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身体部位词Body Idioms (I) 身体部位成语(I) 汉语中的"亲骨肉"到了英语中就变成了blood and bone"亲血骨"。英语成语"拍某人的背"(Give someone a pat one the back)不是"拍马屁",也不是安慰某人,它的意思是"祝贺或鼓励某人"。With one's back to the wall(背靠墙)说的是"没有退路"。英语中的"使自己的血液沸腾"(Make one's blood boil)是"怒火在燃烧"的意思;而"自己体内流趟冰冷的血液"(Make one's blood run...
Body Idioms (I) 身体部位成语(I) 汉语中的"亲骨肉"到了英语中就变成了blood and bone"亲血骨"。英语成语"拍某人的背"(Give someone a pat one the back)不是"拍马屁",也不是安慰某人,它的意思是"祝贺或鼓励某人"。With one's back to the wall(背靠墙)说的是"没有退路"。英语中的"使自己的血液沸腾"(Make one's blood boil)是"怒火在燃烧"的意思;而"自己体内流趟冰冷的血液"(Make one's blood run cold)是"害怕或恐惧"的意思。热血(hot-blooded)动物易动感情,而冷血(cold-blooded)动物没有怜悯或宽容之心。汉语"从心眼里感到"在英语中也可以说Feel in one's bones"在骨头里感到"。英语的Make old bones"做老骨头"在汉语里是"活得很长"(长寿)的意思。 本单元的英语成语跟"胳膊"、"背"、"脊椎"、"血液"、"身体"和"骨头"有关。关键词包括: arm ― back ― backbone ― blood ― body ― bone ― bones 1. Cost an arm and a leg字面意思:花费一条胳膊和一条腿。 [解释] Cost too much. 价格非常昂贵。变体:Pay an arm and a leg. 跟这条成语意思相同的另一条成语是Pay through the nose (Unit 10-29). [例句] The carpet cost an arm and a leg, so we decided not to buy it. 2. Hold someone / something at arm's length字面意思:跟某人保持一条胳膊的距离。 [解释] Not allow someone to be too friendly; treat in an unfriendly and unwelcoming way. 不让某人跟自己太亲近;以不友善、不热情的方式对待某人。 [例句] I know he wants to use me, so I must hold him at arm's length. 3. Shot in the arm字面意思:在胳膊上打一针。 [解释] A boost; something that gives someone energy. 使人兴奋或精神振作的事物。说明:Shot的意思是"打针"、"注射"。 [例句] I have been feeling low for a whole week. Your email was really a shot in the arm and I feel much better now. 4. Twist someone's arm字面意思:拧某人的胳膊。 [解释] To force or persuade someone. 使某人做某事,多指"强迫"、"逼迫"。 [例句] At first he refused to help, but after his wife twisted his arm a little, he changed his mind. 5. Welcome someone / something with open arms字面意思:伸开双臂欢迎。 [解释] Welcome very happily or enthusiastically. 热烈地欢迎;非常拥护。 [例句] She is eager to go abroad, and naturally she welcomed the proposal with open arms. 6. A pat on the back字面意思:拍某人的背。 [解释] Congratulate someone; encourage someone. 祝贺或鼓励某人。变体:Get a pat on the back; Pat someone on the back和Give someone a pat on the back. [例句] When your colleagues do a good job, you should give them a pat on the back. 7. Behind somebody's back字面意思:在某人的背后。 [解释] Secretly; without the knowledge of somebody who ought to know. 秘密地;背地里。不使某人知道某事。 [例句] I don't think it is right to criticize people behind their backs. 8. Break the back of a job字面意思:折断一项工作的脊背。 [解释] Finish the hardest part of a task. 完成一项任务最艰难的部分,或一项工作的大部分。说明:Back指事物的主要部分。 [例句] She has been writing her thesis for over a year and I think she has broken the back of it by now. 9. Get someone's back up 字面意思:使脊背直起来。 [解释] Make someone angry. 使某人生气。 [例句] When he borrowed my car he returned it in a filthy state. When he came and tried to borrow my car again, I got my back up. 10. Glad to see the back of someone字面意思:很高兴看到某人的后背。 [解释] Be pleased to see him / her go away. 很高兴看到某人离开某处。 [例句] The relations came and stayed for a week, and we had to cook for them, I shall be glad to the see the back of them. 11. On one's back字面意思:躺在背上(脸向上躺着)。 [解释] Be sick / ill in bed. 有病在身;生病卧床。变体:Flat on one's back的字面意思是"平平地躺在背上"。 [例句] My son caught a bad cold last Friday, and he has been on his back ever since. 12. Put one's back into something字面意思:把自己的背放置于事物之中。 [解释] Work very hard at something. 非常努力地工作;尽全力;全力以赴。说明:就像工人钻到沉重的物体下面,要把它扛起来那样。 [例句] If you put your back into it, I am sure you could hand in your assignment on time. 13. Turn one's back on someone字面意思:把背转向某人。 [解释] Leave; go away from; refuse to help. 走开;躲避开;不给予某人帮助。 [例句] I asked him to stay for a few more days to help me, but he turned his back on me. 14. With one's back to the wall字面意思:背对着墙。 [解释] In a difficult position, so that one has to fight or try hard. 处境不利、没有退路而只能努力拼搏;背水一战。变体:With one's back against the wall.(单词back可用复数)。 [例句] The South East Asian countries have their backs to the wall because of the financial crises. The Taishan Football Team is losing four goals to two. They really have their backs to the wall against Sichuan team. 15. Have no backbone字面意思:没有脊梁骨。 [解释] Have a weak character. 性格软弱;没有骨气。 [例句] He has no backbone; when the situation gets complicated, he gives in to other people. 16. To the backbone字面意思:到了脊椎。 [解释] In every way; completely. 方方面面都是这样;彻头彻尾。 [例句] She has lived in China for 10 years, but she is Japanese to the backbone. 17. Bad blood between people字面意思:两个人之间的坏血。 [解释] Feelings of mutual hatred or strong dislike. 两个人相互间的仇恨。变体:Bad blood between A and B. [例句] There is a lot of bad blood between the Smith family and the Kennedy family. 18. In cold blood字面意思:在冷血中。 [解释] Without feeling; deliberately (cruel action done through love of cruelty). 丝毫不动感情;有意犯罪,类似"杀人不眨眼"。指残忍成性的行为。说明:形容词cold-blooded有两个意思,可以指"冷血的"(人或动物),也可以指"残忍的"(谋杀)。 [例句] We saw him shooting the pandas in the forest in cold blood. 19. Make one's blood run cold字面意思:使自己流淌冷血。 [解释] Frighten someone; fill someone with fear or horror. 使某人害怕;使某人充满恐惧或恐怖感。变体:One's blood runs cold. [例句] Her blood ran cold when she saw the man with a knife coming at her. 20. Make someone's blood boil字面意思:使人的血沸腾。 [解释] Make him / her very angry. 使人非常生气;义愤填膺。 [例句] It makes my blood boil to see people sell fake medicine. 21. One's own flesh and blood字面意思:自己的肉和血。 [解释] One's own family (such as parents, children, brothers and sisters, etc) 自家人;亲骨肉。如:父母、子女、兄弟姐妹等。 [例句] I should help my brother to pay all his debts. After all he is my own flesh and blood. 22. Someone's blood is up字面意思:血液上涨。 [解释] Somebody is very angry. 非常生气;怒火在燃烧。 [例句] From the expression on his face, I could tell that his blood is up. 23. Hot-blooded字面意思:血热的。 [解释] Passionate; quick tempered; easily made angry or excited. 易动感情。容易生气或兴奋。 [例句] His girl friend would not marry him because he was too hot-blooded. 24. Cold-blooded字面意思:冷血的。 [解释] Having or showing no feelings of mercy or pity. 没有怜悯或宽容之心。 [例句] The cold-blooded army officer ordered the killing of all the children in the village. 25. In a body字面意思:作为一个整体。 [解释] All together. (群体)一块儿(行动)。 [例句] The football team walked out of the stadium in a body because the ground was covered with ice. 26. Keep body and soul together字面意思:使身体和灵魂存在一处。 [解释] Earn enough to remain alive. 勉强能解决衣、食、住问;勉强维持温饱。 [例句] He managed to keep body and soul together by going out and selling pop corn on the street corner. 27. A bone of contention字面意思:相互争夺的骨头。 [解释] Something which is a cause of argument or quarrel. 引起争斗或吵闹的事物。 [例句] The money their father had left behind is the bone of contention among the three brothers. 28. Bone up on something字面意思:剔骨头。 [解释] Study hard. (为某一特定的目的)刻苦学习。 [例句] You must bone up on the traffic rules before applying for a driver's license (= driving licence). 29. Feel in one's bones字面意思:在骨子里感到。 [解释] Feel sure. 感到肯定;从心眼里感到(常跟that从句连用)。 [例句] We have concluded several transactions with the company; and I feel in my bones that the manager is honest and genuine. 30. Have a bone to pick with someone字面意思:跟某人挑拣骨头。 [解释] Have something to complain or quarrel about. 有向某人抱怨或争论的把柄;有借口跟某人找茬。 [例句] He will have a bone to pick with you if you continue to tease him. 31. Make no bones about something字面意思:使某物没有骨头。 [解释] Speak directly, plainly and honestly; speak without hesitation. 说话直率、坦诚,毫不犹豫。犹如汤里没有骨头,毫不犹豫地喝下去。 [例句] The new teacher made no bones about his dislike of seeing hats worn in class. 32. Make old bones字面意思:做老骨头。 [解释] Live to an old age. 活到很老;活很长时间。说明:有贬义;也可以作为一种幽默的语言。 [例句] She has never been healthy; I am afraid that she won't make old bones. 操练成语 I. 多项选择练习。 1. □What he said to Grandpa was a shot in the arm. A. What he said to grandpa was confidential. B. What he said to grandpa was very bad. C. What he said to grandpa was very exciting. 2. □I feel in my bones that the lawyer is honest. A. I am not sure if the lawyer is honest. B. I am sure that the lawyer is honest. C. Someone told me that the lawyer is honest. 3. □He has been on his back for two days. A. He is having a good rest. B. He has been sick. C. He has been working hard. 4. □They walked out of the concert hall in a body. A. They walked out of the place all together. B. Only one person walked out of the place. C. Nobody left the concert hall. 5. □She held him at arm's length. A. She was very friendly with him. B. She helped him. C. She did not want to be too friendly with him. 6. □She got her back up. A. She was greatly relieved. B. She became very angry. C. She was very helpful. 7. □Her blood is up. A. She has got hypertension. B. She is excited. C. She is very angry. 8. □The position has become a bone of contention. A. People are fighting to get the job. B. People's living standard has improved. C. The banquet is an ostentatious one. 9. □His blood ran cold. A. He was very angry. B. He was horrified. C. He was not sympathetic. 10. □There is bad blood between Tom and Mary. A. Tom and Mary are not relatives. B. Tom and Mary hate each other. C. Tom and Mary are deeply in love. II. 填单词完成下列成语。 1. welcome something with open __________________. 2. hold someone at __________________ length. 3. with one's back _________________ the wall. 4. a shot in the ________________. 5. one's own __________________ and blood. 6. a ___________________ on the back. 7. get one's ___________________ up. 8. make one's blood __________________. 9. make one's blood _________________ cold. 10. a _________________ of contention. 11. put one's ___________ into something. 12. cost an arm and a ________________. 13. behind someone's ________________. 14. twist someone's ________________. 15. have a ________________ to pick with someone. III. 找出下列成语的大概意思。 [1] in cold blood. [ ] live a long life. [2] in a body. [ ] feel certain. [3] hot-blooded. [ ] study hard. [4] a pat on the back. [ ] without feelings. [5] on one's back. [ ] quick-tempered. [6] twist someone's arm. [ ] hatred. [7] bone up on. [ ] all together. [8] feel in one's bones. [ ] encouragement. [9] bad blood. [ ] sick. [10] make old bones. [ ] force someone. IV. 根据汉英提示写出英语成语。 1. 亲骨肉 → one's ____ _____ ___ _______ 2. 没有退路 → with ____ _____ __ ___ _____ 3. 勉强维持生活 → keep ____ ___ ____ ____________ 4. 鼓励某人 → give __ _____ __ ___ ______ 5. 有病卧床不起 → flat ___ ______ ________ 6. 完成主要部分 → break ____ ________ __ _________ 7. 令人非常生气 → make __________ ______ _______ 8. 刻苦学习 → bone ___ ___ ____ _________ 9. 从内心里感到 → feel ___ _____ _________ 10. 某地里 → behind ______________ ______ V. 填单词完成下列句子。 1. You must ____________________ up on grammar if you want to pass the English test. 2. He felt in his ____________________ that his laptop was not made in America. 3. The vacancy of the position has become a ___________________ of contention between the two teachers. 4. You should not criticize your teacher behind her __________________. 5. His friend's comment annoyed him greatly, and now his __________________ is up. 6. He started working two days ago; I think he has broken the ___________________ of the job by now. 7. He has stayed with us for two weeks. I will be pleased to see the _________________ of him when he goes. 8. To me, his kind letter is a ________________ in the arm. 9. He tried hard to keep body and ________________ together. 10. What she said at the meeting made my blood ________________. VI. 用英语或汉语解释下列句子的意思。 2. He is Indian to the backbone. 3. He has a bone to pick with you. 4. He turned his back on me. 5. I will be glad to see the back of her. 6. He held me at arm's length. 7. His visit was a shot in the arm. 8. I must bone up on the operator's manual. 9. The TV set he bought cost an arm and a leg. 10. He gave me a pat on the back. 11. He has no backbone. VII. 用成语完成下列句子。 1. He only wants to take advantages of you, so you … 2. He is not healthy; I am afraid that he will not … 3. I was feeling depressed until she came. Her visit was … 4. I hope they will leave soon; and I shall be … 5. When I told him that his car had crashed, he … 6. He mended shoes on the street corner in winter to … 7. He did not want to stand for club president, but everyone … 8. When I saw the child was beaten up by his father, I… 9. When he received the threatening letter, his … He is not loyal. When I asked for his help, he … Body Idioms (II) 身体部位成语(II) 把自己一只手的中指放在食指上(Cross one's fingers for someone or something)是在"祝走运"、"祝福"或"上帝保佑"。让自己的头发垂下来(Let one's hair down)的意思是"自然、放松,现得自在,不紧张"。Hair在汉语里的意思是"毛"或"发",在英语里,身体任何部位的"毛"或"发"都是hair一个词。在成语Not turn a hair里,hair指的是动物的鬃毛,这条成语比喻的是一个人处事泰然自若的心态,既不激动,也不害怕。汉语中说?quot;钻牛角尖"到了英语里就成了Split hairs(把头发劈成瓣儿)。比喻某人有钱,英语说well-heeled(鞋后跟做得好)。西方人看一个人穿着打扮,主要看下面,鞋是更重要的标志。英语成语Pay lip service(提供嘴唇服务)没有别的意思,只是"说空话"或"说话不兑现"。 本单元的英语成语跟"胸"、"胳膊肘"、"指头"、"肉"、"头发"、"脚后跟"、"关节"、"肢体"、"唇"、"嘴"和"脖子"有关。关键词包括: breast ― chest ― elbow ― finger ― flesh ― hair ― hairs ― heel ― heels ― knuckles ― limb ― lip ― mouth ― neck 1. Make a clean breast of something字面意思:把胸脯弄干净。 [解释] Confess everything; tell somebody all about the wrong one has done. 彻底坦白认错。说明:Breast和Chest有区别,在成语中不能互换。 [例句] His solicitor advised him to make a clean breast of it to the police. 2. Get something off one's chest字面意思:让某事离开胸脯。 [解释] Tell something that has been bothering you. 把想说的话说出来;把窝在心里的话说出来。变体:Have something off one's chest. [例句] Tell me what has happened. You will feel much better if you get it off your chest. 3. At one's elbow字面意思:在胳膊肘旁边。 [解释] Keep something near or close. 将某物保留在身边;把某物带在身边。 [例句] The editorials are full of big words; so I always keep a dictionary at my elbow. 4. Have something at one's finger tips字面意思:在指头尖儿上。 [解释] Know it thoroughly. 十分了解。 [例句] If you want to have some advice on buying and selling shares, go and ask Michael, he has it all at his finger tips. 5. Lay one's finger on something字面意思:把指头放在某物上。 [解释] Discover or identify exactly. 把某事准确地弄清楚。变体:Put one's finger on something. [例句] I am sure there is a mistake in your budget report but I can't quite put my finger on it. 6. Lay a finger on someone字面意思:把一个指头放在他身上。 [解释] Touch in order to hurt someone or punish someone. 动手伤害或惩罚某人;碰某人一指头。 [例句] I will take you to court if you dare lay a finger on my daughter. 7. Twist someone around one's little finger字面意思:能让某人围着小拇指环绕。 [解释] Dominate someone; have influence on someone. 控制某人;左右某人的行为;操纵或影响某人。变体:Turn someone around one's little finger. [例句] She seems rather quiet and timid in public, but she can twist her husband around her little finger. 8. Burn one's fingers字面意思:烫了自己的手指头。 [解释] Cause suffering or trouble for oneself. 给自己带来痛苦或麻烦。 [例句] The company's future is uncertain. You will burn your fingers if you invest in the company. 9. Cross one's fingers for someone or something字面意思:为某人或某事交叉两个指头。 [解释] Wish good luck; hope for the best. 祝某人走运;为某人祝福;祝愿某人或某事吉利或顺利。说明:手势的具体做法是:中指放在同一只手的食指上使其交叉,中指同时向后弯曲。变体:Keep one's fingers crossed的大意是"祝你走运"或"愿你心想事成"。 [例句] She is going to sit for the test; and I must cross my fingers for her. 10. Meet someone in the flesh字面意思:见到肉体内的本人。 [解释] Meet someone in person; see someone in life. 亲眼见到真实的本人(而不是从照片或电视中见到的人)。变体:See someone in the flesh. [例句] We have seen her many times on TV, but we have never met her in the flesh. 11. By a hair's breadth字面意思:仅差一根头发的宽度。 [解释] Just barely; a very small distance or margin. 仅差一点儿;以非常小的差距。变体:By a whisker. 字面意思:差一根胡须。 [例句] He nearly caught up with me in the last 30 yards in the race; I only won the race by a hair's breadth. 12. Let one's hair down字面意思:让头发披下来。 [解释] Relax, behave informally. 放松;表现得自在。说明:让头发耷拉下来,而不是向后梳理得整整齐齐的那样。 [例句] They were nervous at the beginning, but after a few drinks they began to let their hair down. 13. Make someone's hair stand on end字面意思:使头发立起来。 [解释] Frighten or horrify someone. 使某人害怕、恐惧;毛骨悚然。变体:Someone's hair stood on end. 意思是"感到害怕或恐惧"。 [例句](1) The horror story made his son's hair stand on end. [例句](2) My hair stood on end when I saw the airplane crash. 14. Not turn a hair字面意思:一根毛都不动。 [解释] Remain calm; not show fear or excitement. 保持镇静、心态平稳;不害怕也不激动。说明:此处hair指动物的"鬃"或"毛"。 [例句] When he announced the exam results, the students did not turn a hair. 15. To a hair字面意思:只差一根头发。 [解释] Exactly, precisely. 准确地;精确地。 [例句] I have not seen the receipt, but I think I can guess it to a hair. 16. Have someone by the short hairs字面意思:抓住某人的短头发。 [解释] Have someone under one's control. 使某人在其控制之下。变体:Get someone by the short hairs. [例句] The Italian team scored two goals in the first 30 minutes and after that the Italian team had the Canadian team by the short hairs. 17. Split hairs字面意思:把头发劈成几瓣。 [解释] Argue about very small details or differences. 钻牛角尖。 [例句] You are splitting hairs when you say he speaks Oxford English rather than BBC English. 18. Down at heel字面意思:落差到脚后跟。 [解释] Look miserable and dressed in old clothes. 穿的衣服破旧、看起来悲惨;穷困潦倒。说明:常跟动词look连用。 [例句] The customer looked very down at heel, and he was not allowed to go into the boutique. 19. Come to heel字面意思:来到脚后跟。 [解释] Obey orders. 使屈服、服从命令。变体:Bring to heel. [例句] The new commander soon brought the rebellious soldiers to heel. 20. Well-heeled字面意思:鞋后跟做得好。 [解释] Rich, wealthy. 有钱的、富有的。 [例句] Judging by her watch and jewelry, she seems to be pretty well-heeled. 21. Cool one's heels字面意思:冷却脚后跟。 [解释] Wait, be kept waiting. 焦急等待;被迫等待。变体:Kick one's heels的字面意思是"踢脚后跟"。 [例句] She was early for her interview, so she had to cool her heels in the corridor. 22. Take to one's heels字面意思:逃到自己的脚后跟。 [解释] Run away. 跑开;逃走。 [例句] When the security guards came out, the bicycle thief took to his heels. 23. Rap someone's knuckles字面意思:敲某人的关节。 [解释] Rebuke or punish someone. 指责或惩罚某人。这条成语的变体很多:A rap across the knuckles; A rap on the knuckles; 或A rap over the knuckles. 这种变体的意思是"警告某人别再做某事"。变体还有:Get one's knuckles rapped 和Have one's knuckles rapped这种变体的意思是"受到轻微处罚",如:I got my knuckles rapped for talking too much. [例句](1) My wife rapped my knuckles for talking too much. [例句](2) I got my knuckles rapped for spending too much money. 24. Out on a limb字面意思:成了一条腿,或一条胳膊。 [解释] In a dangerous or difficult position; taking a chance or a risk. 处于危险或困难的境地而没有支持者;处于孤立无援的境地;冒风险。说明:常跟动词leave 或联系动词go 或be连用。 [例句] She really went out on a limb when she gave him permission to leave early. 25. Button one's lip字面意思:把自己的嘴唇扣子系上。 [解释] Get quiet or stay quiet. 闭嘴;不要说话(不太礼貌的话)。说明:名词lip(嘴唇)用单数;Button是动词。 [例句] The teacher is very rude. She told her new student to button his lip in class. 26. Keep a stiff upper lip字面意思:保持僵直的上嘴唇。 [解释] Be cool and unmoved by unsettling events. 沉着、冷静,对没有定局的事情不急于表态。 [例句] Michael always keeps a stiff upper lip when he is at meetings with people he has never met. 27. Pay lip service to something字面意思:提供嘴唇服务。 [解释] Say that one agrees or will do something etc but not meaning it. 表示自己同意或承诺做某事,但实际不是心里话。 [例句] The inefficient officials only pay lip service to our suggestions and they do not really listen to what we say. 28. Down in the mouth字面意思:掉在嘴里面。 [解释] Sad-faced; depressed and unsmiling. 面部表情忧愁、悲哀;沮丧、脸上没有笑容。 [例句] Ever since the excursion has been cancelled, Sally has been looking down in the mouth. 29. Laugh out of the other side of one's mouth字面意思:从嘴的另一头笑。 [解释] Change sharply from happiness to sadness. 从高兴到悲哀的180度转变。说明:就像是买了一辆很便宜的汽车,非常高兴。第二天警察找你,说车是偷来的,结果钱财两空。 [例句] Now that you know the truth, you will laugh out of the other side your mouth. 30. A pain in the neck字面意思:脖子的痛处。 [解释] A person or something that is annoying or causes trouble; nuisance. 令人讨厌或制造麻烦的人或事;令人讨厌的人或事。 [例句] He kept ringing up and asking stupid questions while I was so busy with my lesson plan. He is really a pain in the neck. 31. Get it in the neck字面意思:在脖子里得到它。 [解释] Get into serious trouble, suffer severely, be severely punished. 遇到大麻烦;遭大罪或受严厉惩罚。 [例句] If you don't do your homework, you will get it in the neck. 32. Neck and neck字面意思:脖子跟脖子。 [解释] Side by side. 并列、同时。 [例句] Surprisingly, they finished neck and neck in the race. 33. Neck or nothing字面意思:要么有脖子,要么什么也没有。 [解释] Risking everything. 冒一切风险;不顾一切。 [例句] He got a sharp pain in his stomach at
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