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Word文档设置页眉页脚Word文档设置页眉页脚 同一篇Word文档设置多个不同的页眉页脚 如果在Word文档中创建了页眉、页脚,那么在默认情况下,一篇文章从头到尾的页眉页脚都是一样的。 但有时,我们还需要根据不同的章节内容而设定不同的页眉页脚。有的朋友将不同的章节分别保存成不同的文件,然后再分别给每个文件设定不同的页眉页脚,操作起来很麻烦。 有更简单的方法:在文章中插入不同的分节符来分隔。 下面笔者以一份网络工程投标计划书为例向大家介绍具体的操作方法。 在本例中我们准备将首页页眉设为“网络中心机房施工部分”,从第2页开始再按具体的章节内容...
Word文档设置页眉页脚 同一篇Word文档设置多个不同的页眉页脚 如果在Word文档中创建了页眉、页脚,那么在默认情况下,一篇文章从头到尾的页眉页脚都是一样的。 但有时,我们还需要根据不同的章节内容而设定不同的页眉页脚。有的朋友将不同的章节分别保存成不同的文件,然后再分别给每个文件设定不同的页眉页脚,操作起来很麻烦。 有更简单的方法:在文章中插入不同的分节符来分隔。 下面笔者以一份网络工程投标为例向大家介绍具体的操作方法。 在本例中我们准备将首页页眉设为“网络中心机房施工部分”,从第2页开始再按具体的章节内容分别设为“机房装修”、“配电系统设计”„„ 等不同的页眉内容。具体操作步骤如下: 1. 用Word打开投标书文件。如图1所示 图1 diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cirrhosis, jaundice, liver abscess, hepatocellular carcinoma, hepatic encephalopathy, stomach, colon, esophagus, acute pancreatitis, inflammation, colitis, functional dyspepsia, reflux esophagitis. (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: ? clinical knowledge: diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive system. Digest sex ulcer of onset mechanism, and clinical performance, and identification diagnosis, and complications and the processing; chronic gastritis of causes, and diagnosis method, and identification diagnosis and the treatment, Helicobacter pylori spiral Bacillus and gastritis and the ulcer disease of relationship, Helicobacter pylori spiral Bacillus infection of treatment; cirrhosis of onset mechanism, and compensatory period and lost compensatory period of performance; liver sex brain disease, and door pulse high pressure of produced mechanism; abdominal product liquid formed of reasons and the laboratory check of features, and identification method and processing; Identification of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis with anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive therapy interstitial difference with acute hemorrhagic necrotic pancreatitis and normal processing; emergency treatment of hemorrhage of upper digestive tract. Histamine H2 receptor antagonists and 2. 此时先不要急着设置页眉,而是将光标分别定位于每个需要使用新页眉的位置,然后执行“插入”菜单?“分隔符”命令,如图2所示。选中“分节符类型”中的“下一页”选框后点击确定按钮,并以此为例对整份文件进行分节处理 图2 3. 等整个文章分好节以后,就可以点击“视图”菜单?“页眉与页脚”命令进入页眉编辑模式了。如图3所示,按输入好首页页眉 图3 【小提示】 请注意图3中红框位置的变化 diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cirrhosis, jaundice, liver abscess, hepatocellular carcinoma, hepatic encephalopathy, stomach, colon, esophagus, acute pancreatitis, inflammation, colitis, functional dyspepsia, reflux esophagitis. (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: ? clinical knowledge: diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive system. Digest sex ulcer of onset mechanism, and clinical performance, and identification diagnosis, and complications and the processing; chronic gastritis of causes, and diagnosis method, and identification diagnosis and the treatment, Helicobacter pylori spiral Bacillus and gastritis and the ulcer disease of relationship, Helicobacter pylori spiral Bacillus infection of treatment; cirrhosis of onset mechanism, and compensatory period and lost compensatory period of performance; liver sex brain disease, and door pulse high pressure of produced mechanism; abdominal product liquid formed of reasons and the laboratory check of features, and identification method and processing; Identification of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis with anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive therapy interstitial difference with acute hemorrhagic necrotic pancreatitis and normal processing; emergency treatment of hemorrhage of upper digestive tract. Histamine H2 receptor antagonists and 4. 然后再从“页眉与页脚”工具栏中点击“显示下一项”按钮,跳转到下一节的页眉处,如图4所示。细心的朋友一定会发现,此时的页眉处已和图3有所不同,不仅节码由第1节变成了第2节,而且右上角也多出了一个“与上一节相同”的字样。 此时,我们应该点击页眉与页脚工具栏中的“链接到前一个”按钮切断第2节与前一节的页眉内容联系,然后再输入第2节的页眉“机房装修设计” 图4 5. 剩下的操作以此类推,每完成一个章节的页眉后就点击一下“显示下一项”和“链接到前一个”按钮,再对下一章节进行设置,直到完成整个文章的编排 这种方法操作快速,而且所有的页眉均保存在同一个文件中,也方便进行存档。同时,页脚也支持这种多级设定,具体操作方法与页眉相似,本文不再赘述。 diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cirrhosis, jaundice, liver abscess, hepatocellular carcinoma, hepatic encephalopathy, stomach, colon, esophagus, acute pancreatitis, inflammation, colitis, functional dyspepsia, reflux esophagitis. (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: ? clinical knowledge: diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive system. Digest sex ulcer of onset mechanism, and clinical performance, and identification diagnosis, and complications and the processing; chronic gastritis of causes, and diagnosis method, and identification diagnosis and the treatment, Helicobacter pylori spiral Bacillus and gastritis and the ulcer disease of relationship, Helicobacter pylori spiral Bacillus infection of treatment; cirrhosis of onset mechanism, and compensatory period and lost compensatory period of performance; liver sex brain disease, and door pulse high pressure of produced mechanism; abdominal product liquid formed of reasons and the laboratory check of features, and identification method and processing; Identification of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis with anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive therapy interstitial difference with acute hemorrhagic necrotic pancreatitis and normal processing; emergency treatment of hemorrhage of upper digestive tract. Histamine H2 receptor antagonists and word文档页眉显示问题 1. 问:WORD 里边怎样设置每页不同的页眉,如何使不同的章节显示的页眉不同, 答:分节,每节可以设置不同的页眉。文件——页面设置——版式——页眉和页脚——首页不同 2. 问:请问word 中怎样让每一章用不同的页眉,怎么我现在只能用一个页眉,一改就全部改了, 答:在插入分隔符里,选插入分节符,可以选连续的那个,然后下一页改页眉前,按一下“同前”钮,再做的改动就不影响前面的了。简言之,分节符使得它们独立了。这个工具栏上的“同前”按钮就显示在工具栏上,不过是图标的形式,把光标移到上面就显示出”同前“两个字来 3. 问:如何合并两个WORD 文档,不同的页眉需要先写两个文件,然后合并,如何做, 答:页眉设置中,选择奇偶页不同/与前不同等选项 4. 问:WORD 编辑页眉设置,如何实现奇偶页不同? 比如:单页浙江大学学位论文,这一个容易设;双页:(每章标题),这一个有什么技巧啊, 答:插入节分隔符,与前节设置相同去掉,再设置奇偶页不同 5. 问:怎样使WORD 文档只有第一页没有页眉,页脚, 答:页面设置,页眉和页脚,选首页不同,然后选中首页页眉中的小箭头,格式,边框和底纹,选择无,这个只要在“视图”——“页眉页脚”,其中的页面设置里,不要整个文档,就可以看到一个“同前”的标志,不选,前后的设置情况就不同了 6. 问:如何从第三页起设置页眉, 答:在第二页末插入分节符,在第三页的页眉格式中去掉同前节,如果第一、二页还有页眉,把它设置成正文就可以了?在新建文档中,菜单—视图—页脚—插入页码—页码格式—起始页码为0,确定;?菜单—文件—页面设置—版式—首页不同,确定;?将光标放到第一页末,菜单—文件—页面设置—版式—首页不同—应用于插入点之后,确定。第2 步与第三步差别在于第2 步应用于整篇文档,第3 步应用于插入点之后。这样,做两次首页不同以后,页码从第三页开始从1 编号,完成。 7. 问:WORD 页眉自动出现一根直线,请问怎么处理, 答:格式从“页眉”改为“清除格式”,就在“格式”快捷工具栏最左边;选中页眉文字和箭头,格式,边框和底纹,设置选无 8. 问:页眉一般是———,上面写上题目或者其它,想做的是把这根线变为双线,WORD 中修改页眉的那根线怎么改成双线的? 答:按以下步骤操作去做:?选中页眉的文字,包括最后面的箭头?格式,边框和底纹?选线性为双线 的?在预览里,点击左下小方块,预览的图形会出现双线?确定?上面和下面自己可以设置,diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cirrhosis, jaundice, liver abscess, hepatocellular carcinoma, hepatic encephalopathy, stomach, colon, esophagus, acute pancreatitis, inflammation, colitis, functional dyspepsia, reflux esophagitis. (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: ? clinical knowledge: diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive system. Digest sex ulcer of onset mechanism, and clinical performance, and identification diagnosis, and complications and the processing; chronic gastritis of causes, and diagnosis method, and identification diagnosis and the treatment, Helicobacter pylori spiral Bacillus and gastritis and the ulcer disease of relationship, Helicobacter pylori spiral Bacillus infection of treatment; cirrhosis of onset mechanism, and compensatory period and lost compensatory period of performance; liver sex brain disease, and door pulse high pressure of produced mechanism; abdominal product liquid formed of reasons and the laboratory check of features, and identification method and processing; Identification of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis with anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive therapy interstitial difference with acute hemorrhagic necrotic pancreatitis and normal processing; emergency treatment of hemorrhage of upper digestive tract. Histamine H2 receptor antagonists and 点击在预览周围的四个小方块,页眉线就可以在不同的位置 9. 问:Word 中的脚注如何删除,把正文相应的符号删除,内容可以删除,但最后那个格式还在,应该怎么办, 答:步骤如下:1、切换到普通视图,菜单中“视图”——“脚注”,这时最下方出现了尾注的编辑栏。2、在尾注的下拉菜单中选择“尾注分隔符”,这时那条短横线出现了,选中它,删除。3、再在下拉菜单中选择“尾注延续分隔符”,这是那条长横线出现了,选中它,删除。4、切换回到页面视图。尾注和脚注应该都是一样的 10. 问:Word 里面有没有自动断词得功能?常常有得单词太长了,如果能设置一下自动断词就好了 答:在工具—语言—断字—自动断字,勾上,word 还是很强大的 11. 问:如何将word 文档里的繁体字改为简化字, 答:工具—语言—中文简繁转换 12. 问:怎样微调WORD 表格线,WORD 表格上下竖线不能对齐,用鼠标拖动其中一条线,可是一拖就跑老远,想微调表格竖线让上下对齐,请问该怎么办 答:选定上下两个单元格,然后指定其宽度就可以对齐了,再怎么拉都行press“Alt”,打开绘图,其中有个调整坐标线,单击,将其中水平间距与垂直间距都调到最小值即可。打开绘图,然后在左下脚的绘图网格里设置,把水平和垂直间距设置得最小。 13. 问:怎样微调word 表格线,我的word 表格上下竖线不能对齐,用鼠标拖动其中一条线,可是一拖就跑老远,我想微调表格竖线让上下对齐,请问该怎么办, 答:可以如下操作:?按住ctl 键还是hift,你have a try?double click the line, try it ?打开绘图,设置一下网格(在左下角)。使水平和垂直都为最小,试一把~,?press “Alt” 14. 问:怎么把word 文档里已经有的分页符去掉,答:先在工具——> 选项—— > 视图——> 格式标记,选中全部,然后就能够看到分页符,delete 就ok了。 diseases General master endocrine diseases in emergency diagnosis and treatment of common diseases. Common endocrine testing of specimens collected requirements. 3. the higher requirements (1) learning content: high blood ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cirrhosis, jaundice, liver abscess, hepatocellular carcinoma, hepatic encephalopathy, stomach, colon, esophagus, acute pancreatitis, inflammation, colitis, functional dyspepsia, reflux esophagitis. (2) clinical knowledge, skills required: ? clinical knowledge: diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive system. Digest sex ulcer of onset mechanism, and clinical performance, and identification diagnosis, and complications and the processing; chronic gastritis of causes, and diagnosis method, and identification diagnosis and the treatment, Helicobacter pylori spiral Bacillus and gastritis and the ulcer disease of relationship, Helicobacter pylori spiral Bacillus infection of treatment; cirrhosis of onset mechanism, and compensatory period and lost compensatory period of performance; liver sex brain disease, and door pulse high pressure of produced mechanism; abdominal product liquid formed of reasons and the laboratory check of features, and identification method and processing; Identification of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis with anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive therapy interstitial difference with acute hemorrhagic necrotic pancreatitis and normal processing; emergency treatment of hemorrhage of upper digestive tract. Histamine H2 receptor antagonists and
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