

2017-09-28 18页 doc 249KB 32阅读




戒烟的最好方法_戒烟的十大方法_如何有效快速戒烟戒烟的最好方法_戒烟的十大方法_如何有效快速戒烟 抽烟是一种不好的习惯,对身体无益,这些大家都知道,但要真正戒掉并非易事。朋友们问我如何才能戒烟,我说只要有毅力,就能戒掉。但说到容易做到难,真要戒掉却不那么容易。今天我就来说说戒烟的一些窍门,大家不妨试试。 测试一下自己的烟瘾有多大 1. 你是否在早上醒来后30分钟内就必须吸上第一支烟, 2. 你每天是否要吸20支或20支以上的香烟, 3. 当你已戒烟,在不能吸烟或没有香烟的情况下,会不会感到不安、紧张、 焦虑而非常渴望吸烟, 4. 几小时没有吸烟,你是否觉得很难...
戒烟的最好方法_戒烟的十大方法_如何有效快速戒烟 抽烟是一种不好的习惯,对身体无益,这些大家都知道,但要真正戒掉并非易事。朋友们问我如何才能戒烟,我说只要有毅力,就能戒掉。但说到容易做到难,真要戒掉却不那么容易。今天我就来说说戒烟的一些窍门,大家不妨试试。 测试一下自己的烟瘾有多大 1. 你是否在早上醒来后30分钟内就必须吸上第一支烟, 2. 你每天是否要吸20支或20支以上的香烟, 3. 当你已戒烟,在不能吸烟或没有香烟的情况下,会不会感到不安、紧张、 焦虑而非常渴望吸烟, 4. 几小时没有吸烟,你是否觉得很难受, 5. 生病卧床时你仍会吸烟吗, not allowed to stay at the construction site, is strictly prohibited in the construction site, gambling, fighting, fighting. Workers should be carried out once a month security education, participate in the public security Committee the general contractor on a quarterly basis, organize regular security check. Non-site staff are not free to enter the construction site, alien contact, or someone must agree after the gatekeeper registration backward Into the site. Nineth part, cabling, electronic system acceptance criteria GB50257-96 electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of low-voltage electrical GB50258-96 1KV and below wiring of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of GB/T50312-2000 code for engineering acceptance of generic cabling system for building and campus GB50169-92 grounding of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of other related acceptance acceptance of main content : (From the above specifications) equipment inspection requirements: engineering quality in order to meet the national standards for the purpose of installation materials needed by a party a qualified investment. Works with cable equipment type, size, quantity, quality checks should be carried out before the construction, no factory inspection to prove material or inconsistent with the design must not be used in the project. The test equipment shall make records, separately for conformity should be stored for verification and processing. Cables, equipment used in the project 上述问中,你如果有两题或两题以上的是“是”的话(尤其是第3题), 你可能已染上了烟瘾,而且在停止吸烟后会产生各种戒烟后的症状。 要告诉别人你正在戒烟 , 这十分必要。因为戒烟的成败在于环境,在于诱惑。当知道你戒烟的人越 多,诱惑你吸烟的机会就会减少。避开诱人吸烟的情景、活动和事物。如 避开烟雾弥漫的酒吧,避开吸烟的人或有人吸烟的办公室。试着发现能帮 not allowed to stay at the construction site, is strictly prohibited in the construction site, gambling, fighting, fighting. Workers should be carried out once a month security education, participate in the public security Committee the general contractor on a quarterly basis, organize regular security check. Non-site staff are not free to enter the construction site, alien contact, or someone must agree after the gatekeeper registration backward Into the site. Nineth part, cabling, electronic system acceptance criteria GB50257-96 electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of low-voltage electrical GB50258-96 1KV and below wiring of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of GB/T50312-2000 code for engineering acceptance of generic cabling system for building and campus GB50169-92 grounding of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of other related acceptance acceptance of main content : (From the above specifications) equipment inspection requirements: engineering quality in order to meet the national standards for the purpose of installation materials needed by a party a qualified investment. Works with cable equipment type, size, quantity, quality checks should be carried out before the construction, no factory inspection to prove material or inconsistent with the design must not be used in the project. The test equipment shall make records, separately for conformity should be stored for verification and processing. Cables, equipment used in the project 助你戒烟的新环境。 选一个适合自己的戒烟方式 not allowed to stay at the construction site, is strictly prohibited in the construction site, gambling, fighting, fighting. Workers should be carried out once a month security education, participate in the public security Committee the general contractor on a quarterly basis, organize regular security check. Non-site staff are not free to enter the construction site, alien contact, or someone must agree after the gatekeeper registration backward Into the site. Nineth part, cabling, electronic system acceptance criteria GB50257-96 electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of low-voltage electrical GB50258-96 1KV and below wiring of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of GB/T50312-2000 code for engineering acceptance of generic cabling system for building and campus GB50169-92 grounding of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of other related acceptance acceptance of main content : (From the above specifications) equipment inspection requirements: engineering quality in order to meet the national standards for the purpose of installation materials needed by a party a qualified investment. Works with cable equipment type, size, quantity, quality checks should be carried out before the construction, no factory inspection to prove material or inconsistent with the design must not be used in the project. The test equipment shall make records, separately for conformity should be stored for verification and processing. Cables, equipment used in the project 1. 一次全戒断法:戒烟的前一天一次抽个够,直至厌恶香烟的气味,然后丢 掉香烟、烟灰缸、打火机等可能会引起你吸烟的烟具。 2. 减量法:限制吸烟的地方,尽量不去想吸烟,实在想吸时,抽出一支烟在 手后,尽量推迟点燃香烟的时间。这样每日少吸几支,时间一长也可达到 not allowed to stay at the construction site, is strictly prohibited in the construction site, gambling, fighting, fighting. Workers should be carried out once a month security education, participate in the public security Committee the general contractor on a quarterly basis, organize regular security check. Non-site staff are not free to enter the construction site, alien contact, or someone must agree after the gatekeeper registration backward Into the site. Nineth part, cabling, electronic system acceptance criteria GB50257-96 electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of low-voltage electrical GB50258-96 1KV and below wiring of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of GB/T50312-2000 code for engineering acceptance of generic cabling system for building and campus GB50169-92 grounding of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of other related acceptance acceptance of main content : (From the above specifications) equipment inspection requirements: engineering quality in order to meet the national standards for the purpose of installation materials needed by a party a qualified investment. Works with cable equipment type, size, quantity, quality checks should be carried out before the construction, no factory inspection to prove material or inconsistent with the design must not be used in the project. The test equipment shall make records, separately for conformity should be stored for verification and processing. Cables, equipment used in the project 戒烟的目的。 3. 分析吸烟行为因果关系:每次你吸烟的时候就你吸烟的原因与吸烟后 的结果和感受,注意将你每日最不可避免的吸烟原因排在前面。最少要记 录一周,一周后再看一下你的记录。对每日你最需要的那3支烟,要特别 not allowed to stay at the construction site, is strictly prohibited in the construction site, gambling, fighting, fighting. Workers should be carried out once a month security education, participate in the public security Committee the general contractor on a quarterly basis, organize regular security check. Non-site staff are not free to enter the construction site, alien contact, or someone must agree after the gatekeeper registration backward Into the site. Nineth part, cabling, electronic system acceptance criteria GB50257-96 electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of low-voltage electrical GB50258-96 1KV and below wiring of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of GB/T50312-2000 code for engineering acceptance of generic cabling system for building and campus GB50169-92 grounding of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of other related acceptance acceptance of main content : (From the above specifications) equipment inspection requirements: engineering quality in order to meet the national standards for the purpose of installation materials needed by a party a qualified investment. Works with cable equipment type, size, quantity, quality checks should be carried out before the construction, no factory inspection to prove material or inconsistent with the design must not be used in the project. The test equipment shall make records, separately for conformity should be stored for verification and processing. Cables, equipment used in the project 小心安排做些什么事来代替。 4. 学习应对戒烟后的不适 烟瘾越深,戒烟后越容易产生不适,还好这些情况在戒烟1-2周后便会消失。下面一些措施将有助于你在8-12周后,形成不吸烟的习惯。 应对戒烟带来的疲倦:小睡片刻,多给自己一点睡眠时间。 应对戒烟带来的紧张不安:散散步,泡个热水澡,做些能松驰神经的事。 应对戒烟带来的头痛:躺下来作深呼吸,洗个热水澡或泡个热水浴 应对戒烟带来的暴躁:告诉身边的人你正在戒烟,要是你在这几天里有脾气请他们凉解。 应对戒烟带来的失眠:下午六时后避免刺激性食物(如浓茶和辛辣的食物),下午或傍晚时分做些体操,睡前做些能松驰神经的事。 应对戒烟带来的喉咙痛或咳嗽:多饮流质,吃些止咳药 应对戒烟带来的饥饿:喝些水或低热量的饮品;准备一些健康的小吃。 应对戒烟带来的头晕:要加倍小心,换姿势时动作要缓慢。 应对戒烟带来的胃痛:饮大量的流质,日常饮食内加进含纤维的食品(如水果、蔬菜和全谷麦类食物)。 戒烟后的体重控制:你可以多吃健康的食物和保持日常各种的活动和 not allowed to stay at the construction site, is strictly prohibited in the construction site, gambling, fighting, fighting. Workers should be carried out once a month security education, participate in the public security Committee the general contractor on a quarterly basis, organize regular security check. Non-site staff are not free to enter the construction site, alien contact, or someone must agree after the gatekeeper registration backward Into the site. Nineth part, cabling, electronic system acceptance criteria GB50257-96 electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of low-voltage electrical GB50258-96 1KV and below wiring of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of GB/T50312-2000 code for engineering acceptance of generic cabling system for building and campus GB50169-92 grounding of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of other related acceptance acceptance of main content : (From the above specifications) equipment inspection requirements: engineering quality in order to meet the national standards for the purpose of installation materials needed by a party a qualified investment. Works with cable equipment type, size, quantity, quality checks should be carried out before the construction, no factory inspection to prove material or inconsistent with the design must not be used in the project. The test equipment shall make records, separately for conformity should be stored for verification and processing. Cables, equipment used in the project 运动以确保体重恢复。 用健康的想法抵御吸烟的念头 1. 由于吸烟已经成为你的一种习惯,戒烟之初,这种习惯一时是难以改掉的, 为此要改变以往的习惯逐渐养成新的习惯,并且需要不断重复。如果不能 抵抗诱惑,便很容易再次吸烟。因此要尽力对抗诱惑,使不吸烟这个新习 惯替代旧习惯。 2. 抵御吸烟的念头首先要远离吸烟的诱因。当情绪受到困扰时(感到焦虑、 生气、无聊、孤单和忧郁)自然而然就会想吸烟,此时应放松自己,做深 呼吸、默想、尽量放松肌肉、练瑜珈、打太极、听音乐、看电视等都能够 帮你松弛。此时多与人交谈,与关心你,愿意倾听的人交谈,分担你的压not allowed to stay at the construction site, is strictly prohibited in the construction site, gambling, fighting, fighting. Workers should be carried out once a month security education, participate in the public security Committee the general contractor on a quarterly basis, organize regular security check. Non-site staff are not free to enter the construction site, alien contact, or someone must agree after the gatekeeper registration backward Into the site. Nineth part, cabling, electronic system acceptance criteria GB50257-96 electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of low-voltage electrical GB50258-96 1KV and below wiring of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of GB/T50312-2000 code for engineering acceptance of generic cabling system for building and campus GB50169-92 grounding of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of other related acceptance acceptance of main content : (From the above specifications) equipment inspection requirements: engineering quality in order to meet the national standards for the purpose of installation materials needed by a party a qualified investment. Works with cable equipment type, size, quantity, quality checks should be carried out before the construction, no factory inspection to prove material or inconsistent with the design must not be used in the project. The test equipment shall make records, separately for conformity should be stored for verification and processing. Cables, equipment used in the project 力和困扰,这是克服再次吸烟最有效的办法。 坚持写戒烟日记 , 将每天的戒烟目标,以及所想到的戒烟好处都写下来,不要只是提醒自己 戒烟。每一天告诉自己一个不同的戒烟理由和好处。随着你所想出有关不 not allowed to stay at the construction site, is strictly prohibited in the construction site, gambling, fighting, fighting. Workers should be carried out once a month security education, participate in the public security Committee the general contractor on a quarterly basis, organize regular security check. Non-site staff are not free to enter the construction site, alien contact, or someone must agree after the gatekeeper registration backward Into the site. Nineth part, cabling, electronic system acceptance criteria GB50257-96 electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of low-voltage electrical GB50258-96 1KV and below wiring of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of GB/T50312-2000 code for engineering acceptance of generic cabling system for building and campus GB50169-92 grounding of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of other related acceptance acceptance of main content : (From the above specifications) equipment inspection requirements: engineering quality in order to meet the national standards for the purpose of installation materials needed by a party a qualified investment. Works with cable equipment type, size, quantity, quality checks should be carried out before the construction, no factory inspection to prove material or inconsistent with the design must not be used in the project. The test equipment shall make records, separately for conformity should be stored for verification and processing. Cables, equipment used in the project 吸烟的好处不断增多,你要把他们加进“戒烟日记”内。 奖励自己 , 逐项划去“戒烟”日记内完成的事情;当你抗拒了吸烟的诱惑时,记得要 用积极的话来鼓励自己;制定一些必须达到某个目标才可获得的奖励,这 not allowed to stay at the construction site, is strictly prohibited in the construction site, gambling, fighting, fighting. Workers should be carried out once a month security education, participate in the public security Committee the general contractor on a quarterly basis, organize regular security check. Non-site staff are not free to enter the construction site, alien contact, or someone must agree after the gatekeeper registration backward Into the site. Nineth part, cabling, electronic system acceptance criteria GB50257-96 electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of low-voltage electrical GB50258-96 1KV and below wiring of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of GB/T50312-2000 code for engineering acceptance of generic cabling system for building and campus GB50169-92 grounding of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of other related acceptance acceptance of main content : (From the above specifications) equipment inspection requirements: engineering quality in order to meet the national standards for the purpose of installation materials needed by a party a qualified investment. Works with cable equipment type, size, quantity, quality checks should be carried out before the construction, no factory inspection to prove material or inconsistent with the design must not be used in the project. The test equipment shall make records, separately for conformity should be stored for verification and processing. Cables, equipment used in the project 样更能激励你继续前进 本文来源:最好的戒烟产品:www.taobaodianvip.uqc.cn not allowed to stay at the construction site, is strictly prohibited in the construction site, gambling, fighting, fighting. Workers should be carried out once a month security education, participate in the public security Committee the general contractor on a quarterly basis, organize regular security check. Non-site staff are not free to enter the construction site, alien contact, or someone must agree after the gatekeeper registration backward Into the site. Nineth part, cabling, electronic system acceptance criteria GB50257-96 electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of low-voltage electrical GB50258-96 1KV and below wiring of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of GB/T50312-2000 code for engineering acceptance of generic cabling system for building and campus GB50169-92 grounding of the electric equipment installation engineering code for construction and acceptance of other related acceptance acceptance of main content : (From the above specifications) equipment inspection requirements: engineering quality in order to meet the national standards for the purpose of installation materials needed by a party a qualified investment. Works with cable equipment type, size, quantity, quality checks should be carried out before the construction, no factory inspection to prove material or inconsistent with the design must not be used in the project. The test equipment shall make records, separately for conformity should be stored for verification and processing. Cables, equipment used in the project
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