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2013届本科毕业生学士学位授予条件2013届本科毕业生学士学位授予条件 2013届本科毕业生学士学位授予条件(草案) 一、2013届本科毕业生学位授予条件 (一)基本情况 校本部共有2013届各类普通本科毕业生7650人,详见表一、表二、表三、表四。 (二)截止2013年4月,2013届各类本科毕业生国家大学英语考试成绩按百分制计算(满分为710的按对应系数数折算)五分段统计结果详见表一、表二、表三、表四。 表一 长江大学校本部2013届普通本科毕业生大学英语考试成绩分段统计表 ?60 ?55 ?50 ?45 ?40 ?35 类毕业构构构构标准 ...
2013届本科毕业生学士学位授予条件 2013届本科毕业生学士学位授予条件(草案) 一、2013届本科毕业生学位授予条件 (一)基本情况 校本部共有2013届各类普通本科毕业生7650人,详见表一、表二、表三、表四。 (二)截止2013年4月,2013届各类本科毕业生国家大学英语考试成绩按百分制计算(满分为710的按对应系数数折算)五分段统计结果详见表一、表二、表三、表四。 表一 长江大学校本部2013届普通本科毕业生大学英语考试成绩分段统计表 ?60 ?55 ?50 ?45 ?40 ?35 类毕业构构构构 构成构成别 生数 人数 成人数 成人数 人数 成人数 人数 成比 比 比 比 比 比 普6412 cet4\6 5921 0.92 6217 0.97 6336 0.99 --- --- --- --- --- --- 通 英314 专四 277 0.88 287 0.91 303 0.96 --- --- --- --- --- --- 语 日76 专四 74 0.97 76 1.00 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 语 合6802 6272 0.92 6580 0.97 6639 0.98 --- --- --- --- --- --- 计 注:日语专业及格标准为66分,其中?66分的有 72人,占日语专业毕业生总数的95% 表二 长江大学校本部2013届职本毕业生大学英语分类考试成绩分段统计表 ?60 ?55 ?50 ?45 ?40 ?35 毕业标准 构成构成构成构成构成构成生数 人数 人数 人数 人数 人数 人数 比 比 比 比 比 比 Cet4 115 0.31 195 0.53 276 0.75 323 0.88 327 0.89 329 0.89 369 cet3 353 0.96 361 0.99 365 0.99 --- --- --- --- --- --- school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 表三 长江大学校本部2013届艺术类本科毕业生大学英语分类考试成绩分段统计表 ?60 ?55 ?50 ?45 ?40 ?35 毕业标准 构成构成构成构成构成构成生数 人数 人数 人数 人数 人数 人数 比 比 比 比 比 比 Cet4 16 0.05 33 0.11 78 0.26 129 0.43 147 0.49 155 0.51 301 cet3 161 0.53 201 0.67 239 0.79 263 0.87 280 0.93 288 0.96 表四 长江大学校本部2013届体育类本科毕业生大学英语分类考试成绩分段统计表 ?60 ?55 ?50 ?45 ?40 ?35 毕业标准 构成构成构成构成构成构成生数 人数 人数 人数 人数 人数 人数 比 比 比 比 比 比 Cet4 78 0.44 97 0.55 133 0.75 152 0.85 161 0.90 163 0.92 178 cet3 152 0.85 164 0.92 168 0.94 173 0.97 175 0.98 175 0.98 (三)2013届普通本科毕业生学位授予条件 1、按照培养要求修完全部课程,考试成绩合格,完成培养计划,达到了所属专业培养的要求。 2、学位课程平均学分绩点达标。 各专业授予学位的最低平均学分绩点按本专业本科毕业生人数的95%确定的学生平均学分绩点从高到低排列确定。 3、学位外语成绩合格。 按百分制计算(满分为710分按对应系数折算),学位外语成绩达到以下标准: (1)普通本科毕业生大学英语四级成绩55分及以上; (2)英语专业本科毕业生专业四级成绩60分及以上,日语专业本科毕业生专业四级成绩66分及以上; (3)艺术专业本科毕业生大学英语三级成绩40分及以上; (4)体育专业本科毕业生大学英语四级成绩40分及以上或大学英语三级 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 成绩55分及以上; (5)职教本科毕业生大学英语四级成绩45分及以上或大学英语三级成绩60分及以上。 4、对学位外语成绩低于合格标准10分以内,且学位课程平均学分绩点不低于1.1的毕业生,有考取研究生、在校期间获省(部)级及以上教育主管部门认定的大学生科研成果或竞赛奖励、以第一作者身份在公开发行的专业学术刊物上发表与本专业相关的学术(截止时间:2013年9月15日)、省级以上大学生运动会上获个人前三名、被组织部选调、考取国家公务员、到部队就业等情况之一,经院(系)学位评定分委员会研究同意,报校学位委员会办公室批准,可以考虑授予学士学位;对特别突出者可提请校学位委员会研究决定。 二、,,12届本科毕业生学士学位授予情况 (一)基本情况 全校各类本科毕业生共计7343人,详见表五。 (二)执行情况 具体执行情况详见表五、表六、表七。 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 长江大学校本部2012届 表五 本科毕业生学位授予情况统计总表 授予学位 学生类别 毕业人数 学位授予率(,) 人数 普通 6157 6087 98.9 职本 370 350 94.6 艺术 288 278 96.5 体育 148 143 96.6 外语 380 378 99.5 合计 7343 7236 98.5 统计时间:2012年11月 长江大学校本部2012届本科毕业生 表六 学位授予情况统计表(不含补充条款) 授予学位 学生类别 毕业人数 学位授予率(,) 人数 普通 6157 5801 94.2 职本 370 331 89.5 艺术 288 254 88.2 体育 148 142 96 外语 380 359 94.5 合计 7343 6887 93.4 统计时间:2012年11月 表七 长江大学校本部2012届本科毕业生补充条件学位授予情况表 序号 申请理由 授予人数备注 1 考上研究生的毕业生 9 2 科研成果获省部级以上奖励的毕业生 6 以第一作者在公开刊物上发表学术论文的 3 331 毕业生 省级以上大学生运动会上获前三名的毕业 4 1 生 被组织部选调(包括资教、资医、资农和扶 5 贫)的毕业生 6 考取国家公务员的毕业生 1 7 到部队就业的毕业生 1 合计 349 统计时间:,,12年,1月 校学位委员会办公室 二O一三年五月 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 附件一: 近五年本科毕业生学士学位授予情况汇总表 (不含补充条款授予学位) 授予学位 毕业年份 学生类别 毕业人数 学位授予率(,) 人数 普通 6191 5587 90.2 职本 319 289 90.5 2008届 艺术 301 262 87.1 体育 132 119 90.1 外语 441 358 81.2 合计 7384 6615 89.6 普通 6361 6077 95.5 职本 455 418 91.8 2009届 艺术 267 238 89.1 体育 120 103 85.8 外语 396 361 91.2 合计 7599 7197 94.7 普通 6662 6408 96.2 职本 495 428 86.5 2010届 艺术 251 236 94. 体育 143 132 92.3 外语 360 358 99.4 合计 7911 7562 95.6 普通 6006 5594 93.1 职本 453 386 85.2 2011届 艺术 243 214 88.1 体育 126 115 91.3 外语 364 339 93.1 合计 7192 6648 92.4 普通 6157 5801 94.2 职本 370 331 89.5 2012届 艺术 288 254 88.2 体育 148 142 96 外语 380 359 94.5 合计 7343 6887 93.4 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 附件二: 近五年本科毕业生补充条款授予学士学位情况一览 毕业年份 序申请理由 号 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 1 考上研究生的毕业生 3 3 1 5 9 大学生科研成果获省部级以上2 10 1 11 6 奖励的毕业生 以第一作者在公开刊物上发表3 529 234 217 300 331 学术论文的毕业生 省级以上大学生运动会上获前4 1 7 5 1 三名的毕业生 被组织部选调(包括资教、资5 30 7 8 9 医、资农和扶贫)的毕业生 6 考取国家公务员的毕业生 1 1 7 到部队就业的毕业生 1 4 1 合计 574 245 234 334 349 附件三: 近五年本科毕业生授予学士学位英语成绩基本要求 毕业 毕业生类别 年份 普通 职本 艺术 体育 外语(专四) Cet4?40 Cet4?40 英语?55 2008 Cet4?50 Cet3?35 Cet3?60 Cet3?55 日语?66 Cet4?40 Cet4?40 英语?55 2009 Cet4?50 Cet3?35 Cet3?60 Cet3?55 日语?66 Cet4?45 Cet4?40 英语?55 2010 Cet4?55 Cet3?40 Cet3?60 Cet3?55 日语?66 Cet4?45 Cet4?40 英语?60 2011 Cet4?55 Cet3?40 Cet3?60 Cet3?55 日语?66 Cet4?45 Cet4?40 英语?60 2012 Cet4?55 Cet3?40 Cet3?60 Cet3?55 日语?66 附件四: 2011届、2012届学位课程最低绩点<1.5的专业数 2011届 2012届 最低学分绩最低学分绩毕业生专业毕业生专业点<1.5的专所占比例 点<1.5的专所占比例 数 数 业数 业数 73 20 27.4% 78 27 34.6% school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 附件五: 近三年毕业生外语成绩统计(统计截止时间均为每年3月) 长江大学校本部2011届普通本科毕业生大学英语考试成绩分段统计表 ?60 ?55 ?50 ?45 ?40 ?35 类毕业标准 构成构成构成人构成人构成人构成别 生数 人数 人数 人数 比 比 比 数 比 数 比 数 比 普6050 cet4\6 5412 0.9 5778 0.96 5950 0.98 --- --- --- --- --- --- 通 英304 专四 286 0.94 292 0.96 298 0.98 --- --- --- --- --- --- 语 日48 专四 46 0.96 46 0.96 46 0.96 --- --- --- --- --- --- 语 Cet4 7 0.03 21 0.07 61 0.22 102 0.37 117 0.43 123 0.44 艺275 cet3 133 0.48 154 0.56 191 0.70 211 0.77 232 0.84 246 0.89 术 Cet4 38 0.25 63 0.42 98 0.65 116 0.77 127 0.85 130 0.87 体150 cet3 123 0.82 130 0.87 133 0.89 137 0.91 142 0.95 147 0.98 育 长江大学校本部2012届普通本科毕业生大学英语考试成绩分段统计表 ?60 ?55 ?50 ?45 ?40 ?35 类毕业标准 构成构成构成人构成人构成人构成别 生数 人数 人数 人数 比 比 比 数 比 数 比 数 比 普6148 cet4\6 5638 0.92 5948 0.97 6070 0.99 --- --- --- --- --- --- 通 英专四 304 282 0.93 296 0.97 299 0.98 --- --- --- --- --- --- 语 日专四 78 73 0.94 75 0.96 76 0.97 --- --- --- --- --- --- 语 Cet4 9 0.03 28 0.10 50 0.18 83 0.30 107 0.38 113 0.41 艺278 cet3 126 0.45 157 0.56 185 0.67 205 0.74 216 0.78 227 0.82 术 Cet4 55 0.38 81 0.56 103 0.72 120 0.83 126 0.88 127 0.88 体144 Cet3 29 0.21 36 0.25 39 0.27 43 0.30 43 0.30 44 0.31 育 长江大学校本部2013届普通本科毕业生大学英语考试成绩分段统计表 ?60 ?55 ?50 ?45 ?40 ?35 类毕业标准 构成构成构成人构成人构成人构成别 生数 人数 人数 人数 比 比 比 数 比 数 比 数 比 普6412 cet4\6 5921 0.92 6217 0.97 6336 0.99 --- --- --- --- --- --- 通 英314 专四 277 0.88 287 0.91 303 0.96 --- --- --- --- --- --- 语 日76 专四 74 0.97 76 1.00 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 语 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 323232Cet4 115 0.31 195 0.53 276 0.75 0.88 0.89 0.89 3 7 9 369 职 cet3 353 0.96 361 0.99 365 0.99 --- --- --- --- --- --- 本 121415Cet4 16 0.05 33 0.11 78 0.26 0.43 0.49 0.51 9 7 5 301 262828艺cet3 161 0.53 201 0.67 239 0.79 0.87 0.93 0.96 3 0 8 术 151616Cet4 78 0.44 97 0.55 133 0.75 0.85 0.90 0.92 2 1 3 178 体171717cet3 152 0.85 164 0.92 168 0.94 0.97 0.98 0.98 育 3 5 5 附件六: 2012届授学位的学位课程最低学分绩点 本科毕业授予学位最低达到授予学序 院系 专业 人数 平均学分绩点 位人数 号 机械及其自动化 274 1.47 260 材料成型及控制工程 65 1.32 62 机械工程学院 1 过程装备与控制工程 81 1.6 77 工业设计 49 2.23 46 石油工程 403 1.31 383 石油工程学院 2 油气储运 77 1.47 74 计算机科学与技术 193 1.4016 184 教育技术学 39 1.535 37 计算机科学学院 3 网络工程 65 1.3687 62 软件工程(软工实验班) 34 2.6103 34 资源勘查工程 345 1.4736 328 地球科学学院 地质学 95 1.4493 90 4 地理信息系统 71 1.5921 66 应用心理学 56 1.6 54 教育科学系 5 教育学 24 1.8 23 地球化学 77 1.4357 73 地球化学系 6 水文与水资源工程 49 1.7161 47 茶学 19 2.2538 18 森林资源与游憩 16 2.2076 15 园林 57 1.8584 54 园艺园林学院 7 园林(职本师范类) 36 2.185 34 园艺 45 1.7994 43 园艺(职本师范类) 77 1.7781 73 历史学 40 1.8098 35 文学院 汉语言文学 163 1.3104 152 8 广播电视新闻学 75 1.9325 72 生命科学学院 生物技术 86 1.38 81 9 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 生物工程 57 1.59 52 食品科学与工程 113 1.34 105 测控技术与仪器 68 1.66 65 自动化 79 1.6 76 电子信息学院 电气工程及其自动化 174 1.675 166 10 电子信息工程 94 1.345 90 通信工程 36 1.35 35 农学 92 1.6284 88 农学院 农业资源与环境 55 1.4036 53 11 植物保护 77 1.5019 73 地球物理学 68 1.6268 65 地球物理与石油资源学院 勘查技术与工程(物探) 153 1.5019 145 12 勘查技术与工程(测井) 145 1.2461 138 高分子材料与工程 55 1.5347 53 化学 43 1.8215 41 化学与环境工程学院 化学工程与工艺 120 1.8228 114 13 环境工程 52 1.781 50 应用化学 121 1.9146 115 动物科学 83 1.2852 79 动物医学 89 1.3603 85 14 动物科学学院 水产养殖学 71 1.4119 68 工商管理 49 1.5567 49 公共事业管理 29 1.6436 28 人力资源 56 1.5857 54 15 管理学院 市场营销 59 1.5231 56 物流管理 87 1.683 87 信息管理 42 2.2216 40 护理学(4年制) 170 1.7935 162 16 医学院 医学影像学 49 1.6216 47 国贸 110 1.7 103 经济 77 1.8 73 17 经济学院 农经 35 1.6 33 法学 89 1.78 85 社工 28 1.62 27 18 政法学院 思政 37 2.11 36 体育教育 90 2.0645 88 体育学院 19 社会体育 58 1.8668 57 美术学 54 2.5221 53 艺术设计 88 2.4592 84 艺术学院 音乐学 71 2.3226 68 20 音乐表演 40 2.0601 38 舞蹈学 34 2.5807 32 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 临床医学院 临床医学 156 1.5495 148 21 英语 302 1.75 301 外国语学院 22 日语 77 1.27 75 物理学 88 1.33 84 物理科学与技术学院 23 应用物理学 63 1.52 60 建筑学 67 1.14 64 城市规划 26 1.79 25 城建学院 土木工程 208 1.19 205 24 给排水 49 1.25 47 工管 54 1.39 53 数学与应用数学 83 1.36 80 信息与数学学院 25 信息与计算科学 91 1.25 90 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification
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