
ALEX 西班牙 轮子与脚轮 3D 电子样本

2012-06-15 2页 pdf 224KB 33阅读




ALEX 西班牙 轮子与脚轮 3D 电子样本 List of 3D Parts Catalogs available on http://www.tracepartsonline.net CAD portal http://www.tracepartsonline.net, Free CAD Parts Library with 2D drawings and 3D models for ADEM | Alibre Design | Architectural Desktop | AutoCAD | CADCEUS | CADISON | CADdy | CadKey...
ALEX 西班牙 轮子与脚轮 3D 电子样本
List of 3D Parts Catalogs available on http://www.tracepartsonline.net CAD portal http://www.tracepartsonline.net, Free CAD Parts Library with 2D drawings and 3D models for ADEM | Alibre Design | Architectural Desktop | AutoCAD | CADCEUS | CADISON | CADdy | CadKey | Cadra | CATIA | Cimatron | CoCreate | Helix | HiCAD | Ideas | IntelliCAD | Inventor | IronCAD | KeyCreator | KOMPAS | LogoCAD | Mastercam | Mechanical Desktop | Medusa | MegaCAD | MicroStation | NX | One Space Designer | Pro/ENGINEER | Solid Designer | Solid Edge | SolidThinking | SolidWorks | SpaceClaim | thinkdesign | TopSolid | TurboCAD | Unigraphics | Vectorworks | VISI | VX … Page 1/1 ALEX - Castors & wheels Heavy and medium duty castors - Welded iron - HLG Assembly + TA Wheel Heavy and medium duty castors - Welded iron - HLG Assembly + TA Wheel Heavy and medium duty castors - Welded iron - HLG Assembly + FT Wheel Heavy and medium duty castors - Welded iron - HLG Assembly + FT Wheel Heavy and medium duty castors - Welded iron - HLG Assembly + HU Wheel Heavy and medium duty castors - Welded iron - HLG Assembly + HU Wheel Heavy and medium duty castors - Welded iron - HLG Assembly + HG Wheel Heavy and medium duty castors - Welded iron - HLG Assembly + HG Wheel Heavy and medium duty castors - Welded iron - HLB Assembly + TA Wheel Heavy and medium duty castors - Welded iron - HLB Assembly + TA Wheel Heavy and medium duty castors - Welded iron - HLB Assembly + FT Wheel Heavy and medium duty castors - Welded iron - HLB Assembly + FT Wheel Heavy and medium duty castors - Welded iron - HLB Assembly + HU Wheel Heavy and medium duty castors - Welded iron - HLB Assembly + HU Wheel Heavy and medium duty castors - Welded iron - HLB Assembly + PO Wheel Heavy and medium duty castors - Welded iron - HLB Assembly + PO Wheel Heavy and medium duty castors - Welded iron - HLB Assembly + HG Wheel Heavy and medium duty castors - Welded iron - HLB Assembly + HG Wheel Heavy and medium duty castors - Welded iron - HLB Assembly + DEB Wheel Heavy and medium duty castors - Welded iron - HLB Assembly + DEB Wheel Castors for institutional uses - Double acting brake wheel and assembly - A Assembly + CB Wheel Castors for institutional uses - Double acting brake wheel and assembly - A Assembly + CB Wheel Castors for institutional uses - Double acting brake wheel and assembly - A Assembly + PGA Wheel Castors for institutional uses - Double acting brake wheel and assembly - A Assembly + PGA Wheel Castors for institutional uses - Double acting brake wheel and assembly - A Assembly + PGC Wheel Castors for institutional uses - Double acting brake wheel and assembly - A Assembly + PGC Wheel Castors for institutional uses - Double acting brake wheel and assembly - A Assembly + PU Wheel Castors for institutional uses - Double acting brake wheel and assembly - A Assembly + PU Wheel TraceParts 全球最大最全的 3D 零件库,标准件库,电子样本库,所有 1.5 亿个 3D模型全部免费下载 i. TraceParts 简介 TraceParts 公司成立于 1989年, 总部位于法国 Le Havre, Normandie (诺曼底), 在德国,美国,意大利,中国,巴西,土尔其等 多国设立分公司,是全球最大的数字工程 3D 零件库供应商,也是全球最早提供 3D零件库,3D电子样本解决的公司。
 在收购了德国公司 Genius web2CAD, TraceParts 发展成为全球最大的3D电子零件库供应商, TraceParts 拥有1.5亿多个2D 图纸和 3D零件模型,旗下门户下载网站 www.tracepartsonline.net 提供 25种语言服务, 300多家各国知名制造商加盟,已发 展成全球最大的零件模型下载门户网站。 
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Schneider Electric (法国施耐德电气),Siemens (德国西门子),Bosch Rexroth (博世 - 力士乐) 
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