
BBC 南太平洋中英文字幕对照文本South.Pacific.EP01

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BBC 南太平洋中英文字幕对照文本South.Pacific.EP01南太平洋 The South Pacific. 耳熟的名字 The name is familiar, 但库克船长史诗般航行已过去230年 but 230 years after Captain Cook's epic voyages, 这片广阔的海洋只留下少许为人所知 this vast ocean remains little known. 在无边无际的大海里 In the endless blue, 与世隔绝的岛屿庇护着罕见的生命 isolated islands harbour life that...
BBC 南太平洋中英文字幕对照文本South.Pacific.EP01
南太平洋 The South Pacific. 耳熟的名字 The name is familiar, 但库克船长史诗般航行已过去230年 but 230 years after Captain Cook's epic voyages, 这片广阔的海洋只留下少许为人所知 this vast ocean remains little known. 在无边无际的大海里 In the endless blue, 与世隔绝的岛屿庇护着罕见的生命 isolated islands harbour life that's rarely seen. 那里有着海洋中最原始的海域 And these are some of the most pristine waters of any ocean. 青绿色的大海和如画般岛屿 The turquoise seas 宛如人间天堂 and picture-postcard islands look like heaven on Earth. 但似乎一切并不是这样 But all is not what it seems. 南太平洋大自然同样也是残酷无情 The South Pacific also has an unforgiving nature. 海中火山爆发形成的岛屿 Islands born from volcanic seas 迸发出独特而异常的生命方式 erupt with unique and extreme ways of life. 人们在这里成功对抗了不平等 People succeeded here against the odds. 南太平洋的故事是出乎意料... The South Pacific is a tale of the unexpected... 一个被遗忘的 ..a forgotten world 创造怪诞和神奇的隔绝世界 where isolation has created the bizarre and surprising. 这是一个讲述海岛的生命故事 This is the story of life in an ocean of islands. 出乎意料 一个巨人从深处浮现 Out of the blue, a giant emerges from the deep. 此刻 怪兽静静地移动 Right now, the monster moves silently, 但它装备着一个可怕的力量 but it's equipped with an awesome force. WATER WHISPERS MUFFLED ROARING GURGLING 一些世界上最大的海浪突然出现在 南太平洋岛屿 Some of the largest waves in the world break on South Pacific islands. 它们的诞生能总结出这片海洋的规模 Their birth sums up the scale of this ocean. 被风暴增强的海浪奔袭3000哩 The storm swell that made these waves 到达这里的浅海暗礁 has travelled 3,000 miles to reach this shallow reef. 对那些流浪的动物来说是直接的大考验 These distances proved a great challenge for animal castaways, 当它们找到新陆地时 许多逐渐发展成新品种 but when they found new land, many evolved into new species. 人类开拓者追随相似的路线 Human colonisers followed similar routes, 与世隔绝的他们把海洋 and the ocean that isolated them from the rest of the world 变成了他们文明的中心 became central to their culture. 大海浪是灵感 The big waves were an inspiration, 带着他们的传统跨越了1500年 and riding them has been a tradition here for more than 1,500 years. 没有其它海洋能比南太平洋对这么多 No other ocean has had a greater impact 不同的动物生命与文化有这么大的影响 on the lives of so many different animals and cultures than the South Pacific 如今它们全部达到巨大的规模 and it's all down to its massive size. 南太平洋太广阔了 The whole Pacific Ocean is so large, 你能将地球上的大陆放进去 you could fit the world's continents inside it 还有空间再放一个非洲 with nearly enough room for another Africa. 1万哩宽 陆地不足1% Ten thousand miles wide, less than one per cent is land. 最有名的是夏威夷群岛 Best known are the Hawaiian islands. 它们坐落在赤道以北1500哩 They sit 1,500 miles north of the equator, 但它们的故事却在南部成形 but their story was shaped by the south. 南太平洋由数千座岛屿组成 The South Pacific is made up of thousands of islands 文明与界限被洋流联合起来 united by cultures and bound together by ocean currents. 大部分岛屿座落在暖水海洋里 Most of the land sits in warm waters, 但遍阅南部岛屿的特色是不同的 but travel south and the character of the islands change. 新西兰气候温和而不炎热 New Zealand is not tropical but temperate. 偶尔带来的冰山的洋流 The ocean currents which cool New Zealand's waters 使得新西兰成为冷海域 occasionally bring icebergs. 从澳大利亚起 它们漂泊了近8个月... Starting in the Antarctic, they've drifted for nearly eight months... 途中经过南太平洋最南端的边远居民点 on the way, passing the most southerly outpost in the South Pacific. 新西兰温和的大海融合了 Where New Zealand's temperate seas merge 南大洋的寒冷海水 with the icy waters of the Southern Ocean, 一块陆地单独座落在... lies a solitary piece of land... 麦加利岛 85英里被海浪抽打的海岸线 ..85 miles of wave-lashed coastline. 看上去无人但并不荒芜 It looks desolate, but it's not deserted. 一年中某些时段这里有比太平洋 At certain times of year, there's more life here 其它任何岛屿都有更多的生命存在 than on any other island in the Pacific. SEAL SNORTS 8月 在海上数月后 象海豹到了 In August, after months at sea, elephant seals arrive. SEAL ROARS 它们需要岛来繁育 They depend on this island for breeding. 麦加利岛不久将承载6000只象海豹 Macquarie will soon be heaving with 60,000 elephant seals, 但它们没有自己的海滩 but they won't have the beaches to themselves. 1个月后 另一波迁徙者出现在拍岸海浪中 One month later, another wave of migrants appear in the surf. 皇家企鹅 These are royal penguins, 这是它们7个月后首次在陆地露面 and they're about to have their first sighting of land in seven months. 它们在开阔大海中靠捕食鱼虾来打发时间 They've spent that time hunting for fish and shrimp in the open ocean. 它们回到陆地有个最后障碍 One last hurdle and they're back on terra firma. 这些企鹅踏上的这个岛 This island is actually the only solid ground 实际上只是一个固体地面 these penguins will ever set foot on. 麦加利岛最近的邻居在400多哩外 Macquarie's nearest neighbour is more than 400 miles away, 并在它们喜欢的觅食场的反方向 and in the opposite direction from their favourite feeding grounds. BRAYING AND SQUAWKING 数天内第一批到达 它们只有站的空间了 Within days of the first arrivals, it's standing room only. 没人确切知道企鹅是靠什么导航 回到麦加利岛 Nobody knows exactly how these penguins navigate back to Macquarie, 但每年有许多成年企鹅回到这里繁殖 but with this many adults returning every year to breed, 这是明确的使命 it clearly works. SQUAWKING AND BRAYING STACCATO CRIES 在开阔海洋外,皇家企鹅是过着独居生活 Out in the open ocean, royal penguins lead solitary lives, 所以这种狭窄环境需要慢慢地习惯 so these cramped conditions take a bit of getting used to. 争端解决后又回到老相识的时间 Disputes settled, it's time to renew old acquaintances. 象海豹也争端结束... The elephant seals have also settled down... 即使有些仍装出难以接近的样子 even if some still play hard to get. SHE WAILS 虽然拒绝求婚者六次求爱是不容易的 Though it's not easy turning down the advances of a suitor six times your size. 温柔的鼻子爱抚显然赢得她的芳心 A gentle nuzzle, and she appears won over. DEEP-THROATED GURGLING 空气中不只有爱意 And it's not just love that's in the air. 在南方纬度地区 At these southerly latitudes, 海风带来一星期六天半的降雨 ocean winds bring rain six-and-a-half days out of seven. 不下雨时 And when it doesn't rain... 就是下雪 it snows. 它与南太平洋群岛一成不变的形象 It couldn't be more different 没有更多的不同 from the cliched image of a South Pacific island. 但惊奇的是什么使得麦加利岛的 野生动物如此丰富 But surprisingly, what makes Macquarie so rich in wildlife 数千哩外 炎热的南太平洋中的其它岛屿同样得益 also benefits other islands in the tropical South Pacific, thousands of miles away. 麦加利岛的企鹅和海豹依赖的是 Macquarie's penguins and seals depend 寒冷而又养分丰富 且不在这里停留的洋流 on a cold, nutrient-rich current... and that doesn't stop here. 受到世上最强气流的推动 Powered by the strongest winds in the world, 洋流不停地往东直到在 the current continues east 南美角遇阻 until it hits the tip of South America, 改道往北 where it's driven northwards. 经过8000哩后 寒冷的洋流抵达赤道 Over 8,000 miles later, the cold current reaches the equator 及一个偏远的群岛... and a remote archipelago... 加拉帕戈斯群岛 在往北的旅程中海水变暖些 The water has warmed up on the journey north, 但仍寒冷且养分丰富 but it's still cold and nutrient rich. 这样就让某些动物能生活在这里 This has allowed some animals to live here 不接近赤道一般你是找不到的 which you wouldn't normally find this close to the equator. 海狮 Sea lions. 它们在与世隔绝的加拉帕戈斯群岛 Isolated on the Galapagos, they've been here so long 已很久了并成了一个独立的物种 they've become a separate species. 在拍岸浪花上 When the surf's up, 海狮花数小时在浪中嘻戏 the sea lions spend hours just messing around in the waves. 拍岸浪有着很大的力量 Surfing burns a lot of energy, and they can only do it 但它们只能这么做 因为寒冷的海洋供养着无数的鱼类 because these cold seas support vast numbers of fish. 分享这些富含养分海水的,是海狮 The sea lions share these nutrient-rich waters 与其它不适合在赤道生存的动物 with another equatorial misfit. 企鹅 Penguins - 在热带安家的唯一企鹅 the only penguins found in the tropics. 象海狮一样,加拉帕哥斯企鹅幸存于此 Like the sea lions, Galapagos penguins can survive here 依赖的是海水的低温和优质的食物 because the water keeps them cool and well fed. 但这样的环境并不是一成不变的 But these conditionsare not constant. 在厄尔尼诺发生年份 洋流逆转 暖水代替了冷水 In El Nino years, when currents reverse, warm waters replace cold, 鱼群数量锐减 fish populations crash 受困于加拉帕戈斯的 企鹅和海狮只有挨饿 and then, stuck on Galapagos, penguins and sea lions starve. 它们的数量将逐渐恢复 Their numbers will bounce back, 这是它们为这些孤岛付出的生存代价 but it's the price these animals pay for life on these isolated islands. 南太平洋有数千座岛屿 There are thousands of islands in the South Pacific. 许多岛屿极其偏远 Many are unbelievably remote. 有些离最近的大陆有数千哩远 Some are thousands of miles away from the nearest continent 与最近的邻居有数百哩 and hundreds of miles from their nearest neighbour. 把个岛想像成一座城堡 Imagine each island as a castle, 海洋就是延伸到地平线每个 方向的巨大护城河 and the ocean a giant moat stretching to the horizon in every direction, 你能领略到它们隔绝的实质 and you have captured the essence of their isolation. 真惊讶有些生命如何到达这些岛屿的 It's a wonder how any life reached these islands at all. 但不管岛如何的偏远和微小 But no matter how remote or small an island is, 动物们总有办法克服广阔海洋的障碍 animals have somehow conquered the massive ocean barrier 来到这些尘埃般的陆地斑点上 to reach these specks of land. 对于少数到达的幸运儿 For the lucky few that made it, 南太平洋群岛提供了很多的机会 South Pacific islands provided great opportunities. 一旦到这 它们有不同的自由 Once here, they had the freedom to be different. 蟹似乎并非不寻常 Crabs may not seem unusual, 但这里有一种与众不同 but there's one kind here that's like no other. 美托马岛 在瓦努阿图的这个小岛上 生活着一种真正的怪物 On this little island in Vanuatu lives a real oddity. 是地球上最大的陆栖无脊椎动物 It's the largest terrestrial invertebrate on Earth... 盗蟹 ..the robber crab. 最大的体重超过4公斤 The biggest can weigh up to four kilograms - 像新出生婴儿般大小 the same as a newborn baby - 一腿能跨1米 and have a leg span of one metre. 象用了激素的寄生蟹 It's a hermit crab on steroids. 晚上大盗开始活跃起来 At night, the huge "robbers" really come alive. 虽然这种蟹在太平洋能到处找到 Although these crabs are found throughout the Pacific, 但只有在人迹罕至的岛屿上才能 看到它们数量如此众多 it's only on undisturbed islands that you can see them in such numbers. 为什么盗蟹长得如此之大是个谜团 Exactly why robber crabs have grown so big is a mystery, 只有少数的动物能到达这些偏远的岛屿 but with so few creatures making it to these remote islands, 大甲壳纲动物似乎填补了通常 the giant crustaceans 中型哺乳类动物的位置 seem to have filled a niche normally taken by medium-sized mammals. 几乎没有天敌的竞争 And with almost no competition from other native animals, 盗蟹的巨大体型让它们 充分利用另一块大领地 the crabs' huge size allows them to make the most of another great coloniser - 在这里能找到许多 something found here in abundance. 椰肉是它们最喜欢的食物 Coconuts are one of their favourite foods - 所以它们也叫椰子蟹 it's why they're also called "coconut crabs" - 已知它们能带着椰子跑回三哩外的穴居里 and they've been known to carry them as far as three miles 已知它们能带着椰子跑回三哩外的穴居里 to a favourite den. 盗蟹或许是地球上唯一能打破椰子的动物 Robber crabs are perhaps the only animals in the world 盗蟹或许是地球上唯一能打破椰子的动物 able to break into a coconut. 外壳被强力的钳子撕掉 The husk is ripped off by powerful pincers. 其它腿钻通椰子自身的芽眼 Other legs drill through the germinating holes on the seed itself 直到硬果最终破掉 until the nut finally cracks. 整个过程可能要数小时 The whole process can take several hours, 奖赏是一顿富含蛋白质的美餐 but the reward is a meal rich in protein. 盗蟹统治着陆地 却不是海洋的主人 Robber crabs may rule the land, but they're no masters of the sea. 成年蟹能下水数分钟 An adult crab would drown in a few minutes, 浮上来却是个问题 which raises the question - 这个怪物怎么到南太平洋 最孤立的岛有那么多? how did these monsters get to so many of the South Pacific's most isolated islands? 雌性带来了答案 This female carries the answer - 有数千枚卵 thousands of eggs, 会从洋流中幸存下来 which will soon be left to the mercy of the ocean currents. 她摇动尾巴 A few shakes of her tail are all that's needed 把卵全部送上路 to send them on their way. 卵会立刻孵化 The eggs will hatch immediately. 幼体会在50天内找到新家摆脱困境 Then the larvae will have just 50 days to find a new home above the water. 对于漂流的动物来说 For animal castaways, 在广阔的海洋中找到新陆地的机会很小 finding new land in this vast ocean was a chance in a million. THUNDER RUMBLES 更多的是运气而不是机会 To beat the odds, luck was needed, 有时候来自不太可能的原因 sometimes coming from an unlikely source... 龙卷风 cyclones. WIND WHISTLES 每年这些强大的热带风暴 从广阔的海洋上空形成 Each year, these powerful tropical storms form over the huge ocean. 最大的龙卷风横跨600哩 The largest can span more than 600 miles. THUNDER ROLLS 龙卷风是南太平洋最具破坏力的力量 Cyclones are one of the most destructive forces in the South Pacific. 令人惊讶的是它们扮演着使生命蔓延到 Yet surprisingly, they have played a critical role 与世隔绝岛屿的重要角色 in spreading life to the loneliest islands. 有几个岛甚至比这还遥远 And few islands are more remote than these. 夏威夷群岛 离最近的大陆2000哩远 Two thousand miles from the nearest continent, 夏威夷是世界上最隔绝的群岛 Hawaii is the world's most isolated archipelago. 它被抛得太远了 It is so far flung 至少500种动物定居在这里已3千万年 that less than 500 kinds of animal settled here in 30 million years. 非同寻常 许多开拓者都是被 Remarkably, many of these colonisers 接二连三的龙卷风带到夏威夷的 were carried to Hawaii on the back of cyclones. 对于一个被暴风吸入的动物来说 携跨过海洋 For an animal to be sucked up by storm winds, carried across the ocean 被抛弃在此仍活着够幸运的 and dumped here alive was a matter of extraordinary luck. 这只昆虫的祖先曾发生过什么 Yet that's what happened to the ancestor of this insect. 果蝇的一种 It's a kind of fruit fly... 但不是普通的 but no ordinary one. 夏威夷果蝇是昆虫世界的极乐鸟 Hawaii's fruit flies are the birds of paradise of the insect world. 它们用复杂的求爱仪式来吸引雌性 They attract females with elaborate courtship rituals 有严密的属地范围现 and have a sophisticated range of territorial behaviour. 马累锤头蝇用它们的头部作为战斗工具 Male hammerhead flies use their heads as battering rams. 马累克莱佛塞铁果蝇从它们升起的腹部 A male clavisetae fruit fly 释放出性信息素 fans sex pheromones from his raised abdomen. 它伸出吻部以增加吸引力 His extended tongue is an added attraction. 自第一个开拓者起 Since that first coloniser, 它们进化出近1000个品种 they have evolved into nearly 1,000 species, 大部分都有独特的行为 many with their ownunique behaviour. 它来选择一位配偶 雌性非常挑剔 When it comes to choosing a mate, females are very fussy. 她的追求者一次错误的移动 她就离开了 One wrong move by her suitor and she's off. BUZZING 夏威夷的隔绝对某些其它野生动物 Hawaii's isolation has had a curious effect 同样有奇妙的效果 on the evolution of some of its other wildlife, too. 在羊齿植物周围爬行的是毛虫 Crawling around these ferns are caterpillars. 它们是蛾的幼体 外观够平常的 They're the larvae of a moth and look ordinary enough. 但这些微小的毛虫或许是世上 这品种中最强壮的 But these tiny caterpillars are perhaps the strangest of their kind in the world. 一旦找到适当的点 它就落下来嚼叶子 When one finds the right spot, it settles down to chew through a leaf. 到目前为止一切都正常 So far, so normal. 但实际上毛虫并没有咽上点叶子 But the caterpillar is not actually swallowing the bits of leaf. 它只是在叶片上开一个缝隙 It's channelling a gap between the segments. 完成后就将自己塞进去 When finished, it'll tuck itself into the space. 这个动物是不是太奇怪了? So what is so strange about this animal? 这些并不是典型的毛虫脚 Well, those are not your typical caterpillar feet, 下述也没有典型的毛虫行为 and what follows is not your typical caterpillar behaviour. 这是条食肉毛虫... This is a carnivorous caterpillar... 只要能较量就牢牢地抓住 ..with a vice-like hold and a bite to match. 夏威夷有很多果蝇 机会多得可以忽略 Hawaii's numerous fruit flies were just too good an opportunity to ignore. 另一种食肉毛虫有着枝条般伪装 And the stick-like camouflage of another kind of meat-eating caterpillar 实际上用来伏击正好 is just as effective when ambushing prey. 没人知道为什么把夏威夷食肉毛虫 放在这种特别的生活方式上 Nobody knows what set Hawaii's carnivorous caterpillars on this extraordinary path, 但是那种快速演化在孤岛上很普遍 but it's the sort of quirky evolution that's common on isolated islands. 每个南太平洋岛都有自己独特的动物群落 Each South Pacific island has its own unique set of creatures. 由于岛太多 总计有几千种在地球上 With so many islands, this adds up to thousands of animals 其它地方找不到的动物 found nowhere else on Earth. 海洋隔绝起来毫不费力 Isolated by miles of ocean, 人类开拓者同样发展出不同的生活方式 human colonisers also developed different ways of life. 每个文明都有自己的习俗 有些真得很奇怪 Each culture has its own customs, and some are truly bizarre. SINGING 彭特科斯特岛(五旬节岛) 土著人处在欢庆中 The locals are in celebratory mood. THEY ARE SINGING 这个男人将要表演的是世上最奇怪的仪式 This man is about to perform one of the strangest rituals in the world. 这个传统是考验最勇敢男人的勇气 It's a tradition that tests the mettle of the most courageous men. 一头之高只是开始 Having a head for heights is only the start. 藤本植物系在他的脚踝上 Forest vines are tied around his ankles. 这也是他的保命索 They will be his lifeline. LEAVES RUSTLE, TOWER CREAKS 数世纪来 五旬节岛的男人系着能终止他们坠落的藤索 For centuries, Pentecost men have been leaping head first 从木制脚手架上头向前跳下 from wooden scaffolds with only forest vines to break their fall... 一个让现代蹦极跳受到启发的风俗 ..a tradition that inspired modern bungee jumping. 这种跳看起来像疯狂行为 The jumps may look like acts of madness, 但节庆起源有着庄重的方面 but the festival's origins have a serious side. 他们庆祝每年的主要作物的收获 They celebrate the annual harvest of their staple crop. 由于每年多达9个龙卷风重击南太平洋 And with up to nine cyclones pounding the South Pacific a year, 成功收获是值得庆祝的 a successful harvest is worth celebrating. 对死里逃生的大地是不会误算的 The close calls with Mother Earth are not miscalculations. 跳跃者的头发像刷子样拂过地面 The diver's hair is actually meant to brush the ground 象征着施肥 in a symbolic act of fertilisation. 他们相信跳跃者离地面越近 And it's believed the closer the jumper gets to the ground, 来年的收成就越好 the taller the crops will grow the next year. 人类穿越南太平洋的历史可 Human history across most of the South Pacific 上溯至少2千年 dates back less than 2,000 years. 相比之下 第一个到达这些海岸的动物 By comparison, animal colonisers first arrived on these shores 开拓者已超过3千万年了 over 30 million years ago. 自12世纪以来 人类几乎开拓了 Yet by the 12th century, 每块能居住的陆地 people had colonised almost every habitable piece of land. 被海水包围 海洋已深深 嵌入他们的文明中 Surrounded by water, the ocean became embedded in their culture - 虽然有时用惊奇的方式 sometimes in surprising ways. DRUMMING 在班克斯岛 女人用海洋作音乐 In the Banks Islands, women use the sea to make music. 她们用歌声来赞美生活在这里的动物 And their songs celebrate the creatures that live in it. 不管人类定居在南太平洋那里 No matter where people settled in the South Pacific, 他们的生存都依赖于对海洋 their survival depended 以及野生动物的深刻了解 on a deep understanding of the ocean and its wildlife. 自从他们第一次到这里就以海洋现象为特征作为南太平洋群岛的日历 And one ocean event has featured in the Pacific islanders' calendar 自从他们第一次到这里就以海洋现象为特征作为南太平洋群岛的日历 since they first arrived here. 它只发生在一年中11月某个晚上 It happens on just one night a year, in November. 带着手电筒和自制鱼网 Armed with torches and homemade nets, (西萨摩亚岛) 这些岛民准备收获 these islanders prepare for a harvest. 他们聚在暗礁浅滩 They gather in the reef shallows, 观察并等待不久将至的活动骤至 watching and waiting for what will soon be a flurry of activity. 当月亮升起时 As the moon rises, 它引发了一个自然而非常奇异的现象 it triggers a natural phenomenon and a very strange spectacle... 蠕虫升起来了 ..the rising of worms - 矶沙蚕 palolo worms. 实际上这是沙蚕的后半部分,也就是它们的生殖部分 These are actually the worms' rear ends - their reproductive segments. 它们的头部仍留在礁石上 The part with the head remains in the coral rock. 当到达海面时卵子和精子混合 When they reach the surface, eggs and sperm will mix. EXCITED SHOUTING 潮汐将蠕动的蚕推到浅滩中 The tide washes the wriggling worms into the shallows 那里它们能被收集到满满一桶 where they are scooped up by the bucketful. 整个事件只有二个小时的时间 但就在那段时间里 The whole event lasts just a couple of hours, but in that time, 能收集数百公斤 hundreds of kilos can be gathered. 富含蛋白质和脂肪 Rich in proteins and fats, 矶沙蚕是南太平洋的鱼子酱 palolo worms are the caviar of the South Pacific. 这是一场短暂的盛宴 但要在南太平洋生存 This may be a short-lived feast, but living in the South Pacific 任何手段都是可行的 means making the most of anything going. 每年六月虎鲨出现在桑迪岛附近 Every year, in June, tiger sharks appear 围绕在这块小小的浅海周围 in the shallow waters around this scattering of tiny, sandy islands. 它们为了期盼的事情游行了数百英里 They've travelled hundreds of miles in anticipation of an event 持续至少二个星期 that lasts less than two weeks. 它们的时机是无懈可击的 And their timing is impeccable. 信天翁的幼雏是打击的目标 Albatross chicks are sitting ducks. 鲨鱼们也许会失去惊喜的成分 The sharks may have lost the element of surprise, 但它们优秀的视力能对信天翁幼雏的行为 but their high visibility will make little difference 作出轻微的影响 to the albatross chicks' behaviour. HIGH-PITCHED WHISTLING 目前注意力放在飞行上 Right now, the focus is on flying. 对于信天翁雏鸟来说 这不是你想像的那么简单 For fledging albatross, that's not as simple as you'd think. 问题是岛的跑道有点短 The problem is the island's runway is a bit short, 尤其是对世上翅膀最长的鸟来说 especially for a bird with one of the world's longest wingspans. 处女航常以一身湿的着地为结束 The maiden flight often ends in a wet landing. 为什么鲨鱼会在这 And that's why the sharks are here. 因为它们有高灵敏的感官 With their highly acute senses, 它们能片刻就发现着陆的雏鸟 they're onto the chicks within a few moments of touchdown. 在二星期的雏鸟期内 During two weeks of fledging, 超过100只信天翁幼雏会犯同一致命错误 over 100 albatross chicks make the same fatal error... 而鲨鱼会完全利用这一点 and the sharks take full advantage. 在海洋里食物令人惊讶的匮乏 In an ocean where food can be surprisingly scarce, 每年一次的盛宴是这些鲨鱼的依靠 this annual feast is something these sharks depend on. 许多南太平洋岛屿的规模意味着 食物往往有限的 The size of many South Pacific islands means that food is often limited. 更小更孤立的它们 要生存是艰难的 The smaller and more isolated they are, the harder it is to survive. 在这片岛屿海洋中 有一座微小岛屿耸立在那 And in this ocean of islands, there's one tiny island that stands out. 这或许是地球上最偏僻的人类社会的家园 It's home to perhaps the most remote community of people on the planet, 有着一个真正让人兴奋的故事 with a truly inspiring story. 这些人来自恩浮塔岛 These men are from the island of Anuta. 这个捕鱼技术是他们岛独有的 This fishing technique is unique to their island 尤其天气太糟不能出船时显得很重要 and essential when the weather is too rough for their boats. 章鱼触手常用来作鱼饵 Octopus tentacles are used as bait. 它非常有效 And it's very effective. 一旦找到鱼群 用这种方法能捉到许多鱼 Once a shoal has been found, dozens of fish can be caught in this way. 挣扎的鱼由于很快被咬住头而死去 The struggling fish are killed with a quick bite to the head. 恩浮塔岛有许多捕鱼技术在 太平洋其它地方是没有的 Anutans have more fishing techniques than almost anywhere else in the Pacific - 考虑到他们岛的规模 这是很重要的技能 a vital skill, given the size of their island. 这是... And this is it. 恩浮塔岛 面积只有1/6平方哩 Just one-sixth of a square mile in area. 恩浮塔岛太小了 你不会在意的 Anuta is so small, that no matter where you are, 始终能听到海浪声 the sound of the waves is ever present. WAVES WHISPER CHILDREN CALL 自从人类开拓者到来近400年后 Life on Anuta has changed little 恩浮塔岛的生活几乎没有变 since these people's ancestors arrived here nearly 400 years ago. 许多恩浮塔岛人依旧将他们的人生 放在这偏僻的弹丸之地上 Many Anutans still spend their entire lives on this remote speck of land. 偏僻的恩浮塔岛只有300人生活在这里 Anuta's isolation has meant that the 300 people who live here 必须完全自给自足 have had to become completely self-sufficient. 几乎岛上每平方米都耕种栽培着 Almost every square metre of the island 像芋头和面包果那样的庄稼 is cultivated to grow staple crops like taro or breadfruit. 有些食物存放在地下 Some food will be stored in the ground - 这是对付风暴的保护措施 an insurance policy against cyclones. 岛上的树很少 With few trees on the island, 它们的木制舷外支架独木舟是珍贵的 their wooden outrigger canoes are treasured items, 有些已连续用了150年 and some have been in continuous use for nearly 150 years. 没有它们 这里的人将要奋斗去生存 Without them, these people would struggle to survive here, 海洋是恩浮塔人指望最多的 since it's the sea that Anutans look to for many of their needs. 无论风朝哪个方向人们都能掌控 The men have a plan for whichever direction the wind takes them. 他们知道每个暗礁的位置 They know the location of every one of their reefs, 呈直线的岛像界标似的估量出 他们的确切位置 lining up landmarks on the island to gauge their exact position. 捕鱼航行是非常有效的 It makes fishing trips very productive. MEN CHAT 孤立的恩浮塔塑形了他们的社会 Anuta's isolation has shaped their society. 和其它岛贸易太远了 Too far away to trade with other islands, 他们有强大的团体精神 they have a strong community spirit. 为了共同的利益 任何东西都是共用的 工作都是一起做 Everything is shared and all work together for the common good. 这是他们成功的秘密 It's the secret of their success. 恩浮塔是地球上人口最密集的地方之一 Anuta has one of the highest population densities on Earth - 超过孟加拉国 然而在这块弹丸之地 equal to that of Bangladesh - yet on their tiny speck of land, 这里的人仅凭自然资源就能生存 these people have always lived completely within their resources. 这是骄人的成就 It's a remarkable achievement, 谁要在南太平洋安家 一切都要分享而不是一个人的 and not one that is shared by all 谁要在南太平洋安家 一切都要分享而不是一个人的 who have made a home in the South Pacific. 迷失在汪洋大海中 Lost in the vastness of this ocean 是讲述一个岛过度开发的传奇故事 is an island with a legendary tale of over-exploitation. 复活节岛 这里曾是世上最难以接近的岛屿 This was once the most inaccessible island in the world. 一千年前人类首次踏足这里 When the first people arrived here 1,000 years ago, 复活节岛曾是个天堂 Easter Island was a paradise 岛上的野生动物甚至比 加拉帕戈斯群岛还要丰富 thought to be richer in wildlife than even the Galapagos. 那时的山冈被巨大的棕榈林覆盖着 Back then, its hills were cloaked with a forest of giant palms. 也是南太平洋最大的海鸟栖息地 It was also home to one of the largest seabird colonies in the South Pacific. 最初的生活对于复活节岛民来说 肯定是轻松的 Initially, life must have been easy for the Easter Islanders, 拉帕努伊 the Rapa Nui. 时间任他们支配 他们开始雕刻 And with time on their hands, they set to work 称为"摩埃"的巨大石像 carving huge stone statues known as moai. 从那以后 每个家族都想把石像 Before long, each clan was trying to carve 雕刻得比他们的邻居更大 larger, grander figures than those of their neighbours... 竞赛成了他们的祸根 ..competition that was to be their undoing. 大量的木头被用来传送石像 Vast quantities of wood were used to transport the stone statues, 虽慢却一步步地 and slowly but surely, 让拉帕努伊人耗尽了岛上宝贵的资源 the Rapa Nui used up their island's precious resources. 最后他们的文明也陷入混乱与战争中 Eventually, their civilisation descended into chaos and warfare. 家族之间的战斗伴随着灾难性的后果 Clan fought against clan, with disastrous consequences. 直至最后崩溃时 By the time of their ultimate collapse, the Rapa Nui 拉帕努伊人把他们的岛已改得面目全非了 had changed their island beyond recognition. 这些山冈曾经耸立着巨大的棕榈林 These are the hills where the giant palm forest once stood. 这里的峭壁曾经回响着是这个 And these are the cliffs 巨大海鸟栖息地的声音 that once rang to the sound of those huge seabird colonies, 全被拉帕努伊人捕杀消灭殆尽 all hunted to extinction by the Rapa Nui. 如今巨大的石像辛酸得提醒人们 Today, the giant stone statues 在偏远的岛上自然生命是变幻无常 are a poignant reminder of the precarious nature of life on remote islands. 南太平洋所有的岛民都不得不 All South Pacific islanders must make the most 充分利用他们现有的任何资源 of whatever resources they have... 恩浮塔岛是个例外 ..and the Anutans are no exception. 他们收获的野生动物同样 依赖这一小片土地 They harvest the wildlife that also depends on this little piece of land. WHISTLING NASAL "OW-OW-OW" 每个猎人用自己的最佳叫声 Each hunter uses his own preferred call. LIPS VIBRATING 声音会吸引猎物靠近他们的网 The noise will lure their quarry closer to their nets. SWISHING WHISTLING LIPS VIBRATING ANIMAL SQUAWKING 白顶玄燕鸥 Noddy terns. 它们整天在海上捕鱼 They've spent the day fishing out at sea, 所以回栖息地只有容易被捉的晚上 so it's only when they return to roost at night they can be caught. 白顶玄燕鸥是恩浮塔岛民最容易捕获的 It would be easy for the Anutans to over-harvest the noddy terns - 甚至可以消灭种群 even exterminate the colony. 但这不是恩浮塔的方式 But that's not the Anutan way. 他们的方法是确保未来一代仍可享用 Their approach ensures a future for the next generation to enjoy. 在南太平洋 生命总是变化无常的 Life has always been precarious in the South Pacific, 但人与动物之间适当的平衡将使 but with the right balance, both people and animals 这个海岛保持兴旺发达 will continue to thrive in this great ocean of islands. 世上最大的海浪突然出现在南太平洋群岛 Some of the biggest waves in the world break on South Pacific islands. 这部系列片目标之一是从水下捕捉自然力 One of the aims of this series was to capture the awesome power 那令人生畏的力量 of these natural forces from underwater. 魔鬼海浪 所以小组朝加罗林群岛的波恩佩进发 So the team headed to Pohnpei in the Caroline Islands... 已知最大 最快的海浪 ..well known for big, barrelling waves. 船上是顶尖冲浪摄影师巴利·斯厥克兰 On board was top surf cameraman, Bali Strickland. 通常说如果你喜欢,如果我能再近一米 Often you're like, "If I'd been one metre that way, 拍摄将会更加完美 "the shot would've been perfect." 事实上要获得完美位置是相当难的 So to actually get the perfect position is pretty hard. 巴利习惯用这种尺寸的摄影机外壳 But Bali was used to a camera housing this size, 那他准备怎么操作这个大家伙的? so how was he going to manage with one this big? 德国摄影机专家里德·迪赛尔在 German camera technicianRudi Diesel 前一天拍片时刚做好这个外壳 had only finished building this housingone day before the shoot. 内部的摄影机能拍超好的高清晰慢镜头 Inside was a camera that could film in super slow motion and high definition. 目前为止还没人在水下用过 Until now, no-one had ever tried using one underwater. 即将带着摄影机到水里 About to take a ?00,000-plus camera into the water. 从没见过这样的摄影机 Don't see much in the monitor. 遗憾的是摄影机关闭有点... Unfortunately, the camera turned out to be... 好了 摄影机害羞了 well, camera shy. 噢 伙计!期待在那 Oh, boy! The anticipation was there. 有很大的预期 There was huge expectation. 当你开辟新天地时 When you're breaking new ground, 你必须作好游泳和绕行的准备 you have to be prepared for swings and roundabouts. 有时你必须要忍耐 You have to be patient sometimes. 还有一个问题 And there was another problem. 海浪太小了 要超过康沃尔和卡琳娜 The waves were tiny - more Cornwall than Carolines. 小组随队带着世界级冲浪运动员 迪兰·隆巴顿 The team had brought along world-class surfer Dylan Longbottom 去给海浪造一些势 to give some scale to the waves, 但效果相反 but it was having the opposite effect. 你看海浪的规模在一天内难以想像的变化 When you look at the size of the waves, 你看海浪的规模在一天内难以想像的变化 it's hard to imagine that in a single day, 如果时机合适 if the conditions were right, 海浪能带着完美的卷浪越过你的头 the wave would break way over your head with this perfect barrel. 但现在一点迹象也没有 But there's no sign of it at the moment. 第二天 巴利对他定制的外壳 Next day, Rudi felt sure 开始使用满怀信心 his custom-built housing was now up and running. 好 打开... OK, switch it on... 它运转了! Yes, it works! 拍片时常最喜欢听到话就是"它工作了" The words I like to hear most often on a shoot - "Yes, it's working." 我最不喜欢听到话 鲁迪 The words I don't like to hear very often, Rudi, "它不工作了 我想它坏了" are, "No, it's not working. I think it's broken." 外壳一切都好 But all was well with the housing 终于它准备去溅水花了 and, finally, it was ready to make a splash. 巴利和迪兰涉水到冲浪带 Bali and Dylan paddled out to the surf zone. 海浪仍太小 The waves were still small, 巴利脚下坚硬粗糙的礁石始终存在危险 but the hard, jagged reef beneath Bali's feet 巴利脚下坚硬粗糙的礁石始终存在危险 was a constant reminder of the dangers here. 即使小浪 带着巨大的外壳 And even in small waves, 进入拍摄位置也是个挑战 getting into position with the large housing was going to be a challenge. 巴利等候他的第一个镜头... Bali lined up for his first shot... 动作捕捉在20秒后减为正常速度 ..capturing the action at 20 times slowerthan normal speed. 有趣的拍摄 但这不是小组想要的 An interesting shot, but not what the team were after. 为什么没有大浪那? So why were there no big waves? 3000哩外的堪察加和这里之间没有陆地 There's no land between here and Kamchatka, 3,000 miles away. 海浪要到达这里 And the waves that arrive here 先从日本或俄罗斯东岸开始 start off around Japan or the east coast of Russia. 当风暴袭击这些地方时 And when a storm hits these places, 激发海洋产生汹涌大浪 it whips up the sea, generating swell. 这相当于将一颗卵石投入水池 It's rather like throwing a pebble into a pool. 向外发生涟漪 The ripples radiate outwards 当到达陆地时产生海浪 which, when they reach land, make waves. 要是海浪规模达到横扫一切的话 So if the size of these waves was anything to go by, 日本和俄罗斯有明显的暖冬气候 Japan and Russia were having some unusually mild winter weather. 对波恩佩来说尤甚 And that was more than you could say for Pohnpei. 这里依然没有大浪 And there were still no big waves. 唯一的好消息是外壳仍在工作 The only good news was that the housing was still working 依旧密封 and remained watertight, despite being soundly tested 不管是水上还是水下都很好 both below and above the water. 小组考虑到事情不能有任何错... Then, when the team thoughtthings couldn't get any worse... 如果再风平浪静 If conditions got any calmer here, we'd probably have small boys 或许就有小男孩在水池里开玩具船了! out sailing their toy boats out on this millpond! 我们是为12英尺的卷浪而来的 I mean, we came for 12-foot barrelling waves 而现在我们只拍到一些温和的浅浪 and we've got a sort of gentle riffle at the moment. 到时间检查海图了 Time to check the swell charts. 前方的俄罗斯有更好的消息 There was better news on the Russian front - 一场大风暴正朝波恩佩而来 a big storm sending swell Pohnpei's way. 拍片结束时 海浪到了 At the end of the shoot, the waves arrived - 迄今为止是小组看到最大 the biggest the team had seen so far. 大浪对巴利更有挑战性 The big surf proved even more of a challenge for Bali. 这里仍要避开锋利的礁石 And there was still the sharp reef to avoid. 巴利终于拍到了承诺的效果 Bali's final shots had promise, 但海浪仍比小组预期的小得多 but these waves were still much smallerthan the team had hoped for. 已经看到里德的水下摄影机的潜力 Having seen the potential of Rudi's camera underwater, 我只知道要把它带回到那些位置 I just know I've got to get it back out 在大卷浪中用它 on one of these locations and use it in a big barrel, 因为效果难以想像的惊人和独特 because the results will be incredibly surprising and totally unique. 4个月后 由于一个巨大的汹涌海浪 从俄罗斯涌来 Four months later, with news of a large swell coming from Russia, 小组返回波恩佩 the team were back in Pohnpei. 这时的海浪看上去更大 浪中已有人冲浪了 This time, the waves looked big, even with surfers in them. 冲浪专家迪兰迫不急待上去了 And expert surfer Dylan couldn't wait to get out there. 我们到了 Well, we've turned up 我们已经看到了几个绝对魔鬼般的卷浪 and we've seen a couple of absolutely monster barrels. 我们来能拍到 So we've got what we came for. 我相当紧张 And, um...I'm pretty nervous, 因为我准备带着大鱼雷摄影机回到那 because I'm about to swim that huge torpedo camera back out there... 看上去挺危险的! ..and it's dangerous-looking! 大浪把全世界的冲浪者全带来了 The big waves had brought surfers from all over the world, 这一天肯定是属于职业选手的 but this was definitely a day for the professionals. 巴利准备拿出全部的冲浪经验 Bali was going to have to use all his surf experience 安全地去拍片 to get the shots without risking his safety. 定位将是最重要的 Positioning was going to be everything. 真是危险的运动 This really is a dangerous sport. 从表面上看 有点像从山的表面滑雪下来一样 Superficially, it looks a bit like skiing down the face of a mountain. 不同在于山实际上是在追你 The difference here is that the mountain is actually chasing YOU 伴你同行 你停下就吞掉你 and wanting to gobble you up as you go along. 嘿! MAN:Oh! 这就是我们要的 This is what we came for. 巴利进入了首次拍片那天的位置 Bali got into position for his first shot of the day - 10尺卷浪 a ten-foot barrel wave. 巴利发现捕捉像这样的 镜头留下点错误空白 Capturing a shot like this leaves little margin for error, 巴利发现捕捉像这样的 镜头留下点错误空白 as Bali discovered. 我尽量想抓牢 但随后被吸入到瀑布的上面 I tried to hold on as long as I could 我尽量想抓牢 但随后被吸入到瀑布的上面 and it sucked me over the falls afterwards. 这东西太重了 我在起泡的海水里 想上来 This thing is so heavy, I was in the foam, inside, trying to get up. 我的右腿抽筋 好久上不来 My right leg cramped and I couldn't get up for ages. 我幸运没有真得被落在后面 I was just lucky there wasn't really much behind it, 我仍坚持设法出来了 or I'd still be in there trying to get out. Phew! 对于第二次拍片 巴利在浪中的位置完全正确 For the next shots, Bali's position in the waves was right on the money. 使用水下慢动作摄影机是值得的 Using the slow-motion camera underwater had paid off, 这里首次揭露了巨浪产生的漩涡 here, for the first time, revealing the vortices created by huge waves. 接着的拍摄完美结束了一天 Then the shot that crowned a perfect day. 我拍了但不确定拍得怎样 I shot it. I wasn't sure how good it was. 我回放片子时身体抖个不停 I've watched it back and I've still got shivers in my spine, 因为在水里得到的镜头太好了 because it's probably the best shot I've ever got in the water, 毫不疑问 without a doubt. 它在这 And here it is. 巨浪冲浪者迪兰·隆巴顿 Big-wave surfer Dylan Longbottom 在 12尺的魔鬼卷浪中 in a 12-foot, monster barrel wave 用超级慢动作拍摄 filmed in super slow motion - 这是记录的此类的首部影片 the first shots of their kind ever recorded. 此时巴利的经验是完美的
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