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中国21所最容易混淆名字的高校中国21所最容易混淆名字的高校 中国21所最容易混淆名字的高校 北京师范大学,图片来源:资料图, 在中国的大学里面,有非常多大学名字只有一字之差,或者非常近似。这些大学极容易让人混淆。而这些名字近似的大学中,有很多实力差别相当悬殊。填报志愿的时候,如果一不小心报错,就会是天壤之别。下面为您盘点中国21所最容易混淆名字的高校。 1、北京师范大学、首都师范大学 前者是教育部直属全国重点大学,是国家“211工程”和“985工程”重点建设的高校之一,是一所以教师教育、教育科学和文理基础学科为主要特色的著名百年学府,北师大的...
中国21所最容易混淆名字的高校 中国21所最容易混淆名字的高校 北京师范大学,图片来源:图, 在中国的大学里面,有非常多大学名字只有一字之差,或者非常近似。这些大学极容易让人混淆。而这些名字近似的大学中,有很多实力差别相当悬殊。填报志愿的时候,如果一不小心报错,就会是天壤之别。下面为您盘点中国21所最容易混淆名字的高校。 1、北京师范大学、首都师范大学 前者是教育部直属全国重点大学,是国家“211工程”和“985工程”重点建设的高校之一,是一所以教师教育、教育科学和文理基础学科为主要特色的著名百年学府,北师大的前身是1902年的京师大学堂师范馆,学校地址北京市海淀区新街口外大街19号。 后者创建于1954年,是由原北京师范学院改名而来,现在是北京市重点投资建设的市属重点大学,学校地址北京市海淀区西三环北路105号。 connection, tightening torque value by the corresponding value using smaller diameter rebar. 3, reinforced joints tested process: before the official construction, according to the same bar, same mechanical joint joint joint specimens in the form of not less than 3, and interception of joint specimen material, tensile strength tests are carried out. Site inspection: inspection lots under the same conditions using the same materials, forms, with the specifications of the connectors for every 500 for acceptance of a batch, by acceptance of a batch of less than 500 connectors, electric arc welding of steel bars after sampling. Each acceptance of a connector must be in engineering structure of random interception of 3 specimen tensile strength tests, when 3 joint tensile strength of specimens in accordance with the relevant provisions of strength, this test may be found qualified. (E) reinforcement of the engineering steel bars transverse reinforcement and ? 12 colligation, longitudinal reinforcement, design type, size, spacing and quantity according to the drawing for construction. Positioning the ladder bars with a diameter larger than the Stud. Painted steel position, note the start bar 50mm. Binding thread is eight-shaped, screwed. (1) the floor reinforcement slab reinforcement order: elastic steel line pad ? ? ? lay the bottom layer of the reinforcing steel tie beam reinforcement laying professional utility ? ? ? horse placed reinforcement bench marking top mat laying spacing ? ? secondary upper reinforcement wire locate 北京科技大学,图片来源:资料图, 2、北京科技大学、北京电子科技学院、北京信息科技大学 北京科技大学建于1952年,是教育部直属全国重点大学,是首批进入国家“211工程”建设的高校。学校前身是北京钢铁学院,现在还被誉为“钢铁摇篮”,学校地址北京海淀区学院路30号。 北京电子科技学院是一所为全国各级党政机关培养信息安全和办公自动化专门人才的高校,学院隶属于中共中央办公厅,学校地址北京市丰台区富丰路7号。 北京信息科技大学是2008年3月经教育部批准,在北京机械工业学院和北京信息工程学院合并基础上设立的一所多科性北京市属普通本科院校,学校地址北京市海淀区清河小营东路12号。 connection, tightening torque value by the corresponding value using smaller diameter rebar. 3, reinforced joints tested process: before the official construction, according to the same bar, same mechanical joint joint joint specimens in the form of not less than 3, and interception of joint specimen material, tensile strength tests are carried out. Site inspection: inspection lots under the same conditions using the same materials, forms, with the specifications of the connectors for every 500 for acceptance of a batch, by acceptance of a batch of less than 500 connectors, electric arc welding of steel bars after sampling. Each acceptance of a connector must be in engineering structure of random interception of 3 specimen tensile strength tests, when 3 joint tensile strength of specimens in accordance with the relevant provisions of strength, this test may be found qualified. (E) reinforcement of the engineering steel bars transverse reinforcement and ? 12 colligation, longitudinal reinforcement, design type, size, spacing and quantity according to the drawing for construction. Positioning the ladder bars with a diameter larger than the Stud. Painted steel position, note the start bar 50mm. Binding thread is eight-shaped, screwed. (1) the floor reinforcement slab reinforcement order: elastic steel line pad ? ? ? lay the bottom layer of the reinforcing steel tie beam reinforcement laying professional utility ? ? ? horse placed reinforcement bench marking top mat laying spacing ? ? secondary upper reinforcement wire locate 北京外国语大学,图片来源:资料图, 3、北京外国语大学、北京第二外国语学院 前者是教育部直属的国家“211工程”的重点大学,是目前我国外语类院校中历史最悠久、讲授语种最多、办学层次齐全的外国语大学。学校地址北京市海淀区西三环北路。 后者是是一所以外国语言文学为主体学科、以旅游管理为特色学科,文学、管理学、经济学、法学、哲学等多学科门类共同发展的北京市属普通大学,学校地址北京市朝阳区定福庄南里1号。 对外经济贸易大学,图片来源:资料图, 4、对外经济贸易大学、首都经济贸易大学 前者是我国历史上最早建立的专门培养对外经济贸易人才的高等学府,国家教育部直属的全国重点大学,“211工程”重点建设高校之一。目前学校正在构建国家优势学科创新平台项目。学校以其鲜明的“国际化”办学特色和“外经贸、金融”综合学科教育资源优势,被海内外誉为“中国的哈佛”、“外经贸黄埔”、“CEO的摇篮”,学校地址北京市朝阳区惠新东街10号。 后者是创建于1956年,是由原北京经济学院和原北京财贸学院于1995年6月合并、组建的北京市属重点大学,学校地址北京市丰台区花乡张家路口121号(校本部)。 connection, tightening torque value by the corresponding value using smaller diameter rebar. 3, reinforced joints tested process: before the official construction, according to the same bar, same mechanical joint joint joint specimens in the form of not less than 3, and interception of joint specimen material, tensile strength tests are carried out. Site inspection: inspection lots under the same conditions using the same materials, forms, with the specifications of the connectors for every 500 for acceptance of a batch, by acceptance of a batch of less than 500 connectors, electric arc welding of steel bars after sampling. Each acceptance of a connector must be in engineering structure of random interception of 3 specimen tensile strength tests, when 3 joint tensile strength of specimens in accordance with the relevant provisions of strength, this test may be found qualified. (E) reinforcement of the engineering steel bars transverse reinforcement and ? 12 colligation, longitudinal reinforcement, design type, size, spacing and quantity according to the drawing for construction. Positioning the ladder bars with a diameter larger than the Stud. Painted steel position, note the start bar 50mm. Binding thread is eight-shaped, screwed. (1) the floor reinforcement slab reinforcement order: elastic steel line pad ? ? ? lay the bottom layer of the reinforcing steel tie beam reinforcement laying professional utility ? ? ? horse placed reinforcement bench marking top mat laying spacing ? ? secondary upper reinforcement wire locate 中国青年政治学院,图片来源:资料图, 5、中国青年政治学院、北京青年政治学院 前者是在中央团校基础上于1985年12月成立的,是共青团中央所属的唯一一所普通高等学校。中国青年政治学院成立后,与中央团校两块牌子,一套机构,承担普通高等教育和共青团干部的双重职能,学校地址北京市海淀区西三环北路25号。 后者前身是北京市团校,创建于1956年。以培养青年思想政治工作专门人才为主的市属普通高等文科院校,隶属于北京市教委和团市委,办学层次为高职高专,学校地址北京市朝阳区望京中环南路4号。 connection, tightening torque value by the corresponding value using smaller diameter rebar. 3, reinforced joints tested process: before the official construction, according to the same bar, same mechanical joint joint joint specimens in the form of not less than 3, and interception of joint specimen material, tensile strength tests are carried out. Site inspection: inspection lots under the same conditions using the same materials, forms, with the specifications of the connectors for every 500 for acceptance of a batch, by acceptance of a batch of less than 500 connectors, electric arc welding of steel bars after sampling. Each acceptance of a connector must be in engineering structure of random interception of 3 specimen tensile strength tests, when 3 joint tensile strength of specimens in accordance with the relevant provisions of strength, this test may be found qualified. (E) reinforcement of the engineering steel bars transverse reinforcement and ? 12 colligation, longitudinal reinforcement, design type, size, spacing and quantity according to the drawing for construction. Positioning the ladder bars with a diameter larger than the Stud. Painted steel position, note the start bar 50mm. Binding thread is eight-shaped, screwed. (1) the floor reinforcement slab reinforcement order: elastic steel line pad ? ? ? lay the bottom layer of the reinforcing steel tie beam reinforcement laying professional utility ? ? ? horse placed reinforcement bench marking top mat laying spacing ? ? secondary upper reinforcement wire locate 中央美术学院,图片来源:资料图, 6、中央美术学院、中国美术学院 前者是教育部直属的唯一一所高等美术学校,是中国历史上第一所国立美术教育学府,学校地址北京朝阳区花家地南街8号。 后者前身是我国第一所综合性的国立高等艺术学府——“国立艺术院”,是一所久负盛名的美术学院,是当今国内学科完备、规模齐整的综合性美术学院之一。八十多年来,学院十迁其址,五易其名:1928年,国立艺术院。1929年,国立杭州艺术专科学校。1938年,国立艺术专科学校。1950年,中央美术学院华东分院。1958年,浙江美术学院。1993年,中国美术学院,学校地址浙江省杭州市南山路218号。 connection, tightening torque value by the corresponding value using smaller diameter rebar. 3, reinforced joints tested process: before the official construction, according to the same bar, same mechanical joint joint joint specimens in the form of not less than 3, and interception of joint specimen material, tensile strength tests are carried out. Site inspection: inspection lots under the same conditions using the same materials, forms, with the specifications of the connectors for every 500 for acceptance of a batch, by acceptance of a batch of less than 500 connectors, electric arc welding of steel bars after sampling. Each acceptance of a connector must be in engineering structure of random interception of 3 specimen tensile strength tests, when 3 joint tensile strength of specimens in accordance with the relevant provisions of strength, this test may be found qualified. (E) reinforcement of the engineering steel bars transverse reinforcement and ? 12 colligation, longitudinal reinforcement, design type, size, spacing and quantity according to the drawing for construction. Positioning the ladder bars with a diameter larger than the Stud. Painted steel position, note the start bar 50mm. Binding thread is eight-shaped, screwed. (1) the floor reinforcement slab reinforcement order: elastic steel line pad ? ? ? lay the bottom layer of the reinforcing steel tie beam reinforcement laying professional utility ? ? ? horse placed reinforcement bench marking top mat laying spacing ? ? secondary upper reinforcement wire locate 北京音乐学院,图片来源:资料图, 7、中央音乐学院、中国音乐学院 前者是目前全国艺术院校中唯一的一所国家重点高校和“211工程”建设学校,学校本部地址为北京市西城区鲍家街43号。 后者是成立于1964年,是我国唯一一所以中国民族音乐教育和研究为主要特色的二本院校,学校地址北京市朝阳区安翔路1号。 北京工业大学,图片来源:资料图, 8、北京工业大学、北方工业大学 北京工业大学创建于1960年,“211工程”大学,是一所以工为主,理工、经管、文法相结合的多科性市属重点大学,校本部位于北京市朝阳区平乐园100号。 北方工业大学前身是国立北平高级工业职业学校,创办于1946年,1985年由北京冶金机电学院升级北方工业大学。学校先后归属于中央重工业部、冶金工业部、中国有色金属工业总公司,从1998年9月起,由中央与北京市共建,以北京市管理为主,是二本院校,学校地址北京市石景山区晋元庄路5号。 connection, tightening torque value by the corresponding value using smaller diameter rebar. 3, reinforced joints tested process: before the official construction, according to the same bar, same mechanical joint joint joint specimens in the form of not less than 3, and interception of joint specimen material, tensile strength tests are carried out. Site inspection: inspection lots under the same conditions using the same materials, forms, with the specifications of the connectors for every 500 for acceptance of a batch, by acceptance of a batch of less than 500 connectors, electric arc welding of steel bars after sampling. Each acceptance of a connector must be in engineering structure of random interception of 3 specimen tensile strength tests, when 3 joint tensile strength of specimens in accordance with the relevant provisions of strength, this test may be found qualified. (E) reinforcement of the engineering steel bars transverse reinforcement and ? 12 colligation, longitudinal reinforcement, design type, size, spacing and quantity according to the drawing for construction. Positioning the ladder bars with a diameter larger than the Stud. Painted steel position, note the start bar 50mm. Binding thread is eight-shaped, screwed. (1) the floor reinforcement slab reinforcement order: elastic steel line pad ? ? ? lay the bottom layer of the reinforcing steel tie beam reinforcement laying professional utility ? ? ? horse placed reinforcement bench marking top mat laying spacing ? ? secondary upper reinforcement wire locate 哈尔滨工业大学,图片来源:资料图, 9、哈尔滨工业大学、哈尔滨工程大学 前者隶属于工业和信息化部的全国重点大学,创建于1920年。哈工大的发展始终受到国家的重点支持。20世纪50年代,哈工大是我国政府确定的学习苏联先进教育制度的两所院校之一。1954年哈工大进入国家首批重点建设的6所高校行列,1984年再次被确定为国家重点建设的15所大学之一,1996年首批进入国家“211工程”重点建设的院校;1999年被确定为国家“985工程”重点建设的9所大学之一,学校地址黑龙江省哈尔滨市南岗区西大直街92号。 后者是首批入选国家“211工程”建设和设有研究生院的全国重点大学,是我国“三海一核”(船舶工业、海军装备、海洋开发、核能应用)领域重要的人才培养和科学研究基地,学校地址黑龙江省哈尔滨市南岗区南通大街145号。 connection, tightening torque value by the corresponding value using smaller diameter rebar. 3, reinforced joints tested process: before the official construction, according to the same bar, same mechanical joint joint joint specimens in the form of not less than 3, and interception of joint specimen material, tensile strength tests are carried out. Site inspection: inspection lots under the same conditions using the same materials, forms, with the specifications of the connectors for every 500 for acceptance of a batch, by acceptance of a batch of less than 500 connectors, electric arc welding of steel bars after sampling. Each acceptance of a connector must be in engineering structure of random interception of 3 specimen tensile strength tests, when 3 joint tensile strength of specimens in accordance with the relevant provisions of strength, this test may be found qualified. (E) reinforcement of the engineering steel bars transverse reinforcement and ? 12 colligation, longitudinal reinforcement, design type, size, spacing and quantity according to the drawing for construction. Positioning the ladder bars with a diameter larger than the Stud. Painted steel position, note the start bar 50mm. Binding thread is eight-shaped, screwed. (1) the floor reinforcement slab reinforcement order: elastic steel line pad ? ? ? lay the bottom layer of the reinforcing steel tie beam reinforcement laying professional utility ? ? ? horse placed reinforcement bench marking top mat laying spacing ? ? secondary upper reinforcement wire locate 中国药科大学,图片来源:资料图, 10、中国药科大学、中国医科大学 中国药科大学是教育部直属的全国重点大学,是国家“211工程”重点建设的高校,是我国最早独立设置的药学高等学府,其前身为国立药学专科学校,始建于1936年,学校地址江苏省南京市中央路童家巷24号。 中国医科大学是中国共产党创建的第一所医科院校,现在是位于辽宁省沈阳市和平区北二马路92号的一所普通医科大学。 connection, tightening torque value by the corresponding value using smaller diameter rebar. 3, reinforced joints tested process: before the official construction, according to the same bar, same mechanical joint joint joint specimens in the form of not less than 3, and interception of joint specimen material, tensile strength tests are carried out. Site inspection: inspection lots under the same conditions using the same materials, forms, with the specifications of the connectors for every 500 for acceptance of a batch, by acceptance of a batch of less than 500 connectors, electric arc welding of steel bars after sampling. Each acceptance of a connector must be in engineering structure of random interception of 3 specimen tensile strength tests, when 3 joint tensile strength of specimens in accordance with the relevant provisions of strength, this test may be found qualified. (E) reinforcement of the engineering steel bars transverse reinforcement and ? 12 colligation, longitudinal reinforcement, design type, size, spacing and quantity according to the drawing for construction. Positioning the ladder bars with a diameter larger than the Stud. Painted steel position, note the start bar 50mm. Binding thread is eight-shaped, screwed. (1) the floor reinforcement slab reinforcement order: elastic steel line pad ? ? ? lay the bottom layer of the reinforcing steel tie beam reinforcement laying professional utility ? ? ? horse placed reinforcement bench marking top mat laying spacing ? ? secondary upper reinforcement wire locate
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