
Kungfu Panda 《功夫熊猫》电影中英对照剧本

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Kungfu Panda 《功夫熊猫》电影中英对照剧本Kungfu Panda 《功夫熊猫》 Kungfu Panda 《功夫熊猫》 [Scene: the narrator is making an introduction, it’s also a dream of the main character.] -Narrator: Legend tells of a legendary warrior... legend: 传奇 legendary: 传奇的 warrior: 武士 传奇故事传颂着一名传奇武士, whose kung fu skills were the stu...
Kungfu Panda 《功夫熊猫》电影中英对照剧本
Kungfu Panda 《功夫熊猫》 Kungfu Panda 《功夫熊猫》 [Scene: the narrator is making an introduction, it’s also a dream of the main character.] -Narrator: Legend tells of a legendary warrior... legend: 传奇 legendary: 传奇的 warrior: 武士 传奇故事传颂着一名传奇武士, whose kung fu skills were the stuff of legend. stuff: 物质 他的功夫出神入化。 He traveled the land in search of worthy foes. in search of: 寻找 foe: 敌人 他走遍天涯,独孤求败, -Demon: I see you like to chew. chew: 咀嚼,咬 你挺喜欢吃啊, Maybe you should chew on my fist! fist: 拳头 有种就吃了我的拳头! -Narrator: The warrior said nothing for his mouth was full. 武士一言不发,因为正忙着吃, Then he swallowed. swallow: 吞咽 然后一口吞下, And then he spoke. 开口道: “Enough talk. Let's fight! Shashabooey! Shashabooey!” “别废话,动手吧!沙哈波易!沙哈波易!” -Narrator: He was so deadly in fact deadly: 致命的 他的一招一式如此彪悍 that his enemies would go blind from over exposure to pure awesomeness. exposure: 暴露 pure: 完全的 awesomeness: 敬畏 他的敌人目不暇接,只有瞠目结舌的份儿 -Demon: My eyes! 我的眼睛! -Rabbit1: He's too awesome! awesome: 令人惊叹的 他太彪悍了! -Rabbit2: And attractive! 太有魅力了! -Rabbit1: How Can We repay you? 我们何以回报? -Warrior: There is no charge for awesomeness. awesomeness: 非凡的 伟大不求回报 Or attractiveness. attractiveness: 魅力 迷人更无所需 Kablooey! Kablooey! 哼哼哈哈!哼哼哈哈! -Narrator: It mattered not how many foes he faced. foe: 敌人 他征战无数 They were no match for his body! 无人堪与匹敌, Never before had a panda been so feared! 从没有哪只熊猫能让人如此恐惧, And so loved. 又让人如此爱戴。 Even the most heroic heroes in China, 即使是神州大地之上最英勇的勇士们 the Furious Five, furious: 凶猛的 勇猛五杰, bowed in respect to this great master. bow: 鞠躬 也心怀敬意地拜倒在这位大师脚下。 -Monkey: We should hang out. hang out:: 出去 咱出去玩玩怎样? -Warrior: Agreed. 同意。 -Narrator: But hanging out would have to wait. 但出去玩的事情得先放一边, Because when you're facing the 10 000 demons of shemon Mountain demon: 恶魔 因为尚有万千暴徒待铲除, there's only one thing that matters and that's... 正经事只有一件,就是…… -Monkey: Po! Get up! Po,快起床! You'll be later for work! 要误了生意了! -Po: What? 什么? [Scene: the dream is over, and Po gets up to work.] -Dad: Po! Get up! Po,快起床! Po. What are you doing up there? Po,你磨蹭啥呢? -Po: Nothing. 没啥。 Monkey! Mantis! Crane! Viper! Tigress! mantis: 螳螂 crane: 鹤 viper: 毒蛇 Monkey! Mantis! Crane! Viper! Tigress! -Dad: Po! Let's go! You're late for work. Po!快点,都误了生意了。 -Po: Coming! 来啦…… Sorry, dad. 对不起,老爸 -Dad: Sorry doesn't make the noodles. 对不起可变不出面条来。 What were you doing up there? 你在搞什么名堂? All that noise. 稀里哗啦的。 -Po: Nothing. I just had a crazy dream. 没什么,就是个乱七八糟的梦。 -Dad: About what? 什么梦? What were you dreaming about? 梦到什么了? -Po: What was I...? 梦到了……我梦见了…… I was dreaming about... 我梦见了…… ...noodles. ……面条。 -Dad: Noodles? 面条? You were really dreaming about noodles? 你真梦见面条了? -Po: Yeah. What else would I be dreaming about? 没错。不然还能梦见啥? Careful! That soup is sharp. 小心!汤很锋利哦(有飞镖)。 -Dad: Oh, happy day! 哦,太让人高兴了! My son finally having the noodle dream! 我儿子终于梦到面条了! You don't know how long I've been waiting for this moment. 哦,你不知道我等这一刻都等了多久! This is a sign, Po. sign: 迹象 这是个好兆头,Po。 -Po: A sign of what? 什么好兆头? You are almost ready to be entrusted with the secret ingredient of my Secret Ingredient Soup. entrust: 委托 ingredient: 原料 我终于可以把我的私酿密汤的配方传给你了。 Then you will fulfill your destiny and take over the restaurant! destiny: 命运 take over: 继承 这样你就能不辱使命,继承这间饭馆了。 As I took it over from my father who took it over from his father... 就像我子承父业,父承祖父业一样, ...who won it from a friend in mahjong. mahjong: 麻将 这店可是爷爷来麻将从朋友手里赢来的。 -Po: Dad, Dad, Dad, it was just a dream. 老爸,老爸,这不过是场梦。 -Dad: No, it was the dream. 不,这是注定的梦。 We are noodle folk. folk: 特定集团中的人 我们是面条世家, Broth runs through our veins. broth: 肉汤 vein: 静脉 流淌着肉汤面条的血脉。 -Po: But, Dad, didn't you ever want to do something else? 可是,老爸,你有没有……想过做点别的? Something besides noodles? 除了面条之外的? -Dad: Actually, when I was young and crazy, 其实,我还年少轻狂的时候, I thought about running away and learning how to make tofu. run away: 离家出走 tofu: 豆腐 曾想过离家出走,学做豆腐。 -Po: Why didn't you? 那你干吗不做? -Dad: Because it was a stupid dream. 因为这是个黄梁蠢梦, Can you imagine me making tofu? 你能想象我做豆腐的样子吗? Tofu. 豆腐? No! We all have our place in this world. 别提了!我们各有其命。 Mine is here, 我就是面条命, and yours is... 而你…… -Po: I know, is here. 我知道了,也是面条命。 -Dad: No!it's at tables 2, 5, 7 and 12. 错!是2号桌,5号桌,7号桌还有12号桌。 Service with a smile. 别忘了微笑服务。 [Scene: in the Jade Palace, Master and his students are playing kungfu, and the bad news comes. ] -Master: Well done, students... 干得好,徒儿们! if you were trying to disappoint me. 如果还有什么想让我挑剔的地方,就是 Tigress, you need more ferocity! ferocity: 凶猛 Tigress,力道要更强! Monkey, greater speed. Monkey,速度要更快。 Crane, height. height: 高度 Crane,更高。 Viper, subtlety. Mantis... subtlety: 微妙 Viper,更精准。Mantis…… -Zeng: Master Shifu. 大师傅。 -Master: What?! 插什么嘴?! -Zeng: It's Master Oogway. 是Oogway大师, He wants to see you. 他想见您。 -Master: Master Oogway, you summoned me? summon: 召唤 Oogway大师,您召见我。 Is something wrong? 是出什么事了吗? - Oogway: Why must something be wrong for me to want to see my old friend? 为何非要出事才能与老友相聚呢? -Master: So nothing's wrong? 这么说,没出啥事? -Oogway: Well, I didn't say that. 我倒也没这么说, -Po: You were saying? 您是说…… -Oogway: I have had a vision. vision: 幻觉 我看见了些幻相, Tai Lung will return. Tai Lung会重现江湖。 -Master: That is impossible! He is in prison. prison: 监狱 这不可能!他还在牢里呢。 -Oogway: Nothing is impossible. 一切皆有可能。(阿迪达斯赞助了?) -Master: Zeng! Zeng! Fly to Ohorh-Gom prison and tell them, 马上飞到桃岗天牢去告诉他们, to double the guards, double their weapons, double everything! weapon: 武器 看守加倍,兵器加倍,什么都加倍, Tai Lung does not leave that prison! 确保Tai Lung不会越狱 -Zeng: Yes! Master Shifu! 遵命!师傅大师 -Oogway: One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it. avoid: 拒绝 有言,子欲避之,反促遇之。 -Master: We must do something! 我们不能无动于衷! We can't let him march on the valley, march on: 向...推进 valley: 山谷 我不能让他来谷中泄愤, take his revenge! take revenge: 报复 以报私恨 He'll... 他会…… -Oogway: Your mind is like this water my friend. 你心如此水,老朋友。 When it is agitated it becomes difficult to see. agitated: 不安的 乱则不明。 But if you allow it to settle... settle: 安顿 但若心如止水, ...the answer becomes clear. ……便尽现眼前。 The Dragon Scroll. dragon: 龙 scroll: 卷轴 龙之卷轴。 It is time. 是时候了。 -Master: But who? 可传给谁? Who is worthy to be trusted with the secret to limitless power? 谁能有能力继承这无限的力量? To become the Dragon Warrior? warrior: 武士 成为“龙武士”? -Oogway: I don't know. 我亦不知。 [Scene: Master Oogway is going to choose the “Dragon Warrior”, and Po goes to see the selection, and the unexpected thing happens.] -Po: Excuse me. Pardon me. Sorry. 借过,抱歉, -Customer: Watch it! 嘿,看着点走! -Po: Sorry. 对不起, -Customer: Suck it up! suck up: 吸收(吸尽) 把这个擦掉! -Po: Sorry. A thousand pardons. 对不起,一千个抱歉。 What? 什么? Master Oogway's choosing the Dragon Warrior! Today! Oogway大师选龙武士?!今天! Everyone! Get to the Jade Palace! jade: 翡翠 大伙们,快去翡翠宫! One of the Five is gonna get the Dragon Scroll! scroll: 卷轴 五杰之一要得到龙卷轴了! We've waited 1000 years for this! 千年等一回啊! Take the bowl! bowl: 碗 吃完就快去啊! This is the greatest day in kung fu history! Just go! 今天是功夫史上最伟大的一天,(别操心付账了)快去吧! -Dad: Po! Where are you going? Po!你要去哪儿? -Po: To the Jade Palace. jade: 翡翠 去翡翠宫。 -Dad: You're forgetting your noodle cart. cart: 搬运车 可你忘了你的面条车了, The whole valley will be there and you'll sell noodles to all of them. 整个山谷的居民都会去,你就可以大卖特卖了。 -Po: Selling noodles? 卖面条? But, Dad, I was thinking, maybe I... 可是,老爸,我在想我可不可以…… -Dad: Yeah? 什么? -Po: I was thinking Maybe I... 我在想我可不可以…… could also sell the bean buns. bean: 豆 bun: 圆形小点心 可不可以也顺道卖点绿豆糕, They're about to go bad. 它们快坏了。 That's my boy! 真是个好孩子! I told you that dream was a sign. 我说过那个梦是个好兆头。 -Po: Yeah. Glad I had it. 是呀,真高兴我做了这个梦。 -Rabbit1: I'm a kung fu warrior! 我是功夫兔子! -Rabbit2: Me too! 我也是! -Rabbit1: There's spots at the top. 比赛地点在山顶呢! -Rabbit2: Let's go. 我们走。 -Po: Come on. Come on! 加油,加油! Almost there. 就要到了。 What? 什么? No! Oh, no! 不会吧,不,不! -Rabbit: Sorry, Po. 不好意思了,Po。 We'll bring you back a souvenir. souvenir: 纪念品 我们会给你带纪念品的。 -Po: No. I'll bring me back a souvenir. 不,我要自己带纪念品下来。 -Master: It is an historic day. 这是历史性的一天, Isn't it, Master Oogway? 是吧?Oogway大师? -Oogway: Yes, and one I feared I would not live to see. 没错,我还怕我不能活着等到这天。 Are your students ready? 你的徒弟们准备好了吗? -Master: Yes, Master Oogway. 准备好了,Oogway大师。 -Oogway: Know this, old friend. 老朋友,你得明白, Whomever I choose will not only bring peace to the valley... 不管我选了谁,不仅是给山谷带来安宁…… but also to you. 也是给你带来安定。 -Master: Let the tournament begin! tournament: 锦标赛 比武大会现在开始! [Scene: the tournament begins, and Po finally gets to the Jade Palace, but unfortunately, he is shut out of the door, and he manages to get in.] -People: Yeah. 帅! -Po: No, no, wait! 不!等等! I'm coming! Wait, wait! 我来了!等等! Yes! 到了! Hey! Open the door! 嗨,把门儿开开! Let me in! 让我进去! -Master: Citizens of the Valley of Peace, citizen: 居民 平和谷的居民们, it is my great honor to present to you... Tigress! 我深感荣幸为你们介绍,Tigress! Viper! Crane! Monkey! Mantis! Viper!Crane!Monkey!Mantis! The Furious Five! 勇猛五杰! -People: Yeah, the Furious Five! 耶,勇猛五杰! -Master: Warriors, prepare! warrior: 武士 武士们准备! -Po: Wait. No. Oh, peeky-hole. peeky: 可窥视的 等等,不,噢,可以从门洞里看。 -Master: Ready for battle! battle: 战役 准备比武! -People: Yeah. 太好了! -Master: The Thousand Tongues of Fire. tongue: 舌头 数千火舌。 -People: Look at that. 哇噢,看看那个! -Po: Hey!Get out of the way! 嗨!别挡着我! -Master: And finally Master Tigress! 最后出场的是Tigress! And believe me, citizens you have not seen anything yet. 相信我,居民们,你们将大开眼界。 -Po: I know! 我知道!!(啥也没看到) -Master: Master Tigress! Face Iron OX and his Blades of Death. blade: 刀刃 Tigress上场,为您表演空手入白刃。 -Oogway: I sense the Dragon Warrior is among us. warrior: 武士 sense: 感受到 我感觉到“龙武士士”就在我们中间, -Master: Citizens of the Valley of Peace 平和谷的居民们, Master Oogway will now choose the Dragon Warrior! Oogway大师现在要甄选“龙战士”了! -Po: Oh, no! No, no! wait! 什么?不不,等等! Yeah. 有了! Po! Po! -Dad: What are you doing?! 你在干什么? -Po: What does it look like I'm doing? 你说我在干什么? Stop! 别过来! I'm going to see the Dragon Warrior! 我要去看“龙武士”! -Dad: But I don't understand. You finally had the noodle dream! 可我不懂,你才梦到了面条啊! -Po: I lied. I don't dream about noodles, Dad. 我骗你的,老爸。我没梦见面条。 I love kung fu! 我爱功夫(看他嘴唇)。 -Dad: Come on, son. 算了吧,儿子。 Let's get back to work. 还是回去做生意吧。 -Po: OK. 好吧。 -Dad: Come back! 回来! [Scene: Po gets in the Palace by using a fire-rocket, and then he is selected as the Dragon Warrior.] -Po: What's going on? 怎么回事? Where...? 我在哪? What are you pointing...? 你在指什么? OK. Sorry. 哦,对不起。 I just wanted to see who the Dragon Warrior was. 我只是想看看谁才是“龙武士”。 -Oogway: How interesting. 真有意思啊。 -Tigress: Master, are you pointing at me? 大师,您是指我吗? -Oogway: Him. 是他。 -Po: Who? 谁? -Oogway: you. 是你。 -Po: me? 我? -Oogway: The universe has brought us the Dragon Warrior! universe: 宇宙 上苍降“龙武士”予我们! -Po: What? 什么? -Master: What?! 什么?! -The Five: What? 什么?! -Dad: What?! 什么?! -Master: Stop, wait! Who told you to...? 停下!等等!谁叫你们去的! Master Oogway , wait. Oogway大师,等等, That flabby panda can't possibly be the answer to our problem. flabby: (肌肉)松软的 那只肥头大耳的熊猫不可能是救世主, You were about to point at Tigress 你正要指Tigress的时候, and that thing fell in front of her! 那只破烂熊猫从天而降! That was just an accident! 这是个意外! -Oogway: There are no accidents. 世上没有巧合。 -Tigress: Forgive us, Master. 请您原谅,师傅。 We have failed you. 我们让您失望了。 -Master: No. If the panda has not quit by morning 不,要是明天那熊猫还没打退堂鼓, then I will have failed you. 那是我让你们失望了。 [Scene: Zeng flies to the jail, and sees Tailung.] -Zeng: Wait!Wait, wait, wait! 等一下! I bring a message from Master Shifu. 我是替大师傅来送信的。 -Guardian: What?! 什么?! Double the guard?! 守卫加倍?! Extra precautions?! precaution: 预防 特别警戒?! Your prison may not be adequate?! adequate: 足够 你的天牢或许不够严密?! You doubt my prison security?! security: 安全 你怀疑我天牢的安全?! -Zeng: Absolutely not. absolutely: 绝对 绝对没有。 Shifu does. I'm just the messenger. 师傅这么说,我就是个传话的。 -Guardian: I'll give you a message for your Master Shifu. 那么请你代我传个话给师傅, Escape from Ohorh-Gom prison is impossible! escape: 逃脱 从桃岗天牢越狱绝不可能! Impressive, isn't it? 叹为观止吧? -Zeng: It's very impressive. 是,是,叹为观止。 It's very impressive. 相当的叹为观止。 -Guardian: One way in, one way out. 进道出路只有一条。 One thousand guards and one prisoner. 千名守卫只为一囚。 -Zeng: Yes, except that prisoner... 没错,只是那个囚徒是…… is Tai Lung. Tai Lung。 -Guardian: Take us down. 送我们下去。 -Zeng: What are you doing? 你要干什么? Oh, my. oh, my: 哎呀! 噢,我的天! -Guardian: Behold is Tai Lung. behold: 看阿 看看,这就是Tai Lung。 -Zeng: I'm just gonna wait right here. 我……我还是待在这儿吧。 It's nothing to worry about. It's perfectly safe. 没什么好担心的,万无一失。 -Guardian: Crossbows! At the ready! crossbow: 拉弓 弓箭准备! Crossbows? 弓箭手? Hey , tough guy, did you hear? 嗨,混蛋,你听说了吗? Oogway's giving someone the Dragon Scroll and it's not gonna be you. dragon: 龙 scroll: 卷轴 Oogway要把龙卷轴传别人了,别想了,反正不会是你。 -Zeng: Don't get him mad. mad: 生气的 别把他惹恼了。 -Guardian: What's he gonna do about it? 他又能怎么着, I've got him completely immobilized. immobilized: 使固定 我已经把他捆结实了。 Did I step on the little kitty's tail? kitty: 小猫 tail: 尾巴 我刚是不是踩到小猫咪的尾巴了? -Zeng: I'm good. I've seen enough. 我服了,我看的够多了。 I'll tell Shifu he has nothing to worry about. 我会跟师傅说没啥可担心的。 -Guardian: No, he doesn't. 当然不用担心。 -Zeng: I'll tell him that. 我会告诉他的。 Can we please go now? 咱们能走了吗? [Scene: in the Jade Palace, Master Shifu is teaching a lesson to Po.] -People: Dragon Warrior! Dragon Warrior! 龙武士!龙武士! Dragon Warrior! Dragon Warrior! 龙武士!龙武士! -Po: Wait a second! 等一下! I think there's been a slight mistake. slight: 轻微的 我想这是个小误会。 Everyone seems to think that I'm... 大家都以为我是…… The Sacred Hall of Warriors! sacred: 神圣的 这是武士圣殿! No way! 不会吧! Look at this place. 瞧瞧这地儿, Master Flying Rhino's armor with authentic battle damage! rhino: 犀牛 armor: 盔甲 authentic: 真正的 battle: 战役 飞行犀牛大师的盔甲,还有货真价实的战斗中损坏的痕迹! The Sword of Heroes! sword: 剑 英雄之剑! Said to be so sharp you can cut yourself just by looking. 据说看看都会受伤, The Invisible Trident of Destiny! invisible: 隐形的 trident: 三叉戟 destiny: 命运 隐形的命运之杖! I've only seen paintings of that painting. 我只见过这画的赝品。 No! 不会吧! The legendary Urn of Whispering Warriors. urn: 骨灰缸 whisper: 说悄悄话 传说中的武士窃语之瓮。 Said to contain the souls of the entire Tenshu Army. soul: 灵魂 据说里面有整个天书军的灵魂。 Hello. 你们好。 -Master: Have you finished sight-seeing? sight-seeing: 观光 你观光完毕了吗? -Po: Sorry, I should have come to you first. 对不起,我该先来看你。 -Master: My patience is wearing thin. wearing thin: 逐渐消失 我的耐心有限, -Po: Well, I mean, it's not like you were going anywhere. 不过,看起来你也没法去哪儿。 -Master: would you Turn around? 你能转过身来吗? -Po: Sure. 当然可以。 How's it going? 嗨,这怎么弄的? How do you get 5 000... Master Shifu! 你是怎么让五千…… 大师傅! Someone... broke that. 有人把这个打碎了。 But I'll fix it. fix: 修补 但我会给补好的。 Do you have some... 你有没有…… ...glue? glue: 胶水 胶水? A splinter. splinter: 碎片 有一块碎片。 -Master: So you're the legendary Dragon Warrior? warrior: 武士 你就是那个传说中的“龙武士”? -Po: I guess so. 我想是吧。 -Master: Wrong! 错! You are not the Dragon Warrior. You will never be the Dragon Warrior until... 你不是也不可能是龙武士,除非 you have learned the secret of the Dragon Scroll. 除非你学会了那龙轴里的秘密。 -Po: So how does this work? 那我怎么上去呢? Do you have a ladder or a trampoline or...? trampoline: 蹦床, 你有梯子或者蹦床或者其它东西…… -Master: You think it's that easy? 你想的太简单了, That I'll just hand you the secret 我会把那无限力量的秘密 to limitless power? 就这么交给你? -Po: No I... 不,我…… -Master: One must first master the highest level of kung fu. 一个人必须先达到功夫的最高境界, And that is impossible if that one is someone like you. 而像你这样的人是不可能了。 -Po: Someone like me? 像我这样? -Master: Yes, look at you! This fat butt!Flabby arms! butt: 屁股 flabby: (肌肉)松软的 没错,你瞧瞧你这肥肥的臀,软绵绵的手臂, Those are sensitive in the flabby parts. 啊,这些赘肉可都娇贵的很呢! And this ridiculous belly. ridiculous: 滑稽的 belly: 肚子 还有这滑天下之大稽的大肚皮。 And utter disregard for personal hygiene. disregard: 不顾 hygiene: 卫生 还有,一点儿也不讲个人卫生。 -Po: Now, wait a minute. That's uncalled for. uncalled for: 不适当的 嘿,积点口德。这么说可有点不耐听。 -Master: Don't stand that close. I can smell your breath. 别站这么近,口臭都出来了。 -Po: Listen, Oogway said I was... 听着,Oogway大师说我是…… The Wuxi Finger Hold. Not the Wuxi Finger Hold! 啊,巫师指,别用巫师指! -Master: Oh, you know this hold? 哦,你知道这个指法? -Po: Developed by Master WuXi in the Third Dynasty. dynasty: 朝代 第三王朝时,巫师大师发明的。 Then you know what happens when I flex my pinky. flex: 弯曲 pinky: 小手指 那你一定知道,一旦弯下小指会发生什么了。 -Po: No, no! 不,不要 -Master: You know the hardest part of this? 你知道最难办的是什么吗? The hardest part is cleaning up afterwards. afterwards: 以后 就是清理你的尸骨残骸。 -Po: OK, OK, take it easy. 好吧,好吧,不要激动。 -Master: Now listen closely, panda. 那仔细听着,熊猫。 Oogway may have picked you but when I'm through with you Oogway也许选了你,可当我找上你, I promise you, you're going to wish he hadn't! 我向你保证,你会希望,他选的不是你! Are we clear? 清楚了吗? -Po: Yeah, we're clear. We're so clear. 清楚了,清楚了,太清楚了。 -Master: Good. 很好,呵呵。 I can't wait to get started. 我都按耐不住,就等着开始了。 Let's begin. 我们开始吧 [Scene: Master wants Po to make some moves, and Po falls into great mess.] -Po: Wait, wait, wait. 等等, What? 什么? Now? 现在? -Master: yes, now. 是的,现在! Unless the great Oogway was wrong 除非你认为了不起的Oogway错了, and you are not the Dragon Warrior. 而你也不是“龙武士”。 -Po: Oh, OK, well…… 好吧。 I don't know if I can do all of those moves. 我不知道我能不能把那些招式都比划出来。 -Master: Well, if we don't try we'll never know, will we? 不试试,又怎么能知道呢? -Po: Yeah, it's just , 是啊, maybe we can find something more suited to my level. 但能不能从更合适我这个层次的开始 -Master: What level is that? 那你的层次又是什么呢? -Po: Well, I'm not a master, but... 你知道,我不是大师, let's just start at zero. Level zero. 不如从零级开始,零级。 -Master: No. There is no such thing as level zero. 不,从来没有零级的说法。 -Po: Maybe I Can start with that. 嘿,也许我可以从那开始。 -Master: that? 那个? We use that for training children 我们用这训练孩子, and propping the door open when it's hot. prop: 支撑物 天热的时候还用来顶着门。 But if you insist... insist: 坚持 可要是你坚持的话, -Po: The Furious Five! 喔,是“勇猛五杰”! You're bigger than your action figures. figure: 身形 你们可比功夫公仔大多了。 Except you, Mantis. You're the same. 除了你,Mantis,你还是那么大。 -Master: Go ahead, panda. Show us what you can do. 开始吧,熊猫。让我们看看你的能耐。 -Po: Are they gonna watch? 你们就在这看我打? or should I wait till they get back to work? 还是我应该等你们都回去再开始? -Master: Hit it. 出招。 -Po: OK , yeah. I mean, I just ate. 好吧,我才刚吃完东西, So I'm still digesting. digest: 消化 所以还在消化。 So my kung fu might not be as good as... later on. 所以我的功夫可能不像晚些那么好。 -Master: Just hit it. 快出招! All right. 好吧。 What you got? 你算老几啊? You got nothing 'cause I got it right here. 你算个屁,因为有我在这儿! You picking on my friends? Get ready to feel thunder. pick on: 找……岔子 thunder: 雷电 你找我朋友的茬?等着找死吧。 I'm coming at you with crazy feet. 看我佛山无影脚,你没辙了吧? Come on. I'm a blur. You've never seen bear style. blur: 模糊不清的东西 我移型幻影,你看不见,看不见。 You've only seen praying mantis. pray: 祈祷 你就崇尚螳臂, Or monkey style. 猴拳。 Or I could come at you snickety-snake. 金蛇狂舞袭击你。 -Master: Would you hit it! 你能出招吗?! -Po: All right. All right. 好吧,好吧。 -Master: Why don't you try again? A little harder. 再来一次,重点打。 -Po: How's that? 怎样……啊, That hurts. 疼死我了! This will be easier than I thought. 这比我想得可简单多了。 I'm feeling a little nauseous! nauseous: 令人作呕的 我感到有点想吐。 Those are hard! 他们太难了。 My tenders. tender: 嫩肉 我的小嫩肉。 How did I do? 我表现如何? -Master: There is now a level zero. 你给“零级”下了一个定义。 -Mantis: There's no words. 无话可说了。 -Viper: No denying that. 我同意你的说法。 -Mantis: What was Master Oogway thinking? 我不明白Oogway大师在想什么? The poor guy's gonna get himself killed. 那可怜的家伙差点自送黄泉。 -Monkey: He is so mighty! mighty: 有权势 他太“无敌”了! The Dragon Warrior fell out of the sky on a ball of fire! 龙武士从天而降坐在火球上, When he walks, the very ground shakes! 举手投足,地动山摇! -Tigress: One would think Master Oogway would choose someone who knew kung fu. 本以为Oogway大师会选一个会功夫的, -Monkey: Yeah, or could at least touch his toes. toe: 脚趾 没错,起码是一个能摸到脚趾头的。 Or even see his toes. 至少也要能看到自己的脚吧。 -Po: OK. 好吧。 Great. 很好。 Hi. You're up. 嗨,你还没睡啊。 -Crane: I am now. 现在醒了。 -Po: I was just... 我只是…… -Crane: Some day, huh? 不简单的一天,嗯? That kung fu stuff is hard work, right? stuff: 东西 功夫可够累人的哈? Are your biceps sore? bicep: 二头肌 sore: 酸软的 你二头肌酸不? I've had a long and rather disappointing day, so, 今天已经是又长又失望的一天了,所以, Yeah, I should probably get to sleep now. 我差不多也该睡觉了。 -Po: Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. of course. OK, Thanks. 是是,当然。谢谢。 It's just, Man, I'm such a big fan! 只是,我可是你们的超级粉丝。 You guys were amazing at the Battle of Weeping River. battle: 战役 卫平河战役,你们表现得太厉害了。 Outnumbered a thousand to one but you didn't stop. 敌人千倍于你们,你们毫无退意, You just...outnumber outnumber: 数量上超过 你们只是……数量上超过 Sorry about that. 哦,不好意思哦, -Crane: Look, you don't belong here. 听着,你不属于这儿。 -Po: I know. I know. You're right. 呃,我知道,你没错。 I don't have.
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