

2018-04-27 36页 doc 84KB 78阅读




asp会员注册登录以及管理系统网页实例asp会员注册登录以及管理系统网页实例 Result.asp(注册跳转结果,是否注册成功) 注册结果         0 then '如果从在这个用户名,对用户进行提示 ...
asp会员注册登录以及管理系统网页实例 Result.asp(注册跳转结果,是否注册成功) 注册结果 <% on error resume next '如果有代码错误就跳过去继续运行%> <% end if end if %>

<% '创建recordset对象方法1 set rst=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset") rst.open "select * from [user] where u_user='"&request.form("f_user")&"'",conn,1,1 if rst.recordcount>0 then '如果从在这个用户名,对用户进行提示 response.Write "用户名:"&request.form("f_user")&"已经被占用~请点击后退按钮返回上一页~" rst.close set rst=nothing conn.close set conn=nothing response.End else rst.close conn.begintrans '开启数据库的事务功能 rst.open "select * from [user]",conn,1,3 rst.addnew'插入数据到user

rst("u_user")=request.Form("f_user") rst("u_code")=request.Form("f_code") rst.update rst.close '获取刚才插入数据的自动编号字段值,即u_id字段的值 set rst1=conn.execute("SELECT @@IDENTITY AS uid") uid=rst1("uid") rst.open "info",conn,1,3 '错误检测语句 set myErrors=conn.errors if myErrors.count>0 then for i=0 to myErrors.count-1 response.Write("错误原因:"&myErrors.item(i).description&"") next end if '错误分析检测结束 if err.number<>0 then response.Write "ERR对象捕获错误:"&err.description end if rst.addnew'插入数据到info表 rst("i_uid")=uid rst("i_name")=request.Form("f_name") rst("i_sex")=request.Form("f_sex") rst("i_age")=request.Form("f_age") rst("i_vip")=false rst.update rst.close if err.number<>0 then conn.rollbacktrans'取消之前写入数据库的内容(写入数据出错的情况下) %>
<% else conn.committrans %>


<% set rst=nothing conn.close set conn=nothing %> lines direct to the construction investment and measured by a master axis, or by hanging a heavy line method is subject to ground floor axis directly up to reduce investment and cause errors accumulated on a layer-by-layer. Close to the master axis axis after checking out the detail. 4. precision axis control and measures: measure the strict examination of the relationship between the axes of the theodolite, observations to precision flat-pipe standard level, in order to reduce vertical axis vertical error. Observations, the instrument should avoid placing in Blender, hoists, which are within the scope of influence of vibration. Theodolite tripod must place strong equipment right after, no touch tripod base. Extension of the axis points to be exact, logo accurately, clearly, and properly protected. To reduce the effect of Pointing errors of angle measurement, observation, should be awarded in late goals. The objectives are clear, light carefully, and note the Elimination of Parallax effects. When the first axis shall prevail as far as possible directly to the construction investment and measured. Positive, inverted microscope and progressive investment and measured the average position, to offset the theodolite sight axis is not perpendicular to the horizontal axis and axis for vertical horizontal axis error. To reduce and eliminate the dial carved uneven and cursor effects of eccentric error on angle measurement using transform disc repeat observations, two Vernier for readings mean. To reduce the strong sunlight allowed standard level not levels caused by uneven heating effect on angular, when setting out in bright sunlight, the umbrella from the Sun. Login.asp(会员登陆、登陆成功、会员信息显示页面) 主页 lines direct to the construction investment and measured by a master axis, or by hanging a heavy line method is subject to ground floor axis directly up to reduce investment and cause errors accumulated on a layer-by-layer. Close to the master axis axis after checking out the detail. 4. precision axis control and measures: measure the strict examination of the relationship between the axes of the theodolite, observations to precision flat-pipe standard level, in order to reduce vertical axis vertical error. Observations, the instrument should avoid placing in Blender, hoists, which are within the scope of influence of vibration. Theodolite tripod must place strong equipment right after, no touch tripod base. Extension of the axis points to be exact, logo accurately, clearly, and properly protected. To reduce the effect of Pointing errors of angle measurement, observation, should be awarded in late goals. The objectives are clear, light carefully, and note the Elimination of Parallax effects. When the first axis shall prevail as far as possible directly to the construction investment and measured. Positive, inverted microscope and progressive investment and measured the average position, to offset the theodolite sight axis is not perpendicular to the horizontal axis and axis for vertical horizontal axis error. To reduce and eliminate the dial carved uneven and cursor effects of eccentric error on angle measurement using transform disc repeat observations, two Vernier for readings mean. To reduce the strong sunlight allowed standard level not levels caused by uneven heating effect on angular, when setting out in bright sunlight, the umbrella from the Sun.




<% set rst=Server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset") if request.QueryString("act")="login" then'登录 sql="select * from [user] where u_user='"&request.Form("f_user")&"'" sql=sql&"and u_code='"&request.Form("f_code")&"'" rst.open sql,conn,1,1 if rst.recordcount>0 then session("user")=rst("u_user") '用这个SESSION变量表示用户是否已经登录 session("acc")=true else response.Write "用户名会密码错误~登陆不成功~" end if rst.close elseif request.QueryString("act")="loginout" then'退出登录 session("user")="" session("acc")=false end if %> <% if not session("acc") then %>

密  码:
<% else %> <%= session("user") %> 欢迎你再次到来~
退出登录 <% end if %>
<% if not session("acc") then %> 对不起,您还没有登录,不能查看会员功能!!!
<% else %> 会员数据库USER表结构如下: <% rst.open "select * from [user]",conn,1,1 for i=0 to rst.fields.count-1 %> <% next %>
字段名 字段类型 字段数据长度 允许存储的最大数字位
<%= rst.fields(i).name %> <%= rst.fields(i).type %> <%= rst.fields(i).actualsize %> <%= rst.fields(i).precision %>
<% end if %>
<% set ret=nothing conn.close set conn=nothing %> Register.asp(注册页面) 注册页面
    注册页 面  
lines direct to the construction investment and measured by a master axis, or by hanging a heavy line method is subject to ground floor axis directly up to reduce investment and cause errors accumulated on a layer-by-layer. Close to the master axis axis after checking out the detail. 4. precision axis control and measures: measure the strict examination of the relationship between the axes of the theodolite, observations to precision flat-pipe standard level, in order to reduce vertical axis vertical error. Observations, the instrument should avoid placing in Blender, hoists, which are within the scope of influence of vibration. Theodolite tripod must place strong equipment right after, no touch tripod base. Extension of the axis points to be exact, logo accurately, clearly, and properly protected. To reduce the effect of Pointing errors of angle measurement, observation, should be awarded in late goals. The objectives are clear, light carefully, and note the Elimination of Parallax effects. When the first axis shall prevail as far as possible directly to the construction investment and measured. Positive, inverted microscope and progressive investment and measured the average position, to offset the theodolite sight axis is not perpendicular to the horizontal axis and axis for vertical horizontal axis error. To reduce and eliminate the dial carved uneven and cursor effects of eccentric error on angle measurement using transform disc repeat observations, two Vernier for readings mean. To reduce the strong sunlight allowed standard level not levels caused by uneven heating effect on angular, when setting out in bright sunlight, the umbrella from the Sun.
请在下面填写您的注册资料,红色*号所标示 的选项为必填项
用户名: *
密码: *
姓名: *
性别: *
年龄: *
db.inc.asp(数据库连接页面) <%'字符串连接数据库方法 set conn=server.CreateObject("ADODB.CONNECTION") conn.open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("sjk/fifasp.mdb") %> <% set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") conn.open "DRIVER=Driver do Microsoft Access (*.mdb);UID=admin;PWD=;DBQ="&Server.MapPath("sjk/fifasp.mdb") 'set conn=server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") 'conn.open "DSN=fifasp;UID=admin;PWD=;"%> Admin.asp(会员管理删除主页面) 会员管理 <% set rst=Server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset") on error resume next if request.QueryString("act")="del" then'如果是删除记录 id=request.QueryString("id") conn.begintrans 'conn.execute "delete from user where u_id="&id 'conn.execute "delete from info where i_uid="&id rst.open "select *from user where u_id="&id,conn,1,3 rst.delete rst.close rst.open "select * from info where i_uid="&id,conn,1,3 rst.delete rst.close if err.number<>0 then conn.rollbacktrans response.Write "删除会员失败" else conn.committrans response.Write "删除会员成功" end if end if %> lines direct to the construction investment and measured by a master axis, or by hanging a heavy line method is subject to ground floor axis directly up to reduce investment and cause errors accumulated on a layer-by-layer. Close to the master axis axis after checking out the detail. 4. precision axis control and measures: measure the strict examination of the relationship between the axes of the theodolite, observations to precision flat-pipe standard level, in order to reduce vertical axis vertical error. Observations, the instrument should avoid placing in Blender, hoists, which are within the scope of influence of vibration. Theodolite tripod must place strong equipment right after, no touch tripod base. Extension of the axis points to be exact, logo accurately, clearly, and properly protected. To reduce the effect of Pointing errors of angle measurement, observation, should be awarded in late goals. The objectives are clear, light carefully, and note the Elimination of Parallax effects. When the first axis shall prevail as far as possible directly to the construction investment and measured. Positive, inverted microscope and progressive investment and measured the average position, to offset the theodolite sight axis is not perpendicular to the horizontal axis and axis for vertical horizontal axis error. To reduce and eliminate the dial carved uneven and cursor effects of eccentric error on angle measurement using transform disc repeat observations, two Vernier for readings mean. To reduce the strong sunlight allowed standard level not levels caused by uneven heating effect on angular, when setting out in bright sunlight, the umbrella from the Sun.




  <% sql="select * from user,info where u_id=i_uid" rst.open sql,conn,1,1 while not rst.eof %> <% rst.movenext wend rst.close %>
ID 用户名 姓名 性别 年龄 会员 操作
<%= rst("u_id") %> <%= rst("u_user") %> <%= rst("i_name") %> <%= rst("i_sex") %> <%= rst("i_age") %> <% if rst("i_vip") then response.Write "是" else response.Write "否" end if %> ">修改资料 ">删除资料
modify.asp(会员信息更新页面) <% set rst=server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset") %> 会员资料修改 <% set rst=server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset") on error resume next id=request.QueryString("id") if request.QueryString("act")="modify" then'如果是就修改记录 conn.begintrans 'sql="update user set u_user='"&request.Form("f_user")&"',u_code'"&request.Form("f_code")&"'where u_id=id 'sql1="update info set i_name='"&request.Form("f_name")&"',i_sex'"&request.Form("f_sex")&"'" 'sql1=sql1&",i_age="&request.Form("f_age")&",i_vip=" 'if request.Form("f_vip")=1 then 'sql1=sql1&"true" 'else 'sql1=sql1&"false" 'end if 'sql1=sql1+"where i_uid="&id 'conn.execute sql 'conn.execute sql1 rst.open "select * from user where u_id="&id,conn,1,3 rst("u_user")=request.Form("f_user") rst("u_code")=request.Form("f_code") rst.update rst.close rst.open "select * from info where i_uid="&id,conn,1,3 rst("i_name")=request.Form("f_name") rst("i_sex")=request.Form("f_sex") lines direct to the construction investment and measured by a master axis, or by hanging a heavy line method is subject to ground floor axis directly up to reduce investment and cause errors accumulated on a layer-by-layer. Close to the master axis axis after checking out the detail. 4. precision axis control and measures: measure the strict examination of the relationship between the axes of the theodolite, observations to precision flat-pipe standard level, in order to reduce vertical axis vertical error. Observations, the instrument should avoid placing in Blender, hoists, which are within the scope of influence of vibration. Theodolite tripod must place strong equipment right after, no touch tripod base. Extension of the axis points to be exact, logo accurately, clearly, and properly protected. To reduce the effect of Pointing errors of angle measurement, observation, should be awarded in late goals. The objectives are clear, light carefully, and note the Elimination of Parallax effects. When the first axis shall prevail as far as possible directly to the construction investment and measured. Positive, inverted microscope and progressive investment and measured the average position, to offset the theodolite sight axis is not perpendicular to the horizontal axis and axis for vertical horizontal axis error. To reduce and eliminate the dial carved uneven and cursor effects of eccentric error on angle measurement using transform disc repeat observations, two Vernier for readings mean. To reduce the strong sunlight allowed standard level not levels caused by uneven heating effect on angular, when setting out in bright sunlight, the umbrella from the Sun. rst("i_age")=request.Form("f_age") if request.Form("i_vip")=1 then rst("i_vip")=true else rst("i_vip")=false end if rst.update rst.close if err.number<>0 then conn.rollbacktrans response.Write "修改会员失败" else conn.committrans response.Write "修改会员成功" end if end if %>
  返回会员列表 <% rst.open"select * from user where u_id="&request.QueryString("id"),conn,1,1 %>
"> <% rst.close rst.open "select * from info where i_uid="&request.QueryString("id"),conn,1,1 %> <% rst.close %>
请在下面修改会员资料,红色*号所标示的选 项为必填项
用户名: " type="text" id="f_user" /> *
密码: " type="text" id="f_code"/> *
姓名: " type="text" id="f_name"/> *
性别: *
年龄: " id="f_age" size="8" /> *
是否会员: /> 是 /> 否 *
<% set rst=nothing conn.close set conn=nothing %> lines direct to the construction investment and measured by a master axis, or by hanging a heavy line method is subject to ground floor axis directly up to reduce investment and cause errors accumulated on a layer-by-layer. Close to the master axis axis after checking out the detail. 4. precision axis control and measures: measure the strict examination of the relationship between the axes of the theodolite, observations to precision flat-pipe standard level, in order to reduce vertical axis vertical error. Observations, the instrument should avoid placing in Blender, hoists, which are within the scope of influence of vibration. Theodolite tripod must place strong equipment right after, no touch tripod base. Extension of the axis points to be exact, logo accurately, clearly, and properly protected. To reduce the effect of Pointing errors of angle measurement, observation, should be awarded in late goals. The objectives are clear, light carefully, and note the Elimination of Parallax effects. When the first axis shall prevail as far as possible directly to the construction investment and measured. Positive, inverted microscope and progressive investment and measured the average position, to offset the theodolite sight axis is not perpendicular to the horizontal axis and axis for vertical horizontal axis error. To reduce and eliminate the dial carved uneven and cursor effects of eccentric error on angle measurement using transform disc repeat observations, two Vernier for readings mean. To reduce the strong sunlight allowed standard level not levels caused by uneven heating effect on angular, when setting out in bright sunlight, the umbrella from the Sun.
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