

2017-09-25 18页 doc 65KB 9阅读




辅助降血糖的食物辅助降血糖的食物 1.谷类 燕麦 含有大量的亚油酸~纤维素和一定量的皂苷~可以降低血液中胆固醇与 三酰甘油的含量~能够减脂减肥~并可起到帮助降低血糖的作用。 荞麦 荞麦中含丰富的维生素B1,维生素B2~尼克酸和各种矿物质。其中所含 铬元素能增强胰岛素的活性~加速糖代谢~促进脂肪和蛋白质的合成~ 有利于降低血糖。同时~它所含有一种特殊成分芦丁具有降低血脂和血 清胆固醇的效果~对高血压和心脏病有防治作用。 小米 小米富含蛋白质~B族维生素和膳食纤维~营养价值比大米高出许多~ 若与细粮搭配同煮~可以发挥“互补作用”提高各自的营...
辅助降血糖的食物 1.谷类 燕麦 含有大量的亚油酸~纤维素和一定量的皂苷~可以降低血液中胆固醇与 三酰甘油的含量~能够减脂减肥~并可起到帮助降低血糖的作用。 荞麦 荞麦中含丰富的维生素B1,维生素B2~尼克酸和各种矿物质。其中所含 铬元素能增强胰岛素的活性~加速糖代谢~促进脂肪和蛋白质的合成~ 有利于降低血糖。同时~它所含有一种特殊成分芦丁具有降低血脂和血 清胆固醇的效果~对高血压和心脏病有防治作用。 小米 小米富含蛋白质~B族维生素和膳食纤维~营养价值比大米高出许多~ 若与细粮搭配同煮~可以发挥“互补作用”提高各自的营养价值,钠含量 极低~可用于调养肾病综合症。 薏米 薏米含维生素A~维生素B1,维生素B2和植物食物中少见的维生素A12~ 还含有薏米多糖~能降低人体血糖~糖尿病患者经常适量食用~能够辅 助降血糖。 豌豆 豌豆中含较丰富的膳食纤维、铜、铬等微量元素。铜有利于造血以及骨 骼和脑的发育,铬有利于糖和脂肪的代谢~能维持胰岛素的正常功能。 2.蔬菜类 黄瓜 含有多种维生素和丙醇二酸。其中的丙醇二酸能抑制糖类物质转变成脂 肪~具有减肥作用~还能有效预防糖尿病诸多并发症~对糖尿病患者 较为适宜。 苦瓜 含有丰富的维生素C和生物碱~生物碱具有良好的辅助降糖作用~同时 还含有类似奎宁的蛋白成分~能增强巨噬细胞的吞噬能力~适量食用能 提高人体的抗病能力。 南瓜 南瓜中含有大量果胶~果胶与淀粉类食品一起食用后~在肠道内形成一 种凝胶状物质~使消化酶和营养物的分子不能均匀混合~延缓肠道对营 养物质的消化吸收~从而控制饭后血糖上升。同时所含铬元素可增加体 内胰岛素的释放~促进糖尿病患者胰岛的正常分泌~对降低血糖有较好 帮助。 冬瓜 冬瓜中含有多种维生素和人体必须的微量元素~可调节人体的代谢平 衡,钠含量较低~而钾盐~维生素C含量较高~对动脉粥样硬化~糖尿 病等疾病有良好疗效。 空心菜 含有类胰岛素样成分~其丰富的纤维素和胰岛素样成分可辅助治疗糖尿 病。 洋葱 含类似降糖药甲苯磺丁脲的物质~经常食用可降血糖 山药 富含蛋白质~维生素和膳食纤维~其中~山药中的淀粉酶消化素能促进 淀粉、蛋白质的分解~能预防血管系统脂肪的沉淀。长期食用可辅助 降血糖。 银耳、木耳类 含有特异性酸性多糖体~有修复胰岛B细胞功能和确切的降血 糖功能。 construction unit to ensure a quality installation, first to pre-installed pivot, measured the door blade and the arm connecting plate ... Butt weld, finally welded panels butt; leaves one or two types of welding in accordance with specifications for the weld appearance quality inspections and internal ultrasonic testing of welds. 8.2.4 gate gate leaf Assembly installation: spell the group mainly uses the 8 ton truck crane and 50 ton crawler crane installation. First sill after cleaning, advance introduction to buttress tank level detection. Lower door leaf lift locked on to buttress, gate water seal base plate vertical adjust the door leaf, reinforced after the lower part of the door leaf in place. Door leaves all the paragraphs after hoisting, retest the door leaf size and distort, after passing inspection before welding door leaf. Menyeshui installation: due to bearing slider in factory assembled, water sealed the site the main installation work. Temporary will water seal plate pressure in sealed article Shang, in level direction and vertical direction check water seal of straight degrees whether meet requirements, Hou with Mark pen from gate Panel of check water bolt hole within draw bolt hole in check water article Shang of location, in corresponding of mark Shang drill out sealed article of bolt hole, with bolt try dressed Hou, removed has joint of water seal, with strong hot rubber of way, will water seal firmly stick received in with, forming Hou with wheel machine gently processing rugged of surface, and check water seal round head surface uneven degrees, each across 0.5M measuring is, After passing on 胡萝卜 胡萝卜中含有大量的胡萝卜素~食用后可转化成维生素A~可调节视 网膜感光物质合成~缓解眼疲劳~预防干眼病和夜盲症的发生。同时 还含有五种人体必须的氨基酸。临床实践证明~胡萝卜有减压~降血 糖~强心的作用~因此可作为冠心病人和糖尿病人的食疗食品。 西红柿 西红柿中膳食纤维和果胶可将胆固醇排除体外~丰富的维生素C可抗 氧化~大量的番茄红素可预防和治疗前列腺炎。 3.动物类 黄鳝 黄鳝体内含有黄鳝素A和黄鳝素B~这两种物质具有类似胰岛素降血糖 的作用~同时还具体调节血糖的生理机能。因此~糖尿病人经常食用~ 有一定降血糖作用。 兔肉 由于兔肉有高蛋白质~低脂肪~低胆固醇的营养特点~还含丰富的卵 磷脂~可阻止血栓的形成~保护血管壁~对预防糖尿病并发症有益~ 是糖尿病患者的理想食品。 蜂王浆 营养丰富~含有21种氨基酸和有机酸~核酸及类胰岛素~活性多肽~ 丁球蛋白~还有16种维生素~多种酶和辅酶及锌~铬~铜~锰~硒等 多种微量元素~可调节内分泌功能~激发胰岛素细胞功能~提高胰岛 素的活性~对糖尿病能起治疗的作用。 蜂胶 含胰岛素蛋白质等多种活性酶和抗病毒成分~能活化细胞~促进组织 细胞再生~对恢复胰岛的功能可产生积极作用。蜂胶中的黄酮类~萜 烯类物质~具有促进葡萄糖合成肝糖原和双向调节血糖的作用~同时 还能调节血脂、血压、血粘稠度~抗氧化~抗衰老等。 4.水果类 水果中的果胶有延缓葡萄糖吸收的作用~糖尿病患者一般可以选择含 糖量低的水果食用。 青苹果 含糖量比红苹果低~维生素C多~膳食纤维丰富。糖尿病患者可经常 食用。 柚子 其新鲜汁中含有类胰岛素成分~适量吃柚或饮用新鲜柚子汁对防治糖很 有帮助。 5.茶 茶 茶中含有10%~20%多酚类化合物~能降低淀粉酶和糖类消化酶的活性~ 从而抑制或推迟糖在胃肠里的吸收~。控制血糖升高~其作用类似@- 糖苷酶抑制剂~因此~糖尿病患者在饭前饮一杯茶~可在一定程度三 控制饭后高血糖。 食物在烹饪中的注意事项 糖尿病患者在烹饪过程中应在炒菜时急火快炒~避免长时间炖煮,煮 菜时应先将水烧开~然后再放菜。合理的烹调是提高食欲~保证营养 不被破坏的关键。 1.谷类食物 construction unit to ensure a quality installation, first to pre-installed pivot, measured the door blade and the arm connecting plate ... Butt weld, finally welded panels butt; leaves one or two types of welding in accordance with specifications for the weld appearance quality inspections and internal ultrasonic testing of welds. 8.2.4 gate gate leaf Assembly installation: spell the group mainly uses the 8 ton truck crane and 50 ton crawler crane installation. First sill after cleaning, advance introduction to buttress tank level detection. Lower door leaf lift locked on to buttress, gate water seal base plate vertical adjust the door leaf, reinforced after the lower part of the door leaf in place. Door leaves all the paragraphs after hoisting, retest the door leaf size and distort, after passing inspection before welding door leaf. Menyeshui installation: due to bearing slider in factory assembled, water sealed the site the main installation work. Temporary will water seal plate pressure in sealed article Shang, in level direction and vertical direction check water seal of straight degrees whether meet requirements, Hou with Mark pen from gate Panel of check water bolt hole within draw bolt hole in check water article Shang of location, in corresponding of mark Shang drill out sealed article of bolt hole, with bolt try dressed Hou, removed has joint of water seal, with strong hot rubber of way, will water seal firmly stick received in with, forming Hou with wheel machine gently processing rugged of surface, and check water seal round head surface uneven degrees, each across 0.5M measuring is, After passing on ,1,尽量减少淘米次数~一般不应该3次~淘米也不宜用力搓。淘米应用 凉水~侵泡时间不宜过长。 ,2,不要吃“捞饭”即在米煮到半熟后捞出再蒸~扔掉溶于米汤中大量B 族维生素。做米饭应采用蒸~煮的方法~如做捞饭~米汤也应当饮用。 ,3,烹煮时不要加碱。因为碱容易加速维生素C及B族维生素的破坏。一 般在制作面食时~蒸、烤、烙的方法带来的B簇维生素的损失较小~ 但用高温油炸时损失较大。 2.蔬菜类 ,1,蔬菜清洗不合理~如先切后洗或泡在水中会使维生素C严重丢失~因 此应该是先洗后切~或现炒现切。切菜时一般不宜太碎~可用手拉断 者尽量不用刀~因为铁会加速维生素C的氧化。 ,2,维生素C在80度以上的条件下~快速烹调损失较小,凉拌加醋可减少 维生素C的损失。 ,3,烹调后的蔬菜~放置时间越长~维生素损失越多。要合理烹调加工~ 急火快炒~现炒现吃。 ,4,烹调时尽可能不用铜锅、铜铲。因为铜可以加速维生素C的氧化~用 不锈钢锅烹调~维生素C的损失最少。 ,5,炒菜时应尽量少加水~煮菜时应先将水烧开~然后再放菜。炖菜时在 油中先加盐提高温度~或适当加点醋~即可调味~又可保护维生素C 少受损失。 3.畜、禽、鱼类食品 ,1,畜、禽、鱼类食品在烹调加工过程中~应多煮~蒸~蛋白质含量的变 化不大~而且经烹调后蛋白质更易于消化吸收。无机盐和大多数维生 素在肉类炖~煮时~损失不大。 ,2,蛋类烹调方法很多~有炒~煎、蒸和水煮蛋等。蛋类经过烹调处理后~ 有利于消化吸收和利用。煮鸡蛋的消化吸收率最高~几乎达到100%~ 但煮时间过长~消化率可有下降。 合理搭配 主食 五谷馒头 原料:全麦,小麦,粉40%、玉米粉30%、黄豆粉20%~燕麦粉~芝麻粉共10%。 做法:同做白面馒头一样。 山药米糕 原料:大米50%~糯米20%、黑米10%、山药粉18%、茯苓粉2% 做法:同做白面馒头一样。 1.八珍粗粮饭 原料:大米,50%,、小米、玉米、黑米、燕麦、 荞麦、高粱米、薏米仁,混合占50%, 制作:先将50%的小米~玉米~黑米~燕麦~荞麦~高粱米~薏米仁煮开后10construction unit to ensure a quality installation, first to pre-installed pivot, measured the door blade and the arm connecting plate ... Butt weld, finally welded panels butt; leaves one or two types of welding in accordance with specifications for the weld appearance quality inspections and internal ultrasonic testing of welds. 8.2.4 gate gate leaf Assembly installation: spell the group mainly uses the 8 ton truck crane and 50 ton crawler crane installation. First sill after cleaning, advance introduction to buttress tank level detection. Lower door leaf lift locked on to buttress, gate water seal base plate vertical adjust the door leaf, reinforced after the lower part of the door leaf in place. Door leaves all the paragraphs after hoisting, retest the door leaf size and distort, after passing inspection before welding door leaf. Menyeshui installation: due to bearing slider in factory assembled, water sealed the site the main installation work. Temporary will water seal plate pressure in sealed article Shang, in level direction and vertical direction check water seal of straight degrees whether meet requirements, Hou with Mark pen from gate Panel of check water bolt hole within draw bolt hole in check water article Shang of location, in corresponding of mark Shang drill out sealed article of bolt hole, with bolt try dressed Hou, removed has joint of water seal, with strong hot rubber of way, will water seal firmly stick received in with, forming Hou with wheel machine gently processing rugged of surface, and check water seal round head surface uneven degrees, each across 0.5M measuring is, After passing on 分钟在下50%的大米~煮熟后焖10分钟再吃~这样做出来的米饭松软爽 口~特别适合老年人。 两种以上的食物蛋白质混合食用~所含必需氨基酸取长补短~相互补 充~从而提高食物蛋白质的利用率。燕麦~荞麦~高粱米和玉米因有麸皮 而增加了B族维生素、矿物质和纤维素的含量~食用后消化吸收的时间较 长。临床实践证明~糖尿病患者食用这样的米饭后~营养素全面~餐后血 糖波动小~同时还能减轻饥饿感。 2.杂豆五色饭 原料:大米60%~小米和玉米20%~ 黄豆~黑豆~红豆~绿豆和雪豆共占20%。 制作:先将20%的黄豆~黑豆~红豆~绿豆和雪豆洗净~侵泡6~12小时~再用 侵泡后的水煮豆30分钟后加大米~小米和玉米至饭熟后焖10分钟再吃。 ,侵泡过各种豆的水虽然颜色不好看~但含有大量花青素~有抗氧化作用~ 所以不要倒掉了。, 豆类是谷类理想的互补食物~这样的米饭好看有食欲~营养丰富又全 面。大米~小米和玉米的蛋白质中赖氨酸含量较低~蛋氨酸相对较高~而 豆类蛋白质赖氨酸含量较高~蛋氨酸含量相对较低~混合食用时赖氨酸和 蛋氨酸两者取长补短~相互补充~从而提高蛋白质的利用率,同时~豆类 食物中含有丰富的钙~磷~铁~锌等无机盐元素和膳食纤维~B族维生素 的含量明显高于大米~小米等谷类食物~因此~把豆类食物和谷类食物混 合食用~不仅可以弥补单一米饭蛋白质的不足~还可以补充单一米饭含量 不足的氨基酸~维生素、矿物质和膳食纤维~从而使混合米饭的营养价值 明显提高和延缓餐后血糖升高~有利于血糖控制。 3.南瓜青豆饭 原料:大米70%~小米30%~南瓜100克、新鲜青豆15克. 制作:将南瓜除皮去嚷后洗净~切成3cm的小块与大米~小米和青豆同煮熟即可 食用。 南瓜含有大量果胶~与淀粉类食物一起食用 时~能提高胃内容物的粘度~并调节胃内食物的吸收度~使糖类吸收变慢。 同时~果胶可在肠道内充分吸水后形成一种凝胶状物质~使消化酶和营养 物的分子不能均匀混合~延缓肠道对营养物质消化吸收~从而控制饭后血 糖升高。还有~南瓜中所含微量元素铬~可增加体内胰岛素的释放~促进 糖尿病患者胰岛素正常分泌~对降低血糖具有很好效果。 construction unit to ensure a quality installation, first to pre-installed pivot, measured the door blade and the arm connecting plate ... Butt weld, finally welded panels butt; leaves one or two types of welding in accordance with specifications for the weld appearance quality inspections and internal ultrasonic testing of welds. 8.2.4 gate gate leaf Assembly installation: spell the group mainly uses the 8 ton truck crane and 50 ton crawler crane installation. First sill after cleaning, advance introduction to buttress tank level detection. Lower door leaf lift locked on to buttress, gate water seal base plate vertical adjust the door leaf, reinforced after the lower part of the door leaf in place. Door leaves all the paragraphs after hoisting, retest the door leaf size and distort, after passing inspection before welding door leaf. Menyeshui installation: due to bearing slider in factory assembled, water sealed the site the main installation work. Temporary will water seal plate pressure in sealed article Shang, in level direction and vertical direction check water seal of straight degrees whether meet requirements, Hou with Mark pen from gate Panel of check water bolt hole within draw bolt hole in check water article Shang of location, in corresponding of mark Shang drill out sealed article of bolt hole, with bolt try dressed Hou, removed has joint of water seal, with strong hot rubber of way, will water seal firmly stick received in with, forming Hou with wheel machine gently processing rugged of surface, and check water seal round head surface uneven degrees, each across 0.5M measuring is, After passing on 粥类 1.冬瓜薏仁粥 原料:冬瓜,连皮,250克~小米100克~薏米仁25克~精盐适量 制作:先将薏米仁用清水侵泡30分钟~再将冬瓜连皮洗净~切成块状和小米一 起放入锅中~加适量清水~煮至薏米仁熟烂~再加精盐拌匀即成。 2. 南瓜燕麦粥 原料:南瓜250克~燕麦100克 制作:先将南瓜洗净~剖开去子~切成1cm见方的小丁快人锅中加适量水煮至半 熟~撒入燕麦片~搅拌均匀~以文火再煮至 ~继续煨煮15分钟即成。 3.山药南瓜粥 原料:南瓜200克~小米100克~山药50克。 制作:先将南瓜和山药洗净切片~再与淘洗干净的小米一起放入锅中用文火煮成 粥即成。 菜肴类 1.洋葱炒牛肉丝 原料:牛肉100克~洋葱250克~植物油、料酒、生姜和葱少许。 制作:先将洋葱与牛肉洗净分别切成细丝~再将牛肉丝用湿淀粉抓芡备用。置炒锅于火上~加入适量植物油~用旺火烧至六成热时加葱~生姜~煸炒出香~再加入牛肉丝~料酒~溜炒至9成熟时再加入洋葱丝~稍炒片刻加入适量调味品即可。 2.猪胰炒山药 原料:猪胰一具~山药50克~植物油~料酒、生姜、盐适量。 制作:先将山药洗净切片~再将猪胰洗净剁碎。然后在炒锅倒入植物油加热至6成~放入猪胰~山药炒熟加盐调味即可。 3.芹菜香干炒鳝鱼丝 原料:芹菜150克~香干50克~鳝鱼180克~葱~生姜~料酒~植物油和盐适 量。 制作:先将芹菜洗净切成段~再将香干洗净切成丝~然后将鳝鱼洗净切成丝。置 锅于火上烧至6成热时~下入鳝鱼丝煸炒~再加葱段~生姜熘炒出香~再 加料酒~翻炒后加入芹菜段~香干丝~用武火翻炒片刻~最后加入适量调 味品快炒几下即可。 汤类 1.山药炖兔 原料:山药100克~兔肉500克~生姜、料酒适量。 制作:先将兔肉洗净切块~与山药、生姜一起放入砂锅中~加水适量~先用大火~ 后用文火煮熟煮烂~再放入适量调味剂即可食用。 construction unit to ensure a quality installation, first to pre-installed pivot, measured the door blade and the arm connecting plate ... Butt weld, finally welded panels butt; leaves one or two types of welding in accordance with specifications for the weld appearance quality inspections and internal ultrasonic testing of welds. 8.2.4 gate gate leaf Assembly installation: spell the group mainly uses the 8 ton truck crane and 50 ton crawler crane installation. First sill after cleaning, advance introduction to buttress tank level detection. Lower door leaf lift locked on to buttress, gate water seal base plate vertical adjust the door leaf, reinforced after the lower part of the door leaf in place. Door leaves all the paragraphs after hoisting, retest the door leaf size and distort, after passing inspection before welding door leaf. Menyeshui installation: due to bearing slider in factory assembled, water sealed the site the main installation work. Temporary will water seal plate pressure in sealed article Shang, in level direction and vertical direction check water seal of straight degrees whether meet requirements, Hou with Mark pen from gate Panel of check water bolt hole within draw bolt hole in check water article Shang of location, in corresponding of mark Shang drill out sealed article of bolt hole, with bolt try dressed Hou, removed has joint of water seal, with strong hot rubber of way, will water seal firmly stick received in with, forming Hou with wheel machine gently processing rugged of surface, and check water seal round head surface uneven degrees, each across 0.5M measuring is, After passing on 2.苦瓜炖排骨 原料:排骨500克~苦瓜500克~枸杞子25克~生姜~盐适量。 制作:先降苦瓜洗净切块~枸杞子洗净~排骨洗净切块放入砂锅内加水和适量生 姜~中火煮汤~肉熟后投入枸杞子~继续煮开投入苦瓜~烧开后加调料即 可食用。 3.冬瓜炖甲鱼 原料:甲鱼一只~冬瓜250克~莲子15克~生姜适量。 制作:莲子先侵泡2小时~冬瓜洗净切块~将甲鱼宰杀后处理干净切成小块与冬 瓜、莲子和生姜一同放入砂锅中~加水适量~置大火烧沸~改用文火炖煮 至甲鱼肉熟烂即可食用。 4.白鸽炖银耳 原料:白鸽一只~银耳30克~盐适量。 制作:将白鸽宰杀~去除毛及内脏~放入沙锅中~加水适量~炖煮至肉烂~汤浓~ 再加入水泡发的银耳放适量盐~再用文火炖15分钟即可食用。 饮品类 1、豆浆 五豆豆浆 原料:黄豆~黑豆~青豆~豌豆和花生仁 制作:将黄豆~黑豆~青豆~豌豆和花生仁五种材料按3:1:1:1:1的比例配 好~洗净后侵泡8~12小时~再用侵泡后的水按1:8,五种杂豆1:侵泡 水8,的比例打成浆煮开后饮用。按此比例制作的豆浆的营养是一般牛奶 的2~3倍。糖尿病患者可适量添加替代糖来调节口味~比如:双歧糖等。 豆类按营养成分含量通常分为两大类:一类是大豆,又分为黄豆和黑 豆等,含较高的蛋白质和脂肪,蛋白质35%~40%~脂肪15%~20%,~碳水化 合物含量较少,另一类是除大豆以外的其他豆类~如,豌豆~含较高的碳 水化合物~中等含量的蛋白质和少量的脂肪~这两类豆类食物混合制作的 豆浆~营养全面~比例适宜~易于吸收。临床实践证明~长期喝此豆浆对 高血压~高血脂~冠心病~糖尿病等有一定的食疗作用。 喝豆浆的注意事项 1.未煮熟的豆浆不宜饮用 2.煮豆浆时不宜加红糖 3.不宜空腹饮用豆浆 4.豆浆不宜与药物同服 5.有肾病和痛风患者不宜饮用 6.豆浆不宜过量饮用 成年人每天饮用1~2次~每次250~300毫升~ 儿童每天饮用150~200毫升为宜。 2.蔬菜汁,每天2次~每次200毫升, 原料:黄瓜、苦瓜、冬瓜、南瓜、白萝卜~胡萝卜~芹菜~青笋 制作:瓜类:洗净~连皮带子一起榨汁,根茎类:连根带叶一起榨汁。可以一种construction unit to ensure a quality installation, first to pre-installed pivot, measured the door blade and the arm connecting plate ... Butt weld, finally welded panels butt; leaves one or two types of welding in accordance with specifications for the weld appearance quality inspections and internal ultrasonic testing of welds. 8.2.4 gate gate leaf Assembly installation: spell the group mainly uses the 8 ton truck crane and 50 ton crawler crane installation. First sill after cleaning, advance introduction to buttress tank level detection. Lower door leaf lift locked on to buttress, gate water seal base plate vertical adjust the door leaf, reinforced after the lower part of the door leaf in place. Door leaves all the paragraphs after hoisting, retest the door leaf size and distort, after passing inspection before welding door leaf. Menyeshui installation: due to bearing slider in factory assembled, water sealed the site the main installation work. Temporary will water seal plate pressure in sealed article Shang, in level direction and vertical direction check water seal of straight degrees whether meet requirements, Hou with Mark pen from gate Panel of check water bolt hole within draw bolt hole in check water article Shang of location, in corresponding of mark Shang drill out sealed article of bolt hole, with bolt try dressed Hou, removed has joint of water seal, with strong hot rubber of way, will water seal firmly stick received in with, forming Hou with wheel machine gently processing rugged of surface, and check water seal round head surface uneven degrees, each across 0.5M measuring is, After passing on 榨汁也可以几种混合榨汁~但最好同类混合~如:瓜与瓜混合~这样的汁 营养素全面~味道更可口。 黄瓜汁—具有利尿~解渴和稀释尿酸的作用。因含有多种维生素和丙醇二酸~能 抑制糖类物质转变成脂肪~具 有减肥作用~还能有效预防糖尿病诸多并发症~对糖尿病患 者较为适宜。 苦瓜汁—含有丰富的维生素C和生物碱~具有良好的降糖作用~ 两瓜混合汁—黄瓜和苦瓜按1:1的比例作出的汁没有苦味~维生素C含量更多。 三瓜混合汁—南瓜、黄瓜、冬瓜按1:2:4的比例作出的汁口感最佳~适量加点 橄榄油有利于南瓜中胡萝卜素的吸收 胡萝卜汁—因含丰富的胡萝卜素~故饮用时添加适量橄榄油有利于吸收。 (注意:白萝卜和胡萝卜不宜搭配食用) construction unit to ensure a quality installation, first to pre-installed pivot, measured the door blade and the arm connecting plate ... Butt weld, finally welded panels butt; leaves one or two types of welding in accordance with specifications for the weld appearance quality inspections and internal ultrasonic testing of welds. 8.2.4 gate gate leaf Assembly installation: spell the group mainly uses the 8 ton truck crane and 50 ton crawler crane installation. First sill after cleaning, advance introduction to buttress tank level detection. Lower door leaf lift locked on to buttress, gate water seal base plate vertical adjust the door leaf, reinforced after the lower part of the door leaf in place. Door leaves all the paragraphs after hoisting, retest the door leaf size and distort, after passing inspection before welding door leaf. Menyeshui installation: due to bearing slider in factory assembled, water sealed the site the main installation work. Temporary will water seal plate pressure in sealed article Shang, in level direction and vertical direction check water seal of straight degrees whether meet requirements, Hou with Mark pen from gate Panel of check water bolt hole within draw bolt hole in check water article Shang of location, in corresponding of mark Shang drill out sealed article of bolt hole, with bolt try dressed Hou, removed has joint of water seal, with strong hot rubber of way, will water seal firmly stick received in with, forming Hou with wheel machine gently processing rugged of surface, and check water seal round head surface uneven degrees, each across 0.5M measuring is, After passing on
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