

2017-09-06 2页 doc 13KB 476阅读




南北方性格差异英语作文The different characteristics between northerners and southerners There’s a saying that you don’t know how small your courage you are until you have gone to northeast, you don’t know how much money is enough until you have gone to Guangdong. absolutely, it’s a ex...
The different characteristics between northerners and southerners There’s a saying that you don’t know how small your courage you are until you have gone to northeast, you don’t know how much money is enough until you have gone to Guangdong. absolutely, it’s a exaggerated saying, but from this we can learn that people in northeast are very brave and gracious(豪爽), while people in Guangdong are smart and know a lot about how to make money. In our impression, different areas have different characteristics, and the characteristics between north and south are quite different. of course, when we speak of northerners, we believe they are bold and straightforward, enthusiasm and outgoing; while when we speak of Southerners, we think they are comely and delicate, calm and steady and introverted, and is good at calculating. So how do these differences form? Firstly, there’s a explaination that environment owes to this difference. as we all know, the north has less mountains and more plains, when they look far away, they can see all the buildings in the earth, in other words their vision is very wide. so they form the characteristic generous and outgoing. while in south, there’s more mountains and rivers, the landscape is cut off by them, and the division on the landscape is very serious, so their vision is much more narrow relatively. they have to live on themselves on the small earth, as time passed by, they form the thought habits of careful calculating and strict budgeting. at the same time, they used to using existing resources to develop their intelligence. Secondly, the climate is also a reason to form this difference. as the climate in the south is more moderate and moist, the plants and flowers grow very well, thus resulting in the southerners’feelings more rich and tender; while the climate in the north is cold, dry and more wind and sand, so those live in the north since they were born, their characteristic is more still(冷静), and kind-hearted.
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