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商务英语学习商务英语学习 商务英语学习篇一:浅谈商务英语学习特点及学习策略 浅谈商务英语词汇的特点及学习策略 摘要: 商务英语具有很强的专业性,实用性,用词正式、规范、严谨 一词多义, 运用大量的英文缩写等特点。在学习商务英语词汇时我们应该注重积累专业知 识,了解国际贸易的流程和跨文化交际的特点,熟练掌握一些有用的学习方法以 便我们更好地学习和使用商务英语。 关键词: 商务英语词汇;普通英语;词汇特点 随着经济全球化的不断发展,世界各国贸易往来的日益密切。英语作为当今 世界的通用语言,在国际贸易活动中的地位越来越重要。中...
商务英语学习 商务英语学习篇一:浅谈商务英语学习特点及学习策略 浅谈商务英语词汇的特点及学习策略 摘要: 商务英语具有很强的专业性,实用性,用词正式、、严谨 一词多义, 运用大量的英文缩写等特点。在学习商务英语词汇时我们应该注重积累专业知 识,了解国际贸易的流程和跨文化交际的特点,熟练掌握一些有用的学习方法以 便我们更好地学习和使用商务英语。 关键词: 商务英语词汇;普通英语;词汇特点 随着经济全球化的不断发展,世界各国贸易往来的日益密切。英语作为当今 世界的通用语言,在国际贸易活动中的地位越来越重要。中国作为一个发展中的 大国,与世界各国的贸易也十分密切,如何学好商务英语,更好地利用商务英语 为国家的贸易做贡献也变得客观重要。然而,商务英语的范围 及其广泛,涉及国 际贸易,金融,保险及法律等多个领域。在这些商务活动中所使用的英语交流统 称为商务英语。因此,商务英语在词汇方面有着自己的特征。作为一个专业的商 务英语人士,熟练的掌握商务英语词汇成为一个成功商务英语人士的内功。所以 笔者就商务英语词汇的特点进行分析,并提出一些相应的学习见解。 一 商务英语词汇特点分析 (一) 专业性强 因为商务英语涉及了国际贸易、金融、保险及法律等多个领域的专业内容, 每个领域都会有其独特的专业知识,所以在商务英语词汇中会存在大量的专业术 语。例如:Letter of Credit (信用证),FOB(装运港船上交货),Mode of Payment(付款方式),All Risks(一切险),Insurance policy( 保单),Claim and Arbitration(索赔于仲裁)等。 商务英语专业性强还表现在普通词汇在使用过程中通过引申,转换等手段而 获得了专业性的含义。例如:interest在普通英语中表示“兴趣、爱好”,而在 商务英语中则引申为“利息”;negotiation 在普通英语中表示“谈判、磋商、 协商”,而在商务英语中则可以表示为“议付期”。 (二) 商务英语词汇实用性强 商务英语词汇的实用性强源于商务英语涵盖面广,内容丰富。商务英语词汇 包括商务贸易、广告、银行吧、零售、旅游、出版、证券等诸多行业的专业词汇, 以及商务本身的专业术语。因此,它具有明显的实用性,例如,常见的词汇 registration(登记), tariff(价目表) ,cancellation(取消预定)等,以及频繁 出现的经济学术语,例如,demand curve(经济增长分析中的需求曲线)、Price Index(价格指数)、inflation(通货膨胀),fluctuation(价格浮动),GNP (国民 生产总值),GDP(国内生产总值)等。这些词语都是经常出现在生活和经济时事 中,所以说商务英语词汇有很强的实用性。 (三)商务英语用词正式、准确、规范、严谨。 用正式的词语代替口语在商务英语中是非常常见的。例如:用purchase代 替buy,虽然都是买的意思,但是在商务英语中前者要比后者更正式规范。用词 正式、准确还表现在用单个动词代替动词词组,在商务英语中单个动词要比相同 意义的动词词组显得更准确。例如:用confirm代替prove to be true,用ensure 代替 make sure等。 在商务英语合同中常常可以见到成双成对的同义词或近义词并列的现象,他 们之间用and或or连接。这种并列结构的运用体现了合同用词的规范性和严谨 性。例如:This contract is made and entered into by and between the parties consumed on October 16, 2005 in Nanjing China on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon as follows. 在该句中并列使用了三对同义词:enter into和made, between和by, terms和condition ,该句中重复使用两个词就是 为了配合合同语言的规范性和严谨性。Make a contract 和 enter into a contract 都表示签定合同,但后者还含有开展实施的意思。By 和 between 连 用不仅说明合同双方签订的,而且 between 也强调了合同是双方之间的关系, 与第三者无关。Terms 和 contracts 并用则包含了双方所统一的所有条件, terms 常指大的方面的条件,conditions 则指terms 确定后的具体条件。 二 商务英语词汇的学习策略 商务英语是由普通英语衍生而来的,因此可以把学习普通词汇的方法运用到 学习商务英语词汇中。学习普通英语词汇时我们可以运用词根+联想记忆法、对 比法、趣味记忆法、旧词新记法等。因为商务英语词汇还具有自身的特点,在学 习商务英语的同时还要不断学习贸易、金融与法律等领域的专业知识,平时注重 积累商务英语的专业术语。因此,在学习,记忆和使用商务英语词汇时还应注意 运用以下几种学习方法: (一) 归纳法 归纳法是从个别性知识,引出一般性知识的推理,是由已知真的前提, 引出可能真的结论。它把特性或关系归结到基于对特殊的代表(token)的有 限观察的类型;或公式表达基于对反复再现的现象的模式(pattern)的有限 观察的规律。 在学习商务英语词汇时可以利用归纳联想记忆法,即把商务英语词汇归纳 起来分类记忆。可以把有关贸易术语的词汇放在一起记忆,像一些经常出现的词 汇如offer order inquire FOB CIF L/C。还有保险方面的词汇,如 risk 风险, Free From Particular Average 平安险,insurance policy 保单,premium 保 险费,cover 投保,claim 索赔,open policy 预约保单等等。以及包装方面 的词汇,如 nude cargo 裸装货,bale 包 ,bundle 捆 ,carton 纸板箱 , wooden case 木箱 ,band 捆绑,gunny bag 麻袋 ,glue 胶水 ,airtight 密封的 ,shipping mark 唛头,seaworthy packing 适合海运的 包装 , customary packing 习惯包装等等。 (二)衍生法 衍生就是演变而产生,衍生法就是由一事物联想到另一相关联事物的方法。 有一些单词是基础词汇,只不过在商务场合含义发生了变化。例如balance n./v. 平衡,在会计领域有“结余、差额”的意思;对于这部分词汇,除了上述归 纳联想记忆法,还需要平时在阅读中多积累。遇到一个新的生词,结合上下文猜 测意思,然后通过查字典得到准确的含义。接着联系单词本义,找到“为什么它 有这个含义”。一般来说,一个单词意思再多,也是从基本词义上拓展出来的, 比如上文中提到的balance,由“平衡”想到“收支平衡”再到“结余、差额”,一步 步来,总能找到共通点帮助记忆。 (三) 情境法 20世纪 50年代在法国产生了情境法,它吸取了直接法和许多听说法 的优点。充分利用幻灯片、录影机、投影机、和录像等视听教 具,让学生 边看边听边说,身临其境地学习外语,把看到的(来自:WWw.HnnscY.com 博文 学习 网:商务英语学习)情景和听到的声音自然地 联系起来,强调通过情景操练句型,在教学中只允许使用目的语。现如今我 们完全可以把此种方法利用到学习商务英语词汇当中。 因此,在学习商务英语词汇时可以制造情境,利用网络找一些专门记忆单词 的软件工具像“单词风暴”。也可以利用光盘来学习商务英语,置身其中。我们 还可以制造一些学习氛围,例如:在小组中学习商务英语,进行角色扮演,模仿 商务谈判,合同洽谈等,这样更有利于学习和记忆商务英语词汇,而且印象更加 深刻。 除了以上方法外,笔者认为“温故知新”和“学以致用”也是非常重要的。 顾名思义,温故而知新就是学习的同时要不断地复习,因为记忆是有遗忘周期的。 人的记忆周期分为短期记忆和长期记忆两种:最短的记忆周期是5分钟;最长的 是15天。而学以致用就是实践,这里所谓的实践就是当在记忆一些词汇的时候, 要学会去运用。由此可见,在记忆一些词汇的时候,通过一些方法去背诵,刚开 始记得,但是用不了多长时间还是会遗忘。所以笔者认为有必要在此一提,孔子 曰“温故而知新,可以为师矣”,确实不错,现代的我们总是在找更好的方法去 学习和记忆单词,却总是忘记本,如果想更好地学习商务英语,更好的掌握和利 用商务英语词汇,必须做到利用一些好的学习记忆单词的方法去大量的积累词 汇,做到温故而知新并学以致用。 综上所述,商务英语词汇因其专业性强,涵盖面广,内容丰富,所以它具有 用词正式、规范、严谨、一词多义,运用大量的英文缩写等特点。因此在学习商 务英语词汇的同时应该注重积累专业知识,了解国际贸易的流程,掌握合同语言 和法律语言的专业性和规范严谨性,熟悉跨文化交际等的特点以便更好地学习和 使用商务英语词汇,掌握专业的商务英语知识,以便更好地交 流和利用商务英语。 同时要把握住商务英语词汇的这些特征,利用归纳联想记忆法, 衍生法,情境法 来更好的学习商务英语,同时还要做到温故而知新和学以致用。 参考文献: 【1】.李继民,大学英语词汇学习策略,[M],中国人民共和国新 闻出版社,2002 【2】.刘广文,张晓明 国际贸易实务,[M],北京:高等教育出版 社,2005 【3】.徐晓贞,经贸英语,[M],北京:外语教学与研究出 版社,2009.8 【4】.俞敏洪,四级词汇 词根+联想记忆法,[M],北京:群言出 版社,2011.3 【5】.张向京,经贸英语的特点及其翻译问题,[J].中国科技出版 社,2002.4 Abstract: Business English is characterized with strong profession, practice, and is formal, standardized and rigorous in wording. It contains the features of a large number of abbreviations and polysemy. In learning business English vocabulary, we should focus on the accumulation of expertise and the characteristics of international trade and cross-cultural communication, and master some useful learning methods so that we can learn and use business English better. Key words: Business English vocabulary; Ordinary English; Lexical Features 商务英语学习篇二:商务英语学习资料 Unit 2 Company and Product Presentation Introducing yourself and your talk Greeting and self-introduction Good morning. I’m„and I am in charge of the Department of„ Welcome to„ My name is„ I’m in charge of„ Ladies and gentlemen, it’s an honor to address such a distinguished audience. I’m„ , the sales manager of„ An introduction to the presentation I’d like to talk about„ We are here today to discuss„ The purpose of this talk is to„ Outline and organization of your presentation I’ll divide my talk into„ My presentation is in three parts/ sections. Let’s start with the first part/ point. Firstly, I’d like to talk about„ Q&A session If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to let me know. I’ll glad to answer any questions at the end of my talk. Talking about company profile Company history Our company was established in„ The company is an export-oriented company with a 15-year history. Line of business Our company engages in the production/trading of electronic products. We carry out business operations in the following areas„ Organization structure CEO Quality department General Manager Logistic department Sales department Finance department Purchase department Production department Others Our site covers/occupies/has an area of 66,000 square meters. The company has a production capacity of 80,000 cars. Our company has an annual turnover of $8 billion. It has a staff of more than 3,000. Our market share in China has increased by 4.5% this year, accounting for 20% of the total sales. Types of company company (BrE) / corporation (AmE) firm enterprise state-owned enterprise township enterprise privately-owned enterprise solely/ wholly owned enterprise foreign capital enterprise Sino- foreign joint venture multinational/ international corporation group corporation limited company parent company subsidiary / affiliate company partnership holding company listed/ quoted company cooperative industrial corporation consulting company Giving general information about products This is one of our latest design/ top brands. It’s our best-selling product. It can be used for„ This is equipped with„ This is priced at„ This type of product comes in„colors/flavors. The main selling point of it is„ Our product is elegant, durable, small in size, light in weight and reasonable in price. It’s 20 inches long/wide/high/thick/deep. We have a large range of sizes. Its safety features are state-of-the-art. This item is far above standard quality. Describing quality and performance automatic patentedshrink-proof wrinkle-free sound-proofbattery-operated superior foldable washable fragile shock-resistant water-proof Describing style antique distinctive fantasticelegant ornamental conventionalexoticshowystylish Describing craftsmanship and workmanship authentic exquisite delicateelaborate handmadesuperior exceptional intricate Comparing products Compared with other competing products, ours looks better and is lower in price. Our latest cell phone is much lighter and slimmer than its competitors. This refrigerator is more environmentally-friendly. Our product is the best-selling model of its kind. Unit 3 Booking airline tickets I’d like to book a ticket on British Airways Flight 108 to Paris. Can I make a reservation for a morning flight on December 1st, please? Can I book a flight to Chicago on May 9th, please? I’d prefer first/business/economy class. Is it a direct/ non-stop flight? How much is the fare? How much is the one-way/round/return trip? What is the luggage allowance? Hotel reservations I’d like to book a single/ double/twin/ Queen/ King room for two night. May I have a double room with the sea/ park view? I wonder what’s the rate for a twin room, please. What’s the rate for the luxury suite from January 1st to 3rd ? Do you have any vacant rooms for November 12? What’s the rate for a double room? Checking in at the airport May I see your passport, sir? Your ticket and passport, please. Where is your destination? Can I take these bags as carry-on luggage? I’m sorry. Your luggage is five kilograms overweight. What’s the charge for the excess weight? Going through customs Do you have anything to declare? May I see your passport , please? Please fill in this Customs Declaration Form. You are through now. You’re cleared. Have a pleasant stay. Checking in I’d like to check in, please. I have a booking for tonight. The name is John Hey. Hello, I’ve booked a single room with the name John Hey. Do you offer wake-up service for guests? When do you serve breakfast? Checking out I’m Jones from Room 725. I want to check out. Will you please make out my bill? I want to check out now. Could you prepare the bill for me? Can you charge it to my credit card? Asking for information about the visit/ visitor Are you Miss Karolin from ABC Company? May I have your name, please? You must be Mr. Anderson from Sydney. Can I ask What you would like to see him about? Do you have an appointment? Asking the visitor to wait Take a seat, please. I’ll go to see whether our boss is in. Please be seated. I’ll phone through his secretary. Wait a few minutes, please. I’ll ring his extension. Giving the visitor information Our General Manager is available now in the office. Mr. Jones is free at 3:00 this afternoon. Apologizing for having kept the visitor waiting I’m sorry. Mr. Hopkins is in the middle of a meeting. I’m sorry for the delay. Mr. Wilson is engaged now/ is not available now. I’m sorry. The Sales Manager is away on business. I’m afraid Mr. White can’t see you today. He is on a business trip. I’m afraid the Marketing Manager will be busy all day. I’m sorry, but the Personnel Manager can’t be contacted. Meeting guests at the airport Excuse me, are you Mr. Wilson from Sydney Trading? I’m „ from ABC company. Mr. David Johnson asked me to come here in his place to pick you up. Taking guests to the hotel The car is waiting outside to the hotel. This way, please. Our car is out in the parking lot. Shall we drive to your hotel now? Seeing off Have a nice journey. We look forward to meeting you again. Please send my regards to Mr. Jones. Small talk topics How was your flight? How is your trip going? Fine weather, isn’t it? How is your hotel? Introducing the employees May I introduce Mr. Wang, the Sales Manager of our company. This is „, the Sales Manager„ Please allow me introduce Mr. Wang to you. Can I present Mr. Wang to you. Unit 4 On the phone Answering the phone Good morning / afternoon/ evening. York enterprises. May I help you? Geoffrey Sellers here. Who’s calling/speaking, please? Introducing yourself This is Peter from Ultimate Computer. This is Mike speaking. Asking for someone Could I speak to John Martin, please? I’d like to speak to John Martin, please. Could you put me through to John Martin, please? Would you please put me through to extension 405? Putting someone on hold One moment please. I’ll see if Mr. Jones is available. Hold the line, please. I’m connecting you now. Can you hold on a moment? Hang on a minute, please. I’ll put you through. Could you hold the line, please? The person wanted is not available I’m afraid Mr. Jones is not available at the moment. Can I take a message?I’m afraid Mr. Smith is away on business. I’ll tell him you called. I’m sorry. He’s in a meeting at the moment. Can I give him a message? Reasons for calling I’m phoning/calling for the prices of your products. My call is in reference to your stand at the Guangzhou Fair. I’m phoning/ calling for some price information on French perfumes.The reason why I’m calling is that „ Requesting Would you mind repeating that number? Could you repeat that number, please? Could you spell that name, please? I didn’t catch your name. Would you please spell it? Spelling the name Please tell him Tad called. You spell it T as in tango, A as in apple, D as in Donald. 商务英语学习篇三:实用商务英语全套(学习中) 目录 第一版块:介绍自己、他人、公司及产品 第1知识点:正确使用称呼和常见的英文 名 ?????????????????????????????????????? 2,5 第2知识 点:常见的国家和城 市 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 6,7 第3知识点:介绍公司部门和职 务 ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? 8 第 4知识点:介绍自己以及询问他人的基本信 息 ???????????????????????????????? 9,12 第5知识点:介 绍他人及请求他人介绍自 己 ??????????????????????????????????????? 13,14 第6知 识点:简单的寒暄 语?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????15 第7知识点:如何交换信 息 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 16 第8知识点:介绍美的微波炉制造有限公 司 ??????????????????????????????????????? 17,19 第9知 识点:介绍产 品 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????? 20,22 第10知识点:产品咨 询 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 23,24 第11知识点:订货与接 单 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 25 第12知识点:讨价还 价 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 26,27 第13知识点:支付期限和方 式 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 28 第14知识点:交货 期 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 29,30 第15知识点:Sales Review and Forecasts ????????????????????????????????????? 31,33 第 16知识点:客服(Complaining & Apologizing) ??????????????????????????? 34,35 第二板块:电话英语 第1知识点:接听电 话 ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 36,37 第2知识点:拨打电 话 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 38,39 第3知识点:约客户及变更见面事 宜 ??????????????????????????????????????????????? 40,45 第三板块:简单的商务信函和英文简历 第1知识点:商务信函的一般要 素 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????? 46, 47 第2知识点:商务信函或E-mail三部 曲 ???????????????????????????????????????????? 48,49 第 3知识点:英文简 历 ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 50,51 第四板块:日常交往常用英语(根据授课进度灵活安排) 第1知识点:共同话 题 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 52,53 第2知识点:情景英 语 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 54-55 第3知识点:接待英 语 ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 56,58 附:英文歌曲歌 词 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 59,61 A Communication Skills Course for Business English 实用商务英语教程 第一版块:介绍自己、他人、公司及产品 第1知识点:正确使用称呼和常见的英文名 英语姓名介绍 英语名字( first name )在前,姓( last name/ family name/ surname)在后 For example:John SmithPeter BrownAlice Green (名 姓) (名 姓)(名 姓) Which is his first name/last name/family name/surname, 正确称呼的4条原则 (1)正式、表示尊敬的称呼 男:Mr.+ family name——王先生 女:Mrs./Ms+ family name——李太太/李小姐 Mrs. 和 Ms. 的 区别 (2)熟人之间非正式的称呼——直呼其名 John, Peter, Alice (3)不知对方姓名时用Sir或Madam称呼表示尊敬 For example:Excuse me, Sir, can you tell me how to get to the closest post office? (4)对于一些有学术头衔或职务的人,通常称作Dr. Brown, Professor Black, President Bush 注意:一切以英语习惯为主,不能 死套原则 较常见的英文名字 英语姓名(男) 英语姓名(女) 部分男性英文名字详细介绍 一、Alexander 在英国,最常用的男性名字中排名第十八。此名的性格特质: 乐观积极,有豁达的人生观,表达能力强,擅长通过幽默的方式 激励别人。属英格兰姓氏,昵称是Alec。 此名的原意是,Helper of men,很多著名的人物,如古马其顿国王亚历山大大帝曾用此名。 二、Christopher 在英国,最常用的男性名字中排名第四;在美国,最常用的男性名字中排名第十一。此名的性格特质:多才多艺,创意十足,做事有系统性,思想集中,朋友众多,喜欢追求新鲜和刺激。属英格兰姓氏,昵称是Chris 意大利探险家,美洲大陆的发现者,哥伦布曾用此名。 三、Daniel 在英国,最常用的男性名字中排名第一;在美国,最常用的男性名字中排名第十二。此名的性格特质:理想主义者,乐于助人,热心公益,希望家庭稳定和睦,懂得照顾所爱的人。属英格兰姓氏,昵称是Dan 《圣经》中的四大先知之一、《鲁宾逊漂流记》的作者,Daniel Defoe,用此名。 四、Jonathan 在英国,最常用的男性名字中排名第十七;在美国,最常用的男性名字中排名第五十五。此名的性格特质:爽朗,率直,极为活泼,善于交际,易结识朋友,注重高品位的生活。源自希伯来语,昵称是Jon 《圣经》中的一个正面人物曾用此名。 五、Leo 原意是狮子,形容男子勇如雄狮。此名的性格特质是:性格活泼,表现力强,口才极佳,善于表达,能给人留下良好的第一印象,易于适应环境。源自拉丁语。 托尔斯泰,Leo Tolstory曾用此 名。 六、Samuel 在英国,最常用的男性名字中排名第十二;在美国,最常用的男性名字中排名第六十。此名的性格特质:乐观开朗,坦诚,做事效率高,有责任感,为人热心。源自希伯来语,属英格兰姓氏,昵称是Sam 西方诸多诗人、文学家用此名。 七、Vinson 此名的性格特质:为人友善,可亲,随和,能言善辩,有艺术天份,情感丰富,意志力强。源自古英语,属英格兰姓氏。
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