
破产姐妹 第一季 第4集

2018-09-11 39页 doc 47KB 141阅读




破产姐妹 第一季 第4集 破产姐妹 第一季 第四集 感谢人人影视提供字幕, www.yyets.com Evening, hot chocolate. 晚上好 巧克力帅哥 Max, we got big trouble from little China. 麦克斯 小中国惹大麻烦了 Hi, Max. 你好 麦克斯 Big trouble? "大"麻烦吗 There's nothing big about him. 瞧他那"小"样 He looks like I won him in a bear claw machine. 就跟夹娃娃机的娃娃差...
破产姐妹 第一季 第4集
破产姐妹 第一季 第四集 感谢人人影视提供字幕, www.yyets.com Evening, hot chocolate. 晚上好 巧克力帅哥 Max, we got big trouble from little China. 麦克斯 小中国惹大麻烦了 Hi, Max. 你好 麦克斯 Big trouble? "大"麻烦吗 There's nothing big about him. 瞧他那"小"样 He looks like I won him in a bear claw machine. 就跟夹娃娃机的娃娃差不多大 Max, what is the worst sentence you ever want to hear 麦克斯 你最不想从阿憨的嘴里 come out of Han's mouth? 听到哪句话 I got you pregnant? 我把你肚子搞大了 Come on, bad, bad. 拜托 更惨绝人寰一点 I got you pregnant again? 我把你的肚子又搞大了一次 I'm putting in karaoke. 是"我要装卡拉0K" No! No! 不 不行 Han... 憨 Those guys better be up there 那些家伙之所以在上面 because we're officially putting ass crack on the menu. 最好是因为我们要把"股沟"加进餐单 I am adding a TV to bring in more customers. 我装电视是为了要吸引顾客 We can have theme nights, Ultimate Fighting nights, 我们可以举办主题之夜 如终极格斗之夜 Real Desperate Housewives of Bravo City nights, 正宗绝望主妇之夜 and best of all, 最棒的是 karaoke night. 卡拉OK之夜 You can't get hipsters on microphone. 给嬉皮士麦克风可是大忌 That's like throwing gasoline on a pretentious fire. 那是在火上浇油 助纣为虐 Hipsters like karaoke. 嬉皮士喜欢卡拉OK呢 Replace the word "like" with the word "Hitler" 句子换成 嬉皮士"希特勒"卡拉OK and you got the three worst things in history. 史上最烂的三样人事物就大团圆了 Max, I hear what you say, but 麦克斯 我懂你的意思 但是 * Everybody else say "he-ey!" 大家一起来欢呼 * 美国女歌手碧昂斯 - Single Ladies * Where are my single ladies! 单身女性站起来 * 本字幕由YYeTs人人影视 原创翻译制作 ■ 仅供学习 禁止用于任何商业盈利行为 更多影视更新 请登陆 www.YYeTs.com 姐妹花 打工 第一季 打工 第四集 第一季 姐妹花 第四集 \h翻译 家徒四壁YY猫 \h翻译 家徒四壁YY猫 \h校对 家涂屎壁赛太公 \h校对 家涂屎壁赛太公 后期 鱼骨头\h 后期 鱼骨头\h 时间轴 总监 家徒四壁YY猫\h 时间轴 总监 家徒四壁YY猫\h Okay. Next person is going to sing Teenage Dream by Katy Perry, 好 下一位将演唱凯蒂·佩里的《少女梦》 who is pretty now but used to have very horrible acne. 大美女凯蒂以前可是痤疮大丑女呢 This is the third Teenage Dream in 45 minutes. 短短的45分钟里 我都听了三遍《少女梦》了 Why don't I just close my nuts in the cashier's drawer? 我用收银机夹暴自己蛋蛋都没这么难受呢 Come on up now, girl named "Stacey." 上场吧 史黛丝小姐 I got this. 这事儿交给我吧 Look, I don't know you, but I like you. 虽然我不认识你 但我对你有好感 And I respect both hair choices. 我也很尊重你发型的"二"样化 I hate karaoke. 我恨死卡拉OK了 I can't afford to have any more hate in my head. 我脑袋里 憎恨已经满档 My hate is at capacity. 恨意一触即发 Sit this one out, I'll comp your cobbler. 你不献唱 我就送你个水果派 What did you do? 你这是干嘛 I saved Earl's nuts. 拯救厄尔快疼爆的蛋蛋 Pick up! Hot food. Pick up. 上菜 美味出炉 快上菜 Calm your bells down, Oleg. 别对我猛按铃 奥列格 Not my stations. 不是我服务的区 Where's Caroline? 卡洛琳呢 Would it make you jealous if I said 如果我说她刚和我在后边 she was back here with me? "激情"了一番 你会吃醋吗 Jealous? No. 吃醋倒不会 Pissed? Probably. 生气是肯定的 Because we're busy and it would take me all that time 店里超忙 我还要花时间解开 to get the duct tape off her mouth and hands. 你用来捆绑她以逞兽欲的胶布 What are you doin' in here, snow white? 你在里面干嘛呢 白雪公主 If you're lookin' for one of your dwarves, 如果想找你的小矮人 he's out there, holding the mic. 其中一只在外面拿着麦克风呢 Look, my bite is off. 瞧 我的咬合错位了 See, I did the bite test. 这是我做的咬合检查 The number seven incisor is crossing over number nine. 第七号牙和第九号牙重叠了 Hold up. You know the names of your teeth? 慢着 你还知道自己牙齿的编号名吗 Don't you? 你不知道吗 I don't even know the name of my father. 我连我亲爹的名字都不知道 Ow, I just bit my tongue. 哎哟 我刚咬到舌头了 Ah! Number 12 just joined the party. 第十二号也来瞎搅和了 I'd stop doing that right now. 快停止你这举动 You just made it into Oleg's spank bank. 你这一幕被存进奥列格的意淫银行了 Congratulations. 恭喜你哟 What am I gonna do without my bite guard? 牙齿保持器没了 我还怎么活啊 My teeth don't know where to go. 我的牙会到处乱跑的 Well, maybe they should just backpack for a couple of years, 就让它们去旅行个几年 找到人生方向 so they figure it out. 就不会乱跑了 Listen, perfect teeth, 听好了 美牙妹 this is a nightmare for me. 这是我人生中的恶梦 The technical term for this is "advanced bruxism." 用专业术语来说就是"中重度磨牙症" And the technical term for you is "overly dramatic." 专业术语来说 你有"过度小题大做症" Yesterday you freaked out 'cause we were out of toilet paper. 昨天家里没厕纸你就哭天喊地 Just hold it till you get to work like everybody else. 憋到上班的时候再上就好啦 大家都这样 Now, maybe I sing while others wait. 趁大家在等餐 我来献唱一曲吧 Uh-oh. We got real problems now. 完蛋 这才是真正的麻烦 I choose Susan Boyle popular song 我从苏珊大妈的网络剪辑中 from all clips on Internet. 选出了一首她的成名曲 It's called I Dream-- 名叫《我曾有梦》 Keep dreaming. 做你的白日梦吧 Oh, you're back. 你回来啦 We thought you ran away. 我们还以为你逃家了呢 Chestnut and I were just about to pick out 我和栗宝都准备要去收容所 another human from the shelter. 再捡个人回来养了 I had quite a day. 今天倒霉死了 8:00 to 10:00... Grind, grind, pain. 八点至十点 磨 磨 疼 10:00 to 11:00... Pain, pain, grind. 十点至十一点 疼 疼 磨 So I went to the drug store 所以我去药店 and bought an $8 bite guard, 买了个八块钱的牙齿保持器 which didn't fit my freaky Tim Burton mouth. 结果不合我恐怖片般的牙型 And when I tried to return it, 后来我去退货的时候 the cashier, Rhonda, 那个收银员 朗达 whose nametag said she was happy to help, 虽然胸牌上写着"乐于服务顾客" but who was neither happy nor helpful, 结果却凶巴巴的 还百般刁难我 said that I couldn't return it 她说不能退货 because it had already touched my "teef." 因为这玩意儿已经接触过我的牙"翅"了 For someone whose jaw is about to unhinge, 作为一个下巴快掉的人 you're sure flapping it a lot. 你怎么还不少说点话 Why is this rag with my father on it here? 为什么这有份写我老爸的小报 Don't look at me. Chestnut bought it. 瞪我干嘛 是栗宝买的 He likes it when I read him his daily horse-oscope. 他喜欢我给他念每日星"马"座 Why is everybody so obsessed with the fact that 为什么大家都要对他的闭口不谈 he hasn't said anything? 穷追猛打呢 Haven't you ever been at a loss for words? 你没有过卡壳并无言以对的时候吗 Tampons, yes. Words, nah. 卡棉条有过 卡壳倒不会 Well, this will make me feel better. 来做件让自己好受些的事 Whenever I'm in pain, I need a treat. 每当我痛苦时 我就得享受一下 You know, whenever you're in pain, that is my treat. 每当你痛苦时 我都超级享受 Sushi! I hope you like crab roll. 寿司 希望你会喜欢蟹卷 I never had sushi. 我从来没吃过寿司 That doesn't even make sense. 这根本是是胡扯中的鬼扯 No sushi, no dentist... Who are you? 没吃过寿司 没看过牙 什么人啊这是 A poor person. 穷人 Sushi's lazy. 寿司没点技术含量 If I come to your restaurant, 要是我去日本餐厅 get up off your ass and cook the damn fish. 一定吼他们去把鱼给我煮熟了 I wish we could afford to go to this little sushi place 真希望我们能有钱去 in Tribeca where my father always took me. 我爸以前常带我去的日本小餐馆 We had this little joke. 每次我们进店里 Every time we'd walk in, I'd always say... 都会开同一个玩笑 我总会说 すみません もう少し大トロお願いします Toro: 金枪鱼(鲔鱼)腹肉生鱼片 价格昂贵 麻烦一下 再来一份上等Toro And we would just laugh! 然后我们就捧腹大笑 So you're not funny in Japanese either. 所以你说日语也还是冷场女皇 I got this at a corner deli. 我在转角的熟食店买的 The cashier was Japanese. 那个收银员是个日本人 She said it was good. 她说这个很好吃 Oh, I'm sure it's great. 肯定是真的啊 'Cause the disenfranchised immigrant 因为无公民权利的移民人士 serving the spoiled white girl 服务被宠坏的白人女孩时 would have no reason to lie. 肯定不会骗她 Get ready for something heavenly! 享受美味到上天堂的感觉吧 That's not heaven. 难吃到下地狱 Spit it out. 快吐出来 What a disappointment. 真是太不济了 Your first time. 你的第一次就这么毁了 Well, that's kinda the way it goes with me and first times. 我的"第一次"都是这种下场 Here, clean yourself off. 给 把身上擦擦干净 That's exactly the way it goes! 简直是历史重演 一模一样 It's not that bad. 没那么糟 It's not that bad. It's not that bad. 没那么糟 真没那么糟 No. 没错 For a dentist office in the subway, 地铁站里的牙科诊所 it's pretty good. 这家算是"不错"了 Seriously, how are you not running out of here? 说真的 你怎么还不夺门而逃啊 I have no choice. 我别无选择 Now that I have no money or health insurance, 我现在既没钱也没医疗保险 I have to get used to this third-world situation. 我不得不适应第三世界的环境 Third-world situation? 这哪里是第三世界 This is an underworld situation. 这根本就是冥界 Okay, there's bulletproof glass. 好吧 这里有防弹玻璃 With a bullet in it. 上面还有颗子弹 All right, so the glass works. 好啦 至少这玻璃管用 It says to sign in. 这儿说要登记 Look, why don't you just take some of our cupcake business savings 你干嘛不直接拿开店基金 and go to a good dentist office? 去看好点的牙科诊所呢 You know, one where you won't get a staph infection 就是那种不会因为看一眼地板 just from looking at the floor. 就染上传染病的诊所 No, we can't do that. 不 不能这么做 That's our future. 那笔钱可是我们的未来 Once we start doing that, 花了一次 it's a slippery slope. 之后就难以回头了 "妮可·瑞奇" 好莱坞社交名媛 "Nicole Richie"? I don't want anyone to know I was here. 我不想让人知道我来过 I know this situation is less than ideal, 我知道这里的环境不够理想 but I am having a dental emergency. 但我现在有紧急"牙"况 No, he's having a dental emergency. 不 他才有紧急"牙"况 Come on, let's go over here 走吧 去那边问问 and see if this man can help me. 看他能不能帮帮我 Hi. 你好 Welcome to Subway Smiles. 欢迎来到地铁开口笑 I told ya, we'll get to ya. 不是说了马上就到你吗 I'm sorry, girls. 抱歉 女士们 I'm a little shaky. 我现在有点发抖 I was just shot at. 我刚被枪击了 I have a problem with my teeth migrating. 我的牙齿有移位的问题 I have advanced bruxism. 我有中重度磨牙症 Ah. I have hep C. 我有丙型肝炎 Everybody's got their something. 人生在世 谁无小病 What do you need? 你需要什么 We need to be leaving. 我们需要离开 I just need a bite guard. 我需要个牙齿保持器 Oh! I can do that. 这个我会 That's where I squirt foam into your mouth 我得先喷点白沫进你嘴里 and make a mold. 做个牙模 Come in the back. 到后面来吧 If you go back there with him, 要跟他进后面 you'll need a bite guard and a rape guard. 不光需要牙齿保持器 还需要防强暴器 你要用笑气吗 笑气有麻醉作用 You want the gas? Is that necessary? 有必要吗 You're gonna want the gas, sweetheart. 不用你会后悔的 小甜心 One more song before we close. 在打烊前 再来一首 I sing Spice Girls' 就来首辣妹合唱团的 * Aww, tell me what you want, 辣妹合唱团 - Wannabe 告诉我你想要什么 * * what you really, really want. 你内心深处最强烈的欲望 * That boy's more stiff 他歌喉僵硬的程度 比米歇尔·巴赫曼的老公看男妓时还"硬"呢 有传闻指出 美国国会议员米歇尔·巴赫曼的老公是同 性恋 than Michele Bachmann's husband at a Chippendales. I will give you the money for trip to fancy dentist. 我给你钱 让你去看好牙医吧 Really? Oleg, you would do that? 真的吗 奥列格 你愿意吗 It's favor I do for you. 就当是我帮你个忙 And at some point, when I come to you for favor, 日后我需要你帮忙时 you will say yes, like I say yes now. 你也会果断答应 就像我现在这样 Well, I'd need to know what that favor might be. 我得知道你会要我帮什么忙 I can't say for sure. 这还说不定 Will it be in a week or a month? 是一周内还是一个月内 I can't say for sure. 这个我也不确定 Will it be sexual? 跟性有关系吗 Yes, it will be. 是的 有关 This I can say for sure. 这我确定一定以及肯定 Thank you, but no. 多谢 还是算了吧 I am such an idiot. 我真是个白痴 I like it. Keep going. 这开头好 接着说 My bite guard is just sitting in the bathroom of my townhouse. 我的保持器就在我家别墅的厕所里 If I could only get up on the roof, 如果我能爬上屋顶 then I could break in through the skylight 我就可以从天窗溜进去 like I used to when I snuck out in high school. 就像高中时溜出来那样 Hello, I'm Max. Have we met? 你好 我是麦克斯 你还是大小姐吗 When I was 15, I paid the security system guys extra 我十五岁的时候 贿赂了装安保系统的人 to not wire the skylight, 让他们不要在天窗装感应器 and then I snuck out and went to Ilana Shapiro's Sweet 16... 之后我偷溜出去参加朋友的十六岁派对 - Cute. - In Greece. -不错 -跑到希腊呢 Hardcore. 猛将兄啊 I used to sneak out of the house 我曾经偷溜出家门 和一个前海军陆战队员吸喷漆气呢 吸喷漆的气体跟吸强力胶有类似的作用 and huff spray paint with an ex-marine. And sometimes, I'd just sneak out, 有时我偷溜出去 look up at the stars, and dream. 就是想抬头看看星空 做做白日梦 And then you said that. 你真让人无语 See, I told you I can get this skylight open. 都说了我能撬开天窗 Turn on a light! 你倒是开灯呀 Wait till I close the closet door. 等我先把衣柜门关上 Why are the floors so bouncy? 为什么这地板这么有弹性呀 It's called "carpet." 那是地毯 What? 我靠 No way. No way. 不可能 绝不可能 这是纳尼亚王国吗 小说《纳尼亚传奇》- 讲述几个孩子通过衣柜穿越进入魔幻世界 Is this Narnia? I'm about to say something I swore I'd never say. 我要说一句我从来没说过的话 O.M.G. 我的神呀 Again...O.M.G. 再来一次 我的神呀 It's lame, but nothing else really nails it. 虽然这句话很逊 但我想不到更好的了 This is the room that O.M.G. was born for. "我的神"这句话 就是为这里发明的吧 Max, it's just my closet. 麦克斯 这里只是我的衣柜间 Your clothes have a house! 你的衣服还有间房子住 Look, look! 看 快看 You are rich! 你真有钱啊 Like, I know you've said you were rich, 我知道你家很有钱 but you are rich. 真没想到你丫富到流油啊 You're embarrassing me. 说得我都羞涩了 Are you crazy? 你傻啦 This is nothing to be embarrassed about. 这有什么好羞涩的 What's this do? 这是干嘛用的 Oh, my God. 我的老天爷啊 You have a shoe rotisserie. 你有个旋转烤"鞋"架 I designed it. 我亲自的 I call it my "ferris heels". 我称它为"鞋天轮" I'd judge you if that wasn't exactly what 要是我也有一台 I'd call it if I had one. 不取这名字就有鬼了 Okay, we should really go now. 好了 我们真该走了 Let me just grab my bite guard. 我拿完保持器就走 What? 哇靠 You have a museum in your closet? 你的衣橱里还有间博物馆啊 Come on, it's just a bathroom. 拜托 就只是间浴室嘛 Just a bathroom? 什么就只是间浴室 It's the Louvre of pooping. 这是茅坑界的卢浮宫吧 Here it is. 找到了 Do you two need to be left alone? 要不要给你们俩一点时间温存啊 We have to go. "偶"们得走了 Can't risk staying much longer. 待太久可能"灰"被抓到 Wow. Just when I thought your voice couldn't get any more grating. 你烦人的声音现在更上一层楼了 It'll loosen up. 戴一会儿就正常了 Seriously, we should go. 好了 真的该走了 Oh, um, I just have to do one thing before we go. 我想先做完一件事情再走 I think me and your tub are going steady. 我跟你的浴缸感情已经稳定下来了 Oh, you found the jacuzzi button. 哦 你找到按摩钮了 I don't know who found who, 我不知道是谁先找到谁 but we're together now. 但是我跟小缸缸坠入爱河了 I'm totally stealing some of these ridonculous bath soaps. 我要把你这些白痴造型的肥皂通通带走 This one's shaped like a vagina. 这一个长得跟下体似的 It's a seashell. 那是贝壳造型 Sister, this is a mint green vagina. 妹儿 这明显是薄荷绿的下体 Did you go to the prom with your dad? 你毕业舞会的伴是你老爸吗 That's my debutante dance, 那是我在上流社会的 when I came out. 初次登场 Out? 登场 Like you came out that you were dating your dad? 跟你爸以情侣身份的初次登场吗 Gross. 真恶心 I think I can still fit a goose feather pillow in. 应该还可以再塞下一个鹅毛枕头 Hey, what's this one of you and Chestnut and your dad? 那这张你跟栗宝还有你爸的合照呢 Oh, that's when my dad bought Chestnut for me. 那是我爸爸买栗宝给我时拍的 It was my first-period present. 栗宝是我初经来潮的纪念礼物 Your dad got you a horse for getting your period? 你来个月经你爸就送你匹马啊 O.M.G. 我的神呀 Know how I celebrated getting my period? 知道我怎么庆祝初潮的吗 Stole a painkiller and half a beer from my mom's boyfriend. 从我妈相好那里 偷了止痛药跟半瓶啤酒 Wasn't a horse, but it was pretty awesome. 虽然比不上马 不过也是挺爽的哟 How come there are no pictures of your mom? 怎么都没看到你妈妈的相片啊 'Cause there aren't any. 压根就没她的相片 She cheated on my dad when I was five, 我五岁的时候她跟人搞外遇 and my grandmother got rid of her. 就被我奶奶处理掉了 Not in, like, a mob way. 不是像黑帮那样把她干掉 In a society way, which is worse. 而是从社交圈中除名 这样更残忍 So who raised you? 那你是谁带大的 Well, Estella from 1989 to '96. 八九年到九六年是埃斯特拉 Then, Dominica from '97 until she went back to Guatemala. 多咪妮佳从九七年带到她回危地马拉 Then no one. 之后就没人了 Funny. You didn't have a father, 挺巧 你没老爸 and I didn't have a mother. So we're-- 我没老妈 我们还... Oh, we're alike? 我们同病相怜吗 Look around. We have nothing in common. 看看你家 咱们差了十万八千里 Hey, what's this button for? 这个按钮是干嘛的啊 Music. 放音乐 Oh, let me guess. Show tunes? Boy bands? 我来猜猜 音乐剧原声带 男子团体吗 Black Kids - I'm not gonna teach your boyfriend how to dance with you I love this song! 我爱死这首歌了 See? I knew what we had in common wouldn't last. 你看 咱俩的共同点不会存在太久 Were you krumping for a second? 你刚还跳了抽筋舞吗 - Maybe. - Were you tootsie-rolling for a second? -好像吧 -你刚才也跳了屈膝舞吧 Yes. 不行啊 Okay, get dressed. 换衣服吧 We really should go now. 真得走了 I have all the essentials. 生活必需品都拿了 Tampons, toilet paper, comforter, body shimmer. 卫生棉条 厕纸 被子 亮肤乳 Wait, what about the clothes? 慢着 衣服不拿吗 Oh, what am I gonna do? 拿衣服干嘛 Walk around Williamsburg in a $3000 gown? 穿着价值三千的块袍子在咱餐厅里晃荡吗 Oh, my God. 上帝呀 Wait a minute. 等等 Grab everything with a price tag on it 还留着价签的衣服都带走 that we can resell. 我们可以转售 Or that you think I'd look amazing in. 你觉得我穿起来超美的也拿走 Not the furs! They're wired! 别拿皮草啊 有设警报器的 Why would you wire the furs? 你没事给皮草设警报器干啥 Everybody wires the furs, bitch! 富人都会装啊 蠢货 Security's gonna be here in ten minutes. 保安会在十分钟内到 Just grab everything you can. 能拿多少就拿多少 Wait! How are we going to carry it all back to Brooklyn? 等等 这么多东西怎么弄回家啊 Jealous? 羡慕嫉妒恨吗 Look, two seats. 你看 有两位子 I think you got more stuff than me. 你好像比我拿了更多东西啊 Well, you spent five minutes saying good-bye to the tub. 谁让你花五分钟跟浴缸道别呢 This was my fave purse to take dancing. 以前去舞会最喜欢带这个包了 How'd you keep it on your shoulder when you went all mad krump? 你瞎跳抽筋舞的时候 它不会滑掉吗 Look. $200! 你看 有两百块 It's not enough we're sitting on the subway in furs... 我们穿皮草坐地铁还不够惹眼啊 You gotta make it rain? 往空中撒来引人抢吧 This is so exciting. 真是太爽了 It's going right into our cupcake fund. 这笔钱将直接进入我们的开店基金 - Or... - Or what? -或者... -或者什么 Where was that place you always went with your dad? 你每次都跟你老爸去吃的地方叫啥来着 Toro with black truffle. Toro加黑松露 You are about to have a sushi toro-gasm. 你将会体验到"鲔"高潮的快感 Will you calm down? It's just-- 别这么夸张好吗 不过就... Oh, sweet bejesus, that's delicious! 我的老天啊 这也太好吃了 If this is sushi, 如果这是寿司 what was that other stuff we ate? 那我们之前吃的是什么 Wrong. On every level. 寿"屎" 完全就是屎 We need more of this. 这个再多来一点 Like, all of it. 全都多来点 Can we have some more toro? 请再上一盘Toro Thank you so much. 谢谢 And, uh... 另外 すみません もう少し大トロお願いします 不好意思 再来一份上等Toro 大トロ一丁お願いします 再一份上等Toro I get it now 'cause I'm rich. 原来只要有钱 听啥都好笑 I don't know how you're pulling it off. 我真不知道你是怎么忍的 What do you mean? 什么意思 Giving up everything that you had. 放弃你所拥有的一切 The maids, the closet, the dentist, the sushi, the tub. 女佣 衣橱 牙医 寿司 浴缸 All of it. The tub. 这一切 尤其是小缸缸 I almost can't give it up, 我都舍不得放弃 but I only had it for an hour. 我和它才认识一小时呢 You're kind of a badass. 你还真是个猛女 Max, you just called me a badass. 麦克斯 你刚称赞我为"猛女" I'm drunk on black truffle. 我吃黑松露吃醉了 It's my dad! 是我老爸 Wait, he actually exists? 慢着 还真有其人呀 Like the townhouse and the tub? 跟别墅和小缸缸一样真实吗 The tub. 小缸缸呀 Hi, daddy. How are you? 爸爸 你还好吗 I miss you so much. 我真的好想你 I'm good. No, really. 我很好 不 真的 I'm still staying in Brooklyn with my friend, Max. 我还住在朋友麦克斯的布鲁克林家中 She's great. 她人超好的 Oh, okay. Hold on. 好的 等下 Love you, daddy. 爱你哦 爸爸 He wants to talk to you. 他想跟你说话 Me? Why? 我 为什么 I wouldn't know what to say. 我不知道该说什么 Take it! He's only allowed five minutes. 快接 他只有五分钟的通话时间 Yo, what's up, Martin Channing? 哟 有啥事啊 马丁·钱宁 You're welcome, but I di-- 别客气 不过... Well, thank you. 谢谢 Yeah, she's great. 对 她挺好的 Real trooper. 坚强的一名猛女 Well, bye. What? 那就这样啦 什么 Okay, I'll tell her. 好的 我会转告她 Daddy? 爸爸 He's gone. 挂电话了 So that's what a father sounds like. 原来父亲就是这种感觉 What did he say? 他说什么了 He wanted me to remind you to wear your bite guard. 他让我提醒你记得戴保持器 See, he can't be as bad as everyone says. 瞧 他没大家说的那么坏 He just can't be. 他就不是个坏人的料 ありがとうございました 感谢您 Oh, my God. 我的天啊 The 200 didn't cover it. 那两百块不够付 Start checking the purses! 快把钱包翻个遍 Oh, hey. Do you take hats? 喂 用帽子抵押成不 Any cougars in the house? 有熟女顾客在店里吗 And in case you don't know, "cougar" 我来普及一下 "熟女" means older lady with a large sexual appetite. 是指三十如狼 四十如虎的饥渴女性 Lady past prime with tight clothes 年龄走下坡 穿着紧身衣 who wants sex from young men. 渴望得到年轻男性"滋润"的女性 Max, what is the one thing worse than karaoke? 麦克斯 你知道什么比卡拉OK更糟糕吗 - Oh, no. - That's right. -不会吧 -没错 Open mic night. 畅所欲言夜 Cougar also have face lift. 熟女还会去拉皮除皱 From behind, look 22. 后面看像二十二岁 She turn around, 72. 正面一看七十二岁 It's true! 是真的 It's funny 'cause it's true. 是真的才这么好笑呢 Bad news. 坏消息 They heightened security because we tripped the alarm. 我们触发报警器后 他们加强了保安 The entire townhouse is locked down. 这栋别墅都被封锁起来了 We can never go back! 我们永远也回不去了 My tub! 我的小缸缸 Why does anything that gives me pleasure wind up behind bars? 为什么所有让我快乐的东西都被关了呢 Forget about the tub. 忘了那个浴缸吧 Everything was inventoried. 家里的每样东西都有被登记过 We can't sell the furs. 那些皮草是卖不掉的 I should've thought of that! 我早该想到了 Yeah, you should've. 是啊 你真该早想到 'Cause you know they always inventory the furs, bitch! 富人都会登记皮草的呀 蠢货 开店基金: 肚皮 整理/排版 MJE美剧口语联盟 看美剧,练口语,交朋友 www.mjenglish.org 50 一直想为每部美剧做一份笔记, 一直想鼓励每个美剧迷读一点剧本,做一点笔记.
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