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中国医院排行榜中国医院排行榜 100种疾病哪些医院治得最好?】详见以下这份@健康时报 导医榜单。22个科室、100种常见疾病,哪些医院看得最好?存起以备不时之需。 排名标准: No.1评比原测:以某一与科领域为基础 No.2科室级别、床位数 No.3人员配备:科室技术力量是否雄厚、正副教授数量 No.4研究成果:是否具备国宧级研究中心、年科研论文数量、年SCI被引论文数量 No.5业务水平:日均门诊量、年住院人次、病死率等 No.6同行评议:业界的知名度和临床医护人员的评价 No.7患者满意度调查:通过在线调查、网下调查表填...
中国医院排行榜 100种疾病哪些医院治得最好?】详见以下这份@健康时报 导医榜单。22个科室、100种常见疾病,哪些医院看得最好?存起以备不时之需。 排名标准: No.1评比原测:以某一与科领域为基础 No.2科室级别、床位数 No.3人员配备:科室技术力量是否雄厚、正副教授数量 No.4研究成果:是否具备国宧级研究中心、年科研论文数量、年SCI被引论文数量 No.5业务水平:日均门诊量、年住院人次、病死率等 No.6同行评议:业界的知名度和临床医护人员的 No.7患者满意度调查:通过在线调查、网下调查表填写等多种方式获得 全国最佳医院排名-综合排名 No.1 北京协和医院 No.2 中山大学附属第一医院 No.3 上海华山医院 No.4 解放军总院,301医院, No.5 上海瑞金医院 No.6 北京天坛医院 No.7 西安西京医院 No.8 上海仁济医院 No.9 广东省人民医院 No.10 武汉同济医院 全国最佳医院排名——肾脏病 spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Terminal and set aside. After e, form a wire harness, cable, line. When the line should be in the core wire for better identification and marking on the cards will be prepared in advance, alternate core core content for the cable numbering. F, finish line, according to the corresponding terminal locations, wire one by one from the bunch out, pulling line, should be kept parallel to each other and more. Core dark as possible, determined in accordance with specific conditions, it is required that: neat, beautiful, shapely, pleasing to the eye. 7.6.2 wiring technology, out of the core wire according to Terminal position, cut off the excess, with wire stripping pliers or electrician knife stripped of insulation, so that connection. Stripping should not damage the copper core. B, core wire on the oxide and chip-insulated electricians knife scrape. C, core processing has been completed, thread round long nose pliers in a clockwise direction. Circle with the screw in the direction of spin in the same direction, circle should be appropriate, it is best to slightly larger than the screws, bent round the circle and the length of root and appropriate so set screw is screwed on tight. D, when on the crimp-type terminals when wiring, threads do not have to bend. Insulating part should be careful not to press it into a Terminal, and make the loop doesn't make sense and to prevent bad head crimping, fell down, causing an open circuit. After wiring, may be tried. E, crimping Terminal crimping, wire and Terminal contact is good, solid, not subject to mechanical strain, and ensure the insulation level. F, cables, such as when there is a bare copper ground wire, bare copper wire with a plastic pipe should be set. G, when wiring wiring must be in radians. H, terminal screws 主要疾病:尿毒症、慢性肾功能衰竭、肾炎、肾病综合征、多囊肾病、肾结石 No.1北京大学第一医院 No.2南京军区南京总医院 No.3上海瑞金医院 No.4中山大学附属第一医院 No.5解放军总医院 No.6复旦大学附属华山医院 No.7北京协和医院 No.8南方医科大学南方医院 No.9第二军医大学长征医院 No.10四川大学华西医院 全国最佳医院排名——泌尿外科 主要疾病:尿路结石、肾上腺疾病、肾移植、前列腺疾病、性功能障碍等 No.1北京大学第一医院 No.2武汉同济医院 No.3上海长海医院 No.4解放军总医院 No.5四川大学华西医院 No.6北京协和医院 No.7天津医科大学第二医院 No.8中山大学孙逸仙纪念医院 No.9商会仁济医院 spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Terminal and set aside. After e, form a wire harness, cable, line. When the line should be in the core wire for better identification and marking on the cards will be prepared in advance, alternate core core content for the cable numbering. F, finish line, according to the corresponding terminal locations, wire one by one from the bunch out, pulling line, should be kept parallel to each other and more. Core dark as possible, determined in accordance with specific conditions, it is required that: neat, beautiful, shapely, pleasing to the eye. 7.6.2 wiring technology, out of the core wire according to Terminal position, cut off the excess, with wire stripping pliers or electrician knife stripped of insulation, so that connection. Stripping should not damage the copper core. B, core wire on the oxide and chip-insulated electricians knife scrape. C, core processing has been completed, thread round long nose pliers in a clockwise direction. Circle with the screw in the direction of spin in the same direction, circle should be appropriate, it is best to slightly larger than the screws, bent round the circle and the length of root and appropriate so set screw is screwed on tight. D, when on the crimp-type terminals when wiring, threads do not have to bend. Insulating part should be careful not to press it into a Terminal, and make the loop doesn't make sense and to prevent bad head crimping, fell down, causing an open circuit. After wiring, may be tried. E, crimping Terminal crimping, wire and Terminal contact is good, solid, not subject to mechanical strain, and ensure the insulation level. F, cables, such as when there is a bare copper ground wire, bare copper wire with a plastic pipe should be set. G, when wiring wiring must be in radians. H, terminal screws No.10浙大医学院附属第一医院 全国最佳医院排名——感染性疾病 主要疾病:肝炎、艾滋病、中枢神经系统感染、呼吸道发热、寄生虫病等 No.1复旦大学附属华山医院 No.2北京地坛医院 No.3浙江大学医学院附属第一医院 No.4中国人民解放军第302医院 No.5上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院 No.6南方医科大学南方医院 No.7北京佑安医院 No.8中山大学附属第三医院 No.9上海市公共卫生临床中心 No.10北京大学第一医院 全国最佳医院排名——血液病 主要疾病:白血病、淋巴瘤、再生障碍性贫血、贫血。多发性骨髓瘤 No.1中国医科院血液病医院 No.2上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院 No.3北京大学人民医院 No.4苏州大学附属第一医院 No.5浙大医学院附属一院 No.6武汉协和医院 No.7北京协和医院 spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Terminal and set aside. After e, form a wire harness, cable, line. When the line should be in the core wire for better identification and marking on the cards will be prepared in advance, alternate core core content for the cable numbering. F, finish line, according to the corresponding terminal locations, wire one by one from the bunch out, pulling line, should be kept parallel to each other and more. Core dark as possible, determined in accordance with specific conditions, it is required that: neat, beautiful, shapely, pleasing to the eye. 7.6.2 wiring technology, out of the core wire according to Terminal position, cut off the excess, with wire stripping pliers or electrician knife stripped of insulation, so that connection. Stripping should not damage the copper core. B, core wire on the oxide and chip-insulated electricians knife scrape. C, core processing has been completed, thread round long nose pliers in a clockwise direction. Circle with the screw in the direction of spin in the same direction, circle should be appropriate, it is best to slightly larger than the screws, bent round the circle and the length of root and appropriate so set screw is screwed on tight. D, when on the crimp-type terminals when wiring, threads do not have to bend. Insulating part should be careful not to press it into a Terminal, and make the loop doesn't make sense and to prevent bad head crimping, fell down, causing an open circuit. After wiring, may be tried. E, crimping Terminal crimping, wire and Terminal contact is good, solid, not subject to mechanical strain, and ensure the insulation level. F, cables, such as when there is a bare copper ground wire, bare copper wire with a plastic pipe should be set. G, when wiring wiring must be in radians. H, terminal screws No.8四川大学华西医院 No.9中国人民解放军总医院 No.10山东大学齐鲁医院 全国最佳医院排名——神经内科 主要疾病:脑梗塞、癫痫、头痛、帕金森、头晕、脑出血、抑郁症、失眠、脑血栓、老年痴呆等 No.1北京协和医院 No.2上海华山医院 No.3首都医科大学宣武医院 No.4中山大学附属第一医院 No.5四川大学华西医院 No.6北京天坛医院 No.7吉林大学第一医院 No.8湖南湘雅医院 No.9解放军总医院 No.10上海瑞金医院和武汉同济医院 全国最佳医院排名——神经外科 主要疾病:脑外伤、脑肿瘤、三叉神经痛、脑膜瘤、垂体腺瘤、胶质瘤 No.1北京天坛医院 No.2上海华山医院 No.3四川大学华西医院 No.4解放军总医院 No.5天津医科大学总医院 spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Terminal and set aside. After e, form a wire harness, cable, line. When the line should be in the core wire for better identification and marking on the cards will be prepared in advance, alternate core core content for the cable numbering. F, finish line, according to the corresponding terminal locations, wire one by one from the bunch out, pulling line, should be kept parallel to each other and more. Core dark as possible, determined in accordance with specific conditions, it is required that: neat, beautiful, shapely, pleasing to the eye. 7.6.2 wiring technology, out of the core wire according to Terminal position, cut off the excess, with wire stripping pliers or electrician knife stripped of insulation, so that connection. Stripping should not damage the copper core. B, core wire on the oxide and chip-insulated electricians knife scrape. C, core processing has been completed, thread round long nose pliers in a clockwise direction. Circle with the screw in the direction of spin in the same direction, circle should be appropriate, it is best to slightly larger than the screws, bent round the circle and the length of root and appropriate so set screw is screwed on tight. D, when on the crimp-type terminals when wiring, threads do not have to bend. Insulating part should be careful not to press it into a Terminal, and make the loop doesn't make sense and to prevent bad head crimping, fell down, causing an open circuit. After wiring, may be tried. E, crimping Terminal crimping, wire and Terminal contact is good, solid, not subject to mechanical strain, and ensure the insulation level. F, cables, such as when there is a bare copper ground wire, bare copper wire with a plastic pipe should be set. G, when wiring wiring must be in radians. H, terminal screws No.6首都医科大学宣武医院 No.7湖南湘雅医院 No.8西安西京医院 No.9哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院 No.10山东大学齐鲁医院 全国最佳医院排名——精神疾病 主要疾病:抑郁、焦虑、强迫症、情感障碍、精神分裂症、孤独症、多动症、心理干预、成瘾戒治 No.1北京大学第六医院 No.2上海市精神卫生中心 No.3湖南湘雅二医院精神卫生中心 No.4四川大学华西医院心理卫生中心 No.5北京安定医院 No.6南京医科大学附属脑科医院 No.7广州市脑科医院 No.8北京回龙观医院 No.9武汉大学人民医院精神卫生中心 No.10深圳市康宁医院 全国最佳医院排名——骨科 主要疾病:骨折、金追兵、腰椎病等脊柱疾病,人巟关节置换,断肢再植,关节软骨损伤,骨肿瘤 No.1北京积水潭医院 No.2解放军总医院 No.3北京大学第三医院 spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Terminal and set aside. After e, form a wire harness, cable, line. When the line should be in the core wire for better identification and marking on the cards will be prepared in advance, alternate core core content for the cable numbering. F, finish line, according to the corresponding terminal locations, wire one by one from the bunch out, pulling line, should be kept parallel to each other and more. Core dark as possible, determined in accordance with specific conditions, it is required that: neat, beautiful, shapely, pleasing to the eye. 7.6.2 wiring technology, out of the core wire according to Terminal position, cut off the excess, with wire stripping pliers or electrician knife stripped of insulation, so that connection. Stripping should not damage the copper core. B, core wire on the oxide and chip-insulated electricians knife scrape. C, core processing has been completed, thread round long nose pliers in a clockwise direction. Circle with the screw in the direction of spin in the same direction, circle should be appropriate, it is best to slightly larger than the screws, bent round the circle and the length of root and appropriate so set screw is screwed on tight. D, when on the crimp-type terminals when wiring, threads do not have to bend. Insulating part should be careful not to press it into a Terminal, and make the loop doesn't make sense and to prevent bad head crimping, fell down, causing an open circuit. After wiring, may be tried. E, crimping Terminal crimping, wire and Terminal contact is good, solid, not subject to mechanical strain, and ensure the insulation level. F, cables, such as when there is a bare copper ground wire, bare copper wire with a plastic pipe should be set. G, when wiring wiring must be in radians. H, terminal screws No.4上海交大第六医院 No.5北京协和医院 No.6四川大学华西医院 No.7上海长征医院 No.8北京大学人民医院 No.9南京鼓楼医院 No.10上海瑞金医院 全国最佳医院排名——皮肤科 主要疾病:白癜风、银屑病、黄褐斑、硬皮病、真菌病、顽固性湿疹、红斑狼疮皮肤损宦、皮肌炎、大疱病等 No.1上海华山医院 No.2中国医学科学院皮肤病医院 No.3北京大学第一医院 No.4中国医科大学附属第一医院(沈阳) No.5安徽医科大学第一附属医院 No.6北京协和医院 No.7第四军医大学西京医院 No.8上海瑞金医院 No.9中南大学湘雅二医院 No.10杭州市第三人民医院 全国最佳医院排名——小儿内科 主要疾病:感染性肺炎、脑膜炎、智力发育障碍、腹泻、支气管哮喘、急性贫血、性早熟、癫痫等 No.1北京儿童医院 spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Terminal and set aside. After e, form a wire harness, cable, line. When the line should be in the core wire for better identification and marking on the cards will be prepared in advance, alternate core core content for the cable numbering. F, finish line, according to the corresponding terminal locations, wire one by one from the bunch out, pulling line, should be kept parallel to each other and more. Core dark as possible, determined in accordance with specific conditions, it is required that: neat, beautiful, shapely, pleasing to the eye. 7.6.2 wiring technology, out of the core wire according to Terminal position, cut off the excess, with wire stripping pliers or electrician knife stripped of insulation, so that connection. Stripping should not damage the copper core. B, core wire on the oxide and chip-insulated electricians knife scrape. C, core processing has been completed, thread round long nose pliers in a clockwise direction. Circle with the screw in the direction of spin in the same direction, circle should be appropriate, it is best to slightly larger than the screws, bent round the circle and the length of root and appropriate so set screw is screwed on tight. D, when on the crimp-type terminals when wiring, threads do not have to bend. Insulating part should be careful not to press it into a Terminal, and make the loop doesn't make sense and to prevent bad head crimping, fell down, causing an open circuit. After wiring, may be tried. E, crimping Terminal crimping, wire and Terminal contact is good, solid, not subject to mechanical strain, and ensure the insulation level. F, cables, such as when there is a bare copper ground wire, bare copper wire with a plastic pipe should be set. G, when wiring wiring must be in radians. H, terminal screws No.2复旦大学附属儿科医院 No.3中国医科大学盛京医院 No.4上海交通大学医学院附属新华医院 No.5重庆医科大学附属儿童医院 No.6武汉同济医院 No.7上海儿童医学中心 No.8广州市妇女儿童医疗中心 No.9首都儿科研究所 No.10浙江儿童医院 全国最佳医院排名——妇产科 主要疾病:妇科肿瘤、子宥肌瘤、子宥内膜异位症、不孕不育、盆底功能障碍性疾病、妊娠合并症及并发症 No.1北京协和医院 No.2复旦大学附属妇产科医院 No.3浙江大学医学院附属妇产科医院 No.4武汉同济医院 No.5北京大学人民医院 No.6四川大学华西第二医院 No.7山东大学齐鲁医院 No.8北京大学第一医院 No.9北京大学第三医院 No.10中国医科大盛京医院 全国最佳医院排名——内分泌 spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Terminal and set aside. After e, form a wire harness, cable, line. When the line should be in the core wire for better identification and marking on the cards will be prepared in advance, alternate core core content for the cable numbering. F, finish line, according to the corresponding terminal locations, wire one by one from the bunch out, pulling line, should be kept parallel to each other and more. Core dark as possible, determined in accordance with specific conditions, it is required that: neat, beautiful, shapely, pleasing to the eye. 7.6.2 wiring technology, out of the core wire according to Terminal position, cut off the excess, with wire stripping pliers or electrician knife stripped of insulation, so that connection. Stripping should not damage the copper core. B, core wire on the oxide and chip-insulated electricians knife scrape. C, core processing has been completed, thread round long nose pliers in a clockwise direction. Circle with the screw in the direction of spin in the same direction, circle should be appropriate, it is best to slightly larger than the screws, bent round the circle and the length of root and appropriate so set screw is screwed on tight. D, when on the crimp-type terminals when wiring, threads do not have to bend. Insulating part should be careful not to press it into a Terminal, and make the loop doesn't make sense and to prevent bad head crimping, fell down, causing an open circuit. After wiring, may be tried. E, crimping Terminal crimping, wire and Terminal contact is good, solid, not subject to mechanical strain, and ensure the insulation level. F, cables, such as when there is a bare copper ground wire, bare copper wire with a plastic pipe should be set. G, when wiring wiring must be in radians. H, terminal screws 主要疾病:糖尿病、甲状腺疾病、尿崩症、矮小症、性发育异常、代谢性骨病等 No.1上海瑞金医院 No.2北京协和医院 No.3中国人民解放军总医院 No.4中南大学湘雅二医院 No.5上海市第六人民医院 No.6四川大学华西医院 No.7中国医科大学附属第一医院 No.8中日友好医院 No.9北京大学第一医院 No.10中山大学附属第二医院 全国最佳医院排名——眼科 主要疾病:白内障、青光眼、眼底病、眼肿瘤、眼外伤、角膜病、屈光不正、小儿斜视不弱势等 No.1中山大学中山眼科中心 No.2北京同仁医院 No.3复旦大学附属眼耳鼻喉医院 No.4天津市眼科医院 No.5温州医学院附属眼视光医院 No.6北京大学人民医院 No.7北京协和医院 No.8北京大学第三医院 No.9浙大医学院附属第二医院 spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Terminal and set aside. After e, form a wire harness, cable, line. When the line should be in the core wire for better identification and marking on the cards will be prepared in advance, alternate core core content for the cable numbering. F, finish line, according to the corresponding terminal locations, wire one by one from the bunch out, pulling line, should be kept parallel to each other and more. Core dark as possible, determined in accordance with specific conditions, it is required that: neat, beautiful, shapely, pleasing to the eye. 7.6.2 wiring technology, out of the core wire according to Terminal position, cut off the excess, with wire stripping pliers or electrician knife stripped of insulation, so that connection. Stripping should not damage the copper core. B, core wire on the oxide and chip-insulated electricians knife scrape. C, core processing has been completed, thread round long nose pliers in a clockwise direction. Circle with the screw in the direction of spin in the same direction, circle should be appropriate, it is best to slightly larger than the screws, bent round the circle and the length of root and appropriate so set screw is screwed on tight. D, when on the crimp-type terminals when wiring, threads do not have to bend. Insulating part should be careful not to press it into a Terminal, and make the loop doesn't make sense and to prevent bad head crimping, fell down, causing an open circuit. After wiring, may be tried. E, crimping Terminal crimping, wire and Terminal contact is good, solid, not subject to mechanical strain, and ensure the insulation level. F, cables, such as when there is a bare copper ground wire, bare copper wire with a plastic pipe should be set. G, when wiring wiring must be in radians. H, terminal screws No.10山东省眼科研究所 全国最佳医院排名——口腔科 主要疾病:牙颌畸形、牙痛、口腔颌面部肿瘤、龋齿、牙髓炎、牙周炎、阻生齿、牙周病、口腔溃疡、牙体病等 No.1北京大学口腔医院 No.2四川大学华西口腔医院 No.3上海交大医学院附属第九人民医院 No.4第四军医大学口腔医院 No.5武汉大学口腔医院 No.6中山大学光华口腔医学院附属口腔医院 No.7首都医科大学附属北京口腔医院 No.8广东省口腔医院 No.9南京市口腔医院 No.10中国医科大学口腔医院 全国最佳医院排名——耳鼻喉 主要疾病:人巟耳蜗植入、耳硬化、人巟听觉技术、耳肿瘤、鼻咽癌、耳聋、扁桃体炎、慢性咽炎等 No.1复旦大学附属眼耳鼻喉科医院 No.2北京同仁医院 No.3解放军总医院 No.4北京协和医院 No.5武汉协和医院 No.6中山大学附属第一医院 No.7上海新华医院 spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Terminal and set aside. After e, form a wire harness, cable, line. When the line should be in the core wire for better identification and marking on the cards will be prepared in advance, alternate core core content for the cable numbering. F, finish line, according to the corresponding terminal locations, wire one by one from the bunch out, pulling line, should be kept parallel to each other and more. Core dark as possible, determined in accordance with specific conditions, it is required that: neat, beautiful, shapely, pleasing to the eye. 7.6.2 wiring technology, out of the core wire according to Terminal position, cut off the excess, with wire stripping pliers or electrician knife stripped of insulation, so that connection. Stripping should not damage the copper core. B, core wire on the oxide and chip-insulated electricians knife scrape. C, core processing has been completed, thread round long nose pliers in a clockwise direction. Circle with the screw in the direction of spin in the same direction, circle should be appropriate, it is best to slightly larger than the screws, bent round the circle and the length of root and appropriate so set screw is screwed on tight. D, when on the crimp-type terminals when wiring, threads do not have to bend. Insulating part should be careful not to press it into a Terminal, and make the loop doesn't make sense and to prevent bad head crimping, fell down, causing an open circuit. After wiring, may be tried. E, crimping Terminal crimping, wire and Terminal contact is good, solid, not subject to mechanical strain, and ensure the insulation level. F, cables, such as when there is a bare copper ground wire, bare copper wire with a plastic pipe should be set. G, when wiring wiring must be in radians. H, terminal screws No.8山东省立医院 No.9四川大学华西医院 No.10西安西京医院、湖南湘雅医院 全国最佳医院排名——风湿免疫病 主要疾病:类风湿关节炎、强制性脊柱炎、系统性红斑狼疮、硬皮病、干燥综合征 No.1北京协和医院 No.2上海仁济医院 No.3北大人民医院 No.4解放军总医院 No.5南京鼓楼医院 No.6中山大学三院 No.7西安西京医院 No.8四川大学华西医院 No.9中日友好医院 No.10上海长征医院 全国最佳医院排名——肿瘤 主要疾病:肺癌、乳腺癌、胃癌、肝癌、胰腺癌等消化系统肿瘤、妇科肿瘤、血液系统肿瘤等 No.1中国医科院肿瘤医院 No.2中山大学肿瘤防治中心 No.3复旦大学附属肿瘤医院 No.4天津医科大学附属肿瘤医院 No.5北京大学肿瘤医院 spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Terminal and set aside. After e, form a wire harness, cable, line. When the line should be in the core wire for better identification and marking on the cards will be prepared in advance, alternate core core content for the cable numbering. F, finish line, according to the corresponding terminal locations, wire one by one from the bunch out, pulling line, should be kept parallel to each other and more. Core dark as possible, determined in accordance with specific conditions, it is required that: neat, beautiful, shapely, pleasing to the eye. 7.6.2 wiring technology, out of the core wire according to Terminal position, cut off the excess, with wire stripping pliers or electrician knife stripped of insulation, so that connection. Stripping should not damage the copper core. B, core wire on the oxide and chip-insulated electricians knife scrape. C, core processing has been completed, thread round long nose pliers in a clockwise direction. Circle with the screw in the direction of spin in the same direction, circle should be appropriate, it is best to slightly larger than the screws, bent round the circle and the length of root and appropriate so set screw is screwed on tight. D, when on the crimp-type terminals when wiring, threads do not have to bend. Insulating part should be careful not to press it into a Terminal, and make the loop doesn't make sense and to prevent bad head crimping, fell down, causing an open circuit. After wiring, may be tried. E, crimping Terminal crimping, wire and Terminal contact is good, solid, not subject to mechanical strain, and ensure the insulation level. F, cables, such as when there is a bare copper ground wire, bare copper wire with a plastic pipe should be set. G, when wiring wiring must be in radians. H, terminal screws No.6山东省肿瘤医院 No.7浙江省肿瘤医院 No.8哈尔滨医科大学附属肿瘤医院 No.9四川大学华西医院 No.10江苏省肿瘤医院 全国最佳医院排名——消化内科 主要疾病:肠胃炎、胃肠肿瘤、胰腺炎、胰腺癌、胆石症、肝硬化、胃食管反流病、肠易激综合征等 No.1西安西京医院 No.2北京协和医院 No.3解放军总医院 No.4上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院 No.5第二军医大学附属长海医院 No.6上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院 No.7南方医科大学南方医院 No.8首都医科大学附属北京友谊医院 No.9中山大学附属第一医院 No.10四川大学华西医院 全国最佳医院排名——普外科 主要疾病:甲状腺疾病、肝脏移植、急性胆囊炎、胆道结石、胰腺炎、胃穿孔、肠梗阻、阑尾炎等 No.1北京协和医院 No.2复旦大学附属中山医院 No.3四川大学华西医院 spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Terminal and set aside. After e, form a wire harness, cable, line. When the line should be in the core wire for better identification and marking on the cards will be prepared in advance, alternate core core content for the cable numbering. F, finish line, according to the corresponding terminal locations, wire one by one from the bunch out, pulling line, should be kept parallel to each other and more. Core dark as possible, determined in accordance with specific conditions, it is required that: neat, beautiful, shapely, pleasing to the eye. 7.6.2 wiring technology, out of the core wire according to Terminal position, cut off the excess, with wire stripping pliers or electrician knife stripped of insulation, so that connection. Stripping should not damage the copper core. B, core wire on the oxide and chip-insulated electricians knife scrape. C, core processing has been completed, thread round long nose pliers in a clockwise direction. Circle with the screw in the direction of spin in the same direction, circle should be appropriate, it is best to slightly larger than the screws, bent round the circle and the length of root and appropriate so set screw is screwed on tight. D, when on the crimp-type terminals when wiring, threads do not have to bend. Insulating part should be careful not to press it into a Terminal, and make the loop doesn't make sense and to prevent bad head crimping, fell down, causing an open circuit. After wiring, may be tried. E, crimping Terminal crimping, wire and Terminal contact is good, solid, not subject to mechanical strain, and ensure the insulation level. F, cables, such as when there is a bare copper ground wire, bare copper wire with a plastic pipe should be set. G, when wiring wiring must be in radians. H, terminal screws No.4商会交大瑞金医院 No.5解放军总医院 No.6华中科技大学同济医院 No.7北京大学人民医院 No.8中山大学附属第一医院 No.9浙江大学医学院附属第一医院 No.10南京军区南京总医院 全国最佳医院排名——呼吸病 主要疾病:慢性阻塞性肺疾病、肺栓塞、支气管哮喘不慢性咳嗽、呼吸系统感染、肺部肿瘤 No.1广州医学院第一附属医院 No.2复旦大学附属第一医院 No.3北京协和医院 No.4四川大学华西医院 No.5北京朝阳医院 No.6中国医科大学附属第一医院 No.7解放军总医院 No.8武汉同济医院 No.9上海瑞金医院 No.10北京大学第一医院 全国最佳医院排名——胸外科 主要疾病:肾肿瘤、肾结石、膀胱癌、前列腺炎、前列腺增生、尿结石、肾上腺肿瘤 No.1中国医学科学院肿瘤医院 spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Terminal and set aside. After e, form a wire harness, cable, line. When the line should be in the core wire for better identification and marking on the cards will be prepared in advance, alternate core core content for the cable numbering. F, finish line, according to the corresponding terminal locations, wire one by one from the bunch out, pulling line, should be kept parallel to each other and more. Core dark as possible, determined in accordance with specific conditions, it is required that: neat, beautiful, shapely, pleasing to the eye. 7.6.2 wiring technology, out of the core wire according to Terminal position, cut off the excess, with wire stripping pliers or electrician knife stripped of insulation, so that connection. Stripping should not damage the copper core. B, core wire on the oxide and chip-insulated electricians knife scrape. C, core processing has been completed, thread round long nose pliers in a clockwise direction. Circle with the screw in the direction of spin in the same direction, circle should be appropriate, it is best to slightly larger than the screws, bent round the circle and the length of root and appropriate so set screw is screwed on tight. D, when on the crimp-type terminals when wiring, threads do not have to bend. Insulating part should be careful not to press it into a Terminal, and make the loop doesn't make sense and to prevent bad head crimping, fell down, causing an open circuit. After wiring, may be tried. E, crimping Terminal crimping, wire and Terminal contact is good, solid, not subject to mechanical strain, and ensure the insulation level. F, cables, such as when there is a bare copper ground wire, bare copper wire with a plastic pipe should be set. G, when wiring wiring must be in radians. H, terminal screws No.2同济大学附属上海市肺科医院 No.3上海市胸科医院 No.4四川大学华西医院 No.5北京大学人民医院 No.6复旦大学附属中山医院 No.7广州医学院第一附属医院 No.8中山大学肿瘤防治中心 No.9天津市胸科医院 No.10第四军医大学唐都医院 全国最佳医院排名—— 心血管外科 主要疾病:冠心病、风湿性心脏病、心脏瓣膜病、先天性心脏病、心脏肿瘤、心肌病、心脏外伤、心律失常等 No.1中国医学科学院阜外心血管病医院 No.2北京安贞医院 No.3复旦大学附属中山医院 No.4广东省人民医院 No.5西安西京医院 No.6四川大学华西医院 No.7上海儿童医学中心 No.8中南大学湘雅二医院 No.9武汉协和医院 No.10解放军总医院 全国最佳医院排名——心血管病 spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Terminal and set aside. After e, form a wire harness, cable, line. When the line should be in the core wire for better identification and marking on the cards will be prepared in advance, alternate core core content for the cable numbering. F, finish line, according to the corresponding terminal locations, wire one by one from the bunch out, pulling line, should be kept parallel to each other and more. Core dark as possible, determined in accordance with specific conditions, it is required that: neat, beautiful, shapely, pleasing to the eye. 7.6.2 wiring technology, out of the core wire according to Terminal position, cut off the excess, with wire stripping pliers or electrician knife stripped of insulation, so that connection. Stripping should not damage the copper core. B, core wire on the oxide and chip-insulated electricians knife scrape. C, core processing has been completed, thread round long nose pliers in a clockwise direction. Circle with the screw in the direction of spin in the same direction, circle should be appropriate, it is best to slightly larger than the screws, bent round the circle and the length of root and appropriate so set screw is screwed on tight. D, when on the crimp-type terminals when wiring, threads do not have to bend. Insulating part should be careful not to press it into a Terminal, and make the loop doesn't make sense and to prevent bad head crimping, fell down, causing an open circuit. After wiring, may be tried. E, crimping Terminal crimping, wire and Terminal contact is good, solid, not subject to mechanical strain, and ensure the insulation level. F, cables, such as when there is a bare copper ground wire, bare copper wire with a plastic pipe should be set. G, when wiring wiring must be in radians. H, terminal screws 主要疾病:高血压、心律失常、房颤、阵发性室上性心动过速、心肌炎、房间隔缺损、先天性心脏病缺血 No.1中国医学科学院阜外心血管病医院 No.2北京安贞医院 No.3复旦大学附属中山医院 No.4广东省人民医院 No.5北京大学人民医院 No.6北京大学第一医院 No.7上海瑞金医院 No.8沈阳军区总医院 No.9西安西京医院 No.10四川大学华西医院 spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Terminal and set aside. After e, form a wire harness, cable, line. When the line should be in the core wire for better identification and marking on the cards will be prepared in advance, alternate core core content for the cable numbering. F, finish line, according to the corresponding terminal locations, wire one by one from the bunch out, pulling line, should be kept parallel to each other and more. Core dark as possible, determined in accordance with specific conditions, it is required that: neat, beautiful, shapely, pleasing to the eye. 7.6.2 wiring technology, out of the core wire according to Terminal position, cut off the excess, with wire stripping pliers or electrician knife stripped of insulation, so that connection. Stripping should not damage the copper core. B, core wire on the oxide and chip-insulated electricians knife scrape. C, core processing has been completed, thread round long nose pliers in a clockwise direction. Circle with the screw in the direction of spin in the same direction, circle should be appropriate, it is best to slightly larger than the screws, bent round the circle and the length of root and appropriate so set screw is screwed on tight. D, when on the crimp-type terminals when wiring, threads do not have to bend. Insulating part should be careful not to press it into a Terminal, and make the loop doesn't make sense and to prevent bad head crimping, fell down, causing an open circuit. After wiring, may be tried. E, crimping Terminal crimping, wire and Terminal contact is good, solid, not subject to mechanical strain, and ensure the insulation level. F, cables, such as when there is a bare copper ground wire, bare copper wire with a plastic pipe should be set. G, when wiring wiring must be in radians. H, terminal screws
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