

2017-09-28 20页 doc 63KB 26阅读




学校安全检查记录表学校安全检查记录表 学校:钦州市第四中学 第一责任人:甘荣生 学校具体负责人:符永光 检 查 人 : 检查时间: 年 月 日 整改单安全存在 拟整改 整改 隐患检 查 内 容 位及责问题 措施 时限 类别 任人 一、饮食、饮水安全 1(饮食安全 有无食堂或学校食堂卫生设施及设备(锅炉、燃气等)是否达标 管理人员是否经过安全卫生知识的培训 学校食堂、小卖部及从业人员有无证照 有无建立食堂物资定点采购和索证、登记制度与饭菜留样制度 所有食品是否存放在卫生、安全的场所 蔬菜是否进行了漂、冲、洗去毒的环节 2(饮水安全 饮用水是...
学校安全检查记录表 学校:钦州市第四中学 第一责任人:甘荣生 学校具体负责人:符永光 检 查 人 : 检查时间: 年 月 日 整改单安全存在 拟整改 整改 隐患检 查 内 容 位及责问 措施 时限 类别 任人 一、饮食、饮水安全 1(饮食安全 有无食堂或学校食堂卫生设施及设备(锅炉、燃气等)是否达标 管理人员是否经过安全卫生知识的培训 学校食堂、小卖部及从业人员有无证照 有无建立食堂物资定点采购和索证、登记与饭菜留样制度 所有食品是否存放在卫生、安全的场所 蔬菜是否进行了漂、冲、洗去毒的环节 2(饮水安全 饮用水是否来源正常渠道 饮用水是否定期检测且达标 自建井周边是否存在污染 水井、水塔是否定期进行清洗、消毒 水井、水塔有无加盖、加锁 3(零食安全 校园内小卖部有无销售“三无”食品现象 校园周边有无制售“三无”食品现象 膳堂是否存在搭售“三无”食品现象 connection, tightening torque value by the corresponding value using smaller diameter rebar. 3, reinforced joints tested process: before the official construction, according to the same bar, same mechanical joint joint joint specimens in the form of not less than 3, and interception of joint specimen material, tensile strength tests are carried out. Site inspection: inspection lots under the same conditions using the same materials, forms, with the specifications of the connectors for every 500 for acceptance of a batch, by acceptance of a batch of less than 500 connectors, electric arc welding of steel bars after sampling. Each acceptance of a connector must be in engineering structure of random interception of 3 specimen tensile strength tests, when 3 joint tensile strength of specimens in accordance with the relevant provisions of strength, this test may be found qualified. (E) reinforcement of the engineering steel bars transverse reinforcement and ? 12 colligation, longitudinal reinforcement, design type, size, spacing and quantity according to the drawing for construction. Positioning the ladder bars with a diameter larger than the Stud. Painted steel position, note the start bar 50mm. Binding thread is eight-shaped, screwed. (1) the floor reinforcement slab reinforcement order: elastic steel line pad ? ? ? lay the bottom layer of the reinforcing steel tie beam reinforcement laying professional utility ? ? ? horse placed reinforcement bench marking top mat laying spacing ? ? secondary upper reinforcement wire locate 整改单安全存在 拟整改 整改 隐患检 查 内 容 位及责问题 措施 时限 类别 任人 二、校舍、场地安全 C、D类危房是否拆除,B类危房是否维修加固,是否存在使用危房的情况 生均校园、校舍面积是否达标 学生宿舍不足(校外租房、一床两生等) 学校有无围墙、校门 校园内有无厕所 学校未按规定设卫生室 楼梯、走廊是否符合安全 体育课、劳技课场地、器材、设施是否安全 校园内施工项目是否有安全隔离设置 校园内道路、校舍楼道、走廊有无照明设施 学校周边有无危房或正在施工无设置安全隔离带的建筑工地 三、交通安全 校园周边道路交通有无警示性标志等 学生上学途中桥梁、渡口有无隐患 学校校车是否符合规定 接送师生机动车辆是否存在安全隐患 集体外出是否注意了交通安全 connection, tightening torque value by the corresponding value using smaller diameter rebar. 3, reinforced joints tested process: before the official construction, according to the same bar, same mechanical joint joint joint specimens in the form of not less than 3, and interception of joint specimen material, tensile strength tests are carried out. Site inspection: inspection lots under the same conditions using the same materials, forms, with the specifications of the connectors for every 500 for acceptance of a batch, by acceptance of a batch of less than 500 connectors, electric arc welding of steel bars after sampling. Each acceptance of a connector must be in engineering structure of random interception of 3 specimen tensile strength tests, when 3 joint tensile strength of specimens in accordance with the relevant provisions of strength, this test may be found qualified. (E) reinforcement of the engineering steel bars transverse reinforcement and ? 12 colligation, longitudinal reinforcement, design type, size, spacing and quantity according to the drawing for construction. Positioning the ladder bars with a diameter larger than the Stud. Painted steel position, note the start bar 50mm. Binding thread is eight-shaped, screwed. (1) the floor reinforcement slab reinforcement order: elastic steel line pad ? ? ? lay the bottom layer of the reinforcing steel tie beam reinforcement laying professional utility ? ? ? horse placed reinforcement bench marking top mat laying spacing ? ? secondary upper reinforcement wire locate 整改单安全存在 拟整改 整改 隐患检 查 内 容 位及责问题 措施 时限 类别 任人 四、水、电、火、盗、气、毒、网络安全 是否配备了消防器材并定期检查及更换 学校周边山塘、水库、江河有无安全隐患 是否存在上课及课余学生私自游泳的情况 学校电路及设施是否安全,师生用电是否安全 校园内是否有高压线通过,周边变电站或变压器有无安全隐患 防雷设施是否达标 学校宿舍是否存在火灾隐患 食堂存放燃料处是否安全 林区学校防火是否采取了安全措施 学校资产等存放点有无安装防盗设施 学校门卫管理松懈 家属宿舍燃气(天然气、液化气等)设施、安装等是否安全 实验室、医务室药品管理是否规范 有无开展禁毒、防毒教育,学校有无禁毒措施 学校校园网络(校园网)、计算机教室(含计算机控制房)管理是否规范 connection, tightening torque value by the corresponding value using smaller diameter rebar. 3, reinforced joints tested process: before the official construction, according to the same bar, same mechanical joint joint joint specimens in the form of not less than 3, and interception of joint specimen material, tensile strength tests are carried out. Site inspection: inspection lots under the same conditions using the same materials, forms, with the specifications of the connectors for every 500 for acceptance of a batch, by acceptance of a batch of less than 500 connectors, electric arc welding of steel bars after sampling. Each acceptance of a connector must be in engineering structure of random interception of 3 specimen tensile strength tests, when 3 joint tensile strength of specimens in accordance with the relevant provisions of strength, this test may be found qualified. (E) reinforcement of the engineering steel bars transverse reinforcement and ? 12 colligation, longitudinal reinforcement, design type, size, spacing and quantity according to the drawing for construction. Positioning the ladder bars with a diameter larger than the Stud. Painted steel position, note the start bar 50mm. Binding thread is eight-shaped, screwed. (1) the floor reinforcement slab reinforcement order: elastic steel line pad ? ? ? lay the bottom layer of the reinforcing steel tie beam reinforcement laying professional utility ? ? ? horse placed reinforcement bench marking top mat laying spacing ? ? secondary upper reinforcement wire locate 整改单安全存在 拟整改 整改 隐患检 查 内 容 位及责问题 措施 时限 类别 任人 五、管理制度、教育及学生行为安全 是否成立了领导机构, 有无签订责任状 生师比是否达标 有无按要求配齐医务(保健)人员 是否建立了安全制度且不断完善 是否建立了重大突发事件应急预案 突发公共卫生事件信息通报是否通畅 学校是否将安全教育纳入教学内容 是否组织师生针对性地开展了安全知识教育 是否聘请了法制副校长或开展了法制教育 是否组织师生开展了常见病、传染病防治宣传 是否组织师生开展了多种形式的事故预防演练 对控制学生常见病、传染病有无预防措施 举办校内外师生大型活动有无安全保障、应急措施 是否组织相关人员进行安全管理培训 有无组织学生参加商业性以及成人从事的活动 connection, tightening torque value by the corresponding value using smaller diameter rebar. 3, reinforced joints tested process: before the official construction, according to the same bar, same mechanical joint joint joint specimens in the form of not less than 3, and interception of joint specimen material, tensile strength tests are carried out. Site inspection: inspection lots under the same conditions using the same materials, forms, with the specifications of the connectors for every 500 for acceptance of a batch, by acceptance of a batch of less than 500 connectors, electric arc welding of steel bars after sampling. Each acceptance of a connector must be in engineering structure of random interception of 3 specimen tensile strength tests, when 3 joint tensile strength of specimens in accordance with the relevant provisions of strength, this test may be found qualified. (E) reinforcement of the engineering steel bars transverse reinforcement and ? 12 colligation, longitudinal reinforcement, design type, size, spacing and quantity according to the drawing for construction. Positioning the ladder bars with a diameter larger than the Stud. Painted steel position, note the start bar 50mm. Binding thread is eight-shaped, screwed. (1) the floor reinforcement slab reinforcement order: elastic steel line pad ? ? ? lay the bottom layer of the reinforcing steel tie beam reinforcement laying professional utility ? ? ? horse placed reinforcement bench marking top mat laying spacing ? ? secondary upper reinforcement wire locate 整改单安全存在 拟整改 整改 隐患检 查 内 容 位及责问题 措施 时限 类别 任人 学校是否聘请了不符合要求的教职工 晚自习学生未离校之前,学校有无负责人和教师值班、巡查 教学楼楼道有无提示标志或下课时有无教师巡查 门、窗、讲台、课桌、床架等有无严重破损 实验仪器和体育器材管理是否规范 学生宿舍有无门锁、门栓,女生宿舍有无安全保障设施 是否存在伤害女生的情况 是否存在学生打架的情况 校内外是否存在暴力的情况 对有不良心理及行为的学生是否有专门的帮教措施 近期校园周边有何安全隐患 是否按时上报安全隐患排查情况 重点人群防控措施执行情况 对问题少年、留守儿童家、庭经济困难、单亲子女等特殊群体关心情况 管制刀具、棍棒等危险器械自查收缴情况 心理危机预警机制建立情况 本次检查中存在的最主要的安全隐患 connection, tightening torque value by the corresponding value using smaller diameter rebar. 3, reinforced joints tested process: before the official construction, according to the same bar, same mechanical joint joint joint specimens in the form of not less than 3, and interception of joint specimen material, tensile strength tests are carried out. Site inspection: inspection lots under the same conditions using the same materials, forms, with the specifications of the connectors for every 500 for acceptance of a batch, by acceptance of a batch of less than 500 connectors, electric arc welding of steel bars after sampling. Each acceptance of a connector must be in engineering structure of random interception of 3 specimen tensile strength tests, when 3 joint tensile strength of specimens in accordance with the relevant provisions of strength, this test may be found qualified. (E) reinforcement of the engineering steel bars transverse reinforcement and ? 12 colligation, longitudinal reinforcement, design type, size, spacing and quantity according to the drawing for construction. Positioning the ladder bars with a diameter larger than the Stud. Painted steel position, note the start bar 50mm. Binding thread is eight-shaped, screwed. (1) the floor reinforcement slab reinforcement order: elastic steel line pad ? ? ? lay the bottom layer of the reinforcing steel tie beam reinforcement laying professional utility ? ? ? horse placed reinforcement bench marking top mat laying spacing ? ? secondary upper reinforcement wire locate 学校安全稳定隐患整改书(存根) NO: 年 月 日,经 检查组认定, 存在: 1( 2( 3( 安全隐患,定于 年 月 日前整改到位。 年 月 日(公章) 学校安全稳定隐患整改通知书 NO: _________学校: 年 月 日,经 检查组认定, 存在: 1( 2( connection, tightening torque value by the corresponding value using smaller diameter rebar. 3, reinforced joints tested process: before the official construction, according to the same bar, same mechanical joint joint joint specimens in the form of not less than 3, and interception of joint specimen material, tensile strength tests are carried out. Site inspection: inspection lots under the same conditions using the same materials, forms, with the specifications of the connectors for every 500 for acceptance of a batch, by acceptance of a batch of less than 500 connectors, electric arc welding of steel bars after sampling. Each acceptance of a connector must be in engineering structure of random interception of 3 specimen tensile strength tests, when 3 joint tensile strength of specimens in accordance with the relevant provisions of strength, this test may be found qualified. (E) reinforcement of the engineering steel bars transverse reinforcement and ? 12 colligation, longitudinal reinforcement, design type, size, spacing and quantity according to the drawing for construction. Positioning the ladder bars with a diameter larger than the Stud. Painted steel position, note the start bar 50mm. Binding thread is eight-shaped, screwed. (1) the floor reinforcement slab reinforcement order: elastic steel line pad ? ? ? lay the bottom layer of the reinforcing steel tie beam reinforcement laying professional utility ? ? ? horse placed reinforcement bench marking top mat laying spacing ? ? secondary upper reinforcement wire locate 3( 安全隐患,务必于 年 月 日前整改到位,并将整改情况及时反馈。 年 月 日(公章) 学校安全稳定隐患报告单 NO: 报送单位: 第 隐患项目: 安全隐患类别 一 联 存检查鉴定单位(自查) 根 检查时间: 年 月 日(盖章) „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ NO: connection, tightening torque value by the corresponding value using smaller diameter rebar. 3, reinforced joints tested process: before the official construction, according to the same bar, same mechanical joint joint joint specimens in the form of not less than 3, and interception of joint specimen material, tensile strength tests are carried out. Site inspection: inspection lots under the same conditions using the same materials, forms, with the specifications of the connectors for every 500 for acceptance of a batch, by acceptance of a batch of less than 500 connectors, electric arc welding of steel bars after sampling. Each acceptance of a connector must be in engineering structure of random interception of 3 specimen tensile strength tests, when 3 joint tensile strength of specimens in accordance with the relevant provisions of strength, this test may be found qualified. (E) reinforcement of the engineering steel bars transverse reinforcement and ? 12 colligation, longitudinal reinforcement, design type, size, spacing and quantity according to the drawing for construction. Positioning the ladder bars with a diameter larger than the Stud. Painted steel position, note the start bar 50mm. Binding thread is eight-shaped, screwed. (1) the floor reinforcement slab reinforcement order: elastic steel line pad ? ? ? lay the bottom layer of the reinforcing steel tie beam reinforcement laying professional utility ? ? ? horse placed reinforcement bench marking top mat laying spacing ? ? secondary upper reinforcement wire locate 学校安全稳定隐患报告单 : 年 月 日,经 检查组检查(自检)认定, 存在 : 1( 第 二 联 上2( 级 主 管 部 门 3( 安全隐患,请予以解决。 (盖章) 年 月 日 connection, tightening torque value by the corresponding value using smaller diameter rebar. 3, reinforced joints tested process: before the official construction, according to the same bar, same mechanical joint joint joint specimens in the form of not less than 3, and interception of joint specimen material, tensile strength tests are carried out. Site inspection: inspection lots under the same conditions using the same materials, forms, with the specifications of the connectors for every 500 for acceptance of a batch, by acceptance of a batch of less than 500 connectors, electric arc welding of steel bars after sampling. Each acceptance of a connector must be in engineering structure of random interception of 3 specimen tensile strength tests, when 3 joint tensile strength of specimens in accordance with the relevant provisions of strength, this test may be found qualified. (E) reinforcement of the engineering steel bars transverse reinforcement and ? 12 colligation, longitudinal reinforcement, design type, size, spacing and quantity according to the drawing for construction. Positioning the ladder bars with a diameter larger than the Stud. Painted steel position, note the start bar 50mm. Binding thread is eight-shaped, screwed. (1) the floor reinforcement slab reinforcement order: elastic steel line pad ? ? ? lay the bottom layer of the reinforcing steel tie beam reinforcement laying professional utility ? ? ? horse placed reinforcement bench marking top mat laying spacing ? ? secondary upper reinforcement wire locate 维护安全稳定工作领导小组责任落实抄告单 NO: 甲(责任单位): 抄送单位 乙(隐患学校): 第 一 联 乙单位存在的 类安全隐患,经研究,定你 存单位为责任单位,于 年 月 日前整治。 根 年 月 日(公章) 维护安全稳定工作领导小组责任落实抄告单 NO: 抄送单位: 第 二 联 学校存在的 类安全隐患,经研究,决定你单 责位为责任单位,务必于 年 月 日前整治到位。 任 单 位 年 月 日(公章) 维护安全稳定工作领导小组责任落实抄告单 NO: 抄送单位: 第 三 联 你校存在的 安全隐患,经研究,决定 单位 隐 患为责任单位,于 年 月 日前整治到位,请予监督。 学 校 年 月 日(公章) connection, tightening torque value by the corresponding value using smaller diameter rebar. 3, reinforced joints tested process: before the official construction, according to the same bar, same mechanical joint joint joint specimens in the form of not less than 3, and interception of joint specimen material, tensile strength tests are carried out. Site inspection: inspection lots under the same conditions using the same materials, forms, with the specifications of the connectors for every 500 for acceptance of a batch, by acceptance of a batch of less than 500 connectors, electric arc welding of steel bars after sampling. Each acceptance of a connector must be in engineering structure of random interception of 3 specimen tensile strength tests, when 3 joint tensile strength of specimens in accordance with the relevant provisions of strength, this test may be found qualified. (E) reinforcement of the engineering steel bars transverse reinforcement and ? 12 colligation, longitudinal reinforcement, design type, size, spacing and quantity according to the drawing for construction. Positioning the ladder bars with a diameter larger than the Stud. Painted steel position, note the start bar 50mm. Binding thread is eight-shaped, screwed. (1) the floor reinforcement slab reinforcement order: elastic steel line pad ? ? ? lay the bottom layer of the reinforcing steel tie beam reinforcement laying professional utility ? ? ? horse placed reinforcement bench marking top mat laying spacing ? ? secondary upper reinforcement wire locate ___________年度市直学校安全稳定隐患登记表 _______________学校 登入时要求整改 整治 学校校长监督 序号 安全隐患类别 隐患项目 责任单位 间 到位时间 进度 整治效果意见 填表人: connection, tightening torque value by the corresponding value using smaller diameter rebar. 3, reinforced joints tested process: before the official construction, according to the same bar, same mechanical joint joint joint specimens in the form of not less than 3, and interception of joint specimen material, tensile strength tests are carried out. Site inspection: inspection lots under the same conditions using the same materials, forms, with the specifications of the connectors for every 500 for acceptance of a batch, by acceptance of a batch of less than 500 connectors, electric arc welding of steel bars after sampling. Each acceptance of a connector must be in engineering structure of random interception of 3 specimen tensile strength tests, when 3 joint tensile strength of specimens in accordance with the relevant provisions of strength, this test may be found qualified. (E) reinforcement of the engineering steel bars transverse reinforcement and ? 12 colligation, longitudinal reinforcement, design type, size, spacing and quantity according to the drawing for construction. Positioning the ladder bars with a diameter larger than the Stud. Painted steel position, note the start bar 50mm. Binding thread is eight-shaped, screwed. (1) the floor reinforcement slab reinforcement order: elastic steel line pad ? ? ? lay the bottom layer of the reinforcing steel tie beam reinforcement laying professional utility ? ? ? horse placed reinforcement bench marking top mat laying spacing ? ? secondary upper reinforcement wire locate ______年度钦州市第四中学学校安全稳定隐患分类 汇总名册 安全隐患类别: 登记日期: 年 月 日(公章) 整治开始 整治 整改位 学校全称 隐患项目 责任单位 整治效果 时间 措施 时间 connection, tightening torque value by the corresponding value using smaller diameter rebar. 3, reinforced joints tested process: before the official construction, according to the same bar, same mechanical joint joint joint specimens in the form of not less than 3, and interception of joint specimen material, tensile strength tests are carried out. Site inspection: inspection lots under the same conditions using the same materials, forms, with the specifications of the connectors for every 500 for acceptance of a batch, by acceptance of a batch of less than 500 connectors, electric arc welding of steel bars after sampling. Each acceptance of a connector must be in engineering structure of random interception of 3 specimen tensile strength tests, when 3 joint tensile strength of specimens in accordance with the relevant provisions of strength, this test may be found qualified. (E) reinforcement of the engineering steel bars transverse reinforcement and ? 12 colligation, longitudinal reinforcement, design type, size, spacing and quantity according to the drawing for construction. Positioning the ladder bars with a diameter larger than the Stud. Painted steel position, note the start bar 50mm. Binding thread is eight-shaped, screwed. (1) the floor reinforcement slab reinforcement order: elastic steel line pad ? ? ? lay the bottom layer of the reinforcing steel tie beam reinforcement laying professional utility ? ? ? horse placed reinforcement bench marking top mat laying spacing ? ? secondary upper reinforcement wire locate ______年度钦州市第四中学学校安全稳定隐患分类 汇总名册 登记日期: 年 月 日(公章) 本年度存有安存有安全 上年度己 全隐患数 安全隐患类别 隐患学校 消除安全 本年其中新所数 隐患数 度数 增数 合 计 A(校舍、设施、设备类 1(危房 2(生均校园、校舍面积严重不足 3(学生宿舍不足 4(教学楼不合理 5(无校门、围墙 6(校园内无厕所 7(校园内无卫生饮用水 8(门、窗、讲台、课桌、床架等严重 破损 9(未按规定设卫生室 10(体育、劳技、实验等教学或活动场 地、教学设施、用具不符合安全质量标 准 11(无食堂或学校食堂卫生设施及设备 (锅炉、燃气等)不符合标准 12(消防设施不达标 13(防雷设施不达标 14(电力设施设备不安全,照明设施不 足 15(校车不符合规定 B(安全管理制度类 1(学校无安全工作领导机构 connection, tightening torque value by the corresponding value using smaller diameter rebar. 3, reinforced joints tested process: before the official construction, according to the same bar, same mechanical joint joint joint specimens in the form of not less than 3, and interception of joint specimen material, tensile strength tests are carried out. Site inspection: inspection lots under the same conditions using the same materials, forms, with the specifications of the connectors for every 500 for acceptance of a batch, by acceptance of a batch of less than 500 connectors, electric arc welding of steel bars after sampling. Each acceptance of a connector must be in engineering structure of random interception of 3 specimen tensile strength tests, when 3 joint tensile strength of specimens in accordance with the relevant provisions of strength, this test may be found qualified. (E) reinforcement of the engineering steel bars transverse reinforcement and ? 12 colligation, longitudinal reinforcement, design type, size, spacing and quantity according to the drawing for construction. Positioning the ladder bars with a diameter larger than the Stud. Painted steel position, note the start bar 50mm. Binding thread is eight-shaped, screwed. (1) the floor reinforcement slab reinforcement order: elastic steel line pad ? ? ? lay the bottom layer of the reinforcing steel tie beam reinforcement laying professional utility ? ? ? horse placed reinforcement bench marking top mat laying spacing ? ? secondary upper reinforcement wire locate 2(无校长与部门、班主任签订的安全 责任状 3(校内安全管理制度不健全或不落实 4(对控制学生传染病、斗殴、伤害弱 势群体等发生无预防措施 5(无突发、公共卫生事件应急预案 C(安全教育类 1(学校未将安全教育纳入教学内容 2(未组织师生针对性地开展安全知识 教育 3(未定期对师生开展常见病、传染病 等防治宣传 4(学校未对师生开展禁毒、防毒教育 5(未组织师生开展多种形式的事故预 防演练 6(未聘请法制副校长或未对师生进行 法制教育 7.心理危机预警机制未建立 D(日常管理类 1(校内外师生大型活动无安全保障、 应急措施 2(组织学生参加商业性以及成人从事 的活动 3(学校食堂、小卖部售“三无”食品 4(学校聘请了不符合要求的教职工 5(晚自习学生未离校之前,学校无负 责人和教师值班、巡查 6(教学楼楼道无提示标志或下课时无 教师巡查 7(未配备专人负责住宿生的生活和安 全保卫工作 8(实验仪器和体育器材管理不规范 connection, tightening torque value by the corresponding value using smaller diameter rebar. 3, reinforced joints tested process: before the official construction, according to the same bar, same mechanical joint joint joint specimens in the form of not less than 3, and interception of joint specimen material, tensile strength tests are carried out. Site inspection: inspection lots under the same conditions using the same materials, forms, with the specifications of the connectors for every 500 for acceptance of a batch, by acceptance of a batch of less than 500 connectors, electric arc welding of steel bars after sampling. Each acceptance of a connector must be in engineering structure of random interception of 3 specimen tensile strength tests, when 3 joint tensile strength of specimens in accordance with the relevant provisions of strength, this test may be found qualified. (E) reinforcement of the engineering steel bars transverse reinforcement and ? 12 colligation, longitudinal reinforcement, design type, size, spacing and quantity according to the drawing for construction. Positioning the ladder bars with a diameter larger than the Stud. Painted steel position, note the start bar 50mm. Binding thread is eight-shaped, screwed. (1) the floor reinforcement slab reinforcement order: elastic steel line pad ? ? ? lay the bottom layer of the reinforcing steel tie beam reinforcement laying professional utility ? ? ? horse placed reinforcement bench marking top mat laying spacing ? ? secondary upper reinforcement wire locate 9(实验室、医务室药品管理不规范 10(学校资产管理无防盗设置 11.对问题少年、留守儿童家、庭经济困 难、单亲子女等特殊群体关心不足 12.管制刀具、棍棒等危险器械未自查 收缴 E(校园周边安全管理类 1(专门用于接送学生车辆不合规定 2(学校临近公路路口无交通警示标志 等 3(学生上学途中桥梁、渡口、山塘、 水库、江河等安全隐患 4(校园周边网吧、出售非法出版物、 非法经营的小卖部、饮食摊点、建筑、 电力、危险物品场所等安全隐患 F(部门职责类 1(师生比不达标 2(学校食堂、小卖部及从业人员无证 照 3(学校饮用水未定期检测 4(未组织相关人员进行安全管理培训 5(时有扰乱校园秩序、侵害师生人身、 财产安全的案件 6.重点人群防控措施执行不利 G.(其它类 connection, tightening torque value by the corresponding value using smaller diameter rebar. 3, reinforced joints tested process: before the official construction, according to the same bar, same mechanical joint joint joint specimens in the form of not less than 3, and interception of joint specimen material, tensile strength tests are carried out. Site inspection: inspection lots under the same conditions using the same materials, forms, with the specifications of the connectors for every 500 for acceptance of a batch, by acceptance of a batch of less than 500 connectors, electric arc welding of steel bars after sampling. Each acceptance of a connector must be in engineering structure of random interception of 3 specimen tensile strength tests, when 3 joint tensile strength of specimens in accordance with the relevant provisions of strength, this test may be found qualified. (E) reinforcement of the engineering steel bars transverse reinforcement and ? 12 colligation, longitudinal reinforcement, design type, size, spacing and quantity according to the drawing for construction. Positioning the ladder bars with a diameter larger than the Stud. Painted steel position, note the start bar 50mm. Binding thread is eight-shaped, screwed. (1) the floor reinforcement slab reinforcement order: elastic steel line pad ? ? ? lay the bottom layer of the reinforcing steel tie beam reinforcement laying professional utility ? ? ? horse placed reinforcement bench marking top mat laying spacing ? ? secondary upper reinforcement wire locate
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