

2017-11-11 38页 doc 196KB 17阅读




碧欧泉项目分析报告碧欧泉项目分析报告 “碧欧泉”健康水家电区域运营中心 报告策划人: 市场区域: 拟订时间: 报告目录 第一篇: 我国饮用水状况及水家电行业背景 第二篇: 品牌建设 第三篇: 先进技术制造好产品 第四篇: 区域市场状况与投资分析 第五篇: 市场运营方案 第六篇: 售后服务支持措施 第七篇: 长久合作,共同发展 pipe into the box, lateral lock, installed at the inner side protection. (9) dark distribution pip...
碧欧泉项目分析报告 “碧欧泉”健康水家电区域运营中心 报告策划人: 市场区域: 拟订时间: 报告目录 第一篇: 我国饮用水状况及水家电行业背景 第二篇: 品牌建设 第三篇: 先进技术制造好产品 第四篇: 区域市场状况与投资分析 第五篇: 市场运营 第六篇: 售后服务支持措施 第七篇: 长久合作,共同发展 pipe into the box, lateral lock, installed at the inner side protection. (9) dark distribution pipe should be laid along the lines of recent, and should reduce bending, buried within the walls of the pipe from the surface-distance should not be less than 15mm. (10) under normal circumstances, it tube bending radius shall meet the following requirements: 1) specify timing, there is generally no less than 6 times the pipe diameter, such as when only one bend, not less than 6 times the pipe diameter. 2) dark time, not less than ... (E) wire into the switch box and Cabinet, Board, should have a long widening of margins; (F) when the wires into the electrical equipment should remain at the Centre of 0.3M margin; (G) the floor tube to the power box, tube 1M of allowances; (H) the wires connected to the power supply and into and out of time, tube 1.5M of allowances. (I) wore metal pipe with wire retainer should be well set, retainer must not cut place, match the specification and pipe. (J) after the end of the wire, you should check the insulation resistance, the resistance shall be not less than 0.5M. (K) the dark construction of the works at the time of completion and acceptance of the delivery, and laid wiring changes in the construction should be part of the actual position (including junction boxes and junction boxes and pipeline specifications), fixed in the as-built drawings and indicate 第一篇: 我国饮用水状况及水家电行业背景 (一)饮水安全 水是生命之源,没有水生命就不可能存在。人体在丧失大部分脂肪以及50%的蛋白质等物质 并不影响人的生存,但失水1—2%就会口干舌燥,5%则烦躁不安,15%会导致昏迷,20%则会危及 生命。当今医学研究证明:人类胎儿时期人体的构成成分水分占90%;婴儿时期人体体内水分占 80%;少年时期人体体内水分占75%;成年人体内水分占70%;而老年人体内水分大约只占到50%,60,。 从上述比较中不难看出,人体的老化过程实际上就是人体水分丧失的过程,这就是医学常说 的“干燥是老化的主要表现”。此外,水是人体进行新陈代谢的唯一载体,各种人体所需的营养物 质及氧气、人体各器官组织的代谢废物最终都需要溶于水或者靠水的运动才能被运输、被吸收、 被排泄;另一方面,人的内脏器官是人体里含水量最大的,可以达到总含水量的70%以上,缺水 就不能完成它们最基本的功能。专家们提醒我们不但平时要多喝水,而且要喝好水。李时珍《本 草纲目》:药补不如食补,食补不如水补。水是百药之王,因此,水质决定体质,水好自然身体好~ 但当今水污染却日趋恶化,水中污染可分成三种情况: 第一种为物理污染:即水中含有可见到的微泥、铁锈等杂质以及看不到的重金属离子;第二 种为化学污染:来源于工厂排放的废气、废水、废渣,农业使用的农药、化肥、杀虫剂、除草剂 以及我们生活中使用的各类洗涤剂等。据世界卫生组织调查表明:受污染的水中至少含有几十种 甚至上百种的有害物质,其中很多是严重的致癌物质;第三种为生物污染:即水中含有大量的细 菌、病毒等,危害人体健康。 我们的饮用水都不同程度地存在着以下途径的污染:一是水源污染。我国城市居民的饮用水 都是通过对江河湖泊的水加工而来的,据世界卫生组织公布的数据,发展中国家有70%以上的人 口得不到清洁的水源。而在我国,主要的532条河流中已经有436条被严重污染,未被污染的河 流大多分布在西部和边远山区。国家环保总局每年都会发布通报,目前我国的河流污染主要以化 学污染---致癌物的污染为主;二是加工污染,我国的自来水的净化杀菌过程主要是通过施加氯气 来完成的(打开水龙头会闻到一股漂白粉的气味,就是余氯的味道)。氯气本来就是一种有毒物质,而且氯气还能和水中的有机物发生化学反应,生成一种有机化合物——三氯甲烷,这是世界上公 认的强致癌物质,所以现在国外称这种水为“致癌水”。目前国际上公认的比较理想的杀菌物质是 臭氧,它的杀菌效果是氯气的近千倍。但它的杀菌工艺技术含量比较高,而且成本非常高昂,因 此只有在欧美等发达国家才得到了应用。三是二次污染。自来水从工厂出来后要经过密如蛛网的 地下管道才能输送到千家万户,这当中自来水又遭受了严重的二次污染。先期的地下水管多是铸 铁管,有些老城区已经铺设了几十年,年久失修,地下脏水、污水渗入现象时有发生;最令人忧 虑的是高层建筑的储水箱,几乎在每个城市都是被人遗忘的角落,无人管理、无人监督、无人清 built drawings and indicate-xed in the ass), fihe construction should be part of the actual position (including junction boxes and junction boxes and pipeline specification(K) the dark construction of the works at the time of completion and acceptance of the delivery, and laid wiring changes in t0.5M. n and pipe. (J) after the end of the wire, you should check the insulation resistance, the resistance shall be not less than of allowances. (I) wore metal pipe with wire retainer should be well set, retainer must not cut place, match the specificatio1.5M loor tube to the power box, tube 1M of allowances; (H) the wires connected to the power supply and into and out of time, tubeg widening of margins; (F) when the wires into the electrical equipment should remain at the Centre of 0.3M margin; (G) the fa lonthan 6 times the pipe diameter. 2) dark time, not less than ... (E) wire into the switch box and Cabinet, Board, should have uirements: 1) specify timing, there is generally no less than 6 times the pipe diameter, such as when only one bend, not lessdistance should not be less than 15mm. (10) under normal circumstances, it tube bending radius shall meet the following req-surfaceution pipe should be laid along the lines of recent, and should reduce bending, buried within the walls of the pipe from the pipe into the box, lateral lock, installed at the inner side protection. (9) dark distrib2 洗,尤其是夏季高温,这里简直就成了细菌的温床,有的储水箱里落水而死的老鼠泡的比猫还大。 据统计,我国目前有79%的城市居民饮用的就是这种遭受过一次次污染的水。 污染水与人体疾病有着密切的关系: 第一,据调查,发展中国家,包括我国有80%的疾病和30%以上的死亡率和受污染的水有关; 第二,我国的癌症患者及癌症死亡率一直高居不下,与水的污染和处理有着直接或间接的关系; 在1974年,美国新奥尔良地区就曾因在自来水中投放过量氯气,造成该地区的癌症发病率和死亡 率高出其它地区20%;第三,水污染是流行病及传染病的温床,多种传染病的传播与饮用不洁水 有关,奥地利的维也纳就曾因为饮用多瑙河的污染水而引发大规模的伤寒和霍乱,政府不得不花 费巨资从远在170公里以外的山区引来了清洁水源。 这是国内发生的一幕幕触目惊心的水污染案例: 2005年11月13日,吉林化工厂发生爆炸,大量硝基苯流入松花江,下游十几座城市深受其 害,北国重镇哈尔滨被迫停水7天; 中央电视台《新闻调查》栏目报道河南省沈丘县黄孟营村因淮河支流沙颖河遭受上游污染, 致使该村成了远近闻名的癌症村; 太湖、巢湖、滇池年复一年的蓝藻爆发引起的水恐慌; 淮河、渭河、汾河、辽河的劣?类水,连农业灌溉的都无法使用; „„„„ 全国九成城市的地下水、地表河流和湖泊,均遭严重污染;从南国到北乡,从城市到乡村, 大部分人在饮用不合格的水~ “饮水安全”——这个不久前还仅限于学术圈的专业概念,迅速在公众中流传、普及;而当 越来越多的人们不无震惊地发现:身边的饮用水污染已是如此严重,以至直接威胁到自己和家人 的生命健康;“饮水安全”——这个不久前还仅仅停留在口头的抽象概念,又迅速上升为实在而 具体的消费需求。 (二)健康饮水 世界卫生组织(WHO)在国际公认的长寿地区,如俄罗斯的高加索、巴基斯坦的芬扎、厄瓜多 尔的比尔卡班巴、日本山犁县的罔原、中国广西的巴马县等研究得出长寿村人健康长寿的原因, 这里除了空气好、阳光好、地磁好、食物好、心态好、运动好之外,这些地方的水更是与众不同, 概括起来主要有以下特点:小分子团的六环水、天然弱碱性水、负电位水、富氧水、软硬度适中 的矿泉水,因而,具有极强的渗透力、溶解力、代谢力。 医学研究表明,健康人的体液PH值为7.35—7.45,呈弱碱性。由于我们人体长期大量摄入 肉、鱼、蛋、奶、酒、油脂、甜食、米面等酸性食物,这些食物在体内代谢过程中产生大量酸性 废物,使得体液呈酸性,酸性体液会诱发或引起高血压、糖尿病、肾结石、骨质疏松、痛风、慢 性便秘等,现代医学研究表明,细胞处于缺氧状态或细胞处于酸性环境是人体产生癌症的主要原 因,酸性体质是百病之源。 “碧欧泉”能量矿化水机在原直饮机的的基础上加入具有热电、光电、和压电作用的能量石 built drawings and indicate-ecifications), fixed in the ashanges in the construction should be part of the actual position (including junction boxes and junction boxes and pipeline sping cless than 0.5M. (K) the dark construction of the works at the time of completion and acceptance of the delivery, and laid wir pecification and pipe. (J) after the end of the wire, you should check the insulation resistance, the resistance shall be notthe stime, tube 1.5M of allowances. (I) wore metal pipe with wire retainer should be well set, retainer must not cut place, match ; (G) the floor tube to the power box, tube 1M of allowances; (H) the wires connected to the power supply and into and out ofmarginshould have a long widening of margins; (F) when the wires into the electrical equipment should remain at the Centre of 0.3M d, not less than 6 times the pipe diameter. 2) dark time, not less than ... (E) wire into the switch box and Cabinet, Board, rements: 1) specify timing, there is generally no less than 6 times the pipe diameter, such as when only one bendistance should not be less than 15mm. (10) under normal circumstances, it tube bending radius shall meet the following requi-e from the surfacelines of recent, and should reduce bending, buried within the walls of the pippipe into the box, lateral lock, installed at the inner side protection. (9) dark distribution pipe should be laid along the 3 矿化滤芯产生的能量矿化水把普通的市政自来水经过多重滤芯净化,再经过能量矿化滤芯的矿化 和活化作用,从而获得小分子、弱碱性、负电位、富含氧且软硬适中的矿化能量水。下面我们了 解一下“碧欧泉”矿化能量水的作用机理: 人的胃为了消化食物以及杀灭随食物进来的病菌一直保持PH值在4以下的酸性。如果我们喝 了弱碱性水就使得胃里的酸碱值高于4,这样一来在人体系统的自动调节下,为了维持胃里的酸 碱值,从胃壁里分泌出强酸即盐酸使得酸碱值维持在4以下。为了使胃分泌盐酸,要从人体里水、 盐(NaCl)、细胞呼吸产生的二氧化碳中通过化学反应来:NaCl +H2O +CO2= NaHCO3+HCl 这样产生 的盐酸不断提供胃里,产生的碳酸氢钠就是碱性物质,从而使我们的体液自然弱碱性化了。显而 易见,碱性水不象药物直接被胃肠吸收,而是透过间接作用使得血液里的碱性成分自然提高,因 此,对人体不会有任何副作用。 “碧欧泉”矿化能量水就是通过对自来水经过净化+矿化+活化处理从而满足人们对健康饮 水的要求。 (三)危机蕴藏财富,需求催生商机 二十一世纪,健康和环保是人类优先关注的话。饮水问题已经成为关系国计民生的大问题。 老百姓从安全饮水到健康饮水的观念转变,给饮用水市场的发展带来了空前的机会。人们从传统 仅能加热的“热得快”、电水杯,到桶装纯净水,再到现在的家用纯水机,家用能量矿化水机。 水净化产品层出不穷,水家电行业发展日新月异发。据中国城镇供水协会专家介绍,目前城镇居 民家庭在水处理上,有两种种方式:一是饮水机,二是直饮机,。目前饮水机在城镇居民家庭的拥 有率达到了1/3,而直饮机还处于市场的启动阶段。 但处于上升阶段的饮水机在桶装水上存在的隐患令人担忧。来自中国质量万里行促进会的信 息显示,饮用水的投诉有增长趋势,消费者要警惕饮用水变成“毒水”。 造成此种原因的根源是饮水机的致命缺陷~桶装水,有些厂家对回收的空桶未经消毒就用; 更有一些不法厂商直接灌装自来水和地下水;还有的厂商使用本该报废的空桶,致使水桶中大量 细菌繁殖,污染饮用水。 正是饮用水存在的大量问题,催发了水家电这个大市场。据中国城镇供水协会的专家介绍, 水家电设备的市场规模是每年800亿元,而且这一数字还处于上升阶段。正是看到这一巨大的市 场,对水的处理是将水中细菌杀死,保留对人体有益的矿物质,这样才达到了水处理的目的。这 也是直饮水机与饮水机的最大的不同之处。 “由于水污染问题越来越受到人们关注,水家电将成为一个世界性的产业。今后,任何与饮 水有关的商业都代表着可靠的投资保障。”一位市场观察人士说。 人体的70%由水组成,水,是名副其实的生命之源。作为一种需求弹性趋近于零的特殊商品, 安全可靠的饮用水一旦成为稀缺资源,对这资源的需求就必然如春潮般汹涌蓬勃。 连续的水污染危机,触发了社会舆论对中国水情前所未有的关注,而从市场营销的角度分析, 所有这些详细报道和深入探讨,既是一场声势浩大的全民健康教育和环保教育,更是一场无孔不 built drawings and indicate-xed in the ass), fihe construction should be part of the actual position (including junction boxes and junction boxes and pipeline specification(K) the dark construction of the works at the time of completion and acceptance of the delivery, and laid wiring changes in t0.5M. n and pipe. (J) after the end of the wire, you should check the insulation resistance, the resistance shall be not less than of allowances. (I) wore metal pipe with wire retainer should be well set, retainer must not cut place, match the specificatio1.5M loor tube to the power box, tube 1M of allowances; (H) the wires connected to the power supply and into and out of time, tubeg widening of margins; (F) when the wires into the electrical equipment should remain at the Centre of 0.3M margin; (G) the fa lonthan 6 times the pipe diameter. 2) dark time, not less than ... (E) wire into the switch box and Cabinet, Board, should have uirements: 1) specify timing, there is generally no less than 6 times the pipe diameter, such as when only one bend, not lessdistance should not be less than 15mm. (10) under normal circumstances, it tube bending radius shall meet the following req-surfaceution pipe should be laid along the lines of recent, and should reduce bending, buried within the walls of the pipe from the pipe into the box, lateral lock, installed at the inner side protection. (9) dark distrib4 入的全民市场教育。对绝大多数普通中国人来说,过去即便了解饮水安全的概念,具备这方面的 意识,也仅仅表现为一种远虑和隐忧;而在亲身经历过水污染危机的洗礼后,饮水安全已是攸关 自己和家人生命健康的紧要议题。这场深入、有效,而且竟然完全免费的市场教育,以惊人的速 度、力度和广度,最大限度地催熟了公众对安全可靠饮用水的消费需求。 据国家发改委、国家统计局的权威资料,未来五年将有近5500亿的市场需求,每年以35%的 增长速度递增。中国的家用净水产品普及率只有0.17%,而欧美、日韩的普及率达76%。家家都需 要的产品,造就无限商机~ 第二篇:品牌建设 为了打实市场推广的基础,“碧欧泉”是国内仅有的几个获得中国电磁兼容认证中心的CCC认 证、ISO9001-2000国际质量管理体系认证、产品外观专利证书、中国太平洋财产保险公司承保、 中国疾病预防控制中心产品检验合格证书,人、才、物,供、产、销实施ERP管理,从而,在更有效, 更快捷的管理平台上进行品牌运作,打造中国水净化的强势品牌。 第三篇 :先进技术制造完美产品 (一)未来50年最好的净水技术——RO技术 “碧欧泉”产品的核心过滤技术是RO逆(反)渗透技术, RO反渗透技术是美国政府和美国太 空总署,为解决宇宙飞船中宇航员的饮用水和载水问题,花巨资历经多年研发的一项高科技产品,现 已广泛用于军事、医疗、工业、民用等各个领域。被誉为本世纪六大高科技之一。这种膜分离技术是 依靠反渗透膜的压力下,使溶液中的溶剂与溶质进行分离的过程,RO反渗透制取纯净水,直接对接 自来水,可有效去除水中的细微杂质、有机物、重金属离子、病毒、细菌等有害物质,不仅保留了水 分子和溶解氧,还有人体所需的微量元素,其所制造的纯净水再经矿化和活化得到的矿化能量水甘甜 可口,可直接饮用或大量使用煲汤做饭,彻底解决了水质二次污染,是目前人们饮用洁净之水的最安 -ecifications), fixed in the ashanges in the construction should be part of the actual position (including junction boxes and junction boxes and pipeline sping cless than 0.5M. (K) the dark construction of the works at the time of completion and acceptance of the delivery, and laid wir pecification and pipe. (J) after the end of the wire, you should check the insulation resistance, the resistance shall be notthe stime, tube 1.5M of allowances. (I) wore metal pipe with wire retainer should be well set, retainer must not cut place, match ; (G) the floor tube to the power box, tube 1M of allowances; (H) the wires connected to the power supply and into and out ofmarginshould have a long widening of margins; (F) when the wires into the electrical equipment should remain at the Centre of 0.3M d, not less than 6 times the pipe diameter. 2) dark time, not less than ... (E) wire into the switch box and Cabinet, Board, rements: 1) specify timing, there is generally no less than 6 times the pipe diameter, such as when only one bendistance should not be less than 15mm. (10) under normal circumstances, it tube bending radius shall meet the following requi-e from the surfacelines of recent, and should reduce bending, buried within the walls of the pippipe into the box, lateral lock, installed at the inner side protection. (9) dark distribution pipe should be laid along the built drawings and indicate5 全、最经济、最方便的饮水方式。 1、RO技术原理 反渗透纯水机的核心部件是反渗透膜,是利用反渗透之原理,运用水压,使水由较高浓度的一 方渗透至较低浓度之一方,此时在较高浓度的所有细菌及不纯杂物、可溶性固体物和对人体有 害的有机物和无机物均不能渗入高精密的反渗透膜。反渗透膜是由美国太空总署研发,现已广 泛应用于普通工业和民用领域,用高科技特殊材质精制而成,膜孔小致万分之一μs,换言之, 大肠杆菌比此膜孔约大五千倍,因此除了水分子及少量溶于水中之微量离子能反渗透外,其余 一切均全部被拒于膜外,瞬时即被高压水流冲出,由废水管道排除。而水分子在反渗透膜内层 再凝聚为H2O纯水,纯水再经过矿化滤芯的处理后,贮存于无菌压力水箱中,因此通过反渗透 所生成的纯净水没有一般滤水器有二度污染及成为细菌温床之缺点。反渗透水处理技术是当今 built drawings and indicate-xed in the ass), fihe construction should be part of the actual position (including junction boxes and junction boxes and pipeline specification(K) the dark construction of the works at the time of completion and acceptance of the delivery, and laid wiring changes in t0.5M. n and pipe. (J) after the end of the wire, you should check the insulation resistance, the resistance shall be not less than of allowances. (I) wore metal pipe with wire retainer should be well set, retainer must not cut place, match the specificatio1.5M loor tube to the power box, tube 1M of allowances; (H) the wires connected to the power supply and into and out of time, tubeg widening of margins; (F) when the wires into the electrical equipment should remain at the Centre of 0.3M margin; (G) the fa lonthan 6 times the pipe diameter. 2) dark time, not less than ... (E) wire into the switch box and Cabinet, Board, should have uirements: 1) specify timing, there is generally no less than 6 times the pipe diameter, such as when only one bend, not lessdistance should not be less than 15mm. (10) under normal circumstances, it tube bending radius shall meet the following req-surfaceution pipe should be laid along the lines of recent, and should reduce bending, buried within the walls of the pipe from the pipe into the box, lateral lock, installed at the inner side protection. (9) dark distrib6 世界最为普及也最为成熟的纯净水生产技术。 2、RO各层膜生产加工 联营体拥有国内少有的膜生产技术,能够进行批量和高效的生产各层膜的关键技术。在微电脑全自动控制下膜的过滤孔径只有二千万分之一公分,严格的技术攻关,造就了国内一流的技术。 总体来说,利用反渗透的分离特性可以有效地除去水中的溶解盐、胶体、有机物、细菌等杂质。具有能耗低、无污染、工艺先进、操作简便等优点、反渗透技术广泛用于国民经济各个领域,反渗透膜是反渗透技术的关键元件,如: 石油化工行业:循环水、污水深度处理、化工产品制造等。 制药行业:输液、针剂、片剂、生化制品、设备清洗等。 电子工业:集成电路、硅晶片、显示管等电子元件冲洗等。 锅炉行业:除氧水、除盐水等。 食品工业:饮用纯净水、饮料、啤酒、白酒等用水海水、 苦咸水淡化等 (二)韩式滤芯 pecification and pipe. (J) after the end of the wire, you should check the insulation resistance, the resistance shall be notthe stime, tube 1.5M of allowances. (I) wore metal pipe with wire retainer should be well set, retainer must not cut place, match ; (G) the floor tube to the power box, tube 1M of allowances; (H) the wires connected to the power supply and into and out ofmarginshould have a long widening of margins; (F) when the wires into the electrical equipment should remain at the Centre of 0.3M d, not less than 6 times the pipe diameter. 2) dark time, not less than ... (E) wire into the switch box and Cabinet, Board, rements: 1) specify timing, there is generally no less than 6 times the pipe diameter, such as when only one bendistance should not be less than 15mm. (10) under normal circumstances, it tube bending radius shall meet the following requi-e from the surfacelines of recent, and should reduce bending, buried within the walls of the pippipe into the box, lateral lock, installed at the inner side protection. (9) dark distribution pipe should be laid along the built drawings and indicate-ecifications), fixed in the ashanges in the construction should be part of the actual position (including junction boxes and junction boxes and pipeline sping cless than 0.5M. (K) the dark construction of the works at the time of completion and acceptance of the delivery, and laid wir 7 水行业人都知道,好水的关键在于滤芯。2007年春天,经过国内外市场多方考察,我们与有 着20多年净水器经营史的韩国AQUA公司连手,全面引进韩国先进技术和设备,包括韩国快插滤芯、 0.5M. n and pipe. (J) after the end of the wire, you should check the insulation resistance, the resistance shall be not less than of allowances. (I) wore metal pipe with wire retainer should be well set, retainer must not cut place, match the specificatio1.5M loor tube to the power box, tube 1M of allowances; (H) the wires connected to the power supply and into and out of time, tubeg widening of margins; (F) when the wires into the electrical equipment should remain at the Centre of 0.3M margin; (G) the fa lonthan 6 times the pipe diameter. 2) dark time, not less than ... (E) wire into the switch box and Cabinet, Board, should have uirements: 1) specify timing, there is generally no less than 6 times the pipe diameter, such as when only one bend, not lessdistance should not be less than 15mm. (10) under normal circumstances, it tube bending radius shall meet the following req-surfaceution pipe should be laid along the lines of recent, and should reduce bending, buried within the walls of the pipe from the pipe into the box, lateral lock, installed at the inner side protection. (9) dark distribbuilt drawings and indicate-xed in the ass), fihe construction should be part of the actual position (including junction boxes and junction boxes and pipeline specification(K) the dark construction of the works at the time of completion and acceptance of the delivery, and laid wiring changes in t8 管接、管线等核心部件。经原厂测试,韩国滤芯耐压3.0Mpa以上,并顺利通过10万次通水检测,符合美国NSF标准,在中国市场安装的数拾万台净水设备得以运用,市场表现非常稳定,终于,中国人也解决了过滤器漏水的老大难问题。 “ 碧欧泉”滤芯的特点: ?安全 korea aoua 20多年的模具技术和专业注塑经验,滤芯全部采用直插式设计,没有螺牙,100%进口原材料制造,杜绝了螺牙式滤芯受水锤现象长期影响而极易变形漏水的可能。 ?可靠 严格参照美国NSF标准,连续通水试验10万次,原厂测试受水压力30Kg以上,加之卓越的性能,使得其可靠性更为出众。 ?美观 世界先进的滤芯流水线生产,包括罐装、封装、标贴等过程均为程序化、制式化,确保了每一支滤芯的美观与。 ?方便 标准的快接式滤芯解决方案,便于服务过程中的更换,迎合了中国净水产品人性化市场需求。 ?经济 每4秒钟生产1支滤芯,决定着韩式滤芯可大规模生产,随着市场需求的几何增涨,滤芯也随之大批量上市,韩式滤芯的性价比也就更佳。 ?匹配 方便各种滤材模块化安排,适用一体直饮机、厢体RO机、壁挂净水机,作为膜、后置碳和能量球等净水组件,可广泛运用于各类橱下机型。 ?流行 独特的滤芯内结构设计、科学的净水流程,使滤芯的过水面积更大、净水效果更好、使用寿命更长,因此,直饮机普及高达98%以上的韩国普遍采用韩式滤芯。 “碧欧泉”滤芯的功能: ?沉淀滤芯 Sediment filter 过水量5000L,孔径5微米,聚丙烯熔喷材料,有效阻挡水中铁锈、泥沙、悬浮物,明显改善水的蚀度。 ?前置活性炭滤芯 Pre-carbon filter 过水量5000L,吸附水中的余氯、重金属,去除水中的异味。 hanges in the construction should be part of the actual position (including junction boxes and junction boxes and pipeline sping cless than 0.5M. (K) the dark construction of the works at the time of completion and acceptance of the delivery, and laid wir pecification and pipe. (J) after the end of the wire, you should check the insulation resistance, the resistance shall be notthe stime, tube 1.5M of allowances. (I) wore metal pipe with wire retainer should be well set, retainer must not cut place, match ; (G) the floor tube to the power box, tube 1M of allowances; (H) the wires connected to the power supply and into and out ofmarginshould have a long widening of margins; (F) when the wires into the electrical equipment should remain at the Centre of 0.3M d, not less than 6 times the pipe diameter. 2) dark time, not less than ... (E) wire into the switch box and Cabinet, Board, rements: 1) specify timing, there is generally no less than 6 times the pipe diameter, such as when only one bendistance should not be less than 15mm. (10) under normal circumstances, it tube bending radius shall meet the following requi-e from the surfacelines of recent, and should reduce bending, buried within the walls of the pippipe into the box, lateral lock, installed at the inner side protection. (9) dark distribution pipe should be laid along the built drawings and indicate-ecifications), fixed in the as9 ?能量石滤芯 Energy-stone filter 日本,使用寿命约2年,可以将大分子团改变为小分子团水,提升水的PH值,使水成为弱碱性小分子团水,有利于细胞吸收,清除人体内的酸性毒素。 ?阳离子树脂滤芯 Resin filter 英国漂莱特,使用寿命约5年,相应降低原水的硬度,避免造成人体结 ?后置活性炭滤芯 Post-carbon filter 过水量5000L,进一步吸附水中的余氯、重金属,去除水中的异味,改善口感 ?超滤膜滤芯 Membrane filter(U/F) 韩国,使用寿命约1-2年,孔径0.01微米,有效截除水中的细菌和病毒, 保证生活饮用水的卫生与安全。 ?逆渗透膜滤芯 Membrane filter(R/O) 韩国生产,使用寿命约2-3年,孔径0.0001微米,是现在最为有效的水处理方式之一, 有效分离水中细菌、盐类、钙镁离子、重金属、有机物等,制出洁净安全的直饮水。国家卫生 部门指出,作为被普遍使用的水处理技术——R/O逆渗透技术是目前最为安全与成熟的。 (* 各种韩国滤芯的实际使用寿命、售后服务应据当地水质、视用户使用量而定) (三)净水流程 built drawings and indicate-xed in the ass), fihe construction should be part of the actual position (including junction boxes and junction boxes and pipeline specification(K) the dark construction of the works at the time of completion and acceptance of the delivery, and laid wiring changes in t0.5M. n and pipe. (J) after the end of the wire, you should check the insulation resistance, the resistance shall be not less than of allowances. (I) wore metal pipe with wire retainer should be well set, retainer must not cut place, match the specificatio1.5M loor tube to the power box, tube 1M of allowances; (H) the wires connected to the power supply and into and out of time, tubeg widening of margins; (F) when the wires into the electrical equipment should remain at the Centre of 0.3M margin; (G) the fa lonthan 6 times the pipe diameter. 2) dark time, not less than ... (E) wire into the switch box and Cabinet, Board, should have uirements: 1) specify timing, there is generally no less than 6 times the pipe diameter, such as when only one bend, not lessdistance should not be less than 15mm. (10) under normal circumstances, it tube bending radius shall meet the following req-surfaceution pipe should be laid along the lines of recent, and should reduce bending, buried within the walls of the pipe from the pipe into the box, lateral lock, installed at the inner side protection. (9) dark distrib10 (四) 产品系列 “碧欧泉”品牌产品目前投放市场有六大系列,上百种产品,主要有: (1) 家用逆渗透净水机 (2) 家用超滤净水机 built drawings and indicate-ecifications), fixed in the ashanges in the construction should be part of the actual position (including junction boxes and junction boxes and pipeline sping cless than 0.5M. (K) the dark construction of the works at the time of completion and acceptance of the delivery, and laid wir pecification and pipe. (J) after the end of the wire, you should check the insulation resistance, the resistance shall be notthe stime, tube 1.5M of allowances. (I) wore metal pipe with wire retainer should be well set, retainer must not cut place, match ; (G) the floor tube to the power box, tube 1M of allowances; (H) the wires connected to the power supply and into and out ofmarginshould have a long widening of margins; (F) when the wires into the electrical equipment should remain at the Centre of 0.3M d, not less than 6 times the pipe diameter. 2) dark time, not less than ... (E) wire into the switch box and Cabinet, Board, rements: 1) specify timing, there is generally no less than 6 times the pipe diameter, such as when only one bendistance should not be less than 15mm. (10) under normal circumstances, it tube bending radius shall meet the following requi-e from the surfacelines of recent, and should reduce bending, buried within the walls of the pippipe into the box, lateral lock, installed at the inner side protection. (9) dark distribution pipe should be laid along the 11 (3) 商用逆渗透净水机 (4) 一体直饮机 (5) 管线机 (6) 超滤中央净水机 第四篇:区域市场状况与投资分析 (一) 公众对水的需求体现在: 1、急迫性:水是生命不可或缺的必需品,人可以几日不食,但不可以一日不饮。人们一旦发现,或者怀疑自己每天摄入的是不洁的水,甚至是有毒的水,则会坐卧不安,寝食不宁,必然马上行动起来,以最快速度寻求解决之道,从而积极兑现潜在的消费需求。这种特殊的消费急迫性,决定了这个市场的开发难度很小,启动成本很低。 2、重要性:水是人体的组成部分,是人体新陈代谢最重要的原料,是几大营养素中最重要的,80%的人类疾病与水有关,这既是人尽皆知的常识,也为现代医学所证实。这种天然的消费重要性,决定了人们愿意为安全可靠的饮用水支付较高代价而在所不惜;而对市场推广者而言,这种得天独厚的消费重要性则意味着可观的产品价位、优厚的利润空间。 3、广泛性:哪里有污染,哪里就有对饮水安全的消费需求。来自《中国地质环境公报》的数据显示:我国90%以上的城市饮用水源存在严重污染,尤以重化工产业密集的经济发达地区为甚——如京津唐地区地下水污染物多达100余种,珠江流域2004年吸纳的废污水总量则高达182亿吨。广泛的市场区域、庞大的消费者基数和强劲的购买力,决定了这个市场必然有着十足庞大的总体规模。 4、长期性:从根本上改善饮用水质量,有赖于重建自然生态,而限于目前的经济政策和技术条件,这必然是个长期而艰巨的过程;所以在可预期的未来,在一个相当长的阶段内,饮水安全将始终是社会公众的基本消费需求之一,市场基础扎实而广泛。放眼未来,在此基础上茁壮成长的,将是一个持续发展的长线市场,一个前景光明的朝阳产业。 5、现实性:现代人更多关注自己的健康,没有健康的身体一切都免谈。喝健康的水才能有健康的身体,而弱碱性的矿化富氧水正好符合消费者的健康需求。 对普通中国人来说,实现家庭饮水安全的途径主要有二:一是购买真正的合格桶装成品纯净饮用水,二是借助于家用饮水机自制获得。我们认为:桶装水不可能成为中国家庭饮用水的理想解决方案,原因如下: 1、 成本:每公升平均价格近1元的桶装水仅适于饮用,相对于家庭生活中的其它饮用水需求, 如淘米、洗菜等等,这个使用成本过于高昂。 2、 便利:和自来水,或者以自来水为原料的家用饮水净化机相比,桶装水的运输、储存和使 用都极不方便。 built drawings and indicate-xed in the ass), fihe construction should be part of the actual position (including junction boxes and junction boxes and pipeline specification(K) the dark construction of the works at the time of completion and acceptance of the delivery, and laid wiring changes in t0.5M. n and pipe. (J) after the end of the wire, you should check the insulation resistance, the resistance shall be not less than of allowances. (I) wore metal pipe with wire retainer should be well set, retainer must not cut place, match the specificatio1.5M loor tube to the power box, tube 1M of allowances; (H) the wires connected to the power supply and into and out of time, tubeg widening of margins; (F) when the wires into the electrical equipment should remain at the Centre of 0.3M margin; (G) the fa lonthan 6 times the pipe diameter. 2) dark time, not less than ... (E) wire into the switch box and Cabinet, Board, should have uirements: 1) specify timing, there is generally no less than 6 times the pipe diameter, such as when only one bend, not lessdistance should not be less than 15mm. (10) under normal circumstances, it tube bending radius shall meet the following req-surfaceution pipe should be laid along the lines of recent, and should reduce bending, buried within the walls of the pipe from the pipe into the box, lateral lock, installed at the inner side protection. (9) dark distrib12 3、 信任:在假冒伪劣猖獗、信用环境极差的中国社会,和人们可以亲手制备,或者亲眼目睹 其净化过程的家用水机相比,桶装水的质量很难博得消费者的信任。媒体屡屡暴光的用医 疗垃圾、工业垃圾、生活垃圾(VCD碟片等)制造的水桶自身的卫生安全都是个问题,桶 里的水合不合格就更是问题。 4、 服务:对于批量生产的桶装水和以规模求效益的桶装水企业来说,个性化服务是它先天不 足的致命短板——桶装水企业不可能针对每个家庭的实际情况,为其量身定做饮用水解决 方案;除了送水取水,桶装水的增值服务注定乏善可陈。 因此,我们认为:具备普遍的可行性,才会成为一种趋势,以水的净化为主,兼具矿化、活化 功能的水净化产品才是解决问题之道。 (二) 区域市场现状: (1) 市场范围: (2) 人口规模: (3) 经济水平: (4) 购买能力: (5) 当地水质情况: (6) 水家电市场现状:(产品类型、市场价位、普及率、纯水或矿泉水的价格等) (三)区域市场投资分析 (1) 基础市场容量分析(以家庭为单位) 按五口人为一个家庭 (2) 目标市场=基础市场容量X年市场开发率(2%) (3) 年盈利(毛利)=目标市场X平均单机利润 (4) 投资回报率=(年盈利/投资额)X100% (5) 投资回收周期 (6) 后续持续获利分析: 耗材的提供 开发率的进一步提升 新品投放 网络效应 品牌效应 运营返利等 第五篇: 市场运营方案 (一)支持代理商构建四大网络: (1)特约经销网络:借用别人的网络走货,通过授权发展特约经销商借用别人网络实现批发 和专营;(略) -ecifications), fixed in the ashanges in the construction should be part of the actual position (including junction boxes and junction boxes and pipeline sping cless than 0.5M. (K) the dark construction of the works at the time of completion and acceptance of the delivery, and laid wir pecification and pipe. (J) after the end of the wire, you should check the insulation resistance, the resistance shall be notthe stime, tube 1.5M of allowances. (I) wore metal pipe with wire retainer should be well set, retainer must not cut place, match ; (G) the floor tube to the power box, tube 1M of allowances; (H) the wires connected to the power supply and into and out ofmarginshould have a long widening of margins; (F) when the wires into the electrical equipment should remain at the Centre of 0.3M d, not less than 6 times the pipe diameter. 2) dark time, not less than ... (E) wire into the switch box and Cabinet, Board, rements: 1) specify timing, there is generally no less than 6 times the pipe diameter, such as when only one bendistance should not be less than 15mm. (10) under normal circumstances, it tube bending radius shall meet the following requi-e from the surfacelines of recent, and should reduce bending, buried within the walls of the pippipe into the box, lateral lock, installed at the inner side protection. (9) dark distribution pipe should be laid along the built drawings and indicate13 (2)分销网络:建立自己的网络,以招代理商的方式进行分销和深度分销;形成一级经销网络和二级分销网络;(略) (3)团购网络: 是以进政府机关、企事业单位、宾馆、小区、房地产开发、招标等为目的的靠人际关系而形 团购水家电开拓市场的重要利器。成的网络。是团购市场取决人际关系的厚薄大小。 (4)终端网络: 终端策略 以自办旗舰店、进入各类商超、电器店、大卖场等方式全面开拓终端网络;终端就是最终用户购买产品并为之服务的场所。抢占终端、建设好终端是形成营销核心竞争力的关键所在,因而只有决胜最终才可以赢在开端。终端策略受到国内企业的高度重视。 麦肯锡管理咨询公司得出结论:要想提高产品销量,最重要的一条就是把终端零售网点控制住,做终端要花钱,但不做终端企业要付出更大的代价。 (1)进入大家电商场、大型家电超市的水家电区; (2)开设水家电专卖店; (3)进入居民小区树立典型示范; 终端目标: (1) 用两年时间,以地级以上城市为重点,一级经销网络为纽带,在全国建立起800个以大型商超为主体的“碧欧泉”水家电专柜,帮助每个地市级经销商建立起3-5个样板终端。 (2)丰富产品线,鼓励和扶持一级经销商开设水家电旗舰店,并扶持二级分销商开设连锁专卖店。目标是两年内建立起1800家充分展示“碧欧泉”品牌形象的专卖店。 终端支持 (1) 向经销商提供POP、宣传单页、立牌、资料架、台卡、展架等一切终端物料,并提供《营销指南》、《VI应用》、《产品知识指南》,让经销商能一步到位地了解净化机市场的运作方式,迅速进入市场角色 (2) 在经销商市场启动期内,市场服务人员将协助经销商进行人员培训,制定营销方案,等等。 终端广告 (1)强调广告对市场销售的拉动作用,但更加重视产品的铺市与终端的促销。 (2)以区域广告投入和区域市场的品牌扶持为广告投入的重点,而以全国性的品牌推广为辅。 (3)区域广告采用倾斜式广告投放政策。区域广告将是公司激励经销商、扶持区域市场的有效手段。 (4)坚持分阶段、因时制宜的广告投放计划。要么不投,要投就要起到阶段性的规模效应。 终端方法 终端方法多种多样,概括为 ,,决胜终端的二十八种技法,,:安营扎寨、装修陈列、募集精英、广布福音、树立典型、现场体验、亲情服务、分销策略、靶向营销、无限克隆、捆绑营销、 n and pipe. (J) after the end of the wire, you should check the insulation resistance, the resistance shall be not less than of allowances. (I) wore metal pipe with wire retainer should be well set, retainer must not cut place, match the specificatio1.5M loor tube to the power box, tube 1M of allowances; (H) the wires connected to the power supply and into and out of time, tubeg widening of margins; (F) when the wires into the electrical equipment should remain at the Centre of 0.3M margin; (G) the fa lonthan 6 times the pipe diameter. 2) dark time, not less than ... (E) wire into the switch box and Cabinet, Board, should have uirements: 1) specify timing, there is generally no less than 6 times the pipe diameter, such as when only one bend, not lessdistance should not be less than 15mm. (10) under normal circumstances, it tube bending radius shall meet the following req-surfaceution pipe should be laid along the lines of recent, and should reduce bending, buried within the walls of the pipe from the pipe into the box, lateral lock, installed at the inner side protection. (9) dark distribbuilt drawings and indicate-xed in the ass), fihe construction should be part of the actual position (including junction boxes and junction boxes and pipeline specification(K) the dark construction of the works at the time of completion and acceptance of the delivery, and laid wiring changes in t0.5M. 14 终端促销、整合营销、商超攻略、以点带面、关系营销、垄断经营、健康沙龙、团购策略等等比较琐碎,在此就不赘述了。 第六篇: 售后服务支持措施 围绕“品牌+网络”的市场策略,我们将从以下八个方面全面完善售后服务措施,支持代理商运作: (1)全面高效的培训支持; (2)及时便捷的物流配送; (3)量体裁衣的运营指导; (4)全国统一的终端形象; )及时规范的售后服务; (5 (6)完善有力的市场管理; (7)形式多样的广告宣传; (8)灵活及时的奖励激励。 第七篇:长久合作,共同发展 从青藏高原流下的溪流有成千上万条,为什么只有长江和黄河等几条江河,最终形成奔腾不息的大江大河呢?到过青海可可西里三江源的人都知道,那就是因为这两条河流发源的高度和角度不同: 高度决定速度, 角度决定长度! 我们期待与代理商长期合作,在更大范围、更高层次合作,对市场作进一步深度开发和管理,对网络作进一步优化,使品牌和网络的竞争力进一步增强, 强力支持代理商拓展政府采购和政府为民办实事工程,与代理商一起共创“碧欧泉”丰富多彩充满活力的企业文化,因此我们在甄选代理商时特别关注投资者的市场眼光和经营能力,以及有没有专心致志长远合作的思想准备。 一个人能走多远看他与谁同行,一个项目能不能做,看他做什么,与谁做? 我们有做大作强的的眼光和决心,更有做稳做实的责任和成熟~詹姆士?柯林斯在《基业常青》中写道:有远见的公司敢 built drawings and indicate-ecifications), fixed in the ashanges in the construction should be part of the actual position (including junction boxes and junction boxes and pipeline sping cless than 0.5M. (K) the dark construction of the works at the time of completion and acceptance of the delivery, and laid wir pecification and pipe. (J) after the end of the wire, you should check the insulation resistance, the resistance shall be notthe stime, tube 1.5M of allowances. (I) wore metal pipe with wire retainer should be well set, retainer must not cut place, match ; (G) the floor tube to the power box, tube 1M of allowances; (H) the wires connected to the power supply and into and out ofmarginshould have a long widening of margins; (F) when the wires into the electrical equipment should remain at the Centre of 0.3M d, not less than 6 times the pipe diameter. 2) dark time, not less than ... (E) wire into the switch box and Cabinet, Board, rements: 1) specify timing, there is generally no less than 6 times the pipe diameter, such as when only one bendistance should not be less than 15mm. (10) under normal circumstances, it tube bending radius shall meet the following requi-e from the surfacelines of recent, and should reduce bending, buried within the walls of the pippipe into the box, lateral lock, installed at the inner side protection. (9) dark distribution pipe should be laid along the 15 于对远大的目标作长期的承诺。合作实际上是把信任、压力和责任交给了对方。 在这个快速变化,日新月异的社会,财富英雄风起云涌,两极分化日益加剧。我们有没有注意到,在CPI、PPI快速上扬,通货膨胀日益加剧的今天,财富不增值就意味着缩水, 《圣经》马太福音中说:“已经有的要让他更加富有,本来就没有的把他仅有的一点夺走。”全球两成的富翁拥有全球八成以上的财富。美国《财富》杂志有一篇文章,其中有这么一段话:如果把全 球主要富翁的财富平均分配给全世界的人,也许若干年后这些财富又会重新回到这些富翁的手中。财 富不仅仅在口袋里,更重要的是在脑袋里。今天我们愿意做别人所不愿意做的,明天我们就能得到别 人所得不到的~ 当今社会的成功,不在于我们拥有多少才华,也不在于你暂时有多少的钱,关键是你整合了多少 资源,是否有可以依托的坚实平台,因为,单打独斗的时代早已过去~合作,创造无限可能~ 顺送商祺 安徽合肥碧欧泉电器有限公司 of allowances. (I) wore metal pipe with wire retainer should be well set, retainer must not cut place, match the specificatio1.5M loor tube to the power box, tube 1M of allowances; (H) the wires connected to the power supply and into and out of time, tubeg widening of margins; (F) when the wires into the electrical equipment should remain at the Centre of 0.3M margin; (G) the fa lonthan 6 times the pipe diameter. 2) dark time, not less than ... (E) wire into the switch box and Cabinet, Board, should have uirements: 1) specify timing, there is generally no less than 6 times the pipe diameter, such as when only one bend, not lessdistance should not be less than 15mm. (10) under normal circumstances, it tube bending radius shall meet the following req-surfaceution pipe should be laid along the lines of recent, and should reduce bending, buried within the walls of the pipe from the pipe into the box, lateral lock, installed at the inner side protection. (9) dark distribbuilt drawings and indicate-xed in the ass), fihe construction should be part of the actual position (including junction boxes and junction boxes and pipeline specification(K) the dark construction of the works at the time of completion and acceptance of the delivery, and laid wiring changes in t0.5M. n and pipe. (J) after the end of the wire, you should check the insulation resistance, the resistance shall be not less than 16
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