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【五险一金】【失业】广东省失业保险条例【五险一金】【失业】广东省失业保险条例 《广东省失业保险条例》 自2002年10月1日起施行。 广东省人民代表大会常务委员会 2002年8月23日 第一章 总则 第一条 为保障劳动者失业期间的基本生活,促进其再就业,根据《中华人民共和国劳 动法》和有关法律法规,结合本省实际,制定本条例。 第二条 本省行政区域内的失业保险适用本条例。 本省行政区域内所有企业、机关、事业单位、社会团体、民办非企业单位、城镇个体经济组织(以下统称单位)及与之形成劳动关系的劳动者(以下统称职工)应当按照本条例参加失业保险。 国家...
【五险一金】【失业】广东省失业保险条例 《广东省失业保险条例》 自2002年10月1日起施行。 广东省人民代表大会常务委员会 2002年8月23日 第一章 总则 第一条 为保障劳动者失业期间的基本生活,促进其再就业,根据《中华人民共和国劳 动法》和有关法律法规,结合本省实际,制定本条例。 第二条 本省行政区域内的失业保险适用本条例。 本省行政区域内所有企业、机关、事业单位、社会团体、民办非企业单位、城镇个体经济组织(以下统称单位)及与之形成劳动关系的劳动者(以下统称职工)应当按照本条例参加失业保险。 国家公务员和参照、依照国家公务员制度管理的职工的失业保险按照国家规定执行。 第三条 各级人民政府应当依法保证失业保险基金的征集和失业保险待遇的给付。 失业保险基金、失业保险待遇按国家规定不计征税、费。 第四条 省人民政府劳动保障行政部门主管全省的失业保险工作,负责本条例的组织实施。 市、县(区)人民政府劳动保障行政部门主管本行政区域内的失业保险工作。 社会保险经办机构依照国家和省的规定具体承办失业保险工作。 各级人民政府有关行政部门和工会等组织,按照各自职责,协同劳动保障行政部门做好失业保险工作。 第五条 失业保险实行属地管理。失业保险基金实行全市(地级以上,下同)统筹。省人民政府可以根据实际情况决定实行全省统筹。 单位、单位分支机构应当在注册登记地参加失业保险。 第二章 失业保险基金 第六条 失业保险基金由下列各项构成:(一)单位和职工缴纳的失业保险费;thereby promoting the "two" study and education effectively carried out. Third classified guidance. I study and education, party members and cadres, has a silver lining. Reality, highlighted guidance to prevent the "flood irrigation" and prevent "cookie", according to the actual situation of various levels, members of different positions, find the right characteristics, put forward specific measures. First, to materialize. Units according to the educational plan, formulate their specific implementation The case, detailed implementation measures, the Central, provincial, municipal and local party committees for study and education requirements of principle into action, to implement specific measures. Second, to be precise. Differential treatment in education, precision application strategy, so that every party member education, improve, ask the people really feel the change of party members. Third, differences. Should reflect the differences, characteristics, both closely linked to the theme, and closer to the reality, make learning educational vitality and effectiveness. Four to catch daily. "Two" study and education activities is not a, and is mainly used to daily education, education, promote the construction of party's ideological and political normalization and institutionalization, adhere to the catch in the daily, is often central to "two" learn the basic orientation of education. We must maintain perseverance, tenacity and perseverance, continued promoting learning education. With the party branch as the basic unit, and give full play to the role of party branches and party branches to shoulder the main responsibility for, fully arouse the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensuring that the organization is in place, measures are (二)失业保险基金的利息;(三)失业保险费滞纳金;(四)财政补贴;(五)依法应当纳入失业保险基金的其他资金。 第七条 单位按照本单位应当参加失业保险职工(含农民制工人)的工资总额的百分之二缴纳失业保险费;职工按照本人工资的百分之一缴纳失业保险费,其中农民合同制工人本人不缴纳失业保险费。 第八条 失业保险费由地方税务机关征收,任何单位不得拒付。失业保险费应当以货币形式全额缴纳,不得减免。地方税务机关应当及时向社会保险经办机构提供缴费单位和缴费职工的缴费情况;社会保险经办机构应当及时将有关情况汇总,报劳动保障行政部门。 单位缴纳的失业保险费及其利息或者滞纳金,按照国家有关规定列支。职工缴纳的失业保险费在征收个人所得税前由所在单位从其工资中代扣代缴。 第九条 单位确实没有能力按时缴纳失业保险费的,可以向地方税务机关申请缓期缴纳,并提供财产抵押。经核实、批准后,缓缴期最长不超过六个月。缓缴期满后,单位及其职工应当补缴缓缴的失业保险费本金及其利息,免交滞纳金。补交的利息按城乡居民同期银行存款利率计算,全部由单位负担,不得转嫁给职工个人。缓缴期满后仍不能按规定缴费的,地方税务机关可以拍卖、变卖抵押财产抵缴,或者申请人民法院强制执行。 第十条 单位因破产、解散和其他原因终止而清产核资或者拍卖、变卖财产的,清算人、单位应当单位所在地地方税务机关和社会保险经办机构,并按工资同一顺序清偿失业保险费及其利息或者滞纳金。 分立、合并(兼并)后的单位享有和承担原单位的失业保险权利和义务。 第十一条 失业保险基金用于下列支出:(一)失业保险金;(二)失业人员领取失业保险金期间的医疗补助金;(三)领取失业保险金期间死亡的失业人员的丧葬补助金和其供养的配偶、直系亲属的抚恤金;(四)失业人员领取失业保险金期间接受职业、职业介绍的补贴;(五)国务院规定或者批准的与失业保险有关的其他费用。 第十二条 失业保险基金必须存入财政部门在国有商业银行开设的社会保障基金财政专户,实行收支两条线管理,由财政部门依法进行监督。 失业保险基金专款专用,不得挪作他用,不得用于平衡财政收支。 thereby promoting the "two" study and education effectively carried out. Third classified guidance. I study and education, party members and cadres, has a silver lining. Reality, highlighted guidance to prevent the "flood irrigation" and prevent "cookie", according to the actual situation of various levels, members of different positions, find the right characteristics, put forward specific measures. First, to materialize. Units according to the educational plan, formulate their specific implementation The case, detailed implementation measures, the Central, provincial, municipal and local party committees for study and education requirements of principle into action, to implement specific measures. Second, to be precise. Differential treatment in education, precision application strategy, so that every party member education, improve, ask the people really feel the change of party members. Third, differences. Should reflect the differences, characteristics, both closely linked to the theme, and closer to the reality, make learning educational vitality and effectiveness. Four to catch daily. "Two" study and education activities is not a, and is mainly used to daily education, education, promote the construction of party's ideological and political normalization and institutionalization, adhere to the catch in the daily, is often central to "two" learn the basic orientation of education. We must maintain perseverance, tenacity and perseverance, continued promoting learning education. With the party branch as the basic unit, and give full play to the role of party branches and party branches to shoulder the main responsibility for, fully arouse the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensuring that the organization is in place, measures are 地方税务机关、社会保险经办机构不得从失业保险基金中提取任何费用,所需经费列入预算,由财政拨付。 第十三条 实行全省统筹前,各市应当按照当年失业保险基金征收总额百分之三的比例向省上缴调剂金。上缴调剂金的比例需要调整时,由省人民政府规定。 各市上缴调剂金后,失业保险基金不敷使用时,由省调剂金调剂、地方财政补贴。 第三章 失业保险待遇 第十四条 同时具备下列条件的失业人员,可以领取失业保险金,并按规定享受其他失业保险待遇:(一)按规定参加失业保险,所在单位和本人已按规定履行缴费义务满一年或者缴费不满一年但本人仍有领取失业保险金的期限的;(二)非因本人意愿中断就业的;(三)按规定已办理申请领取失业保险金手续,并有求职要求的。 第十五条 失业保险缴费年限指单位和职工按规定标准缴纳失业保险费的时间(以下简称缴费年限)。 失业人员重新就业前未办理申请领取失业保险待遇手续的,重新就业前后的缴费年限合并计算。重新就业前已办理申请领取失业保险待遇手续的,重新就业 后缴费年限重新计算。 本条例施行前,已参加失业保险的年限计算为缴费年限。国有和县以上集体所有制单位的原干部和固定工,在当地实施失业保险制度前按国家规定计算的连续工龄视同缴费年限。 第十六条 失业人员领取失业保险金的期限(以下简称领取期限),根据其缴费年限核定:缴费年限一至四年的,每满一年,领取期限为一个月;四年以上的,超过四年的部分,每满半年领取期限增加一个月。每次失业核定的领取期限最长为二十四个月。 失业人员停止享受失业保险待遇后,其未领取期限自行结转至下次失业时合并计算,合并计算后的领取期限最长为二十四个月。但国务院《失业保险条例》实施前已停止享受失业保险待遇的,尚未领取期限不再结转。 第十七条 失业保险金按当地最低工资标准的百分之八十,由社会保险经办机构按月发放。省人民政府可以根据国家规定和本省实际情况作适当调整,但不thereby promoting the "two" study and education effectively carried out. Third classified guidance. I study and education, party members and cadres, has a silver lining. Reality, highlighted guidance to prevent the "flood irrigation" and prevent "cookie", according to the actual situation of various levels, members of different positions, find the right characteristics, put forward specific measures. First, to materialize. Units according to the educational plan, formulate their specific implementation The case, detailed implementation measures, the Central, provincial, municipal and local party committees for study and education requirements of principle into action, to implement specific measures. Second, to be precise. Differential treatment in education, precision application strategy, so that every party member education, improve, ask the people really feel the change of party members. Third, differences. Should reflect the differences, characteristics, both closely linked to the theme, and closer to the reality, make learning educational vitality and effectiveness. Four to catch daily. "Two" study and education activities is not a, and is mainly used to daily education, education, promote the construction of party's ideological and political normalization and institutionalization, adhere to the catch in the daily, is often central to "two" learn the basic orientation of education. We must maintain perseverance, tenacity and perseverance, continued promoting learning education. With the party branch as the basic unit, and give full play to the role of party branches and party branches to shoulder the main responsibility for, fully arouse the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensuring that the organization is in place, measures are 得高于当地最低工资标准或者低于当地城市居民最低生活保障标准。 第十八条 失业人员领取失业保险金期间的医疗补助金,按不超过当地最低工资标准的百分之十的比例,随失业保险金按月发放。领取期间患严重疾病,到社会保险经办机构指定的医疗机构住院治疗,负担医疗费确有困难的,社会保险经办机构可以给予不超过本次医疗费百分之五十的一次性补贴。 已参加基本医疗保险的职工,失业后在领取失业保险金期间继续参加当地的基本医疗保险,原由用人单位缴纳的基本医疗保险费改由失业保险基金负担,原由职工个人缴纳的基本医疗保险费由社会保险经办机构从其失业保险金中代扣代缴,前款规定的医疗补助金和住院医疗费补贴相应取消。失业保险金扣缴基本医疗保险费后低于当地同期城市居民最低生活保障标准的,原由个人缴纳的基本医疗保险费改由失业保险基金负担。 第十九条 失业人员在领取失业保险金期间死亡的,丧葬补助金和其供养的配偶、直系亲属抚恤金参照当地企业在职职工的有关规定,由社会保险经办机构一次性发给其家属。 失业人员死亡后失业保险金停发,当月尚未领取的失业保险金,由其家属领 取。 失业人员死亡后其家属应当在失业人员死亡之日起三十日内,持本人身份证、与失业人员的关系证明和失业人员的死亡证明,到社会保险经办机构办理申领手续。 失业人员在领取失业保险金期间因参与犯罪活动死亡的,其失业保险金停发,丧葬补助金和其供养的配偶、直系亲属抚恤金不予发放。 第二十条 失业人员具备本条例第十四条规定条件,在领取失业保险金之前患严重疾病住院治疗或者死亡的,参照本条例第十八条、第十九条的规定,享受相应的待遇。 第二十一条 失业人员在领取失业保险金期间,享受减免费的职业介绍服务,并可以到当地劳动保障行政部门核准的职业培训机构参加一期减免费的职业培训。 职业介绍费、职业培训费减免标准和对职业介绍机构、职业培训机构的补贴办法由省人民政府规定。 thereby promoting the "two" study and education effectively carried out. Third classified guidance. I study and education, party members and cadres, has a silver lining. Reality, highlighted guidance to prevent the "flood irrigation" and prevent "cookie", according to the actual situation of various levels, members of different positions, find the right characteristics, put forward specific measures. First, to materialize. Units according to the educational plan, formulate their specific implementation The case, detailed implementation measures, the Central, provincial, municipal and local party committees for study and education requirements of principle into action, to implement specific measures. Second, to be precise. Differential treatment in education, precision application strategy, so that every party member education, improve, ask the people really feel the change of party members. Third, differences. Should reflect the differences, characteristics, both closely linked to the theme, and closer to the reality, make learning educational vitality and effectiveness. Four to catch daily. "Two" study and education activities is not a, and is mainly used to daily education, education, promote the construction of party's ideological and political normalization and institutionalization, adhere to the catch in the daily, is often central to "two" learn the basic orientation of education. We must maintain perseverance, tenacity and perseverance, continued promoting learning education. With the party branch as the basic unit, and give full play to the role of party branches and party branches to shoulder the main responsibility for, fully arouse the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensuring that the organization is in place, measures are 第二十二条 农民合同制工人连续工作满一年,并且所在单位已按规定为其缴纳失业保险费,劳动合同期满未续订或者提前解除劳动合同的,由原单位所在地受理其失业保险业务的社会保险经办机构根据其缴费年限长短,为其支付一次性生活补助。一次性生活补助标准由省人民政府制定。 第二十三条 失业人员有下列情形之一的,停止领取失业保险金,并同时停止享受其他失业保险待遇:(一)重新就业的;(二)应征服兵役的;(三)移居境外的;(四)享受基本养老保险待遇的;(五)被判刑收监执行或者被劳动教养的;(六)无正当理由,连续两次或者累计三次拒不接受当地劳动保障行政部门或者其指定机构介绍工作的;(七)法律、行政法规规定的其他情形。 第二十四条 失业人员享受失业保险待遇后,其家庭人均收入仍达不到当地最低生活保障标准的,按照规定享受当地最低生活保障待遇。 第四章 失业保险管理 第二十五条 社会保险经办机构具体承办失业保险工作,履行下列职责:(一)管理单位和职工参加失业保险的信息,建立缴费记录并保证其完整、安全,办理失业保险关系及待遇接转手续;(二)管理失业保险基金,建立健全失业保险基金的预决算制度、会计统计制度和内部审计制度;(三)审核享受失业保险待遇资格,核定领取期限和待遇标准,支付失业保险待遇;(四)受理职业培训补贴、职业介绍补贴的申请;(五)为单位、职工免费提供失业保险咨询、查询服务;(六)法律、法规规定的其他职责。 第二十六条 劳动保障行政部门设立的劳动就业服务机构负责失业人员的登记、调查、统计和发放失业证工作,并负责为失业人员提供再就业服务和出具相关证明。 第二十七 条社会保险经办机构和劳动就业服务机构应当公开失业保险有关规定和办事制度,严格审核有关情况。 社会保险经办机构应当自受理失业人员申请领取失业保险待遇之日起十日内,对申请者的资格进行审核认定,并将结果及有关事项告知申请者本人。 第二十八 条单位应当在取得营业执照或者批准成立之日起三十日内,到当地社会保险经办机构办理社会保险登记,参加失业保险。 单位职工人数增减和其他登记事项发生变更或者单位终止(撤销)时,应当thereby promoting the "two" study and education effectively carried out. Third classified guidance. I study and education, party members and cadres, has a silver lining. Reality, highlighted guidance to prevent the "flood irrigation" and prevent "cookie", according to the actual situation of various levels, members of different positions, find the right characteristics, put forward specific measures. First, to materialize. Units according to the educational plan, formulate their specific implementation The case, detailed implementation measures, the Central, provincial, municipal and local party committees for study and education requirements of principle into action, to implement specific measures. Second, to be precise. Differential treatment in education, precision application strategy, so that every party member education, improve, ask the people really feel the change of party members. Third, differences. Should reflect the differences, characteristics, both closely linked to the theme, and closer to the reality, make learning educational vitality and effectiveness. Four to catch daily. "Two" study and education activities is not a, and is mainly used to daily education, education, promote the construction of party's ideological and political normalization and institutionalization, adhere to the catch in the daily, is often central to "two" learn the basic orientation of education. We must maintain perseverance, tenacity and perseverance, continued promoting learning education. With the party branch as the basic unit, and give full play to the role of party branches and party branches to shoulder the main responsibility for, fully arouse the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensuring that the organization is in place, measures are 在三十日内到社会保险经办机构办理变更或者终结失业保险关系手续。 第二十九条 单位应当按规定每年向职工定期如实公布缴纳失业保险费的情况。 单位应当及时为职工出具终止或者解除劳动关系证明,告知其按规定享受失业保险待遇的权利,并自终止或者解除劳动关系之日起七日内将终止或者解除劳动关系人员名单报社会保险经办机构备案。 第三十条 失业人员可以选择在原单位所在地或者户籍所在地享受失业保险待遇。选择在户籍所在地享受失业保险待遇的,按规定办理失业保险关系转移手续。失业保险待遇按转入地的标准执行,由转入地社会保险经办机构按规定发放。 失业人员原单位与户籍不在同一统筹地区和户籍跨统筹地区迁移需要转移失业保险关系的,按国家规定计算的享受失业保险待遇所需资金一并转移。 第三十一条 失业人员应当在终止、解除劳动关系或者劳动争议的裁决、判决生效之日起六十日内,持身份证、终止或者解除劳动关系的证明和失业证或者流动人员就业证,到社会保险经办机构办理申请领取失业保险待遇或者转移失业保险关系手续。无正当理由逾期办理申请领取或者转移手续的,每超过一个月减少一个月的失业保险待遇(不满一个月的按一个月计算)。 第三十二条 农民合同制工人应当在终止、解除劳动关系或者劳动争议的裁决、判决生效之日起六十日内,持身份证、终止或者解除劳动关系的证明材料和流动人员就业证,办理一次性生活补助的申领手续。 第三十三条 失业保险金自办妥申请领取手续的下月起,由社会保险经办机构按月足额发放。 失业人员应当凭身份证、失业证或者流动人员就业证按月到社会保险经办机构办理领取资格验证,说明求职和接受职业指导、职业培训情况。出现本条例第二十三条规定的停止享受失业保险待遇情形的,应当如实。经验证具备领取资格的,凭社会保险经办机构开具的单证到指定的发放机构领取失业保险金,同时按规定享受其他失业保险待遇。无正当理由连续两个月不按规定办理领取资格验证手续的,视同已重新就业。 第三十四条 单位成建制跨统筹地区转移和职工跨统筹地区变换工作单位的,失业保险关系随之转移,所涉及基金不转移。跨省转移的,按国家有关规定thereby promoting the "two" study and education effectively carried out. Third classified guidance. I study and education, party members and cadres, has a silver lining. Reality, highlighted guidance to prevent the "flood irrigation" and prevent "cookie", according to the actual situation of various levels, members of different positions, find the right characteristics, put forward specific measures. First, to materialize. Units according to the educational plan, formulate their specific implementation The case, detailed implementation measures, the Central, provincial, municipal and local party committees for study and education requirements of principle into action, to implement specific measures. Second, to be precise. Differential treatment in education, precision application strategy, so that every party member education, improve, ask the people really feel the change of party members. Third, differences. Should reflect the differences, characteristics, both closely linked to the theme, and closer to the reality, make learning educational vitality and effectiveness. Four to catch daily. "Two" study and education activities is not a, and is mainly used to daily education, education, promote the construction of party's ideological and political normalization and institutionalization, adhere to the catch in the daily, is often central to "two" learn the basic orientation of education. We must maintain perseverance, tenacity and perseverance, continued promoting learning education. With the party branch as the basic unit, and give full play to the role of party branches and party branches to shoulder the main responsibility for, fully arouse the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensuring that the organization is in place, measures are 执行。 第五章 监督检查 第三十五条 劳动保障行政部门和地方税务机关依法对单位和职工遵守失业保险法律、法规情况进行监督检查。对违反失业保险法律、法规行为有权制止,并责令改正,依法处罚。 劳动保障行政部门或者地方税务机关依法调查违反失业保险法律、法规行为时,有关部门、单位、人员应当给予支持、协助,不得干预、阻挠。 第三十六条 县级以上地方人民政府劳动保障、财政、审计部门在各自职责范围内,依法对失业保险基金的收支、管理、使用情况进行监督。 第三十七条 地方税务机关和社会保险经办机构应当定期向社会公布失业保险基金的收支、管理、使用情况,接受社会监督。 第三十八条 各级工会组织有权监督单位按规定缴纳失业保险费,对失业保险基金的收支、管理、使用情况提出意见和建议。 第六章 法律责任 第三十九条 单位拒不参加失业保险或者瞒报职工人数和工资总额的,由劳动保障行政部门责令其限期参保或者补报补缴,逾期不参保或者不补报补缴的,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员可以处一千元以上五千元以下的罚款;情节特别严重的,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员可以处五千元以上一万元以下的罚款。 第四十条 单位逾期拒不缴纳或者擅自停止缴纳失业保险费的,由地方税务机关从欠缴之日起,按规定加收滞纳金,并可以申请人民法院依法强制征缴。 滞纳金由单位负担,不得转嫁给职工。 第四十一条 单位拒不参加失业保险或者擅自停止缴纳失业保险费,导致失业人员不能按规定享受失业保险待遇、农民合同制工人不能按规定享受一次性生活补助的,由单位按失业人员、农民合同制工人应当享受的失业保险金或者一次性生活补助总额的二倍给予一次性赔偿。 因单位不及时为失业人员或者农民合同制工人出具终止或者解除劳动关系的证明,导致失业人员、农民合同制工人不能按规定享受失业保险待遇或者一次性生活补助的,由单位负责赔偿。 thereby promoting the "two" study and education effectively carried out. Third classified guidance. I study and education, party members and cadres, has a silver lining. Reality, highlighted guidance to prevent the "flood irrigation" and prevent "cookie", according to the actual situation of various levels, members of different positions, find the right characteristics, put forward specific measures. First, to materialize. Units according to the educational plan, formulate their specific implementation The case, detailed implementation measures, the Central, provincial, municipal and local party committees for study and education requirements of principle into action, to implement specific measures. Second, to be precise. Differential treatment in education, precision application strategy, so that every party member education, improve, ask the people really feel the change of party members. Third, differences. Should reflect the differences, characteristics, both closely linked to the theme, and closer to the reality, make learning educational vitality and effectiveness. Four to catch daily. "Two" study and education activities is not a, and is mainly used to daily education, education, promote the construction of party's ideological and political normalization and institutionalization, adhere to the catch in the daily, is often central to "two" learn the basic orientation of education. We must maintain perseverance, tenacity and perseverance, continued promoting learning education. With the party branch as the basic unit, and give full play to the role of party branches and party branches to shoulder the main responsibility for, fully arouse the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensuring that the organization is in place, measures are 第四十二条 骗取失业保险待遇的,由社会保险经办机构追回其违法所得;情节严重的,由劳动保障行政部门处违法所得一倍以上三倍以下的罚款。 第四十三条 人民政府、行政管理部门和社会保险经办机构及其工作人员违反本条例,有下列行为之一的,上级机关应当责令其改正,追回挪用、流失的款项;有违法所得的,没收违法所得;构成犯罪的,依法追究有关责任人的刑事责任;尚不构成犯罪的,对有关主管人员和直接责任人员依法给予行政处分:(一)擅自增加或者减免应当缴纳的失业保险费及其利息或者滞纳金的;(二)不按规定将失业保险费及其利息或者滞纳金全部存入失业保险基金专户的;(三)挪用失业保险基金的;(四)不按规定核定各项失业保险待遇标准或者领取期限的;(五)违反职业培训和职业介绍补贴管理规定的;(六)拒绝按规定上缴失业保险调剂金的。 第七章 争议处理 第四十四条 单位与职工或者失业人员因失业保险事项发生争议的,按劳动争议处理。 第四十五条 单位和职工或者失业人员对有关部门的具体行政行为不服的,可以依法申请行政复议;对行政复议决定不服的,可以依法提起行政诉讼。 单位和职工或者失业人员逾期不申请复议,不提起诉讼,又不履行义务的,由作出具体行政行为的部门申请人民法院强制执行。 第八章 附则 第四十六条 本条例所称非因本人意愿中断就业,是指除了自动离职(含因自动离职被除名)和因本人原因并由本人提出解除劳动关系两种情形以外的中断就业。 第四十七条 本条例自2002年10月1日起施行。 thereby promoting the "two" study and education effectively carried out. Third classified guidance. I study and education, party members and cadres, has a silver lining. Reality, highlighted guidance to prevent the "flood irrigation" and prevent "cookie", according to the actual situation of various levels, members of different positions, find the right characteristics, put forward specific measures. First, to materialize. Units according to the educational plan, formulate their specific implementation The case, detailed implementation measures, the Central, provincial, municipal and local party committees for study and education requirements of principle into action, to implement specific measures. Second, to be precise. Differential treatment in education, precision application strategy, so that every party member education, improve, ask the people really feel the change of party members. Third, differences. Should reflect the differences, characteristics, both closely linked to the theme, and closer to the reality, make learning educational vitality and effectiveness. Four to catch daily. "Two" study and education activities is not a, and is mainly used to daily education, education, promote the construction of party's ideological and political normalization and institutionalization, adhere to the catch in the daily, is often central to "two" learn the basic orientation of education. We must maintain perseverance, tenacity and perseverance, continued promoting learning education. With the party branch as the basic unit, and give full play to the role of party branches and party branches to shoulder the main responsibility for, fully arouse the enthusiasm of party members involved in the education, ensuring that the organization is in place, measures are
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