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第13天第14号突破复合式听写1 Adults are getting smarter about how smart babies are. Not long ago, researchers learned that 4-day-olds could understand (36) ________ and subtraction. Now, British research (37) ________ Graham Schafer has discovered that infants can learn words for uncommon th...
1 Adults are getting smarter about how smart babies are. Not long ago, researchers learned that 4-day-olds could understand (36) ________ and subtraction. Now, British research (37) ________ Graham Schafer has discovered that infants can learn words for uncommon things long before they can speak. He found that 9-month-old infants could be taught through repeated show-and-tell, to (38) ________ the names of objects that were foreign to them, a result that (39) ________ in some ways the received (40) ________ that, apart from learning to (41) ________ things common to their daily lives, children don’t begin to build vocabulary until well into their second year. “It’s no (42) ________ that children learn words, but the words they tend to know are words linked to (43) ________ situations in the home,” explains Schafer.” (44)______________________________________________________________________________with an unfamiliar voice giving instructions in an unfamiliar setting.”   Figuring out how humans acquire language may shed light on why some children learn to read and write later than others, Schafer says, and could lead to better treatments for developmental problems. (45) ___________________________________________________________________. “Language is a test case for human cognitive development,” says Schafer. But parents eager to teach their infants should take note: (46) ___________________ __________________________________________. “This is not about advancing development,” he says. “It’s just about what children can do at an earlier age than what educators have often thought.”    :   36. addition  37. psychologist  38. recognize  39. challenges  40. wisdom  41. identify   42. secret  43. specific   44. This is the first demonstration that we can choose what words the children will learn and that they can respond to them   45. What’s more, the study of language acquisition offers direct insight into how humans learn 46. Even without being taught new words, a control group caught up with the other infants within a few moths 2 [17:57.47]Knowledge may be acquired through conversation, watching television or traveling, ]but the deepest and most consistent way is through reading. [18:07.86]If we consider the literate population of the world, we may conclude that a few spend their whole lives on academic reading; many read something light for pleasure and a few dip into something more serious now and then; [18:23.06]while very many men, women and children never advance beyond the sports page of a newspaper, [18:29.73]a fashion article or the comics. [18:32.91]If you have learnt to love books as a child, the reading habit will never desert you. [18:38.04]But if this has not been your good fortune, [18:41.22]you tend to think of reading as a bore. [18:44.17]A few, but very few, come to the habit late in life. [18:48.76]In order to desire to read one must be curious. [18:52.70]A few children are able to keep this curiosity [18:56.09]and their mental independence alive [18:58.39]despite the educational system of their country. [19:01.13]But many fail to do so either [19:03.33]because of an over strict system [19:05.30]where what is most important is memory work [19:08.25]or because of a careless and lazy one [19:11.20]where even the basic disciplines of literacy [19:13.83]are ignored in the sacred name of free expression. [19:17.88]Thus, various circumstances are not favorable for the reading habit. [19:23.23]And we may add to this the worldwide atmosphere of violence and disorder, [19:28.38]the New Dark Age in which we live today. [19:31.65]Many of us no longer have the peace of mind [19:34.28]necessary to a quiet hour with a book. [19:37.45]But it is precisely because of our present troubles that we should read. 3 When you have a dog it is necessary to care for it very carefully. In return you will be loved by your dog. The most important part of dog care is cleanliness. Not only does the dog have to be kept clean, but his environment should also be clean. The bed he sleeps in can be made with anything like a rug or a dog mattress. Proper feeding is also important for your dog' s health. A dog should be fed in the same place and on a regular schedule. If your dog refuses to eat, don' t force him. Remove his food and don' t feed him again until his next regular feeding. Food should never be left before a dog for more than 30 minutes. One important thing that many dog owners forget is exercise for the dog. Vigorous exercise helps build strength and keeps the dog healthy. A regular walk at a fixed time of the day is enough to help a smaller dog live a healthier and happier life. Large dogs, though, require a run in an open field. There are other things that are also important for a dog' s health -- things like bathing, care of the teeth and nails, keeping them away from insects as much as possible. But if you observe the three main points covered above, your dog will give you a great amount of pleasure. 4 Silver cars are much less likely to be involved in a serious crash than cars of other colours, suggests a new study of over 1,000 cars.   People driving in silver cars were 50 per cent less likely to suffer serious injury in a crash compared with drivers of white cars, the research in New Zealand found.   White, yellow, grey, red and blue cars carried about the same risk of injury. But those in black, brown or green cars were twice as likely to suffer a crash with serious injury.   Sue Furness, at the University of Auckland, led the study but says the team does not know why silver cars appear safer. “We think it may be due to a combination of light reflectivity(反射),” she suggests.   She suggests that increasing the proportion(比例) of silver cars on the road might provide a “passive strategy(策略)” to cut car crash injuries.   “If there’s proof that certain colours are safer and easier to see in all road conditions, that might be useful to people in terms of purchasing(buying) a car,” says Roger Vincent, of the UK Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents. But he adds, “A lot of people will buy things purely on fashion.”   In their study, Furness and her colleagues pay attention to the engine size, make and age of the car, as well the sex, age, socio-economic status(状况) and ethnicity(民族) of the drivers. They are also controlled for road conditions and surrounding light conditions.   But Vincent says other factors could be important, such as the way people view different colours, how many miles the car has on the clock and the background being driven against. 5 6   With the assassination of President McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, not quite 43,became the youngest President in the Nation’s history. He brought new excitement and power to the Presidency, as he (36)______ led Congress and the American public toward progressive (37)_____and a strong foreign policy.   He took the view that the President should take whatever (38)______necessary for the public good unless expressly (39)______by law or the Constitution." I did not (40)______ power, " he wrote," but I did greatly (41)______the use of executive power."   Roosevelt’s youth differed sharply from that of the log cabin Presidents. He was born in New York City in 1858 into a (42)_____family, but he too struggled against ill health and in his triumph became an advocate of the (43)______ life. As President, Roosevelt held the ideal that (44)________ ___________.   Roosevelt’s achievements are numerous. He won the Nobel Peace Prize for mediating the Russo-Japanese War,reached a Gentleman’s Agreement on immigration with Japan, and sent the Great White Fleet on a goodwill tour of the world. Some of his most effective achievements were in conservation.(45)_____ _____________ __.   Leaving the Presidency in 1909,Roosevelt went on an African journey and then jumped back into politics. While running for President again, he was shot in the chest.(46)_________ _____ :"No man has had a happier life than I have led; a happier life in every way."   36.vigorously  37.reforms  38.action  39.forbidden  40.misuse  41.broaden  42.wealthy  43.energetic   44.the government should have the power to deal with conflicting economic forces in the nation and guarantee justice to each.   45.He added enormously to the national forests in the West,reserved lands for public use, and fostered great irrigation projects.   46.Roosevelt soon recovered, but his words at that time would have been applicable at the time of his death in 1919. 06年12 Section C 注意:此部分请在答题卡2上作答。 Adults are getting smarter about how smart babies are. Not long ago, researchers learned that 4-day-oldscould understand (36)____ and subtraction. Now, British research (37)____Graham Schafer has discovered that infant scan learn words for uncommon things long before they can speak. He found that 9-month-old infants could be taught, through repeated show-and-tell, to (38)_______the names of objects that were foreign to them, a result that(39)________in some ways the received (40)______that, apart from learning to (41)______things common to their daily lives, children don't begin to build vocabulary until well into their second year. "It's no (42)______that children learn words, but the words they tend to know are words linked to (43)_________situations in the home," explains Schafer." 44)_____ ______ with an unfamiliar voice giving instructions in an unfamiliar setting." Figuring out how humans acquire language may shed light on why some children learn to read and write later than others, Schafer says, and could lead to better treatments for developmental problems. (45)___________ _______. "Language is a test case for human cognitive development," says Schafer. But parents eager to teach their infants should take note: (46)_______________ __________ . "This is not about advancing development," he says. "It's justabout what children can do at an earlier age than what educators have often thought." 36. addition 37. psychologist 38. recognize 39. challenges 40. wisdom 41. identify 42. secret 43. specific 44. This is the first demonstration that we can choose what words the children will learn and that they can respond to them 45. What’s more, the study of language acquisition offers direct insight into how humans learn 46. Even without being taught new words, a control group caught up with the other infants within a few moths 07年06月 Section C 注意:此部分试题在答题卡2上作答。 Nursing, as a typically female profession, must deal constantly with the false impression that nurses are there to wait on the physician. As nurses, we are (36)_________ to provide nursing care only. We do not have any legal or moral (37)_________ to any physician. We provide health teaching, (38)_________ physical as well as emotional problems, (39)_________ patient-related services, and make all of our nursing decisions based upon what is best or suitable for the patient. If, in any (40)_________, we feel that a physician's order is (41)_________ or unsafe, we have a legal (42)_________ to question that order or refuse to carry it out. Nursing is not a nine-to-five job with every weekend off. All nurses are aware of that before they enter the profession. The emotional and physical stress, however, that occurs due to odd working hours is a (43)_________ reason for a lot of the career dissatisfaction. (44)____________________________________________. That disturbs our personal lives, disrupts our sleeping and eating habits, and isolates us from everything except job-related friends and activities. The quality of nursing care is being affected dramatically by these situations. (45)____________________________________________. Consumers of medically related services have evidently not been affected enough yet to demand changes in our medical system. But if trends continue as predicted, (46)_______________________________. 详解答案 07年12月 Section C 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。 If you are like most people, you’ve indulged in fake listening many times. You go to history class, sit in the 3rd row, and look at the instructor as she speaks. But your mind is far away, in the clouds of pleasant daydreams. you come back to earth. The instructor writes an important term on the chalkboard, and you copy it in your notebook. Every once in a while the instructor makes a witty remark, causing others in the class to laugh. You smile politely, pretending that you’ve heard the remark and found it mildly .You have a vague sense of that you aren’t paying close attention. But you tell yourself that any you miss can be picked up from a friend’s notes. Besides, . So back you go into your private little world, only later do you realize you’ve missed important information for a test. Fake listening may be easily exposed, since many speakers are sensitive to facial cues and can tell if you’re merely pretending to listen. . Even if you are not exposed there’s another reason to avoid fakery. It’s easy for this behavior to become a habit. For some people, the habit is so deeply rooted that . As a result, they miss lots of valuable information. 36. squarely  37. floating  38. Occasionally  39. dutifully  40. witty  41. humorous.  42. guilt  43. material   44. the instructor’s talking about road construction in ancient Rome, and nothing could be more boring   45. Your blank expression, and the faraway look in your eyes are the cues that betrayed you inattentiveness 46. they automatically start daydreaming when a speaker begins talking on something complex or uninteresting 08年06月 Section C 注意:此部分试题在答题卡2上作答。 I'm interested in the criminal justice system of our country. It seems to me that something has to be done if we're to (36) _________ as a country. I certainly don't know what the answers to our problems are. Things certainly get (37) _________ in a hurry when you get into them. But I wonder if something couldn't be done to deal with some of these problems. One thing I'm concerned about is our practice of putting (38) _________ in jail who haven't harmed anyone. Why not work out some system (39) _________ they can pay back the debts they owe society instead of (40) _________ another debt by going to prison, and of course, coming under the (41) _________ of hardened criminals. I'm also concerned about the short prison sentences people are (42) _________ for serious crimes. Of course, one alternative to this is to (43) _________ capital punishment, but I'm not sure I would be for that. I'm not sure it's right to take an eye for eye. (44) __________________________ _____. I also think we must do something about the insanity plea. In my opinion, anyone who takes another person's life intentionally is insane; however, (45) _______________ ________________. It's sad, of course, that a person may have to spend the rest of his life, or (46) __________________ ___________ __. 36. survive 37. complicated 38. offenders 39. whereby 40. incurring 41. influence 42. serving 43. restore 44. The alternative to capital punishment is longer sentences, but they would certainly cost the tax payers’ much money. 45. that does not mean that the person isn't guilty of the crime, or that he shouldn't pay society the debt he owes. 46. a large part of it in prison for acts that he committed while not in full control of his mind. 08年12月有 09年06月 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。 English is the leading international language. In different countries around the globe, English is acquired as the mother (36) __________, in others it's used as a second language. Some nations use English as their (37) __________ language, performing the function of (38) __________; in others it's used as an international language for business, (39) __________ and industry. What factors and forces have led to the (40) __________ of English? Why is English now considered to be so prestigious that, across the globe, individuals and societies feel (41) __________ if they do not have (42) __________ in this language? How has English changed through 1,500 years? These are some of the questions that you (43) __________ when you study English. You also examine the immense variability of English and (44) _____________________ ___________________________________________________.You develop in-depth knowledge of the intricate structure of the language. Why do some nonnative speakers of English claim that it's a difficult language to learn, while (45) ___________________ _______________________________________________________________ ?At the University of Sussex, you are introduced to the nature and grammar of English in all its aspects. This involves the study of sound structures, the formation of words, the sequencing of words and the construction of meaning, as well as examination of the theories explaining these aspects of English usage. (46)_________________________ __________________________________________________, which are raised by studying how speakers and writers employ English for a wide variety of purposes. 详解答案 09年12月有 0706 36. 【答案】licensed 【解析】be动词后或加to do示将来,或加动词的过去分词表被动。根据前文,作为护士,我们主要干什么呢?license表示"授权",根据句义,此处应为被动,护士被授予某种权利。 37. 【答案】obligation 【解析】形容词的后面应该用名词。第一句人们误认为护士是和医生紧密联系在一起的,实际上,护士对医生没有任何法律或道德上的义务。 38. 【答案】assess 【解析】通观上下文,此句是个排比句,同一个主语,动词排列。根据发音,assess,注意拼写中两个s。 39. 【答案】coordinate 【解析】和38空相似,因为排比此处需要一个动词。考生可以记忆词缀来扩大词汇量,co是个前缀,表示"一起",拼写中应注意形式。 40. 【答案】circumstance 【解析】any后应该是个名词,而且可以和介词in搭配,in any circumstance,表示在任何情况下,是个比较常用的短语。 41. 【答案】inappropriate 【解析】or的后面用到unsafe,这说明前面的词汇应该是和unsafe同义,应该是个表示否定的单词。考生应根据上下文添加表示否定的弱读前缀in。 42. 【答案】responsibility 【解析】冠词a的后面应该用名词。上半句说,如果我们认为不安全或不合适,在法律上我们有责任质疑。 43. 【答案】prime 【解析】在名词的前面应该用形容词进行修饰。考生应简化句子结构,判断句子主语为stress,压力是最主要的原因。 44. 【答案】It is sometimes required that we work overtime, and that we change shifts four or five times a month 【解析】上文讲到精神和身体上的压力是最主要的原因。下文讲到这扰乱我们的日常生活等等不好的方面,句子用that做主语,根据语法,that指代空白处的句子。听力关键词为overtime,change shifts(换班),其语法重点是虚拟语气的使用。It is required后面的that从句用虚拟语气,其表现形式为should do,或did(过去式)。 45. 【答案】Most hospitals are now staffed by new graduates, as experienced nurses finally give up trying to change the system 【解析】上文讲因为这些原因护理质量受到了严重影响。而医院的做法呢?听力关键词为staffed, experienced,其中重点(也是难点)是staff作为动词的含义,"充当职员",考生可用employ或use等同义词来替换。 46. 【答案】they will find that most critical hospital care will be provided by new, inexperienced, and sometimes inadequately trained nurses 【解析】前文讲消费者还没有感觉到明显的影响,但这种趋势如果持续下去,结果如何呢?听力关键词为critical, inexperienced, inadequately,其中后两个前文曾经出现过,不应该成为听力难点。 0806 0906 36.【答案】tongue 【解析】此空比较简单,mother tongue或native language都表示"母语"。 37.【答案】official 【解析】此处用形容词来修饰名词,official language指"官方语言"。 38.【答案】administration 【解析】administration意为"行政",有些国家把英语当作官方语言,履行行政功能。 39.【答案】commerce 【解析】从前面的语境来看,英语被当作国际语言,为商业、经济、工业服务。 40.【答案】spread 【解析】spread在这里做名词用,表示"传播,广泛使用"。 41.【答案】disadvantaged 【解析】系动词feel后用形容词表示某种感情,所以考生要注意disadvantage后加d变成了形容词,意为"处于不利地位的"。 42.【答案】competence 【解析】have competence in作为固定短语,意为"在......有能力"。考生注意competence的拼写。 43.【答案】investigate 【解析】本空需要填动词,定语从句来修饰前面的名词questions。根据前后文,可断定动词用现在时态。 44.【答案】come to understand how it's used as a symbol of both individual identity and social connection 【解析】根据and前面的句子,后面的动词应该和examine并列,句子用现在时态。需要注意的词汇:symbol,identity,connection。 45. 【答案】infants born into English-speaking communities acquire their language before they learn to use forks and knives 【解析】本
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