展,聚精会神践行科学发展。 山东社会科学院科研处处长杨金卫:牟平2011年地方财政收入15亿元,同比增幅达到50%。就速度而言,50%是一个很惊人的数据,这应当与牟平区近年来涌现出的新的经济增长点关系密切。单就山东县域经济而言,存在发展的差异性,不过县域经济同时还有一个共同点:虽然特点各异,但都有一些地方特色的产业。比如牟平临海,有着环境和区位优势,通过科学的规划,将来发展势头会更好。 二、高点定位 高点规划 省委政研室巡视员孙建生:牟平最近几年快速发展,综合实力不断提升,能够形成这样一个大好局面的关键就是区委、区政府坚持以科学发展观为指导。它们坚持高点定位,具体体现在三高上:发展高定位、规划高起点,产业高端化。 山东社会科学院副院长郑贵斌:牟平的发展,可概括为四个字:新、大、特、精。 所谓新,就是理念新。牟平高点定位,强调绿色发展。所谓大,就是有大思路,有大手笔,有大项目。所谓特,就是跨越发展。牟平曾一度落后,但通过自身努力,实现了告诉发展。牟平有海有陆,通过海陆统筹,实现新跨越,这对全省科学发展、跨越发展有启示意义。所谓精,就是打造精品,打造品牌。牟平定位高端项目,不是“放进篮子的都是菜”。这种定位,利于经济社会实现可持续发展。 总体而言,牟平起点高,方向明,起步快,有特色,经验多,可以称之为蓝色经济、绿色发展、跨越式发展的一个县级缩影。 日照东港区区委副书记王汉日:思路决定出路,这句话对于县域经济尤为适用。牟平区近年来的快速发展,正得益于高起点的规划、科学化的协调。这种思路先行的模式,才是实现跨越式发展的前提。发展县域经济,不提前规划好思路,很难实现大的跨越。 微山县委副书记李洪文:牟平近几年的跨越式发展并非偶然。根据经验,经济要想实现腾飞,一般会有一段时间的准备期,只有准备期工作做足,才会有后来的高增长,牟平近几年的发展也证明了这一点。在准备期内,最重要是做好规划,牟平在这方面都是聘请国内外顶尖专家出谋划策,有了高起点的规划,发展思路就清晰,成绩也就相对容易取得。 obtained by chemical reaction, and the end is timed drops the experimental value obtained, finishing operations can be understood as titration end points. In selected indicators, we should try to make end point and the line with the stoichiometric point, but actually the stoichiometric point and the end point is not necessarily exactly coincide, called error caused errors. 4. error: end point and errors arising from stoichiometric point does not necessarily happen to coincide. Second, the reaction conditions and types of titration analysis titration analysis the scope of chemical analysis, which is based on the reaction ...AVolume. Three, the standard solution is in titration analysis using standard titration solution components to be measured, and to calculate the concentration and volume of components to be measured, can see exact concentration of the standard solution is a critical issue. Preparation of standard solution isAPreparation of NaOH solution to you 0.1000mol/L not what you think. In fact, preparing 0.1000 mol/l NaOH standard solution itself is unreasonable, a reasonable request is to present a general concentration, such as preparation of 0.1 mol/l NaOH standard solution. Right of preparation method is should is in Taiwan said Shang rough to said take 4g above of NaOH, dissolved Yu 1000mL water in the, distribution into approximate Yu 0.1 mol/L of NaOH solution, then with another a known accurate concentration of standard solution to determine it, through calculation to learned that you preparation of NaOH solution of accurate concentration, despite it not is 0.1000 mol/L, but it is close 0.1 mol/L of, accurate to decimal Hou fourth bit ofII, and sampling volume of accuracy 1. test in the for try products and reagents, "weighing" or "volume take" of volume, are to Arab digital said, its accuracy can according to numerical of effective number bit to determine, as said take "0.1g", Department refers to said take weight can for 0.06~0.14g; said take "2G", Department refers to said take weight can for 1.5~2.5G; said take "2.0g", Department refers to said take weight can for 1.95~2.05g; said take "2.00g", Department refers to said take weight can for 1.995~ 2.005g。 2. the "precision" means the weighing weight must be accurate to 1 per thousand of the weight. 3. "call" means a weighing weight must be accurate to the weight of the 1%. 4. the "precise amounts" refers to the accuracy of the measured volume shall conform to the national standards for the precision requirements for volumetric pipette. 5. "volume" means the graduated cylinder or according to the measured volume of the number of significant digits selected measuring. 6. take the dosage is "about" number refers to taking dosage shall not exceed ? 10%. Three, and test precision 1. constant heavy except another has provides outside, Department means try products continuous twice dry or blazing burning Hou of weight differences in 0.3mg following of weight; dry to constant heavy of second times and the yihou the times said heavy are should in provides conditions Xia continues to dry 1 hours Hou for; blazing burning to constant heavy of second times said heavy should in continues to blazing burning 30 minutes Hou for. 2. test in the provides "by dry products (or no water real, or no solvent) calculation" Shi, except another has 三、借助区位优势 发力蓝色经济 省发改委副主任段立宏:牟平区在上世纪80年代末90年代初,靠着乡镇企业的异军突起创造出一批区域经济发展的亮点。 近年来,牟平又抢抓蓝区建设历史机遇,紧密结合自身发展实际,走出了一条以蓝色经济引领跨越式转型发展的新路子,使县域经济发展迈上了新台阶。 齐河县委书记魏洪祥:抓住区位优势对于发展县域经济十分关键,对于牟平而言,有靠海开放的优势;而对齐河来说,邻近省会济南也是一种优势,这就使得齐河在吸引济南高端产业基地落户加分不少。 县域经济的发展要依靠大产业的支撑,牟平依靠的是蓝色经济等高新技术产业,齐河也有自己的优势产业,如冶金装备制造、食品医药等。找准定位,壮大优势产业,这一点对于县域经济来说几乎没有例外。 另外一点是,要加快县域经济发展,必须坚持城乡统筹。在发展经济时既有工业园区也有农业产业园区,以产业的协调发展带动城乡的协调发展,对于实现“两个同步”,有很好的效果,在这一点上牟平的经验也值得学习。 山东省浙江商会会长章鹏飞(现代联合控股集团董事长):近年来,浙江商会与山东各地联系日益频繁、交流日益广泛、合作日益密切。牟平区位优势突出,资源优势明显,服务环境优异,是一方投资兴业的热土。现代联合控股集团与牟平区携手合作,投资88亿元建设的烟台现代农副产品物流园已经引起外界广泛关注。下一步,我们将借助蓝色经济的东风,全面加大项目建设力度,力争产业园早日建成,为牟平县域经济发展争作贡献。 山东省江苏商会秘书长张亮:苏商在烟台的投资,占到其在山东总投资额的10%,而在烟台,牟平是很吸引苏商眼光的一个地区。这主要取决于牟平的特点:牟平既属于半岛蓝色经济区,又受中日韩自贸区辐射,并处于环渤海经济带。牟平提出“面向全球”的理念,高点定位,充分发掘自身优势。 四、城乡统筹 民生发展 中国社科院农村发展研究所副所长杜志雄:民生促和谐,和谐促跨越之间存在相应的逻辑关系。在民生方面,牟平有滨州医学院烟台附属医院,还有像市民文化中心和农村垃圾处理机制等,都是很切实的惠民工程。 在县域经济发展中,统筹城乡发展,促进农民增收也是非常重要的一点。牟平在此方面也下了大工夫。昨天在龙泉镇一个村听到介绍,村里通过集中铺路节约土地进行开发,年底农民 能从中获得分红,收入比以前提高不少,这都是很好的例子。 即墨市副市长孙明明:这次参观,我对牟平几个项目比较感兴趣,像滨州医学院烟台附属医院和文化中心等。这些项目既能带动当地发展,又是很实际的惠民项目。能在快速发展的同时,不断惠及民生,牟平这一点值得称赞。 寿光市副市长牟杰:发展县域经济,统筹城乡很关键。寿光去年在城乡一体化建设方面投入16.6亿元,全市城镇化率达到55.5%,全市新建、续建农村社区131个,对几百多个村庄进行管理综合机制,使农民生活得到全面提升,也为县域经济的进一步发展打下基础。就牟平而言,能够取得跨越式的发展,也得益于它对城乡一体化的重视。 五、建言牟平发展 中国发展战略学研究会副会长管益忻:我的建议是打造一个2.0版本的新牟平。可从10个方面作出战略转变:如在思路理念上的战略转变:要紧跟时代背景,在转方式、调结构方面,加快新工艺、新流程的应用,提高工作效率,降低劳动成本,契合新的生活方式。 而在产业定位上,可从双轮驱动,向321模式转变。“3”就是3个产业链,但最终归结到一个支柱产业上来。就牟平而言,我注意到当地的电子产业和果胶产业都具有相对优势,有望进一步巩固。 此外在区域优势的认定、产业发展的操作路径上、经济发展依托、竞争模式、打造区域品牌和应对中日韩自贸区等方面上,牟平也需通过合理判断,做出相应的战略转变,以此成功打造烟台东部滨海新区。 国务院国资委研究中心研究室主任胡迟:县域经济对应的是大城市的经济。就县域经济而言,在数量上还是中小微企业为主。 牟平发展想要新上一个台阶的话,一定不能忽视中小微企业的作用。政府应积极地为中小微企业解决相应的困难,如融资难等问题,整个县域经济的发展也会被带动起来。 中国社科院区域经济研究所副所长陈耀:作为县域经济发展的一个典型,牟平在发展中也存在着县域经济存在的普遍制约因素,如财政、土地和人才等。要想突破这些限制,牟平应该利用好山东半岛蓝色经济区等国家战略的政策优势,提升外界的关注度,这对牟平的招商引资和跨越式发展都将起到重要推动作用。 山东社会科学院副院长郑贵斌:对于牟平下一步发展,提三点建议: 一是把跨越与转型更加紧密结合。牟平要更加注重海陆统筹、城乡统筹、产业统筹。 obtained by chemical reaction, and the end is timed drops the experimental value obtained, finishing operations can be understood as titration end points. In selected indicators, we should try to make end point and the line with the stoichiometric point, but actually the stoichiometric point and the end point is not necessarily exactly coincide, called error caused errors. 4. error: end point and errors arising from stoichiometric point does not necessarily happen to coincide. Second, the reaction conditions and types of titration analysis titration analysis the scope of chemical analysis, which is based on the reaction ...AVolume. Three, the standard solution is in titration analysis using standard titration solution components to be measured, and to calculate the concentration and volume of components to be measured, can see exact concentration of the standard solution is a critical issue. Preparation of standard solution isAPreparation of NaOH solution to you 0.1000mol/L not what you think. In fact, preparing 0.1000 mol/l NaOH standard solution itself is unreasonable, a reasonable request is to present a general concentration, such as preparation of 0.1 mol/l NaOH standard solution. Right of preparation method is should is in Taiwan said Shang rough to said take 4g above of NaOH, dissolved Yu 1000mL water in the, distribution into approximate Yu 0.1 mol/L of NaOH solution, then with another a known accurate concentration of standard solution to determine it, through calculation to learned that you preparation of NaOH solution of accurate concentration, despite it not is 0.1000 mol/L, but it is close 0.1 mol/L of, accurate to decimal Hou fourth bit ofII, and sampling volume of accuracy 1. test in the for try products and reagents, "weighing" or "volume take" of volume, are to Arab digital said, its accuracy can according to numerical of effective number bit to determine, as said take "0.1g", Department refers to said take weight can for 0.06~0.14g; said take "2G", Department refers to said take weight can for 1.5~2.5G; said take "2.0g", Department refers to said take weight can for 1.95~2.05g; said take "2.00g", Department refers to said take weight can for 1.995~ 2.005g。 2. the "precision" means the weighing weight must be accurate to 1 per thousand of the weight. 3. "call" means a weighing weight must be accurate to the weight of the 1%. 4. the "precise amounts" refers to the accuracy of the measured volume shall conform to the national standards for the precision requirements for volumetric pipette. 5. "volume" means the graduated cylinder or according to the measured volume of the number of significant digits selected measuring. 6. take the dosage is "about" number refers to taking dosage shall not exceed ? 10%. Three, and test precision 1. constant heavy except another has provides outside, Department means try products continuous twice dry or blazing burning Hou of weight differences in 0.3mg following of weight; dry to constant heavy of second times and the yihou the times said heavy are should in provides conditions Xia continues to dry 1 hours Hou for; blazing burning to constant heavy of second times said heavy should in continues to blazing burning 30 minutes Hou for. 2. test in the provides "by dry products (or no water real, or no solvent) calculation" Shi, except another has 二是在实现蓝色经济带动上更下工夫。蓝色经济内涵深刻,要进一步研究这一课题,放大蓝色经济带动效应。 三是促进经济和文化更加有机结合。实现经济文化强省建设,必须强调文化发展和经济发展的协调,希望牟平在这方面加强探索。 扩展阅读: 章鹏飞,1963年出生,浙江杭州人,现代联合控股集团有限公司创始人。现任现代联合控股集团董事长、杭州现代联合投资有限公司董事长兼总经理。 现代联合控股集团创办于1988年,是我国改革开放后最早成立的民营企业之一。集团以商业地产为依托,专业市场为支柱产业,经过23年的艰苦创业,目前已拥有中国第一家连锁专业市场管理公司及20余家全资、控股或参股子公司。集团现有净资产超60亿元,员工2000余人,是一家集市场商贸业、金融业(非银行)、医药保健业、文化产业等相关联产业于一体的大型企业集团。
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