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幼儿园教师心语幼儿园教师心语 2011-07-28 11:31 幼儿园教师心语 1.播种爱的种子,收获美丽的童心。 2.爱心是水,滋润着你我的心田;爱心是金钥匙,能够打开孩子的心灵窗户;爱心更是成功教育的原动力。 3.感人心者,莫先乎情;为人师者,莫失乎爱。孩子们“亲其师”,才会“信其道”。 4.育苗有志闲逸少,润物无声辛劳多。 5.教育的每一天都是新的,伴随着梦想,守望着信念~ 6.老师的爱与尊重是照亮幼儿心灵窗户的盏盏烛光。 7.做一缕春风,吹开桃李芬芳。让我们一起用爱心托起明天的希望~ 8.做一个有责任有爱心的教师,...
幼儿园教师心语 2011-07-28 11:31 幼儿园教师心语 1.播种爱的种子,收获美丽的童心。 2.爱心是水,滋润着你我的心田;爱心是金钥匙,能够打开孩子的心灵窗户;爱心更是成功教育的原动力。 3.感人心者,莫先乎情;为人师者,莫失乎爱。孩子们“亲其师”,才会“信其道”。 4.育苗有志闲逸少,润物无声辛劳多。 5.教育的每一天都是新的,伴随着梦想,守望着信念~ 6.老师的爱与尊重是照亮幼儿心灵窗户的盏盏烛光。 7.做一缕春风,吹开桃李芬芳。让我们一起用爱心托起明天的希望~ 8.做一个有责任有爱心的教师,让每个孩子都能健康成长~ 9.幼儿的欢乐与进步是我最大的心愿。 10.给每一个孩子一份爱心,给每一个孩子一份宽容。 11.上我们的孩子快乐的走向阳光、走向明天。 12.幼儿的欢乐与进步是我们最大的心愿。 13.用眼睛与心灵去关注每位孩子,为我们的宝宝撑起一片爱的绿荫。 14.像母亲一呵护、关爱孩子,赏其言行、启其智慧、通其灵性。 15.用专业知识和爱心照顾孩子生活,拓展孩子视野。 16幼儿教师心语:用真诚的心爱与被爱. 钢琴力度术语 medium above the surface of the pipe and heat, and their spacing is greater than 150mm. Tubing when laid horizontally, should according to different requirement of the 1:10~1:100 slope, tilt should be guaranteed to exclude gas or condensate. angle and u-tube for pressure pipe cards, isolation with a rubber plate, bracket horizontal laying spacing for the 1~1.5M, vertical laying spacing for the 1.5~2m. after you finish laying tubing, should be blowing and pressure testing, air tightness test. 5.1.8 gas pipe laying gas supply system using pipes, valves, fittings, cleaning should be carried out prior to installation, there should be no oil, water, corrosion and dirt. air tubes after cutting, remove end of iron, smooth polished pipe end. Threaded connections, not seal welded, sealed with Teflon tape. Terminal Connection pipes should have a sufficient number of allowances, reduce the effects of vibration and stress. air tube should be used to pipe rack, suitable structures, non-removable device support, terminal be fixed firmly in the 0.9m, bracket 2m. Pipe is not supported on device or process piping: might move or motion of an object, such as heat exchangers, control valves; diameter 3 "pipe, insulation pipe liquid pipe, 1000C, high temperatures of over. dismantling the pipeline in place, should provide a Union. Laid in each pipe, should be installed at least and the possible number of fittings. Perpendicular to the long end of the gas in the pipeline should have a drain valve. 5.1.9 field instrument installation General requirements instrument installation according to the design drawings to carefully check their equipment number, type, size and material. instrument shall be mounted without mechanical vibration and away from magnetic fields and high 力 度 术 语 pp -- 很弱 p -- 弱 mp -- 中弱 mf -- 中强 f -- 强 ff -- 很强 sf -- 突强 fz -- 突强 fp -强后即弱 >或< 重音记号 dim-- 渐弱 cresc --渐强 sotto voce --很弱的声音 sempre p -- 始终保持弱 2012-04-05 09:42 钢琴速度术语 速 度 术 语 Adagio 柔板 Adagio assai 很慢的柔板 Andante 行板 Andantino 小行板 Allegretto 小快板 Allegretto non troppo 不过分的小快板 Allegretto poco mosso 稍快的小快板 Allegro 快板 Grave 庄板 Larghetto 小广板 广板 Largo Lento 慢板 Moderado 中板 Prestissimo 最急板 Presto 急板 a temp回原速 in tempo 按原速 accelerato加快的 accel 加快的,accelerado的缩写 con moto 稍快的 Doppio movimento 加倍快 medium above the surface of the pipe and heat, and their spacing is greater than 150mm. Tubing when laid horizontally, should according to different requirement of the 1:10~1:100 slope, tilt should be guaranteed to exclude gas or condensate. angle and u-tube for pressure pipe cards, isolation with a rubber plate, bracket horizontal laying spacing for the 1~1.5M, vertical laying spacing for the 1.5~2m. after you finish laying tubing, should be blowing and pressure testing, air tightness test. 5.1.8 gas pipe laying gas supply system using pipes, valves, fittings, cleaning should be carried out prior to installation, there should be no oil, water, corrosion and dirt. air tubes after cutting, remove end of iron, smooth polished pipe end. Threaded connections, not seal welded, sealed with Teflon tape. Terminal Connection pipes should have a sufficient number of allowances, reduce the effects of vibration and stress. air tube should be used to pipe rack, suitable structures, non-removable device support, terminal be fixed firmly in the 0.9m, bracket 2m. Pipe is not supported on device or process piping: might move or motion of an object, such as heat exchangers, control valves; diameter 3 "pipe, insulation pipe liquid pipe, 1000C, high temperatures of over. dismantling the pipeline in place, should provide a Union. Laid in each pipe, should be installed at least and the possible number of fittings. Perpendicular to the long end of the gas in the pipeline should have a drain valve. 5.1.9 field instrument installation General requirements instrument installation according to the design drawings to carefully check their equipment number, type, size and material. instrument shall be mounted without mechanical vibration and away from magnetic fields and high molto mosso很快的 memo mosso 稍慢 molto rit 渐慢很多 molto allegro 很快的 molto adagio 很缓慢的 poco a poco rit 一点一点地渐慢 poco lento 稍慢 poco meno mosso 稍放慢的 piu Allegro 更快 piu Andante 更慢 piu moto 更快的 piu mosso 更快的 rapido 迅速的 ritardando 渐慢的 rit,ritard 渐慢的,ritardando的缩写 rall 渐慢,rallendand缩写 ritenuto 突慢的 stringendo 加紧(加快) senza accel 不要渐快 2012-05-14 11:00 2012年“六一”节目主持稿 2012年“六一”节目主持稿 (主持人讲话) 师:尊敬的领导亲爱的老师、小朋友们~ 幼1:亲爱的爸爸妈妈~ 幼2:亲爱的爷爷奶奶们~ 合:大家好~ 师:弹去五月的风尘,迎来六月的阳光 幼1:我们的心儿像怒放的花朵,荡起一片欢乐的海洋。 幼2:六月,是撒满阳光的;六月,是鲜花盛开的; 幼1:六月,是我们大家共同的节日; medium above the surface of the pipe and heat, and their spacing is greater than 150mm. Tubing when laid horizontally, should according to different requirement of the 1:10~1:100 slope, tilt should be guaranteed to exclude gas or condensate. angle and u-tube for pressure pipe cards, isolation with a rubber plate, bracket horizontal laying spacing for the 1~1.5M, vertical laying spacing for the 1.5~2m. after you finish laying tubing, should be blowing and pressure testing, air tightness test. 5.1.8 gas pipe laying gas supply system using pipes, valves, fittings, cleaning should be carried out prior to installation, there should be no oil, water, corrosion and dirt. air tubes after cutting, remove end of iron, smooth polished pipe end. Threaded connections, not seal welded, sealed with Teflon tape. Terminal Connection pipes should have a sufficient number of allowances, reduce the effects of vibration and stress. air tube should be used to pipe rack, suitable structures, non-removable device support, terminal be fixed firmly in the 0.9m, bracket 2m. Pipe is not supported on device or process piping: might move or motion of an object, such as heat exchangers, control valves; diameter 3 "pipe, insulation pipe liquid pipe, 1000C, high temperatures of over. dismantling the pipeline in place, should provide a Union. Laid in each pipe, should be installed at least and the possible number of fittings. Perpendicular to the long end of the gas in the pipeline should have a drain valve. 5.1.9 field instrument installation General requirements instrument installation according to the design drawings to carefully check their equipment number, type, size and material. instrument shall be mounted without mechanical vibration and away from magnetic fields and high 合:六一,是我们最快乐的一天~ 师:今天,在这个特别的日子里,金沙杰诺幼儿园全体师生和各位家长朋友相聚在一起,共同庆祝国际六一儿童节的到来~孩子们入园时间不长,离开父母的怀抱融入杰诺大家庭,在短短的时间里赶排了这台节目。虽然舞蹈的动作不是很整齐、表演的体态不是很到位,但是我们孩子们的勇气是可嘉的。因为他们是最棒的杰诺小宝贝,对不对,(互动„„)在这举国欢庆的日子里,我们幼儿园的领导也有许多祝福要送给小朋友们。现在,让我们用热烈的掌声有请陆园长为小朋友们送来温馨的祝福~ 幼2:下面请欣赏舞蹈兴趣班的小朋友为我们表演的舞蹈《我最棒》。 小小班请准备~ 幼1:小小班的宝宝是我园平均年龄最小的班级,几个月前,他们还离不开妈妈的怀抱,今天他们在老师的关怀下,迈开了自信的脚步,掌声有请他们为我们歌表演《小猪胖嘟嘟》。武术班请准备~ 幼2:请欣赏武术班带来《小哪咤》,掌声有请。大一班请准备~ 师:我们是一群健康快乐的娃娃,热爱生活,热爱运动。瞧~大一班的小朋友为我们带来健美操《橡皮筋王国》掌声有请他们的精彩表演。英语班请准备~ 幼1:下面请英语兴趣班表演《 》。小二班请准备~ 幼2:请小二班歌表演《小小蛋儿把门开》。中二班请准备~ 师:哎,小朋友,你们喜欢喜羊羊吗, 幼合:嗯嗯,喜欢~ 师:今天,一群可爱的小羊们也来和我们一起庆祝节日了,他们会给我们带来怎样的精彩表演呢, 幼:老师我们等不及了要看了。 medium above the surface of the pipe and heat, and their spacing is greater than 150mm. Tubing when laid horizontally, should according to different requirement of the 1:10~1:100 slope, tilt should be guaranteed to exclude gas or condensate. angle and u-tube for pressure pipe cards, isolation with a rubber plate, bracket horizontal laying spacing for the 1~1.5M, vertical laying spacing for the 1.5~2m. after you finish laying tubing, should be blowing and pressure testing, air tightness test. 5.1.8 gas pipe laying gas supply system using pipes, valves, fittings, cleaning should be carried out prior to installation, there should be no oil, water, corrosion and dirt. air tubes after cutting, remove end of iron, smooth polished pipe end. Threaded connections, not seal welded, sealed with Teflon tape. Terminal Connection pipes should have a sufficient number of allowances, reduce the effects of vibration and stress. air tube should be used to pipe rack, suitable structures, non-removable device support, terminal be fixed firmly in the 0.9m, bracket 2m. Pipe is not supported on device or process piping: might move or motion of an object, such as heat exchangers, control valves; diameter 3 "pipe, insulation pipe liquid pipe, 1000C, high temperatures of over. dismantling the pipeline in place, should provide a Union. Laid in each pipe, should be installed at least and the possible number of fittings. Perpendicular to the long end of the gas in the pipeline should have a drain valve. 5.1.9 field instrument installation General requirements instrument installation according to the design drawings to carefully check their equipment number, type, size and material. instrument shall be mounted without mechanical vibration and away from magnetic fields and high 师:哈哈那不说那么多,下面马上请出中二班表演的舞蹈《大家一起喜洋洋》。大C班请准备~ 幼1:童年的我们是幸福的. 幼2:童年的我们是快乐的,伴随着动感的节拍,让我们一起走进这块动感地带去瞧瞧吧~ 幼1:请欣赏大C班带来音乐剧《美妙的音符》。小三班请准备~ 幼2:请欣赏小三班表演《小青蛙》。 师:欢乐的六一,幸福的时刻,到处都是歌声,到处都是欢笑。请欣赏中一班综合表演《快乐动起来》。大A班请准备~ 幼1:有请大A班表演《我不上你的当》。 好园丁评选„„待 幼2:接下来请欣赏小一班的宝宝带来《小蜜蜂》。大二班请准备~ 师:哎,XX你知道接下来的节目是什么吗, 幼1:当然是我们的时装表演了~听说我们的老师花了好多心思去做衣服呢~ 幼2:那我们还等什么, 师:掌声有请大二班表演时装show。合:《童心畅想“六一”》。舞蹈班请准备~ medium above the surface of the pipe and heat, and their spacing is greater than 150mm. Tubing when laid horizontally, should according to different requirement of the 1:10~1:100 slope, tilt should be guaranteed to exclude gas or condensate. angle and u-tube for pressure pipe cards, isolation with a rubber plate, bracket horizontal laying spacing for the 1~1.5M, vertical laying spacing for the 1.5~2m. after you finish laying tubing, should be blowing and pressure testing, air tightness test. 5.1.8 gas pipe laying gas supply system using pipes, valves, fittings, cleaning should be carried out prior to installation, there should be no oil, water, corrosion and dirt. air tubes after cutting, remove end of iron, smooth polished pipe end. Threaded connections, not seal welded, sealed with Teflon tape. Terminal Connection pipes should have a sufficient number of allowances, reduce the effects of vibration and stress. air tube should be used to pipe rack, suitable structures, non-removable device support, terminal be fixed firmly in the 0.9m, bracket 2m. Pipe is not supported on device or process piping: might move or motion of an object, such as heat exchangers, control valves; diameter 3 "pipe, insulation pipe liquid pipe, 1000C, high temperatures of over. dismantling the pipeline in place, should provide a Union. Laid in each pipe, should be installed at least and the possible number of fittings. Perpendicular to the long end of the gas in the pipeline should have a drain valve. 5.1.9 field instrument installation General requirements instrument installation according to the design drawings to carefully check their equipment number, type, size and material. instrument shall be mounted without mechanical vibration and away from magnetic fields and high 幼2:请欣赏舞蹈兴趣班的小朋友为我们表演的舞蹈《扭扭体操》。中三班请准备~ 幼1:爱是看不见的语言。 幼2:爱是摸不到的感觉。 师:爱是我们小小的心愿,希望你平安快乐永远。请欣赏中三班手语表演 合:《让爱传出去》。英语班请准备~ 幼2:有请英语班的小朋友表演《 》。大B班请准备~ 幼1:在这举国欢庆的日子里,相知道我们是怎么庆祝的吗,下面有请大B班带来《我们的庆典》。武术班请准备~ 幼2:接下来是的武术班表演《武林风》。 幼1:现在让我们用最热烈的掌声请出我们最美丽最可爱的老师们为我们表演舞蹈。舞蹈班请准备~ 幼2:六月,我童年的摇篮。 幼1:六月,我童年的梦乡,请欣赏舞蹈班带来《金色童年》。 师:带着六月的鲜花,披着六月的阳光。 幼:在这快乐的日子里,我们舞蹈,我们欢唱。 幼:今天我拥抱美好的六月,明天再创六月的辉煌~ 合:让我们一起驶向二十一世纪的崭新时代~ medium above the surface of the pipe and heat, and their spacing is greater than 150mm. Tubing when laid horizontally, should according to different requirement of the 1:10~1:100 slope, tilt should be guaranteed to exclude gas or condensate. angle and u-tube for pressure pipe cards, isolation with a rubber plate, bracket horizontal laying spacing for the 1~1.5M, vertical laying spacing for the 1.5~2m. after you finish laying tubing, should be blowing and pressure testing, air tightness test. 5.1.8 gas pipe laying gas supply system using pipes, valves, fittings, cleaning should be carried out prior to installation, there should be no oil, water, corrosion and dirt. air tubes after cutting, remove end of iron, smooth polished pipe end. Threaded connections, not seal welded, sealed with Teflon tape. Terminal Connection pipes should have a sufficient number of allowances, reduce the effects of vibration and stress. air tube should be used to pipe rack, suitable structures, non-removable device support, terminal be fixed firmly in the 0.9m, bracket 2m. Pipe is not supported on device or process piping: might move or motion of an object, such as heat exchangers, control valves; diameter 3 "pipe, insulation pipe liquid pipe, 1000C, high temperatures of over. dismantling the pipeline in place, should provide a Union. Laid in each pipe, should be installed at least and the possible number of fittings. Perpendicular to the long end of the gas in the pipeline should have a drain valve. 5.1.9 field instrument installation General requirements instrument installation according to the design drawings to carefully check their equipment number, type, size and material. instrument shall be mounted without mechanical vibration and away from magnetic fields and high 师:中心幼儿园庆六一文艺汇演到此结束~感谢各位家长的光临~让我们—— 合:明年再会~ medium above the surface of the pipe and heat, and their spacing is greater than 150mm. Tubing when laid horizontally, should according to different requirement of the 1:10~1:100 slope, tilt should be guaranteed to exclude gas or condensate. angle and u-tube for pressure pipe cards, isolation with a rubber plate, bracket horizontal laying spacing for the 1~1.5M, vertical laying spacing for the 1.5~2m. after you finish laying tubing, should be blowing and pressure testing, air tightness test. 5.1.8 gas pipe laying gas supply system using pipes, valves, fittings, cleaning should be carried out prior to installation, there should be no oil, water, corrosion and dirt. air tubes after cutting, remove end of iron, smooth polished pipe end. Threaded connections, not seal welded, sealed with Teflon tape. Terminal Connection pipes should have a sufficient number of allowances, reduce the effects of vibration and stress. air tube should be used to pipe rack, suitable structures, non-removable device support, terminal be fixed firmly in the 0.9m, bracket 2m. Pipe is not supported on device or process piping: might move or motion of an object, such as heat exchangers, control valves; diameter 3 "pipe, insulation pipe liquid pipe, 1000C, high temperatures of over. dismantling the pipeline in place, should provide a Union. Laid in each pipe, should be installed at least and the possible number of fittings. Perpendicular to the long end of the gas in the pipeline should have a drain valve. 5.1.9 field instrument installation General requirements instrument installation according to the design drawings to carefully check their equipment number, type, size and material. instrument shall be mounted without mechanical vibration and away from magnetic fields and high
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