

2018-06-26 20页 doc 54KB 82阅读




[最新]北京地区成人本科学位英语教材[最新]北京地区成人本科学位英语教材 北京地区成人本科学位英语讲义 前 言 大家好~今天是我们这个班开课的第一讲。以前呢,我们比较注重考前的强化辅导和串讲,但从考试的结果看,总有一部分同学屡考不过,可以说屡败屡战,三番两次地在60分的门槛前徘徊逗留。究其原因,就是基础过于薄弱,短文都看不懂,能答对题吗, 大家都工作多年了,英语也丢得差不多了,现在重新拾起,难免生疏。所以我们今年这个班就是要从基础抓起,当然不是讲ABC,重点讲解的是词汇和语法,突破阅读和答题方面的瓶颈。从历年的考题统计来,词汇和语法的考核大致占到40分,各占...
[最新]北京地区成人本科学位英语教材 北京地区成人本科学位英语讲义 前 言 大家好~今天是我们这个班开课的第一讲。以前呢,我们比较注重考前的强化辅导和串讲,但从考试的结果看,总有一部分同学屡考不过,可以说屡败屡战,三番两次地在60分的门槛前徘徊逗留。究其原因,就是基础过于薄弱,短文都看不懂,能答对题吗, 大家都工作多年了,英语也丢得差不多了,现在重新拾起,难免生疏。所以我们今年这个班就是要从基础抓起,当然不是讲ABC,重点讲解的是词汇和语法,突破阅读和答题方面的瓶颈。从历年的考题统计来,词汇和语法的考核大致占到40分,各占一半。同时,词汇和语法也是解答等其他题型的基础。 针对基础部分的辅导,我们共安排12讲,这12讲大致是这样的:前6讲着重讲词汇,包括:名词、形容词、副词、代词、动词、连词、介词,重点是讲解词组、词汇辨析、固定搭配等。后6讲讲语法,包括:时态、语态、虚拟语气、不定式、分词、从句、倒装句结构等。 由于大家工作忙,学习时间少,我在讲解的时候,会紧紧围绕重点词汇和常考语法点,缩小范围,突出要点。按照三级英语考试大纲的要求需要掌握的词汇是3523个,从我的统计来看,常考的单词也就是700多个。如何熟记这些词汇呢,不是要大家去背词汇表,背了效果也不大。这些词汇我会通过例题的形式来讲解。根据“认知记忆法”的原理,这样讲解词汇有两个好处:第一、通过比较便于掌握。因为在讲解的时候把相关的放在一起讲,可以让大家区别记忆,明白每个词的用法;第二、通过语境学习和运用,对提高大家的解题能力和答题技巧也有一定的帮助。 学习上我提几点要求,希望同学们一周至少抽出一天的时间来学习,并坚持下来。听课的时候,对着讲义要认真听,集中精力;讲义可 以下载下来反复看;课后呢,要把练习题做一做,对对,不懂的地方可以把问题在线提交上来;再就是利用零碎时间熟识一下后面补充的常考词组和重点单词,达到“见其词,知其义”的程度即可,无须背记读写。只要同学们把我们的教研内容充分消化、吸收,过关就有把握。 好了,言归正题,今天我要讲的是词汇部分的名词、形容词、副词和代词。 第一讲 名词 形容词 副词 代词 名 词 据统计,名词在历年的考试当中,平均每次考试都要占取2分,最多的时候考过4分。名词简单,也容易理解,主要考核的是名词的辨析。下面我们通过例题来掌握这些词汇。 1(Your sister has made an for you to see the dentist(牙医) at 3 this afternoon. A. appointment B. interview C. opportunity D. assignment 解析:本句意思:你姐姐为你约好了下午三点去看牙医。再来看这四个选项,appointment名词,“约会、约定”,make(fix) an appointment “预约”,固定搭配;interview名词,“面试,会见”;opportunity名词,“机会”;assignment名词,“作业,任务”。根据其意思,assignment应该首先排除;opportunity意思牵强加上搭配有问题也应去除;interview偏于访谈,且一般用于have an interview,显然appointment符合题目要求。 答案:A 2(He took the medicine(吃药),but it didn’t have any . A. answer B. cause C. effect D. work 解析:题意应该是:他吃了药,但不起作用。answer回答,cause 原因,都不合题意;effect名词,作用,take effect开始实行;work 作动词时,有“起作用”的意思,但any后面要求用名词。 答案:C 3(Since you won’t take advice(听从建议),there is no in asking for(要求) it. A. place B. point C. reason D. way 解析:题意应该是“既然你不听建议,再那么要求就没什么意义了”。 Place地方;way道路,方式,方法;point点,观点,意义;“no point in doing”,做„没有意义; reason原因。 答案:B 4(The of the play is so great that many people want to see it. A. attention B. attraction C. attempt D. attack 解析:“这个演出太棒了,很多人都想观看。”attention注意力, 常用于pay attention to注意;attraction吸引力,sun attraction 太阳引力;attempt努力,尝试,she made an attempt to cook the supper.;attack名词,动词,进攻,a heart attack。 答案:B 5(He has been teaching for 2 years, but being a teacher is not his . A(chance B. character C. attitude D. choice 解析:chance机会,偶然性,by chance碰巧;character性格、特 点,a character actor性格演员;attitude态度,attitude towards sth, 对某事的态度;choice名词,选择,动词为choose。 翻译:他教了两年书,但是当教师并非他的选择。 答案:D 6(The doctor said that you needed in your diet(日常饮食). A. variety B. vanity C. spur D. reservoir 解析:variety多样性a variety of toys各种玩具;vanity虚荣,a vanity press为作者自费印书的出版社;spur鞭策,spur sb On激励某人„„;reservoir水库。 题意:医生说你不能偏食。 答案:A 7(There are no simple(简单的) _ to the unemployment(失业) problem. A. methods B. ways C. solutions D. measures. 解析:method、way、solution、measure(测量,措施,方法)都有方法的意思。solution to为一固定搭配,“解决„的方法”。 答案:C 8(The country is rich in(富有) natural (天然的) ,such as (比如)oil, metal and coal. A. sources B. resources C. wealth D. causes 解析:sources来源;resources资源;wealth财富;causes事业,原因。 翻译:这个国家的油、金属、煤等天然资源丰富。 答案:B 9(I always couldn’t finish the recitation(朗诵,背诵) work and to my it is cancelled(取消)now. A. surprise B. disappoint C. relief D. distress 解析:surprise惊奇,in surprise ;disappoint动词,使失望; relief缓解、解脱、救济,I felt great relief;distress悲痛、苦难,in distress。固定搭配“to one’s surprise”,令某人吃惊的是„; “to one’s relief”,“令某人感到解脱,轻松”。 翻译:我总是不能完成背诵的作业,现在这项作业取消了,我松了口气。 答案:C 10(The of 10 to 5 is 2 to 1. A. rate B. proportion C. portion D. ratio 解析:rate比率,如:birth rate;proportion比率,常指两个事物大小、数量、重要性的比较,如:the proportion of men to women;portion部分,常与of连用,如:the first portion of the book;ratio比率,指两个数值之间的比率,direct ratio正比。 答案:D 11. His theory is based on(基于) the that things go in pairs. A. principle B. principal C. procedure D. specimen 解析:principle原则,原理,in principle原则上,on the principle of按照 原则;principal负责人、英国大学校长,形容词意思是首要的;procedure程序,手续;specimen范例,标本,wool specimen羊毛样品。 翻译:他的理论建立在事物都有两面性的基础之上。 答案:A 12(She spilled(溢出) the paint(油漆,涂料) on . A. purpose B. intention C. goal D. aim 解析:purpose目的,意图,on purpose故意地;intention目的, 如:at least(至少),he has good intentions;goal目标,one’s goal in life;aim瞄准,常用于aim at词组,表示“对„„瞄准”,或“打 算做什么”。 翻译:她故意把涂料溢出。 答案:A 13(Her at the party made some excitement(兴奋,骚动). A(existence B. pressure C. absence D. presence 解析:existence 名词,存在,exist动词,生存、存在;pressure 压力,常用词组under pressure;absence缺席,a long absence长 时间缺席;presence在场,in the presence of sb在某人面前。 翻译:她的出席引起了一阵骚动。 答案:D 14(Oil has the of floating(漂浮) on water. A. capability B. property C. prescription D. provision 解析:capability能力,可能性,the capability of metal to be fused 金属的可熔和性;property财产、特性,common property公共 财产,Many plants have medicinal properties植物药性;prescription 指示,命令,处方,prescription drug处方药;provision准备,供 应;如:make provision for为„„做准备。 翻译:油具有漂浮在水面上的特性。 答案:B 15(Can’t you see this is a job with excellent(极好的) ? A. prospects B. perspectives C. respects D. aspects 解析:prospect景色,a beautiful prospect over the valley 山谷上的美景,prospects前景;perspective远景、观点;respect尊重,respects问候,Give my respects to your family.;aspect外 表,方面,only one aspect of the thing。 翻译:你看不出这是个有前途的职业吗, 答案:A 形容词、副词 形容词在以前的考试当中一般占1分,近年一般占3分,副词平均 占2分。 1、Do you think they have food for all these people here? A. subsequent B. beneficial C. sufficient D. average 解析:subsequent随后的,并发的the period subsequent to the war;beneficial有益的be beneficial to;sufficient充足的,be sufficient to sb’s need;average平均的,on average。 翻译:你认为这里的人们都有充足的粮食吗, 答案:C 2、This is a very situation(形势) and we don’t know how to face it yet. A(comprehensive B. compound C. complicated D. competent 解析:comprehensive综合的、理解的,comprehensive knowledge ; compound混合的、复合的,compound interest;complicated复杂的,a complicated machine;competent能力强的,a competent typist。 翻译:这是一个非常复杂的形势,我们还不知道如何面对。 答案:C 3、It is for a person in his position(岗位) to make such a mistake. A. rare B. less C. little D. few 解析:rare罕见的。Less ,little的比较级,Try to shout less. 翻译:对于一个人来说,处在他这样的职位犯这样的错误是很罕见 的。 答案:A 4、Do you mean this is the decision(决定) you have made after thinking for hours, A. upright B. ultimate C. total D. tight 解析:upright挺直的、垂直的,正直的,合乎正道的,an upright man;ultimate最终的,an ultimate truth;tight紧的,程度深的,sleep tight。 答案:B 5、After a three-hour heated(激烈的) discussion ,all the members in the jury(陪审团) reached the conclusions(结论) that the man was of murder(谋杀). A. criminal B. charged C. guilty D. faulty 解析:criminal(名词)罪犯,(形容词)犯罪的,criminal act犯罪 行为;charge(动词)控告、指责,charge sb. with murder指控某人 犯谋杀罪;charge(名词)主管,in charge of 负责„„。guilty有罪 的,如:be found guilty(被发现有罪),“be guilty of„”,犯有„„ 罪;faulty有缺陷的,错误的,a faulty design,有缺陷的设计。 翻译:通过一场三个小时的激烈讨论,陪审团全体成员得出结论是 这个人犯有谋杀罪。 答案:C 6、Professor Smith is always very to the reaction(反应) of the audience(听众,观众) when he gives lectures(演讲,讲座). A(sentimental B. sensitive C. sensible D. positive 解析:sentimental多情的,深情的,感伤性的,sentimental music伤感音乐。sensitive敏感的,如sensitive to。sensible明智的,That was sensible of you。positive肯定的、赞同的,a positive answer。 翻译:史密斯教授演讲时对听众的反应总是很敏感。 答案:B 7、I must go now. , if you want that book I’ll bring it next time. A(Incidentally B. Accidentally C. Occasionally D. Subsequently 解析:incidentally相当于by the way,即“顺利提一句”; incidental附带的,incidental expense。accidentally碰巧,偶然 的,意外的;accidental意外的,accidental death意外死亡 occasionally有时,相当于from time to time;occasional偶然的, a occasionally writer 应时作家。subsequently后来。 翻译:我得走了,顺便说一下,你需要那本书的话,我下次带给你。 答案:A 8、After having gone far, George did not want to turn back. A(enough B. much C. such D. that 解析:far此处只能用so或that修饰,此处的that是副词,相 当于so或to that extent;enough作副词,应置于所修饰的形容词或 副词之后,如good enough,well enough; 答案:D 9、The patients(病人) believe that the doctor knows exactly(确切地) how to put them . A. correct B. straight C. right D. well 解析:put sth or sb right为固定搭配,right此处是形容词,作宾语them的补足语。 翻译:病人相信医生确切地知道如何处理他们的病情。 答案:C 10、He speaks English , but not his younger sister does. A. as good as B. so well like C. so good as D. as well as 解析:good作为形容词不能修饰动词speak;so well like是错误的搭配;so well as中的副词well可修饰动词speaks;as well as 与„一样好. 翻译:他说英语,但没有他妹妹说得好。 答案:D 11、The heart is intelligent(聪明的,有才智的) than the stomach(胃),for they are both controlled(受约束的) by the brain. A. not so B. not much C. much more D. no more 解析:本题句子中的than,则空白处应选与more有关的答案。如果把much more放进空白处,句子不通,因为“心脏比胃更有智力”是说不通的。no more„(than)和not any„more than含“和„一样”之意。 翻译:心脏和胃一样不具有智力,因为它们都受大脑控制。 答案:D 12、You are just the same you were the day when I first meet you. A. that B. like C. to D. as 解析:the same as是固定搭配,意思为“和„一样”。 翻译:你跟我刚遇见你时一模一样。 答案:D 13、---Do you regret(后悔) paying five hundred dollars for the painting(油画)? ---No, I would gladly have paid for it. A. twice so much B. twice as much C. as much twice D. as twice much 解析:twice as much固定搭配。A、C、D词序均不对。 翻译:你后悔花了五百元买这副油画吗,不,我宁愿花两倍的钱去 买它。 答案:B 14、You song well last night. We hope you’ll sing . A. more better B. still better C. nicely D. best 解析:more better是双重比较级,是典型语法错误。 翻译:你昨晚唱得很好,我们希望你还会唱得更好。所以,C、D应 当排除。 答案:B 15、She was that she had failed(考试不及格)the exam. A. ashamed B. shameful C. shamed D. shameless 解析:ashamed感到羞耻的,后可接of或that引导的从句;shameful羞耻的事;shameless无羞耻感的。 答案:A 翻译:她为考试不及格感到羞耻。 16、All customers are treated(治疗、对待) . A. alike B. as well C. likely D. the same manner 解析:alike同样地,相当于in the same manner;likely是形容 词,意为可能的。 翻译:所有顾客一律平等。 答案:A 17、The reference books on this shelf(架子) are to teachers alone(单独的). A. concerned B. available C. related D. evident 解析:concerned for关心的,如:I’m concerned for your health. concerned with关于的,如:This story is concerned with the conflicts;available可利用的、可得到的;relate使联系,to relate 2 ideas联系两个观点,related有联系的,叙述的.evident明显,显然 的,statistically evident统计上显著的. 翻译:这个书架上的参考书只供老师使用。 答案:B 18、She is such a person, always asking how I’m feeling. A. considerable B. considering C. considered D. considerate 解析:considerable相当的、可观的,a considerable distance一 段相当大的距离;consider考虑、认为,如:I consider him a first-rate mechanic;considerate体谅的,周到的。 翻译:她真够体谅人的,总是问我感觉怎样。 答案:D 19、I’m tired of his complains(抱怨) about everything. A. continual B. continuous C. subsequent D. successive 解析:continual、continuous连续的,前者指有间隔地不断重复, 后者是基本没有间隔的连续进行;subsequent后来的,常用于 subsequent to;successive连接的,如:three successive days of rain. 答案:A 20、Asia is a continent. A. vast B. immense C. giant D. enormous 解析:四个选项都有巨大的含义。vast强调面积的宽大。immense表 示超越常规或传统观念的大或多。如:an immense shopping;giant 强调与同类相比较大;enormous意为超出普通的大或多,并带有 不正常的意味,如:the enormous expense. 答案:A 代词 代词在三级英语考试当中分值不多,一般占1分。 1、There are over 100 night schools in the city, making it possible for a professional(自由职业者) to be reeducated(再教育) no matter(无论,不管) he does. A. how B. where C. what D. when 解析:how, where, when, 都是关系副词,不能作does的宾语。 答案:C 2、______is generally(通常的) accepted, economical growth(经 济增长) is determined(决定) by the smooth development of production. A. What B. That C. It D. As 解析:本句逗号后是一个完整的句子,逗号前面有谓语动词,说明 此处绝不能选一般名词或代名词作主语,填入as后,前半句是从句,后半句是主句,形成complex sentence(复合句)。 答案:D 3、No bread eaten by man is so sweet as ______ earned(挣得) by his own labour(劳动). A. one B. that C. such D. what 解析:这里需要一个关系代词指代它的先行词bread,而在从句中又能起主语作用。One、such都不是关系代词。What (=that which) 是关系代词,但必须无先行语的情况下才能使用。 答案:B 4(I will give this dictionary to ______ wants to have it. A. whomever B. someone C. whoever D. anyone 解析:此处需能引导一个名词人名作主语的关系代词,唯有whoever 符合。Someone、 anyone 是不定代词,不能引导一个人名作主语。Whomever 虽是关系代词,但在从句中只能作宾语,不能作主语。 答案:C 5(Water will continue to be _____ it is today next in importance to oxygen. A. how B. which C. as D. what 解析:what 引导的宾语从句,next to 仅次于。 题意:像目前一样,水的重要性仍将仅次于氧气。 答案:D 6(If we continue to argue over minor point, we won’t get ______ near a solution. A. somewhere B. nowhere C. anywhere D. elsewhere 解析:somewhere、elsewhere 用于肯定句,nowhere 本身已是否定 词,不能再与否定词won’t 连用。Anywhere常与否定词连接。 题意:要是我们不停地在小事上争执,就难以找到解决办法。 答案:C 7(An old friend from abroad, _____ I was expecting to stay with, telephoned me from the airport. A. that B. whom C. who D. which 解析:whom 是关系代词,在定语从句中作stay with 的宾语。 翻译:一位我正想见的国外故友,从机场给我打来电话。 答案:B 8(It is because she is very devoted(投入的,深爱的) to her students ______ she is respected(尊敬) by them. A. that B. which C. what D. who 解析:It is (was) „that/who为强调句型。Who 只能强调人,that 可强调人和物。本句强调原因。 答案:A 9(I’ll never forget the 10 years ______we both spent in the little village. A. when B. during C. which D. in which 解析:该题后半部分是定语从句。关系代词which 在定语从句中做 动词spent 的宾语。 答案:C 10(Everybody in the class must hand in ______ text paper within the given time. A. their B. out C. his D. her 解析:这句话的意思是:“班里的每个人都必须按时交试卷”。 Everybody 强调班里所有的每个人,偏重于复数的“所有人”,所以要 选择their。如果这里的everybody改为everyone,则偏重于个体的每 个人。 答案:C 11(______ were looking forward to working overtime(超时的). A. None office workers B. None of the office workers C. None of the office worker D. None of office worker 解析:none of没有一个,无一;none of us 我们中没有一个人。 翻译:办公室中没有一个人期待超时工作。 答案:B 12(All ______ is a continuous supply of fuel oil. A. the thing needed B. what is needed C. that is needed D. for their need 解析:先行词如果是不定代词(all, anything, everything, nothing, much 等)或先行词前是any, every, little, much, the same 等词,其后的定语从句必须用that 引导,不能用that 引导,不能用 which或 what. 答案:C 阅读理解 Staying healthy helps make you a better worker or a better manager.Keeping your workers healthy makes your organization more effective More and more companies are actively promoting “wellness” through exercise facilities and expanded health services.These are positive trends. The progressive organization must explore all avenues for promoting good health. Some of these avenues may include minimizing travel schedules that are disruptive of a worker’s personal life, providing adequate vacation time, offering periodic sabbaticals, offering on-site education on key issues such as nutrition, drug abuse, AIDS, disease avoidance, and banning smoking. study healthy,keep healthy保持健康;organization组织,机 构,团体;effective有效的;more and more越来越多的;actively 活跃地,积极地;promote提升,促进;exercise facilities锻炼设 备;expand扩大;service服务; positive肯定的,积极的;trend 趋势,倾向;progressive进取的;explore探究;avenue大街,方法, 途径;include包括; minimizing极小化;schedule时间表;disruptive 使分裂的;personal life私人生活;provide提供; adequate足够 的,充足的;vacation time休假时间;offer提供;periodic定期的; sabbatical周期性休息;issue论题,观点;nutrition营养;drug abuse 滥于吸毒;disease avoidance疾病预防;on-site education定点教 育;key issue关键问题;ban禁止吸烟 保持健康有助于你成为一个更好的员工或是管理者,而保持员工的 健康会使你的单位更有效率。越来越多的公司正通过器械训练、扩大健 康服务手段大力推进“健康”,这是积极的趋势。那些追求自身进步的 单位必须全面探究促进健康的方法,这些方法可能包括,缩减会打乱员 工私人生活安排的出差旅行,提供充足的休假时间、固定的休假安排, 开展对诸如营养、药品滥用、爱滋病、疾病预防、戒烟等重要问题的针 对性教育。 Smoking is an especially important topic at present. The medical information is overwhelming that smoking is bad for a person’s health. Studies have shown that smokers are absent from work due to illness much more often than non-smokers and that health care costs for an organization are higher for smokers than nonsmokers. Recent studies lend more and more credibility to the position that even nonsmokers may be adversely affected by being in an area where people smoke. With all these studies and evidence at hand, the progressive organization must move towards severely restricting smoking. especially特别,尤其;topic话题,主题;at present目前; medical information医学信息;overwhelming压倒性的,无法抵抗的; absent缺席的,不在的;due to由于;health care costs医保金, 保健费用;recent近来的;lend借给,提供;credibility可信性; position立场,位置,作用;adversely affected受到被动的影响; evidence at hand现有的证据;severely restrict严格禁止 吸烟是目前一个重要的话题,医学资料不容质疑地证明,吸烟有害 健康。研究表明,烟民因吸烟患病而离岗的现象大大多于不吸烟者,而 且烟民在单位里的保健费用支出也大于不吸烟者。近来的研究为以下观 点增添了越来越大的可信度——即使不吸烟者也会在别人吸烟时受到 被动影响。根据所有这些研究和现有的证据,那些追求发展的单位必须 转而严格禁烟。 In terms of good health from the individual’s perspective, we all need to follow the basics which include adequate sleep and relaxation, a balanced diet, no smoking, minimal caffeine, minimal alcohol, no illegal drugs, minimal legal drugs, plenty of exercise. In terms of在 方面;individual’s perspective个人观点; basic基本,基础;adequate适当的;relaxation松弛,娱乐;balanced diet饮食平衡;minimal最小的,最少限度的;caffeine咖啡因;alcohol 酒精;illegal非法的 从个体的健康观而言,我们都需要遵从一些基本理念,包括足够的 睡眠和放松,平衡的营养,不嗜烟酒,少摄入咖啡因,远离毒品,不滥 用药品,多做锻炼。 Again, as in virtually every area, it is important to keep everything in a proper perspective and proper balance. Unless you have a specific medical problem,it is not necessary to eliminate all alcohol, all sugar, all caffeine from your diet or make extreme efforts to pursue some particular diet. Another area where people go to absurd extremes is exercise。It is not necessary to be a marathon runner to get adequate exercise. Running a few miles a few times a week should suffice. People who become obsessed with exercise and spend hours and hours every day running can generally do so only at the great expense of creating a serious imbalance elsewhere in their lives. Again and again, the keys are proper perspective and proper balance, taking care to see the whole picture and meet all your needs. Virtually事实上;proper适当的;perspective前途,观点; Unless除非;specific明确的,具体的;eliminate消除;extreme effort 特别的努力;pursue追求;absurd extreme荒谬的极端;marathon马 拉松;adequate适当的;suffice足够;obsess迷住,使困惑;pumping iron举杠铃;at the expense of付出„„代价;create造成;elsewhere in their lives自身的其他方面
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