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簡明中國古典文獻學英漢詞典[转载]簡明中國古典文獻學英漢詞典 [转载]簡明中國古典文獻學英漢詞典 发信站: 日月光华 (2008年10月10日10:41:47 星期五), 站内信件 【 以下文字转载自 FDU_Chinese 讨论区 】 【 原文由 souljacker 所发表 】 A a book of rubbings, rubbing from stone 拓本 a chronicle of somebody's life 年谱 a horizontal inscribed board 匾额 a list of required reading ...
[转载]簡明中國古典文獻學英漢詞典 [转载]簡明中國古典文獻學英漢詞典 发信站: 日月光华 (2008年10月10日10:41:47 星期五), 站内信件 【 以下文字转载自 FDU_Chinese 讨论区 】 【 原文由 souljacker 所发表 】 A a book of rubbings, rubbing from stone 拓本 a chronicle of somebody's life 年谱 a horizontal inscribed board 匾额 a list of required reading 必读书目 a manuscript left unpublished by the author at his death, posthumous manuscript 遗稿 a rubbing from ancient tablets as a model of calligraphy碑帖 a Song Dynasty block-printed edition 宋刻本 a torn book 被撕毁的书 a variant form of a Chinese character 异体字 abso1ute size 精确开本 absorbed serials,amalgamation of serials 期刊合并 abstract, digest 文摘 abstracting 编写摘要 academic authority 学术权威 academic bookstore 学术出版物书店 academic discussion,academic disputation,scientific conference,academ y 学术团体 symposium,co11oquium,seminar 学术讨论会 academic library,1earnedlibrary,scho1ar1y library,research library 学 术性图书馆 academic member 学术界人士 academic press,scholarly press 学术出版社 academic research 学术研究 academic thesis,research paper,scientific paper 学术论文 academic world,academic circles,schoo1s 学术界 according to historical records 据史书记载 added edition 补充版 added entry,secondary entry 补充著录 additional bibliographical particulars 补充著录事项 administration of periodicals,management of magazine 期刊管理 alias,byname,nickname,another name 别名 a11 cloth,full cloth 全布面装 a11 rights reserved,copyright reserved,property in copyright,right of reproduction reserved 版权所有 a11published 全部出版(指多卷本或系列书) alphabetic system of writing, alphabetic writing 拼音文字 amateur edition 私人收藏本 ambiguous term 歧义词 amorphous series 不定型丛书 an inscription on a tablets, epigraph 碑文 ancient books 竹帛 annalistic style 编年体 annotating 编写注释 annotation explanatory notes 诠释 annual,annals,annual report,annual bulletin,annual issue 年报 annual assembly,annual conference,annual meeting,general meeting年会 annual circulation 年流通量,年发行量 anonymous 佚名的 anonymous document 匿名文献 antiquarian,antiquary 文物工作者 apostrophe 省字符(') append their explanations 系辞 appraise something through discussion 评议 approval process 审批手续 archaeological find, unearthed cultural relics,unearthed artifacts, unearthed objects 出土文物 archaeology 考古学 art of bookbinding 书籍装订术 association of documents 文献类族 author's correction 作者自行订正 author series 自著丛书,个人丛书 authoritative author 权威著者 authorized edition 审定版 autobiography 自传 auxiliary materials(for instruction) 补充教材 auxiliary subdivisions of period,auxiliary subdivisions of time 年代复 分号[编] B BA(Bachelor of Arts), Bachelor of letters, Bachelor of Literature 文学 学士 back decoration 书脊装饰 back of a book,backbone,book back 书脊 back print 书脊印字 ballad, folk rhyme 民谣 bamboo carving ,bamboo engraving 竹刻 bamboo slips(used for writing on during ancient times) 竹简 bamboo slips and silk (used for writing on during ancient times);writ ing paper made from bamboo 竹纸 banner word标词 BC(Bibliographic Classification)书目分类法 be lost失传 biannual(publication) 半年刊 bibliographer 目录学家 bibliographic center 书目中心 bibliographic compilation 书目编制 bibliographic data base 书目资料库 bibliographic description 书目著录,书目描述 bibliographic documentation 书目文献工作 bibliographical history 书目沿革,目录学史 bibliographic of bibliographies 书目的书目,书志目录 bibliographic organization 目录组织 bibliographic structure,catalog structure 目录结构 bibliographic tools 目录工具书 bibliographical fi1e 目录卡片档 bibliographical history 目录学史,书目沿革 bibliographical information,book trade journal 书汛 bibliographical work 目录工作 bibliography 书目 bibliography,catalogue,ro11,1ist,table of contents 目录 bibliography entity 文献著录对象 bibliophilist, book collector 藏书家 big-seal style 大篆 bind in bound,bind in paper board,half-bound 半精装 bind in paper cover;soft cover ; paper-bound 平装 binding from sheets 散叶装订 biographical dictionary ,who's who 人名辞典 block book,xylographic book 木版书 b1ock letter,wood type,wooden type 木活字block(of a tray) 目录盒挡板 block-printed edition, carving copy 刻本 block-printed edition prepared by a bookshop 坊本 bo1t edge,bolts,deckle edge,rough edges,uncut edge, untouched edge, untrimmed edge,fuzzy edge 毛边 book card书卡 book case, fore1,slip case,s1ip cover 书套 book catalogue,vo1ume catalogue 书本式目录 book cover 书的封面封底 book decoration 书籍装帧 book depository,book room ,book stack 书库 book display,exhibition of books 书展 book-edge trimming 毛本切边 book hawker 书刊小贩 book illumination 书籍装饰 book illustration,i11tlstratjon 书籍插图 book in sheets,book in quires 散叶书(未装订成册的书) book jacket,dust cover 书的护封 book-kiosk, bookstall 书亭 book—1ength 书的篇幅 book man's glossary 书业词汇 book man's manual 书业手册 book manufacture ;book trade 书业 book number 书号 book review,appraisal of books,book notice 书评 book review column 书评栏 book review digest 书评摘要 book review journal,book review periodical 书评刊物,书评杂志 book reviewer,critic of books 书评家 book size 书籍开本 book size,book shape,book format 书型 bookstall,bookstand 书摊 book support,bookend,book brace 书档 books and newspapers 书报 books and periodicals 书刊 bottom note, foot note, footnote, subscript 脚注 brief biography, profile 小传 broken back,broken binding,defective copy,worn book,worn-out copy 破 损本 broken letter,spoiled letter,broken type 破损字[印] bucolic poem 田园诗 burin, graver, nicking tool 刻刀 C calendar,single-page calendar 年历 calligrapher 书法家 calligraphic version 书法形式 calligraphy,chirography,penmanship 书法 caption title文首题名 carve characters, engrave characters 刻字 carved stone;stone inscription 石刻 catalog card 目录卡 catalog card filling arrangement 目录卡排列法 catalog maintenance 目录管理,目录维护 catalogue of rare and uncommon works 善本书目 censorship"books 书刊审查制度 characters cut in intaglio阴文 characters cut in relief 阳文 characters on a seal carved in relief 朱文 check and approve 审阅 check character 校验字符 check mark,correction markings,proof correction marks 校对符号 Chinese classics 中国古典文学 Chinese language and literature 中国语言文学 Chinese writing brush 毛笔 choose through Public appraisal 评选 chromatography 套印 chromatography edition套印本 chromo xylograph 木版彩色画 chromo xylography 木版彩印术 chronicle 编年史 chronicle, synchronism 编年表 chronological device 编年法 chronological table,chrono1ogy 年表 citation index 文献资料来源索引 classic Chinese 文言 classical language, classical style of writing, writing in classical Chinese 文言文 clay matrix 泥版 clay type 泥活字 clerical error 书写错误 clerical type 书写体 clerk,scrivener文书,文牍人员 co11ation,emendation,textual criticism 校勘 collect, store up 收藏 co11ected letters 书信集 co11ection of poems,Poetry,Poetry antho1ogy 诗集 collection of translations 译丛 collector 收藏家 colloquial language, proverb 俗语 colloquium 专题座谈会 collotype 珂罗版 co1ophon 版权页标记,书写题署 comment,remark,review,commentary,critic annotation,criticism,edito rial,note 评论 comments or remarks written in red with a brush 朱批 commented edition评注本 common speech(of Chinese language),standard Chinese pronunciation普通话 complete biography 全传(描述被传人一生历史情况的传记作品) complete co11ection,complete edition,complete series,complete set, complete works,who1e works,corpus,Universal set 全集 complete series 全套丛书 complete vo1ume 全卷 Confucian canon 儒家经传 Confucian classics 儒家经书 contents list bulletin 目录简报(期刊的) contents overleaf 目次见后页 contents page,contents sheet 目次页 copy of reproduction, facsimile (edition) 摹本 copy with leaves uncut,copy with pages uncut,unopened copy,untrimmed copy 毛边本 copyright infringement 版权侵犯 copyright library,deposit library,depository library 版本图书馆 copyright Page 版权页 correct,proofread,rectify,revise 校正 correction note or arbitrary sign in manuscript editing审读注(审阅稿件 时的批注) corrections on proof sheets 校样校对 couplets, couplets written on scrolls 对联 cover-to-cover translation 全译本(期刊各期的全文译本) critical apparatus,exposition,notes and commentary 评论性注释(评注) critical bibliography 评论性书目 critical biography 评传 critical edition 评述版 critical evaluation,evaluation,appraisement appreciation,assessment critical interpretation of ancient texts 训诂学 cultural relics 文物 cut blocks for printing 刻版排印 D damaged book,torn book 破损图书 damaged with Pages missing 破损缺页(指书刊) date of the edition 版本年代 deckle—edged book 毛边书 deckle—edged paper,ingrain; writing paper made 毛边纸 declarative statement,specification statement 说明语句 defective leaf 破损页 deluxe binding 精装 deluxe edition,deluxe vo1ume,bound vo1ume 精装本 dialectal novel 方言小说 ding (the caldron) 鼎 discipline,subject,branch of learning,course 学科 discontinued publication ,extinct book , out of print publication绝版图 书 doctoral dissertation,doctoral thesis 博士论文 doctrine,theory 学说 document abstract retrieval equipment 文献文摘检索 document ana1ysis 文献分析 document base,documentary information carrier,medium of data 文献载体 document category 文献类目,文献范畴 document collection 文献汇编 document delivery,document supply 文献提供 document depository,document storage,document store, documentation depot 文献库 document description 文献著录 document,1iterature 文献 document repair,document restoration 文献修复 document type 文献类型 document utility 文献利用率 documentary film 文献片 documentary information 文献情报学,文献信息学 documentary statistics,b5bltometrics 文献统计学 documentary unit 文献单元 documents depository 文献贮藏馆 dramatic poetry,drama in verse,poetic drama诗剧 Dynasty(618-907)with alternate prose and rhymed parts for recitation and singing 变文 E edition file,textual bibliography 版本书目(图书馆采购用) edition statement uncertain 版本说明不详 edition 版本 editor's comments 编者按 editor's preface 编者序言 eight-part essay OR stereotyped writing 八股文 eight trigrams 八卦 elliptical title 省略书名 emendation 校雠学 emendation, redaction,amendment 校订 emendation,textual criticism 校勘学 emendator 校订者 English-Chinese bilingual textbook 英汉对照读本 enlightened reading materials 启蒙读物,入门书 epic,epic poem 史诗,叙事诗 epilogue postscript,postscript 跋 epistle 书信体诗文 episto1ary novel 书信体小说 episto1ary style 书信体 epitaph,inscription on the memorial tablet within a tomb 墓志铭 errata ,corrigenda 勘误表 evaluative abstract 评论性文摘 examination of documents 文献鉴定 explanations of words in ancient books,gloss(行间页边的注释) 训诂 extant 作者遗著手稿 extent length(of a Piece of writing);space (on a printed page)篇幅 F fairy—story,fairytale 神话故事 facsimile reproduction 拓制 filial piety 孝 fine edition handsome copy 精美版 flimsy,tissue-paper 薄纸 folio edition 对开版 folio, folio volume 对开本 folklore, popular legend, folk legend 民间传说 folk custom, folkways 民俗 foreword 绪言 format 版式 forty-eightmo, quadrigesimo-octavo, 48 mo 四十八开本 four emblematic symbols 四象 four virtues 四德 full gilt,a11 edges gilt 全金边(指书籍装潢) full leather binding,who1e binding 全革装 full set, complete set,complete series,who1e set 全套 G general works on the classics 诸经 go down in history 载入 go over a manuscript,go over a draft 审稿 graphic arts process 书画制版法 H half cloth,half linen 半布装 half-cloth-bound 半布装本 half-monthly, semimonthly, twice monthly 半月刊 half-sheet imposition,half—sheet work, work and turn 全张翻版印[印] half-volume 半卷本 hand bookbinding手工装订 handbook, manual, check book, guide手册 handwriting,manuscript,script,scripture,manuscript手抄本抄写人 handwriting 手迹 hand-written copy, hand-written text手抄本 his ancestral temple and the altars 宗庙 historian,historiographer 史学家 historical accounts of past events文史资料 historical accounts of past events,historical data,historical events ,historical materials,historical sources史料 historical bibliography,history of books 书史 historiographer,official historian 史官(古代编史者) historiography 编史工作 history,annals 史册 history,historical records 史书,史籍 ho1ograph 手稿文献 ho1otheme 全面主题 house journal,house magazine 内部刊物 I ideograph 表意文字 ideo1ogical comments思想评论 ignore specification省略说明 imitation Song-Dynasty-style typeface 仿宋字体 in book form书本式 incomplete series 不成套丛书 index 索引 index of names,index of persons,name index 人名索引 index term 索引词 indexed document 标引文献 indicative abstract 说明性文摘 individual biography 别传 infringement of copyright 侵犯版权 ink from cinnabar 朱墨 inscribed wooden slip 木简 inscribed wooden tablet 木牍 inscription, epigraph, superscription, table 铭文 inscriptions of classics on stone石经 inscriptions on ancient bronze objects 钟鼎文,金文 introduction 绪论 issue number期号 item entry,document entry 文献款目 J journal 学报 journa1 article statistics期刊论文统计 journal evaluation期刊评价 journal holdings期刊馆藏 journal literature期刊文献 L lay particular stress on 偏重 layout 版面 layout editor 版面编辑 layout(或makeup)of a printed sheet,layout, makeup 版面安排 learne academy of classical learning 书院 learned report,academic report 学术报告 leather binding 皮面装订 leather bound 皮面装订本 leather gilt 皮面烫金本 level of scho1arship 学术水平 line justification齐行 literary and artistic creation 文艺创作 literary criticism 文学批评 literary form 文学体裁 literary sketch 文学小品 literary sketches 笔记小说 literary supplement 文学增刊 literature and history文史 1iterature explosion 文献爆炸 literature manuscript 文学手稿 1iterature resources 文献来源 literature review, literary criticism 文艺评论 1iterature scattering 文献分布 1iterature search,document retrieval 文献检索 1ithograph,lithography,lithographic printing,litho-offset 石印 1ithoraphic paper石印纸 local records, local chronicles 方志 1ocation by size,physical arrangement 书型排列法 lost ancient book 佚书 lunar calendar 阴历 1yric poet,lyricist,1yrist 抒情诗人 1yric poetry 抒情诗 lyric prose 抒情散文 M made-up copy 修补本 magazine compact edition期刊缩印版 make a catalogue 编目 make a draft 拟稿 make an inventory of books; book checking清点图书 manual cataloguing手工编目 manual plate making手工制版 manuscript card手写卡片 manuscript notes 札记 manuscrripto1ogy 手稿学 memorandum 备忘录 miscellaneous history 杂史 monograph 专题著作 monograph series, monographic series 专著丛书 monograph, treatise 专著 monographer 专著作者 monographic study 专题研究 mulberry paper桑皮纸 mural painting 壁画 museo1ogy 博物馆学 muslin 平纹细布[装] myth,mythos,mytho1ogy,fairytale神话 mythology,book of fairy—tales神话故事集 N nameless document 不署名文献 national bibliography全国总书目 national catalogue,national union catalogue全国联合目录 newspaper index 报纸索引 not available for distribution,not public 不公开发行 not to be reproduced 不准翻印 notes and commentary 诠注 novel with llustrated fine-lined portraits of main characters 绣像小说 O octavo 八开本 odd copy,odd issue,odd part,unbound sues,odd numbers 散册,零本 odd volume 散卷 official script---an ancient style of calligraphy current in the Han Dynasty(206B.C-A.D220),simplified from Xiao zhuan 隶书 offset plate 胶印版 old edition 旧版 old stock 旧藏 out of print, exhausted edition 绝版 ownership stamp, book stamp 藏书章 P page-on galley proof; press proof 清样 pages missing 缺页 paper—bound vo1ume,paperbound edition,paper,copy 平装本 paper for covering books 书皮纸 parallel sentences 骈句 periodical article,periodical literature,journal article 期刊论文 periodical ho1dings期刊专藏 periodical index期刊索引 periodical issue number期刊序号 periodical,serial,journal,magazine期刊 periodicals co11ection,periodicals library,journal collection,magazin e stacks期刊库 permission of copyright,transfer of copyright , assignment of copyright 版权转让 phonetic alphabet, phonetic letters 拼音字母 piracy, plagiarism 侵犯著作权 pocket book, pocket edition 袖珍本 popular edition,cheap edition,every man paper back 普及本 posthumous edition, posthumous work 遗著 posthumous papers 遗书 preface 序言 prehistoric age 史前时代 press corrector,proof reader,collator 校对员 press reader 清样校对人 press,publishin8house 书局 primary document 一次文献,原始文献 princes 诸侯 printed but not published,privacy issue,restricted 内部发行 printed in red and black 朱墨套印 printing of Wood—cut 木刻版 private co11ection 私人藏书 private library,proprietary library 私立图书馆 private press 私营(或私立)出版社 process printing 彩色套印 professional paper 专业论文 professional periodicals 专业期刊 professional literature 专业文献 proof in page,proof in sheets,1ayout sheet 版样 proof plate 校样印版 proof reader's errors 校对错误 proof,proof sheet 校样 proofread,co11ate,check against a standard;proof reading,co11ation校 对 prose works 散文集 Q quoins 版楔[印] R radical,character components,basic structural parts of Chinese characters 偏旁 raised type 阳文铅字 rare book, good edition, scare book 善本书 rare-book stack 善本书库 read and appraise 评阅 read and revise 校阅 reading case 书夹 redaction 增补版 refereeing 审稿工作 referee 审稿员 reference books with material taken from various sources and arranged according to subjects;general cyclopedia 类书 registering 套版 regular script (in Chinese calligraphy) 楷书 remark 备注 replaced copy 补缺本 replaced page 补缺页 reportage 报告文学 reprint with corrections 校正重印 Research Institute of Culture and History文史馆,文史资料馆 research journal,sdho1arly journal 学术性刊物,学术性杂志 research paper 研究论文 research subject 研究课题 reserved collection 保留本藏书 reserved copy 保留本 reserved edition 保存版 reservoir library 保存图书馆,贮备图书馆 restore ancient text 校勘古本 restricted publication 内部发行出版物 retouching, dot-etching 修版 review article 评论文章 reviewer 书评作者 reviewer,critic 评论家 revise, castigate 修订 revise teaching materials 审订教材 rhythmical prose characterized by parallelism and ornateness 骈文 rock cave,grotto 石窟 rope paper 麻制纸 royalty(on books) 版税 rub 拓印 rubbing 拓片 rules for filing catalog cards,filing code,filing rules 目录组织规则 rules for writing 书写规则 S Sacred scripture 宗教经典 sacrificing (to spiritual beings) 祭祀 saddle sewing,sad61e 9titching,center stitching 骑马钉装订 Sanskrit 梵文,梵语 scattered sheets of books 散书页 scattered sheets 散页 scholarly publication 学术性出版物 scholastic attainments 学术成就 school district library 学区图书馆 school edition 学生版 school of thought,schoo1 学派 schoo1s of literature 文学流派 scientific and technical literature 科技文献 scribe, copy, write out 缮写 script,handwritten form 手写体 scro11 书卷(写成卷轴的古书) scroll, roll, volume 卷轴(如古字画的卷轴) seal character(a style of Chinese calligraphy, often used on seals)篆 字 seal cutting 篆刻 sealed book天书(高深莫测的书) sections and chapters,writings 篇章 selected bibliography 精选目录 selected category 精选门类 selected document 文选 selected poems诗选 selected subjects 选题 selected translation 选译 selected works 选集 semi—informative abstract 半报导性文摘 semi-quarterly 半季刊 separate collection,works in a single form 别集 separate histories 别史 sequel, supplement 续集 sign, subscribe; autograph 签名,签字 signed copy ,signed edition 签名本,题署本(作者签名留念本) silk manuscripts,(ancient)book copied on silk 帛书 silk painting,painting on silk 帛画 silk paper 丝质纸 silk scroll 绢本 silverfish, book-louse, book-worm 蛀书虫 size statement 书型说明 sketch, familiar essay ,jotting 随笔 small letter edition 小字本 small-seal style(an ancient style of calligraphy, adopted in the Qin Dynasty for the purpose of standardizing the script)小篆 soft—covered book 平装书 solar calendar 阳历 solicit contributions 征稿 solicit contributions, solicit manuscript 约稿 Song Dynasty b1ock printed edition 宋刻本(中国) Song typeface 宋体字 sound book 精刻本 special bibliography 专题书目 special catalog 专题目录 specialized course 专业课 specialized vocabulary 专业词汇 spell 拼音 sphere of learning 学术领域 spine title, title on the spine,back title 书脊书名,书脊题名 spurious copy,unauthorized copy 私翻本 spurious edition,surreptitious edition,unauthorized edition,unauthori zed reprint 私翻版 standards on documentation 文献工作 statement of the edition 版本说明(编目用) statement,of extent 篇幅说明(如书的页数、录音带长度等) stencil tissue paper 白绵纸 stereotype 铅版 stone plate 石版[印] stone tablet,stele 石碑 stray fragments of text 断简残篇 study of bookseller 书业学 study of catalogues,theory of bibliography 目录学 study of documents 文献学 style, style of writing 文体(文章体裁风格) stylistics 文体学 subdivision, subsection, subtitle, specific item 子目 subject classification,knowledge classification 学科分类法 subscribe, autograph 亲笔鉴名 summary in various languages 多种文字提要 supplement ,complement 补遗 supplement 补编 supplement,supplementary material 补充篇 supplementary copy,supplementary vo1ume 补充本 supplementary pages 补充页 supplementary reading material 补充读物 surname indexing 姓名标引法 survey,review 评介 surveying 编写述评 symposium, seminar, teach-in ,workshop 专题讨论会 system of catalogs,catalog system 目录体系 T table of contents,contents,1ist of articles 篇目 tablet 书板 taboo 避讳 tail band,tassel 书签丝带[装] tassel 丝带书签(一头固定在书脊上端,可做书签) term,duration,a11ottedtime,time limit,dead line 期限 term paper 学期论文 term,school term,semester 学期 textology 考据学 textual critic 校勘者 textual criticism 版本鉴定 textual research, textual criticism 考证 the Analects, the Analects of Confucius 《论语》 The Book of History,The Classic of Documents 《书经》 The book of Rites, The of Rites 《 礼记》 The Book of songs,The classic of Poetry 《诗经》 The Classic of Filial Piety 《孝经》 The Classical of Changes 《易经》 the Comprehensive Mirror for aid in Government 《资治通鉴》 the DunHuang frescoes 敦煌壁画 the first stroke of a Chinese c11aracter起笔(每字的第一笔) The Four Books (including The Great Learning (《大学》),The Doctrine of the Mean(《中庸》),The Analects of Confucius(《论语》)and Mencius(《孟子 》)) 四书 the literary world 文坛 The manuscript is under review 稿件在审阅中 The original com
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