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适合中、高年级小学生看的课外书适合中、高年级小学生看的课外书 适合中、高年级小学生看的课外书 中、高年级 1、 陈伯吹童话 2、 严文井童话 3、 张天翼童话 4、 郑渊洁童话 5、 皮皮鲁和鲁西西(郑渊洁) 6、 舒克和贝塔全传(郑渊洁) 7、 安徒生童话 8、 格林童话 9、 意大利童话 10、 外国童话选 11、 快乐王子(爱尔兰?王尔德童话全集) 12、 中国古代神话 13、 中国古代寓言故事 14、 山海经(战国) 15、 西游记(清?吴承恩) 16、 封神演义 17、 聊斋(清?蒲松龄) 18、 中外神话传说 ...
适合中、高年级生看的课外书 适合中、高年级小学生看的课外书 中、高年级 1、 陈伯吹童话 2、 严文井童话 3、 张天翼童话 4、 郑渊洁童话 5、 皮皮鲁和鲁西西(郑渊洁) 6、 舒克和贝塔全传(郑渊洁) 7、 安徒生童话 8、 格林童话 9、 意大利童话 10、 外国童话选 11、 快乐王子(爱尔兰?王尔德童话全集) 12、 中国古代神话 13、 中国古代寓言故事 14、 山海经(战国) 15、 西游记(清?吴承恩) 16、 封神演义 17、 聊斋(清?蒲松龄) 18、 中外神话传说 19、 济公传 20、 希腊古典神话 21、 希腊罗马神话(美 托?布尔芬奇) 22、 克雷洛夫寓言(俄 克雷洛夫) 23、 寓言的生活启示 24、 中国民间故事 25、 中华成语故事 26、 一千零一夜(古代阿拉伯著名民间故事集) 27、 十日读(意大利?薄迦丘) 28、 汤姆?索亚历险记 (美 马克?吐温) 29、 海狼 30、 魔戒(英 托尔金) 31、 骇客帝国(英 莱安诺?拉斯特) 32、 神秘花园(美 弗朗西斯?霍奇森?伯纳特) 33、 小公主(美 弗朗西斯?霍奇森?伯纳特) 34、 青鸟(比利时 莫里斯?梅特林克) 35、 风沙星辰 36、 爱丽丝漫游奇境记(英 卡洛尔) 37、 哈利?波特(英 J?K?罗琳) 38、 三国演义(明 罗贯中) 39、 水浒传(清 施耐庵) 1) the code for seismic design of Highway Engineering (JTG 050-2005) the rules for the seismic design of highway bridges (JTG/T B02-01-2008) code for design of highway traffic safety facilities (JTG D81-2006) code for design of urban road project (CTG 37-2012) the city code for seismic design of bridges (CJJ 166-2011) of the engineering construction standard compulsory article (bridge section) JGJ59-2011 the standard of construction safety inspection of the construction project of power supply on construction site safety regulations (GB50194-93) of the specification for municipal bridge engineering construction and acceptance (CJJ-2-2008) of the concrete quality control standards (GB50164-2011 the code for engineering survey (GB50026-2007) of the steel specification for welding and acceptance (JGJ18-96) Municipal Code or standard, there is no project, According to norms or standards of highway bridge associated with it. 1.7 project where the relevant departments and local governments on construction safety, site security, health, environmental protection and land tenure and other relevant standards and regulations. 1.8 I construction of similar projects of long-term experience and construction sections and construction site investby Western bad ideology of effect, community value orientation increasingly diversified, social thought divergent surging, serious party political life, and strict party of discipline and rules, and strengthening members cadres education and management, task also is heavy, some members thought political Shang problem also compared highlight, some belief confused, on Communist belief not really, on Marx doctrine theory confidence insufficient, on China features Socialist faith not firm. Some grassroots party organizations are still relatively soft, "three lessons" implementation of systems are not in place, the party's political life is not serious and not serious, normal life together, some party members and cadres is not required to participate in the party's organisational life. Grass-roots party members and cadres are more depressed, avoid responsibility, self-discipline is not strict, and not as, slow as. These issues relate to ignore party rules the party Constitution study, lack of knowledge of the party have a great relationship. Central situation, decided to all party members in the "two" study and education. This year, the XI General Secretary on many occasions "two" study and education made important instructions, profoundly illustrates the significance of education. XI General Secretary stressed, deployment "two learn a do" learning education, is to promoted party education from "key minority" to General members expand, from concentrated sex education to regular education extends, firm General members of Marx doctrine 40、 红楼梦(清 曹雪芹) 41、 岳飞传 42、 杨家将演义 43、 包公案 44、 狄公案 45、 福尔摩斯探案集(英 柯南道尔) 46、 名侦探柯南 47、 少年神探金田一 (日 天树正丸 左藤文也) 48、 三毛流浪记(张乐平) 49、 窗边的小豆豆 50、 雷锋的故事 51、 红岩 52、 林海雪原 53、 敌后武工队 54、 铁道游击队 55、 笑林 56、 中国古代文学家的故事 57、 中国古代科学家的故事 58、 中国古代军事家的故事 59、 三十六计 60、 上下五千年 61、 中国节日故事 62、 中外名人故事 63、 中外智慧故事 64、 中外探险故事 65、 世界伟人故事 66、 圣经的故事 67、 佛经的故事 68、 再见了,可兽(日 石黑谦吾)-一只狗的生日 69、 格兰特船长的儿女们 70、 神秘岛 71、 好兵帅克 72、 坎特伯雷故事(美 乔叟) 73、 童年 在人间 我的大学 --高尔基自传一部曲 (俄 高尔基) 74、 钢铁是怎样炼成的 75、 鲁滨逊漂流记 76、 三个火炝手 77、 雾都孤儿(英 狄更斯) 78、 汤姆叔叔的小屋(美 斯托夫人) 79、 海底两万里(法 凡尔纳) 80、 地心游记(法 凡尔纳) 1) the code for seismic design of Highway Engineering (JTG 050-2005) the rules for the seismic design of highway bridges (JTG/T B02-01-2008) code for design of highway traffic safety facilities (JTG D81-2006) code for design of urban road project (CTG 37-2012) the city code for seismic design of bridges (CJJ 166-2011) of the engineering construction standard compulsory article (bridge section) JGJ59-2011 the standard of construction safety inspection of the construction project of power supply on construction site safety regulations (GB50194-93) of the specification for municipal bridge engineering construction and acceptance (CJJ-2-2008) of the concrete quality control standards (GB50164-2011 the code for engineering survey (GB50026-2007) of the steel specification for welding and acceptance (JGJ18-96) Municipal Code or standard, there is no project, According to norms or standards of highway bridge associated with it. 1.7 project where the relevant departments and local governments on construction safety, site security, health, environmental protection and land tenure and other relevant standards and regulations. 1.8 I construction of similar projects of long-term experience and construction sections and construction site investby Western bad ideology of effect, community value orientation increasingly diversified, social thought divergent surging, serious party political life, and strict party of discipline and rules, and strengthening members cadres education and management, task also is heavy, some members thought political Shang problem also compared highlight, some belief confused, on Communist belief not really, on Marx doctrine theory confidence insufficient, on China features Socialist faith not firm. Some grassroots party organizations are still relatively soft, "three lessons" implementation of systems are not in place, the party's political life is not serious and not serious, normal life together, some party members and cadres is not required to participate in the party's organisational life. Grass-roots party members and cadres are more depressed, avoid responsibility, self-discipline is not strict, and not as, slow as. These issues relate to ignore party rules the party Constitution study, lack of knowledge of the party have a great relationship. Central situation, decided to all party members in the "two" study and education. This year, the XI General Secretary on many occasions "two" study and education made important instructions, profoundly illustrates the significance of education. XI General Secretary stressed, deployment "two learn a do" learning education, is to promoted party education from "key minority" to General members expand, from concentrated sex education to regular education extends, firm General members of Marx doctrine 81、 昆虫记(法 法布尔) 82、 金银岛化身博士(英 史蒂文生) 83、 十万个为什么 84、 少年全球通 85、 小年万事通 86、 小学生十万个问不倒 87、 趣味自然科学百科 88、 世界五千年 89、 一万个奥秘一千个谜 90、 人类未解之谜全破译 91、 神秘的宇宙 92、 世界五千年神秘总集 --人类神灵、怪异之谜 93、 西方科学的故事 94、 中外科学家发明故事 95、 军事十万个为什么 96、 锻剑--20世纪武器的进步与战争的演变 97、 百年兵器 98、 中国历代战争年表 99、 院士与少年读科学 100、 诺贝尔奖获得者与儿童对话 101、 孔子 102、 苏格拉底 103、 释迦牟尼 104、 孙中山 105、 毛泽东 106、 周恩来 107、 邓小平 108、 蒋介石 109、 马克思 110、 恩格斯 111、 列宁 112、 斯大林 113、 托尔斯泰 114、 歌德 115、 安徒生 116、 伽利略 117、 黑格尔 118、 莎士比亚 119、 凡高 120、 哥白尼 121、 法拉第 122、 华盛顿 123、 李时珍 1) the code for seismic design of Highway Engineering (JTG 050-2005) the rules for the seismic design of highway bridges (JTG/T B02-01-2008) code for design of highway traffic safety facilities (JTG D81-2006) code for design of urban road project (CTG 37-2012) the city code for seismic design of bridges (CJJ 166-2011) of the engineering construction standard compulsory article (bridge section) JGJ59-2011 the standard of construction safety inspection of the construction project of power supply on construction site safety regulations (GB50194-93) of the specification for municipal bridge engineering construction and acceptance (CJJ-2-2008) of the concrete quality control standards (GB50164-2011 the code for engineering survey (GB50026-2007) of the steel specification for welding and acceptance (JGJ18-96) Municipal Code or standard, there is no project, According to norms or standards of highway bridge associated with it. 1.7 project where the relevant departments and local governments on construction safety, site security, health, environmental protection and land tenure and other relevant standards and regulations. 1.8 I construction of similar projects of long-term experience and construction sections and construction site investby Western bad ideology of effect, community value orientation increasingly diversified, social thought divergent surging, serious party political life, and strict party of discipline and rules, and strengthening members cadres education and management, task also is heavy, some members thought political Shang problem also compared highlight, some belief confused, on Communist belief not really, on Marx doctrine theory confidence insufficient, on China features Socialist faith not firm. Some grassroots party organizations are still relatively soft, "three lessons" implementation of systems are not in place, the party's political life is not serious and not serious, normal life together, some party members and cadres is not required to participate in the party's organisational life. Grass-roots party members and cadres are more depressed, avoid responsibility, self-discipline is not strict, and not as, slow as. These issues relate to ignore party rules the party Constitution study, lack of knowledge of the party have a great relationship. Central situation, decided to all party members in the "two" study and education. This year, the XI General Secretary on many occasions "two" study and education made important instructions, profoundly illustrates the significance of education. XI General Secretary stressed, deployment "two learn a do" learning education, is to promoted party education from "key minority" to General members expand, from concentrated sex education to regular education extends, firm General members of Marx doctrine 124、 罗蒙诺索夫 125、 伦琴 126、 哈默 127、 甘地 128、 李?艾柯卡 129、 邱吉尔 130、 罗斯福 131、 泰戈尔 132、 瓦特 133、 盛田昭夫 134、 伏尔泰 135、 狄更斯 136、 臾怀哲 137、 凡尔纳 138、 卢梭 139、 契诃夫 140、 洛克菲勒 141、 林肯 142、 宋庆龄 143、 宋美龄 144、 张学良 145、 松下幸助子 146、 孙正义 147、 杰克?韦尔奇 148、 小沃尔特?迪斯尼 149、 萨姆?沃尔顿 150、 郑周永 151、 小托马斯?沃森 152、 可可?夏奈尔 153、 保罗?盖蒂 154、 墨多克 155、 海伦?凯勒 156、 希特勒 157、 拿破仑 158、 达尔文 159、 天上的门-巴乔自传 160、 巨人传(法 拉伯雷) 161、 名人传(法 罗曼?罗兰) 162、 科学巨擘-院士风采录 163、 目击历史(叶永烈)-名人照相册 164、 雷锋全集 165、 名人风云录 166、 名人沉浮录 167、 院士人生 1) the code for seismic design of Highway Engineering (JTG 050-2005) the rules for the seismic design of highway bridges (JTG/T B02-01-2008) code for design of highway traffic safety facilities (JTG D81-2006) code for design of urban road project (CTG 37-2012) the city code for seismic design of bridges (CJJ 166-2011) of the engineering construction standard compulsory article (bridge section) JGJ59-2011 the standard of construction safety inspection of the construction project of power supply on construction site safety regulations (GB50194-93) of the specification for municipal bridge engineering construction and acceptance (CJJ-2-2008) of the concrete quality control standards (GB50164-2011 the code for engineering survey (GB50026-2007) of the steel specification for welding and acceptance (JGJ18-96) Municipal Code or standard, there is no project, According to norms or standards of highway bridge associated with it. 1.7 project where the relevant departments and local governments on construction safety, site security, health, environmental protection and land tenure and other relevant standards and regulations. 1.8 I construction of similar projects of long-term experience and construction sections and construction site investby Western bad ideology of effect, community value orientation increasingly diversified, social thought divergent surging, serious party political life, and strict party of discipline and rules, and strengthening members cadres education and management, task also is heavy, some members thought political Shang problem also compared highlight, some belief confused, on Communist belief not really, on Marx doctrine theory confidence insufficient, on China features Socialist faith not firm. Some grassroots party organizations are still relatively soft, "three lessons" implementation of systems are not in place, the party's political life is not serious and not serious, normal life together, some party members and cadres is not required to participate in the party's organisational life. Grass-roots party members and cadres are more depressed, avoid responsibility, self-discipline is not strict, and not as, slow as. These issues relate to ignore party rules the party Constitution study, lack of knowledge of the party have a great relationship. Central situation, decided to all party members in the "two" study and education. This year, the XI General Secretary on many occasions "two" study and education made important instructions, profoundly illustrates the significance of education. XI General Secretary stressed, deployment "two learn a do" learning education, is to promoted party education from "key minority" to General members expand, from concentrated sex education to regular education extends, firm General members of Marx doctrine 168、 北大的校长们 169、 清华的校长们 170、 解读巴金 171、 名人悲欢录-叶永烈自选三部曲 172、 天才诗人普希金 173、 国际政坛女杰 174、 名人与伟人的成长历程 175、 纪晓岚传奇 176、 一代学人王国伟 177、 从顽童到企业霸主 178、 清华名流 179、 中外名人传记丛书 180、 科学人生--中华人民共和国十大功勋科学家传奇 181、 中国宰相传 182、 美国总统全传(上、中、下) 183、 纽约时报50位科学家 184、 爱因斯坦传-窥见上帝秘密的人 185、 与50位文化名人聊天 186、 影响科学发展进程的人--大科学家的成长故事 187、 唐宗八大家传奇 188、 中国将帅录 189、 告诉你:我成功的秘密--著名跨国公司女公关经理口述录 190、 谋略人生--创造卓越的14种人生智慧 191、 谋略典范--蕴含大智慧的132个小故事 192、 中国人的计谋 193、 36计与人生智慧 194、 中国百年传记经典 195、 中国传业奇书(上、下) 196、 世界人物传记名著导读手册 197、 论语(春秋 孔丘) 198、 大学(战国 曾参) 199、 中庸(战国 子思) 200、 老子(春秋 老聃) 201、 孟子(战国 孟轲) 202、 庄子(战国 庄周) 203、 孙子(春秋 孙武) 204、 菜根潭(洪应明) 205、 唐诗三百首(清 孙洙) 206、 宋词三百首 207、 朱自清散文选 208、 冰心散文选 209、 巴金散文选 210、 老舍散文选 211、 中国散文精选 1) the code for seismic design of Highway Engineering (JTG 050-2005) the rules for the seismic design of highway bridges (JTG/T B02-01-2008) code for design of highway traffic safety facilities (JTG D81-2006) code for design of urban road project (CTG 37-2012) the city code for seismic design of bridges (CJJ 166-2011) of the engineering construction standard compulsory article (bridge section) JGJ59-2011 the standard of construction safety inspection of the construction project of power supply on construction site safety regulations (GB50194-93) of the specification for municipal bridge engineering construction and acceptance (CJJ-2-2008) of the concrete quality control standards (GB50164-2011 the code for engineering survey (GB50026-2007) of the steel specification for welding and acceptance (JGJ18-96) Municipal Code or standard, there is no project, According to norms or standards of highway bridge associated with it. 1.7 project where the relevant departments and local governments on construction safety, site security, health, environmental protection and land tenure and other relevant standards and regulations. 1.8 I construction of similar projects of long-term experience and construction sections and construction site investby Western bad ideology of effect, community value orientation increasingly diversified, social thought divergent surging, serious party political life, and strict party of discipline and rules, and strengthening members cadres education and management, task also is heavy, some members thought political Shang problem also compared highlight, some belief confused, on Communist belief not really, on Marx doctrine theory confidence insufficient, on China features Socialist faith not firm. Some grassroots party organizations are still relatively soft, "three lessons" implementation of systems are not in place, the party's political life is not serious and not serious, normal life together, some party members and cadres is not required to participate in the party's organisational life. Grass-roots party members and cadres are more depressed, avoid responsibility, self-discipline is not strict, and not as, slow as. These issues relate to ignore party rules the party Constitution study, lack of knowledge of the party have a great relationship. Central situation, decided to all party members in the "two" study and education. This year, the XI General Secretary on many occasions "two" study and education made important instructions, profoundly illustrates the significance of education. XI General Secretary stressed, deployment "two learn a do" learning education, is to promoted party education from "key minority" to General members expand, from concentrated sex education to regular education extends, firm General members of Marx doctrine 212、 中国短篇小说精选 213、 外国名家散文经典 214、 外国名家短篇小说经典 215、 冰心诗选 216、 郭沫若诗选 217、 泰戈尔诗选(印度 泰戈尔) 218、 世界百篇经典散文诗 219、 巴金随笔集 220、 缘缘堂随笔集(丰子恺) 221、 名人名言 222、 唐诗宋词名句 223、 英雄书--激励孩子身心成长的英雄故事 224、 快乐的人生 225、 小王子爱的教育 226、 爱的教育(意大利 亚米契斯) 227、 续爱的教育(意大利 孟德格查) 228、 世界恐龙大百科 229、 世界标志丛书-国旗国徽卷 230、 新华字典 231、 成语字典 232、 歇后语字典 233、 现代汉语词典 234、 小学生绘图英汉词 1) the code for seismic design of Highway Engineering (JTG 050-2005) the rules for the seismic design of highway bridges (JTG/T B02-01-2008) code for design of highway traffic safety facilities (JTG D81-2006) code for design of urban road project (CTG 37-2012) the city code for seismic design of bridges (CJJ 166-2011) of the engineering construction standard compulsory article (bridge section) JGJ59-2011 the standard of construction safety inspection of the construction project of power supply on construction site safety regulations (GB50194-93) of the specification for municipal bridge engineering construction and acceptance (CJJ-2-2008) of the concrete quality control standards (GB50164-2011 the code for engineering survey (GB50026-2007) of the steel specification for welding and acceptance (JGJ18-96) Municipal Code or standard, there is no project, According to norms or standards of highway bridge associated with it. 1.7 project where the relevant departments and local governments on construction safety, site security, health, environmental protection and land tenure and other relevant standards and regulations. 1.8 I construction of similar projects of long-term experience and construction sections and construction site investby Western bad ideology of effect, community value orientation increasingly diversified, social thought divergent surging, serious party political life, and strict party of discipline and rules, and strengthening members cadres education and management, task also is heavy, some members thought political Shang problem also compared highlight, some belief confused, on Communist belief not really, on Marx doctrine theory confidence insufficient, on China features Socialist faith not firm. Some grassroots party organizations are still relatively soft, "three lessons" implementation of systems are not in place, the party's political life is not serious and not serious, normal life together, some party members and cadres is not required to participate in the party's organisational life. Grass-roots party members and cadres are more depressed, avoid responsibility, self-discipline is not strict, and not as, slow as. These issues relate to ignore party rules the party Constitution study, lack of knowledge of the party have a great relationship. Central situation, decided to all party members in the "two" study and education. This year, the XI General Secretary on many occasions "two" study and education made important instructions, profoundly illustrates the significance of education. XI General Secretary stressed, deployment "two learn a do" learning education, is to promoted party education from "key minority" to General members expand, from concentrated sex education to regular education extends, firm General members of Marx doctrine
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