

2012-04-22 16页 doc 86KB 214阅读




按键精灵脚本-dnf收货源码DimEnv shuliang,time1,time2,time3,time4,ktjc,feyjy Dim hwnd,hwnd1,hwnd2 DimEnv kaiguan kaiguan=0 hwnd=Plugin.Window.MousePoint x=Plugin.Window.Move(hwnd,0,0) 'Delay 1000 time1=plugin.sys.GetTime //获取脚本运行时系统初始时间 'ktjc=1 'set ws=createobject("wscript.shell")...
DimEnv shuliang,time1,time2,time3,time4,ktjc,feyjy Dim hwnd,hwnd1,hwnd2 DimEnv kaiguan kaiguan=0 hwnd=Plugin.Window.MousePoint x=Plugin.Window.Move(hwnd,0,0) 'Delay 1000 time1=plugin.sys.GetTime //获取脚本运行时系统初始时间 'ktjc=1 'set ws=createobject("wscript.shell") 'ws.run "c:\testfile.txt",5,ture 'Delay 500 'hwnd2=Plugin.Window.Foreground 'y=Plugin.Window.Move(hwnd2,0,480) gosub 站街自动喊话 Rem kaitou Sub 站街自动喊话 //站街喊话脚本 UserVar fdys=15 "防掉线设置" MoveTo 603,439 gosub 检查是否有交易 time3=plugin.sys.GetTime If int(time3-time1)>fdys*60*1000 then //15分钟后开启防掉线,只支持站街的时候 gosub 防掉线 End If KeyPressS "Enter", 1 Delay 200 NUM =plugin.Color.CountColor(60, 398,92, 407, "AADDEE",1) //查找喊话窗口是否存在 If NUM > 0 Then Goto 喊话 Rem 喊话 End If UserVar szhhjs=5 "设置喊话句数(最多五句)" If szhhjs= 1 Then KeyPressS "B", 1 Delay 20 KeyPressS "A", 1 Delay 20 KeyPressS "1", 1 Delay 20 KeyPressS "Enter", 1 Delay 1200 ElseIf szhhjs= 2 Then KeyPressS "B", 1 Delay 20 KeyPressS "A", 1 Delay 20 KeyPressS "1", 1 Delay 20 KeyPressS "Enter", 1 Delay 3200 KeyPressS "B", 2 Delay 20 KeyPressS "1", 1 Delay 20 KeyPressS "Enter", 1 Delay 1200 ElseIf szhhjs= 3 Then KeyPressS "B", 1 Delay 20 KeyPressS "A", 1 Delay 20 KeyPressS "1", 1 Delay 20 KeyPressS "Enter", 1 Delay 3200 KeyPressS "B", 2 Delay 20 KeyPressS "1", 1 Delay 20 KeyPressS "Enter", 1 Delay 3200 KeyPressS "B", 1 Delay 20 KeyPressS "C", 1 Delay 20 KeyPressS "Enter", 1 Delay 1200 ElseIf szhhjs= 4 Then KeyPressS "B", 1 Delay 20 KeyPressS "A", 1 Delay 20 KeyPressS "1", 1 Delay 20 KeyPressS "Enter", 1 Delay 3200 KeyPressS "B", 2 Delay 20 KeyPressS "1", 1 Delay 20 KeyPressS "Enter", 1 Delay 3200 KeyPressS "B", 1 Delay 20 KeyPressS "C", 1 Delay 20 KeyPressS "Enter", 1 Delay 3200 KeyPressS "B", 1 Delay 20 KeyPressS "D", 1 Delay 20 KeyPressS "Enter", 1 Delay 1200 ElseIf szhhjs= 5 Then KeyPressS "B", 1 Delay 20 KeyPressS "A", 1 Delay 20 KeyPressS "1", 1 Delay 20 KeyPressS "Enter", 1 Delay 3200 KeyPressS "B", 2 Delay 20 KeyPressS "1", 1 Delay 20 KeyPressS "Enter", 1 Delay 3200 KeyPressS "B", 1 Delay 20 KeyPressS "C", 1 Delay 20 KeyPressS "Enter", 1 Delay 3200 KeyPressS "B", 1 Delay 20 KeyPressS "D", 1 Delay 20 KeyPressS "Enter", 1 Delay 3200 KeyPressS "B", 1 Delay 20 KeyPressS "E", 1 Delay 20 KeyPressS "Enter", 1 Delay 1200 End if feyjy=0 gosub 等待交易 //跳到等待交易 End Sub Sub 等待交易 //找图 x=Plugin.Window.Active(hwnd) FindPic 455,305,636,419,"Attachment:\公告按钮.bmp",0.9,intX,intY //扫描交易框 If intX > 0 And intY > 0 Then MoveTo 523,403 LeftClick 2 Delay 300 FindPic 0,0,1024,768,"Attachment:\11.bmp",0.9,intX,intY If intX > 0 And intY > 0 Then gosub 等待放入物品 Else gosub 站街自动喊话 End If Else gosub 站街自动喊话 End If End Sub //================================================================================ //MessageBox "正在初始话请稍等" Call Plugin.Msg.Tips("正在加载…") DqTime = lib.网络.获取网络时间() //获取网络时间,得到的时间格式为:2000-1-1 12:00:00 zzsj="2011-11-1 23:59:59" //zzsj=终止时间 终止时间为脚本使用限定的最后时间! If CDate(DqTime) 0 And intY > 0 Then i=i+1 Else gosub 检查并交易 End If Loop If i>0 KeyPress "esc",1 Delay 100 gosub 站街自动喊话 End If End Sub Sub 输入金钱 Dim qian,x,cishu Rem jiaqian qian=jiage(100) If qian<>0 then 'MsgBox "总价钱为:"&qian MoveTo 197,301 Delay 250 LeftClick 1 Delay 250 KeyPress "BackSpace", 15 //金钱输入清零 Delay 50 x=1 Dim shu cishu=len(qian) For cishu shu=left(qian,1) //取qian的左起第一个数字 qian=right(qian,cishu-x) //取qian的右起第I个数字 KeyPress shu,1 i=0 Delay 250 x=x+1 Next Else i=i+1 If i<30 //30秒内金钱为0则跳转喊话 Goto jiaqian Delay 1000 Else KeyPress "esc",1 Delay 100 gosub 站街自动喊话 End If End if Delay 100 LeftClick 1 Delay 200 gosub 检查并交易 End Sub Sub 检查并交易 Rem jiancha gosub 检查交易是否提前结束 //检查己方输入的金钱 Dim no(9) //数字特征码 no(0)="0111010001100011000110001100011000101110" no(1)="0001000011000100001000010000100001000111" //自取特征码,DNF己方金钱框专用 no(2)="0111010001100010100000100000100000111111" no(3)="0111010001100000110010000100001000101110" no(4)="0100001100010100101001001111100100011000" no(5)="1111100001000010111110000100001000101110" no(6)="0111001001000010111110001100011000101110" no(7)="1111101001010000010000100001000010000100" no(8)="0111010001100010111010001100011000101110" no(9)="0111010001100011000111110100001001001110" Dim colo(3) //颜色十六进制值 10月7日版 colo(1)="008CFF" colo(0)="0050FF" colo(2)="00F0FF" MoveTo 603,439 rightx=296 //初始x坐标 righty=299 //初始Y坐标 rx=rightx ry=righty jici=0 jine="" y=0 For 3 //千万位数字扫描 rightx=296-21*y for 3 //百位数字扫描 i=0 For 8 //单个数字扫描 rx=rightx-jici*6 //后退6个像素点 For 5 ifcolor rx,ry,colo(y),0 nob="1" Else nob="0" End If rx=rx-1 number=number&nob Next ry=ry+1 Next For 10 If number=no(i) jine=i&jine Exit For End If i=i+1 Next jici=jici+1 number="" ry=righty //循环一次结束后初始化ry坐标 Next //修改初始化值 jici=0 y=y+1 Next 'MsgBox jine Delay 100 feyjy=feyjy+1 If feyjy>120 Then //若一段时间内没有成功交易则取消交易,慎重!!! KeyPress "Esc",1 Delay 100 gosub 站街自动喊话 End If If int(jine)=jiage(1000) Then 'MsgBox "价格正确可以进行下一步交易" ifcolor 167,269,"44EEFF",0 //检查对方是否先点击了交易 MoveTo 161,426 //交易逐步点击 Delay 400 LeftClick 2 Delay 400 LeftClick 2 Delay 150 Else Goto jiancha End If Else 'MsgBox "价格不符合" gosub 输入金钱 Delay 500 Gosub 检查并交易 End If End Sub Sub 检查交易是否提前结束 i=0 Rem star FindPic 0,0,1024,768,"Attachment:\11.bmp",0.9,intX,intY If intX > 0 And intY > 0 Then Delay 500 //2分钟内未交易完成则关闭交易框 Else gosub 站街自动喊话 Goto jiewei End If rem jiewei End Sub Sub 检查是否有交易 Rem star FindPic 0,0,1024,768,"Attachment:\11.bmp",0.9,intX,intY If intX > 0 And intY > 0 Then gosub 检查并交易 Delay 100 Else ' Goto jiewei End If ' rem jiewei End Sub Sub 防掉线 kaiguan=0 For 2 MoveTo 33,439 Delay 600 KeyPress "w", 1 Delay 100 KeyPress "q", 1 Delay 100 MoveTo 89,202 Delay 100 LeftClick 1 Delay 1000 IfColor 143,437,"6DA2B9",1 then //接受任务 Delay 1000 MoveTo 143,437 Delay 100 LeftClick 1 Delay 100 KeyPress "Esc", 1 Delay 100 MoveTo 419,405 Delay 600 LeftClick 2 Else Delay 1000 //放弃任务 MoveTo 419,402 Delay 100 LeftClick 1 Delay 100 MoveTo 336,407 Delay 100 LeftClick 1 Delay 100 End If KeyPress "Esc", 1 Next EndScript End Sub Sub 输出信息 Call Plugin.Bkgnd.SendString(Hwnd2, "内容") Plugin.Window.Active hwnd2 KeyPress "enter",1 End Sub Function xiejiage(geshu,jq,wupin) Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") b=Plugin.File.ExistFile("c:\testfile.txt") If b=0 Then Set c= fso.CreateTextFile("c:\testfile.txt") set a=fso.opentextfile("c:\testfile.txt",8) Else set a=fso.opentextfile("c:\testfile.txt",8) End If a.writeline(now&"————"&"第"&geshu&"格单价:"&wupin&"价钱"&jq) a.close End Function Function jiage(yanshi) Delay yanshi Dim ss(100) ss(0)="3131CE" //强韧 ss(1)="52423A" //威严 ss(2)="84C6C6" //狂乱 ss(3)="6B6B63" //灵魂 ss(4)="528429" //灾难 ss(5)="4A4A5B" //眼睛 ss(6)="D69473" //小篮 ss(7)="848484" //无色 ss(8)="AD73D6" //碳 175,191 ss(9)="BDB5C6" // 蓝冰 ss(10)="73194A" //小黑 ss(11)="7B7BEF" //小红 ss(12)="B5B5B5" //小白 //这里使用查找颜色来获取物品 不知道在别的电脑上是否能使用 反正在我自己的电脑上是可以用的 请教一下 uservar sss0= 23000 "强韧恶魔的邀请函" uservar sss1= 23000 "威严" uservar sss2= 23000 "狂乱" uservar sss3= 3800 "灵魂" uservar sss4= 3200 "灾难" uservar sss5= 25000 "眼睛" uservar sss6= 100 "小篮" uservar sss7= 50 "无色" uservar sss8= 50 "碳" uservar sss9= 9000 "蓝冰" uservar sss11= 250 "小红" uservar sss12= 80 "小白" uservar sss10= 120 "小黑" Dim n,m,i,j,qian qian=0 n=0 geshu=1 Dim kx kx=85 //第一格物品x取色点 ux=kx Dim ky ky=191 //第一个物品y取色点 //扫描第一行物品,共8个物品格 for 8 // 单格物品扫描 For 13 IfColor ux,ky,ss(n),0 sss=0 If n=0 sss=sss0 ElseIf n=1 sss=sss1 ElseIf n=2 sss=sss2 ElseIf n=3 sss=sss3 ElseIf n=4 sss=sss4 ElseIf n=5 sss=sss5 ElseIf n=6 sss=sss6 ElseIf n=7 sss=sss7 ElseIf n=8 sss=sss8 ElseIf n=9 sss=sss9 ElseIf n=10 sss=sss10 ElseIf n=11 sss=sss11 ElseIf n=12 sss=sss12 End If jiag=wupin(geshu,sss) //获取物品价钱 'Call xiejiage(geshu,jiag,sss) 'BeginThread 输出信息 Exit For End If n=n+1 Next qian=qian+jiag //计算总价格 jiag=0 //价格清零 ux=ux+30 //x坐标加30,扫描下一个框内物品 geshu=geshu+1 //个数循环 n=0 Next jiage=qian //参数传递 End Function Function wupin(GS,JQ) //计算物品总价格 LX 查找类型 //代码太他妈有才了 //此代码论坛中有,个人觉得很好。 dim a(100) dim b(100) dim q(100) number0="Attachment:\0.bmp" number1="Attachment:\1.bmp" number2="Attachment:\2.bmp" number3="Attachment:\3.bmp" number4="Attachment:\4.bmp" number5="Attachment:\5.bmp" number6="Attachment:\6.bmp" number7="Attachment:\7.bmp" number8="Attachment:\8.bmp" number9="Attachment:\9.bmp" cishu=1 leftx=72+(GS-1)*30 //132 upy=174 //155 rightx=99+(GS-1)*30 //162 downy=185 //235 Similar=1 lx=leftx Dim n,m,p,i,j n=0 m=1 p=1 While n<>m m=n FindPic leftx,upy,rightx,downy,number0,Similar,fx,fy If fx>=0 and fy>=0 n=n+1 leftx=fx+1 a(n)=fx b(n)=0 EndIf wend leftx=lx m=m-1 While n<>m m=n FindPic leftx,upy,rightx,downy,number1,Similar,fx,fy If fx>=0 and fy>=0 n=n+1 leftx=fx+1 a(n)=fx b(n)=1 EndIf wend leftx=lx m=m-1 While n<>m m=n FindPic leftx,upy,rightx,downy,number2,Similar,fx,fy If fx>=0 and fy>=0 n=n+1 leftx=fx+1 a(n)=fx b(n)=2 EndIf wend leftx=lx m=m-1 While n<>m m=n FindPic leftx,upy,rightx,downy,number3,Similar,fx,fy If fx>=0 and fy>=0 n=n+1 leftx=fx+1 a(n)=fx b(n)=3 EndIf wend leftx=lx m=m-1 While n<>m m=n FindPic leftx,upy,rightx,downy,number4,Similar,fx,fy If fx>=0 and fy>=0 n=n+1 leftx=fx+1 a(n)=fx b(n)=4 EndIf wend leftx=lx m=m-1 While n<>m m=n FindPic leftx,upy,rightx,downy,number5,Similar,fx,fy If fx>=0 and fy>=0 n=n+1 leftx=fx+1 a(n)=fx b(n)=5 EndIf wend leftx=lx m=m-1 While n<>m m=n FindPic leftx,upy,rightx,downy,number6,Similar,fx,fy If fx>=0 and fy>=0 n=n+1 leftx=fx+1 a(n)=fx b(n)=6 EndIf wend leftx=lx m=m-1 While n<>m m=n FindPic leftx,upy,rightx,downy,number7,Similar,fx,fy If fx>=0 and fy>=0 n=n+1 leftx=fx+1 a(n)=fx b(n)=7 EndIf wend leftx=lx m=m-1 While n<>m m=n FindPic leftx,upy,rightx,downy,number8,Similar,fx,fy If fx>=0 and fy>=0 n=n+1 leftx=fx+1 a(n)=fx b(n)=8 EndIf wend leftx=lx m=m-1 While n<>m m=n FindPic leftx,upy,rightx,downy,number9,Similar,fx,fy If fx>=0 and fy>=0 n=n+1 leftx=fx+1 a(n)=fx b(n)=9 EndIf wend leftx=lx m=m-1 While pa(i) Else j=a(i) h=i EndIf i=i+1 wend a(h)=0 q(p)=h p=p+1 wend g=1 u=1 num=0 //读取到有数字返回值为 num, 没读取到有数字返回值为0 If n=0 then num=1 Else For n num=num+b(q(g))*10^(g-1) g=g+1 Next End If 'jiaqian(cishu)=num //这些都是测试时用的,可以不必理 'lx=leftx+30 'leftx=leftx+30 'rightx=rightx+30 'cishu=cishu+1 wupin=JQ*num //改初始坐标 End Function
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