

2018-06-04 29页 doc 87KB 43阅读




高考散文知识点总结高考散文知识点总结 高考散文知识点专题大总结 一、散文特点 形散神不散、语言优美、内涵深邃 “形散”主要表现在:1、时间跨度大。如秦牧的散文《土地》从今日的土地一片生机,追溯到春秋战国时晋公子重耳狼狈出逃时手捧泥土感谢土地是上苍的恩赐。 2、空间转换广。余光中《听听那冷雨》写雨,一下子写台北的雨,一下子写大陆的雨,一下子写美国的雨,一下子写古人如何听雨,自己童年如何听雨,一下子写现代人如何听雨„„ 3、事件牵涉多。如袁鹰的散文《井冈翠竹》,写井冈山的竹子做过武器杀伤敌人,做过竹筒盛粥,做过红军的扁担挑着中国革命从井...
高考散文知识点 高考散文知识点专题大总结 一、散文特点 形散神不散、语言优美、内涵深邃 “形散”主要现在:1、时间跨度大。如秦牧的散文《土地》从今日的土地一片生机,追溯到春秋战国时晋公子重耳狼狈出逃时手捧泥土感谢土地是上苍的恩赐。 2、空间转换广。余光中《听听那冷雨》写雨,一下子写台北的雨,一下子写大陆的雨,一下子写美国的雨,一下子写古人如何听雨,自己童年如何听雨,一下子写现代人如何听雨„„ 3、事件牵涉多。如袁鹰的散文《井冈翠竹》,写井冈山的竹子做过武器杀伤敌人,做过竹筒盛粥,做过红军的扁担挑着中国革命从井冈山走到延安,走到北京。新中国成立后,竹子又被派上了建设社会主义的新用场„„事件多得让人应接不暇。 4、表达方式活。茅盾名篇《白杨礼赞》,就综合地运用了多种表达方式,如文章开头就记叙和描写了汽车在黄土高原上奔驰看到的黄土高原的外貌,用抒情和议论点明了白杨树的象征意义。 “神不散”就指的是文章始终紧紧围绕一个中心,贯穿一条红线,做到结构紧凑,层次分明,详略得当,重点突出。 二、散文分类 ? 记叙性散文——记人叙事、细节描写、反映世态 ? 抒情性散文——咏物状景、借物抒情、言志抒情 ? 议论性散文——议论说理、杂感随想、哲理感悟 记叙性散文: 1、特点:以叙述和抒情为主要表达手段,多是叙述日常生活中较为平淡的人事。主旨即对所写人事寄寓的感情,或由此得到的感悟。 2、典型的写作思路:简叙写作缘由----多角度多层次写人记事-----中间穿插一些细节描写-----结尾抒发情感,反映世态,总结感悟。 抒情性散文(状物性散文): 1、特点:以描写和议论抒情为主要表达手段,描写多是景、物的某一突出特征,议论抒情多是在景、物突出特征的基础上进行人生道理的升华。主旨即物人相通处。 2、典型写作思路:引出写作对象----咏物状景,时空拓展----中间常穿插其他景、物对比反衬-----再由自然之物作拟人化延伸议论-------结尾抒情言志,升华主旨。 议论性散文(哲理散文) 1、特点:以议论为主要表达方式,但议论不是凭空而生,往往在文章的开头交代议论的由头,或事,或物,然后逐层递进式议论。主旨在物(事)与理相通处。 2、典型写作思路:对现实的事、物有触动(触发点)-----类似事情相近或相反的联想议论(联系点)------点出道理(感悟点)-------结合现实议论升华(升华点) time 20~30s (no longer bubbles, the pan out of mortar for concrete surface). When the vibrating, must avoid collision steel pipes embedded parts and so on. Vibrator insertion point using the determinant of the order moves each time you move no farther than the concrete vibrator the effective radius of 1.25 times, vibrator radius of action for 30~40cm. Vibrating action to "quickly plug slowly pull" to prevent concrete internal vibrator false; "first low vibration, vibration high after" prevent vibrating in the high and low sloping concrete "pine top" phenomenon. Concrete slope layered horizontally staggered distances greater than 4m. (2) the construction of waterproof concrete of basement: 1) continuous pouring of concrete, concrete compacting. 2) before construction ready to ensure continuous pouring of concrete, not allow arbitrary construction joints. At predetermined locations, the setting up of construction joint sealing and bonding agent be waterproofed. 3) according to specifications, exterior 200 high together with the floor poured on the floor, and water swelling rubber sealing band-pass length. 4) template is waterproof for exterior wall bolts. 5) all pipes must be waterproof wall bushings, after no chisel. (3) conservation of concrete wall, curing concrete roof water conservation, fixing hand watering, concrete face plate always in wet state, conservation and not less than 14 days. In the summer after the Board finished pouring the first covering of plastic film, people and water conservation. (4) the field sampling, sample Lien 1) slump test tank outlet sampling, concrete compressive resistance block on tanker discharge 1/4 or 3/4 ... First, block paving with a spoon shovel, ash gray, small block maximum length of 3、议论文与议论性散文作比较 ?语体风格 议论性散文与一般议论文相比,最明显的特点就是它的语体风格。一般议论文属政论语体,要求以抽象思维为内核的“线状结构”的语言,它更强调清晰的理性和严密的逻辑性。而议论性散文属文学语体,它用的是以形象思维为内核的“片状结构”语言,它要通过具体的充满情感的描写,展现一幅幅画面,而且要把自己的观点蕴涵其中。 ?论证结构 就结构而言,议论文要求有严密的论证过程(即形成“论证结构”),按照逻辑层层展开,或是起承转合,或是演绎归纳,设置分论点则环环相扣,使用论据则精要概括,总之都强调规整严正、简洁清晰。议论性散文也是“议论”,也有议论的层次,但它不像一般议论文那样严格,它往往以内心感受为线索,由若干片段描写衔接而成。例如下面两段文字,主题都是:赞扬守住自己的精神家园,提倡抛弃世俗。 例1 跟随他人的期望可以声名显赫,可以去争取物质世界的充裕,这事实上是一种普遍的历史现象。但并非所有的人都是如此追求。他们视功利如鸿毛,内心澄澈如水,如入无碍之境。司马迁在他人眼里完全是个废人,苏格拉底日日拖着肥大的身躯踽踽独行,贝多芬在他人看来只是个聋子,但他们都超乎他人的期望成为伟人。我们不禁要反省他们对于人生的自我认识,凡是精神伟大的人都拥有一颗自我认识的心,强烈的精神意识能帮助他们摒除外界的干扰,他们选择的是通向精神殿堂的捷径。不论世殊事异,他们在自己选择的路上奋斗拼搏,从未放弃,“艰难困苦,玉汝于成”,他们在他人期望的悖论中走向辉煌。 例2 桀骜不驯的李白把人生看作是一场漂泊,沸腾的血液使他不能在任何一个地方安住,他永远行走在自己设置的轨道上,不为周遭的一切所牵绊,包括富贵功名——尽管他也曾十分向往功名利禄;而淡泊名利的诗人陶渊明则毅然拒绝了朝廷上的钩心斗角,远离喧嚣,归隐田园,过着“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”的清闲生活;还有范仲淹选择了“先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐”的人生态度,辛弃疾选择了时刻准备着为国捐躯,上阵杀敌的人生道路——虽然直到双鬓斑白他仍壮志难酬。无论这些伟人的选择是否高尚,无论最终他们是否都实现了自己的理想,只要在人生的道路上做出选择,就应该义无返顾地走下去。 评析 例1是议论文的写法。先说事实,再行,最后总结出“在他人期望的悖论中走向辉煌”的一般规律。整个语段虽然渗透着作者的情感,但有鲜明的理性和逻辑。 例2是议论性散文的写法。它展现在读者面前的是一个个特写镜头,一个个意象,作者的观点、理念就渗透在这些镜头、意象之中,读者要通过这些镜头、意象去感悟作者的观点、理念。整个语段,虽然不乏内在的逻辑,但人物的形象性更为突出,情感也更加强烈。 time 20~30s (no longer bubbles, the pan out of mortar for concrete surface). When the vibrating, must avoid collision steel pipes embedded parts and so on. Vibrator insertion point using the determinant of the order moves each time you move no farther than the concrete vibrator the effective radius of 1.25 times, vibrator radius of action for 30~40cm. Vibrating action to "quickly plug slowly pull" to prevent concrete internal vibrator false; "first low vibration, vibration high after" prevent vibrating in the high and low sloping concrete "pine top" phenomenon. Concrete slope layered horizontally staggered distances greater than 4m. (2) the construction of waterproof concrete of basement: 1) continuous pouring of concrete, concrete compacting. 2) before construction ready to ensure continuous pouring of concrete, not allow arbitrary construction joints. At predetermined locations, the setting up of construction joint sealing and bonding agent be waterproofed. 3) according to specifications, exterior 200 high together with the floor poured on the floor, and water swelling rubber sealing band-pass length. 4) template is waterproof for exterior wall bolts. 5) all pipes must be waterproof wall bushings, after no chisel. (3) conservation of concrete wall, curing concrete roof water conservation, fixing hand watering, concrete face plate always in wet state, conservation and not less than 14 days. In the summer after the Board finished pouring the first covering of plastic film, people and water conservation. (4) the field sampling, sample Lien 1) slump test tank outlet sampling, concrete compressive resistance block on tanker discharge 1/4 or 3/4 ... First, block paving with a spoon shovel, ash gray, small block maximum length of www.pedu.love 例1 侧重理性,除了给人理性的认识,还能给人审美的愉悦。 例2侧重于感性,文字显然更有“视觉冲击力”,更能吸引读者。 三、阅读知识储备 (一)表达方式 1、记叙 ?叙述的技巧: 顺叙:A-B-C按照时间或事情发展顺序记叙,使情节脉络清晰,层次分明。 倒叙:C-A-B设置悬念,激发读者兴趣,取得先声夺人的表达效果。 插叙:A-D-B给中心事件作必要的铺垫,使情节更加完整,结构更加严谨,内容更加丰富。 补叙:A-B-D在结尾用少量文字为必要情节进行解释说明,使读者对情节了解更加全面。 平叙:A+A+A“花开数朵,各表一枝”,同一时间在不同地点发生的事情一起叙述,使错综复杂的情节条理清晰。 ?叙述人称的技巧 第一人称:亲切自然,增强真实感。 第二人称:亲切自然,增强抒情性。 第三人称:不受时空限制,便于叙述和议论。 2、描写的技巧: 人物描写(5描+1描):外貌、语言、动作、神态、心理+细节 侧面注意:对比、衬托 景物描写(5觉+7色+4方):视、听、嗅、味、触+赤、橙、黄、绿、青、蓝、紫+上下左右、东西南北、远近高低、前后左右 侧面注意:虚实(想象为虚、回忆为虚、未来为虚)、动静(“动”包含动作和声音两方面) 3、议论的技巧: 在开头或结尾往往是文章的主旨; 在中间常起过渡、引出主旨的作用。 4、抒情的技巧: 直接抒情、间接抒情。 在开头能定文章基调;在结尾能升华主题。 5、说明的技巧(略) 因为说明语言具有准确、具体的特点,而散文一般是细腻、生动而优美的语言,所以在散文中不单独强调说明这种表达方式。 time 20~30s (no longer bubbles, the pan out of mortar for concrete surface). When the vibrating, must avoid collision steel pipes embedded parts and so on. Vibrator insertion point using the determinant of the order moves each time you move no farther than the concrete vibrator the effective radius of 1.25 times, vibrator radius of action for 30~40cm. Vibrating action to "quickly plug slowly pull" to prevent concrete internal vibrator false; "first low vibration, vibration high after" prevent vibrating in the high and low sloping concrete "pine top" phenomenon. Concrete slope layered horizontally staggered distances greater than 4m. (2) the construction of waterproof concrete of basement: 1) continuous pouring of concrete, concrete compacting. 2) before construction ready to ensure continuous pouring of concrete, not allow arbitrary construction joints. At predetermined locations, the setting up of construction joint sealing and bonding agent be waterproofed. 3) according to specifications, exterior 200 high together with the floor poured on the floor, and water swelling rubber sealing band-pass length. 4) template is waterproof for exterior wall bolts. 5) all pipes must be waterproof wall bushings, after no chisel. (3) conservation of concrete wall, curing concrete roof water conservation, fixing hand watering, concrete face plate always in wet state, conservation and not less than 14 days. In the summer after the Board finished pouring the first covering of plastic film, people and water conservation. (4) the field sampling, sample Lien 1) slump test tank outlet sampling, concrete compressive resistance block on tanker discharge 1/4 or 3/4 ... First, block paving with a spoon shovel, ash gray, small block maximum length of (二)表现手法 对比:在两种互相对立事物的比较中突出主体,凸显正面,使形象鲜明。 衬托:以描述的环境、气氛等烘托主体人事物,突显中心,表达强烈感情。 铺垫:为主要人物出场或主要事件发现,进行的环境、情绪、气氛等描写的造势。 铺垫:用来衬托、引出下面主题的。铺垫一般只有单独的情节,并不重复出现同一内容。比如你要形容冬天冷,你不直接说冷,而可以通过描叙冬天里万物萧索,一点一点达到目的。 伏笔:前有伏笔,后有照应。所以伏笔强调的是上文对下文的暗示、交待。你在上文里埋了颗雷,下文说到雷爆炸了,如果上文没提埋雷,直接说雷爆炸了„„这不很奇怪, 渲染:以浓墨重彩的描绘营造氛围,为行文设铺垫,凸显人物性格,增强感染力。 象征:把抽象的事理表现为具体的可感知的形象,还可使要表达的意思含蓄、深刻。 象征:化抽象A为形象B,文中一般只保留形象B,如我爱她,但不说“我爱她”,而说“我送她一颗苹果”,那么苹果则象征着我的爱。 比喻:也有化抽象A为形象B的作用,一般两者都会在文中存在,且以抽象A为叙述主体,如“我对她的爱就像苹果一样甜蜜”。 托物言志:可通过对具体事物的描绘,深刻生动地表现深层含义。 联想想象:联想是由一事物想到另一事物的心理过程;想象是在原有感性形象的基础上创造出新形象的过程。可使文章内容更丰富,形象更丰满、生动。 抑扬结合:为褒先贬,为损先扬,鲜明对照和强烈反差,收到特殊效果。 虚实结合:可以抓住重点,突出事物的本质特征,从而凸现事物、景物的特点,或人物的性格,更集中地揭示主旨。 以小见大:即从平凡细微的事情中反映重大的主题,可突出中心,有强烈的震撼力。 (三)修辞技巧 比喻:化平淡为生动,化深奥为浅显,化抽象为具体。 拟人:描写形象生动,赋予生命力,表意丰富。 夸张:烘托气氛,增强感染力;创造气氛。 比喻&夸张:比喻是“泪如泉水”;夸张是“泪如泉涌”。比喻有本体、喻体、比喻词,是两个名词之间的相通;夸张是对事物的某一特点进行扩大或缩小,因此必须有动作出现。 比喻&拟人:比喻句一般含有本体、喻体、比喻词;拟人句一般只有拟态和它的动作。句子中出现比喻词一定是比喻。如“春天像姑娘一样款款而来”是比喻句;“春姑娘款款而来”则是拟人句。 排比:能强烈表达思想感情。议论,能增加语势,说理更透彻;抒情,可淋漓尽致。 反复:多次强调,给人以深刻的印象,感染力强。 设问:自问自答,提出问题,引发读者思考。 反问:强调语气,强化情感。 对偶:有音乐感,有节奏感,表意凝练。 (四)谋篇布局技巧 承上启下 总领全文 time 20~30s (no longer bubbles, the pan out of mortar for concrete surface). When the vibrating, must avoid collision steel pipes embedded parts and so on. Vibrator insertion point using the determinant of the order moves each time you move no farther than the concrete vibrator the effective radius of 1.25 times, vibrator radius of action for 30~40cm. Vibrating action to "quickly plug slowly pull" to prevent concrete internal vibrator false; "first low vibration, vibration high after" prevent vibrating in the high and low sloping concrete "pine top" phenomenon. Concrete slope layered horizontally staggered distances greater than 4m. (2) the construction of waterproof concrete of basement: 1) continuous pouring of concrete, concrete compacting. 2) before construction ready to ensure continuous pouring of concrete, not allow arbitrary construction joints. At predetermined locations, the setting up of construction joint sealing and bonding agent be waterproofed. 3) according to specifications, exterior 200 high together with the floor poured on the floor, and water swelling rubber sealing band-pass length. 4) template is waterproof for exterior wall bolts. 5) all pipes must be waterproof wall bushings, after no chisel. (3) conservation of concrete wall, curing concrete roof water conservation, fixing hand watering, concrete face plate always in wet state, conservation and not less than 14 days. In the summer after the Board finished pouring the first covering of plastic film, people and water conservation. (4) the field sampling, sample Lien 1) slump test tank outlet sampling, concrete compressive resistance block on tanker discharge 1/4 or 3/4 ... First, block paving with a spoon shovel, ash gray, small block maximum length of www.pedu.love 引起下文 过渡自然 前后呼应 伏笔照应 制造悬念 照应开头 总结上文 卒章显志 详略主次 文章或段落开头: 1、总领全文; 2、引出下文或引出话题; 3、 为下文作铺垫或与下文构成对比; 4、营造氛围,奠定感情基调; 5、制造悬念。 文章或段落中间: 、起承上启下的过渡作用; 1 2、前后呼应; 3、为下文作铺垫、引起下文; 4、照应上文,转换话题。 文章或段落结尾: 1、升华感情; 2、深化主题; 3、总结上文; 4、卒章显志,点明主题; 5、呼应开头,使文章结构首尾圆合; 6、言已尽而意无穷,使文章委婉含蓄。 快速读懂 有效:理清思路,归纳勾连,浓缩成文。 1、首先:以自然段落为单位,标画圈点领起句段、过渡句段,标志事件阶段过程的时间词,标志段落之间语意因果、转折、并列的关联词,标志层次的总分词语,段落间的指代词,段落中心句,表达主旨的议论抒情句段。 2、其次:合并,即对总分段落、前后因果段落、前后并列段落合并归纳,形成几个层次。 提取,即以层次为单位,提取主体内容。一般截取原文语句加以组合。 3、最后:把标画圈点和提取的文字进行前后勾连,适当添加关联词,形成一篇逻辑较为通顺的简易小短文。(原文本的浓缩版) time 20~30s (no longer bubbles, the pan out of mortar for concrete surface). When the vibrating, must avoid collision steel pipes embedded parts and so on. Vibrator insertion point using the determinant of the order moves each time you move no farther than the concrete vibrator the effective radius of 1.25 times, vibrator radius of action for 30~40cm. Vibrating action to "quickly plug slowly pull" to prevent concrete internal vibrator false; "first low vibration, vibration high after" prevent vibrating in the high and low sloping concrete "pine top" phenomenon. Concrete slope layered horizontally staggered distances greater than 4m. (2) the construction of waterproof concrete of basement: 1) continuous pouring of concrete, concrete compacting. 2) before construction ready to ensure continuous pouring of concrete, not allow arbitrary construction joints. At predetermined locations, the setting up of construction joint sealing and bonding agent be waterproofed. 3) according to specifications, exterior 200 high together with the floor poured on the floor, and water swelling rubber sealing band-pass length. 4) template is waterproof for exterior wall bolts. 5) all pipes must be waterproof wall bushings, after no chisel. (3) conservation of concrete wall, curing concrete roof water conservation, fixing hand watering, concrete face plate always in wet state, conservation and not less than 14 days. In the summer after the Board finished pouring the first covering of plastic film, people and water conservation. (4) the field sampling, sample Lien 1) slump test tank outlet sampling, concrete compressive resistance block on tanker discharge 1/4 or 3/4 ... First, block paving with a spoon shovel, ash gray, small block maximum length of 准确解题 一、梳理思路类试题。 答题提示:解答这类题,必须读懂,准确切分全文层次,这类题答案是各层意概括。 答题格式:文章先写了什么,然后写了什么,再写了什么,最后写了什么。可分点作答。 二、内容要点概括类试题。 答题提示:阅读过程中要准确切分全文或局部段落分层,便于整合概括答案点。 分点答案要有并列意识:几点答案,必须是不同方面的内容,必须是各角度、各层面、不同感情、不同事件的分类并列概括,绝非同一方面(同一角度、同一层次)的种属关系。 答案组织要有摘句意识:抓各段的中心句,各段的中心句往往都是要点。 三、表达技巧类试题。 答题提示: 一要明确回答运用何种表达技巧; 二要揭示作品运用这种表达技巧表达了怎样的 内容;三要阐述运用这种表达技巧的表达作用和好处。 答题格式:运用什么技法 表达什么内容(突出了什么食物的何种特点) 达到了怎样的效果(表达了作者的何种思想感情) 四、要求分析景物描写的作用的试题 答题提示: 一是景物本身的自然环境特征; 二是对人物的烘托作用; 三是对社会环境的暗示 (这一点要视情况而定) ;四是在结构上为下文铺垫。 答题格式:此处景物描写渲染了(烘托、衬托)了某种环境的„„特点(氛围、意境),表现了人物的„„情绪(心理),为下文写„„作铺垫。 五、要求明确文章开头段落的安排用意。 答题提示:答案要考虑四点; 一与文题是否照应;二是否自然引出下文,为下文铺垫;三与 结尾是否照应;四与主体内容是否形成正衬或反衬。 答题格式:开头点题(照应文题,或首尾呼应) ,自然引出下文,为下文叙写„„事(人、 物)作铺垫,使行文自然巧妙。或:与下文写„„作对比,从而突出„„ time 20~30s (no longer bubbles, the pan out of mortar for concrete surface). When the vibrating, must avoid collision steel pipes embedded parts and so on. Vibrator insertion point using the determinant of the order moves each time you move no farther than the concrete vibrator the effective radius of 1.25 times, vibrator radius of action for 30~40cm. Vibrating action to "quickly plug slowly pull" to prevent concrete internal vibrator false; "first low vibration, vibration high after" prevent vibrating in the high and low sloping concrete "pine top" phenomenon. Concrete slope layered horizontally staggered distances greater than 4m. (2) the construction of waterproof concrete of basement: 1) continuous pouring of concrete, concrete compacting. 2) before construction ready to ensure continuous pouring of concrete, not allow arbitrary construction joints. At predetermined locations, the setting up of construction joint sealing and bonding agent be waterproofed. 3) according to specifications, exterior 200 high together with the floor poured on the floor, and water swelling rubber sealing band-pass length. 4) template is waterproof for exterior wall bolts. 5) all pipes must be waterproof wall bushings, after no chisel. (3) conservation of concrete wall, curing concrete roof water conservation, fixing hand watering, concrete face plate always in wet state, conservation and not less than 14 days. In the summer after the Board finished pouring the first covering of plastic film, people and water conservation. (4) the field sampling, sample Lien 1) slump test tank outlet sampling, concrete compressive resistance block on tanker discharge 1/4 or 3/4 ... First, block paving with a spoon shovel, ash gray, small block maximum length of www.pedu.love 六、要求明确文章中间某处(段)的写作用意。 答题提示:因相应文字在文中或段中,用意要考虑三点:一要明确文字本身要表达的内容; 二要考虑它与前后文之间的结构关系(一般为承上启下,前后呼应) ;三要考虑与主体内容 的关系(一般为因果、反衬、对比等关系) 七、个性解读类题目 答题提示:用原文的语句或思想内涵并结合自己生活中的认识概括作答。 答题格式:亮观点(总)——扣文本(分)——联实际(分)——下结论(总) 八、答题语言规则: 要显:不能含蓄、笼统。 要简:不要啰嗦、繁琐;要概括、简洁; 要通:不要有语病 要选好句式:用判断句、陈述句,不用省略句和问句。 冬 天 朱自清 1说起冬天,忽然想到豆腐。是一“小洋锅”(铝锅)白煮豆腐,热腾腾的。水滚着,像好些鱼眼睛,一小块一小块豆腐养在里面,嫩而滑,仿佛反穿的白狐大衣。锅在“洋炉子”(煤油不打气炉)上,和炉子都熏得乌黑乌黑,越显出豆腐的白。这是晚上,屋子老了,虽点着“洋灯”,也还是阴暗。围着桌子坐的是父亲跟我们哥儿三个。“洋炉子”太高了,父亲得常常站起来,微微地仰着脸,觑着眼睛,从氤氲的热气里伸进筷子,夹起豆腐,一一地放在我们的酱油碟里。我们有时也自己动手,但炉子实在太高了,总还是坐享其成的多。这并不是吃饭,只是玩儿。父亲说晚上冷,吃了大家暖和些。我们都喜欢这种白水豆腐;一上桌就眼巴巴望着那锅,等着那热气,等着热气里从父亲筷子上掉下来的豆腐。 2又是冬天,记得是阴历十一月十六晚上,跟S君P君在西湖里坐小划子。S君刚到杭州教书,事先来信说:“我们要游西湖,不管它是冬天。”那晚月色真好,现在想起来还像照在身上。本来前一晚是“月当头”;也许十一月的月亮真有些特别吧。那时九点多了,湖上似乎只有我们一只划子。有点风,月光照着软软的水波;当间那一溜儿反光,像新砑的银子。湖上的山只剩了淡淡的影子。山下偶而有一两星灯火。S君口占两句诗道:“数星灯火认渔村,淡墨轻描远黛痕。”我们都不大说话,只有均匀的桨声。我渐渐地快睡着了。P君“喂”了一下,才抬起眼皮,看见他在微笑。船夫问要不要上净寺去;是阿弥陀佛生日,time 20~30s (no longer bubbles, the pan out of mortar for concrete surface). When the vibrating, must avoid collision steel pipes embedded parts and so on. Vibrator insertion point using the determinant of the order moves each time you move no farther than the concrete vibrator the effective radius of 1.25 times, vibrator radius of action for 30~40cm. Vibrating action to "quickly plug slowly pull" to prevent concrete internal vibrator false; "first low vibration, vibration high after" prevent vibrating in the high and low sloping concrete "pine top" phenomenon. Concrete slope layered horizontally staggered distances greater than 4m. (2) the construction of waterproof concrete of basement: 1) continuous pouring of concrete, concrete compacting. 2) before construction ready to ensure continuous pouring of concrete, not allow arbitrary construction joints. At predetermined locations, the setting up of construction joint sealing and bonding agent be waterproofed. 3) according to specifications, exterior 200 high together with the floor poured on the floor, and water swelling rubber sealing band-pass length. 4) template is waterproof for exterior wall bolts. 5) all pipes must be waterproof wall bushings, after no chisel. (3) conservation of concrete wall, curing concrete roof water conservation, fixing hand watering, concrete face plate always in wet state, conservation and not less than 14 days. In the summer after the Board finished pouring the first covering of plastic film, people and water conservation. (4) the field sampling, sample Lien 1) slump test tank outlet sampling, concrete compressive resistance block on tanker discharge 1/4 or 3/4 ... First, block paving with a spoon shovel, ash gray, small block maximum length of 那边蛮热闹的。到了寺里,殿上灯烛辉煌,满是佛婆念佛的声音,好像醒了一场梦。这已是十多年前的事了,S君还常常通着信,P君听说转变了好几次,前年是在一个特税局里收特税了,以后便没有消息。 3在台州过了一个冬天,一家四口子。台州是个山城,可以说在一个大谷里。只有一条二里长的大街。别的路上白天简直不大见人;晚上一片漆黑。偶尔人家窗户里透出一点灯光,还有走路的拿着的火把;但那是少极了。我们住在山脚下。有的是山上松林里的风声,跟天上一只两只的鸟影。夏末到那里,春初便走,却好像老在过着冬天似的;可是即便真冬天也并不冷。我们住在楼上,书房临着大路;路上有人说话,可以清清楚楚地听见。但因为走路的人太少了,间或有点说话的声音,听起来还只当远风送来的,想不到就在窗外。我们是外路人,除上学校去之外,常只在家里坐着。妻也惯了那寂寞,只和我们爷儿们守着。外边虽老是冬天,家里却老是春天。有一回我上街去,回来的时候,楼下厨房的大方窗开着,并排地挨着她们母子三个;三张脸都带着天真微笑地向着我。似乎台州空空的,只有我们四人;天地空空的,也只有我们四人。那时是民国十年,妻刚从家里出来,满自在。现在她死了快四年了,我却还老记着她那微笑的影子。 4无论怎么冷,大风大雪,想到这些,我心上总是温暖的。 (选自1933年12月1日《中学生》第40号) 提示:可以根据自然段表述的内容及意义不同来分析。 、试对选文作结构分析: 1 第一段:叙述冬天吃豆腐的情形,表达了暖暖的父子亲情。(第1自然段) 第二段:叙述冬天和友人夜游西湖的情形,表达了暖暖的友情。(第2自然段) 第三段:叙述了一家人在台州过冬天的情形,表达了深深的夫妻爱情。(第3自然段) 第四段:总述一句,说明亲情、友情、爱情的可贵。(第4自然段) 2、试对选文作主旨概括: 本文写了发生在冬天的三个生活片断,表达了要珍视亲情、友情、爱情的思想。 如果你为四郎哭泣 龙应台 (1)经济学家、社会学家、人类学家可能找得出一百个方式来回答“文化为什么重要”这个问题,但是我可以从一场戏说起。 (2)有一天台北演出《四郎探母》,我特别带了八十五岁的父亲去听。从小听他唱“我好比笼中鸟,有翅难展;我好比虎离山,受了孤单;我好比浅水龙,困在了沙滩„„”,老人想必喜欢。 time 20~30s (no longer bubbles, the pan out of mortar for concrete surface). When the vibrating, must avoid collision steel pipes embedded parts and so on. Vibrator insertion point using the determinant of the order moves each time you move no farther than the concrete vibrator the effective radius of 1.25 times, vibrator radius of action for 30~40cm. Vibrating action to "quickly plug slowly pull" to prevent concrete internal vibrator false; "first low vibration, vibration high after" prevent vibrating in the high and low sloping concrete "pine top" phenomenon. Concrete slope layered horizontally staggered distances greater than 4m. (2) the construction of waterproof concrete of basement: 1) continuous pouring of concrete, concrete compacting. 2) before construction ready to ensure continuous pouring of concrete, not allow arbitrary construction joints. At predetermined locations, the setting up of construction joint sealing and bonding agent be waterproofed. 3) according to specifications, exterior 200 high together with the floor poured on the floor, and water swelling rubber sealing band-pass length. 4) template is waterproof for exterior wall bolts. 5) all pipes must be waterproof wall bushings, after no chisel. (3) conservation of concrete wall, curing concrete roof water conservation, fixing hand watering, concrete face plate always in wet state, conservation and not less than 14 days. In the summer after the Board finished pouring the first covering of plastic film, people and water conservation. (4) the field sampling, sample Lien 1) slump test tank outlet sampling, concrete compressive resistance block on tanker discharge 1/4 or 3/4 ... First, block paving with a spoon shovel, ash gray, small block maximum length of www.pedu.love (3)遥远的十世纪,宋朝汉人和辽国胡人在荒凉的战场上连年交战。杨四郎家人一一壮烈阵亡,自己被敌人俘虏,娶了敌人的公主,在异域苟活十五年。铁镜公主聪慧而善良,异乡对儿女已是故乡,但四郎对母亲的思念无法遏止。悲剧的高潮就在四郎深夜潜回宋营探望老母的片刻。卡在“汉贼不两立”的政治斗争之间,在爱情和亲情无法两全之间,在个人处境和国家利益严重冲突之间,已是中年的四郎跪在地上对母亲痛哭失声:“千拜万拜,赎不过儿的罪来„„” (4)我突然觉得身边的父亲有点异样,侧头看他,发现他已老泪纵横,泣不成声。 (5)父亲十六岁那年,在湖南衡山乡下,挑了两个空竹篓到市场去,准备帮母亲买菜。路上碰见国民党政府招兵,这十六岁的少年放下竹篓就跟着去了。此后在战争的炮火声中辗转流离,在两岸的斗争对峙中仓皇度日,七十年岁月如江水漂月,一生不曾再见到那来不及道别的母亲。 (6)他的眼泪一直流,一直流。我只好紧握着他的手,不断地递纸巾。 (7)然后我发现,流泪的不只他。斜出去前一两排一位白发老人也在拭泪,隔座陪伴的中年儿子递过纸巾后,将一只手环抱着老人瘦弱的肩膀。 (8)谢幕以后,人们纷纷站起来,我才发现,啊,四周多是中年儿女陪伴而来的老人家,有的拄着拐杖,有的坐着轮椅。他们不说话,因为眼里还有泪光。 (9)中年的儿女们彼此不识,但是在眼光接触的时候,沉默中仿佛已经交换了一组密码。曲终人散的时候,人们正要各奔东西,但是在那个当下,在那一个空间,这些互不相识的人变成了一个关系紧密、温情脉脉的群体。 (10)在那以后,我陪父亲去听过好几次的《四郎探母》,每一次都会遇见父老们和他们中年的子女;每一次都像是一场灵魂的洗涤,感情的疗伤,社区的礼拜。 (11)从《四郎探母》,我如醍醐灌顶似的发觉,是的,我懂了为什么《伊底帕斯》能在星空下演两千年仍让人震撼,为什么《李尔王》在四百年后仍让人感动。 (12)文化,或者说,艺术,做了什么呢, (13)它使孤独的个人为自己说不出的痛苦找到了名字和定义。少小离家老大失乡的老兵们从四郎的命运里认出了自己不可言喻的处境,认出了处境中的残酷和荒谬,而且,四郎的语言——“千拜万拜,赎不过儿的罪来”——为他拔出了深深扎进肉里无法拔出的自责和痛苦。艺术像一块沾了药水的纱布,轻轻擦拭他灵魂深处从未愈合的伤口。 (14)文化艺术使孤立的个人,打开深锁自己的门,走出去,找到同类。他发现,他的经验不是孤立的而是共同的集体的经验,他的痛苦和喜悦,是一个可以与人分享的痛苦和喜悦。孤立的个人因而产生归属感。 (15)它使零散的、疏离的各个小撮团体找到连结而转型成精神相通、休戚与共的社群。“四郎”把本来封锁孤立的经验变成共同的经验,塑成公共的记忆,从而增进了相互的理解,凝聚了社会的文化认同。白发苍苍的老兵,若有所感的中年儿女,或者对这段历史原本漠然的外人,在经历过“四郎”之后,已经变成一个拥有共同情感而彼此体谅的社会。 (16)人本是散落的珠子,随地乱滚,文化就是那根柔弱又强韧的细丝,将珠子串起来成为社会。而公民社会,因为不依赖皇权或神权来坚固它的底座,因此文化便是公民社会最重要的黏合剂。 1、简析文中第11段“我懂了为什么《伊底帕斯》能在星空下演两千年仍让人震撼,为什么《李尔王》在四百年后仍让人感动”这句话在文中的作用,(4分) 答: __________________________________________________________________________________ _____________ time 20~30s (no longer bubbles, the pan out of mortar for concrete surface). When the vibrating, must avoid collision steel pipes embedded parts and so on. Vibrator insertion point using the determinant of the order moves each time you move no farther than the concrete vibrator the effective radius of 1.25 times, vibrator radius of action for 30~40cm. Vibrating action to "quickly plug slowly pull" to prevent concrete internal vibrator false; "first low vibration, vibration high after" prevent vibrating in the high and low sloping concrete "pine top" phenomenon. Concrete slope layered horizontally staggered distances greater than 4m. (2) the construction of waterproof concrete of basement: 1) continuous pouring of concrete, concrete compacting. 2) before construction ready to ensure continuous pouring of concrete, not allow arbitrary construction joints. At predetermined locations, the setting up of construction joint sealing and bonding agent be waterproofed. 3) according to specifications, exterior 200 high together with the floor poured on the floor, and water swelling rubber sealing band-pass length. 4) template is waterproof for exterior wall bolts. 5) all pipes must be waterproof wall bushings, after no chisel. (3) conservation of concrete wall, curing concrete roof water conservation, fixing hand watering, concrete face plate always in wet state, conservation and not less than 14 days. In the summer after the Board finished pouring the first covering of plastic film, people and water conservation. (4) the field sampling, sample Lien 1) slump test tank outlet sampling, concrete compressive resistance block on tanker discharge 1/4 or 3/4 ... First, block paving with a spoon shovel, ash gray, small block maximum length of ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 2、作者从一场戏说起,阐述“文化为什么重要”,请分条概括作者所阐释的理由。 答: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _ 3、赏析第16段中画波浪线的句子在语言表达上的特点。 答: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 4、文章标题“如果你为四郎哭泣”是一个假设复句的前半部分,请补出该句的后半部分,并简要阐明 理由。 如果你为四郎哭泣, 。 理 由: 。 5、龙应台在她的文章《为什么需要人文素养》中谈到了文学的一种“功能”是“使看不见的东西被看 见”,你通过《如果你为四郎哭泣》一文能看见哪些感动,(5分) 答: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ (1)从结构上看,由《四郎探母》这出戏,联系到世界其他民族的文艺作品,从而为下文阐述文化的作用做 好铺垫。 (2)从内容上看,《四郎探母》说明文化的影响是巨大的,深远的,广泛的,而《伊底帕斯》,《李尔王》 长久以来所产生的“震撼”“感动”进一步佐证了作者的这一认识,说明了文化的相通性。 (每个角度2 分,意思对即可。) 2、(1)文化艺术既能使人找到了解自己处境、发泄痛苦、表达情感的方式,抚慰受伤的心灵。(2)又能使 孤独的个人找到所属的社会群体,产生归属感。(3)文化能将孤立的个体凝成精神相通的群体社会,是公 民社会最重要的黏合剂。(答出第1点,得1分;答出第2或3点,得2分) 3、这段话主要采用了比喻的修辞,把人比喻为“散落的珠子”,形象生动地表现了人作为个体存在的独立 零散状态;把文化喻为“细丝”“黏合剂”,形象地说明了文化的重要性,其中的“柔弱”和“强韧”准确 地写出了文化的两个特点——文化作为一种精神现象看起来是柔弱无力的,但文化具有强大的凝聚力,能 使人具有归属感。从而突出了本文的主旨:文化重要。 4、补写示例:(1)如果你为四郎哭泣,那么你就走进了文化的认同。 (2)如果你为四郎哭泣,那么你就会彻 悟到文化的震撼力。 (3)如果你为四郎哭泣,那么你就走进了一个拥有共同情感而彼此体谅的社会。 理由: 作者写作本文的意图是表达文化的认同作用及意义,“为四郎哭泣”是促使作者 思考的生活经历表象,其 实质是要思考情感的共鸣与文化的共振。 (语句补写2分,要求能体现作者的写作意图;理由阐明2分, time 20~30s (no longer bubbles, the pan out of mortar for concrete surface). When the vibrating, must avoid collision steel pipes embedded parts and so on. Vibrator insertion point using the determinant of the order moves each time you move no farther than the concrete vibrator the effective radius of 1.25 times, vibrator radius of action for 30~40cm. Vibrating action to "quickly plug slowly pull" to prevent concrete internal vibrator false; "first low vibration, vibration high after" prevent vibrating in the high and low sloping concrete "pine top" phenomenon. Concrete slope layered horizontally staggered distances greater than 4m. (2) the construction of waterproof concrete of basement: 1) continuous pouring of concrete, concrete compacting. 2) before construction ready to ensure continuous pouring of concrete, not allow arbitrary construction joints. At predetermined locations, the setting up of construction joint sealing and bonding agent be waterproofed. 3) according to specifications, exterior 200 high together with the floor poured on the floor, and water swelling rubber sealing band-pass length. 4) template is waterproof for exterior wall bolts. 5) all pipes must be waterproof wall bushings, after no chisel. (3) conservation of concrete wall, curing concrete roof water conservation, fixing hand watering, concrete face plate always in wet state, conservation and not less than 14 days. In the summer after the Board finished pouring the first covering of plastic film, people and water conservation. (4) the field sampling, sample Lien 1) slump test tank outlet sampling, concrete compressive resistance block on tanker discharge 1/4 or 3/4 ... First, block paving with a spoon shovel, ash gray, small block maximum length of www.pedu.love 言之成理即可。) 5、略 资料来源:北辰教育研究院 北辰教育: 一对一课个性化外辅导 www.pedu.love time 20~30s (no longer bubbles, the pan out of mortar for concrete surface). When the vibrating, must avoid collision steel pipes embedded parts and so on. Vibrator insertion point using the determinant of the order moves each time you move no farther than the concrete vibrator the effective radius of 1.25 times, vibrator radius of action for 30~40cm. Vibrating action to "quickly plug slowly pull" to prevent concrete internal vibrator false; "first low vibration, vibration high after" prevent vibrating in the high and low sloping concrete "pine top" phenomenon. Concrete slope layered horizontally staggered distances greater than 4m. (2) the construction of waterproof concrete of basement: 1) continuous pouring of concrete, concrete compacting. 2) before construction ready to ensure continuous pouring of concrete, not allow arbitrary construction joints. At predetermined locations, the setting up of construction joint sealing and bonding agent be waterproofed. 3) according to specifications, exterior 200 high together with the floor poured on the floor, and water swelling rubber sealing band-pass length. 4) template is waterproof for exterior wall bolts. 5) all pipes must be waterproof wall bushings, after no chisel. (3) conservation of concrete wall, curing concrete roof water conservation, fixing hand watering, concrete face plate always in wet state, conservation and not less than 14 days. In the summer after the Board finished pouring the first covering of plastic film, people and water conservation. (4) the field sampling, sample Lien 1) slump test tank outlet sampling, concrete compressive resistance block on tanker discharge 1/4 or 3/4 ... First, block paving with a spoon shovel, ash gray, small block maximum length of
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